View Full Version : Are We Preprogrammed Before We're Born?

4th January 2014, 00:34
Before you answer, please watch these short video on identical twins separated at birth.

Preprogrammed? Both their 1st and 2nd wives had the exact same name.

Picking up on each others brain waves?


4th January 2014, 10:13
I found the BS pseudo science in this documentary infuriating, I don't know why, its the same psy-op mind game codswollop that these so called "scientists" seem to pull over & over again :ireful:

There is no link between DNA and what car they drive or what their wives names are, its complete baloney ! Show me the link !

Show me the DNA marker for marrying a woman called Betty !

This is a mindscaping exercise to make you think a certain way, to look away from the truth, to make you feel clever that you know something when in fact its total BS.

Why were the nazis experimenting with twins ?

This connection is a psychic one and all this is to make us look the other way, yes BabaRa, it is "brainwaves", one of those things the MSM works hard to pour scorn & derision on whilst black projects pour $$$$$$$$$ into research on this.

4th January 2014, 11:27
Apropos of nothing....just seemed the right thread to post this in....

Long story short, lots of violent 'king hits'* going on in Sydney and in the USA too - seems to me some kind of gang initiation thing. Totally sick and very disturbing.

This young man, Christie, his surname was 'king hit' by a moron thug in Sydney, NYE and is now on life support.

Guess what was tattooed on his arm? The name 'Christie', apparently the name of a former girlfriend.

An alarming coincidence!?


*Apparently the term 'King Hit' comes from when a member of royalty was rebuked by a judge some 200 years ago (or thereabouts), that the King was not above the law.

The King or King to be, apparently struck down the judge to the ground.

There is a groundswell of opinion here in Oz that the media should now report this thuggish behaviour as a 'coward punch' and not a 'King Hit'.

(A King Hit is usually a punch from behind, so the victim is not aware of what's comimg - therefore a a 'coward punch'.)

4th January 2014, 16:48
I found the BS pseudo science in this documentary infuriating, I don't know why, its the same psy-op mind game codswollop that these so called "scientists" seem to pull over & over again :ireful:

There is no link between DNA and what car they drive or what their wives names are, its complete baloney ! Show me the link !

Show me the DNA marker for marrying a woman called Betty !

This is a mindscaping exercise to make you think a certain way, to look away from the truth, to make you feel clever that you know something when in fact its total BS.

Why were the nazis experimenting with twins ?

This connection is a psychic one and all this is to make us look the other way, yes BabaRa, it is "brainwaves", one of those things the MSM works hard to pour scorn & derision on whilst black projects pour $$$$$$$$$ into research on this.

I highly suggest you start this vid at 6:46....then rethink your original statement...IT IS all about sacred geometry and DNA....that is the GOD CODE ! research the # 64 & #43 in sacred geometry after watching this vid ! Try to prove me wrong !....Rob64


4th January 2014, 18:20
I highly suggest you start this vid at 6:46....then rethink your original statement...IT IS all about sacred geometry and DNA....that is the GOD CODE ! research the # 64 & #43 in sacred geometry after watching this vid ! Try to prove me wrong !....Rob64

Very interesting vid, thanks, hes one of those people I want to follow up on, but then the rabbit hole veers off somewhere else ;).

I stand by every word of my previous post, it is in direct response to the contents of the vid at the top of the thread, without which its incomplete and fairly abstract, had I put the other side of my argument, that is to say what DNA is, rather than just saying Winston is a shill for those who would keep us in the dark, then I may well have posted something very much along the lines of what Braden is saying.

I am not saying that DNA is not a factor in some things beyond how we look, fathers eyes, mothers nose etc, for instance if you want to get a dog to round up sheep, you get a sheep dog, not a bull dog, because there are some behavioural factors that seem to be inherent, but it doesn't go down to what brand of cigarettes you smoke, there are no markers for Camel or lucky Strike.

My mother is an identical twin, and so have heard numerous stories over the years of spooky co-incidences & rather accurate "intuition", but my mum & her sister have not had mirror lives, nor do they smoke the same brand of cigarettes or drink the same poison.

My mother got married a long time before her twin, and when she got pregnant the first time ( it was me in there ;) ) her sister had a "phantom pregnancy" !

Like I said about the sheep dog, peoples DNA can mean they excel in a particular area because of how they are built or wired up, be it sport, academia, art, or something more metaphysical, but its not pre programmed.

4th January 2014, 18:37
I am leaving it open for now.
Programmed or not? Its a little of both for now.
DNA is part of the picture.
Magnetism and attraction are another.
The way we act and thus create a chain of causes and effects (Karma) is yet another one.

I think that as long as we keep investigating we keep finding new pieces of an infinite puzzle.
Finding stuff is the effect of looking for stuff (investigating).
We ask, the universe provides.
until we stop asking....


WIth Love

4th January 2014, 18:47
I found the BS pseudo science in this documentary infuriating, I don't know why, its the same psy-op mind game codswollop that these so called "scientists" seem to pull over & over again :ireful:

There is no link between DNA and what car they drive or what their wives names are, its complete baloney ! Show me the link !

Show me the DNA marker for marrying a woman called Betty !

This is a mindscaping exercise to make you think a certain way, to look away from the truth, to make you feel clever that you know something when in fact its total BS.

Why were the nazis experimenting with twins ?

This connection is a psychic one and all this is to make us look the other way, yes BabaRa, it is "brainwaves", one of those things the MSM works hard to pour scorn & derision on whilst black projects pour $$$$$$$$$ into research on this.

Get your point - and trust me, no one believes in mental telepathy (brain waves) more than I do. I've had numerous personal experiences, to doubt it.

BUT I also agree with Greg Braydon - and thank you Crested Duck for posting it.

Why does it have to be one or the other?

And possibly there is other programming than the God Code. Programming from what we call our past lives (which - if you believe what Einstein said: That all time is happening at once - aren't really past lives by lives running concurrently), which then could bleed-through from one time frame to another. We call them deja vue moments. We could pick up a name from another time-frame, etc.

I'm not clear if twins:

a) have one soul that has split
b) have twin souls
c) have completely different souls

and Eelco I totally agree with your comment: I think that as long as we keep investigating we keep finding new pieces of an infinite puzzle.
Finding stuff is the effect of looking for stuff (investigating).
We ask, the universe provides.
until we stop asking....

4th January 2014, 19:08
are we programmed before we are born?

as soon as we are born we are given a name and a social security number.
then the conditioning starts.that will help us to adapt to this system of things.

now if your talking pre birth,the soul.
could it be that we come here to experience life and learn certain lessons?

so as a soul you may say hey i have never experienced being shot,i,m gonna try that one out this time round.
or if you where shot,next time you wanna be the shooter.

whatever you choose to engage in you may have to see it from the other perspective in another lifetime.

you heard the term soul mates,well their are also soul friends and groups who come into your life when they have pre agreed to,to help you on your journey.

dr Michael newton explains this much better in his book Journey of Souls.
where he regressed people back to pre life and took accounts of their experiences before they came here and why they came.

i would not quite say pre programmed but lessons to be learned from each individual.

4th January 2014, 19:10
Get your point - and trust me, no one believes in mental telepathy (brain waves) more than I do. I've had numerous personal experiences, to doubt it.

BUT I also agree with Greg Braydon - and thank you Crested Duck for posting it.

Why does it have to be one or the other?

And possibly there is other programming than the God Code. Programming from what we call our past lives (which - if you believe what Einstein said: That all time is happening at once - aren't really past lives by lives running concurrently), which then could bleed-through from one time frame to another. We call them deja vue moments. We could pick up a name from another time-frame, etc.

I'm not clear if twins:

a) have one soul that has split
b) have twin souls
c) have completely different souls

It doesn't have to be one or the other IMO, there are a whole spectrum of things that seem to over lap or dovetail in many different ways & densities.

With memory its been my experience that some things exist independently of the physical body, such as past life memories, whilst others are very clearly physical, muscle memories for example.

It is my current understanding that all off the body has more than a purely physical function, each organ & nerve group (plexi) are also involved in other densities with subtle energies and consciousness, and beyond that to the non physical subtle bodies such as the astral body, and obviously the DNA are a big part of that.

Re the twins, if we use music as an analogy, prop an acoustic guitar (for instance) up on a chair & then twang (technical expression) a string on another guitar if they are tuned the same the corresponding string on the guitar in the chair will vibrate, now imagine if you have two people who have the same parents, born under the same planets, shared the same womb, and have identical DNA & bodies how much "vibration" is going to be passed between them ??

More than enough to account for any amount of theories about twin & shared souls !

Fred Steeves
4th January 2014, 21:57
I highly suggest you start this vid at 6:46....then rethink your original statement...IT IS all about sacred geometry and DNA....that is the GOD CODE ! research the # 64 & #43 in sacred geometry after watching this vid ! Try to prove me wrong !....Rob64


Hi Rob. (I watched the video btw). Well, there's seldom any "proving wrong" in such things as are discussed in forums like this, everything is just way too subjective. Same with trying to prove something right. One thing to avoid however is putting all of one's eggs into someone else's basket, and the internet is brimming over with people wanting you to put all of your eggs into their basket. Yes, Gregg Braden has an impressive body of work left behind him, but beware the 1 or so % in that work (in all work for that fact), "the twist" as I like to call it, that will lead right down a dead end alley.

Now I have no clue whether Braden either hasn't done his homework, or is purposely misleading people with a little twist here and there, but let's just take a look at two things that have really stood out for me:

1) In his book "The God Code" (which I read years ago), he comes to the conclusion that Yahweh is the Creator, and has imprinted his name upon our very DNA as a calling card so to speak. Hell if I know whether that's actually true or not, but many of us think our DNA has been manipulated at some point. It wouldn't shock me if the manipulator *would/did* leave a calling card like that, same as an artist would sign a piece of their handy work. See where that little twist is here though? Does anyone here seriously think we should be looking to a psychopathic demiurge like Yahweh as our Creator? The old saying "what you don't know can't hurt you" is total bullspit, as this is the reason we are in this situation in the first place. Things we don't know.

2) There's an Agenda 21 link here as well, and whether wittingly or unwittingly, Braden and his friend Bruce Lipton are pushing for it guns a blazin. I invite everyone to take a look at the following 10 minute video by Lipton, describing how hard both he and Braden are trying to help the U.N. fulfill it's goals. Here are a couple of select quotes to wet your appetite:

One of the big issues they told us about is how much trouble they have in instituting *new programs* and *new behaviors*.

Help people get out of the old limiting, self sabotaging beliefs, allow them to take the new understandings and create a *new subconscious program* supporting those beliefs. When that event happens, all the *projects* they initiate will fly. And that is so important for them, because they didn't understand, why is it so hard to *change people's behaviors*?

The kind of information that can be useful, to take us from the edge of where we are now, of *chaos*, and then lead us into a more *sustainable*, and *thriveable* future.


I'm saying be careful is all, there are trap doors everywhere. Once again, it's buyer beware...



:back to topic:

4th January 2014, 22:26
I'm saying be careful is all, there are trap doors everywhere. Once again, it's buyer beware...



so true Fred.
buyer beware.
what was it?

you wanna be thrown out of a airplane.
or smothered by a plastic bag?

now those statements do not help in anyone's development do they.
just knock backs.

sometimes knocks come back.:ninja:

5th January 2014, 02:55
Fred, I'm a little confused about what you're saying.

I got the buyer beware - and I concur - and for me that's with every speaker, every book, every channeler, etc.,

Yes, there are trap doors out there, both intentional and unintentional, but there are also some great theories and ideas to consider.

Are you against new programs and new behaviors? . . . you prefer to stay here?

Fred Steeves
5th January 2014, 14:04
Are you against new programs and new behaviors?

Hi Barbara, I'm rather surprised to even get that question. It's an ongoing and monumental struggle just to day by day, bit by bit, peel back our layers upon layers of deeply embedded programming. Who in their right mind would want to add new programming into the mix?

As for new behaviors. Those (should) come as a natural result of the purification process (which is a personal and inward journey), not ideas from those who would lead us into the Age Of Horus.

. . . you prefer to stay here?

By "here", I take it you mean our current situation? Personally anyway, I have no problem with "here". I used to, but not any more. As I understand it, the Universe operates with divine perfection, and it doesn't make mistakes. We find ourselves here, and here for a reason. The first order of business is getting over the resentment factor, and facing what we have to face square on, the old proverbial mirror. Once inside the Chapel Perilous all bets are off. We've entered willingly, and the only way out is in, not borrowing ideas from the chapel's tapestry of tenants. When/if one eventually finds their way back out, I highly suspect that a glance back would yield an entirely different perspective of "here".



5th January 2014, 14:57
Hi Barbara, I'm rather surprised to even get that question. It's an ongoing and monumental struggle just to day by day, bit by bit, peel back our layers upon layers of deeply embedded programming.

yes it is true that we all find it difficult to come to terms with what is happening in our reality.as we become more aware we,for some it can be more a isolated experience.why,because people do not understand us...

As for new behaviors. Those (should) come as a natural result of the purification process (which is a personal and inward journey)

it should and you seem well aware of this,truth is truth and you cannot mask it.

As I understand it, the Universe operates with divine perfection, and it doesn't make mistakes.
then do not be judgmental of any being.

fact is we all think we know,when in reality we no nothing.
to help others is to help oneself.

it,s not a degree that gets you through life, it is experience.


5th January 2014, 22:55
I think we all have heard that the thoughts can reprogram the DNA and the mother's thoughts while still pregnant can influence to a very high extent her child's DNA. When I was 16 I had a teacher at school who shared with us that while she was pregnant with her daughter she had a picture of a blond curly girl on one of the walls in her house. She used to look at that picture very regularly as this was her favorite picture in the house. She said that her daughter looks very much like the fictitious girl on the wall. I tried this while I was pregnant with my both children, I din't think of any particular physical features but for a particular characteristics of their personality. for example I wanted my daughter to be good in everything she wants to do and she is but the downside of this is that now shes 18 and still doesn't know what she likes to do. She said "I tried so many things and proved I can be the best in them but I don't know what I really want to do". This is just one of my personal examples and there are few more programs that I tried to wish for my kids which turned to be true so far and have positive effect on them.

So what if their mother had a fictions idea of their wives names anything else that looks like pure coincidence?

Plus I agree with Spiral that even separated those men have been able to communicate without even knowing it. I would say that it is easier for the twins because they probably share the same information channel, the same wavelength.

5th January 2014, 23:14
Hi Barbara, I'm rather surprised to even get that question. It's an ongoing and monumental struggle just to day by day, bit by bit, peel back our layers upon layers of deeply embedded programming. Who in their right mind would want to add new programming into the mix?

As for new behaviors. Those (should) come as a natural result of the purification process (which is a personal and inward journey), not ideas from those who would lead us into the Age Of Horus.

By "here", I take it you mean our current situation? Personally anyway, I have no problem with "here". I used to, but not any more. As I understand it, the Universe operates with divine perfection, and it doesn't make mistakes. We find ourselves here, and here for a reason. The first order of business is getting over the resentment factor, and facing what we have to face square on, the old proverbial mirror. Once inside the Chapel Perilous all bets are off. We've entered willingly, and the only way out is in, not borrowing ideas from the chapel's tapestry of tenants. When/if one eventually finds their way back out, I highly suspect that a glance back would yield an entirely different perspective of "here".



Hi Fred, I totally get where you are coming from. . . . the word programmed is such a buzz word for most of us, and I agree that many have spend years trying to deprogram or at least figure out what issues they are programmed around.

However, I don't feel it's wrong for people to point new ways of being. Whether one agrees or not is up to them, but sometimes we've been so deeply programmed that someone else needs to shine a light.

I feel we've come to accept: You can't fight city hall and that utopias are a pollyana idea and aren't possible - and until someone presents the opposite thought and/or action that we will just continue to live in this quagmire we call civilization.

Perhaps the Universe operates with divine perfection, and it doesn't make mistakes - but humans do and are - and it is time for us to learn a better way. Part of that better way is unlearning the way we've been through introspection, etc.(as you pointed out), but for me the other part is searching for new ways. And yes, searching inward is important, but listening to others can also help as long as we check inward with what they're saying and just don't take it as correct.

I keep saying that there is someone smarter than you and me, and that's all of us together - and that includes Bruce Lipton and Greg Braydon. They may not have THE answer, but possibly a beginning.

I used to believe: Everything is as it should be - that we all spouted, and many still do. But I know longer believe that. Everything is as it is - but it could be much better and I am unwilling to accept that where we are is where we should be.

Fred, I think we're in agreement on some things and differ on others. We each have a path and who's to say which is the better for anyone except ourselves. But it is important that we share our paths and ideas. One never knows when another's thoughts will lead them to new discoveries. And sometimes we learn something about ourselves through all this.

So let's keep sharing and discussing. I do appreciate your thoughts.

Cheers Back,

6th January 2014, 09:16
Maybe the problem is the ingrained behaviour of looking for someone to follow when we need to be individuals seeking truth using our individual discernment, trusting that the things that are thrown up in our lives are our path, are our lessons.

How about this, if you can understand what they are saying, you are beyond them, if you don't understand them, don't trust them, certainly at the level of "internet gurus".