View Full Version : California Governor Declares Drought Emergency

19th January 2014, 20:31
This is important because 50% of the United States' fruits, vegetables and nuts come from the State of California. It is also the top dairy-producing state of the country - and the State that produces the most Organic Food.

How much of this drought is due to natural cycles vs weather modification, who knows!

Water, like everything else it seems, is a highly political issue. California Aqueduct is a 700 mile system of canals, tunnels, and pipelines that conveys water collected from the Sierra Nevada Mountains and valleys of Northern and Central California to Southern California. Often water restrictions are put on N.Californians, while the water flows freely south (supposedly to the farmers), but we know how that goes. Got to keep all those swimming pools full, you know.

Then there's the Delta–Mendota Canal which is a 117 mi (188 km) aqueduct in central California. It's part of the Central Valley Project and its purpose is to replace water in the San Joaquin River that is diverted into Madera Canal and Friant-Kern Canal at Friant Dam. So, we divert water from one river and then have to build a bazillion dollar canal to bring water back to that river! Who's in charge here.

Wisdom would say, if we didn't bring water down to desert-like communities (Los Angeles), folks would stop gravitating there and move to areas where there is water available. (wisdom, she says!)

We've had droughts before and survived them; I imagine this will be the same, although I'm sure it will cause food prices to go up, which will put more stress on an already stressed economy.

Wolf Khan
20th January 2014, 03:30
Water in the world over is being buried so that, when the supposed planetary crash occurs, the dark have clean unpolluted water. Somehow I don't think they will be drinking our water. I suspect haarp is involved as temperatures have been far too high here in Victoria and South Australia. Bushfires are again ravaging our Animal Kingdom to prove some point to tony rabbit.

20th January 2014, 22:09
Water in the world over is being buried so that, when the supposed planetary crash occurs, the dark have clean unpolluted water. Somehow I don't think they will be drinking our water. I suspect haarp is involved as temperatures have been far too high here in Victoria and South Australia. Bushfires are again ravaging our Animal Kingdom to prove some point to tony rabbit.

I'm pretty sure you're right - on both accounts, water and haarp.

In India, one of the big soft drink companies (can't remember if it was Pepsi or Coke) has been buying up all the reservoirs and water sources, supposedly for use in their processing.. . . and as often is the case, if companies grease enough palms in the government, they allow it.

21st January 2014, 22:47
Water in the world over is being buried so that, when the supposed planetary crash occurs, the dark have clean unpolluted water. Somehow I don't think they will be drinking our water. I suspect haarp is involved as temperatures have been far too high here in Victoria and South Australia. Bushfires are again ravaging our Animal Kingdom to prove some point to tony rabbit.

I think and hope that we will all still have access to water, or the tools for doing so. When my mother was evacuated in WW2 almost every house in Wales had a well, for instance, and so did many other houses throughout the country. Of course there were many accidents(no Health and Safety initiatives then), but I think although they were all eventually covered over, the well shaft will probably still be there in a lot of cases. I did some research on wells a few years ago and 15-20ft wells still need water to be boiled but deeper than that they don't. Of course we're "not allowed" to have wells any more for the most part, but if push comes to the shove we'll find ways of getting to it. We're a very resourceful species . . . :)