View Full Version : Round-table: Kevin Moore, C.W. Chanter, et al, on the subject of Simon Parkes

18th March 2022, 02:29
It's a long one — almost three hours! — but it's very interesting, and it's a prelude to Kevin Moore's upcoming full documentary about Simon Parkes. And there's a couple of on-screen messages from our friend Chester. ;)


18th March 2022, 05:05
And speaking of "Projects" ...
We have Bwana to thank for this original gem ... :o

SIMON PARKES : The Project Avalon Interview

https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AKedOLTmXYqhXaRuWd7KuPXsiu9TDCk-tL13rad-qF1X=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj> AlphaZebra/Bwana

Welcome to the Project Avalon Forum interview with contactee and experiencer Simon Parkes — who himself is a longstanding and highly respected Avalon member.

The interview, which took place at Simon's home on 15 December 2013, was facilitated by Avalon moderator Karelia.

Questions were prepared and supplied by Avalon Forum members, and were re-ordered for clarity in the final editing. Avalon founder Bill Ryan, on Skype, asked a few of his own questions at the end.

Simon discusses and expands on the future of Earth, the Mantid and Reptilian influences, his own role as one of many arbiters on the planet, our free will, our individual responsibility and the opportunities that lie before us, the part played by the Illuminati and the other Global Controllers, the history of our planet, and much, much more. He is very active on the Avalon Forum in a members-only area, and regularly answers questions there.

Jan 13, 2014

2:00:2 min.


18th March 2022, 05:48
Welcome to the Project Avalon Forum interview with contactee and experiencer Simon Parkes — who himself is a longstanding and highly respected Avalon member.

And a longstanding and highly respected Project Avalon member he still is, with his forum account still active and in good standing after all of these years, notwithstanding Bwana Billzebub's own public admission that Count Combover™ is indeed a conman and a sexual predator.

But then again, it's a tough world, and narcissists do have to stick up for one another, you know? Even "Corey Goode" eventually came to realize that, once Count CombOver™ started corroborating Corey's "Own Lies". :rolleyes:

The interview, which took place at Simon's home on 15 December 2013, was facilitated by Avalon moderator Karelia.

Yes, the lovely Project Avalon (now ex-)moderator Karelia, who was Simon Parkes' mistress at the time, and thanks to whom several of the innocent people whom Parkes had preyed upon were gratuitously banned from Project Avalon without any reason given.

Hmm, now where have we heard that before, I wonder? :hmm: :eyebrows: