View Full Version : Stephen Wiltshire Draws Rome From Memory

The One
31st December 2013, 12:03

Man draws entire Roman skyline from memory. It’s simply astounding how the tiniest tweaks in one’s cerebral setup can unlock truly outrageous abilities. Imagine what other abilities are just one DNA protein change away… Stephen has also drawn Tokyo, New York City and Brisbane.


31st December 2013, 13:36
when you think humanity is rapidly dumbing down,
you witness something like this.
truth is, we've alway had the potential of great, big things
-- just need to look for it, find it, unlock it.

1st January 2014, 04:24
I don't think we are dumbing down. I think there are people out there trying to dumb us down, but I think it's failing miserably. I think human faculties are expanding at an exponential rate.