View Full Version : Trump Assumes New Leadership Role for Nation, Despite British Occupation of White House

4th February 2021, 10:26
"Jan 29, 2021 by LaRouchePAC Videos

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Donald Trump’s first political move since leaving the White House was to create the “Office of the Former President,” to continue fighting for the nation, from outside the confines of the “Swamp.” As Lyndon LaRouche understood in his eight campaigns for President, the “institution of the Presidency” is a powerful force which transcends the Oval Office, and is composed of whomever is prepared to lead the nation. Susan Kokinda challenges you to be part of that."

Emil El Zapato
4th February 2021, 12:02
LaRouche ... a man ahead of his time.

5th February 2021, 20:44
Knowing they be in an Invisible war , bodes well for them imo.

6th February 2021, 11:28
Amazing how so much is invisible.

America has only one President at a time. It is not an office which continues afterwards. Former Presidents are occasionally consulted. As are other former officials.

People who say that the office continues with Trump are wrong, and are spreading ideas which could lead to more unrest and violence.

No surprise there, I guess.

Larouche has a vendetta against the US, so I'll be taking what he says with huge grains of salt. I met a Larouche activist two decades ago and learned all about Larouche and his organization.

Emil El Zapato
6th February 2021, 13:36
Hi DT,

yes, me too and when I started looking into him, I realized he was jacked in the head ... A man a-head case of his time