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18th January 2014, 04:05
I have decided to pitch a cyber tent here at TOT to post thoughts and opinions. I'll call it Rhosgobel.:shocked:

I do my best to not disrupt threads and their flow.:cool:
This thread will allow me to stop biting my tongue.:p

At some point a discussion of the loosh ecosystem will ensue. At least a post about it will.:nails:

For now it is for me to decide what starts this conversation. Even if it is with myself.:tiphat:

I have misspelled Rhosgobel. :fpalm: How does one edit thread titles? Call a mod? :confused:

18th January 2014, 04:39
Most might have seen these paintings at PA. However, I cannot comment on them there so I bring it here, FWIW.

The paintings do seem to articulate some deeper qualities of these people, or at least subtle ones.

I see some serious 'lizard' energy coming off this painting.

James Vincent Forrestal (February 15, 1892 – May 22, 1949) was the last Cabinet-level United States Secretary of the Navy and the first United States Secretary of Defense.

Forrestal was a supporter of naval battle groups centered on aircraft carriers. In 1954, the world's first supercarrier was named USS Forrestal in his honor, as is the headquarters of the United States Department of Energy. He is also the namesake of the Forrestal Lecture Series at the United States Naval Academy, which brings prominent military and civilian leaders to speak to the Brigade of Midshipmen, and of the James Forrestal Campus of Princeton University in Plainsboro Township, New Jersey.

The rest of the collection is here:http://www.dougauld.com/whistleblower/index.php

18th January 2014, 06:57
I look forward to this Mr Wiz.

Yes, ask a mod to change your title. You can't do it yourself, once it's posted.


18th January 2014, 09:10
I see that a mod has remedied my spelling error. Thank you.

18th January 2014, 09:17
I did it, its kind of an OCD thing with thread titles ;)

Heres where the word comes from for the Tolkien ignoramuses http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Rhosgobel

Looking forward to a very interesting & educative thread :chrs:

18th January 2014, 09:18
Most might have seen these paintings at PA. However, I cannot comment on them there so I bring it here, FWIW.

The paintings do seem to articulate some deeper qualities of these people, or at least subtle ones.

I see some serious 'lizard' energy coming off this painting.

James Vincent Forrestal (February 15, 1892 – May 22, 1949) was the last Cabinet-level United States Secretary of the Navy and the first United States Secretary of Defense.

Forrestal was a supporter of naval battle groups centered on aircraft carriers. In 1954, the world's first supercarrier was named USS Forrestal in his honor, as is the headquarters of the United States Department of Energy. He is also the namesake of the Forrestal Lecture Series at the United States Naval Academy, which brings prominent military and civilian leaders to speak to the Brigade of Midshipmen, and of the James Forrestal Campus of Princeton University in Plainsboro Township, New Jersey.

The rest of the collection is here:http://www.dougauld.com/whistleblower/index.php

Hi Modwiz, i hav a rel high up in the forces who emits such a presence and who told me once that "I do not believe in god" with such certainty it made me shiver, lb

18th January 2014, 09:23
For a painting that is little more than a sketch it is very powerful (as often that style can be with the right subject) he certainly has a Godless air about him, that mouth !

And the asymmetric eyes so typical of those who serve the you know who (or rather what)

18th January 2014, 12:18
a few thoughts come up.
what if the painter capured him laughing. would there still be a small lizard like mouth?

As art is inherently the impression of the artist does this say something about the artist or about the subject.

with love

18th January 2014, 12:57
a few thoughts come up.
what if the painter capured him laughing. would there still be a small lizard like mouth?

As art is inherently the impression of the artist does this say something about the artist or about the subject.

with love

I see it more in the way the artist evoked skull ridges that run from the outer part of his eyebrow up towards his hairline. Other subtle things but, that caught my eye.

18th January 2014, 17:46
hmm, . . the eyes grabbed me. Hard and cold. . Then the eyebrows slanting with arrogance.

As art is inherently the impression of the artist does this say something about the artist or about the subject.

A good portrait painter would try to capture the essence of the subject. And usually, since the portrait is commissioned, the subject can ask for changes.

I have a friend who does portraits. She's also a courtroom artist (her bread and butter). Often judges and lawyers will ask her to make them look better or more handsome!

18th January 2014, 17:59
Here's a photo of James Forrestall which may have been the model for the painting, in which case the artist has been very kind:


Is this about the artist or the subject Modwiz?

18th January 2014, 18:09
Most might have seen these paintings at PA. However, I cannot comment on them there so I bring it here, FWIW.

The paintings do seem to articulate some deeper qualities of these people, or at least subtle ones.

I see some serious 'lizard' energy coming off this painting.

James Vincent Forrestal (February 15, 1892 – May 22, 1949) was the last Cabinet-level United States Secretary of the Navy and the first United States Secretary of Defense.

Forrestal was a supporter of naval battle groups centered on aircraft carriers. In 1954, the world's first supercarrier was named USS Forrestal in his honor, as is the headquarters of the United States Department of Energy. He is also the namesake of the Forrestal Lecture Series at the United States Naval Academy, which brings prominent military and civilian leaders to speak to the Brigade of Midshipmen, and of the James Forrestal Campus of Princeton University in Plainsboro Township, New Jersey.

The rest of the collection is here:http://www.dougauld.com/whistleblower/index.php

Lizard energie.s?
i understand what you are saying but can you make a judgement off a portrait or photo?

back in the day when we applied for a passport we where told not to smile.
plus this guy has a military background hardened and trained beyond your average individual.

you create your own reality comes to mind.

18th January 2014, 18:32
I looked this guy up, turns out he was suicided by zionists as he was dead set against the establishment of Israel, scroll down to it http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/james_forrestal.htm

There was a big effort to rubbish him in the media, so a lot of info on him may be dis-info :belief:

18th January 2014, 20:52
Here's a photo of James Forrestall which may have been the model for the painting, in which case the artist has been very kind:


Is this about the artist or the subject Modwiz?

It's about us but, it can also be both artist and subject. Then there is none of the above.

In this instance the artist is playing a central part by choice of subjects, theme and method.

The artist and subject is a fascinating dance. One can sense the Destiny behind the works that rise above obscurity.Thanks for asking.

18th January 2014, 21:02
Lizard energie.s?
i understand what you are saying but can you make a judgement off a portrait or photo?

back in the day when we applied for a passport we where told not to smile.
plus this guy has a military background hardened and trained beyond your average individual.

you create your own reality comes to mind.

I am very comfortable stating my perception. If you wish to categorize it as a judgment then so be it. You would also be assuming you know my stance on "lizards". I can assure you that you do not. I have not stated it.

Sharing my perception is sharing my reality. A big part of a functioning community. It is also a friendly thing to do.

This thread will be full of my opinions/judgments. It is why I started it. It is a thread for what I think about things. I am sure others will add their opinions. It could get dull otherwise.:shocked:

18th January 2014, 21:04
I looked this guy up, turns out he was suicided by zionists as he was dead set against the establishment of Israel, scroll down to it http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/james_forrestal.htm

There was a big effort to rubbish him in the media, so a lot of info on him may be dis-info :belief:

He was pushed out a hospital window where he was being held against his will for "psychiatric" problems. He crossed the wrong people.

18th January 2014, 21:12
Then the artist, subject and us make three (trinity) and I'm guessing when you say it's about us do you mean as "Observer" and (maybe) the (type of) energy that is created by that observation, depending on whether we see the picture as positive or negative. Or maybe I'm heading off into the rough here (wouldn't be the first time . . . :))

Edit: oops, this is in response to post 14. Maybe we should copy the post in each time to avoid confusion (I see everyone else has -soz)

18th January 2014, 23:07
pushed,drugged or suicide.
he had information he could not handle.

so he was done with.

as for the lizzie,s, a being that cannot hold it,s form in this environment for long so is able to take over a lesser energy being through frequency.
they feed off fear,harrassment,anger and such forth.
our fear is their loosh so to speak.

19th January 2014, 20:37
I clicked on the link in Modwiz's post and saw the rest of Doug Auld's work and then read all the comments on Project Avalon where there is a complete thread about him. Doug himself is very humble about what the members there have said. What struck me immediately was that it brought everyone there together, united in a positive way, unlike other threads where opinions are at odds with each other.

But back to the reptilian quality of the painting. None of his portraits were flattering to the subjects yet all were immensely powerful and moving with the same compelling quality as Forrestal. Perhaps all whistleblowers by their nature are in touch with their reptilian side . . . . ? Is it possible to make friends/come to terms with our reptilian natures I wonder and, if so, transfer that knowledge to taming Them. (Could end up biting you in the arse . . . :)

19th January 2014, 20:41
. . . Is it possible to make friends/come to terms with our reptilian natures I wonder and, if so, transfer that knowledge to taming Them. (Could end up biting you in the arse . . . :)

Good point, Calabash. If we believe it's possible, then it's possible. . . and let's face it, we're already getting bit in the arse! So why not try something different. It's been said we're all hybrids, so I'm assuming there are many of us that have reptilian in us. . .Scientests are always referring to our reptilian brain.

Let's go for it!

20th January 2014, 02:06
About the triune structure if our brains, some info that may serve discussion at some point :

The reptilian brain, the oldest of the three, controls the body's vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance. Our reptilian brain includes the main structures found in a reptile's brain: the brainstem and the cerebellum. The reptilian brain is reliable but tends to be somewhat rigid and compulsive

The limbic brain emerged in the first mammals. It can record memories of behaviours that produced agreeable and disagreeable experiences, so it is responsible for what are called emotions in human beings. The main structures of the limbic brain are the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the hypothalamus. The limbic brain is the seat of the value judgments that we make, often unconsciously, that exert such a strong influence on our behaviour.

The neocortex first assumed importance in primates and culminated in the human brain with its two large cerebral hemispheres that play such a dominant role. These hemispheres have been responsible for the development of human language, abstract thought, imagination, and consciousness. The neocortex is flexible and has almost infinite learning abilities. The neocortex is also what has enabled human cultures to develop.


20th January 2014, 02:17
Good point, Calabash. If we believe it's possible, then it's possible. . . and let's face it, we're already getting bit in the arse! So why not try something different. It's been said we're all hybrids, so I'm assuming there are many of us that have reptilian in us. . .Scientests are always referring to our reptilian brain.

Let's go for it!

The reptilian brain is the basic brain and capable of full body functions, including balance. It is the brain all other parts are added to. The reptoid brain is much like a Unix or similar operating system, simple and straightforward. Very efficient. A modern human brain is more like a Windows operating system, full of annoying alerts, questions and options. Very inefficient on the default settings. Tweaking, inner work, is crucially necessary to make the operating system perform in accordance with our direction. The limbic system is a real challenge unless absolute mindfulness becomes part of how we operate. Then the machinations of the limbic system become revealed and under considerable more control.

Understanding, even sitting in that state of mind is full of insights in regards to how reptoids see their world.

I want to open that discussion but, wish to proceed with caution.

20th January 2014, 04:33
Maybe for those that wish a quick and very accesible overview of the brain and what we know of it today.
You may want to check out Rick Hansons book Buddha's Brain the practical neuroscience of Happines, love and wisdom.
Its about 100 pages and describes the which parts of the brain are responsible for what and how we can influence it somewhat.


With Love

20th January 2014, 05:46
Maybe for those that wish a quick and very accesible overview of the brain and what we know of it today.
You may want to check out Rick Hansons book Buddha's Brain the practical neuroscience of Happines, love and wisdom.
Its about 100 pages and describes the which parts of the brain are responsible for what and how we can influence it somewhat.


With Love

I actually am happy with a very simple overview. I find bigger picture material represents the wholes better and my main gist is not at all about the brain but qualities of consciousness.

Thanks for the referral. There may be others who might find more detail to be a good read.

20th January 2014, 06:18
I agree mostly in not overcomplicating things. especially with an organ as complex as the brain.
That said however the Triune brain is a hypothesis that leaves many questions.
As I wrote before when introduces to mark passio's theories, even though the concept of the reptillian brain is apealing and seems to make sense in a quick overview it isn't conclusive. Well the initial conclusions made by Paul D. MacLean anyway.

Even though the book I referred to mentions the triune brain. It goes a bit deeper on how different parts of the brain work together. Which for me makes it valuable.
That said it is deffinetly not the say all and end all text on brains. In conversations where parts of the Human make up are being discussed i feel its important to agree on what it is that is talked about.

Like you said before I don't know your standpoints on the reptillians. And will not make assumtions about it. I do feel that calling out a reptillian aspect on a forum like this one gives rise to many many misconsetions and ill formed conclusions. However sensible those conclusions may be.

Like is the reptillian brain just a part that is found in reptillian animals we have on earth. Do they extend to the 4th ot 5th dimensional reptillian beings that are vieuwed as the greatest mennace we know etc etc.

With Love

for a quick and (non) scientific artikle on why the triune brain leaves questions..

20th January 2014, 12:02
I do feel that calling out a reptillian aspect on a forum like this one gives rise to many many misconsetions and ill formed conclusions. However sensible those conclusions may be.

Like is the reptillian brain just a part that is found in reptillian animals we have on earth. Do they extend to the 4th ot 5th dimensional reptillian beings that are vieuwed as the greatest mennace we know etc etc.

With Love

for a quick and (non) scientific artikle on why the triune brain leaves questions..

I am uncertain as to what is being said in the first paragraph. I would like to understand.

As for your question. I have not taken any of this into consideration. This thread has no real focus, agenda or case to make. It is a place for me to ramble on, think out loud, share ideas and thoughts. I speak with no authority other than the authorship of my words. It is my hope that thoughtful and engaging conversation might ensue. It could be crickets too and then I would get the hint.

Your information is well received. I dropped the triune brain into thread for consideration if it might be helpful. I like it as a reasonable model for certain idea experiments. Without knowing the actual brain structure of the Reptoids the whole discussion is one of fantasy, of sorts. It also might contain food for thought in bridge of understanding.

Quite a bit of weight is on the shoulders of humanity from many sides. Inter-species communication and understanding would have ramifications beyond our planet. It would also leap-frog us over our current dysfunction with intra-species communication and understanding. However, I see the populations having made the intra-species connection with their leaders being the dysfunctional holdouts.

Populations are almost ready. We pride ourselves on our empathy and compassion. There is reason for it. There will be a quantum challenge for us to try and "get into the head" of these species. The whole purpose on getting into their heads would be to see with their eyes. That brings understanding.

I tell you. I believe the power to create cosmic ripples is ours.

Brevity will have me conclude here.

20th January 2014, 12:18
The reptilian brain . . . . Understanding, even sitting in that state of mind is full of insights in regards to how reptoids see their world.

The limbic system is a real challenge unless absolute mindfulness becomes part of how we operate.

The neocortex . . . .responsible for the development of human language, abstract thought, imagination, and consciousness. The neocortex is flexible and has almost infinite learning abilities. The neocortex is also what has enabled human cultures to develop.

Thanks for your complete posts modwiz. From the selected parts it's clear that (individually) we're at odds with ourselves from the beginning, without taking into account outside stimulus/information. Although the neocortex is responsible for pulling the other two parts together through meditation/mindfulness, this in itself is an ongoing journey and I have to confess that I lack good meditation technique. Purists would probably say there are no shortcuts to mindfulness, but there are quicker routes (thorough drugs, but I'm not going there), or brain entrainment (binaural beats), which was developed by Robert Monroe who also coined the word "loosh".

The human brain is a wonderful instrument with seemingly endless capabilities. That part which observes, however, is also aware how difficult it is for the brain to analyse the truth of information without having the direct experience. Can meditation fill in that part?

20th January 2014, 12:24
I agree mostly in not overcomplicating things. especially with an organ as complex as the brain.
That said however the Triune brain is a hypothesis that leaves many questions.
As I wrote before when introduces to mark passio's theories, even though the concept of the reptillian brain is apealing and seems to make sense in a quick overview it isn't conclusive. Well the initial conclusions made by Paul D. MacLean anyway.

Even though the book I referred to mentions the triune brain. It goes a bit deeper on how different parts of the brain work together. Which for me makes it valuable.
That said it is deffinetly not the say all and end all text on brains. In conversations where parts of the Human make up are being discussed i feel its important to agree on what it is that is talked about.

Like you said before I don't know your standpoints on the reptillians. And will not make assumtions about it. I do feel that calling out a reptillian aspect on a forum like this one gives rise to many many misconsetions and ill formed conclusions. However sensible those conclusions may be.

Like is the reptillian brain just a part that is found in reptillian animals we have on earth. Do they extend to the 4th ot 5th dimensional reptillian beings that are vieuwed as the greatest mennace we know etc etc.

With Love

for a quick and (non) scientific artikle on why the triune brain leaves questions..

Thanks for this Eelco. There is much to know about the human brain. I have recently learned, for instance, that both sides of the brain work together all the time - they just interpret information in a different manner - and the line that joins them running down the middle is there mainly to stop one side from interfering with the other. I guess that is why some people who have half their brains removed (severe cases of epilepsy) are shown to be able to function as well as people who have the two sides intact.

20th January 2014, 13:51
We are the forgiveness they have been seeking all along, a fine twist, proof of concept delivered, end of test report concluded and exit criteria achieved for Universal upgrade 2.0.

20th January 2014, 16:33
I am uncertain as to what is being said in the first paragraph. I would like to understand.

As for your question. I have not taken any of this into consideration. This thread has no real focus, agenda or case to make. It is a place for me to ramble on, think out loud, share ideas and thoughts. I speak with no authority other than the authorship of my words. It is my hope that thoughtful and engaging conversation might ensue. It could be crickets too and then I would get the hint.

Your information is well received. I dropped the triune brain into thread for consideration if it might be helpful. I like it as a reasonable model for certain idea experiments. Without knowing the actual brain structure of the Reptoids the whole discussion is one of fantasy, of sorts. It also might contain food for thought in bridge of understanding.

Quite a bit of weight is on the shoulders of humanity from many sides. Inter-species communication and understanding would have ramifications beyond our planet. It would also leap-frog us over our current dysfunction with intra-species communication and understanding. However, I see the populations having made the intra-species connection with their leaders being the dysfunctional holdouts.

Populations are almost ready. We pride ourselves on our empathy and compassion. There is reason for it. There will be a quantum challenge for us to try and "get into the head" of these species. The whole purpose on getting into their heads would be to see with their eyes. That brings understanding.

I tell you. I believe the power to create cosmic ripples is ours.

Brevity will have me conclude here.

Thank you.
That first paragraph. Is that my post or from the article..?
The article's first paragraph is a reference to a hollywood movie scene. The movie is called Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

My first paragraph pertained a reference to my first encounter with the 3 part brain concept in the thread Roman started about Mark Passio.
Where I felt drawn to listen to Marks podcasts encountered his emphasis on the Triune Brain research and the conclusions he derrived from it. When doing my own research on the Triune Brain A study made by Paul D. MacLean I found the theory doesn't hold up to scientific scrutiny. meaning that asumptions were made that we now know to be false from brain research in animals and people.

My idea about it is that an oversimplified outlook on how people work and then projecting that to an organ like the brain can go wrong very quickly.
Especcially when it involves a referens to reptillians, which in my view on a forum like this sets a tone on how we should feel about that. Seeing that most here have some sort of aversion to so called Reptoids.

I think it would be a great win if we could actually emphatize with reptoids or intra-species contact, but as we can hardly emphatize with inter-species.
There's a long long way to go.

Does that make more sense?

WIth Love

20th January 2014, 16:36
Thanks for this Eelco. There is much to know about the human brain. I have recently learned, for instance, that both sides of the brain work together all the time - they just interpret information in a different manner - and the line that joins them running down the middle is there mainly to stop one side from interfering with the other. I guess that is why some people who have half their brains removed (severe cases of epilepsy) are shown to be able to function as well as people who have the two sides intact.

What got me interested in the book was a podcast i listened to recently with the author where he explained that every self-inclined action or though we do/have triggers connections all over the brain which subside when we go on to thoughts and action that are not as self-aware.
He suggested that this was a sign that self/ego is a temporary mindstate that gets rebuild from moment to moment. And thus had a connection to the notion of no-self in buddhism.

Fascinating stuff.

With Love

20th January 2014, 17:56
And interesting personal (not scientific) experiment with the brain.

Whether right or left handed - try using the opposite hand to do things for a portion of the day - then see what (if any) changes occur, either mentally or physically.

Don't over think what you're doing while using the opposite hand.

I'm completely right handed, but found when I used my left hand to paint pictures (and didn't try to control my hand) I came up with some interesting paintings.

20th January 2014, 18:39
The artist and subject is a fascinating dance. One can sense the Destiny behind the works that rise above obscurity.Thanks for asking.

So the observer is obviously detached, from this perspective. In fact, creating art can be seen as a selfish and/or manipulative act...

20th January 2014, 18:44
So the observer is obviously detached, from this perspective. In fact, creating art can be seen as a selfish and/or manipulative act...

It can be, but it can also be many other things too, but in our times its has become more & more the norm for that to be the case due to the "gatekeeper" effect of the Media & galleries.

20th January 2014, 19:27
. . . . In fact, creating art can be seen as a selfish and/or manipulative act...

An interesting perspective. . . if I understand you correctly, then almost everything could be interpreted as a selfish act. . . meditation, exercise, reading

My perspective is anytime someone is bettering themselves, or exploring their inner world to understand themselves and their outer world - they are helping the whole. If this becomes excessive (moderation in all things) than I suppose I would consider it selfish, or if it interferes with the well-being of others - than definitely selfish. However, I don't personally see how trying to understand oneself and how one's brain works by painting some pictures is selfish.

20th January 2014, 19:42
I just meant that particular perspective, "the dance of artist and subject". Removes the observer completely. Unless either has them in mind, during the creation, of course

20th January 2014, 20:55
This is the scene from Fear and Loathing in LA.
Out of context as is the paragraph in the article..

with love

20th January 2014, 22:19
I just meant that particular perspective, "the dance of artist and subject". Removes the observer completely. Unless either has them in mind, during the creation, of course

The observer watches the dance.

21st January 2014, 00:24
I am uncertain as to what is being said in the first paragraph. I would like to understand.

As for your question. I have not taken any of this into consideration. This thread has no real focus, agenda or case to make. It is a place for me to ramble on, think out loud, share ideas and thoughts. I speak with no authority other than the authorship of my words. It is my hope that thoughtful and engaging conversation might ensue. It could be crickets too and then I would get the hint.

Your information is well received. I dropped the triune brain into thread for consideration if it might be helpful. I like it as a reasonable model for certain idea experiments. Without knowing the actual brain structure of the Reptoids the whole discussion is one of fantasy, of sorts. It also might contain food for thought in bridge of understanding.

Quite a bit of weight is on the shoulders of humanity from many sides. Inter-species communication and understanding would have ramifications beyond our planet. It would also leap-frog us over our current dysfunction with intra-species communication and understanding. However, I see the populations having made the intra-species connection with their leaders being the dysfunctional holdouts.

Populations are almost ready. We pride ourselves on our empathy and compassion. There is reason for it. There will be a quantum challenge for us to try and "get into the head" of these species. The whole purpose on getting into their heads would be to see with their eyes. That brings understanding.

I tell you. I believe the power to create cosmic ripples is ours.

Brevity will have me conclude here.

I think I get this, particularly as it’s running parallel with my own thoughts. I recently asked a forum member why the reptilians or mantids did not tune up the dna of their own kind, instead of Neanderthal man, so that snakes and lizards and insects ruled the planet. Ignoring the David Icke lizard stuff for one moment, I’m thinking now that I got it arse about face and that maybe – with our brains being formed as they are - we are really meant/equipped to be able to communicate with everything on the planet, (like the recent video of the South African woman who tuned in to the panther). Obviously we have become more aligned with our reptilian side that wishes to dominate everything at the expense of other living things. Are we on schedule or behind schedule? Who knows. Maybe it’s true that we are all exactly where we’re meant to be.

21st January 2014, 00:53
I think I get this, particularly as it’s running parallel with my own thoughts. I recently asked a forum member why the reptilians or mantids did not tune up the dna of their own kind, instead of Neanderthal man, so that snakes and lizards and insects ruled the planet. Ignoring the David Icke lizard stuff for one moment, I’m thinking now that I got it arse about face and that maybe – with our brains being formed as they are - we are really meant/equipped to be able to communicate with everything on the planet, (like the recent video of the South African woman who tuned in to the panther). Obviously we have become more aligned with our reptilian side that wishes to dominate everything at the expense of other living things. Are we on schedule or behind schedule? Who knows. Maybe it’s true that we are all exactly where we’re meant to be.

Their interest in us would appear to be to get something they want from our DNA. Our DNA is the phenomenal world's part of our consciousness. It is our consciousness that is the part of this, IMO. The only way for them to really receive what they need from us is for us to awaken and be able to offer them the profound wisdom and compassion that is ours to offer. I see an awakened humanity as what is really the key to 'cleaning' this part of the universe up a bit.

More later.

21st January 2014, 09:36
I see an awakened humanity as what is really the key to 'cleaning' this part of the universe up a bit.
More later.

Yes please.. more...
I am especially interested in what you would view an awakened humanity.
The process of awakening and what awakened really means is a topic I have been pondering for years.

One thing I am comming to realize is that it has nothing to do with the brain.
In the sense that even though the functions of the brain helps us loosely catagorize what we experience.
It does a bad job of discerning truth.(whatever that is)

The brain is highly opinionated and seems to fill in gaps in our experience with made up possibilities that are not what has actually happened, but with bits and pieces from earlier experiences so that it fools itself in seeing a complete picture.

I feel that is why meditation especially vipassana is so valuable to many to get to an interpretation of awakening/enlightenment.
As it systematically teaches you to just see what is real in the realms of sense impressions, and the interpretations your mind makes about them.

WIth Love
(i know i am consistently refering to buddhism or meditation, not because its Truth, but because at this time in life i seem to syudy that and am therefore biassed to paint my vieuws from that set of axioms. Its on my mind)

21st January 2014, 12:20
I have often thought of this planet being a trap of sorts, not for us though, but for he dark agenda. We are the bait.

Who would fall for a bait that has the ability to become the hunter, unless of course the bait does not realise this until it needs to when the green light is given?

God really is a sheep herd..

21st January 2014, 13:11
Their interest in us would appear to be to get something they want from our DNA. Our DNA is the phenomenal world's part of our consciousness. It is our consciousness that is the part of this, IMO. The only way for them to really receive what they need from us is for us to awaken and be able to offer them the profound wisdom and compassion that is ours to offer. I see an awakened humanity as what is really the key to 'cleaning' this part of the universe up a bit.

More later.

Yes, I see that if it could be made into a more equal relationship it would be beneficial for all, but awakening is not something that can be achieved by just desiring it unfortunately. In what way are they superior to us? They are hidden and they lack compassion seems to be the sum of it. Our wisdom and compassion is within our DNA but it does not seem to extend into their humanity. If our animals were having the same conversation about us, how would they get our attention?

Eelco's question about awakening and what it is (and the different ways of achieving it) is very relevant and I would like to learn more about this.

21st January 2014, 13:15
The observer watches the dance.

Sir Alfred Munnings: "Does the subject matter?"


Just the sense of humor of a Norfolk lad

21st January 2014, 13:58
I am happy with the flow of this thread. The pace works for me. I know it may be too slow for some.

I see the brain as a receiving and processing center for consciousness, including the native 'body' intelligence which is separate from our higher intelligence. Unfortunately, the animal body is at the mercy of the brain's imaginations, which often bring it burdens unnecessary to health and survival. Its province.

Fred Steeves
21st January 2014, 14:46
Unfortunately, the animal body is at the mercy of the brain's imaginations, which often bring it burdens unnecessary to health and survival. Its province.

Then again, a brain can (slowly) be tuned back into proper function, like it is a long ignored old classic sports car for consciousness. Our imaginations carry us anywhere from perdition, to heights yet dreamed of. Imagine getting that baby humming again, and taking that long lost harmony for a little joy ride.

Now we're talkin...

21st January 2014, 14:56
We think of humans in contrast to the reptilian morphology. I would not be surprised if the proper framing isn't more like mammals in contrast to reptiles.

My phrase, "in contrast to" is a replacement for the unnecessary adversarial word versus, which is in the word adversary.

Language as free of duality as possible, as opposed to contrast, (this sentence not a good example but, 'as contrasted to contrast' was inelegant) will facilitate staying more in the mental body.

21st January 2014, 14:58
Then again, a brain can (slowly) be tuned back into proper function, like it is a long ignored old classic sports car for consciousness. Our imaginations carry us anywhere from perdition, to heights yet dreamed of. Imagine getting that baby humming again, and taking that long lost harmony for a little joy ride.

Now we're talkin...

That's right. A very important, crucially so, point.

21st January 2014, 15:33
I have heard it said from some sources, perhaps we all have, the the Reptoids believe the Earth is theirs. I wonder if the 165 million years the dinosaurs were the dominant species on this planet has any remote connection?:confused:

Just for giggles. I am a Dragon in Chinese astrology.:eek:

21st January 2014, 17:30
Then again, a brain can (slowly) be tuned back into proper function
Now there's a topic in need of exploring.
healthy, reasonable, proven effective ways to restrucure the mind/brain.
Samatha and vipassana meditations?

With Love

21st January 2014, 18:45
I see the brain as a receiving and processing center for consciousness, including the native 'body' intelligence which is separate from our higher intelligence. Unfortunately, the animal body is at the mercy of the brain's imaginations, which often bring it burdens unnecessary to health and survival. Its province.

Imagination can bring burdens, but also can bring new and wonderful creations, can it not?

Maybe that brings us to which part of "us" we chose to focus on. The higher or lower. I have often thought that most of us (through encouragement of the ptb) have given our personal power over to the lower (ego) self - and rarely focus on the higher self.

Then again, a brain can (slowly) be tuned back into proper function, like it is a long ignored old classic sports car for consciousness. Our imaginations carry us anywhere from perdition, to heights yet dreamed of. Imagine getting that baby humming again, and taking that long lost harmony for a little joy ride.

Agreed. But I'm not sure it has to be slowly, but usually is because we often lack the single-mindedness of purpose to make it a faster process. IMO, we have become accustomed to allowing our brain, lead us, rather than the other way around. Rather like getting on a horse and letting the horse decide which way to go. I believe that's why the Buddha said something like the brain is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. But in order to get it back into servant mode, we have to be vigilant of our thoughts- and stop them when they're taking us someplace that's not for our higher good.

21st January 2014, 21:53
What do we mean by "dominant?".

For example, every living organism that digests plant or animal food sources cannot survive without micro organisms which help to digests proteins and/or cellulose. Without it dinosaurs and mammals would not have been a reality based on their genetic physiological design. (This is just an example, if bacterias did not exist then the genetic design would never have been designed for it of course!)

If it is a question of numbers, then surely again for example, the micro biological universe is infinitely larger, therefore the dominant force?

So, in conclusion, if such a race like reptoids exist (and I know they do), then to stake claim to any planet or thing is enough to understand their mindset, a mindset which has caused all wars and suffering on this small blue jewel.

Also how many dimensions, and time lines do they claim is theirs too?

21st January 2014, 22:24
So, in conclusion, if such a race like reptoids exist (and I know they do), then to stake claim to any planet or thing is enough to understand their mindset, a mindset which has caused all wars and suffering on this small blue jewel.

Also how many dimensions, and time lines do they claim is theirs too?

Reminds me of an old Native American Indian saying: The only ones more foolish than the man who puts a fence around a piece of land and calls it his - are the ones who believe him.

21st January 2014, 23:49
What do we mean by "dominant?".

Does having an Age named for a species count? :p

21st January 2014, 23:59
So, in conclusion, if such a race like reptoids exist (and I know they do), then to stake claim to any planet or thing is enough to understand their mindset, a mindset which has caused all wars and suffering on this small blue jewel.

Also how many dimensions, and time lines do they claim is theirs too?

My 'for instance' about a reptoid claim to the planet was an attempt to imagine looking through reptoid eyes, with reptoid perception and culture. Also for us to look at things from stance where good and bad are not quite as obvious and clean cut as we might think they are.

How we feel about things is closer to the fact than how we think about things.

22nd January 2014, 14:00
Dinosaurs became extinct because of an ELE.

65 million years later man arrived.

Have they never heard of the 65 million year rule?

It is basically the 2 second rule when leaving a chair free, except for much longer and a much bigger chair...

22nd January 2014, 14:37
That made me laugh out loud which is exactly what I've been needing! Thank you, Caleb! :)

22nd January 2014, 15:45
What do we mean by "dominant?".

For example, every living organism that digests plant or animal food sources cannot survive without micro organisms which help to digests proteins and/or cellulose. Without it dinosaurs and mammals would not have been a reality based on their genetic physiological design. (This is just an example, if bacterias did not exist then the genetic design would never have been designed for it of course!)

If it is a question of numbers, then surely again for example, the micro biological universe is infinitely larger, therefore the dominant force?

So, in conclusion, if such a race like reptoids exist (and I know they do), then to stake claim to any planet or thing is enough to understand their mindset, a mindset which has caused all wars and suffering on this small blue jewel.

Also how many dimensions, and time lines do they claim is theirs too?

What we mean by dominant ? Or maybe rather its a whole mind set perpetuated why the psychopaths in power ?

Dinosaurs became extinct because of an ELE.

65 million years later man arrived.

Have they never heard of the 65 million year rule?

It is basically the 2 second rule when leaving a chair free, except for much longer and a much bigger chair...

The two second rule is fair enough (if a little disconcerting sitting on a warm seat :shocked:) but where did you get the other stuff from ?

22nd January 2014, 17:50
thanks modwiz for sharing...:)

22nd January 2014, 23:10
*PurpleLama gingerly enters the tent, takes a seat, and waits for the Brown one to return.*

22nd January 2014, 23:21
*PurpleLama gingerly enters the tent, takes a seat, and waits for the Brown one to return.*

Welcome, Purple Lama.

Awakened as Brown, still hold that vibe, but the Blue-Green (aquamarine) of the Thymus is now my affiliation. Will and Love together. Will gets lost in all the kerfuffle of love. Will and love together get loving things done. It also strengthens love's resolve.

You know all this, except maybe the aquamarine part.

22nd January 2014, 23:31
Ah, yes, well aware of the aquamarine affiliation. I think of you often, when observing the various blue green beryl specimens I have about the house.

I trust you are well, my friend, and in a place sheltered from this cold we have been having.

22nd January 2014, 23:43
Ah, yes, well aware of the aquamarine affiliation. I think of you often, when observing the various blue green beryl specimens I have about the house.

I trust you are well, my friend, and in a place sheltered from this cold we have been having.

I am well and sitting less than a foot from a very large raw aquamarine given to me by one of the Order. You may know him. I am well sheltered and warm, keeping my personal space somewhere close to 80 degrees F.

Must be my lizard blood. :hilarious:

I had you in my thoughts yesterday in a particular way, as you often enter my thoughts. My particular thought was a desire to visit you. It could be on semi-official TOT ground crew business.:winner:

Welcome to TOT. My forum of cyber-exile. I have grown fond of the place. Reminds me of the Shire in some ways. (Ducks to avoid a flung piece of earwax):shocked:

22nd January 2014, 23:49
I heard that thought, it seems....

It went on thinking itself until it imagined for me a cabin built on the back of the land designed with wintering wizards in mind.

22nd January 2014, 23:56
Ducking now to [I]avoid[I] the earwax . . . . . your current avatar seems to be pulling my eye to it and the hole is getting wider. An illusion I know but a little disconcerting . . .

22nd January 2014, 23:57
I heard that thought, it seems....

It went on thinking itself until it imagined for me a cabin built on the back of the land designed with wintering wizards in mind.

(Big smile) Build it and they will assuredly arrive. I heartily endorse such concepts. Would even like to be a part of their creation.:whstl:

23rd January 2014, 00:00
Ducking now to [I]avoid[I] the earwax . . . . . your current avatar seems to be pulling my eye to it and the hole is getting wider. An illusion I know but a little disconcerting . . .

My new avatar is a cymatic pattern from the 432 hertz 'A' note. It will be a temporary one until I locate my preferred one.

23rd January 2014, 00:10
the new avatar looks to me like the oroborus got himself an x-ray....

23rd January 2014, 00:27
With my new avatar, let me offer a proper 'grounded' welcome. Merry Meet, Purple Lama.

Merry Meet to all visitors of the tent.:tiphat:

23rd January 2014, 00:31
Hi Purple Lama - are you stopping for a brew and to tarry a while? :)

23rd January 2014, 00:40
Hi Purple Lama - are you stopping for a brew and to tarry a while? :)

I would enjoy that.

23rd January 2014, 00:51
Some warrior wisdom. Useful in times when adversaries have been identified.

know enemy, know yourself: no peril in a hundred battles;
not know enemy, know yourself: win some, lose some;
not know enemy, not know yourself: every battle brings defeat

Sun Tzu

Knowing thyself. Necessary for the desired outcome.

Sun Tzu declared that the best battle plan avoided battle.

23rd January 2014, 03:20
I like this thread. Haven't had a chance to read all of it. Since it started with James Forrestal and had information from someone who knew him, I'm adding some background. He was dedicated, and had his lunch delivered to his office. It is believed his food was tainted with drugs. Perhaps LSD or some other psychotropic crap unknown at the time to create illusion of mental breakdown. He wanted transparency. The first UFO crash was in the 30's; Missouri. The Atomic Energy Commission, Navy and a big corporation called in to sweep it up. I think it was Bechtel Corp.?? This was a drop in the bucket in comparison to the other things he thought the American people should know.

Harry the Haberdasher Truman was the tool that put in place all the alphabet **** in the sewer that's in our face today. General Patton was another one offed after sending the Haberdasher a partial file that would convict another high ranking officer of treason who later became President. General Patton had an appointment with the Haberdasher bringing the balance of the file with him flying from Germany.


Wall Street Lessons: Dillon Read’s James Forrestal

James Forrestal, President of Dillon Read & Secretary of Navy and Secretary of War (Photo courtesy Wikipedia)
James Forrestal’s oil portrait always hung prominently in one of the private Dillon Read dining rooms for the eleven years that I worked at the firm. Forrestal, a highly regarded Dillon partner and President of the firm, had gone to Washington, D.C. in 1940 to lead the Navy during WWII and then played a critical role in creating the National Security Act of 1947. He then became Secretary of War (later termed Secretary of Defense) in September 1947 and served until March 28, 1949. Given the central banking-warfare investment model that rules our planet, it was appropriate that Dillon partners at various times lead both the Treasury Department and the Defense Department.

Shortly after resigning from government, Forrestal died falling out of a window of the Bethesda Naval Hospital outside of Washington, D.C. on May 22, 1949. There is some controversy around the official explanation of his death — ruled a suicide. Some insist he had a nervous breakdown. Some say that he was opposed to the creation of the state of Israel. Others say that he argued for transparency and accountability in government, and against the provisions instituted at this time to create a secret “black budget.”[32] He lost and was pretty upset about it — and the loss was a violent one. Since the professional killers who operate inside the Washington beltway have numerous techniques to get perfectly sane people to kill themselves, I am not sure it makes a big difference.

Approximately a month later, the CIA Act of 1949 was passed. The Act created the CIA and endowed it with the statutory authority that became one of the chief components of financing the “black” budget — the power to claw monies from other agencies for the benefit of secretly funding the intelligence communities and their corporate contractors. This was to turn out to be a devastating development for the forces of transparency, without which there can be no rule of law, free markets or democracy.

I studied Forrestal’s oil painting with his solemn stare during many a private lunch — each time reminded that government service was an important duty and honor in the Dillon tradition but it was a dangerous business. Congressional Committees had roughed up Clarence Dillon. Forrestal had died. Douglas Dillon was Secretary of the Treasury when Kennedy was assassinated.

Because I wanted to understand how the world really worked, I listened carefully. Over years of private lunches and dinners and conversations I watched and listened to hundreds of lessons on how to be careful — the tricks of predator evasion in Wall Street and Washington. In the midst of many knowledgeable teachers, Forrestal’s leadership was a guiding light that was to serve me well in the years ahead.
Wall Street Lessons: The Power of the People

Another thing I learned on Wall Street is the extent to which those who appear to have little material power can have significant power when they organize to do so. My rise to partnership at Dillon Read was fueled by a steady stream of intelligence from loyal secretaries, print shop personnel, drivers and staff whose generosity, street smarts and hard work was a constant reminder that the rise to Wall Street’s board rooms was not necessarily based on performance as opposed to privilege. One of the greatest challenges as an associate at Dillon Read was knowing where to invest our time when multiple partners were pressing us to give priorities to their projects. Hence, a heads up from someone’s secretary that they were trashing me in the year-end reviews was insider intelligence worth its weight in gold. Giving first priority to those who supported us in year-end reviews and compensation could be the difference between failure and success.

Right after I became a partner, I got a call from a personnel department director who was looking for a new secretary for me. The person who called said they were interviewing someone who has been with a Canadian Broadcasting office in New York for seventeen years. This was her first interview since they shut the office down. She was absolutely excellent and if we wanted to recruit her we needed to make her an offer right away. The personnel director said, “The only problem is that she is Jamaican (of African descent), but she is very light skinned.” I was stunned and said something to the effect of “Who cares?” The personnel person said, “If I sent a black person to be interviewed with most of the partners in this firm, I would be fired.” And so I hired Pat Phillips to work for me and was the beneficiary of her extraordinarily overqualified talent until her death twelve years later, by which time she was a Hamilton shareholder and Secretary of our board.

Many years later, after I had started my own investment bank in Washington, D.C., I got a call from a driver at one of the car services that we used to use when I was at Dillon. He said, “Are you doing a deal with Ken Schmidt?” I explained that, yes, I had proposed working together on a fairly large complex transaction. It would take a lot of work but if successful would be great business for both firms. The driver said, “He was in the car last night. He was bragging about how he was going to screw you. Here is what he is going to do.” This was the same Ken Schmidt who had confessed the Dillon partners conversations with my ex-husband. Ken was still blubbering indiscreetly about his bad deeds. And so the driver saved me from my mistake of attempting to partner with my old firm.

The above is on page 7 on the following link http://www.dunwalke.com/
Fair Warning: If you click it, you can't stop reading and it will take you hours; however, you'll learn about the "Popsicle Index" and a lot more. Remember Popsicles when you were a kid?

23rd January 2014, 03:41
This is a good time to broaden my 'lizard' attribution to Forrestal.

We see a warrior dedicated to his assignment. Military 'energy' has a deep resonance with Reptoid energy. This is my perception.

Unwavering diligence to an assignment is (a huge ?)part of reptiod nobility. Nobility meaning noble-ness.

Regarding our military: Not questioning orders and following them with integrity is hive-like behavior. Lay over this, a 'method' of response for when command continuity is compromised and 'individual decisions are needed, and you get a further morphing into a quasi-hive mentality. A mentality that the reptoid races have been said to operate within.

All of the above is just my view. I share it for your perusal. I cannot vouch that agreeing with it will not lead one to useless affiliation with the ramblings of someone at a keyboard on a forum.:ok:

23rd January 2014, 11:11
Hi Purple Lama - are you stopping for a brew and to tarry a while? :)

Rather than to tarry, I am here to set up shop, with the wizard's blessing, of course.

One might say, I saw this thread being formed months ago, and to me it is a homecoming of sorts.

23rd January 2014, 11:22
Rather than to tarry, I am here to set up shop, with the wizard's blessing, of course.

One might say, I saw this thread being formed months ago, and to me it is a homecoming of sorts.

Please do set up shop. I would enjoy the company.:magic:,

Welcome home.

23rd January 2014, 11:39
It is truth, several times I considered opening a thread on tot to be entitled The Wizards Tent. Each time the thought occured, the feeling was to wait. Following that, I understand.

Merry Met, indeed.

23rd January 2014, 11:48
Interesting. It took me awhile to find the right title for the thread because it had to work with the word 'tent' somehow.

I'm off to my mattress in the corner now.

23rd January 2014, 11:56
Rest well, as this wizard takes the day shift....

Mentioning this cabin idea to my beloved spouse, I was not immediately given a list of reasons of why we should not. That, I take as a very good sign.

23rd January 2014, 12:31
It is truth, several times I considered opening a thread on tot to be entitled The Wizards Tent. Each time the thought occured, the feeling was to wait. Following that, I understand.

Merry Met, indeed.

I remember you from PA PurpleLama - is there something a little shorter perhaps - a pet name? Purp sounds either like a crim or gas :)
Have you been following the thread from the beginning? There's some good stuff on here although as always it's open to interpretation. It's trying to find the "right one", hence the Wiz and his words. Oh my goodness. Wise Words = Wiz-ard. I cannot believe I never made that connection before . . . . .

23rd January 2014, 12:45
here's a quick overview..
Of the correlation between shuman 7.86-8 hz and 432 A


with love

23rd January 2014, 13:03
I will answer also to Purple, to Lama, to PL, and to Reilly(my actual name).

23rd January 2014, 14:11
here's a quick overview..
Of the correlation between shuman 7.86-8 hz and 432 A


with love

I think this should go on the Laurel Canyon thread Eelco . . . . ? :)

23rd January 2014, 16:01
Interesting. It took me awhile to find the right title for the thread because it had to work with the word 'tent' somehow.

A little tete a tete in the Tent at TOT.

23rd January 2014, 16:44
A little tete a tete in the Tent at TOT.

Oh ... a teeter TOT'er eh??? http://www.pic4ever.com/images/121.gif

Sweet ... my two fav wiz'z not named Gandalf.

Looks like I will need to recover and dust off my Wizard Speak for Dummies manual ... http://www.pic4ever.com/images/reading.gif


23rd January 2014, 16:48
I think it is hilarious that the smiley for magic is actually Goku doing a kamehameha.

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDJvjXEK6gjYpLWlbf_g9B_Zovt_VnO mT7esJuojj5L_ZOrYfv3Q


23rd January 2014, 17:07
I think it is hilarious that the smiley for magic is actually Goku doing a kamehameha.

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDJvjXEK6gjYpLWlbf_g9B_Zovt_VnO mT7esJuojj5L_ZOrYfv3Q


... until kids come home from school they do ... take your word for it I must ...


23rd January 2014, 17:15
I have always favored this smiley. Perhaps we can petition an admin to make it a :wizard:


23rd January 2014, 17:38
:wiz: So mote it be !

23rd January 2014, 17:51
I went through a phase of scouring the net to find videos of people being attacked by Lamas....

Fortunately, they were never serious in nature, but how I respected the tenacity and integrity of those beasts, the Lamas of course....

23rd January 2014, 17:52
:wiz: So mote it be !

Many thanks, kind Supper Admin.

Sooo, whatcha got cookin'?

23rd January 2014, 17:58
Its just cheese* & crackers tonight, I've eaten waaaaaaay too much already

* Ossau Iraty Basque sheep cheese

23rd January 2014, 18:06
I went through a phase of scouring the net to find videos of people being attacked by Lamas....

Fortunately, they were never serious in nature, but how I respected the tenacity and integrity of those beasts, the Lamas of course....

It would be Lama:

not llama:

Not to say lamas are not tenacious beasts. :wiz:

23rd January 2014, 18:10
My yoga is easy, my burden is light.

It usually involves beer. Although other wizard's may make a different choice of libations, mine is the redneck way, Podunk Magic.

Fred Steeves
23rd January 2014, 18:26
Nice to see you around Reilly. :very_drunk:

23rd January 2014, 18:34
Nice to see you around Reilly. :very_drunk:

Likewise, ol' Fred. :very_drunk:


23rd January 2014, 21:03
I have always favored this smiley. Perhaps we can petition an admin to make it a :wizard:


It was a smiley here in the past so it should be one again. I like that smiley. I brought it to PA and then it got distributed. Always happy to see that wizsmiley.

23rd January 2014, 21:04
:wiz: So mote it be !

That was smooth.

23rd January 2014, 21:24
Rest well, as this wizard takes the day shift....

Mentioning this cabin idea to my beloved spouse, I was not immediately given a list of reasons of why we should not. That, I take as a very good sign.

That little piece of info makes me tingle.:ok:

23rd January 2014, 22:13
That little piece of info makes me tingle.:ok:

There is an old fallen down house, on the back of the property, the heart pine beams and blocks of the foundation are intact. Some other material might be usable, as well, but just that much would be a huge start. Maybe we could bring in Dan the eagle man and perhaps playdo, who also is quite the builder himself. I am great with concepts and design, and I can hammer a nail, but I have little of the skill in between the two that would build a house.

Taking the rest of this out of the thread might be best, I realize.

23rd January 2014, 22:22
There is an old fallen down house, on the back of the property, the heart pine beams and blocks of the foundation are intact. Some other material might be usable, as well, but just that much would be a huge start. Maybe we could bring in Dan the eagle man and perhaps playdo, who also is quite the builder himself. I am great with concepts and design, and I can hammer a nail, but I have little of the skill in between the two that would build a house.

Taking the rest of this out of the thread might be best, I realize.

I share your realization.

23rd January 2014, 22:27
here's a quick overview..
Of the correlation between shuman 7.86-8 hz and 432 A


with love

That was a useful link, thank you. Helpful too.

24th January 2014, 02:36
In a very useful way, souls can be seen as cloud computers of sorts. Souls emanate 'soul families' of which we individual belong to one. All incarnates, and probably other dimensional soul projections, 'upload' experience to the soul/cloud. All information is accessible to the soul emanations, according to their ability. It would be timelessly latent.

For me the higher self is the personal aspect of soul and is intimately involved in our daily affairs. This is our partner when we seek to review our day and its interactions.

All terminology used is my own language for these discussions. Any variance with identical terms with different meanings is understood and accepted.

24th January 2014, 02:51
Anybody ever play with/use the Medicine Cards? The ones with animals and qualities on them.


24th January 2014, 07:48
Mr Wiz, I'm curious as to why you have had a personality transplant (you know I love you).

And why with this thread, being so ready to impart your knowledge all of a sudden.

Sorry to be so blunt, but previous to this, you were shall we say... a bit snarky (Calz's word) and derisive on many posts?

What made you change your mind to post this thread and to translate yourself in such a different way?


24th January 2014, 08:35
Mr Wiz, I'm curious as to why you have had a personality transplant (you know I love you).

And why with this thread, being so ready to impart your knowledge all of a sudden.

Sorry to be so blunt, but previous to this, you were shall we say... a bit snarky (Calz's word) and derisive on many posts?

What made you change your mind to post this thread and to translate yourself in such a different way?


Being purposeful and creative. Many faces can be confusing so keeping it down to just a few helps.:p

I decided on a course to maximize communication and playfulness. Having a thread like this to work in puts me in a good frame of mind as well.

No personality transplant, just working with a modified persona.

24th January 2014, 09:14
Anybody ever play with/use the Medicine Cards? The ones with animals and qualities on them.


No, but I would be interested to know what the North American Mountain Lion /Cougar represents, I had a very lucid dream where I was stood at the door (which is actually three glass doors side by side ) with my wife & dog, and on the raised garden terrace about 14 feet to the right of he door was the most beautiful mountain lion, it then came down & sat on the door step.

It was incredibly HD visually, & there was no fear, just a sense of awe & wonder, (I have never actually seen a mountain lion in real life either.)

24th January 2014, 10:08
No, but I would be interested to know what the North American Mountain Lion /Cougar represents, I had a very lucid dream where I was stood at the door (which is actually three glass doors side by side ) with my wife & dog, and on the raised garden terrace about 14 feet to the right of he door was the most beautiful mountain lion, it then came down & sat on the door step.

It was incredibly HD visually, & there was no fear, just a sense of awe & wonder, (I have never actually seen a mountain lion in real life either.)

It represents, or more correctly its 'medicine' is, leadership.

Medicine is the counsel and animals have for us by the knowledge of their ways. Their special abilities and strengths are the medicine they offer. As well as some things to avoid.

The Medicine Cards derive their name from this.

24th January 2014, 10:56
Mr Wiz, I'm curious as to why you have had a personality transplant (you know I love you).

And why with this thread, being so ready to impart your knowledge all of a sudden.

Sorry to be so blunt, but previous to this, you were shall we say... a bit snarky (Calz's word) and derisive on many posts?

What made you change your mind to post this thread and to translate yourself in such a different way?


Please sister, DO NOT HOLD BACK! :fpalm:

24th January 2014, 11:03
It represents, or more correctly its 'medicine' is, leadership.

Medicine is the counsel and animals have for us by the knowledge of their ways. Their special abilities and strengths are the medicine they offer. As well as some things to avoid.

The Medicine Cards derive their name from this.

To your knowledge, are their a similar set (not tarrot), that picture native men in different trades/environments please?

I was once shown cards in a dream vision, they were life size and portrayed maybe Mayans or something similar and they were passing before me from the right to left. Each one had a single man in a pose for example holding a tool performing some action in a specific environment, it stopped on a card with a man in a forrest, which of course is my church.

24th January 2014, 11:31
To your knowledge, are their a similar set (not tarrot), that picture native men in different trades/environments please?

I was once shown cards in a dream vision, they were life size and portrayed maybe Mayans or something similar and they were passing before me from the right to left. Each one had a single man in a pose for example holding a tool performing some action in a specific environment, it stopped on a card with a man in a forrest, which of course is my church.

Despite the plethora of cards with different themes, the one you describe is not one I know of.

24th January 2014, 11:33
Please sister, DO NOT HOLD BACK! :fpalm:

Hey Brother,

You know me, 'foot in mouth disease' and all that good stuff, lol...I'm an Ozzy.

Sometimes I get a rush of blood to the head and say things that others are thinking, but don't say it.

Where would you other *******s be if it wasn't for me asking pesky questions?

Besides, I know Wizzy loves me in spite of my wild and wacky way with words.

Don't cha wizzy?...:smiley hug:

(Sorry, off topic, excusemoir)

24th January 2014, 11:37
Besides, I know Wizzy loves me in spite of my wild and wacky way with words.

Don't cha wizzy?...:smiley hug:

(Sorry, off topic, excusemoir)

Yes I do.

24th January 2014, 13:26
Ah, the deep wisdom is the meal, whilst the sometimes caustic wit is but the spice, the experience of consuming the wise wizard's thought would be without substance on the one hand, and lacking its particular flavor on the other.

I suppose mod knows I have wide experience with the medicine/totem cards. My own totem was made in 2001, and the deck that was used was handed to me a few years later. In 2009 I gifted my closest friend, who later became my wife, with her own deck, so now there are two decks and books in the house.

My own totem was eventually lost, and the spirit guides, the Left and Right, are the only ones retained in my memory, respectively these are Panther/Unknown and Alligator/Integration. The night my totem was done, I had one of those peak experiences, I was riding in the car with my friend "John the Baptist", and we were having a serious discussion about conspiracies, etc. At a particular point in the ride, I realize the sounds of my friend's voice and that of the car on the road had muted and disappeared, to be replaced with a low, humming vibration, much lower that the vibration of the vehicle. A moment later my sense of vision blacked out totally, leaving me in darkness that was total, with only the humming to be perceived. After what seemed like a long while, I began to see a vague outline of a darker black within the black, and as the recognition of Puma reached my consciousness, the great cat's eyes opened, shining green and gold, and this propelled me abruptly back into the car. It took a few moments to get fully back to my senses, and once I did, all I could do was laugh and giggle. I will never forget "John" saying, OK, You can laugh if you will.... and I had to get a hold of myself, to say no, no, I am not laughing at you, and to proceed to relay the experience, to which he replied, we should do your totem when we get back. And sure enough, the last card drawn, the guardian on the left, was Panther.

My wife, when her totem was done many years later, drew Raven/Magic and Alligator as well. As Panther carries the energy of Mystery or the Unknown, it has been seen than nothing could have been more appropriate, as interfacing with Mystery has been a central theme in the intervening years. It takes a lot of gumption to follow that one, one learns not to hold on to self, otherwise no progress is made.

Years later, 06 I think, was my first encounter with the Ra Material, and I will never forget the one phrase that tickles me to this day, Ra saying All we know, and all we are, begins and ends in Mystery.

Caleb, I would suggest meditating on the dream, to remember as much detail as possible, and to draw them as best as you are able. My interpretation is that these would be a series of archtypal representations particular to you, but should you fully recall, record and interpret them, the lessons you may learn may provide you with a valuable tool for in turn teaching others. The cards might not exist in this reality, until you yourself create them. Such things brought back from the other side are the rarest of gifts.

24th January 2014, 19:46
No, but I would be interested to know what the North American Mountain Lion /Cougar represents, I had a very lucid dream where I was stood at the door (which is actually three glass doors side by side ) with my wife & dog, and on the raised garden terrace about 14 feet to the right of he door was the most beautiful mountain lion, it then came down & sat on the door step.

It was incredibly HD visually, & there was no fear, just a sense of awe & wonder, (I have never actually seen a mountain lion in real life either.)

I had that deck years ago but didn't keep or work with it (story of my life).

A "shaman type friend" suggested Ted Andrews as a good source for that type of information.

I got a couple of books and his card set.

Don't see "mountain lion" but he has a reference to "cougar".

Don't think I can copy from the net and it is too long to type ... will give you the "questions to ask" portion at the end:

Are we ignoring opportunities that present themselves rather than jumping upon them? Are we being too impatient in seeking what we wish? Are we dissatisfied with our progress? Are we being too forceful in our pursuits? Are we letting others take charge? Have we forgotten the importance of self-motivation and initiative?

The Animal-Wise Tarot

Ted Andrews

24th January 2014, 19:49
I did a totem spread some years back and have been able to keep my helpers recorded. However, I would not hesitate to do another session to fond out what might have shifted.

The 7 animals that became my medicine helpers.

Crow=Law. Otter=Woman Medicine, Moose=Esteem, Porcupine=Innocence, Armadillo=Boundaries, Coyote=Trickster and Lizard=Dreaming.

24th January 2014, 19:53
I had that deck years ago but didn't keep or work with it (story of my life).

A "shaman type friend" suggested Ted Andrews as a good source for that type of information.

I got a couple of books and his card set.

Don't see "mountain lion" but he has a reference to "cougar".

Don't think I can copy from the net and it is too long to type ... will give you the "questions to ask" portion at the end:

I like Ted Andrews and have his Animal Spirit book. Something like that. It is an excellent book and a helpful companion to the Medicine cards.

I have often been helped by using the Medicine Cards to get a message regarding a subject that I wish for deeper insight.

24th January 2014, 19:57
Actual tarot cards (prior from his supplementary book):

VIII STRENGTH (as in major arcana) card has Lion (Strength of Will & Inner Sun)

KNIGHT of FOUR-LEGGEDS (Earth Pentacles) has Cougar (Come into Your Own Power)

24th January 2014, 20:03
I had that deck years ago but didn't keep or work with it (story of my life).

A "shaman type friend" suggested Ted Andrews as a good source for that type of information.

I got a couple of books and his card set.

Don't see "mountain lion" but he has a reference to "cougar".

Don't think I can copy from the net and it is too long to type ... will give you the "questions to ask" portion at the end:

Are we ignoring opportunities that present themselves rather than jumping upon them? Are we being too impatient in seeking what we wish? Are we dissatisfied with our progress? Are we being too forceful in our pursuits? Are we letting others take charge? Have we forgotten the importance of self-motivation and initiative?

Thanks Calz, that area has been a thing for me, boy do I have a motivation problem, :blsh:

KNIGHT of FOUR-LEGGEDS (Earth Pentacles) has Cougar ([B]Come into Your Own Power][/B) Yup, thats what I need lol

24th January 2014, 20:14
Thanks Calz, that area has been a thing for me, boy do I have a motivation problem, :blsh:

Yup, thats what I need lol

It is interesting that Armadillo is a big key to personal power. Boundaries are about personal space, ours and others, and proper management of boundaries is key to owning ones power.

24th January 2014, 20:17
My "shaman type friend" suggested keeping a pocket sized journal with you and write down all the animals you come into contact with.

That led to some ... interesting ... things.

Perhaps worthy of others interested to follow up on???

24th January 2014, 20:20
I tend to use animal augury for auspicious timings. Auguries are a study in themselves. I like it because it is a discourse with Creation.

au·gu·ry (ô′gyə-rē)
n. pl. au·gu·ries
1. The art, ability, or practice of auguring; divination.
2. A sign of something coming; an omen: "The chartist buys when the auguries look favorable and sells on bad omens" (Burton G. Malkiel).

24th January 2014, 20:24
My "shaman type friend" suggested keeping a pocket sized journal with you and write down all the animals you come into contact with.

That led to some ... interesting ... things.

Perhaps worthy of others interested to follow up on???

I remember each encounter very clearly. A list over time could show a pattern or theme in place.

24th January 2014, 20:25
It is interesting that Armadillo is a big key to personal power. Boundaries are about personal space, ours and others, and proper management of boundaries is key to owning ones power.

Management of boundaries is a big life lesson for me, my parents are classic narcissists in the true psychological sense of the word, so rather than imparting a correct (or anything like) set of values I got a seriously deformed set that has caused huge problems over the years, thank God I now understand how it works & what not to do / be.

24th January 2014, 20:30
Looks like I need to head out into muggle world and get some provisions. I will return later.

24th January 2014, 20:36
Management of boundaries is a big life lesson for me, my parents are classic narcissists in the true psychological sense of the word, so rather than imparting a correct (or anything like) set of values I got a seriously deformed set that has caused huge problems over the years, thank God I now understand how it works & what not to do / be.

Poorly managed boundaries are a recipe for a host of troubles. Resentment is a huge effect of poor boundary management.

24th January 2014, 20:52
Poorly managed boundaries are a recipe for a host of troubles. Resentment is a huge effect of poor boundary management.

Due to the way narcissists program their kids all that anger and resentment is blamed squarely on the self, making the problem worse, as self esteem becomes none existent.

24th January 2014, 22:03
In a very useful way, souls can be seen as cloud computers of sorts. Souls emanate 'soul families' of which we individual belong to one. All incarnates, and probably other dimensional soul projections, 'upload' experience to the soul/cloud. All information is accessible to the soul emanations, according to their ability. It would be timelessly latent.

For me the higher self is the personal aspect of soul and is intimately involved in our daily affairs. This is our partner when we seek to review our day and its interactions.

All terminology used is my own language for these discussions. Any variance with identical terms with different meanings is understood and accepted.

This is a very nice analogy. My only addition would involve the statement relating to the higher self. As we are to the individual portion of soul, and may draw our "memory" from it, so the higher self would be that furthest future portion, existing after the many recordings of the emanations would have been complete. It is an amazing spectacle to behold (internally) when the HS chirps up and explains this or that, but one must be listening to hear it, and humble to accept it.

This touches on to another thought form I have held, involving incorrect action and the remediation of self, that being that through this inner interaction with the higher self, it becomes possible to "learn lessons" directly, rather than with the reality as the intermediary. Karma gets burned off at a rapid pace, and development into the higher, or spiritual ideals comes about in short order. Part of my current course is in the practice and analysis of these, hence the apparently sound advice from what would to some appear to be a young and not exactly worldly wise person. Makes my butt hurt, just thinking about it. ;)

24th January 2014, 22:40
My "shaman type friend" suggested keeping a pocket sized journal with you and write down all the animals you come into contact with.

That led to some ... interesting ... things.

Perhaps worthy of others interested to follow up on???

Wonderful practice, thanks.

I don't write them down, but I do notice, particularly if it is repetitious. Ted Andrews "Animal Speak" book has always been a good guide for me.

Several years ago my place was infested with ants. What a nightmare. Then I remembered Animal Speak. Looked up "ant". Of course, industrious, order and discipline. No surprises, but I realized I was going through a phase of putting everything off that needed to be done, especially with a particular writing project. hmm . .as soon as I began
diligently working on the project again - bingo! . . the ants disappeared.

25th January 2014, 00:10
I went through a phase of scouring the net to find videos of people being attacked by Lamas....

Fortunately, they were never serious in nature, but how I respected the tenacity and integrity of those beasts, the Lamas of course....

I've heard they make excellent guard dogs - not sure about the beer-swillin' purple ones though . . . . .:)

25th January 2014, 00:21
I tend to use animal augury for auspicious timings. Auguries are a study in themselves. I like it because it is a discourse with Creation.

au·gu·ry (ô′gyə-rē)
n. pl. au·gu·ries
1. The art, ability, or practice of auguring; divination.
2. A sign of something coming; an omen: "The chartist buys when the auguries look favorable and sells on bad omens" (Burton G. Malkiel).

How often: (a) do you do them / (b) should they be done for the same person?

25th January 2014, 00:30
Due to the way narcissists program their kids all that anger and resentment is blamed squarely on the self, making the problem worse, as self esteem becomes none existent.

I am guessing this is all old news that has been dealt with. Parents forgiven or exiled, preferably forgiven, and we move on with our lives. Anything else is dysfunctional. Not to mention a giving away of one's power.

If I have guessed incorrectly, is is because the best outcome is desired for and I wished to project that.

25th January 2014, 00:32
How often: (a) do you do them / (b) should they be done for the same person?

Auguries happen, they are not readings.

I use medicine cards when I want help with counsel or raw counsel itself. I use them as often or as seldom ,as needed. Weeks or months can go by without me using them. Often because I forget to make time for that particular reflection.

25th January 2014, 00:34
I've heard they make excellent guard dogs - not sure about the beer-swillin' purple ones though . . . . .:)

Llamas may be good guards but, lamas tend to be good at meditation. Including purple ones.

25th January 2014, 01:18
Due to the way narcissists program their kids all that anger and resentment is blamed squarely on the self, making the problem worse, as self esteem becomes none existent.

I love my parents so much, although growing up was . . . precarious. It's a VERY tough job being a parent and nobody gets it just right because everybody's so different and has different needs. I may not have made the same mistakes that my folks made but I probably ****ed my kids up just the same. Who among us had a perfect upbringing must be very lucky indeed. Just have to remember all that love, and let it flow, I guess

25th January 2014, 09:49
I am guessing this is all old news that has been dealt with. Parents forgiven or exiled, preferably forgiven, and we move on with our lives. Anything else is dysfunctional. Not to mention a giving away of one's power.

If I have guessed incorrectly, is is because the best outcome is desired for and I wished to project that.

Yes it is old news, they are forgiven because I understand the mechanism at play & don't see it as their fault either, and have them at a suitable distance of 1000+ miles for good measure ;)

I love my parents so much, although growing up was . . . precarious. It's a VERY tough job being a parent and nobody gets it just right because everybody's so different and has different needs. I may not have made the same mistakes that my folks made but I probably ****ed my kids up just the same. Who among us had a perfect upbringing must be very lucky indeed. Just have to remember all that love, and let it flow, I guess

I don't see how any parent can be perfect (no one is), but as long as they do parent their children & love them they are doing both what they can & their duty, unfortunately narcissistic parents do neither, but demand that the child act as if they do in front of others, sometimes the child will delude themselves about the parent(s) in what is called a "fantasy bond" which often proves disastrous in later life, fortunately for me I was never under such an illusion, unlike my poor brothers who still don't get it.

Any way :back to topic:

25th January 2014, 10:30
One thing I learnt from studying history at Uni, was the effect that wars had on the father, the man. Of course when they came home it affected their wife, and then a flow-on effect to the children in turn.

And that in turn flows down into a generational thing.

I can see that happened in my family. And it is no-one's fault, not the individual.

Easy to see with 20/20 hindsight. It doesn't correct the problems overnight though. But being aware of it is half the battle.

I have handwritten letters my Grandfather wrote to his Mother during the first world war. Very stoic, matter of fact, when stating the most inhumane of conditions.

One particular letter (probably when his psychic guard was down and very ill) spoke of seeing his best mate's brains blown out, right next to him. His brains were sprayed all over my Grandfather. And that's just one tidbit he shared, who knows what other atrocities he never shared.

He came back to Australia by a miracle with all limbs intact after 4 years in the trenches. He went on to have a successful business, but at what cost to his wife, his sons and future generations. It lives in me still.

It's not their fault.

25th January 2014, 11:47
Thank you Sooz for sharing.

I too often forget to look at some of the causes that result in peoples actions and judge.
These days it seems that the meme is that its up to people themselves to be aware. When most I feel haven't a clue about how their experiences influence there actions and look on life.
Throw in a few well placed lies for good measure and you have your "shrug" sheeple.

With Love

25th January 2014, 12:25
Maybe a lot of things that cause mental & emotional problems as listed above are actually done on purpose for loosh production :scrhd:

25th January 2014, 23:54
Maybe a lot of things that cause mental & emotional problems as listed above are actually done on purpose for loosh production :scrhd:

And i also wonder, if the theory is true, that we choose our parents/life for certain experiences, then possibly these difficulties we experience are useful to us in terms of spiritual development----yes, tried to explain this in simple terms to an unhappy teenage girl last evening as we went for a walk, sure is great in theory!

26th January 2014, 09:07
And i also wonder, if the theory is true, that we choose our parents/life for certain experiences, then possibly these difficulties we experience are useful to us in terms of spiritual development----yes, tried to explain this in simple terms to an unhappy teenage girl last evening as we went for a walk, sure is great in theory!

Maybe we get given our parents for karmic reasons ? According to my past life memories (if they are real, its complicated lol) I was a bomber pilot in the RAF (WW2) in my previous life, and I lost so many friends that I swore an oath to turn my back on love, because it seemed like a destructive force from my POV (I have a memory of doing this) so I ended up with parents (specifically a mother, who is the most important in this regard) incapable of love. Sometimes its easier to see what something really is & does by its absence.

26th January 2014, 09:39
Thanks for sharing Spiral, lb

26th January 2014, 10:27
Heard an intriguing quote this morning about Lama's

I overheard they are like drums..
They need to be beat before a useful sound is produced.

So far Oh Purple one I am assuming You are a magic drum capable of producing sound on your own.

With Love

26th January 2014, 10:35
Heard an intriguing quote this morning about Lama's

I overheard they are like drums..
They need to be beat before a useful sound is produced.

So far Oh Purple one I am assuming You are a magic drum capable of producing sound on your own.

With Love

That sounds a bit cruel, unless you mean the Dalai Lama, that endless grinning is a bit grating to say the least. :whstl:

26th January 2014, 13:22
And i also wonder, if the theory is true, that we choose our parents/life for certain experiences, then possibly these difficulties we experience are useful to us in terms of spiritual development----yes, tried to explain this in simple terms to an unhappy teenage girl last evening as we went for a walk, sure is great in theory!

I am sure I picked the two people who were going to be responsible for seeing to my peoper development. I chose people who would sit on me and hold me back until I was on my path enough to be able to not make youthful mistakes. Power is something most children do not have the emotional control to wield without things getting ugly. My parents were a gauntlet to run, of sorts. That means they were difficult. All went mostly to plan. Parenting is often hard for children and parents alike.

Holding onto grudges is more than useless. It is dysfunctional and destructive.

26th January 2014, 13:31
Heard an intriguing quote this morning about Lama's

I overheard they are like drums..
They need to be beat before a useful sound is produced.

So far Oh Purple one I am assuming You are a magic drum capable of producing sound on your own.

With Love

I don't understand what message is being delivered here. I am also unsure which lama you are referring to. The lama monk, or the llama animal?

Beating either one does little to improve my ability to understand why this post was made.

26th January 2014, 14:16
Heard an intriguing quote this morning about Lama's

I overheard they are like drums..
They need to be beat before a useful sound is produced.

So far Oh Purple one I am assuming You are a magic drum capable of producing sound on your own.

With Love

Mastery of the drum involves setting down the drum and laying the hands to rest.

Then it is the heart, the mind, the spirit, these each may make their percussion, and the balance of these makes the most wonderful rythyms.

26th January 2014, 14:17
The quote was form a tibetan monk on the buddhist geek podcast.

So its about the lama monks. As we have a purple lama here these days that seems quite capable of producing sounds without beating.
I thought I'd share it in the tent he spends his time here..

That said it of course has me wondering. Do the beatings of life produce more usefull insights?
Is it possible to grow without one?

Beating of course being everything from a mild irritation to full on heardship and suffering.

With Love

26th January 2014, 14:33
I spent time with my medicine drum last evening. It had been calling me for a while as I had been neglecting our time together. The good thing with winter is that I did not need to warm it up to get the humidity out, so there it was, ready and eager. The heartbeat is my favorite beat.

26th January 2014, 23:54
I spent time with my medicine drum last evening. It had been calling me for a while as I had been neglecting our time together. The good thing with winter is that I did not need to warm it up to get the humidity out, so there it was, ready and eager. The heartbeat is my favorite beat.

Sounds like a wonderful way to spend time,lb

27th January 2014, 00:11
Sounds like a wonderful way to spend time,lb

Indeed it is. It is also a great way to travel without leaving the comfort of your home. :cloud:

27th January 2014, 11:16
Indeed it is. It is also a great way to travel without leaving the comfort of your home. :cloud:

Moonlight, do you drum inside or outside? If i were outside i would feel the neighbours might be peering at me and would not be able to relax, and yet outside is probably the best place to be,lb

27th January 2014, 12:36
Moonlight, do you drum inside or outside? If i were outside i would feel the neighbours might be peering at me and would not be able to relax, and yet outside is probably the best place to be,lb

These days, it's in the -20's C around here, so definitely inside ... brrr. In the summertime, I do go outside and keep the tone down. One would not even know I am drumming unless they saw me. Of course, then, I do not let the songs come out, because those can get quite noisy. LOL

I'm playing with the idea of not going to work today... it's cold outside, we had a snow storm, and I just don't feel like it. urgh! But then I think of the people who are waiting on me. Ok, ok... I'm going!

Much Love.

27th January 2014, 18:41

Here is the first of three tower gardens I have built for households in my family for the recent holiday. I completed the third tower just this past weekend. Just add organic dirt, and seeds or seedlings.

27th January 2014, 19:29

Here is the first of three tower gardens I have built for households in my family for the recent holiday. I completed the third tower just this past weekend. Just add organic dirt, and seeds or seedlings.

Is there a 'technology' associated with these towers?

27th January 2014, 20:01
Is there a 'technology' associated with these towers?

I will expand on this question, what grows best & at what height on the tower & on which side & do you orientate it with a face or a corner to the north.

The design is great, ingeniously simple, with a chopsaw & an electric screwdriver quick to make too, if you use those hose pipe snap connectors the watering could be built in, removing the need to hold one over the top or lift a heavy watering can.

I am also guessing from the look of the proportions that the height is a standard length of wood (say six feet ) & that the length of the "shelves" is a whole fraction of one of those lengths (like 3) so that wood use is optimal/ waste minimal ? If it is thats how I make stuff too :chrs:

27th January 2014, 21:03
okok let's see...

The vertical pieces and the crossbars are 2x6 and the shelves are 2x8, the shelves and cross pieces are 2 feet long, and the height is 6 feet. The whole project, three planters, had only a few small scraps left over, as it was all taken from 12 foot lengths. Each planter has space for 64 row feet. it is all made from untreated pine, I opted to make it from material that will ultimately rot, but will not add unwanted chemicals into the mix. I have advised them all to bury logs in the dirt as they fill the inner space. I know quite a bit about companion planting, and planting by the moon, so everyone will be checking with me on the what goes where, when.

It is the idea that some compostables will be able to go into the space at the top, as well, which will help hold in the moisture. The steps on the north and south corners will make watering and putting compostables into the top a bit easier, too.

As for "technology", I will likely be providing some crystals to one household, one household has their own already, and the other won't be interested. I figure it is a win just getting them into growing their own organic produce, and all three houses are all fired up for that. I also found some organic wood dye, so two of them will wind up all kinds of funky colors.

28th January 2014, 03:16
I think when people talk about reptiles and *dramatic gasp* reptilians, things are greatly oversimplified. There are three main areas which in my mind are oversimplified. The first is the reptilian brain, the second is the existence of dinosaurs before mammalian dominance beginning 65 MYA, and the third is the idea that all reptile species are confined to a primitive existence.

For the first, the "reptilian" brain is no more a feature of reptiles than it is a feature of mammals. Why do we call it the reptillian brain when all mammals possess it too? Is it a way of externalising those bestial impulses? A way of disowning them as "not really ours"? We have, thanks to mammalian evolution, the ability to temper those bestial impulses with affection and, especially in humans, with the reason of the prefrontal cortex. We have the ability to rise above those bestial impulses and yet so often do not. Furthermore, for all we think of our bodies as vehicles of our lofty spirits, without the faculties of that reptilian brain, our bodies would never have progressed to the point at which they were fit for our spirits, but now they are we will denigrate those faculties that brought our bodies here, that prepared them for our spirits? It seems a little ungrateful.

For the second, I raise the idea that reptilians have some sort of superior claim to the earth because of the previous predominance of dinosaurs on earth. For all it is commonly assumed that dinosaurs were the first real forms of complex life on earth, there were animals before them. Before the first age of dinosaurs (the Triassic), there was the Permian era, an era in which the pelycosaurs ruled. Now for all they share the -saur suffix of the dinosaurs and many other ancient animals, they were closer to mammals than they were to reptilians, and so why don't mammals, as their descendants, have the superior claim? Of course, in those days there were no mammals or reptiles, but these animals, like dimetrodon and edaphosaurus, were more closely related to mammals than reptiles.

These animals were originally called "mammal-like reptiles" out of the assumption that, as mammals were obviously more evolved than reptiles, reptiles must have come first. It wasn't until anatomical research revealed that these were closer to mammals and so should probably be called "reptile-like mammals" that this name fell out of use. But of course, before these beings, there were other beings. Before these were those who still lived close to the primordial waters from which they had emerged: the insects and the amphibians. If a "first come, first serve" rule applies when it comes to apportioning ownership of the earth, neither mammals nor reptiles would win the day, as we're both Johnny come latelies. All hail the frogs, rulers of the earth! Lol

That behaviour referred to in the first point as behaviour of the reptilian brain is perhaps best thought of as Root chakra functioning, which is concerned with material provision and security. This brings me onto the third point. You know, there is an insidious form of racism which accuses any display of intelligence from a black person as an attempt to act or "pass off" as white. If any black person displaying intelligence is accused of trying to imitate white people, the idea that "true" black people aren't intelligent is surreptitiously reinforced. The same happens with reptiles. When we think of reptiles, we think of cannibalistic Komodo dragons or the living image of the prehistoric archosaurs, the crocodilians. While ever we limit the idea of what a reptilian is to primitive, bestial beings, we will only ever be surrounded by primitive, bestial reptiles. In fact, it is not that reptiles are not as capable of intelligence and affection as any mammal, just that we exclude intelligent and affectionate reptiles from the popular definition of reptile. There is a clade of reptiles that have displayed intelligence unparalleled outside our most immediate evolutionary relatives, including the ability not only to use tools, but to fashion purpose-built and highly specific tools. They have displayed an ability to form emotional relationships not just with their own kind, but also with other animals, including humans. They have also displayed culture in the form of ritual, specifically ritual related to the death of one of their kind.

This clade of reptile is the clade of the birds. By no scientific definition can reptiles be construed as excluding the birds. Ravens have been shown to create highly specific and novel tools for puzzles. They do so in a case-by-case basis demonstrating an adaptive intelligence, and not one which finds a single tool and uses it in so basic a way that it is instinctive. Parrots engaged in intelligence and language-processing experiments have been shown to develop highly personal and affectionate relationships with their scientists, even to the point of being able to express that affection verbally. Finally, magpies have been shown engaged in rudimentary funeral rites for deceased fellows, just like elephants. While we continue to deny the reptilian nature of the birds, reptiles will always be deprived of their greatest success. Do not forget the symbol of the united kingdom of Egypt. The cobra rises and becomes the hawk. To disbar the birds from the reptiles is to say "an intelligent, affectionate or highly evolved reptile" is a contradiction in terms. If such a nonsensical idea were applied to mammals, we would have to emancipate the human race, most cetaceans, elephants, pigs and simians from the races of mammals.

Bird brains do not show the same adaptations by which humans arose like the centaur from among the races of beasts, but they have found different paths to the same heights. There is nothing primitive in reptiles that isn't also present in mammals, and there is nothing advanced in mammals that isn't found in reptiles (specifically, birds). If the reign of the dinosaurs somehow has the power to grant ownership of the earth, the surely that goes to the birds which descend from them, rather than all other reptiles, which do not? It is popular to think of reptiles as the epitome of primitiveness, but how can we think that of those who gave us crows and parrots and eagles? Oh, don't like the birds, they're just self-hating reptiles acting mammalian.

28th January 2014, 04:30
Another wizard had taken its place at this wizzards dwelling.
One of words, amongst other abilities.

Thank you so much for thinking this through and articulate what i could only sense and express in a rudimentary way.

With Love

29th January 2014, 20:30
Purple zapping thingy shield raised such that I might survive the day ...


29th January 2014, 22:15
I once belonged to a pagan chat room. I was astounded by how many witches had no real grounding in the basics of passive magic and how one weaves webs of meaning by being able to see underlying energies in events and objects. So, rather than go into any deep explanation, I will lay out the very few basics and comment on the utility of this knowledge as it develops.

The affiliations given are the classical ones and end at Saturn.

Mercury=Mercury. Aluminum is a modern affiliation.

As a musician, the use of certain metals reveals recipes to those in the know. Bronze being a very good example. Basic bronze is made of Copper and Tin. Venus and Jupiter. A warm organic Venus with outgoing/expansive and regal Jupiter. A very nice recipe for bells made to evoke a protective yet inviting nature.

Now it gets interesting.(At least to me it does) The basic recipe for bronze given above is, more often than not, a starting point. The addition of silver, popular in many sacred bells, brings in the power of the Moon. It speaks to deep parts of our selves. Gold can also be added. Lead in anything that emits waves, as in sound, is a very unsafe thing to do. Repeated exposure to these vibrations will cause neurological problems. This was demonstrated during the use if lead crystals that were used in an instrument called a harmonium. Players and frequent listeners developed various neuropathologies that abated when exposure to the music was stopped.

Iron adds the energy of Mars. A little can be like pepper (a Martian herb) and add vibrancy, too much can aggravate to aggressiveness.

Although proportions of different metals produce different tones and that is one part of the science, the other is adding metals for their desired energetic synergies. The amount of intent used is more important than the volume of the actual metal when energetic considerations part of the magic. Bells and gongs are able to clear and add their own frequencies when used.

I have a medium sized Tibetan bell that clearly has some Silver in it and at least a couple of flakes of Gold.

Fred Steeves
30th January 2014, 11:59
Very interesting, something new to learn every day.

Iron adds the energy of Mars. A little can be like pepper (a Martian herb) and add vibrancy, too much can aggravate to aggressiveness.

Sounds rather like cooking, season to taste. Oh, and easy on the pepper lol.

Although proportions of different metals produce different tones and that is one part of the science, the other is adding metals for their desired energetic synergies. The amount of intent used is more important than the volume of the actual metal when energetic considerations part of the magic.

I'm not surprised intent is the prime ingredient, that makes sense. Am I to assume you mean intent from the actual maker of a bell, the one who rings it, or maybe even both?

Looks like we're getting into the realms of alchemy here, of which I have very little knowledge. So going back to the intent factor, here is a real life question as to practical application: There's an old, fairly decent sized iron bell set in a concrete knee wall in front of our house by the previous owner. That would make it an awfully peppery dish huh? Are you saying I can tone that down a bit through intent, toss in a few different "spices", thus creating a new, and personalized resonance?

Bells and gongs are able to clear and add their own frequencies when used.

What do you mean by that?

30th January 2014, 12:13
Hi modwiz,

So when one gets a feel for say a tibetan singing bowl,
Would you be able to change its frequency or intent by putting different metal objects inside the bowl before ringing it?

Or maybe ornate it with feathers and such to add some animal medicine?
I had never thought of that before...

With Love

30th January 2014, 12:37
This was demonstrated during the use if lead crystals that were used in an instrument called a harmonium. Players and frequent listeners developed various neuropathologies that abated when exposure to the music was stopped.

The instrument invented by Ben Franklin? I would be interested to know more about the players and listeners who were affected (I've always found the sound of it to be cloyingly sweet, so try to avoid it).

30th January 2014, 12:43
Hi modwiz,

So when one gets a feel for say a tibetan singing bowl,
Would you be able to change its frequency or intent by putting different metal objects inside the bowl before ringing it?

Or maybe ornate it with feathers and such to add some animal medicine?
I had never thought of that before...

With Love

No, to the first question. I do not wish to confuse magic/energy with make-believe.

The second question is one I had not considered but, it seems a valid way of synergizing energies. If I had a Tibetan bowl, making use of this technique you have suggested would be something I would employ.

Great idea.

30th January 2014, 12:49
Very interesting, something new to learn every day.

Sounds rather like cooking, season to taste. Oh, and easy on the pepper lol.

I'm not surprised intent is the prime ingredient, that makes sense. Am I to assume you mean intent from the actual maker of a bell, the one who rings it, or maybe even both?

Looks like we're getting into the realms of alchemy here, of which I have very little knowledge. So going back to the intent factor, here is a real life question as to practical application: There's an old, fairly decent sized iron bell set in a concrete knee wall in front of our house by the previous owner. That would make it an awfully peppery dish huh? Are you saying I can tone that down a bit through intent, toss in a few different "spices", thus creating a new, and personalized resonance?

What do you mean by that?

I was referring to the intent of the maker. I do want to clarify my statement about intent. Materials matter, sometimes crucially, but the act of creation has many components and conditions.

Regarding your iron ball, it would have to be melted down with the process starting from creation. I would advise against a bell or gong based on iron. It would have a very strong martial resonance.

30th January 2014, 12:50
Here's one.

She looked awful (as in sick) on almost al footage I saw of her.
Might have been the harmonium?

didn't affect her ability to move people though

With Love

30th January 2014, 12:56
The instrument invented by Ben Franklin? I would be interested to know more about the players and listeners who were affected (I've always found the sound of it to be cloyingly sweet, so try to avoid it).

Yes, that instrument. Good call.

Know more? Like what? It would be like some form of lead poisoning.
I do not recall more information being given than what I gave. The source is a now almost out of print book, "Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing Vol.II". $91.56 on Amazon.
If I can find my book I will see if there is any more detail about the neuropathologies.

After observing the ill effects of the lead crystals they changed to glass or pure quartz.

A harmonium outfitted without lead is a special instrument.

30th January 2014, 12:59
Here's one.

She looked awful (as in sick) on almost al footage I saw of her.
Might have been the harmonium?

didn't affect her ability to move people though

With Love

I just listened. I believe this is a different kind of harmonium, more like an organ.

30th January 2014, 14:30
It would not surprise me in the slightest to think that different materials have a medicinal or toxic effect on the body simply by creating sound. We know that sound has an influence on the body, and it stands to reason when we consider that sound is information transmission — it's a longitudinal "compression wave" and I think of it as a sort of molecular Chinese whisper, every molecule receiving the information from the molecule on one side and passing it along to the molecule on the other. When we consider that every material in the world has its own vibration, each material that produces sound when struck, &c., has a definitive influence on the nature of that sound. If something is an energetic healer, the sound it produces could carry that healing signature and impart it to all molecules through which the sound passes, including the molecules of our body, and particularly the water in our body that acts as a recorder of energetic imprints.

This is one of the reasons I won't be around stones with fluorine in them. I do not avoid fluoridated water only to go sucking in the energetic poison of fluorine into my own water. My friend and I created a form of energetic healing and purification using sound. We'd take herbs of a certain nature and create a decoction in the normal manner. Then we'd fill a glass about half full with this tincture and add gemstones of a similar nature. Once assembled, we'd run a finger around the rim of the glass repeatedly to generate a sound. We'd only use lead crystal glasses for this if we were using herbs and stones connected to Saturn, Capricorn or Aquarius. As the "recipes" and uses of these things diversfied and multiplied, we began decorating the glasses by painting them in certain colours and inscribing them with symbols and words to contribute to the "flavour".

We considered it was that glass produced a sound amplified by the shape of the glass. This sound would pass through the tincture and stones, which would act upon it the way a coloured lense acts upon light. We know anyway that from a purely physical point of view, one substance will affect the sound produced quite noticeably. They would impart their nature to the sound and its energetic signature. It is like creating an atmosphere or field full of energy of a specific nature. Anybody who could hear the sound was within the field.

If I could recommend nothing else on this topic to people, I would recommend having a set of seven such glasses, one for each chakra. Not only can you use tinctures and stones relating to each chakra, you can change how full the glass is overall to change the note to match the note of each chakra.

Another option when colouring the glasses to "tune" them is to use oil paints. These are useful because they can be mixed with small amounts of essential oils. Once so mixed, they can be painted on the outside of the glass's vessel or bulb and left to dry (you might want to leave a small margin around the rim so you don't rub the paint off) . It's another way of bringing in the energetic quality of plants. For example, by mixing black or green oil paint with a little star anise and clary sage oils, you can make a paint that will strengthen the psychic senses. Using black oil paint with these two oils and painting the back of a piece of glass or the outside of a glass bowl is an effective way of creating a "mirror of art" or scrying bowl respectively.

30th January 2014, 14:35
It would not surprise me in the slightest to think that different materials have a medicinal or toxic effect on the body simply by creating sound. We know that sound has an influence on the body, and it stands to reason when we consider that sound is information transmission — it's a longitudinal "compression wave" and I think of it as a sort of molecular Chinese whisper, every molecule receiving the information from the molecule on one side and passing it along to the molecule on the other. When we consider that every material in the world has its own vibration, each material that produces sound when struck, &c., has a definitive influence on the nature of that sound. If something is an energetic healer, the sound it produces could carry that healing signature and impart it to all molecules through which the sound passes, including the molecules of our body, and particularly the water in our body that acts as a recorder of energetic imprints.

This is one of the reasons I won't be around stones with fluorine in them. I do not avoid fluoridated water only to go sucking in the energetic poison of fluorine into my own water. My friend and I created a form of energetic healing and purification using sound. We'd take herbs of a certain nature and create a decoction in the normal manner. Then we'd fill a glass about half full with this tincture and add gemstones of a similar nature. Once assembled, we'd run a finger around the rim of the glass repeatedly to generate a sound. We'd only use lead crystal glasses for this if we were using herbs and stones connected to Saturn, Capricorn or Aquarius. As the "recipes" and uses of these things diversfied and multiplied, we began decorating the glasses by painting them in certain colours and inscribing them with symbols and words to contribute to the "flavour".

We considered it was that glass produced a sound amplified by the shape of the glass. This sound would pass through the tincture and stones, which would act upon it the way a coloured lense acts upon light. We know anyway that from a purely physical point of view, one substance will affect the sound produced quite noticeably. They would impart their nature to the sound and its energetic signature. It is like creating an atmosphere or field full of energy of a specific nature. Anybody who could hear the sound was within the field.

If I could recommend nothing else on this topic to people, I would recommend having a set of seven such glasses, one for each chakra. Not only can you use tinctures and stones relating to each chakra, you can change how full the glass is overall to change the note to match the note of each chakra.

Another option when colouring the glasses to "tune" them is to use oil paints. These are useful because they can be mixed with small amounts of essential oils. Once so mixed, they can be painted on the outside of the glass's vessel or bulb and left to dry (you might want to leave a small margin around the rim so you don't rub the paint off) . It's another way of bringing in the energetic quality of plants. For example, by mixing black or green oil paint with a little star anise and clary sage oils, you can make a paint that will strengthen the psychic senses. Using black oil paint with these two oils and painting the back of a piece of glass or the outside of a glass bowl is an effective way of creating a "mirror of art" or scrying bowl respectively.

Thank you for this contribution.

30th January 2014, 14:49
I'd like to make a small addendum. I said we'd only ever use lead crystal glasses for Saturn, Capricorn or Aquarius, but even then we'd be much more likely not to. Lead seems to carry all the harmful influences of Saturn with none of the good. Saturn can be of a helpful nature, but it's austere and severe and this harshness, already strong enough in Saturn, seems emphasised in lead in a way which drowns out the modest good which Saturn can contribute.

And, at the same time, there's a sense of asymmetry to use lead crystal glasses for Saturn-related things when there isn't a "gold crystal" glass for solar energies, and so on. It may be easier to induce this resonant sound in lead crystal than in ordinary glass, but on an energetic basis this is a false economy.

30th January 2014, 15:07
I'd like to make a small addendum. I said we'd only ever use lead crystal glasses for Saturn, Capricorn or Aquarius, but even then we'd be much more likely not to. Lead seems to carry all the harmful influences of Saturn with none of the good. Saturn can be of a helpful nature, but it's austere and severe and this harshness, already strong enough in Saturn, seems emphasised in lead in a way which drowns out the modest good which Saturn can contribute.

And, at the same time, there's a sense of asymmetry to use lead crystal glasses for Saturn-related things when there isn't a "gold crystal" glass for solar energies, and so on. It may be easier to induce this resonant sound in lead crystal than in ordinary glass, but on an energetic basis this is a false economy.

Most narcotic plants were given an affiliation with Saturn. This was prior to the 'discovery' of Neptune, which fits much better for me. Although I do also see a correlation with the electro-insulative properties of lead and the insulating/deadening affects of narcotics. Especially when abused instead of used. There are times when insulation, of any sort, allows one to survive something that might otherwise overwhelm.

Once again, thank you for bringing thoughtful and informative discourse to the tent.

I'd like to acknowledge Water, the medium for holding intention and information.

30th January 2014, 15:39
I completely agree with your assessment of narcotics as Neptunian rather than Saturnine. Neptune has heavy streaks of escapism running through it, and abuse of narcotics and alcohol and anything that stupefies is of this Neptunian character. Saturn really has very little patience for almost everything Neptunian. The overarching theme of harmfulness that Saturn embodies ensures there will always be some connection when anything is abused, but the narcotic nature of the abuse is strongly Neptunian. As a similar theme, love of food even to the point of sheer gluttony is a Jovian trait, but the harm it does through a complete lack of moderation is a Saturnine trait (moderation itself is also of Saturn). Jupiter loves food, Neptune loves escapist drugs, and Saturn loves problems.

At the same time, though, Saturn loves discipline and when Saturn is well expressed, Jupiter can enjoy food without binging and Neptune can enjoy alcohol without alcoholism. Saturn is the very epitome of the Victorian father; it might have some good influence, but any such nurturing side is hidden beneath layer upon layer of dogmatism and domineering.

What you say of insulation as a life-saver is completely spot on for me. A classical pairing of planets is Mars and Saturn, considered together the two "evil" planets. One is the unstoppable force and the other the immoveable object. When life is rushing at one with a speed and insistence that makes it hard to resist, Saturn has the power to shield against much of that oncoming torrent. It is almost as though it gives one time to acclimatise, to dip one's toe in the water rather than to plummet into it.

For me, drugs which do not deaden but which enliven and are primarily spiritual drugs, like diviner's sage or ayahuasca, are of the nature of Uranus rather than Neptune at least insofar as they are visionary (the purging found in ayahuasca is more Jovian and Venusian, because as a pair nothing is as effective at purification as these two).

30th January 2014, 19:36
My purpose in sharing some of this information is to form a basis of reference that can be built upon.

Color is its own category, so let me start that conversation with days of the week and their colors and planetary affiliations.
Spanish weekday names reveal planetary affiliation and are posted where applicable.

Sunday, yellow/gold, the Sun.
Monday/Moonday, white/silver, the Moon.
Tuesday/Martes, Red,Crimson, Mars.
Wednesday/Miercoles, Blue, Mercury.
Thursday/Jueves, Purple, Jupiter.
Friday/Viernes, Green, Venus.
Satuday/Sabado, Black, Saturn.

Four of the five week days are aligned with the Norse pantheon.

Tiwsday. Tiw,Tiu, Tir is their equivalent god of war. although (W)Odin/Woden shares some of those duties.
Wodensday. Correspondence with Mercury is tenuous in some views but, it seems good to me. Especially with Loki as a traveling companion.
Thorsday. Thor made lightning and so did Zeus/Jupiter/Jove.
Freyasday. Also Frigga.

I find the cultural aspects of Norse mythology to be unique and less universal (unless worked) than the Greco/Roman concepts.

30th January 2014, 19:40
Accidental double post owing to improvements in progress.

Just noticed a post of mine and Purple Lama's has gone missing.

30th January 2014, 20:31
This is a post of mine that was lost during improvements. I had the uncharacteristic foresight to save a copy before I posted it.


I agree completely with your distinction between the differences in the ways Jupiter and the Sun work. For me, Jupiter is a mirror in the incarnated world of the Sun, which is the original principle in the supernal. Venus, on the other hand, is like the avatar of the Moon. The Sun and the Moon are the primordial yang and yin. The primordial yang is in its essence a projection, the process of taking something from a state of potential to a state of actuality. The primordial yin is a reception, the process of taking something from a state of actuality into a state of potential.

These two have corollaries in the incarnated worlds in the planets Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter mirrors the primordial projection of the Sun and can be thought of as a high priest commending something to the spirit. Venus, on the other hand, is like a priestess or oracle not sending up to the spirit, but divining something from the spirit into the physical. Between the Sun which projects from the spirit and Venus which takes delivery, there is a path of divination. Likewise between Jupiter which promotes from the physical and the Moon which beckons back towards the spirit, there is a path of hallowing, erection or dedication.

Jupiter and Venus then are like lesser-world analogues of higher-world principles, though in their interactions they cross to their complimentary principle. The way the three principal spheres on the tree of life, Kether, Chokmah and Binah (Crown, Wisdom and Understanding/realisation) are supernal spheres mirrored in incarnation by the spheres by Tiphareth, Chesed and Gvurah (brilliance/beauty, mercy and strength/destruction), the principles represented by the Sun and Moon find counterparts in Jupiter and Venus.

Because Venus embodies in the physical world the primordial magnetic, it has the power to thoroughly cleanse by drawing in spiritual light. Then, the magnifying power of Jupiter commends the cleansed thing to the spirit world, it raises the vibration by bridging the gap between the physical and the spiritual, between the low and the high. The combination of Venus and Jupiter is an act of hierogamy in which the worlds are brought closer together. It is like the neopagan practice of casting a circle in that the circle is held to exist simultanaeously in all worlds.

Venus cleanses by drawing down spiritual light which drives away spiritual dross or stagnating energy. Jupiter then follows up on this cleansing by creating a degree of imperviousness to that dross or stagnation. The two together are like cleaning a piece of furniture and then applying a layer of wipe-clean varnish.

In the incarnated world, those original principles, the primordial yang and yin, called the electric and magnetic principles in Bardonian terminology, are represented in different ways. The incarnated electric forces are the resplendent fire (Mars) and lofty air/wind (Uranus), while the incarnated magnetic forces are the abyssal water (Neptune) and the barren earth (Saturn). Jupiter and Venus stand between these four.

The four elements are like a kaleidoscopic fracturing of the original principles. As yang and yin are two faces of the one spirit, so are the two elements of each polarity a fracturing of the original principles. As Yang is incarnated it fractures into Yang of Yang, or fire, and Yin of Yang, or air. Likewise as Yin is incarnated it fractures into Yang of Yin, or water, and Yin of Yin, or earth. This is why fire is the most energetic of the elements and earth is the densest.

Because Jupiter and Venus best represent in an incarnated sense the discarnate Yang and Yin, they less than any other force least demonstrate this fracturing of energy. As the ember burns and churns out smoke, there is a moment of transition at which fire becomes air. This is Jupiter, and so it is both fire and air. As stirred water settles and the sediment sinks, or else as water freezes and becomes ice, there is also a moment of transition in which the flowing of water becomes the hibernating earth. This is Venus. Venus is dissolution and Jupiter confirmation or erection.

In this way, a purification and hallowing by application of the electric and magnetic mediators (the terms I use to describe Jupiter and Venus respectively) is a consecration by all the elements. Furthermore, the status of Jupiter and Venus as the greater and lesser benefics implies into the working a useful beneficence.

As you said we can only go by our own understanding, so too do I realise that these are only my meditations upon the elements and their interactions, and so their catholicity is in nowise assumed.

30th January 2014, 20:57
My purpose in sharing some of this information is to form a basis of reference that can be built upon.

Color is its own category, so let me start that conversation with days of the seek and their colors and planetary affiliations.
Spanish weekday names reveal planetary affiliation and are posted where applicable.

Sunday, yellow/gold, the Sun.
Monday/Moonday, white/silver, the Moon.
Tuesday/Martes, Red,Crimson, Mars.
Wednesday/Miercoles, Blue, Mercury.
Thursday/Jueves, Purple, Jupiter.
Friday/Viernes, Green, Venus.
Satuday/Sabado, Black, Saturn.

Four of the five week days are aligned with the Norse pantheon.

Tiwsday. Tiw,Tiu, Tir is their equivalent god of war. although (W)Odin/Woden shares some of those duties.
Wodensday. Correspondence with Mercury is tenuous in some views but, it seems good to me. Especially with Loki as a traveling companion.
Thorsday. Thor made lightning and so did Zeus/Jupiter/Jove.
Freyasday. Also Frigga.

I find the cultural aspects of Norse mythology to be unique and less universal (unless worked) than the Greco/Roman concepts.

The links between Odin and Mercury as the gods of Wednesday and Mercredi become more obvious when we consider Mercury not as messenger of the gods, but as Hermes Psychopompos, one of the gods responsible for leading souls to the afterlife.

It might (or might not) interest you to know that the East Asian names for the days of the week follow a similar pattern. In Japanese, they are 月曜日 (getsuyōbi, or moon-week-day), 火曜日 (kayōbi, or fire-week-day), 水曜日 (suiyōbi, or water-week-day), 木曜日 (mokuyōbi, or wood-week-day), 金曜日 (kin'yōbi, or metal-week-day), 土曜日 (doyōbi, or earth-week-day) and 日曜日 (nichiyōbi, or sun-week-day). The ka-, sui-, moku-, kin- and do- in the names of Tuesday to Saturday are taken from the words 火星, 水星, 木星, 金星, and 土星 (kasei - Mars, suisei - Mercury, mokusei - Jupiter, kinsei - Venus and dosei, Saturn).

The names of the days are clearly linked to the seven major planets, and each is connected to one of the five Eastern elements. The Japanese use the five Chinese elements of metal, fire, wood, water and earth, despite having a five element system much more like the Western form: they have fire, wind, water and earth, and "void" in the place of aethyr.

30th January 2014, 21:19
Strange.. I have come across colour lists before, but regarding the days of the week I have seen them as colours as long as I can remember.
Monday is sky blue
Tuesday a light orangy colour
Wednesday black or indigo ( night sky)
thursdays as yellow very intens from within.
friday is a greyish blue
saturday as beige/white with a hint of red warmth without red.
and sunday as red..

With Love

30th January 2014, 21:27
This is a post of mine that was lost during improvements. I had the uncharacteristic foresight to save a copy before I posted it.


I agree completely with your distinction between the differences in the ways Jupiter and the Sun work. For me, Jupiter is a mirror in the incarnated world of the Sun, which is the original principle in the supernal. Venus, on the other hand, is like the avatar of the Moon. The Sun and the Moon are the primordial yang and yin. The primordial yang is in its essence a projection, the process of taking something from a state of potential to a state of actuality. The primordial yin is a reception, the process of taking something from a state of actuality into a state of potential.

These two have corollaries in the incarnated worlds in the planets Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter mirrors the primordial projection of the Sun and can be thought of as a high priest commending something to the spirit. Venus, on the other hand, is like a priestess or oracle not sending up to the spirit, but divining something from the spirit into the physical. Between the Sun which projects from the spirit and Venus which takes delivery, there is a path of divination. Likewise between Jupiter which promotes from the physical and the Moon which beckons back towards the spirit, there is a path of hallowing, erection or dedication.

Jupiter and Venus then are like lesser-world analogues of higher-world principles, though in their interactions they cross to their complimentary principle. The way the three principal spheres on the tree of life, Kether, Chokmah and Binah (Crown, Wisdom and Understanding/realisation) are supernal spheres mirrored in incarnation by the spheres by Tiphareth, Chesed and Gvurah (brilliance/beauty, mercy and strength/destruction), the principles represented by the Sun and Moon find counterparts in Jupiter and Venus.

Because Venus embodies in the physical world the primordial magnetic, it has the power to thoroughly cleanse by drawing in spiritual light. Then, the magnifying power of Jupiter commends the cleansed thing to the spirit world, it raises the vibration by bridging the gap between the physical and the spiritual, between the low and the high. The combination of Venus and Jupiter is an act of hierogamy in which the worlds are brought closer together. It is like the neopagan practice of casting a circle in that the circle is held to exist simultanaeously in all worlds.

Venus cleanses by drawing down spiritual light which drives away spiritual dross or stagnating energy. Jupiter then follows up on this cleansing by creating a degree of imperviousness to that dross or stagnation. The two together are like cleaning a piece of furniture and then applying a layer of wipe-clean varnish.

In the incarnated world, those original principles, the primordial yang and yin, called the electric and magnetic principles in Bardonian terminology, are represented in different ways. The incarnated electric forces are the elements resplendent fire (Mars) and lofty air/wind (Uranus), while the incarnated magnetic forces are the abyssal water (Neptune) and the barren earth (Saturn). Jupiter and Venus stand between these four.

The four elements are like a kaleidoscopic fracturing of the original principles. As yang and yin are two faces of the one spirit, so are the two elements of each polarity a fracturing of the original principles. As Yang is incarnated it fractures into Yang of Yang, or fire, and Yin of Yang, or air. Likewise as Yin is incarnated it fractures into Yang of Yin, or water, and Yin of Yin, or earth. This is why fire is the most energetic of the elements and earth is the densest.

Because Jupiter and Venus best represent in an incarnated sense the discarnate Yang and Yin, they less than any other force least demonstrate this fracturing of energy. As the ember burns and churns out smoke, there is a moment of transition at which fire becomes air. This is Jupiter, and so it is both fire and air. As stirred water settles and the sediment sinks, or else as water freezes and becomes ice, there is almost a moment of transition in which the flowing of water becomes the hibernating earth. This is Venus. Venus is dissolution and Jupiter confirmation or erection.

In this way, a purification and hallowing by application of the electric and magnetic mediators (the terms I use to describe Jupiter and Venus respectively) is a consecration by all the elements. Furthermore, the status of Jupiter and Venus as the greater and lesser benefics implies into the working a useful beneficence.

As you said we can only go by our own understanding, so too do I realise that these are only my meditations upon the elements and their interactions, and so their catholicity is in nowise assumed.

Excellent short essay on this subject. It was filled with useful information. I am glad we had the good fortune of your saving this post.

Must be a coincidence. :rolleyes:

30th January 2014, 21:31
Strange.. I have come across colour lists before, but regarding the days of the week I have seen them as colours as long as I can remember.
Monday is sky blue
Tuesday a light orangy colour
Wednesday black or indigo ( night sky)
thursdays as yellow very intens from within.
friday is a greyish blue
saturday as beige/white with a hint of red warmth without red.
and sunday as red..

With Love

Never saw these correspondences. Cayce had ones different than the classical but, these are not those.
If it makes sense for you, work with it. The classical color affiliations have a lot of confirmation in meditations and works for me. However, it is a system, not a law.

Thanks for sharing.

30th January 2014, 23:07
I am enjoying the way the thread is unfolding.

Some random ramblings from Rhosgobel:

"Tastes Like Chicken" a PA thread now moved from public eyes. Saw some of it before it was moved. Only one poster made any sense to me. Hardly a thread for opening inter-species dialog. :rolleyes:

We can make adrenaline and even have adrenaline 'junkies'. I wonder if the Reptoids can make adrenaline?:scrhd:

31st January 2014, 04:35
Never saw these correspondences. Cayce had ones different than the classical but, these are not those.
If it makes sense for you, work with it. The classical color affiliations have a lot of confirmation in meditations and works for me. However, it is a system, not a law.

Thanks for sharing.

I never worked with them in that sense.
In my mind its not so much an affiliated colour more that the days of the week are that colour. they are indistinguishable.
If i think of the day of the week the colour is there also. Always..

Its not the other way around though.

With Love

31st January 2014, 15:38
《peeking in》Is there room for 1(inmany) more in this here tent? I just want to slide over into the corner over here and listen. I promise not to ask a million questions. Okay, I really don't :)

31st January 2014, 15:44
《peeking in》Is there room for 1(inmany) more in this here tent? I just want to slide over into the corner over here and listen. I promise not to ask a million questions. Okay, I really don't :)

The tent has unlimited room for those who wish to partake. Questions are good. Haven't had one of yours in awhile, although I have been watching. I look forward to your company.

31st January 2014, 16:25
The tent has unlimited room for those who wish to partake.

which direction is this group thinktank taking?

31st January 2014, 16:59
We can make adrenaline and even have adrenaline 'junkies'. I wonder if the Reptoids can make adrenaline?

is that not the energy that they are suppose to feed on?
sexual,violent,hatred,egoistic,jealousy,argumentat ive ,controlling?

lets call it Loosh!

31st January 2014, 17:15
or should we just jump to the chase.
and give indications and instructions of how personally develop?
be a vegan?
go through the dark night of the soul?
be good and loving?
letting go?

knowledge and alchemy is not for a chosen few,just because our history has been rewrote.
it is for everyone to discover.
it cannot be forgot.
as Gaia will not allow it.

from the frequency,s of bells to the alignment of planets,from the word to the color of days,the crystal in the rose garden.

what do we actually know that can benefit us?

31st January 2014, 17:43
I must admit ronin, you have me totally confused. (doesn't take much)

Are you asking - telling - questioning - examining - pushing - denying?!?!?

All of the above/none of the above?

31st January 2014, 17:49
or should we just jump to the chase.
and give indications and instructions of how personally develop?
what do we actually know that can benefit us?

I'd say go for it...
Jump, chase and tell us how its done...


With Love
ps ever hear of the cunning man?

31st January 2014, 18:41
knowledge is?


truth is your experience?
is there a right way and a wrong way?
would source differentiate between what you know?
if you do not know the alchemist way or the khabilest text,
know the moons and it,s cycle,
how to light the right incense on the cycle of the moon.

every being searches outside of self for truth.
with knowledge comes control.
with control comes power.

who and what do you want knowledge and control over?

magik is?

truth could .
just to be.

31st January 2014, 18:42

What in your opinion would be the single most powerful method or object to help lucid dreams develop or conscious dreaming please?

I only ever seem to be semi lucid these days, almost there like i have done many years ago but it seems i am not able to do it so well now? Bloody Saturn and moon dwelling aholes most likely...

Thanks brown one :-)


31st January 2014, 18:45
Fingers pointing to the moon.
A silver ray of truth lights the way..
mistakes are easily made this way.

With Love

31st January 2014, 19:27
This tent is built upon Time Lord Technology — it's bigger on the inside :-)

31st January 2014, 19:46
This tent is built upon Time Lord Technology — it's bigger on the inside :-)

I almost joked about his being a Harry Potter type tent to 1inMany.

31st January 2014, 20:05

What in your opinion would be the single most powerful method or object to help lucid dreams develop or conscious dreaming please?

I only ever seem to be semi lucid these days, almost there like i have done many years ago but it seems i am not able to do it so well now? Bloody Saturn and moon dwelling aholes most likely...

Thanks brown one :-)


Single most powerful...? Not sure I can answer from that perspective but, hopefully I can be of some help.
I lucid dream as I need to. Need to do so depends on what is happening in a dream.

Lucid dreaming developed naturally for me. It began when I broke the cycle of a recurring bad dream that would awaken me from sleep. It was always me on some remote, towering precipice just there with no path down. How I got there was never part of the dream. I would find my self, complete with vertigo from the height, just clinging for dear life. This terror always ended with me waking up. This would occur until the breakthrough.....

I began having fairly regular flying dreams. They began with rudimentary skills often proceeding from a sense of weightlessness and lower gravity pull. Over time I could just fly, Like Neo. LOL

One night, during an unpleasant depositing upon a precipice, my usual horror ended quickly. I remembered I could fly. I flew off the precipice and have never been troubled by this dream again.

This has led to me becoming lucid during some other frustrating dream scenes and making use of the "laws of physics" that seem to apply in my dream state. Pulling together broken plates, cleaning rooms with the wave of a hand of intent of a thought. Very much like a Harry Potter scenario.

What technique did I use? Having a gentle desire with no time frame but, a playful spirit.

31st January 2014, 20:42
which direction is this group thinktank taking?

It remains to be seen.

31st January 2014, 20:55
《peeking in》Is there room for 1(inmany) more in this here tent? I just want to slide over into the corner over here and listen. I promise not to ask a million questions. Okay, I really don't :)

Oh, hell, I'll believe that when I see it.

31st January 2014, 20:55
We can make adrenaline and even have adrenaline 'junkies'. I wonder if the Reptoids can make adrenaline?

is that not the energy that they are suppose to feed on?
sexual,violent,hatred,egoistic,jealousy,argumentat ive ,controlling?

lets call it Loosh!

I don't know what the Reptoid diet is. Simon Parkes might. Terrified children seem to be part of some sort of ritualistic food rite. (Adrenaline hint) If we call it loosh, and the term fits well enough here, then it is the denizens of the loosh 'ecosystem who are the consumers of this chemical-energetic output.

I would seem the Reptoids consume more substantial material food. As a basic diet?

is that not the energy that they are suppose to feed on?
sexual,violent,hatred,egoistic,jealousy,argumentat ive ,controlling?

Sexual energy is not a default loosh producer. Lust, and behaviors associated with this possession, are where the loosh is generated. Matter of factly, within all of these emotions/conditions is fear as the basis or catalyst. Fear is the great adrenaline trigger and loosh producer.

Loosh and fear. If fear were fire, loosh would be smoke. Better, more concise, analogies would involve more typing and some 'pulling'.

31st January 2014, 21:09
I would posit that even lust itself is not the loosh producer, per se, so much as loosh is produces any time an emotive quality takes control and becomes an addictive behavior. There are distinctions, of course, depending on what definition one ascribes to the word. In the sense I would intend for this statement, would entail purely physical attraction. I love my wife, I lust her too, we are both happy with this arrangement. Were I to give in to the abstract feeling of lust, and go chasing every potential candidate for that feeling, I might be happy but my wife would see it quickly become the end of me. A jealous streak, she has.

The point is, it isn't a question of feelings, in my view, but a question of self control, that leads one to the production of the energetic foods of those undesired constructs that would feed upon it. One might take that into the definition of lust itself, as a given, and that's fine but not what I mean. Any good thing can be taken to some extreme, and bring about the nasty juju.

31st January 2014, 21:22
I would posit that even lust itself is not the loosh producer, per se, so much as loosh is produces any time an emotive quality takes control and becomes an addictive behavior. There are distinctions, of course, depending on what definition one ascribes to the word. In the sense I would intend for this statement, would entail purely physical attraction. I love my wife, I lust her too, we are both happy with this arrangement. Were I to give in to the abstract feeling of lust, and go chasing every potential candidate for that feeling, I might be happy but my wife would see it quickly become the end of me. A jealous streak, she has.

The point is, it isn't a question of feelings, in my view, but a question of self control, that leads one to the production of the energetic foods of those undesired constructs that would feed upon it. One might take that into the definition of lust itself, as a given, and that's fine but not what I mean. Any good thing can be taken to some extreme, and bring about the nasty juju.

I agree totally and only the poverty of my phrasing did not convey that sufficiently. Your spousal scenario was a great example and complimented my own post-post thought. How, without some of the baggage that can ride with lust, often after the fact, shame is to play some part. In a clean lust, as you mentioned, one can access many delicious aspects of ones being. Accessing our noble animal nature is a real treat. Still, one makes this journey 'safely' when there will be no second guessing about behavior. Some peril being an excellent focusing tool.

I spoke of lust and the often attendent qualities that ride along when lust chooses a path that is not clear. I speak of being secretive, furtive, fearful of discovery.

Lust was a good one to highlight, PL. Human sexuality is bound to so much of our dysfunction. Even "moral" sex.:fpalm:

This subject could have me typing for hours. Except, I don't do that sort of thing. :hilarious:
Too bad. There is a mother lode here. Pardon my idiom.

31st January 2014, 21:29
and after his worldly encounters .

did Parcival return home?

are you not fragment seeking any tool for knowledge and power to return home.

only the more you seek the further you go from the truth?

31st January 2014, 21:50
or are we speaking truth from within.
the khundilini that takes years to experience?
that is a natuaral state of being and cannot be forced.

but some groups use the serpent and the two pillars to try to control this free knowledge .

a natural being cannot be bought,taught the way of the truth.

it comes naturally.

i need not pray to a golden lamb,a pentagon or the pretty candles and their smells,.
the bells that i hear are lovely to bear.

the love that i long for.
no one can teach.
it is for oneself our ultimate reach.

31st January 2014, 21:51
and after his worldly encounters .

did Parcival return home?

are you not fragment seeking any tool for knowledge and power to return home.

only the more you seek the further you go from the truth?

Further from truth? I see that as a perspective. Walking away confirms the sincerity of the return.

My home is where I am and doing my work. I love Gaia and Her many beauties. There is a deep partnership to be had with our planetary animal Mother. When working with Her, you know you are home. For this now.

31st January 2014, 21:53
Indeed. Even the animal fear has its place as a safety mechanism, but in rumination or obsession becomes a form of possession, either more or less subtle. So much of what is good and desirable in this creaturehood we all partake of has bee turned and twisted by religiosity to mean other than what creator intended for us. We all have our experience of "demons" and what pulls me from the path is not the same as what would pull you. For you, in all your wisdom, have your weakness, and I have my weaknesses as well.

My own approach, being one to balance, has been to make sure if I work hard, I play just as hard, and if I play hard the the corresponding work is to be done. I am not at all opposed to drunken revelry, so long as it is not the goal but fellowship is. Angels still abound in my space as the consciousness gets blurred by drink, but this statment is also subtly illustrative of why such behavior would be anathema to me in public. In the safe spaces of my home, and that of my friends and family, the guard can be let down.

I only use this example, as I know it is one you have experienced the converse, and can speak to that. That which I consider to be my weakness is closer instead to the previous example, that being lust. As much as it is a boon to me and my spouse, I was married once before, in my early-mid 20s, and while she had the experience of physical infidelity, it was preceded by my own mental/emotional infidelity.

Meditation is a wonderful thing, I had a handle on the part I had played in that vivid learning experience in a matter of months, but that was not sufficient for me to avoid the "karma" of the next really major relationship I had which had the circumstance of the other shutting off the physical side of the relationship while I was still very much interested, giving me a direct insight into what I had put my poor exwife through.

Nowadays, the closest thing we have to a marital issue is my natural state of being aloof to mundane chores needing attention, and my ability to not realize when the garbage needs to be emptied, while I am perfectly willing to take it out if it is brought to my attention. I am wandering here, so I will stop.

31st January 2014, 21:55
i need not pray to a golden lamb,a pentagon or the pretty candles and their smells,.

Not good prayer targets in my estimation.;)

31st January 2014, 21:59
Nowadays, the closest thing we have to a marital issue is my natural state of being aloof to mundane chores needing attention, and my ability to not realize when the garbage needs to be emptied, while I am perfectly willing to take it out if it is brought to my attention. I am wandering here, so I will stop.

Men and women have differing timetables around chores. Especially the ones they don't do. They, is either gender in this case.


31st January 2014, 22:03
meditation and lucid dreaming is and can be a wonderful thing.
but please be careful as portals can open that can attract entities to attach to you.
the further you go down the rabbit hole the darker it gets.

then you are given a choice.

am i still on the same page?

31st January 2014, 22:04
Another way to say, as blissful as could be imagined, for me, that is. My wife is very patient, until she isn't. When she isn't, it is by no means undeserved by me. She is Sagittarius and I am Gemini, her moon is Pisces and mine is Aries. We balance very well, and when we don't she knocks me on the head, then we do.

31st January 2014, 22:05
meditation and lucid dreaming is and can be a wonderful thing.
but please be careful as portals can open that can attract entities to attach to you.
the further you go down the rabbit hole the darker it gets.

then you are given a choice.

am i still on the same page?

For entities to attach, they must have something to attach to. Are you paying attention?

31st January 2014, 22:12
meditation and lucid dreaming is and can be a wonderful thing.
but please be careful as portals can open that can attract entities to attach to you.
the further you go down the rabbit hole the darker it gets.

then you are given a choice.

am i still on the same page?

I was asking myself the same thing.

So, in a way, we are on the same page with regards to this query. Funny that.

31st January 2014, 22:16
For entities to attach, they must have something to attach to. Are you paying attention?

my experience is that we are divine beings lost in the conditioning.
there are beings that are willing to overtake our physical being for the experience on earth.

imagine that?a being that wants to take your life just so it can live.
why?because it knows it cannot survive where it is.

am i paying attention?
i am aware of the domes that we can emit and protect a mile or two.

can i do it?

31st January 2014, 22:19
This is a post of mine that was lost during improvements. I had the uncharacteristic foresight to save a copy before I posted it.


I agree completely with your distinction between the differences in the ways Jupiter and the Sun work. For me, Jupiter is a mirror in the incarnated world of the Sun, which is the original principle in the supernal. Venus, on the other hand, is like the avatar of the Moon. The Sun and the Moon are the primordial yang and yin. The primordial yang is in its essence a projection, the process of taking something from a state of potential to a state of actuality. The primordial yin is a reception, the process of taking something from a state of actuality into a state of potential.

These two have corollaries in the incarnated worlds in the planets Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter mirrors the primordial projection of the Sun and can be thought of as a high priest commending something to the spirit. Venus, on the other hand, is like a priestess or oracle not sending up to the spirit, but divining something from the spirit into the physical. Between the Sun which projects from the spirit and Venus which takes delivery, there is a path of divination. Likewise between Jupiter which promotes from the physical and the Moon which beckons back towards the spirit, there is a path of hallowing, erection or dedication.

Jupiter and Venus then are like lesser-world analogues of higher-world principles, though in their interactions they cross to their complimentary principle. The way the three principal spheres on the tree of life, Kether, Chokmah and Binah (Crown, Wisdom and Understanding/realisation) are supernal spheres mirrored in incarnation by the spheres by Tiphareth, Chesed and Gvurah (brilliance/beauty, mercy and strength/destruction), the principles represented by the Sun and Moon find counterparts in Jupiter and Venus.

Because Venus embodies in the physical world the primordial magnetic, it has the power to thoroughly cleanse by drawing in spiritual light. Then, the magnifying power of Jupiter commends the cleansed thing to the spirit world, it raises the vibration by bridging the gap between the physical and the spiritual, between the low and the high. The combination of Venus and Jupiter is an act of hierogamy in which the worlds are brought closer together. It is like the neopagan practice of casting a circle in that the circle is held to exist simultanaeously in all worlds.

Venus cleanses by drawing down spiritual light which drives away spiritual dross or stagnating energy. Jupiter then follows up on this cleansing by creating a degree of imperviousness to that dross or stagnation. The two together are like cleaning a piece of furniture and then applying a layer of wipe-clean varnish.

In the incarnated world, those original principles, the primordial yang and yin, called the electric and magnetic principles in Bardonian terminology, are represented in different ways. The incarnated electric forces are the resplendent fire (Mars) and lofty air/wind (Uranus), while the incarnated magnetic forces are the abyssal water (Neptune) and the barren earth (Saturn). Jupiter and Venus stand between these four.

The four elements are like a kaleidoscopic fracturing of the original principles. As yang and yin are two faces of the one spirit, so are the two elements of each polarity a fracturing of the original principles. As Yang is incarnated it fractures into Yang of Yang, or fire, and Yin of Yang, or air. Likewise as Yin is incarnated it fractures into Yang of Yin, or water, and Yin of Yin, or earth. This is why fire is the most energetic of the elements and earth is the densest.

Because Jupiter and Venus best represent in an incarnated sense the discarnate Yang and Yin, they less than any other force least demonstrate this fracturing of energy. As the ember burns and churns out smoke, there is a moment of transition at which fire becomes air. This is Jupiter, and so it is both fire and air. As stirred water settles and the sediment sinks, or else as water freezes and becomes ice, there is also a moment of transition in which the flowing of water becomes the hibernating earth. This is Venus. Venus is dissolution and Jupiter confirmation or erection.

In this way, a purification and hallowing by application of the electric and magnetic mediators (the terms I use to describe Jupiter and Venus respectively) is a consecration by all the elements. Furthermore, the status of Jupiter and Venus as the greater and lesser benefics implies into the working a useful beneficence.

As you said we can only go by our own understanding, so too do I realise that these are only my meditations upon the elements and their interactions, and so their catholicity is in nowise assumed.

This is fascinating SK, glad you saved it,lb

31st January 2014, 22:22
Ah, different paradigms we experience, then. No worries, I am safely tucked inside my dome. My experience says, something may not enter unless invited, therefore I monitor my level of invitation. Self awareness necessitates the examination of the desirable and undesirable alike, otherwise the door is left wide open.

31st January 2014, 22:26
Ah, different paradigms we experience, then. No worries, I am safely tucked inside my dome. My experience says, something may not enter unless invited, therefore I monitor my level of invitation. Self awareness necessitates the examination of the desirable and undesirable alike, otherwise the door is left wide open.

I see poetry hour has begun.:p

Great post and language.:tiphat:

31st January 2014, 22:30
and when you sit in a tent and decide to open the mind.
how far are you willing to go?

you wanna see fairy lights and all things bright?

smoking the pipe may open your eye.
then you realize all things all things are not as they seem.

31st January 2014, 22:31
and when you sit in a tent and decide to open the mind.
how far are you willing to go?

you wanna see fairy lights and all things bright?

smoking the pipe may open your eye.
then you realize all things all things are not as they seem.

Smoke and mirrors to the undiscerning, perhaps.

31st January 2014, 22:33
It is not a paucity of divinity that leaves a person divided, rather it is the closing that occurs when one thinks one knows.

31st January 2014, 22:33
Ah, different paradigms we experience, then. No worries, I am safely tucked inside my dome. My experience says, something may not enter unless invited, therefore I monitor my level of invitation. Self awareness necessitates the examination of the desirable and undesirable alike, otherwise the door is left wide open.

Hi PL, would you be able to explain the generation of a protective dome? thx lb

31st January 2014, 22:34
Smoke and mirrors to the undiscerning, perhaps.

i am sick to death of saying i know nothing.

31st January 2014, 22:35
i am sick to death of saying i know nothing.

Shut your mouth, would be the easiest answer.

31st January 2014, 22:36
Shut your mouth, would be the easiest answer.

ok thank you.

31st January 2014, 22:37
For entities to attach, they must have something to attach to. Are you paying attention?

Agreed - and deserves attention and an honest look at oneself.

. . . . now take the damn garbage out! :hilarious: Sorry, but your wife sent that message to me via telepathy - or - did I read her mind, hmm. Either way, perform the task s'il vous plait.

31st January 2014, 22:42
Agreed - and deserves attention and an honest look at oneself.

. . . . now take the damn garbage out! :hilarious: Sorry, but your wife sent that message to me via telepathy.

It is a fortunate circumstance, that while the physical garbage is wanting attention, the mental garbage is scarcely allowed to accumulate, as that could be worse, much worse. It is something to behold, the communication that happens (redneck style) at my house, nothing held back, therefore no explosions necessary.

Sarah Sylvia Cynthia Stout....

31st January 2014, 22:50
now the purpose of this tent is?
to teach,give hints or to to self discover?

31st January 2014, 22:50
i am sick to death of saying i know nothing.

It is kind of statistically impossible anyway. :scp:

As a society we count on each other knowing something. We do. Know a thing or two, that is.

Utility is another story.:ha:

31st January 2014, 22:52
It is kind of statistically impossible anyway. :scp:

As a society we count on each other knowing something. We do. Know a thing or two, that is.

Utility is another story.:ha:

for sure.
and this is where it gets boring unless you have something worthwhile to teach!

31st January 2014, 22:54
now the purpose of this tent is?
to teach,give hints or to to self discover?

As the OP, the purpose of the tent is to provide some utility and a little fairy dust and see what comes of it.

31st January 2014, 22:57
for sure.
and this is where it gets boring unless you have something worthwhile to teach!

I am not a teacher. I say things and that might be useful. Hopefully at least interesting or amusing.

The tent door is always open. It allows the interested in, and the bored, out.

31st January 2014, 23:01
As the OP, the purpose of the tent is to provide some utility and a little fairy dust and see what comes of it.

as the OP of this thread i hope you can come up with answers instead of playing games.
seems to me that you have knowledge of allsorts but no answers?

now lets lay the cards on the table!

31st January 2014, 23:12
Hi PL, would you be able to explain the generation of a protective dome? thx lb

I would, and I will, when the dust settles a bit. I will meditate on an effective communication of the concepts involved, and get back to you. I will put up a link on your profile page, when I do. In the meantime, the other wizard may choose to elaborate on his own methodologies, which would surely be a compliment to mine. Ah, heck, let 'er rip.

First off, one must operate with a few assumptions, that being that we are the points at the tip of a ray of illumination that originates with creator, also one must assume that thoughts are things thereby even the thoughts given what can be said to be an ordinary amount of concentration attain a certain level of structure (ordinary means unpracticed, nothing special, just plain ol' concentration), and operating with such assumption one conveys one's intention to Universe and it responds by creating it most efficiently. There are different ways of communicating one's intention to create something, in this case a shield. One might speak it, "Place a shield this size over this thing/place" and accompany this by visualizing it happening as one says it. Alternately, one may prefer to produce a quick drawing of the target/location if one does not have the best visual capacity. Within what belief system one uses, or not, one might enlist higher help as one will, but this is in my estimation only engaging one's own higher energies that have merely been ascribed to some outside source. I do not recommend making it too elaborate, such as attempting to produce a merkaba out of one's own body, for although such might appear to have some shielding quality about it, that isn't what it is really for, and without knowing the real uses of it one might be tapping into something less controllable, and therefore potentially dangerous. Such things are not for everyone (anyone?), contrary to popular belief. Lotsa new age kids out there playing with matches and gasoline.

31st January 2014, 23:13
as the OP of this thread i hope you can come up with answers instead of playing games.
seems to me that you have knowledge of allsorts but no answers?

now lets lay the cards on the table!

You seek to somehow pressure me or cajole me with such words?:dan:

There is no game so, there are no cards either.

Your aggressiveness indicates you do not like this thread,probably because it is not unfolding in a fashion you hold some expectation of. I hope you come to the same conclusion as me that this thread is not going to offer you anything of value. At least at this stage of it. It may assume a form that you would find some worth in.

It's a slow forum and it comes with slim pickins' like this thread and its tent concept. We jes a sleepy lil Shire.:grin:

Fred Steeves
31st January 2014, 23:13
seems to me that you have knowledge of allsorts but no answers?

now lets lay the cards on the table!

Looking for a rumble Ronin? Hang on while I run and grab a couple of frosty cold ones and some popcorn. In the meantime, Michael Buffer does a great introduction.


31st January 2014, 23:13
for sure.
and this is where it gets boring unless you have something worthwhile to teach!

It is not worthwhile at all if there is noone to learn....

31st January 2014, 23:15
Looking for a rumble Ronin? Hang on while I run and grab a couple of frosty cold ones and some popcorn. In the meantime, Michael Buffer does a great introduction.


Fred you offer what to teach.i,m all ears.

31st January 2014, 23:17
Oh, hell, I'll believe that when I see it.

Okay, okay. Fine. You win. I do have a list...I admit it.


I thought it might be nice to sit over here in the corner, peaceful for a bit, watch the sparkles of fairy dust falling. I thought the invisibility cape would be a good choice. And see? It's paying off. I am reminded how much I can learn by listening to the exchanges between my two favorite wizards.

However....I cannot help myself here...what the heck is loosh?

(That is only one question, I might add...)

31st January 2014, 23:20
I find this protective dome people have spoken of not at all a difficult thing to erect. I think the greatest obstacle people come across in trying to make use of their own protective power is realising that they have it and how readily it can be used. People think anything worthwhile has to be difficult. They also think it cannot possibly be that for something to come at them, it has in some way to be invited. The tarot card the Hanged Man is a good focus of meditation in this regard; for all he hangs there and looks a victim of circumstance, what is his complicity in his situation? How has he brought it upon himself through his actions or omissions? What does he do or not do that leaves him hanging?

Okay, okay. Fine. You win. I do have a list...I admit it.

Do you have a problem with brevity too? Sometimes I just can't see to shut up :D

Welcome to the forum, by the way :-)

31st January 2014, 23:22
Loosh is the energetic equivalent of junk food, which feeds the starving though forms that know not proper nourishment. It is a word for the ill and uncontrolled emotions that a human is capable of producing in some circumstances which go to feed the nasties. Bad thoughts or feelings produce the energies that the thought form ingests, which causes the thought form to engage with one to produce more of what it likes. You see the analogy, but have heard it described with other terms, before.

31st January 2014, 23:24
wonders on peoples perception.
is questioning everything a negative or a opposition in other peoples views?

with that simple statement/

lets get ready to rumble.

you are wanting or invoking a arguement.

but all i ask is questions and truth?

31st January 2014, 23:29
Do you have a problem with brevity too? Sometimes I just can't see to shut up :D

Welcome to the forum, by the way :-)

Thank you kindly :) Brevity? Oh no, I do not have a problem with brevity. I enjoy it very much. I find it refreshing actually. Oh wait. You meant am I not brief? Depends on one's perspective. I do not ask every question that comes to mind, so in that regard I can be considered quite restrained. However, I do seem to fumble with the right words, which gives rise to longer posts at times.


Loosh is the energetic equivalent of junk food, which feeds the starving though forms that know not proper nourishment. It is a word for the ill and uncontrolled emotions that a human is capable of producing in some circumstances which go to feed the nasties. Bad thoughts or feelings produce the energies that the thought form ingests, which causes the thought form to engage with one to produce more of what it likes. You see the analogy, but have heard it described with other terms, before.


Well, now, lots of things make sense. Thanks :)

31st January 2014, 23:29
Okay, okay. Fine. You win. I do have a list...I admit it.


I thought it might be nice to sit over here in the corner, peaceful for a bit, watch the sparkles of fairy dust falling. I thought the invisibility cape would be a good choice. And see? It's paying off. I am reminded how much I can learn by listening to the exchanges between my two favorite wizards.

However....I cannot help myself here...what the heck is loosh?

(That is only one question, I might add...)

I will observe, just this once, that although 1inmany may pretend to be the questioning observer, she is quite the wizard in her own right. Many modes of magic there are abouts, and she is quite the master of her's, although perhaps it is not fully recognized (yet).

31st January 2014, 23:30
wizards and magik are what?please explain?

31st January 2014, 23:30
wonders on peoples perception.
is questioning everything a negative or a opposition in other peoples views?

with that simple statement/

lets get ready to rumble.

you are wanting or invoking a arguement.

but all i ask is questions and truth?

It is when one questions so much that one cannot hear the answers.

Subtlety may apply.

31st January 2014, 23:31
a incantation or a spell is what?

31st January 2014, 23:33
a incantation or a spell is what?

A thought form. So is a thought. The difference is coherence, which comes from concentration or reinforcement.

31st January 2014, 23:34
It is when one questions so much that one cannot hear the answers.

Subtlety may apply.
cannot remember seeing any clear questions.
but if you have any answers to our being as to why,how what?
and the meaning of life.
please post.

31st January 2014, 23:35
Ronin, it appears that you are not asking questions to find answers, but to bait people. Is this true? Speaking of truth....

31st January 2014, 23:35
wizards and magik are what?please explain?

Is English not your first language? The brusque way you frame your posts may come across as rude to other people. I'm sure people here would be more than happy to share their insights with you if you spoke in complete thoughts, rather than in fragments.

31st January 2014, 23:36
i want to know what people know and compare to what i know

Ronin, it appears that you are not asking questions to find answers, but to bait people. Is this true? Speaking of truth....

31st January 2014, 23:37
wonders on peoples perception.
is questioning everything a negative or a opposition in other peoples views?

with that simple statement/

lets get ready to rumble.

you are wanting or invoking a arguement.

but all i ask is questions and truth?

I do not want and will not engage in an argument. The unfolding of Ronin in the tent demonstrates where the source of contention is and your choice of words were less than optimal if curiosity, rather than bellicosity, was the point of your post. I cannot honestly see how that is the case. I, and we, were just being tenters when you joined us. It did not work for you. To now try to imply that I want to 'argue' is hard case to make with your trail of posts behind you.

Could be the Moon, could be my thread sucks for you.

There is nothing for you here, at this time. Except to bait me, and I'm not hungry.

I am open for shift.