View Full Version : Elves (Yes, Elves) Spark Road-Building Protest in Iceland

26th January 2014, 01:13
"Hidden folk," or elves, play a role in people's connection to the environment in Iceland.

Over the past few months, dozens of environmentalists in Iceland have staged a high-profile protest against a road scheduled to cut through an area of volcanic rock on the Álftanes peninsula, not far from the capital of Reykjavik. It is only one of countless eco-protests in the world, but the campaign has made international news, because some of the protesters claim the proposed road would disturb the habitat of elves who live among the rocks.

Elves and fairies are closely related in folklore, and though elves specifically seem to have sprung from early Norse mythology, by the 1800s fairies and elves were widely considered to be simply different names for the same magical creatures. Polls find that over half of Iceland's population believes in elves, or at least doesn't rule out the possibility of their existence.

But why do so many Icelanders believe? The passed-down tales are just part of the picture. Iceland's concept of the natural world takes on a mystical tone; pair that with environmentalism, the want to preserve this mystical world, and magical creatures almost make sense.

Source: http://www.livescience.com/42547-elves-spark-environmental-protest-iceland.html


26th January 2014, 09:08
Love it !

26th January 2014, 14:44
'Man must be made conscious of his origin as a child of Nature. Brought into right relationship with the wilderness he would see that he was not a separate entity endowed with a divine right to subdue his fellow creatures and destroy the common heritage, but rather an integral part of a harmonious whole. He would see that his appropriation of earth's resources beyond his personal needs would only bring imbalance and beget ultimate loss and poverty for all.' Chris Thomas


The Earth exists to allow the possibilities of being human to be explored. In order to achieve that goal, our Mother Earth has created beings who can assist us in our aims. These include the Faerie. At the risk of being taken away by ‘men in white coats’, I think it is time for all those who know the Faerie realms exist to come to the fore.



by Chris Thomas

As we progress through our change of understanding – our increase in levels of consciousness – there is a growing recognition of the levels at which our Earth functions in relation to human existence. That is why many people are now beginning to re-awaken to the reality of the Faerie, which are a construct, a projection, of the Earth’s own consciousness.

According to my researches in the Akashic, there are fifty-nine ‘varieties’ of Faerie, which have been created by the Earth herself to look after all of the Earth’s plants, trees and other forms of life. Each form of Faerie has its own role to play and carries out its duties with immense joy and love.


As the Faerie are part of the Earth’s own consciousness, they cannot travel outside the Earth’s atmosphere. The same applies to other planets that have developed their own form of the Faerie; it is not possible for them to leave their home worlds and travel to Earth.


Beings such as Griffins and Unicorns are also part of the Faerie realms and therefore are also brought into being by the Earth. Griffins act as messengers between branches of the Faerie realms, or between the Faerie and humans.

http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/82/r169_457x256_14438_Gryphon_2d_fantasy_mythology_cr eature_gryphon_griffin_picture_image_digital_art.j pg

If you’ve ever seen a real Unicorn you’ll know they are not fluffy little ponies with a bump on their foreheads! They are magnificent beings the size of a thoroughbred Arab horse, with a temperament to match, and their horns are at least one metre long. Unicorns can also act as messengers.


Dragons are a representation of the soul energy of the Earth herself, although this energy can take flight and become the dragons of legend.


Another representation of the Earth’s own energies is the Green Man. He represents an aspect of male energies to complement the female, mother, Earth. Unfortunately, both the dragon and Green Man images have become ‘demonised’ by popular belief, the Green Man having been turned into ‘the devil’ and the dragon into the serpent of the Garden of Eden. Sadly, these ideas have distorted our views of, and beliefs about, the Earth.

286As we continue our climb back to full consciousness, many are beginning to realise that our only chance of completing our work is to turn back to Mother Earth and her nurture. Technology will never find lasting answers to the problems its use has created. All the answers we will ever need are to be found in the abundance the Earth has provided and within our own locked-away knowledge of how to use that abundance wisely.

This locked-away knowledge is often more evident to children than it is to adults. To talk of the Faerie, for instance, in adult terms, is at best considered taboo. But if you are a child, the subject is one of awe and recognition. As children we see the world through innocent eyes, eyes that have not been sullied by cynicism and paying bills. In other words, children see the world in which we live with a clarity of being that we adults, in an attempt to ‘grow up’, leave behind. How can you sell double glazing when you believe that you have Faeries ‘at the bottom of your garden’?


As adults, we exist in a world where realities become hidden and our beliefs, no matter how false, become realities.

The more we have moved down our route to materialism and extreme consumerism, the further away we have moved from the real reasons for human existence and the further we have removed ourselves from the natural rhythms of the planet that supports us. The Earth is all we have, and once we have depleted her resources, there will be no more and we will cease to exist on Earth.

The Earth exists to allow the possibilities of being human to be explored. In order to achieve that goal, our Mother Earth has created beings who can assist us in our aims. These include the Faerie. At the risk of being taken away by ‘men in white coats’, I think it is time for all those who know the Faerie realms exist to come to the fore.

We have scientists who ‘know’ how the Universe came into being. We have archaeologists who ‘know’ how life began and developed into human beings. We have doctors who ‘know’ how the body works.

As we ‘wake up’, we ‘know’ that these versions of reality are not exactly correct. We begin to open our minds to different realities – and the physical world of the scientists becomes less and less compatible with our inner knowledge.

I am not proposing a Faerie ‘revolution’, as the Faerie do not see our world in those terms. However, try to see the world in a new light. Try to regain your childhood innocence. We are not a part of the Faerie; the Faerie exist in their own right and it is not our place to interfere, only to interact, if we have the will and the innocence to do so.

So how do we recapture that innocence? It is not easy. Many have tried and most have given up in frustration. There is no easy answer. The mechanistic world that humans have created is totally opposed to that of the Faerie.

But, as we begin to understand the changes we are undertaking, we begin to see our connectedness to the whole. Each of us is part of a collective existence and, as we progressively download our higher selves into our physical selves, we begin to realise that the lives we have become accustomed to living exclude a vast portion of what is really there – including the Faerie realm in all its magic and wonder.

In so many respects the answer lies in our understanding of the female. Our Earth is female. It is the re-claiming of the feminine in ourselves, and in our lives and relationships, that can bring our current and future existence back into balance.

As a man, it is not an easy choice. Our Earth is female and in order to create balance we have needed a male response. However, the balance has tipped too far and the Faerie, as an aspect of Mother Earth, have become pushed to the extremities.


It is time to re gain balance. The Earth is as welcoming as she ever was. The Faerie are as prepared to put up with our prevarication as they ever were. Now is our time – human time. No other race or being has the right to choose what we become. We have reached a point in time where our conscious choice is needed.

And that choice should be: to dance with the Faerie, to stop our rape of the planet, and to finish what we originally set out to do, which is to bring our full soul consciousness into our human existence, here on Earth. And the Faerie (Mother Earth) will be happy to go on nurturing us as we continue on our paths to this destination, if only we let them.
We really are that strong, and the Faerie are there to remind us that our greatest strength lies in embracing our original innocence. By letting go of everything that covers it, we arrive at a point where no external force can deflect us from our goal.

Remember, the Earth has taken on the role of nurturing human life. We need to repay her hard work and become, once again, who we truly are.

". . . always look as deep as possible because the answers that lie underneath hold a truth that science will never comprehend." Chris Thomas

26th January 2014, 14:58
Good thoughts and beautiful illustrations.

26th January 2014, 20:00
When in Iceland (2000) an Icelander told me that they always brought in a Shaman before building a road so as not to disturb the earth people. If they are having to protest, I'm assuming that since then the policy has been relinquished.

I was also told that houses were built with the front door facing the East, but I forget why.

26th January 2014, 21:58
The Earth exists to allow the possibilities of being human to be explored. In order to achieve that goal, our Mother Earth has created beings who can assist us in our aims. These include the Faerie. At the risk of being taken away by ‘men in white coats’, I think it is time for all those who know the Faerie realms exist to come to the fore.



by Chris Thomas

As we progress through our change of understanding – our increase in levels of consciousness – there is a growing recognition of the levels at which our Earth functions in relation to human existence. That is why many people are now beginning to re-awaken to the reality of the Faerie, which are a construct, a projection, of the Earth’s own consciousness.

According to my researches in the Akashic, there are fifty-nine ‘varieties’ of Faerie, which have been created by the Earth herself to look after all of the Earth’s plants, trees and other forms of life. Each form of Faerie has its own role to play and carries out its duties with immense joy and love.

According to some folklore, there is a dark side to fairies also.

Fairies are generally described as human in appearance and having magical powers. Their origins are less clear in the folklore, being variously dead, or some form of demon, or a species completely independent of humans or angels.


“The prototype of food, and therefore a symbol of life, bread was one of the commonest protections against fairies. Before going out into a fairy-haunted place, it was customary to put a piece of dry bread in one’s pocket.”

In County Wexford, Ireland, in 1882, it was reported that “if an infant is carried out after dark a piece of bread is wrapped in its bib or dress, and this protects it from any witchcraft or evil.”

Good post Herbert.


26th January 2014, 22:09
Originally Posted by Herbert:
We have reached a point in time where our conscious choice is needed.

I think this is a most important message. We are creating daily, IMO, but it is unconsciously.

If we could understand that simple statement, we could begin to create consciously - and the faerie realms will help, but one must believe in them and call upon them.

27th January 2014, 03:19
"According to some folklore, there is a dark side to fairies also."

One of the reasons I joined TOT was looking for answers to an encounter I had. In the future, I will open a thread on this subject. Take heed to the warning of certain dangers involved with fairies...I believe it to be true and received a lasting physical harm which continues to this day. It was something I never asked for and wasn't looking....wrong place, wrong time, I guess...

27th January 2014, 08:54
When in Iceland (2000) an Icelander told me that they always brought in a Shaman before building a road so as not to disturb the earth people. If they are having to protest, I'm assuming that since then the policy has been relinquished.

I was also told that houses were built with the front door facing the East, but I forget why.

With all the volcanic activity there being conscious of the Earth would have always been a big thing, it must be a powerful race memory by now.

I would bet the doors face east because the strongest winds (esp with rain & snow) come from the west.

27th January 2014, 12:13
Wow, what a gorgeous thread.....a true gemstone thank you skywizard. I have a huge affinity with the Elves and the Fairy folk and truly believe them to be my ancient kin through regressions that I've done and experiences with ED's. they are beautifully humbling to behold!


27th January 2014, 17:01

28th January 2014, 00:34

29th January 2014, 22:46
What a wonderful thread! Seiko your story is amazing made me think that there is something I have experienced but cannot remember. But I don't remember big chunks of my childhood for some reason. I am inclined to think that elves are positive beings despite the stories about people who have been taken be elves and held there against their will. Probably most of those stories are made up by people who seek some kind of profit. Or may be there are bad elves as well as good ones, we all share the same duality.

29th January 2014, 23:05
Needed to delete my comment as no longer valid if the mods can remove this will be better. thanks

29th January 2014, 23:31
I am curious what this means, even Google didn't know how to translate it

I think it is Olde English. The language Beowulf was written in.

SK, would you be so kind as to render it into modern English?

30th January 2014, 01:53