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2nd May 2020, 22:40
Sometimes it takes "extraction" to transform.

Don't make the mistake of thinking I have flipped.

It's all Fred Steeves' fault anyways...

For me, COVID-19 has been the cure. Sorry to all it took so long.

"Why did you change your posting name?" Well, some of you (who paid attention and either have a great memory or chose to remember) may recall that I boasted about my favorite number... that being 19." Well, from when "I" was born up until 2015, I was always called, Chester (my middle name). In 2015 I decided I wanted to be called by my first name, Samuel and it's derivatives, Sam and Sammy.

So I want to put the rumor to death now... No, I did not "do this" to annoy the mods (again). I did it because I discovered something about the name, Chester.

Some of you (who paid attention and either have a great memory or chose to remember) recall I like to do this "thing" I call, English Language Gematria.

So when I "do the numbers" for Chester, I get 78. And on closer inspection of the number 78 one can see that it is 6 x 13 which, with a quick switcheroo of x to +, one gets 6 + 13 which...

= 19

2nd May 2020, 23:24
So, my first offering is found on the Higher Side Chats website (here (https://www.thehighersidechats.com/))

and is the "just posted" but almost one month old conversation between Greg Carlwood and Dr. Steven Greer

Dr. Steven Greer | Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun (https://www.thehighersidechats.com/dr-steven-greer-close-encounters-of-the-fifth-kind-contact-has-begun/)


3rd May 2020, 02:03
Glad to see you regained your psychotic sense and returned to TOT !

Lord Sidious
3rd May 2020, 03:24
Load of rubbish............

3rd May 2020, 14:49
Here's more rubbish - a recounting of a recent experience which, though it is seemingly "minor" has been an incredible gift for me as it further convinces me that consciousness is fundamental and world views such as materialism, physicalism and scientism are dead ends for the soul.

My first, bona-fide "precog dream"

Each time I have a psi experience of any type, I step back and consider "am I crazy?" or could this be "real?"

In considering if it was real, I always consider how could it be real? In other words, what would have to be in place for the experience to be real and not delusion. My answer (though I don't claim this to be true for another... I strive to avoid expressing myself in ways that a reader might feel I am imposing my view, my opinion), is that consciousness is fundamental because it seems the only framework within which these types of psi experiences can arise.

So here's the story. And because, for the reader to understand the significance of the object at the center of the story, I would need to write several pages and would surely lose most if, not all readers, I ask the reader to take my word for it that the object is extremely important to me and the story... and at a much more magnified level than anyone could imagine.

The object is an automobile title where I am co-owner (because I co-signed for the loan) along with my son, Anthony.

What I can say is that a mind boggling set of circumstances arose last summer (2019) whereby the result, from my perspective, was as if my son had died (though he did not physically die). His thinking and actions resulted in a likely permanent ending to our relationship.

And yet I am stuck as co-signer and... because I had originally (summer of 2018) pushed him to get the automobile and had promised him that I would always make the payments as long as I could, his thinking and actions were so horrendous, I experienced such a mix of emotions that it was torturous each month to keep making those payments. In addition, I was faced with the dilemma where I felt that it was a matter of my own integrity (what little I might have) to honor my promise regardless.

But the reality of the situation also exposed me to potential liability if he failed to maintain insurance. I tried to verify he was maintaining the insurance but was rebuffed because of "privacy laws" despite my name on the title.

Considering all the above, what stood out more than anything was an inevitability. At some point, the automobile would be paid off and the title would be in both our names. This provided me the opportunity to make him face me, in the flesh, if he wanted the car in his name because I was the primary lien holder and the title would be mailed to me and thus end up in my possession.

And then, as seems to happen all too often in my life when I think I got things exactly where I want them... weirdness steps in. First, an angel came along (my sister) and saw the terrible situation and, for the both of us, paid off the car! This then afforded me great relief from the emotional darkness I experienced each month when I made the payment but also, put me in position to have possession of the title and thus, an aspect of control of the situation... where at some point he would need to face me if he wanted the car placed solely in his name.

I learned the title was released on January 24, 2020 and mailed to my home.

On January 31, 2020, when I checked the US postal services "Informed Delivery" website of which I am a member, it showed the title was set for delivery along with two other mail pieces set for that day. When the postman came and went, I went to the mailbox and though the other two pieces of mail were in my mailbox, there was no title. Stress began. And over the course of the next several days... still no title, just more and more stress. Then I checked with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles to try and get a new title (and make sure the missing title was cancelled), I was informed that both my son and I had to do this together. Jeeeez.

And so I waited and waited and started to face the fact that my plan to hold the title (almost as if I am holding him hostage) until he was willing to face me was falling apart. In part, because I was informed by the DMV that if the title fell into the wrong hands, it could (though highly unlikely), via fraudulent actions, be stolen "on paper."

So, considering all the above, though I had, for months, tried to avoid thinking about the terrible situation with my son... a situation far worse to live with emotionally than this silly car and title matter... I found myself doing a deep dive into my soul. Though, since the debacle arose last summer, after getting over my initial shock and anger, I had begun to send heartfelt prayers to my son and his family, I most recently began to feel a much greater sadness for all of us... and it has been the most challenging emotional dilemma of my life - equal only to my father's suicide (1979) and the divorce from my childrens' mother (2001).

So, on Thursday, February 13, 2020 I felt a shift inside and decided I would give up on my original plan... a plan that gave him the space and time to "come around" but also a plan where I always held the important cards (the title). Understand, there has been no communication between my son and myself since July 11, 2019. Still, I took the chance to write him an e-mail and explain the car had been paid off and that the title was missing and so we needed to get the title replaced asap and, because it was paid off, put it in his name.

I then felt compelled to text him to check his email, that the car had been paid off and we needed to get the title in his name. My son notoriously changes his number, so the odds were that his telephone number was no longer his. Additionally, it was fifty/fifty he had my number blocked if he had the same number. But at noon the next day, my message alert sounded and there was a message from him with this simple word... "Ok."

A wave of emotion consumed me. Tears came pouring out. It said everything to me... it said there was a glimmer of hope that he would one day face me, and we could somehow find a new way forward.
By Friday, the 15th of February, we had worked out an agreement to meet at the DMV to get the "lost title" application filed.
Then that night (well actually early the next morning), I had a dream... and the dream was incredibly vivid. And what I still remember in a frame by frame memory is that I was standing in front of the mailbox with an unusually large stack of mail in my hands. And I recall in the dream thinking that in this stack is the missing car title. And I recall reaching towards the back of the stack and pulling out... the car title.

So later that morning, I heard the alert for the RING Doorbell system we have. I soon checked the video replay and saw the postman standing in front of the mailbox thumbing through his huge stack of mail and extracting several pieces which he then placed into the mailbox. It was at that moment I recalled the vivid dream. I believe what triggered the recall was because he had indeed placed such an unusually large amount of mail in the mailbox, just like the dream.

I ran down from upstairs and passed my wife, Cristina, who was working on her art and told her about the vivid dream I had that morning... that the title appeared in the dream.

I know this story has been long but it is finally at the end...

I exited the front door and turned to my left to face the mailbox, reached in and pulled out the large stack of mail. It was at this moment that everything that happened in the next 3 or so seconds was exactly as it happened in the dream! And yes, exactly where I had reached when holding the stack of mail in the dream... there was the title. Of course, when it all dawned on me... the degree of my excitement wasn't because the title had arrived, it was because, I realized I had experienced my first true, precise, precognitive dream experience.

I can now add that to the list which is predominantly filled with synchronicities, but where I have had 5 OBEs (the last where I experienced the well known "vibration" feature), a likely "bi-location" event among many other types of psi related experiences.

All these experiences convince me more and more that consciousness is fundamental.

3rd May 2020, 22:11
Oobe's Robert Munroe books, helped me understand.

3rd May 2020, 23:27
Fred Steeves help me understand a few things...

What say you, Jimmy?


June 2016... interesting. How did this guy possibly win? Seriously? Ask yourself, how?



So ask yourself... how is it possible Trump is still President?

3rd May 2020, 23:35
I was surprised as any, thankfullll it was not killer, aslo knew it had to be orchestorated

3rd May 2020, 23:43
Excerpts from the Steven Greer interview noted above (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/13388-Chester-s-Chatter?p=842021166&viewfull=1#post842021166)

Around 1:35:00ish –
So, Greer was talking about “funding” for some of these “fake alien abduction groups” and mentioned, Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
– Roman Catholic and supporter of Opus Dei –

and why he says they want to set the world up for the “alien invasion scam"
“some” of the world players are involved in this “Return of Christ” event (Apocalypse / Armageddon type thing)… “Well, if we can lose 5 billion people we think Christ will have to return.”

“…the meetings I’ve had with some of these elites of the world is so bat-shit-crazy you can’t make this stuff up.”

The agenda people think is operative… are multiple… it’s not one agenda – there are multiple agendas – then he lists several -

Agenda One
One of them is made up of those who actually believe in an “end of the world,” religiously driven agenda.

Agenda Two
One is geopolitical control… and sort of centralized control of the people… which (unfortunately) we are seeing with this coronavirus

Agenda Three
The other is this issue of maintaining the macro-economic system in the hands of a relative hand full of corporations (by a small number of people involved) owned/controlled by a few families all based on a petrodollar and oil energy system…

“Those are competing sometimes but they are integrated to achieve two things… one, to keep the secret and two, creating a specter (Like TTSA did) of ‘an alien threat.”

The intelligence community is their “top management” team. And the intelligence community works with the media, hand in glove.

Then Greg Carlwood mentions the Epstein, child trafficking/pedo. Blackmail… positing that “that” is what keeps some of them “in check.” And Greer replies, “Well, that I don’t know anything about, honestly.” Carlwood says, “Hummm.” Interesting…

But then Greer throws out there that “The whole global drug trade is run by a division of these USAPs.” WoW – …

He says he was told about an army of sorts... about 8,000 strong (though he mentioned 2,000 or so have been killed off because they became a security risk) and this army keeps "would be leakers" silent.

And Greer mentions that the tech held by these USAPs are what is behind "ours" UFOs and what these UFOs are doing is transporting weapons, biological and chemical weapons and drugs. Interesting.

And so… why do they so badly NOT want a wall? Because then there would be toooo many questions about how these drugs keep slipping in! Hummmm….. Cowboys with homemade subs just don’t cut it – especially with the technical capabilities of the Drug Interdiction Force. Maduro’s non-hierarchal “army” sending planes through Honduras to the cartels in Mexico can’t explain it all. Hummmm…

So how is it Possible Trump is (still) President?

4th May 2020, 01:29
Love the Question, Trump has been unsuccessfulllly set up, targeted etc 24/7 by mainstream media since before his election win. Why still there/here because he chose to redirect communications to where he could be assisted by Q and anons = twittersphere , rallies etc. Bypassing the fake news. Keeping his enemies near and giving flipping options to some, losing some battles to win the war, the next weeks n moons will give answers regards treason etc by usual suspects, always felt he would not be in next election and still do, who could take his place ? ( he is not needed in there anymore imo ).

4th May 2020, 01:43
Trump has been unsuccessfulllly set up, targeted etc 24/7 by mainstream media since before his election win. Why still there/here because he chose to redirect communications to where he could be assisted by Q and anons

I really do wonder, Vern: what on Earth would it ever take to wake you up to the fact that this whole QAnonsense is nothing but a hoax, which apart from stroking the egos of the perpetrators in their Sooper Seekrit Military Insider game, only serves as a propaganda machine that will help Trump get re-elected, even though Trump himself doesn't even know who these jokers are?

4th May 2020, 02:24
Link ta, regards not knowing who Qetc is, at rallies his security team asked all to de Q, shirts even, looking forward to the day CNN asked the Q Question lol will not happen, Why Aragorn ?.

Lord Sidious
4th May 2020, 07:42
If you guys actually believe that an outsider is allowed to take the office of president of the united snakes, I'm selling a bridge.
Big ol coat hanger shaped deal in Sydney..............

4th May 2020, 13:13
In regards to the U.S. political establishment ruse ...

I sense the jig is finally up ...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-RwOehFvsy8A%2FWHOzhuBls1I%2FAAAAAAACA1g%2FBzz8UnPo-2MuB9g8r_j2RJ8HWtGYwRjtACLcB%2Fs1600%2FPayNoAttnMa nBehindCurtainToto.gif&f=1&nofb=1

4th May 2020, 14:09
If you guys actually believe that an outsider is allowed to take the office of president of the united snakes, I'm selling a bridge.
Big ol coat hanger shaped deal in Sydney..............

I'll throw in my beachfront property in the Himalayas for free. :p

Lord Sidious
4th May 2020, 15:33
I'll throw in my beachfront property in the Himalayas for free. :p

You're that generous, I'm considering taking back some of the bad $hit I was saying about you the other day...........

4th May 2020, 15:38
I'll throw in my beachfront property in the Himalayas for free. :p

You're that generous, I'm considering taking back some of the bad $hit I was saying about you the other day...........

Oh well, as long as it wasn't bat shit. :ha:

4th May 2020, 18:18
IMO, it isn't helpful the label "Q" as anything, much less a hoax. One of the things "Q" stands for is that it is up to each of us to discern for ourselves as to what may be true, what may not be true. To label it as a hoax is to feed the monster. By labeling it as a hoax, this just invigorates those who are attracted to Q to "believe" in Q even more.

My opinion is that formally labeling it as a hoax makes "Q" stronger in a negative way.

Those who get all worked up (either way) about Q don't do themselves or the rest of us any favors. They just enhance division. Especially where Q is censored.

Speaking of censorship - look at what has now happened to the Teflon Man - David Icke -


If anyone is afraid of Q... that Q will get Q+ re-elected... the best thing to do is to simply ignore Q. Any other reaction only makes Q more powerful (and perhaps by design).

[and it looks like I just broke my own advice] Q!!!!!!!!!!!!! strikes again.

4th May 2020, 22:51
I don't speak about Q anymore, either to label or to discuss. I'm not interested. I'd rather interpret scripture. (I don't do that either)

4th May 2020, 23:36
...president of the united snakes...

I probably shouldn't laugh, but that's funny.

I've dreamt about the future more times than I know. I've already written about this. I believe it's a survival mechanism of humans. Whether or not they specifically recall the dreams, their instincts will kick in and they will know what to do, or not do.

The Iroquois Indians, in particular the Mohawk Nation, know all about this. And so do the indigenous folks from 'down under'. In fact, there are strong dreaming cultures in Lithuania who also know about this.

You're in good company, Chester.

5th May 2020, 01:48
I don't speak about Q anymore, either to label or to discuss. I'm not interested. I'd rather interpret scripture. (I don't do that either)

Yet you just did? haha... and hey, I'm just pointing out that "Q" is in the "mind space" of many, regardless of what they think about "Q"

5th May 2020, 01:57
I probably shouldn't laugh, but that's funny.

I've dreamt about the future more times than I know. I've already written about this. I believe it's a survival mechanism of humans. Whether or not they specifically recall the dreams, their instincts will kick in and they will know what to do, or not do.

The Iroquois Indians, in particular the Mohawk Nation, know all about this. And so do the indigenous folks from 'down under'. In fact, there are strong dreaming cultures in Lithuania who also know about this.

You're in good company, Chester.

Well... I'm not sure the good company I am "in" is enhanced by my accompaniment... BUT! - I have become re-interested in some of the myriad interpretations of the Gnostic Myth and have been diving in again with a much evolved Miguel Conner -


and discussed by members of the Skeptiko forum here -


5th May 2020, 13:26
I didn't say anything substantive. I didn't address any claims. What I said was about me. I don't bother. I don't waste my time, there are much better things for it which I do discuss. My mind space is about love, creativity, keeping my husband on an even keel and music. And lately a bunch of dying Ash trees.

I listen to Miguel occasionally. His intros to his interviews are fun because he uses his velvety voice with musical sounds in the background to set them up. And then the interviews are just that.

11th May 2020, 22:04
Go Jimmy Go!!!


12th May 2020, 07:28
So so much ugliness

18th May 2020, 23:41
You still here Chestor ?

Emil El Zapato
19th May 2020, 00:23
Havent' heard from him for at least a couple of days...

Lord Sidious
19th May 2020, 08:24
You still here Chestor ?

He's not comin back till you learn to spell his name properly, typonugget...............

20th May 2020, 14:10
Hey... so, I took on a new responsibility a week after "it" started and... I'm still playing catchup but am on track to be caught up by end of day, Friday.

Then I'll be back as... well, I'm a masochist and... I've been promised "incoming."

20th May 2020, 14:39
Hey... so, I took on a new responsibility a week after "it" started and... I'm still playing catchup but am on track to be caught up by end of day, Friday.

Then I'll be back as... well, I'm a masochist and... I've been promised "incoming."

Competing with Aianawa for clear communication, I see. :unsure:

He's not comin back till you learn to spell his name properly, typonugget...............

Aianawese uses a different spelling. Ya didna notice? You Siths are so anal.:blink:

Lord Sidious
20th May 2020, 14:54
I've been promised "incoming."

Be careful of what you ask for nugg, you might just get it.............

21st May 2020, 00:39
I'm feelin' a little... hummmm, how should I say it...

I feel like I've been too hard on the tards. I'm a gonna lighten up 'in light of' this new polling information -

Poll: Democrats More Worried and Lonely, Less Happy than Republicans (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/20/poll-democrats-more-worried-and-lonely-less-happy-than-republicans/)

As many states begin to reopen their economies following the coronavirus shutdowns, Democrats are far more likely to say they are worried and less likely to say they are happy.

Sixty-six percent of Democrats told pollsters they experienced happiness during a lot of the previous day, Gallup said. Seventy-seven percent of Republicans reported being happy.

Fifty-eight percent of Democrats said they were worried, compared with 38 percent of Republicans.

Democrats were also substantially more likely to say they were lonely. Twenty-eight percent said they had experienced loneliness during the previous day, compared with just 19 percent of Republicans.

Boredom, however, cuts across partisan lines. Forty-two percent of Democrats report boredom while 40 percent of Republicans do.

Not surprisingly, single people are more worried, lonely, and bored, and less happy, than married people. Seventy-one percent of married people say they were happy the previous day, compared with 61 percent of single people. Forty-five percent of married people worried; fifty percent of single people worried. Thirty-nine percent of married people were bored versus 46 percent of single people. Seventeen percent of marrieds were lonely, while 36 percent of singles were.

America’s emotional health is improving, Gallup said. Happiness is up five points to 72 percent in the poll taken between April 27 and May 10, compared with 67 percent in the poll taken between March 26 and April 6. Worry dropped from 59 percent in the earlier poll to 47 percent in the recent poll. Boredom dropped from 46 percent to 41 percent.

Loneliness, however, is unchanged at 24 percent.

Emil El Zapato
21st May 2020, 01:30
well, as for the tards, you know I could spin that data like a top and be convincing while i was doing it... :)

21st May 2020, 02:34
well, as for the tards, you know I could spin that data like a top and be convincing while i was doing it... :)

Should I have said flakes?

21st May 2020, 03:29
Color emphasis mine...

I'm feelin' a little... hummmm, how should I say it...

I feel like I've been too hard on the tards. I'm a gonna lighten up 'in light of' this new polling information -

Poll: Democrats More Worried and Lonely, Less Happy than Republicans (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/20/poll-democrats-more-worried-and-lonely-less-happy-than-republicans/)


well, as for the tards, you know I could spin that data like a top and be convincing while i was doing it... :)

Should I have said flakes?

The terms "tards"/"libtards" and "flakes"/"snowflakes" are distinctively characteristic alt-right slurs for the US Democrats, as well as for anyone with a progressive political conviction. By adopting that kind of language, you are not only showing your political colors ─ which appear quite different from how you've described your own political conviction earlier ─ but you're also insulting all people of a progressive political persuasion. And that includes yours truly.

Also, the fact that the link in your above-quoted post points at Breitbart, an alt-right propaganda machine, isn't exactly going to convince me that you haven't fallen for the populist and hatred-/intolerance-driven alt-right crap. You cannot expect any information from a politically deeply engaged media outlet ─ whether it's left-wing or right-wing ─ to be unbiased, if even truthful at all.

21st May 2020, 07:49
When it comes to the covid denier right-wingers, I prefer the term Coron


Emil El Zapato
21st May 2020, 12:39
I know you're excited Chester, but seriously, get a grip...it's shaky ground my man...

21st May 2020, 12:46
I know you're excited Chester, but seriously, get a grip...it's shaky ground my man...

?? for who?

When it comes to the covid denier right-wingers, I prefer the term Coron


Chris, once again, suggests I deny the world is experiencing a new corona virus.

There's another virus that sometimes infects vulnerables... it is called Wetiko. Chris might check that out.

Lord Sidious
21st May 2020, 12:46
Oh boy, handbags at 20 paces in this thread too?

21st May 2020, 12:49
Oh my, corons on one side and covidiots on the other. The goobs must be wetting themselves with delight. :frusty:

21st May 2020, 12:54
?? for who?

Chris, once again, suggests I deny the world is experiencing a new corona virus.

There's another virus that sometimes infects vulnerables... it is called Wetiko. Chris might check that out.

Wasn't referring to you specifically, just those on the Right (in the US mostly) in general who think Covid-19 is a hoax of some sorts to bring down Trump. If you don't fit that category, then you shouldn't feel that this moniker applies to you. It is only a light-hearted poke anyway as a counterpoint to tards and flakes.

Emil El Zapato
21st May 2020, 13:02
lol, Sidious, I won't bring out heavy artillery 'til after the enemy has been gauged. No need to start with Shire killers if there is hope for rapprochement. That is always my goal, always.

21st May 2020, 13:17
Oh boy, handbags at 20 paces in this thread too?

Sad, ain't it? Noticed the trendy accessory face masks with butterflies and other motifs? A population that has never had real ordinance coming their way will go for vicarious experiences. I like the handbag allusion. Perfect. :like:

I was in the protests for the Viet Nam War and helped pick up bleeding friends who could not run as fast as me. And, I have looked down a few barrels of guns pointed at my head. Still here at 67 years on this Earth. It is amazing how large those small holes look when pointed at you.

21st May 2020, 13:58
Wasn't referring to you specifically, just those on the Right (in the US mostly) in general who think Covid-19 is a hoax of some sorts to bring down Trump. If you don't fit that category, then you shouldn't feel that this moniker applies to you. It is only a light-hearted poke anyway as a counterpoint to tards and flakes.

Ok kool... and I grant you have the right to "generically" call anyone anything you like on TOT. Just don't do it directly or that threatens breach of the lovely Ad hominen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem) rule (one of Aragorn's old favorites).

BUT!!! I have chosen to formally wave that rule for any personal attack someone feels compelled to launch my way. All may have at me. Enjoy!

Understand, in the US, almost every living human being is now considered "on the right" by the way... Obama has been accused of being too far right by the 'ever diminishing in size' but 'ever growing in thunder production force fed by a corrupt media'... ie. the extreme (but lovable) "progressive left."

AOC (you gotta love her)... one of the most recent sources for painting Obama in said light... the more she exudes her so easily accessed effervescence, the more I wanna share in the love!

lol, Sidious, I won't bring out heavy artillery 'til after the enemy has been gauged. No need to start with Shire killers if there is hope for rapprochement. That is always my goal, always.

too many nug-nailers round these parts.

21st May 2020, 14:10
Well, by the standards of most of the world, most Americans ARE right-wing. I mean my own PM gets his marching orders from Steve Bannon and Breitbart, but on most issues he is actually to the left of Bernie Sanders. We have free college, three years of maternity leave for women, a minimum of four weeks compulsory paid holidays, paid sick leave, free Doctor's visits and Universal Health Care. European socialists think he is the second coming of Hitler, but his actual policies are closer to what Bernie Sanders has been advocating for the US.

Hillary Clinton would probably be considered a Nazi war-hawk if she was German, yet, inexplicably, the US right claims she is Left-Wing. Only compared to the ultra-right-wing Republicans. Compare her to someone like Merkel (Christian Democrat / Conservative) or Boris Johnson (Conservative) and she is significantly to their right on most issues.

21st May 2020, 14:21
Well, by the standards of most of the world, most Americans ARE right-wing. I mean my own PM gets his marching orders from Steve Bannon and Breitbart, but on most issues he is actually to the left of Bernie Sanders. We have free college, three years of maternity leave for women, a minimum of four weeks compulsory paid holidays, paid sick leave, free Doctor's visits and Universal Health Care. European socialists think he is the second coming of Hitler, but his actual policies are closer to what Bernie Sanders has been advocating for the US.

Hillary Clinton would probably be considered a Nazi war-hawk if she was German, yet, inexplicably, the US right claims she is Left-Wing. Only compared to the ultra-right-wing Republicans. Compare her to someone like Merkel (Christian Democrat / Conservative) or Boris Johnson (Conservative) and she is significantly to their right on most issues.

The entire US "medical system" is a scam... the moniker "the medical mafia" fits it perfect.

But no one in the US wants the same people who built and run the US Postal Service (the US Gubermint) to take over "Health Care" from the mob.

Europe is 'socialism light' and, if I recall, the "medical systems" in Belgium have not served one of our loved ones well at all (which pisses me off by the way because I love 'the guy').

21st May 2020, 14:28
Well, by the standards of most of the world, most Americans ARE right-wing.

Of course we would be. When you are the most powerful nation on Earth and can kick arse at will not only all over the planet but now, in space too!... of course you would dig in and "defend your world dominance! Get over it. :p

Actually... some of us Americans are devotees of something far more powerful than a physically bound (souless) temporal power, but we can still jest.

(hint, she goes by many names... but my favorite is Sophia)

21st May 2020, 14:40
The entire US "medical system" is a scam... the moniker "the medical mafia" fits it perfect.

Indeed. If not quite a scam, certainly a racket. It is designed to extract maximum resources from everyone involved, who has the misfortune of having to fund it.

But no one in the US wants the same people who built and run the US Postal Service (the US Gubermint) to take over "Health Care" from the mob.

How would that be worse than the current situation? The government wouldn't actually have to run it, they could just create fairer conditions and better bargaining power, cutting out a lot of the middlemen. Hybrid systems, like the one in France, are usually considered the best.

Europe is 'socialism light' and, if I recall, the "medical systems" in Belgium have not served one of our loved ones well at all (which pisses me off by the way because I love 'the guy').

I don't think European healthcare systems have done any worse than the one in the US. Despite the rhetoric, Europe isn't really socialist, that's just US right-wing propaganda. I grew up under actual socialism, so trust me, I know. For one, under real socialism, not only is there no unemployment, but it is actually illegal to be unemployed. As a result, most jobs are redundant, or several people do a job that one person could do by himself. It is incredibly inefficient, so socialist systems always fail. Europe is actually highly capitalistic and market-oriented, it's just that there is a wider social safety net than in the US.

Emil El Zapato
21st May 2020, 14:46
Again, gubment is a reflection of both its people and more importantly the 'ambience' of its leaders. Not to mention the general intelligence of all...sigh...If government leaders 'WANT TO HELP', they can make it work. For example, with Trump as current President, how well do you think government could implement anything, anything at all. The grind of the Hegelian Dialectic is working against us all, at the moment.

21st May 2020, 15:03
For example, with Trump as current President, how well do you think government could implement anything, anything at all.

Here's a US-centric reply - 1000% better than any of the alternatives (both current and former over the past 30 years)

Emil El Zapato
21st May 2020, 15:18
In yo' face, Truth

21st May 2020, 15:33
Wasn't referring to you specifically, just those on the Right (in the US mostly) in general who think Covid-19 is a hoax of some sorts to bring down Trump.

There may be multiple reasons a "health event" has been so expertly exploited (and which happens to be the HOAX of COVID-19(84).

This Coronavirus Fraud Is Planned Panic and Murder for the Purpose of Advancing Agendas of Control (https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/05/gary-d-barnett/this-coronavirus-fraud-is-planned-panic-and-murder-for-the-purpose-of-advancing-agendas-of-control/)

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” ~ Ayn Rand — Ayn Rand– Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan, Robert Hessen (1986). “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal”, p.320, Penguin

It has taken little time for the people in the Unites States to become a comatose society due the fraud called coronavirus. An easier takeover of the minds of Americans could hardly have been imagined. This has been due in large part to mass ignorance that has been bred into the people over many decades. Ignorance will always be evident in the herd, so in order to survive as a free soul, one must open his mind and change his perceptions so that an escape from ignorance is possible. Accomplishment of this freedom requires a belief in only what one can prove, so question everything and believe only in self. Accept love, empathy, caring, joy, humility, kindness, compassion, and truth, and this will lead to a joining with others instead of fear and divisiveness.

At this point, fear is the single common denominator of human action, and that fear has led to chaos and large-scale submission. That is a recipe for tyranny, and this is well known by the engineers of this fake crisis, as they structured this pandemic in a manner to cause global upheaval through isolation and pitting everyone against his neighbor. By doing this, infighting has taken the place of sanity, and instead of questioning the government’s false narrative people are questioning each other. That leaves the real criminals free to continue their plot to restructure society to fit their agenda of total control.

One of the lynchpins in any effort to control large numbers of people is manufactured confusion, as mass confusion does not allow enough time to sort out the truth. What has happened in a period of a few weeks is a tidal wave of confusion and doubt, with the hype from government assuring those already confused masses that rushing to get a vaccine will free all from risk of death. In order to control the panic, government is claiming to be fast tracking an effort to create a vaccine when the vaccine is already available, and has been for some time in my opinion. In fact, any vaccine that is mandated to the public in the near term will be so deadly as to cause the next wave, followed by more waves of sickness and death, all due to the viruses and adjutants injected directly into a populace that has had their immune systems destroyed due to government mandated isolation. In essence, vaccination will enhance death, and will only lead to more control, more isolation, and more false testing, allowing for constant and continuous lockdowns, surveillance, tracing, and imprisonment.

This is so much more than a virus, as any actual virus is minor compared to this response meant to take over society. This is about a technocratic takeover, where most everything is controlled from a central planning grid, where the most advantaged and the elites will have everything they need through automated services while the bulk of society will suffer the consequences of being locked into a controlled and monitored working class environment. The destruction of this current economic system is already far advanced, as the consequences of shutdowns, business closings, food supply destruction, additional sickness, despair, and unemployment will not only harm some, but will be devastating to all in this society other than the very top tier.

In addition, all privacy is gone, movement is monitored and controlled, and future life choices will be based on whether one has complied with government’s mandates of distancing, vaccination, testing, and other mandated orders concerning any and all behavior patterns. Being prodded, probed, injected, and surveilled is now the “new normal,” with threats of state violence should any not adhere to direct orders by central planning authorities claiming the right to rule.

People are being murdered on a daily basis, especially the old and those with immune system weakness, and this is no accident and not due to any virus. Many hospitals are closed, normal medical care and surgery have been eliminated or suspended, many are dying in their homes for fear of going to a hospital, or knowing that they can get no care due the fact that hospitals are refusing to help those in need. Most every patient that does get admitted to a hospital is putting their life at risk, as any diagnosed with Covid means higher pay to the hospital, and when the hospital puts any patient on a ventilator, normally a death sentence, the pay to the hospital is increased by multiple times. This is a travesty.

Other things are happening as this dystopia continues, as the governor of Washington indicated a few days ago that any who do not cooperate with “contact tracers” and that do not allow forced testing, will not be allowed to leave their homes for any reason. Armed military personnel and other private contractors hired by the state are enforcing this invasion of citizens, and these totalitarian measures will soon be nationwide if heavy resistance is not forthcoming.

Our future looks bleak. Our privacy is now a thing of the past, our homes can be invaded at any time by state goons pretending to protect the public, and life is relegated to one that is digital, and void of personal space and normal human interaction. Entertainment has been virtually eliminated, and simple pleasures such as dining out are now akin to a sterile science fiction setting. Travel is almost impossible, and without the ability to move, to gather together, and to laugh and play, life is becoming unlivable.

What has happened to the people of this country? Why is the bulk of society so willing to allow false fear to drive them to slavery? Why have normal people acquiesced to orders from the state; orders that have destroyed their livelihoods, property, and families, and placed them in a position of dependence that is never-ending? Starvation and poverty are knocking at the door of many in this country, but none should allow the government’s evil intentions to ever see the light of day due to this bogus pandemic created for the single purpose of destroying all that is good about humanity in order to create a world of non-human action.

We can take our right to life and freedom, or we can cower in fear and die. [emphasis by Chester]

“There are moments that define a person’s whole life. Moments in which everything they are and everything they may possibly become balance on a single decision. Life and death, hope and despair, victory and failure teeter precariously on the decision made at that moment. These are moments ungoverned by happenstance, untroubled by luck. These are the moments in which a person earns the right to live, or not.”

~ Jonathan Maberry (2012). “Tales of the Rot & Ruin: Rot & Ruin; Dust & Decay; Dead & Gone, a Rot & Ruin story; Flesh & Bone”, p.233, Simon and Schuster

21st May 2020, 16:00
Jaysus, Corons are such snowflakes. They have to spend a couple of weeks at home watching Netflix and they think they are living in 1984... What utter Tosh. If anything, the US government's response has been far too timid, which is why there is a raging epidemic there right now.

The economic effects are no joke, but that's what pandemics do. Just ask anyone who had to live through the Spanish Flu, Cholera or the Black Plague. It is a natural consequence of contagious disease. You have to isolate people and shut down the economy, there's no other way to stop, or at least mitigate a contagious, airborne and deadly disease that has no known treatment or vaccine.

Emil El Zapato
21st May 2020, 16:33
that's hilarious Chris...yeah, the whole thing is ridiculous...deny and cry...decry... what a load...

21st May 2020, 16:44
Chester's Chatter is inclusive! We embrace all.

21st May 2020, 16:57
600 Doctors disagree with Chris and NotAPretender

Read the letter in the article. I could have posted the letter but would have had to sign up.


Emil El Zapato
21st May 2020, 17:04
Disagree with what Chester? You're still not getting it at all (that's what my work trainer tells me everytime I talk to him). Breitbart has some agenda, didn't he die? and when he did did not someone write an Obit that said, "well, at least his mother loved him"?

22nd May 2020, 01:12
Disagree with what Chester? You're still not getting it at all (that's what my work trainer tells me everytime I talk to him). Breitbart has some agenda, didn't he die? and when he did did not someone write an Obit that said, "well, at least his mother loved him"?

You have an agenda, I don't conclude everything you put out there is worthless info or lies or that it makes a great case for the stupidity of progressive ideas.

I embrace you!

Also I believe you can read - "Read the letter in the article. I could have posted the letter but would have had to sign up."

or... read the article from The Hill -


22nd May 2020, 01:51
I do not wish to read this letter, it may change my truth, is there an easier pill to swallow ?

22nd May 2020, 02:41
I do not wish to read this letter, it may change my truth, is there an easier pill to swallow ?


Doctors push Trump to quickly reopen country in letter organized by conservatives (https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/499058-doctors-back-trump-push-to-quickly-reopen-the-country)

More than 600 physicians signed a letter organized in part by a conservative group that warns President Trump against a lengthy economic shutdown because of the coronavirus.

The doctors call such closures a "mass casualty" event.

COMMENT By Chester:


"A no brainer"

and in the same vein -

As mask use rises dramatically, evidence for their effectiveness is 'sparse and contested' (https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/mask-use-rises-dramatically-evidence-their-effectiveness-sparse-and)

Short summary - "Masks" don't do shit."

22nd May 2020, 03:20

Doctors push Trump to quickly reopen country in letter organized by conservatives (https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/499058-doctors-back-trump-push-to-quickly-reopen-the-country)

More than 600 physicians signed a letter organized in part by a conservative group that warns President Trump against a lengthy economic shutdown because of the coronavirus.

The doctors call such closures a "mass casualty" event.

COMMENT By Chester:


"A no brainer"

and in the same vein -

As mask use rises dramatically, evidence for their effectiveness is 'sparse and contested' (https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/mask-use-rises-dramatically-evidence-their-effectiveness-sparse-and)

Short summary - "Masks" don't do shit."

There are masks that protect you against getting infected ─ provided that you also maintain all other precautions, such as frequently washing and/or disinfecting your hands, maintaining a safe distance from others and not touching your face ─ but those masks are hard to come by. They can be identified visually by the ostensible filter in front of the mouth.

Most other masks ─ i.e. the surgical type commonly seen ─ do not protect you against getting infected, but instead are meant to protect others from being infected by you.

22nd May 2020, 03:30
There are masks that protect you against getting infected ─ provided that you also maintain all other precautions, such as frequently washing and/or disinfecting your hands, maintaining a safe distance from others and not touching your face ─ but those masks are hard to come by. They can be identified visually by the ostensible filter in front of the mouth.

Most other masks ─ i.e. the surgical type commonly seen ─ do not protect you against getting infected, but instead are meant to protect others from being infected by you.

But I can't get COVID-19(84)™

I got a vasectomy way back in 1996.

22nd May 2020, 03:59
But I can't get COVID-19(84)™

I got a vasectomy way back in 1996.

What's a vasectomy got to do with Covid-19? :confused:

22nd May 2020, 07:42
600 Doctors disagree with Chris and NotAPretender

Read the letter in the article. I could have posted the letter but would have had to sign up.


I did read the letter and the article.

It is propaganda Sam and you should know it. The Tea Party action group is well-known for pressuring people into signing bogus pledges and letters or they withdraw their support. Also, the doctors that signed it (600 out of a million or more ain't a lot) are probably tea party members themselves. They do make some valid points, but the overall narrative and message of the letter and the article is hogwash, it fails on the level of basic logic.

22nd May 2020, 07:57
I see dead people. I wish to respect the dead. Wish they would STFU. LOL. Sheesh.

Emil El Zapato
22nd May 2020, 13:18
You have an agenda, I don't conclude everything you put out there is worthless info or lies or that it makes a great case for the stupidity of progressive ideas.

I embrace you!

Also I believe you can read - "Read the letter in the article. I could have posted the letter but would have had to sign up."

or... read the article from The Hill -


you're still not getting it at all, Dear Chester

Emil El Zapato
22nd May 2020, 13:28
I will say this, Chester just to show I'm willing to coop/compromise:

Opening up is a good idea, why not, we have to live our lives, but the Big question still remains...Why is Trump such an idiotic asshole? Now there's a conspiracy idea with much fodder to feed on.

22nd May 2020, 13:37
We have a smart Governor who handled this ordeal well. We are opening up step by step. Whether I go rural or urban, I'm close to both, I see folks being smart and considerate. As in, they wear masks, keep safe distances, refrain from hand shaking, etc.

As I said before, the reason things weren't worse is because the people themselves have been smart and responsible. The leadership has a very spotty record, depending on which leaders you're talking about.

22nd May 2020, 16:13
I will say this, Chester just to show I'm willing to coop/compromise:

Opening up is a good idea, why not, we have to live our lives, but the Big question still remains...Why is Trump such an idiotic asshole? Now there's a conspiracy idea with much fodder to feed on.

There's two things I would say about Trump as a response to your question -

The first - In light of the fact that no one is perfect (other than myself as I am perfect, ie. perfectly imperfect)... It was clear to me very quickly in his presidency that the odds of him ever making a shift in his personality are almost zero. In addition to this observation, I made odds that he had any real control over the worst of this as almost zero. And then I asked myself, whose problem is this? Whose problem is it if my assessments are true? They certainly aren't his - he has zero problem with being "who he is." And so the answer is, it is my problem. And thus that leads me to reality that I either deal with it or not.

And in light of this, I recommend to others they deal with it (or not) as each decides to do.

The second - I consider Trump's father (please, do your own homework in this regard) and what Trump may have learned growing up. What this tells me is that Trump has an understanding of "forbidden technology" with regards to "who" is allowed to be involved with it. That means Trump likely has an understanding of the military/industrial/congressional complex, how all that works and its power as one of the factions of "secret governments."

I then consider Donald Trump's own life path, especially his stretch as "controller" of Resorts International and as a casino owner. This strongly suggests Trump has experience in working with "mafias" which are "bridged to" "the white world" via Casinos and gambling. This is a huge portal to changing "money" from black to white but having said that, it must be understood that the "white world economy" is only a component of the actual world economy... and I do not mean as only a counterpart to a cash/black economy. There's a serious "off books" economy which only a select few individuals and factions participate. So we deal with three "economies" that make up the actual "total economy." It is my opinion that Trump understands this (and he has made this ever more clear by caring not for "the national debt and annual national deficit" - "it's all monopoly money, anyways" type understanding).

I far prefer the "acting CEO" of corporation America be a someone who understands both of these. And also, he somehow controls himself well enough "they" haven't made him a Kennedy (yet).

In addition, Trump is going after some of the sub-factions (and industries) of the underworld factions which suggest to me "the controllers" are allowing a change "there" and this could mean the "winding down" of the practices used by some factions... practices that involve Satanic Ritual Abuse and Satanic Ritual Sacrifice. This then may result in a more effective eradication of human trafficking, especially child trafficking and pedophilia. And this is where Q comes in (and why, IMO, its is an Operation and not a "larp" and thus certainly not a hoax as "some" so wish.

I like that he doesn't drink, smoke or do "illegal" drugs.

I like that he sleeps three or four hours a night (means he adds somewhere near 20% of time to be productive with regards to consensus reality).

I accept Trump for who he is, including his short comings.

So there's your answer, NotAPretender, with one important final statement needed to be made.

None of the people involved in politics at the higher levels get there by being "saints." They get approved for "the job" based upon the various factions ("controllers") making their bets where all sorts of shenanigans take place for the best "man" to win... meaning, this is decided by the result of the factions efforts to seat "the man" they want.

And they key here to understand is that whichever "candidate" wins (understanding they have the US so well organized in this way that they whittle it down to two and this is decided with months to go before "the Selection," ..er, I mean "election" - that the factions are able to further negotiate with each other and continue to "vett" each candidate simultaneously even up to the very last day or so prior to the "stage production" called "The Election."

When you understand this - you are able to "root" for the one you think you want to win and you can even go "vote" if you think that actually makes a difference. I vote because I like to play along.

I hope you appreciate how much I put into this response and the full honesty I placed into the response.

Emil El Zapato
22nd May 2020, 16:31
yes, not bad, Chester..almost, almost I say, that is hard to argue with...BUT, Trump is doing none of those things you suggest and he doesn't indicate any special knowledge beyond how to work with Mafia types (I, personally, believe that the 'dead' bodies will eventually show up in Trump's history). His father's legacy is highly indicative of severe psychological abuse, but his father's message I'm sure was, "Forgive me junior because I've given you all that money". That is the 'double-bind' mentality that burdens Trump at his soul. He is an emotional child, still trying and failing to understand why he feels so worthless. He is incapable of facing outward necessities that involve other people, even raped and traded children, because he is obsessed with himself.

Surely, you didn't miss his KNOWN association with that forkup that died in Prison? Those are his people...he's useless to everyone but himself. Even his children are pawns to be moved on his chessboard. He is a horribly scarred useless human being, who will only on his deathbed recognize his mistakes, if indeed he has not been usurped by the Demonic. It's sad in many ways, but he is not the type of figure that is evocative to those that would feel pity. In short, the people that don't resonate with his dysfunction. Those people that are 'wise' to the ways of all things representing the worst of humanity.

22nd May 2020, 16:57
We have a smart Governor who handled this ordeal well. We are opening up step by step. Whether I go rural or urban, I'm close to both, I see folks being smart and considerate. As in, they wear masks, keep safe distances, refrain from hand shaking, etc.

As I said before, the reason things weren't worse is because the people themselves have been smart and responsible. The leadership has a very spotty record, depending on which leaders you're talking about.

I am happy for you that it seems you are pleased with your experience, so far, with how your governor has "managed" COVID-19(84)™

I would point out though, that I have noticed it is a pattern for you to use the word "we" so often, always implying that you are a spokesman for a collective and the collective is universal. And my experience, especially over the last few months, has been that there are many who are not pleased with many of the words and actions of the current governor of California, many of them leaving California as fast as they can.

Interestingly, this is happening in New York, in New Jersey, in Illinois and what is the obvious commonality is that they are all "blue states" and all have a huge "state tax" and also have huge state deficits. And they are striving to abuse the COVID-19(84)™ scamDEMic™ to try and extort "tax payer funded Federal Funds" to bail out their fiscal irresponsibility. This is disgusting.

In the specific case of California, they are giving free-money to illegal aliens (I use the legal term for what they are) and wish for citizens of states that operate with fiscal responsibility to pay for their lack thereof.

I am proudly a proponent of the critical importance of one's personal responsibility at every level of their being and all my political views begin from that specific "operational tenet."

What might blow your mind is that because of this very tenet. I hold a particular political stance that a.) build the wall, b.) secure the borders and c.) everyone that wants to be a permanent resident - even those who have made some serious mistakes, be provided a status of "provisional permanent resident" immediately. ALL who are here. They then would enter a process where they can achieve permanent residency. Once that has been achieved, they have the existing pathway to citizenship that permanent residents have.

What does the above position have to do with "personal responsibility?"

Here's the answer. It isn't FULLY my fault that there are millions of illegal aliens in the US. In fact, after the last "amnesty," though I was old enough to vote, I didn't engage with these issues. My lack of participation could be seen as a failure of personal responsibility, so I have some fault. Secondly, as a nation, the United States of America failed in its personal responsibility with regards to the whole immigration/illegal immigration/labor force issues... and I lay the blame for that at the feet of my grand parents generation, my parent's generation as well as my own.

And from that particular point of view, regardless of any argument "they came here illegally," the fact is "we made that situation."

Now, go to the human level. And before I do that, I must point out that there was (and is) the reality of the United States of America and then there was (and is) the illusion of the United States of America. So whichever a foreigner may have been attracted to (and that includes the huge grey area in-between), foreigners have been attracted to come here. And they usually make their decision based on what they believe will be an improvement over their own current living situation in light of their prospects of improvement if they remain where they reside.

So, in each case, when a foreigner comes the the US, whether they do so with an intent to stay or whether, as happens, they are in the US on a "visitor visa" and decide to stay... and that in each of these cases, they do so illegally, I honor that, I honor their bravery, I honor their decision.

So combining the two points - the first being, "we," the US... ourselves, our parents, our grand parents and so forth, are responsible for creating weak, weird laws we have (with all sorts of loopholes) and for not enforcing what laws we made... and the second being that who could blame a single human being for wanting a better life (if that's what they believe they'll get in the US) and for taking actions to fulfill that dream?

Now - if Aragorn took the time to read my position on the "illegal immigration" issue facing the US and what I would do if I were in charge... ask yourself, Aragorn... is there anything "Right" about my position and the actions I would take?

22nd May 2020, 17:34
yes, not bad, Chester..almost, almost I say, that is hard to argue with...BUT, Trump is doing none of those things you suggest and he doesn't indicate any special knowledge beyond how to work with Mafia types (I, personally, believe that the 'dead' bodies will eventually show up in Trump's history).

Forgive me but have you not noticed the massive military spending and the creation of The Space Force? That is precisely the type of stuff at the TOP of the wish-list of the military/industrial/congressional complex's dream list.

Regarding the next section of your post, you are engaging in psychological analysis which, I would respond... who among us doesn't have emotional baggage? And I would answer... psychopaths.

I far prefer someone engaged with psychological damage than psychopaths.

I will also add that in that next section you appear to accuse Trump of things you don't know are true. This is (IMO) a terrible habit for us to engage in. I am not immune to finding myself making this mistake.

I can only attempt to make my point by the following:

I have worked with the sleaziest human beings you could imagine on this Earth.

I have worked with people who enjoyed having sex with the underaged. I do not and, other than my first wife and when I was a teenager or very young man, I never did.

I have worked with people who either murdered others or issued the orders to have people murdered. I never murdered anyone and I never issued an order to have someone murdered.

I have worked with people who, perhaps were connected with Satanic networks in Europe and the UK. I am not simply speculating this, I am basing it on facts I was told (and subsequently verified), things I learned after I no longer worked with those folks in light of what I came to learn once I took the Red Pill in 2003 (cutting my teeth on David Icke's The Biggest Secret). I was never brought into any "Satanic" activity and I never sought to be involved.

I have worked with people who were former members of the military and who were, after military life, DOD contractors. I won't mention names, but these folks were hand in hand with all the stuff going on in the 70s and 80s with regards most specifically to Central America and this touched "Iran" and touched "Mena airport." I never got involved in any sort of operations that would be deemed "illegal" other than my participation on the "industry" of international bookmaking where, depending on the POV of any particular jurisdiction, I might be seen as operating "within the law" or "operating criminally." But I always worked within the framework my legal advisors told me were "safe" from legal compromise. Despite that, in 1998 I was under the "thumb" of the US Justice Department (out of the Southern District of New York) where, fortunately, the "complaint" was dropped after 7 months of a pretty scary situation.

No one who takes the risks I have taken in life and doesn't get their feet muddy (at the level of one's soul I mean) when walking in the same "fields" with those like I described above.

And what I learned was that in those fields are three types of people. I saw myself as a "wanna be" where something deep in my soul held me back from crossing mortally un-crossable lines...and I think that all my contacts saw that too... and so the invites to cross that first, irreversable line (they always came in the form of hints... and step by step hints at that), the invites I refrained from "biting on" were never strongly pursued. They saw I didn't "have it." - I say, Thank God.

There are those who find themselves "in." And yet, they still retain that connection with their soul. These folks have taken on a very difficult journey... an extremely challenging soul journey. Some 'lose their soul' - spoken as a metaphor, not necessarily literally (and these are the ones who join the third group - the sociopaths and psychopaths). Some end up dead before their time... sometimes by intentional, self performed suicide, some via the indirect form of suicide - placing themselves in a risk position they know full well they likely won't survive. Some end up addicts and though they haven't crossed over to sociopathy/psychopthy... they effectively "live dead" to their connection to soul. And many die that way.

And some take on the challenge of Redemption. And this is what Donald Trump has embarked upon (again, in my opinion).

So whether Trump ever "crossed" one or more of the above described "lines" I cannot claim to know, but neither can you, NotAPretender.

And so I leave this post with the fact that I have to "root for" and "vote for" one of the two "candidates." A clearly compromised human being, Donal Trump or...

...a machine. And understand, "Biden"™ is nothing but the logo of this machine. And the machine, in my best assessment is utterly soulless.

So the choice, for me, is easy.

Emil El Zapato
22nd May 2020, 17:51
that was the implication of why he is so confused...all that baggage is compartmentalized away under the psychopathic persona. The Space Force is an ephemeral attempt to do something that Obama didn't do. So, I'm a bit confused by all this now. Feeding the military industrial complex at the expense of the rest of humanity is a 'sign' of good? There are a plethora (I stole that word from The Three Amigos) of types that slaver at all that human waste. Stars Wars/Space Force, they had similar motivations and ain't none of it good. But at a minimum Rayguns actually tried to implement his plan. All Trump has is the phrase The Space Force, jesus, the very thought is the closest thing to hell I can 'conjure' up.

22nd May 2020, 17:54
that was the implication of why he is so confused...all that baggage is compartmentalized away under the psychopathic persona. The Space Force is an ephemeral attempt to do something that Obama didn't do. So, I'm a bit confused by all this now. Feeding the military industrial complex at the expense of the rest of humanity is a 'sign' of good? There are a plethora (I stole that word from The Three Amigos) of types that slaver at all that human waste. Stars Wars/Space Force, they had similar motivations and ain't none of it good. But at a minimum Rayguns actually tried to implement his plan. All Trump has is the phrase The Space Force, jesus, the very thought is the closest thing to hell I can 'conjure' up.

We disagree - I do not see Trump as any form of psychopath and you do.

I see the alternative, "Biden"™, as systematically soulless - the root of psychopathy is complete disconnection to soul.

I will always defend your right to your opinion as well as your right to express it.

All I can say is "enjoy the show!"

Emil El Zapato
22nd May 2020, 18:47

not likely...Just for you Chester:

John Cougar, John Mellencamp, John Cougar Mellencamp...whatever the hell his name is..


22nd May 2020, 20:37

In addition, Trump is going after some of the sub-factions (and industries) of the underworld factions which suggest to me "the controllers" are allowing a change "there" and this could mean the "winding down" of the practices used by some factions... practices that involve Satanic Ritual Abuse and Satanic Ritual Sacrifice. This then may result in a more effective eradication of human trafficking, especially child trafficking and pedophilia. And this is where Q comes in (and why, IMO, its is an Operation and not a "larp" and thus certainly not a hoax as "some" so wish.

That's where you're wrong. He's not going after anything specifically, and he's certainly not going after any "Deep State" or "Illuminati". In addition to that, Q has been outed by one of its own insiders. So let me wrap it up for you one more time.

Q is in fact a group of computer geeks who were involved with Trump's 2016 electoral campaign. Being genuine alt-righters, they were also involved with 4Chan, where some of them were moderators. They were already playing out their LARP there earlier, but under a different guise, namely that of an FBI insider/whistleblower. This was still before Donald Trump was elected as president, but they were already rallying support for him by posting as much dirt on Hillary Clinton ─ both genuine dirt and manufactured dirt from the never-ending imagination of the far-right ─ as they could come up with.

Then they were kicked off of 4Chan and they moved to 8Chan, a similar message board, created by other ex-4Chan moderators. The "FBI insider/whistleblower" persona was traded in for a new identity, namely "Q". And not only is that a LARP just like their previous one, but given its (and Trump's) fanatic following, they also now concretely act as a propaganda machine to keep the faith high in Trump the alt-right Messiah, so as to make sure that he gets re-elected, and if he does ─ which is very likely, given who his electoral opponent is ─ so as to make sure that Trump will continue receiving support from the same following as he already had before.


I like that he sleeps three or four hours a night (means he adds somewhere near 20% of time to be productive with regards to consensus reality).


That's just because he has ADHD. It's the hallmark of his presidency, and the reason why he is dubbed Captain Chaos™. And that is also why he appears to be going after certain businesses, while in reality, they merely happen to be what irks him during that particular time of the month. Unless of course he's going after notable US Democrats, because he passionately hates those, and he'll always set some time aside to go after them.

The truth of the matter is that, as president of the United States of America ─ a country with over 300'000'000 inhabitants, the most productive military-industrial complex in the world and the greatest arsenal of nuclear weapons on the face of the planet ─ he doesn't have a single clue about what the hell he is doing. He's just winging it, and his advisors are undoubtedly having a hell of a hard time trying to keep him in check.

Donald Trump is not a man of principles and values. He's an impulsive, opportunistic, racist, misogynist and relentless narcissist who doesn't give a rat's tail end about anything or anyone other than his own ego, and the support from the big corporations that got him into the White House and is still keeping him there in spite of all his blunders.

And you can take that to the bank.

22nd May 2020, 21:06
You still have a problem with 'we', Chester? It's such a commonly used word with so many meanings depending on context.

I've already explained myself. There's no need to perseverate.

The illegal aliens are here for economic reasons. As in cheap labor.

Blaming the government is using it as a whipping post. If the powers that be, as in the donors and shareholders, didn't want this labor, the government would have stopped it long ago.

22nd May 2020, 21:50
[...] There's no need to perseverate. [...]

Is that Americanese for "persevere"? :ttr:

23rd May 2020, 00:24
What's a vasectomy got to do with Covid-19? :confused:

I don't need a condom anymore


I did read the letter and the article.

It is propaganda Sam and you should know it. The Tea Party action group is well-known for pressuring people into signing bogus pledges and letters or they withdraw their support. Also, the doctors that signed it (600 out of a million or more ain't a lot) are probably tea party members themselves. They do make some valid points, but the overall narrative and message of the letter and the article is hogwash, it fails on the level of basic logic.

I see that your opinion is that it is propaganda. I hope your opinion serves you well. My opinion agrees with the 600 doctors. I believe my opinion is based on science and common sense. I believe your opinion is based on "that which you wish to be true."

But does it really matter who thinks who is right? All that matters is "what is and what will be." Right?

23rd May 2020, 00:40
You still have a problem with 'we', Chester? It's such a commonly used word with so many meanings depending on context.

I've already explained myself. There's no need to perseverate.

The illegal aliens are here for economic reasons. As in cheap labor.

Blaming the government is using it as a whipping post. If the powers that be, as in the donors and shareholders, didn't want this labor, the government would have stopped it long ago.

You post indicates you didn't read mine or, if you did, you didn't understand it.

I did not blame the government - in fact, with regards to the US government, it is the people who are "technically" supposed to be in charge. And for that reason, what happens in the US is the responsibility of the people and so, if the people like the results of the actions of the government they empowered and "elected" (haha), or, on the other hand, do not like the results, they only have themselves to pat on the back or blame.

That point was clearly made and I find it odd you interpret I "blamed the government."

As for "the powers that be," I completely agree, but I circle back to whose fault is it (at least here in the good ole USA) that "the powers that be" run the show?

"Well after all, it was (and is) you and me."

Our collective, outer reality is simply a reflection of our collective consciousness anyways... so why not start by taking responsibility for it? That's how I look at it anyways and that's what I do. What others do is what others do and its not my problem.

Is that Americanese for "persevere"? :ttr:

I want some perseverate with my covfefe (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/31/us/politics/covfefe-trump-twitter.html), please.

23rd May 2020, 00:44
Is that Americanese for "persevere"? :ttr:

I want some perseverate with my covfefe (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/31/us/politics/covfefe-trump-twitter.html), please.

Yeah, and then next thing you're going to ask for scrambled eggysamples too. :p

23rd May 2020, 00:45
That's where you're wrong. He's not going after anything specifically, and he's certainly not going after any "Deep State" or "Illuminati". In addition to that, Q has been outed by one of its own insiders. So let me wrap it up for you one more time.

Q is in fact a group of computer geeks who were involved with Trump's 2016 electoral campaign. Being genuine alt-righters, they were also involved with 4Chan, where some of them were moderators. They were already playing out their LARP there earlier, but under a different guise, namely that of an FBI insider/whistleblower. This was still before Donald Trump was elected as president, but they were already rallying support for him by posting as much dirt on Hillary Clinton ─ both genuine dirt and manufactured dirt from the never-ending imagination of the far-right ─ as they could come up with.

Then they were kicked off of 4Chan and they moved to 8Chan, a similar message board, created by other ex-4Chan moderators. The "FBI insider/whistleblower" persona was traded in for a new identity, namely "Q". And not only is that a LARP just like their previous one, but given its (and Trump's) fanatic following, they also now concretely act as a propaganda machine to keep the faith high in Trump the alt-right Messiah, so as to make sure that he gets re-elected, and if he does ─ which is very likely, given who his electoral opponent is ─ so as to make sure that Trump will continue receiving support from the same following as he already had before.

That's just because he has ADHD. It's the hallmark of his presidency, and the reason why he is dubbed Captain Chaos™. And that is also why he appears to be going after certain businesses, while in reality, they merely happen to be what irks him during that particular time of the month. Unless of course he's going after notable US Democrats, because he passionately hates those, and he'll always set some time aside to go after them.

The truth of the matter is that, as president of the United States of America ─ a country with over 300'000'000 inhabitants, the most productive military-industrial complex in the world and the greatest arsenal of nuclear weapons on the face of the planet ─ he doesn't have a single clue about what the hell he is doing. He's just winging it, and his advisors are undoubtedly having a hell of a hard time trying to keep him in check.

Donald Trump is not a man of principles and values. He's an impulsive, opportunistic, racist, misogynist and relentless narcissist who doesn't give a rat's tail end about anything or anyone other than his own ego, and the support from the big corporations that got him into the White House and is still keeping him there in spite of all his blunders.

And you can take that to the bank.

It is my opinion, you have so much totally wrong and much of the rest half wrong in this post... and that I only wish to bring it to your attention and provide you the space to figure out which is which. BUT! If you stated it all as 'your opinion' (which much of my posts state about mine), there would be the opportunity to have that "meeting place" where perhaps we could find some common ground... which is my desire. What say you?

And I say this out of love and friendship, Aragorn... posts like the one I quoted are perfect examples of severe authoritarianism. And, maybe I have been wrong, but I never sized you up to be a fan of authoritarianism.

23rd May 2020, 01:12
It is my opinion, you have so much totally wrong and much of the rest half wrong in this post... and that I only wish to bring it to your attention and provide you the space to figure out which is which. BUT! If you stated it all as 'your opinion' (which much of my posts state about mine), there would be the opportunity to have that "meeting place" where perhaps we could find some common ground... which is my desire. What say you?

And I say this out of love and friendship, Aragorn... posts like the one I quoted are perfect examples of severe authoritarianism. And, maybe I have been wrong, but I never sized you up to be a fan of authoritarianism.

I don't see any authoritarianism in any of what I wrote there. I don't consider pointing out the facts as any kind of authoritarianism.

Also, that which you have stated to be only my opinion (and "wrong") about "Q" was already factual public knowledge more than a year ago ─ in late 2018, as the matter of fact. In addition to that ─ and the following words are only my opinion ─ I think that it's (1) highly unlikely that there truly would be some secret military insider working together with Trump against "the Deep State" because ─ pardon my French ─ Donald Trump is too fucking stupid to even tie his own shoelaces, and (2) that this "insider" would then also be posting cryptic messages about this alleged battle against "the Deep State" on a far-right message board known for its abundance of misinformation and lack of intelligence.

In my not so humble opinion, the credibility of such a scenario in and of itself wouldn't even survive the selection as a plot for a Marvel comic. But ─ and I apologize for once again stepping on sensitive US American toes ─ I guess you have to be an American to believe in that shit. Because that's where all the make-believe and the pseudoscience come from, such as the anti-vaxx movement, the NWO conspiracy theories, the Covid-19 conspiracy theory, the 5G conspiracy theory, and ─ let's not forget, last but not least ─ the Great Commie Scare.

As for my description of Donald Trump's psyche, I stand by everything I said about him, and I'm not going to be debating this subject any longer. There's no point. :facepalm:

23rd May 2020, 01:19
I don't see any authoritarianism in any of what I wrote there. I don't consider pointing out the facts as any kind of authoritarianism.

Also, that which you have stated to be only my opinion (and "wrong") about "Q" was already factual public knowledge more than a year ago ─ in late 2018, as the matter of fact. In addition to that ─ and the following words are only my opinion ─ I think that it's (1) highly unlikely that there truly would be some secret military insider working together with Trump against "the Deep State" because ─ pardon my French ─ Donald Trump is too fucking stupid to even tie his own shoelaces, and (2) that this "insider" would then also be posting cryptic messages about this alleged battle against "the Deep State" on a far-right message board known for its abundance of misinformation and lack of intelligence.

In my not so humble opinion, the credibility of such a scenario in and of itself wouldn't even survive the selection as a plot for a Marvel comic. But ─ and I apologize for once again stepping on sensitive US American toes ─ I guess you have to be an American to believe in that shit. Because that's where all the make-believe and the pseudoscience come from, such as the anti-vaxx movement, the NWO conspiracy theories, the Covid-19 conspiracy theory, the 5G conspiracy theory, and ─ let's not forget, last but not least ─ the Great Commie Scare.

As for my description of Donald Trump's psyche, I stand by everything I said about him, and I'm not going to be debating this subject any longer. There's no point. :facepalm:

Please, do me a kindness and link me to "the facts" source information so I can educate myself. An authoritarian tells you what to think (tells you "what the facts are" without sourcing "the facts") instead of sharing sources and allowing people to draw their own conclusion.

If you have the sources for what you claim "are facts" and those sources are verifiable/legitimate, then I will agree they are facts and I will edit my post.

So do me a kindness and "link me baby!"

I will add... I see a great deal of deeply embedded anger which, for some folks, can lead to health issues... so, do whatcha gotta do to get past all that, in the end, we are all ONE right?

23rd May 2020, 01:31
Please, do me a kindness and link me to "the facts" source information so I can educate myself. An authoritarian tells you what to think (tells you "what the facts are" without sourcing "the facts") instead of sharing sources and allowing people to draw their own conclusion.

If you have the sources for what you claim "are facts" and those sources are verifiable/legitimate, then I will agree they are facts and I will edit my post.

I do not have a direct link to the sources of that information, because I myself was never interested in that material, and I had already considered it an implausible hoax from the start. However the (limited) Wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon) is credible enough, and it links to several other sources.

23rd May 2020, 02:51
Thanks to the great governor of California's infinite wisdom -

California doctors say they've seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since lockdowns (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/california-doctors-say-theyve-seen-more-deaths-from-suicide-than-coronavirus-since-lockdowns)

Doctors in Northern California say they have seen more deaths from suicide than they’ve seen from the coronavirus during the pandemic.

“The numbers are unprecedented,” Dr. Michael deBoisblanc of John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, California, told ABC 7 News about the increase of deaths by suicide, adding that he’s seen a “year’s worth of suicides” in the last four weeks alone.

DeBoisblanc said he believes it’s time for California officials to end the stay-at-home order and let people back out into their communities.

"Personally, I think it's time," he said. "I think, originally, this was put in place to flatten the curve and to make sure hospitals have the resources to take care of COVID patients. We have the current resources to do that, and our other community health is suffering."

Kacey Hansen, a trauma center nurse at John Muir Medical Center for more than 30 years, says she’s worried not only about the increased suicide attempts but also about the hospital’s ability to save as many patients as usual.

"What I have seen recently, I have never seen before," Hansen said. "I have never seen so much intentional injury."

Businesses across California have started defying stay-at-home orders imposed by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, and hundreds of protesters have hit the streets, making the argument that the orders were only meant to flatten the curve of the virus’s spread, which Newsom himself said was achieved in mid-April.

Suicide has been an increasingly significant problem across the country as the coronavirus outbreak caused stay-at-home orders that led to unemployment and stress.

By late March, more people had died in just one Tennessee county from suicide than had died in the entire state directly from the virus.

A study published in early May suggested that the coronavirus could lead to at least 75,000 deaths directly brought on by anxiety from the virus, job losses, and addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Another study conducted by Just Facts around the same time computed a broad array of scientific data showing that stress is one of the deadliest health hazards in the world and estimated that the coronavirus lockdowns will destroy 7 times as many years of human life than strict lockdowns can save.

Earlier this week, more than 600 doctors signed their names on a letter to President Trump, referring to the continued lockdowns as a “mass casualty incident” and urging him to do what he can to ensure they come to an end.

[Reporter Chester obtained this quote from on of the citizens of the great State of California] - "'We' so much love our great leader and all he has done for 'us' - the great job he's done in dealing with this virus scurge."

Emil El Zapato
23rd May 2020, 13:17
Here's something to consider Chester and it is important:

There are approximately 200,000 physicians in the U.S. Apparently ~600 of them hold the same opinions as you do. That factors to about 0.003 of the U.S. physicians 'thinking' the same as you do. I got to tell you those numbers indicate what is termed a statistical 'outlier' and you should know that. Statistical outliers are called outliers because they are unusual. In this particular case, I wouldn't use the term unusual, I would call it just plain weird.

24th May 2020, 02:26
Just watch what happens :p

24th May 2020, 02:57
Study of 96,000 Covid-19 Patients Finds Hydroxychloroquine Increased Their Risk of Dying (https://science.slashdot.org/story/20/05/23/0140202/study-of-96000-covid-19-patients-finds-hydroxychloroquine-increased-their-risk-of-dying)

America's CDC and 11 States Erroneously Conflated Two Kinds of Coronavirus Tests (https://news.slashdot.org/story/20/05/23/2152208/americas-cdc-and-11-states-erroneously-conflated-two-kinds-of-coronavirus-tests)

Lockdown-Ignoring Sweden Now Has Europe's Highest Per-Capita Death Rate (https://science.slashdot.org/story/20/05/23/0218249/lockdown-ignoring-sweden-now-has-europes-highest-per-capita-death-rate)

24th May 2020, 05:34
Hang in there naysayers, the narrative has already changed as have the timelines, we are the news now , all you n me , nice, what news one shares is important.

25th May 2020, 02:55
We are all ONE, huh?

Emil El Zapato
25th May 2020, 15:21
My joke for the Day: How many Martians does it take to change a lightbulb? One and a half... whoo hoo, that's a good one... :)

25th May 2020, 16:05
We are all ONE, huh?

God I hope not.
We may be built from the same stuff, share similarities in characteristics. But stick a fork in me and you will not feel it.

With Love

Emil El Zapato
25th May 2020, 17:13
I think a twin might...if one is empathetic much pain can be felt and it isn't by necessity one's own?

25th May 2020, 22:23
I think a twin might...if one is empathetic much pain can be felt and it isn't by necessity one's own?

It doesn't take a twin ─ just an empath will do. I know that from experience. ;)

26th May 2020, 04:51
Nope, twins and empaths need to have certain conditions met to feel the fork. Besides I was commenting on being one with either Aianawa or Dreamtimer. I.E the entirety of existence. And while we share the same source.. (Yes yes, reptilians too etc) I am certain we experience life in completely unique ways. And even though as an empath some days are rougher than others. I do not feel every cut and bruise that is hurting someone on this planet..

With Love

26th May 2020, 13:30
Well, Chester is the one who said it. Would you feel the fork, Chester?

27th May 2020, 03:45
Just watch what happens :p

This is exactly why no one here in the US (except dwarbwabblers) take this scamdemic seriously -

https://twitter.com/EddieZipperer/status/1265374806662397953?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1265374806662397953&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fthe-media%2F2020%2F05%2F26%2Fwatch-wi-man-busts-msnbc-for-mask-shaming-while-cameraman-is-maskless%2F

This is just the beginning of what I said - "Just watch what happens."

27th May 2020, 04:02
This is exactly why no one here in the US (except dwarbwabblers) take this scamdemic seriously -

https://twitter.com/EddieZipperer/status/1265374806662397953?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1265374806662397953&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fthe-media%2F2020%2F05%2F26%2Fwatch-wi-man-busts-msnbc-for-mask-shaming-while-cameraman-is-maskless%2F

This is just the beginning of what I said - "Just watch what happens."

:ha: Yes, saw that clip. It is priceless and he followed up with.."and neither is half of your crew."

The best part was the Body English and embarrassed 'ya got me' look on his face. They decide to end that transmission quickly after that. Dude, was rendered speechless by his own hypocrisy.

27th May 2020, 04:15
Study of 96,000 Covid-19 Patients Finds Hydroxychloroquine Increased Their Risk of Dying (https://science.slashdot.org/story/20/05/23/0140202/study-of-96000-covid-19-patients-finds-hydroxychloroquine-increased-their-risk-of-dying)

America's CDC and 11 States Erroneously Conflated Two Kinds of Coronavirus Tests (https://news.slashdot.org/story/20/05/23/2152208/americas-cdc-and-11-states-erroneously-conflated-two-kinds-of-coronavirus-tests)

Lockdown-Ignoring Sweden Now Has Europe's Highest Per-Capita Death Rate (https://science.slashdot.org/story/20/05/23/0218249/lockdown-ignoring-sweden-now-has-europes-highest-per-capita-death-rate)

Misleading information is in the first article.

If you, as reader, had done your own research, you would know there were several issues with the study versus the actual recommended usage of Hydroxychloroquine, with what other medications/treatments it is to be given and at what stage one is at with progression of the virus. For those interested in educating themselves, here ya go -

summary (see mildly symptomatic patients (on floor) - https://www.evms.edu/media/evms_public/departments/internal_medicine/Marik-Covid-Protocol-Summary.pdf

full document - https://www.evms.edu/media/evms_public/departments/internal_medicine/EVMS_Critical_Care_COVID-19_Protocol.pdf

The second article points to the ineptitude of the CDC which "some" believe is intentional... so stupidity like that generates the very results desired by the perpetrators of the scamdemic. This article supports the argument that this is a scamdemic. No one can be that stupid unless its intentional (meaning the CDC).

The third article is false -

at this moment -
Sweden has 40.64 deaths per 100,000
The UK (ooooh wait, a loophole says they aren't "Europe" haha) - but still, their numbers are 55.42
France - 42.59
Italy - 53.15
Spain - 57.70

Sweden hasn't even come close... and guess what? Lock downs KILL MORE PEOPLE than they save - this is coming out all over several non-mainstream but well sourced media.

Why not do some research before posting false information? You are lucky this isn't Facebook or Twitter or Youtube or Google here or you would be banned for posting false information.

:ha: Yes, saw that clip. It is priceless and he followed up with.."and neither is half of your crew."

Only people who are emotionally invested in a desired outcome could convince themselves this is anything but a pure (and possibly planned) scamDEMic.

My joke for the Day: How many Martians does it take to change a lightbulb? One and a half... whoo hoo, that's a good one... :)

The only thing I know that is 1 1/2 is a jigger - 1.5 ounces... Does that ring any bells around here?

I think a twin might...if one is empathetic much pain can be felt and it isn't by necessity one's own?

Identical twins... its been scientifically documented.

Well, Chester is the one who said it. Would you feel the fork, Chester?

You would be mind blown with what I feel. You would also understand that this very empathy has played a huge role in the establishment of one of my primary operational protocols. Each of us is 100% self-responsible.

27th May 2020, 04:29
Control of the dominant narrative has been the way since a burning bush talked to a certain Egyptian prince on the run. When fear of death, because of the conditions stated in the narrative, began to replace the Olde Ways. The seed of all other fears.

27th May 2020, 04:36
You know you hit the truth right between the eyes when you're banned from a thread. When weak narratives of the weaker souls get threatened, censorship arises - its all they can "try" and do.

27th May 2020, 05:31
You know you hit the truth right between the eyes when you're banned from a thread. When weak narratives of the weaker souls get threatened, censorship arises - its all they can "try" and do.

The reason why you were banned from that thread is not that you were ─ quote ─ "hitting the truth right between the eyes", but because you had been clearly and sufficiently warned that the thread was not for denialism and right-wing conspiracy nonsense, and yet you wouldn't relent.

Given that you can now no longer monitor that thread, I will quote my pertinent shot across the bow below. ↓

P.S.: Chester, given that you have only recently returned to our Shire and that you may not have read all of this thread, a friendly word of warning is due. This thread is for reports about and honest discussions of the SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 pandemic, not for knee-jerk denial (or downplaying) of the facts. You have crossed the bridge between The One Truth and Project Avalon, and over here on this side of the inter-forum meadows, we do not share the same overall vantage as over yonder.

Earlier on, two people were already banned from this thread here because they were disrupting and derailing the intended flow of communication of the thread. They had already repeatedly and explicitly been warned that we weren't going to stand for it, and yet they both persisted. A third person also had to be issued several shots across the bow before she finally got the message. Please don't make me ban you from this thread like I had to do to those other people.

Unlike at Project Avalon, where the thread ban functionality was an ad hoc modification of the vBulletin code which only prevents one from posting to a thread they have been blocked from, here at The One Truth, the thread ban functionality is a vBulletin builtin, which not only prevents one from posting to a thread they've been banned from, but also prevents them from monitoring any further exchanges on the thread. So please, don't make me have to do that to you.

In addition to the above, do please also take note that this is not censorship but moderation. There is a distinct difference, and you may proceed with your denial and post your opinions on your own thread, as well as on Aianawa's denial thread under the Proven Hoaxes & Misinformation category, but this thread here is by management decision protected against disruption and derailment, and we will remove anyone who transgresses on that decision from the discussion.

Just so you'd know. :tiphat:

As the matter of fact, I've been thinking about contacting you privately and slapping you upside the head again, just as I had to do when you were behaving just as aggressively and defiantly back in 2015. You're obviously in one of your manic phases again, and ─ I'm sorry to have to say this ─ when you're in that state of mind, your arrogance goes off the rails.

Don't tell me it's not true. I've known you for six years now, and I've seen your bipolar episodes come and go. And every single time, you've been wrong about what you were believing, endorsing and/or arrogantly pushing ─ Stephen "Charles"/"Atticus"/"Houdini" Hodges, Simon Parkes, Corey Goode, Shane "The Ruiner" Bales, and now it's Donald Trump, QAnon and pandemic denial.

I normally wouldn't be saying anything about it anymore, because you must follow your own path and learn your own lessons. Such is your prerogative, your freedom and your responsibility. But arrogance always comes before the fall, and I have seen you fall so many times already that I've stopped keeping count. When your behavior starts having an effect on other people's peace of mind ─ and especially so on a forum that I myself have been entrusted the responsibility of ─ then for me to remain passive would be wrong, both on account of yourself as an individual and my friend, and on account of those whose toes you're stepping on, which includes mine.

And please, just in case you were thinking of going the cheap-shot route of calling this censorship, no one is stopping you from posting your denial on this thread here. And I myself wouldn't even be posting to this thread anymore ─ or for that matter, even look at it ─ if it wasn't for that aggressive little outburst in your two last posts above this one.

I have now stated my case, and I am putting this thread on my mental ignore list again. I've got better things to do with my time, and right now I'm sitting here with either an incredibly painful bladder infection or with kidney stones that are on their way out ─ it's difficult to tell the difference, because both hurt like hell ─ so I'm not exactly in any mood to deal with anybody's indulgence in arrogance or self-importance right now. I've said what I needed to say. What you do with it is your business.

Enjoy your freedom to express yourself, but recognize its boundaries, and accept the responsibility that comes with it. And if you're going to be playing hard ball, then be prepared for people to push back. One person's freedom ends where another person's freedom begins. Never forget that.

27th May 2020, 06:30
Thanks for xlent post, i gave up after the censorship began, was going to say be carefullll in the FEAr fear fear thread but sounds you were maybe presenting undesired red pills and banned also, CV!( is real n the rest is becoming obvious ).

Misleading information is in the first article.

If you, as reader, had done your own research, you would know there were several issues with the study versus the actual recommended usage of Hydroxychloroquine, with what other medications/treatments it is to be given and at what stage one is at with progression of the virus. For those interested in educating themselves, here ya go -

summary (see mildly symptomatic patients (on floor) - https://www.evms.edu/media/evms_public/departments/internal_medicine/Marik-Covid-Protocol-Summary.pdf

full document - https://www.evms.edu/media/evms_public/departments/internal_medicine/EVMS_Critical_Care_COVID-19_Protocol.pdf

The second article points to the ineptitude of the CDC which "some" believe is intentional... so stupidity like that generates the very results desired by the perpetrators of the scamdemic. This article supports the argument that this is a scamdemic. No one can be that stupid unless its intentional (meaning the CDC).

The third article is false -

at this moment -
Sweden has 40.64 deaths per 100,000
The UK (ooooh wait, a loophole says they aren't "Europe" haha) - but still, their numbers are 55.42
France - 42.59
Italy - 53.15
Spain - 57.70

Sweden hasn't even come close... and guess what? Lock downs KILL MORE PEOPLE than they save - this is coming out all over several non-mainstream but well sourced media.

Why not do some research before posting false information? You are lucky this isn't Facebook or Twitter or Youtube or Google here or you would be banned for posting false information.

Only people who are emotionally invested in a desired outcome could convince themselves this is anything but a pure (and possibly planned) scamDEMic.

The only thing I know that is 1 1/2 is a jigger - 1.5 ounces... Does that ring any bells around here?

Identical twins... its been scientifically documented.

You would be mind blown with what I feel. You would also understand that this very empathy has played a huge role in the establishment of one of my primary operational protocols. Each of us is 100% self-responsible.

27th May 2020, 07:59
This is turning into a "mudslinging competition." I will not take part in it, guys. (The one with the strongest heard behind them will win). Naaa....:nono:

27th May 2020, 08:03
And you went over to the fear fear fear thread and also told them so ?.

Points of view about the truth are more important than the truth when the world wide narrative is in change and by crikey it certainly is atm imo.

Lord Sidious
27th May 2020, 09:18
This is turning into a "mudslinging competition." I will not take part in it, guys. (The one with the strongest heard behind them will win). Naaa....:nono:

I call handbags at 20 paces.............

27th May 2020, 09:20
I call handbags at 20 paces.............

But check those bags for poop first.:ha:

27th May 2020, 10:30
I don't know anyone who is emotionally invested in seeing people get sick and die, which is what has been happening. That's a really sick perspective and I'm saddened to see it here.

27th May 2020, 11:36
Who are these people who are invested and their perspective, feel this needs moderation yes ?

Emil El Zapato
27th May 2020, 13:53
Trump is highly invested...Over there? Aianawa...it ain't that far and the only separation is the spacebar...empty space...it should be filled with useful quantum energy.

29th May 2020, 01:11

Don't you just hate it when your arguments are destroyed by left leaning media?

29th May 2020, 01:19
https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(20)30610-3.pdf?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier .com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867420306103%3Fshowal l%3Dtrue

Oh wow... so half the planet may already be immune to the corona virus because having caught a corona virus in the past means you are now immune?

Don't you hate it when studies demonstrate the insanity of destroying every other facet of everyone's lives causes the DEMpanic™... er, I mean, the fear mongering over a virus with an adjusted mortality rate of .26% (https://in.dental-tribune.com/news/new-estimate-by-the-cdc-brings-down-the-covid-19-death-rate-to-just-0-26-as-against-whos-3-4/) to lose its steam?

The US stock market on the rise...

China overtly "preparing for war."

Trump with big China announcement tomorrow!

Emil El Zapato
29th May 2020, 01:41
I don't want to mess with your giddiness Chester, but here is something that should precipitate a 'Hmm'

Strains of Coronavirus

How Many Coronaviruses Are There?
Coronaviruses didn’t just pop up recently. They’re a large family of viruses that have been around for a long time. Many of them can make people ill with sniffles or coughing. Before the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, coronaviruses were thought to cause only mild respiratory infections in people.

The new (or “novel”) coronavirus is one of several known to infect humans. It’s probably been around for some time in animals. Sometimes, a virus in animals crosses over into people. That’s what scientists think happened here. So this virus isn’t new to the world, but it is new to humans. When scientists found out that it was making people sick in 2019, they named it as a novel coronavirus.

Human Coronavirus Types
Scientists have divided coronaviruses into four sub-groupings, called alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. Seven of these viruses can infect people. The four common ones are:

229E (alpha)
NL63 (alpha)
OC43 (beta)
HKU1 (beta)
The three less-common ones are:

MERS-CoV, a beta virus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
SARS-CoV, a beta virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19
Why Viruses Change
Coronaviruses have all their genetic material in something called RNA (ribonucleic acid). RNA has some similarities to DNA, but they aren’t the same.

When viruses infect you, they attach to your cells, get inside them, and make copies of their RNA, which helps them spread. If there’s a copying mistake, the RNA gets changed. Scientists call those changes mutations.

These changes happen randomly and by accident. It’s a normal part of what happens to viruses as they multiply and spread.

Because the changes are random, they may make little to no difference in a person’s health. Other times, they may cause disease. For example, one reason you need a flu shot every year is because influenza viruses change from year to year. This year’s flu virus probably isn’t exactly the same one that circulated last year.

If a virus has a random change that makes it easier to infect people and it spreads, that strain will become more common.

The bottom line is that all viruses, including coronaviruses, can change over time. Scientists and doctors call slightly different versions of a virus new strains.

Second Coronavirus Strain
You might have heard that there’s more than one strain of the new coronavirus. Is it true? The answer appears to be yes.

The theory about different strains of the new coronavirus comes from a study in China. Researchers were studying changes in coronavirus RNA over time to figure out how various coronaviruses are related to each other. They looked at 103 samples of the new coronavirus collected from people, and they looked at coronaviruses from animals. It turned out that the coronaviruses found in humans weren’t all the same.

There were two types, which the researchers called “L” and “S.” They’re very similar, with slight differences in two places. It looks like the S type came first. But the scientists say the L type was more common early in the outbreak. One may cause more disease than the other. Scientists need more data to really know what these strains mean to human health and COVID-19.

What to Expect
As the coronavirus keeps spreading around the world, it will probably keep changing. Experts may find new strains. It’s impossible to predict how those virus changes might affect what happens. But change is just what viruses do.

29th May 2020, 04:57
Veee Vill Tell YOU vat to THINK!


Emil El Zapato
29th May 2020, 12:28
:) Take the Blue pill, Chester and then you can think whatever you want. And vey will have nothing to say about it.

29th May 2020, 12:35
Well, at least you tried, NAP.

That's a good summary of the nature of the corona viruses. Their mutations are part of why we can't 'find a cure for the common cold'. Because it isn't common. It's an RNA virus which mutates.

If the newest mutation is less dangerous, then that's in line with what I said about our saving grace being that it mutates to just make us ill but not kill so many of us. A pathogen can't thrive if it keeps killing off its hosts.

Personally, I really don't care what people 'tell' me to think. I never have. I've always been an independent thinker. My husband still complains that I'm stubborn, but not too much because he knows that he wouldn't still be with me if I wasn't. Not too many women would have been able to hold their family together when their spouse went and had a baby with another woman. It takes a great deal of strength to handle that sort of shite. And I did what I knew was the right thing, not what others told me would be best.

I hope you can understand this, Chester.

Emil El Zapato
29th May 2020, 12:41
That's a tough one DT, you know I've been through a similar situation but not with a spouse. I don't think 'we' would make it...before there were shots fired. My sympathies, for real.

29th May 2020, 19:46
:) Take the Blue pill, Chester and then you can think whatever you want.

Hey, now you are copying me! :)

Emil El Zapato
29th May 2020, 21:46
wha?! that's how things happen, sometimes we learn things and don't even realize it... :)

29th May 2020, 21:50
wha?! that's how things happen, sometimes we learn things and don't even realize it... :)

Yeah (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/8857-Trump-Illusion-Mist-and-Bought?p=842022804&viewfull=1#post842022804). :p

30th May 2020, 02:08
Veee Vill Tell YOU vat to THINK!


Yes, I can see that you're trying very hard.

31st May 2020, 22:19

Emil El Zapato
31st May 2020, 22:51
you silly, Chester...

31st May 2020, 23:49
Jimmy Dore on Useful Idiots, Interview Only


1st June 2020, 05:03
Jimmy Dore on Useful Idiots, Interview Only


I watched the entire video and enjoyed it very much. I have never voted for a republican president. I fact, I stopped voting after helping put Obama in for his first term.

I am now an observer of the world, looking out from with Her Dreaming. The eye of the storm, observing all we all see on media. But, seldom in our neighborhoods.

Lighten our loads by making the important things in life personal. Family and community, if they are not in disarray, should be how we inform ourselves to the state of our actionable world.

We have power where/when we can act. To be empowered is to cast off any victim status.

The El-ites have their plans, yawn, the empowered have theirs and know it is in family and/or community and building bonds of love.

From , "Go To Your Room" (The Goob Song), about the El-ites

" The gig is up, your bloodlines suck, they've gone to hell,
now why don't you go there, as well? "

1st June 2020, 05:08
Great interview, they are all demacrats ?

1st June 2020, 05:24
Great interview, they are all demacrats ?

I do think they are. In fact, pretty sure of it.

Emil El Zapato
1st June 2020, 14:08
Didn't watch it, Aianawa but Chester wouldn't have posted it if they were...they are something else altogether...either Russian or Chinese agitators.

2nd June 2020, 01:35
Didn't watch it, Aianawa but Chester wouldn't have posted it if they were...they are something else altogether...either Russian or Chinese agitators.

Hey NAP - can you stop speaking for me? Please? I know you are emboldened because Aragorn has your back, Dreamtimer has your back... I know you are emboldened to use ad hominems against me which you did in recent post which is supposedly against this forums rules because you know they won't be enforced in your case as long as you don't go too far.

But before you make stupid statements like I just quoted... statements by your own admission are uninformed because you didn't watch the video or because you don't do your homework - next time... watch the video. Because if you did, we might actually have an opportunity to have a fair conversation.

To the rest - Yes, Jimmy Dore is a self proclaimed heavy leftist... and he's not ashamed of his politics, but he's absolutely sick of the same exact things I am sick of and, to those who are actually capable of intellectual honesty and honesty with themselves, like myself, this video is worth every second.

2nd June 2020, 01:41
what should be postable in this thread - Coronavirus with an R0 of 3 or beyond

Is instead being posted here -

New coronavirus losing potency, top Italian doctor says (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-italy-virus-idUSKBN2370OQ)

ROME (Reuters) - The new coronavirus is losing its potency and has become much less lethal, a senior Italian doctor said on Sunday.

“In reality, the virus clinically no longer exists in Italy,” said Alberto Zangrillo, the head of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan in the northern region of Lombardy, which has borne the brunt of Italy’s coronavirus contagion.

“The swabs that were performed over the last 10 days showed a viral load in quantitative terms that was absolutely infinitesimal compared to the ones carried out a month or two months ago,” he told RAI television.

Italy has the third highest death toll in the world from COVID-19, with 33,415 people dying since the outbreak came to light on Feb. 21. It has the sixth highest global tally of cases at 233,019.

However new infections and fatalities have fallen steadily in May and the country is unwinding some of the most rigid lockdown restrictions introduced anywhere on the continent.

Zangrillo said some experts were too alarmist about the prospect of a second wave of infections and politicians needed to take into account the new reality.

“We’ve got to get back to being a normal country,” he said. “Someone has to take responsibility for terrorizing the country.”

The government urged caution, saying it was far too soon to claim victory.

“Pending scientific evidence to support the thesis that the virus has disappeared ... I would invite those who say they are sure of it not to confuse Italians,” Sandra Zampa, an undersecretary at the health ministry, said in a statement.

“We should instead invite Italians to maintain the maximum caution, maintain physical distancing, avoid large groups, to frequently wash their hands and to wear masks.”

A second doctor from northern Italy told the national ANSA news agency that he was also seeing the coronavirus weaken.

“The strength the virus had two months ago is not the same strength it has today,” said Matteo Bassetti, head of the infectious diseases clinic at the San Martino hospital in the city of Genoa.

“It is clear that today the COVID-19 disease is different.”

[emphasis Chester]

Emil El Zapato
2nd June 2020, 13:08
Chester, Chester, Chester, I was speaking for myself. I didn't watch the video because I have already expressed my opinions to those that have my back when they posted similar videos and IN MY OPINION he's not a progressive...progressives CARE about 'people' not political bullshit. They don't smile and laugh when they post unfortunate realities, etc.

It was a jab Chester, not an ad hobbitem, regarding a ridiculous post. We can all be silly, I am all the time.

So, the real question is, Why did you post it? And I'm not going to watch it. Pretend political sentiments just really don't appeal to me.

4th June 2020, 14:04
So the study was a fraud after all?

Surgisphere: governments and WHO changed Covid-19 policy based on suspect data from tiny US company (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/03/covid-19-surgisphere-who-world-health-organization-hydroxychloroquine?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=12944)

Surgisphere, whose employees appear to include a sci-fi writer and adult content model, provided database behind Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine hydroxychloroquine studies

The World Health Organization and a number of national governments have changed their Covid-19 policies and treatments on the basis of flawed data from a little-known US healthcare analytics company, also calling into question the integrity of key studies published in some of the world’s most prestigious medical journals.

A Guardian investigation can reveal the US-based company Surgisphere, whose handful of employees appear to include a science fiction writer and an adult-content model, has provided data for multiple studies on Covid-19 co-authored by its chief executive, but has so far failed to adequately explain its data or methodology.

Data it claims to have legitimately obtained from more than a thousand hospitals worldwide formed the basis of scientific articles that have led to changes in Covid-19 treatment policies in Latin American countries. It was also behind a decision by the WHO and research institutes around the world to halt trials of the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine. On Wednesday, the WHO announced those trials would now resume.

Two of the world’s leading medical journals – the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine – published studies based on Surgisphere data. The studies were co-authored by the firm’s chief executive, Sapan Desai.

Late on Tuesday, after being approached by the Guardian, the Lancet released an “expression of concern” about its published study. The New England Journal of Medicine has also issued a similar notice.

An independent audit of the provenance and validity of the data has now been commissioned by the authors not affiliated with Surgisphere because of “concerns that have been raised about the reliability of the database”.

The Guardian’s investigation has found:

A search of publicly available material suggests several of Surgisphere’s employees have little or no data or scientific background. An employee listed as a science editor appears to be a science fiction author and fantasy artist. Another employee listed as a marketing executive is an adult model and events hostess.

The company’s LinkedIn page has fewer than 100 followers and last week listed just six employees. This was changed to three employees as of Wednesday.

While Surgisphere claims to run one of the largest and fastest hospital databases in the world, it has almost no online presence. Its Twitter handle has fewer than 170 followers, with no posts between October 2017 and March 2020.

Until Monday, the “get in touch” link on Surgisphere’s homepage redirected to a WordPress template for a cryptocurrency website, raising questions about how hospitals could easily contact the company to join its database.

Desai has been named in three medical malpractice suits, unrelated to the Surgisphere database. In an interview with the Scientist, Desai previously described the allegations as “unfounded”.

In 2008, Desai launched a crowdfunding campaign on the website Indiegogo promoting a wearable “next generation human augmentation device that can help you achieve what you never thought was possible”. The device never came to fruition.

Desai’s Wikipedia page has been deleted following questions about Surgisphere and his history, first raised in 2010.

At a press conference on Wednesday, the WHO announced it would resume its global trial of hydroxychloroquine, after its data safety monitoring committee found there was no increased risk of death for Covid patients taking it.

The WHO director general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said that all parts of the Solidarity trial, which is investigating a number of potential drug treatments, would go ahead. So far, more than 3,500 patients have been recruited to the trial in 35 countries.

“On the basis of the available mortality data, the members of the committee recommended that there are no reasons to modify the trial protocol,” said Tedros. “The executive group received this recommendation and endorsed continuation of all arms of the Solidarity trial, including hydroxychloroquine.”

Doubts over Lancet study

Questions surrounding Surgisphere have been growing in the medical community for the past few weeks.

On 22 May the Lancet published a blockbuster peer-reviewed study which found the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which has been promoted by Donald Trump, was associated with a higher mortality rate in Covid-19 patients and increased heart problems.

Trump, much to the dismay of the scientific community, had publicly touted hydroxychloroquine as a “wonder drug” despite no evidence of its efficacy for treating Covid-19.

The Lancet study, which listed Desai as one of the co-authors, claimed to have analysed Surgisphere data collected from nearly 96,000 patients with Covid-19, admitted to 671 hospitals from their database of 1,200 hospitals around the world, who received hydroxychloroquine alone or in combination with antibiotics.

The negative findings made global news and prompted the WHO to halt the hydroxychloroquine arm of its global trials.

But only days later Guardian Australia revealed glaring errors in the Australian data included in the study. The study said researchers gained access to data through Surgisphere from five hospitals, recording 600 Australian Covid-19 patients and 73 Australian deaths as of 21 April.

But data from Johns Hopkins University shows only 67 deaths from Covid-19 had been recorded in Australia by 21 April. The number did not rise to 73 until 23 April. Desai said one Asian hospital had accidentally been included in the Australian data, leading to an overestimate of cases there. The Lancet published a small retraction related to the Australian findings after the Guardian’s story, its only amendment to the study so far.

The Guardian has since contacted five hospitals in Melbourne and two in Sydney, whose cooperation would have been essential for the Australian patient numbers in the database to be reached. All denied any role in such a database, and said they had never heard of Surgisphere. Desai did not respond to requests to comment on their statements.

Another study using the Surgisphere database, again co-authored by Desai, found the anti-parasite drug ivermectin reduced death rates in severely ill Covid-19 patients. It was published online in the Social Science Research Network e-library, before peer-review or publication in a medical journal, and prompted the Peruvian government to add ivermectin to its national Covid-19 therapeutic guidelines.

The New England Journal of Medicine also published a peer-reviewed Desai study based on Surgisphere data, which included data from Covid-19 patients from 169 hospitals in 11 countries in Asia, Europe and North America. It found common heart medications known as angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers were not associated with a higher risk of harm in Covid-19 patients.

On Wednesday, the NEJM and the Lancet published an expression of concern about the hydroxychloroquine study, which listed respected vascular surgeon Mandeep Mehra as the lead author and Desai as co-author.

Lancet editor Richard Horton told the Guardian: “Given the questions raised about the reliability of the data gathered by Surgisphere, we have today issued an Expression of Concern, pending further investigation.

“An independent data audit is currently underway and we trust that this review, which should be completed within the next week, will tell us more about the status of the findings reported in the paper by Mandeep Mehra and colleagues.”

Surgisphere ‘came out of nowhere’

One of the questions that has most baffled the scientific community is how Surgisphere, established by Desai in 2008 as a medical education company that published textbooks, became the owner of a powerful international database. That database, despite only being announced by Surgisphere recently, boasts access to data from 96,000 patients in 1,200 hospitals around the world.

When contacted by the Guardian, Desai said his company employed just 11 people. The employees listed on LinkedIn were recorded on the site as having joined Surgisphere only two months ago. Several did not appear to have a scientific or statistical background, but mention expertise in strategy, copywriting, leadership and acquisition.

Dr James Todaro, who runs MedicineUncensored, a website that publishes the results of hydroxychloroquine studies, said: “Surgisphere came out of nowhere to conduct perhaps the most influential global study in this pandemic in the matter of a few weeks.

“It doesn’t make sense,” he said. “It would require many more researchers than it claims to have for this expedient and [size] of multinational study to be possible.”

Desai told the Guardian: “Surgisphere has been in business since 2008. Our healthcare data analytics services started about the same time and have continued to grow since that time. We use a great deal of artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate this process as much as possible, which is the only way a task like this is even possible.”

It is not clear from the methodology in the studies that used Surgisphere data, or from the Surgisphere website itself, how the company was able to put in place data-sharing agreements from so many hospitals worldwide, including those with limited technology, and to reconcile different languages and coding systems, all while staying within the regulatory, data-protection and ethical rules of each country.

Desai said Surgisphere and its QuartzClinical content management system was part of a research collaboration initiated “several years ago”, though he did not specify when.

“Surgisphere serves as a data aggregator and performs data analysis on this data,” he said. “We are not responsible for the source data, thus the labor intensive task required for exporting the data from an Electronic Health Records, converting it into the format required by our data dictionary, and fully deidentifying the data is done by the healthcare partner.”

This appears to contradict the claim on the QuartzClinical website that it does all the work, and “successfully integrates your electronic health record, financial system, supply chain, and quality programs into one platform”. Desai did not explain this apparent contradiction when the Guardian put it to him.

Desai said the way Surgisphere obtained data was “always done in compliance with local laws and regulations. We never receive any protected health information or individually identifiable information.”

Peter Ellis, the chief data scientist of Nous Group, an international management consultancy that does data integration projects for government departments, expressed concern that Surgisphere database was “almost certainly a scam”.

“It is not something that any hospital could realistically do,” he said. “De-identifying is not just a matter of knocking off the patients’ names, it is a big and difficult process. I doubt hospitals even have capability to do it appropriately. It is the sort of thing national statistics agencies have whole teams working on, for years.”

“There’s no evidence online of [Surgisphere] having any analytical software earlier than a year ago. It takes months to get people to even look into joining these databases, it involves network review boards, security people, and management. It just doesn’t happen with a sign-up form and a conversation.”

None of the information from Desai’s database has yet been made public, including the names of any of the hospitals, despite the Lancet being among the many signatories to a statement on data-sharing for Covid-19 studies. The Lancet study is now disputed by 120 doctors.

When the Guardian put a detailed list of concerns to Desai about the database, the study findings and his background, he responded: “There continues to be a fundamental misunderstanding about what our system is and how it works”.

“There are also a number of inaccuracies and unrelated connections that you are trying to make with a clear bias toward attempting to discredit who we are and what we do,” he said. “We do not agree with your premise or the nature of what you have put together, and I am sad to see that what should have been a scientific discussion has been denigrated into this sort of discussion.”

‘The peak of human evolution’

An examination of Desai’s background found that the vascular surgeon has been named in three medical malpractice suits in the US, two of them filed in November 2019. In one case, a lawsuit filed by a patient, Joseph Vitagliano, accused Desai and Northwest Community Hospital in Illinois, where he worked until recently, of being “careless and negligent”, leading to permanent damage following surgery.

Northwest Community Hospital confirmed that Desai had been employed there since June 2016 but had voluntarily resigned on 10 February 2020 “for personal reasons”.

“Dr Desai’s clinical privileges with NCH were not suspended, revoked or otherwise limited by NCH,” a spokeswoman said. The hospital declined to comment on the malpractice suits. Desai said in the interview with the Scientist that he deemed any lawsuit against him to be “unfounded”.

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the institution affiliated with the hydroxychloroquine study and its lead author, Mandeep Mehra, said in a statement: “Independent of Surgisphere, the remaining co-authors of the recent studies published in The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine have initiated independent reviews of the data used in both papers after learning of the concerns that have been raised about the reliability of the database”.

Mehra said he had routinely underscored the importance and value of randomised, clinical trials and that such trials were necessary before any conclusions could be reached. “I eagerly await word from the independent audits, the results of which will inform any further action,” he said.

Desai’s now-deleted Wikipedia page said he held a doctorate in law and a PhD in anatomy and cell biology, as well as his medical qualifications. A biography of Desai on a brochure for an international medical conference says he has held multiple physician leadership roles in clinical practice, and that he is “a certified lean six sigma master black belt”.

It is not the first time Desai has launched projects with ambitious claims. In 2008, he launched a crowdfunding campaign on the website indiegogo promoting a “next generation human augmentation device” called Neurodynamics Flow, which he said “can help you achieve what you never thought was possible”.

“With its sophisticated programming, optimal neural induction points, and tried and true results, Neurodynamics Flow allows you to rise to the peak of human evolution,” the description said. The device raised a few hundred dollars, and never eventuated.

Ellis, the chief data scientist of Nous Group, said it was unclear why Desai made such bold claims about his products given how likely it was that the global research community would scrutinise them.

“My first reaction is it was to draw attention to his firm, Ellis said. “But it seems really obvious that this would backfire.”

Today Prof Peter Horby, Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health in the Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, said: “I welcome the statement from the Lancet, which follows a similar statement by the NEJM regarding a study by the same group on cardiovascular drugs and COVID-19.

“The very serious concerns being raised about the validity of the papers by Mehra et al need to be recognised and actioned urgently, and ought to bring about serious reflection on whether the quality of editorial and peer review during the pandemic has been adequate. Scientific publication must above all be rigorous and honest. In an emergency, these values are needed more than ever.”

4th June 2020, 14:11

Tweeted by Jake Tappe:

The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine are today acknowledging serious questions about the data used in studies they published about the potentially damaging effects of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine to coronavirus patients... 1/

2/ Lancet: “We are issuing an Expression of Concern to alert readers to the fact that serious scientific questions have been brought to our attention... important scientific questions have been raised about data” in the paper...

3/ New England Journal of Medicine: “substantive concerns have been raised about the quality of the information in that database. We have asked the authors to provide evidence that the data are reliable.”

Emil El Zapato
4th June 2020, 14:37
Not surprisingly the hydroxychloroquine needs and will continue to be studied...business as usual:

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), has generated a worldwide pandemic. The interruption of its spread depends on a combination of pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions. Initial SARS-CoV-2 prevention includes social distancing, the use of face masks, environmental hygiene, and hand washing. Although the most important pharmacologic interventions to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection are likely to be vaccines, the repurposing of established drugs for short-term prophylaxis is another, more immediate option.

Some researchers have promoted chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for the treatment and prevention of illness from a variety of microorganisms, including SARS-CoV.2 Hydroxychloroquine can inhibit replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.3 Some observational studies have suggested benefits of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of Covid-19, whereas other treatment reports have described mixed results.

Boulware et al. now report in the Journal the results of a randomized trial testing hydroxychloroquine as postexposure prophylaxis for Covid-19. This is described by the investigators as a “pragmatic” trial in which participants were recruited through social media and almost all data were reported by the participants. Adults who described a high-risk or moderate-risk exposure to someone with Covid-19 in their household or an occupational setting were provided hydroxychloroquine or placebo (by mail) within 4 days after the reported exposure, and before symptoms would be expected to develop. The authors enrolled 821 participants; an illness that was considered to be consistent with Covid-19 developed in 107 participants (13.0%) but was confirmed by polymerase-chain-reaction assay in less than 3% of the participants. The incidence of a new illness compatible with Covid-19 did not differ significantly between participants receiving hydroxychloroquine (49 of 414 [11.8%]) and those receiving placebo (58 of 407 [14.3%]). Although participant-reported side effects were significantly more common in those receiving hydroxychloroquine (40.1%) than in those receiving placebo (16.8%), no serious adverse reactions were reported.

This trial has many limitations, acknowledged by the investigators. The trial methods did not allow consistent proof of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 or consistent laboratory confirmation that the symptom complex that was reported represented a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Indeed, the specificity of participant-reported Covid-19 symptoms is low, so it is hard to be certain how many participants in the trial actually had Covid-19. Adherence to the interventions could not be monitored, and participants reported less-than-perfect adherence, more notably in the group receiving hydroxychloroquine. In addition, those enrolled in the trial were younger (median age, 40 years) and had fewer coexisting conditions than persons in whom severe Covid-19 is most likely to develop, so enrollment of higher-risk participants might have yielded a different result.

The trial design raises questions about the expected prevention benefits of hydroxychloroquine. Studies of postexposure prophylaxis are intended to provide an intervention in the shortest possible time to prevent infection. In a small-animal model of SARS-CoV-2 infection, prevention of infection or more severe disease was observed only when the experimental antiviral agent was given before or shortly after exposure. In the current trial, the long delay between perceived exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and the initiation of hydroxychloroquine (≥3 days in most participants) suggests that what was being assessed was prevention of symptoms or progression of Covid-19, rather than prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Drugs for the prevention of infections must have an excellent safety profile. When hydroxychloroquine was initially promoted as a possible solution to SARS-CoV-2 infection, the safety of the drug was emphasized. Under closer scrutiny, however, the potential for cardiac toxic effects and overall adverse outcomes have been emphasized, especially in persons with underlying coexisting conditions that increase the risk of severe Covid-19 Boulware et al. report frequent mild side effects of hydroxychloroquine, but cardiac toxic effects could not be assessed.

So, what are we to do with the results of this trial? The advocacy and widespread use of hydroxychloroquine seem to reflect a reasonable fear of SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, it would appear that to some extent the media and social forces — rather than medical evidence — are driving clinical decisions and the global Covid-19 research agenda.10 On June 1, 2020, ClinicalTrials.gov listed a remarkable 203 Covid-19 trials with hydroxychloroquine, 60 of which were focused on prophylaxis. An important question is to what extent the article by Boulware et al. should affect planned or ongoing hydroxychloroquine trials. If postexposure prophylaxis with hydroxychloroquine does not prevent symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection (with recognition of the limitations of the trial under discussion), should other trials of postexposure prophylaxis with hydroxychloroquine continue unchanged? Do the participants in these trials need to be informed of these results? Do these trial results with respect to postexposure prophylaxis affect trials of preexposure prophylaxis with hydroxychloroquine, some of which are very large (e.g., the Healthcare Worker Exposure Response and Outcomes of Hydroxychloroquine [HERO-HCQ] trial, involving 15,000 health care workers; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04334148. opens in new tab)? The results reported by Boulware et al. are more provocative than definitive, suggesting that the potential prevention benefits of hydroxychloroquine remain to be determined.

- New England Journal of Medicine -

Emil El Zapato
4th June 2020, 14:57
The only sources I can find among media sources are biased to the right (in my opinion). Once cite seemed like 'possibly' valid source of information so I went to its Wikipedia page and this was at the top of the page:

"This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links, and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. (March 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)"

I'll wait until further information is forthcoming to decide whether there are legitimate scientific concerns at play.

Incidentally, I looked for the sci-fi writer employed by Surgisphere and not surprisingly there was no name to be had. Chester, if you have a name not sourced from a Fake News site, please let me know because I want to do some background research on this person.

And last but not least, the U.S. is essentially open for business

4th June 2020, 15:28
“It’s all Bullsh*t” – 3 Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative (https://off-guardian.org/2020/05/31/its-all-bullsht-3-leaks-that-sink-the-covid-narrative/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=f3bf3dc5f2e4ca5d3f6450844ccf8 1d030527572-1591021421-0-AZjk1ATNS6GdsO56sDrTTI_0O-fqK9bz62TfIcmpw12ObGy7toTsDlf1YDCWkS4gLmCN2AXPF5kZ amj1Xv4rf9PcTA5RFNOTvxznOJ1AULvgxY2QV0GejhyIDvFcja iV3A17FlSSD1Rze6TdZX6BqRxCod-_qBU4aMtlzoAQRvmqhIOKjcUevLN9jNV5E3Mx68qPxx0MPy5A3 Dy26p5veXy_VVM-0yDatd7GxqDhOBbENLQO1Wxcp7kyIpJea8opB_czmBOHwOLOlE y6w0Dn7esrsR9Lru-3c2KLnqglNfz56cO-hrJqnVqmwp7fqed29Qj1HlEReEItN24GvAytvnjHAup7R3ovtL 6eCK4s-ZML)

In recent days a series of leaks across the globe have further shown the “official line” on coronavirus does not hold water

The science of the coronavirus is not disputed. It is well documented and openly admitted:

Most people won’t get the virus.

Most of the people who get it won’t display symptoms.

Most of the people who display symptoms will only be mildly sick.

Most of the people with severe symptoms will never be critically ill.

And most of the people who get critically ill will survive.

This is borne out by the numerous serological studies which show, again and again, that the infection fatality ratio is on par with flu.

There is no science – and increasingly little rational discussion – to justify the lockdown measures and overall sense of global panic.

Nevertheless, it’s always good to get official acknowledgement of the truth, even if it has to be leaked.

Here are three leaks showing that those in power know that the coronavirus poses no threat, and in no way justifies the lockdown that is going to destroy the livelihoods of so many.
1. “It’s all bullshit!”

On May 26th Dr Alexander Myasnikov, Russia’s head of coronavirus information, gave an interview to former-Presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak in which he apparently let slip his true feelings.

Believing the interview over, and the camera turned off, Myasnikov said:

It’s all bullshit […] It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality […] Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know,”

2. “covid-19 cannot be described as a generally dangerous disease”

According to an e-mail leaked to Danish newspaper Politiken, the Danish Health Authority disagree with their government’s approach to the coronavirus. They cover it in two articles here and here (For those who don’t speak Danish, thelocal.dk have covered the story too).

There’s a lot of interesting information there, not least of which is the clear implication that politicians appear to be pressing the scientific advisors to overstate the danger (they did the same thing in the UK), along with the decision of some civil servants to withhold data from the public until after the lockdown had been extended.

But by far the most important quote is from a March 15th e-mail [our emphasis]:

The Danish Health Authority continues to consider that covid-19 cannot be described as a generally dangerous disease, as it does not have either a usually serious course or a high mortality rate,”

On March 12th the Danish parliament passed an emergency law which – among many other things – decreased the power of the Danish Health Authority, demoting it from a “regulatory authority” to just an “advisory” one.
3. “A Global False Alarm”

Earlier this month, on May 9th, a report was leaked to the German alternate media magazine Tichys Einblick titled “Analysis of the Crisis Management”.

The report was commissioned by the German department of the interior, but then its findings were ignored, prompting one of the authors to release it through non-official channels.

The fall out of that, including attacks on the authors and minimising of the report’s findings, is all very fascinating and we highly recommend this detailed report on Strategic Culture (or read the full report here in German).

We’re going to focus on just the reports conclusions, including [our emphasis]:

The dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level.
The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm.
During the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News.

After being attacked in the press, and suspended from his job, the leaker and other authors of the report released a joint statement, calling on the government to respond to their findings.


If the current crisis was being approached rationally by all parties, these leaks would seal the debate.

Evidence is piling up that the people in charge knew, from the very beginning, that the virus was not dangerous.

The question remaining is: Why are these leaks happening now?

4th June 2020, 15:39
Beware of 'experts'.

The priests of the modern world.

Priests and fookery are synonymous.

4th June 2020, 15:59

4th June 2020, 16:03

Their shit ain't working as well as it used to. Now it just separates the quick from the dead. I can work with that.:thup:

Instead of a race war they are uniting the people. Knuckleheads of any hue, can be discounted as reasonable voices. Genetics are what they are.:unsure:

Alien invasion next?

6th June 2020, 23:12
Mmmm aliens next, gosh how many hoax threads can one make before the dead rise ?.

Emil El Zapato
6th June 2020, 23:31
... You may have a point there, Aianawa.

7th June 2020, 00:14
There are already many walking dead.

7th June 2020, 00:33
There are already many walking dead.

Indeed it was once over imo 90%

7th June 2020, 09:06
Ah the walking dead generalization. Seems to be the new ages, enlightenment crowds racism. Zombies anyone?

9th June 2020, 16:34
George Orwell - A Final Warning

(comment by Chester - "Too bad we didn't listen")


9th June 2020, 17:00
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."

Abraham Lincoln


"The end may not be near"

10th June 2020, 15:26
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."

Abraham Lincoln

Agree... unless "the responsibility" you "pick up" exposes one's hypocrisy.

The truth in less than four minutes (if you have the courage to hear it) -


Emil El Zapato
10th June 2020, 15:53
I could spend about a 1 1/2 minutes listening to this guy...He did bring up one thing in that time, though. 'Acting' ... no one is acting.

10th June 2020, 15:53
Agree... unless "the responsibility" you "pick up" exposes one's hypocrisy.

The truth in less than four minutes (if you have the courage to hear it) -


Yeah sounds about right.

10th June 2020, 16:08
I could spend about a 1 1/2 minutes listening to this guy...He did bring up one thing in that time, though. 'Acting' ... no one is acting.

Of course. Everybody is acting. The guy making the vid is playing his part. The Trump protesters are playing their part. Possibly the people he is talking about are to caught up in the thick of things to be acting I imagine.

Emil El Zapato
10th June 2020, 16:14
yes, that is really my point Cats... :)

Emil El Zapato
10th June 2020, 16:43
Chester, I know this is all fake news to you but you really should watch this, it is very, very powerful. It is not about political sides, at all, it is about truth and reality:


10th June 2020, 21:11
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."

Abraham Lincoln

Agree... unless "the responsibility" you "pick up" exposes one's hypocrisy.

No hypocrisy from my stance friend, my responsibility as a human being requires {my} not picking or choosing in any such way ... And to quote a most recent post via your good friend Bill Ryan (in which i totally agree) ... All Lives Matter ! (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?111180-All-Lives-Matter&p=1360326&viewfull=1#post1360326)

11th June 2020, 07:30
Yes agree, all deaths matter, and we may be able to protest this world wide, coffin marches and sad songs, oh boy this could really catch on.

11th June 2020, 15:11
Yes agree, all deaths matter, and we may be able to protest this world wide, coffin marches and sad songs, oh boy this could really catch on.

And obviously it can (and already has) Vern (https://time.com/5845981/new-zealand-george-floyd/).

12th June 2020, 13:32
Colin Capernick thought he would be remembered as an NFL player. He'll be remembered as an icon of freedom and the fight against oppression and abuse.

People are using his kneeling stance all over the world. If I was him I would have chills. And I would be happy that the world can see it for what it is instead of the BS "he hates the flag" crap.

13th June 2020, 05:12
And obviously it can (and already has) Vern (https://time.com/5845981/new-zealand-george-floyd/).

Wasa well organised world wide yes ? lol whats next lol

13th June 2020, 06:26
lol whats next lol

Winston Churchill statue and Cenotaph covered up for protection from London protests


Sometimes things happens without being organised, Vern...;)

13th June 2020, 07:20
TOTally Elen, sometimes plandemics take years to organise too and their ilk.

13th June 2020, 13:44
Whoever these 'masters' of planning are, they get a Big Fat Fail. They can't plan anything.

People think for themselves. Well most do.

The hidden hand isn't doing anything other than masturbating.

Emil El Zapato
13th June 2020, 14:00
I agree DT, the Christopher Columbus thing...that's totally random unless it was the Native Americans and they don't usually complain that much, they are too busy ducking.

This science fiction book gives a damn good perspective on the entire matter:


13th June 2020, 17:54
No hypocrisy from my stance friend, my responsibility as a human being requires {my} not picking or choosing in any such way ... And to quote a most recent post via your good friend Bill Ryan (in which i totally agree) ... All Lives Matter ! (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?111180-All-Lives-Matter&p=1360326&viewfull=1#post1360326)

Ahhh, to clarify, (as I should have) - when I read your post, I saw it from the POV of the being I perceive giovonni to be.

But then, I saw it from the way I see some (not you) use terms like this, where they will tell you what your responsibilities should be and yet, when you examine their own actions, you find those actions do not reflect those words.

I chose to use brevity and where I failed the most is that I use the word, "you" when I should have used the word, "one." I also should have used the term "espouses as a moral responsibility all should share" instead of "picks up."

Agree... unless "the responsibility" one "espouses as a moral responsibility all should share" exposes one's hypocrisy.

If I had written my post as this latest rendition, then I would be espousing all lives matter with a knowing that I am not being hypocritical (whereas some who would say such, are).

13th June 2020, 18:08
No real problem (s) my friend and thanks for clarifying ...
As Rad has said, text posting is not the best way in
expressing one's true self emotions ...

And looking forward to our connecting ...

Blessings Gio

14th June 2020, 16:56
Within the context of the recent turmoil that now spans the globe, I see two very critical components that I believe must be addressed. Interestingly (and not surprisingly) is the even greater polarization of the planet, best exemplified as to how it has manifested in the US.

The first component is the argument placing import on the individual, an individual's marriage to personal responsibility and expressing such in a way that is beneficial for all as well as the individual - experienced as the content of one's character (noting I do not claim to have achieved my own standards in this regard).

The other component is the need for recognition of the serious, multi-generational collective trauma that chattel slavery (as just one form of slavery) has impacted upon a group who are identified by the color of their skin (ridiculous but nevertheless, a fact - ridiculous in that some can only see "color" and not the individual and their history). The importance in recognizing this is only the first step in a humanity wide goal of healing, because if the trauma(s) are not dealt with then not only will black America and blacks all over the world remain in the grips of the overall trauma and the specific traumas within that overall trauma, but those who do not see themselves under the tent of "black" are also held within the firm grips of auxiliary traumas, generational, early life and adult generated carve outs of the ego states which give rise to conscious entities that lie within each one's personality "in wait" for a moment to break through where the results simply kick the can further down the road.

So, in a sense, it still boils down to each individual doing their own hard work. But without a full public recognition of the collective trauma which is clearly centered within the black community, the rate of change in achieving the goal of relief will never be swift enough to prevent new trauma producing fallout and thus, perpetuation of the problem.

This is the challenge of the centuries IMO and upon this Earth there is no greater challenge... many equally powerful, but none greater.

Emil El Zapato
14th June 2020, 17:11
Good post, Chester and not just because it is line with my thinking... :) but, of course, I am on the right side of history, morality, and spirituality...(I'm channelling the forum now)

15th June 2020, 07:00
Within the context of the recent turmoil that now spans the globe, I see two very critical components that I believe must be addressed. Interestingly (and not surprisingly) is the even greater polarization of the planet, best exemplified as to how it has manifested in the US.

The first component is the argument placing import on the individual, an individual's marriage to personal responsibility and expressing such in a way that is beneficial for all as well as the individual - experienced as the content of one's character (noting I do not claim to have achieved my own standards in this regard).

The other component is the need for recognition of the serious, multi-generational collective trauma that chattel slavery (as just one form of slavery) has impacted upon a group who are identified by the color of their skin (ridiculous but nevertheless, a fact - ridiculous in that some can only see "color" and not the individual and their history). The importance in recognizing this is only the first step in a humanity wide goal of healing, because if the trauma(s) are not dealt with then not only will black America and blacks all over the world remain in the grips of the overall trauma and the specific traumas within that overall trauma, but those who do not see themselves under the tent of "black" are also held within the firm grips of auxiliary traumas, generational, early life and adult generated carve outs of the ego states which give rise to conscious entities that lie within each one's personality "in wait" for a moment to break through where the results simply kick the can further down the road.

So, in a sense, it still boils down to each individual doing their own hard work. But without a full public recognition of the collective trauma which is clearly centered within the black community, the rate of change in achieving the goal of relief will never be swift enough to prevent new trauma producing fallout and thus, perpetuation of the problem.

This is the challenge of the centuries IMO and upon this Earth there is no greater challenge... many equally powerful, but none greater.

Very insightful ... :thup:

15th June 2020, 22:59

Scientific Evidence Indicates COVID-19 Was Almost Certainly Made in a Laboratory

The world has gone mad. Completely batshit crazy.

All over a flu virus called SARS-CoV-2 a.k.a. 2019-nCoV – but better known as COVID-19.

"The new coronavirus is real," acknowledges Washington Times’ Cheryl Chumley. But, she adds, "COVID-19 will go down as one of the political world’s biggest, most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly and irrationally inflated and outright deceptively flawed responses to a health matter in American history, one that was carried largely on the lips of medical professionals who have no business running a national economy or government.

The facts are this: COVID-19 is a real disease that sickens some, proves fatal to others, mostly the elderly — and does nothing to the vast majority.

That’s it."

She's right, you know.

This is not the Black Plague, folks. The current "best estimate" from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the fatality rate among Americans with COVID-19 symptoms is 0.4 percent.

Not even one-half of one percent.

Keep in mind the CDC itself has been helping to inflate the official death toll by issuing doctors with guidelines making it as easy as possible to prescribe COVID-19 as the cause of death, even when it probably wasn’t.

I’ll discuss the wildly exaggerated death toll of COVID-19 in my next article. Today, I’m going to explain why the official explanation of how COVID-19 came about is an untenable farce. I’m going to dismantle the absurd “wet market” myth, and present you with the scientific and circumstantial evidence showing:

COVID-19 almost certainly came out of a laboratory;
COVID-19 bears all the hallmarks of a bioengineered chimera (hybrid) virus.

I’m also going to unmask a number of key players in the COVID-19 story, and the so-called ‘fact-checkers’ they are funding to discourage and dismiss critical analysis of the official story. There is a sustained campaign to reinforce the official narrative, and to dismiss perfectly sensible and plausible alternate explanations as baseless “conspiracy theories.”

No, I’m not going to bang on about 5G and, yes, I’ll be mentioning Bill Gates – among many others.

Brew yourself a long black or a deep pot of tea, because this will be quite a ride.

Wuhan, Patient Zero, and the “Wet Market” Wank

COVID-19, also widely known as “the coronavirus” (even though there are actually seven coronaviruses that can infect humans, and many more that can infect animals), allegedly kicked off in Wuhan, China after the infamous “Patient Zero” feasted on a bat/pangolin/snake or some other as yet-to-be-confirmed species purchased from a Huanan “wet market.” That’s right - the so-called experts who perpetuate this unlikely tale can’t quite make up their mind just what he ate when contracting the virus, which begs the question – didn’t anyone bother to simply ask him?

This is where things get downright ridiculous, because … no-one knows who Patient Zero is!

On 27 Feb 2020, the South China Morning Post wrote:

“The first known Covid-19 patient, a male who showed symptoms on December 8, had been discharged but said he was not at the Huanan market, the Wuhan government said in a Weibo post on Wednesday.”

So now we were being told the first known COVID-19 patient had not been to the wet market, let alone feasted on such delicacies as garlic bat soup or sautéed snake’s guts.

“We don’t know who the very first patient zero was, presumably in Wuhan, and that leaves a lot of unanswered questions about how the outbreak started and how it initially spread,” the Post was told by Sarah Borwein, who works in the infectious diseases field at Hong Kong’s Central Health Medical Practice .

All this, of course, contradicted the official “wet market” explanation that had already been eagerly broadcast around the world, which may be why, on 13 March 2020, the South China Morning Post offered up an alternative scenario, courtesy of the Chinese Government:

"[G]overnment data seen by the Post" now suggested a 55-year-old man from the province of Hubei, China "could have been" the first person to have contracted Covid-19 on November 17.

Alright then – let’s contact him and find out what he really purchased for dinner that fateful day he allegedly went to the Huanan market. If he sadly passed away, then let’s at least pull up his records and see what he told his doctors.

Well, guess what? We can’t do that because, the Post reports, the elusive “‘patient zero’ has yet to be confirmed.”

What the … ?

"Scientists are now keen to identify the so-called patient zero, which could help them to trace the source of the coronavirus, which," the Post adds, "is generally thought to have jumped to humans from a wild animal, possibly a bat."[Bold emphasis added]

“Generally thought”!? On what grounds? And by whom, exactly? A bunch of propagandists who can’t even tell us who the ephemeral “Patient Zero” was?


“It is possible,” adds the Post article, “that there were reported cases dating back even earlier than those seen by the Post.”

What an incoherent load of malarkey.

The bottom line is that officials can’t even tell us who the mystery “Patient Zero” is, and there is nothing even resembling credible evidence to support the widely published and highly fanciful claim that COVID-19 opportunistically “jumped” onto humans via his consumption of an exotic species purchased at the Huanan market. The entire “wet market” explanation, quite frankly, reeks of bullshit - and in the continuing absence of evidence, that is exactly the status prudent observers should continue to award it.

The highly improbable and utterly unfounded “wet market” story bears all the hallmarks of a distraction – a diversionary tale concocted to draw the world’s attention away from the true origins of this novel virus.

A More Plausible Explanation: This Novel Coronavirus Emerged From a Lab Creating Novel Coronaviruses

Wuhan just happens to be the home of a Biosafety Level 4 laboratory that, for several years prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, was experimenting with bat coronaviruses. BSL-4 is the highest biological safety rating, and awarded to laboratories that engage in such hairy endeavours as biological weaponry. These labs often play with viruses that are extremely virulent and for which no known treatment is available should an outbreak occur. The Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences lab received its BSL-4 accreditation in 2017, but has been experimenting with bat coronaviruses since at least 2014.

As we’ll discuss shortly, American taxpayers have unwittingly helped finance this research.

The Washington Post recently reported that in early 2018, US Embassy officials visited the Wuhan lab several times and “sent two official warnings back to Washington about inadequate safety at the lab, which was conducting risky studies on coronaviruses from bats.”

The first cable also warned the lab’s work on bat coronaviruses and their potential human transmission represented a risk of a new SARS-like pandemic.

Which is exactly what happened in late 2019.

A novel bat-like coronavirus escaping – by accident or design - from a Wuhan laboratory experimenting with bat coronaviruses is an infinitely more plausible explanation than some completely unverified cock’n’bull story about “zoonotic transfer” after an unknown person ate an unknown exotic species at a Wuhan wet market.

Ultimately, we don’t yet know exactly how or where the novel coronavirus strain known as COVID-19 originated – a problem not helped by the fact Chinese whistle-blowers who could help shed light on this issue have been dying, disappearing, getting arrested, strong-armed into silence or censored by Chinese authorities.

Chinese authorities have even threatened COVID-19 survivors and grieving relatives of those who died. Lawyers have been warned not to file suit against the government. Any lawsuit related to COVID-19 would naturally entail a motion for discovery, which might just turn up some inconvenient facts. The Chinese government and its armed goons have made it clear they’re not about to let that happen.

The Chinese government is by no means the only entity obfuscating the truth about COVID-19. All those racist idiots who’ve been hurling abuse at innocent Asian folks should know there are plenty of white people with lots of explaining to do when it comes to COVID-19.

Dr Anthony Fauci: Just Whose Side is He Really On?

Dr Anthony S. Fauci is one of the lead members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. You’ve probably seen on him on the news, cautioning against easing lockdown restrictions and assuring us a vaccine will eventually arrive to save the world from the apocalyptic catastrophe this not-especially-dangerous strain of flu will cause.

Fauci’s main gig is director of the US National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a post he has held since 1984. The NIAID is one of the numerous sub-agencies that comprise the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

In addition to his NIAID and Task Force roles, Fauci has worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a name that keeps popping up again and again as one delves into this murky COVID-19 issue. In January 2010, the Gates Foundation called for the next ten years to be the "Decade of Vaccines." Later that year, on 2 December 2010, it announced a collaboration with Fauci's NIAID, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF to make this dream a reality by establishing The Global Vaccine Action Plan. Fauci was appointed to the Leadership Council of this vaccine group, along with WHO, UNICEF and Gates Foundation figures.

This new enterprise, declared the Gates Foundation press release, "will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder groups – national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations -- and will identify critical policy, resource, and other gaps that must be addressed to realize the life-saving potential of vaccines."

This was, in effect, a business plan for vaccines, one that would be facilitated by governments, supra-national organizations like the UN and WHO, the private sector (notably, the pharmaceutical industry) and all those wonderful ‘philanthropic organizations’ that, in reality, act as front groups for paternalistic billionaires with globalist agendas.

Recently, Fauci told an interviewer that, while face masks are not 100% effective, people should wear them anyway as a “symbol” of respect for one another. I’ve got a better idea: If Fauci really wants to show respect for his fellow Americans, he should stop channelling their tax dollars to Chinese laboratories that deliberately create viruses with pandemic potential.

While Americans Struggle to Afford Health Care, Fauci and the NIH Send Millions to China

With the NIAID's backing, the NIH has spent millions of taxpayer dollars funding research on bat coronaviruses. In 2014, the NIAID/NIH channelled $3.7 million into a 5-year project to this end. Online NIH information for the project shows the money was awarded to researchers from – wait for it - the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The money was paid to the researchers via an intermediary outfit known as Ecohealth Alliance, Inc., but the NIH knew full well where the money was going. Ecohealth Alliance is a New York-based ‘non-profit’ run by Peter Daszak, a British zoologist and virologist.

Upon expiry of the project last year, the NIAID/NIH awarded another $3.7 million for a 6-year project researching bat coronaviruses.

Several project numbers have been assigned by the NIH to the research covered by these grants. At this page, you’ll find the details for Project 2R01AI110964-06 which was awarded a $292,161 grant on 24 July 2019.

Scroll down the page, and you'll see a subheading titled "NIH Spending Category." Among those categories is "Biodefense." In other words, Fauci's NIAID and NIH were giving money to a laboratory owned by America's primary military and economic adversary, so that it could develop viruses with possible bio-weaponry applications.

Just brilliant.

If you or I did that, we’d be promptly thrown in jail for treason. But Fauci instead gets to enjoy a lavish salary and a position on the White House’s Task Force that is supposed to be saving the US from COVID-19.

Not surprisingly, news of this breathtaking arrangement was greeted with much alarm by those critical of the official “wet market” COVID-19 tale. Despite its insistence the jaw-dropping Wuhan arrangement was as innocent as a newborn baby, the NIH cancelled the project on 24 April 2020.

The Oligarchy Goes Into Damage Control

In response to the embarrassing revelations, self-appointed ‘fact-checking’ organization PolitiFact took it upon itself to ‘investigate’ the situation. The organization declared the allegations to be “False”, proclaiming "Obama administration did not provide $3.8 million to Wuhan virology lab" and "Rudy Giuliani wrong about US policy, grant amount to Wuhan virus lab."

Regrettably, PolitiFact’s conclusion was uncritically repeated by other media outlets, such as USA Today.

To support its dubious claims, PolitiFact simply quoted EcoHealth’s spokesman, Robert Kessler, who claimed the Wuhan lab received just under $600,000.


To show what a load of nonsense Kessler’s claim is, one simply needs to pull up the pages for the NIH project numbers, and see where the money went. Project Number 1R01AI110964-01, awarded 27 May 2014, received a grant of $666,442. Of this, $516,857 was "Direct Costs" while $149,585 was for "Indirect Costs." I'm guessing the latter figure was largely or wholly absorbed by the 'non-profit' EcoHealth, which acted as intermediary.

When you click on the “Results” tab for this project, you can see the fruits of this grant - a list of studies published by the Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers.

Project Number 5R01AI110964-02 endowed EcoHealth with a grant of $630,445 on 10 June 2015. Again, the results page is dominated by studies published by the Wuhan researchers.

The same thing happens when you examine the page for Project Number 5R01AI110964-04 which shows that, on 26 May 2017, EcoHealth received a $597,112 grant courtesy of the NIAID. Clicking on the results page again returns a list replete with studies by the Wuhan researchers.

Project Number 2R01AI110964-06 was awarded a grant of $292,161 on 24 July 2019. As expected, the results page brings up a lengthy list of studies published by the Wuhan researchers.

This is not a complete list, but the grant tally just from the projects mentioned above is over $2.1 million. Irrespective of whatever clever paper-shuffling EcoHealth may have performed, the fact remains that the money was used to sponsor research conducted at the Wuhan lab.

So why is PolitiFact trying to obfuscate the financial relationship between NIAID, NIH, EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

The Big Money Behind the So-Called ‘Fact-Checkers’

For insight into that question, it is helpful to look at where this so-called ‘fact-checking’ group gets its money from. PolitiFact is owned by the Poynter Institute, which bills itself as "a nonprofit school for journalists."

Heaven help us if this lot are training journalists, because Poynter’s funders include the more-vaccines-for-everyone fanatics at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Open Society Foundations, created by billionaire George Soros, whose socialist ideology has never prevented him from seizing a dubious money-making opportunity, even if it means breaking a country's currency and plunging its economy into turmoil. Incredibly, when his Quantum Fund did this to Thailand in 1997, he argued he was doing Thai authorities a favour by sending “a market signal that the baht may be overvalued.”

How thoughtful of you, George.

Soros is the quintessential globalist hypocrite, who happily engages in destructive profiteering while maintaining the rest of us should compliantly succumb to a socialist “new world order.”

In 2016 Soros told an interviewer we “need a new world order that China has to be a part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in, [B]they have to own it, the same way, as I said to you, the United States owns, the Washington Consensus, the current order…and, and I think this would be a more stable one where you would have co-ordinated policies.” [Bold emphasis added]


Octopus Garden
16th June 2020, 02:01
The Washington Times has been in operation for 36 years. 2015 was the first year it turned a profit. What was its source of funding? If it wasn't making any money chances are it was (and is) government backed propaganda.

You know ... the "deep state" that everybody so lovingly embraces -- particularly that faction of the deep state that pushes the idea of the deep state the most??

I would take anything coming out of the Washington Times with a bushel of salt. People suggesting you "don't drink the koolaide" while pushing you off a bridge into a river of their own, are best ignored.

16th June 2020, 07:15
Really well laid out Chestor, great stuff.

16th June 2020, 09:44
Just to add, The 'Paper' (which was originally The Washington Star) was bought with funding basically from Korea, to gain a platform of influence and prestige in the D.C. political arena back in the Reagan years ...

If you lived in Washington (as i did) this was well known common local knowledge ... In which 'The Reverend Moon' was a powerful lobbying fiqure back then ...

"The Washington Times was founded on May 17, 1982, by Unification movement leader Sun Myung Moon and owned until 2010 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate founded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is owned by the Unification movement ... More here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Washington_Times)

17th June 2020, 14:21
Right. Reverend Moon. I moved to the DC area at the end of the eighties and briefly had a subscription to that paper. My housemates, one of whom worked for a republican senator and one of whom worked for a democratic senator, both warned me that the paper was biased. I was just looking for an alternative to the Post. I also listened to NPR for years as an alternative to the mainstream.

Turns out NPR had by far the most thorough coverage of issues, covering them from many sides and many angles. And NPR never yelled at me, unlike talk radio.

17th June 2020, 18:48
Turns out NPR had by far the most thorough coverage of issues, covering them from many sides and many angles. And NPR never yelled at me, unlike talk radio.

Thankfully NPR has been exposed for what they are.

17th June 2020, 23:22
Thankfully NPR has been exposed for what they are.

For those with eyes to see. :blink:

18th June 2020, 14:29
This isn't the tent. In this thread, all comments are welcome... as long as the PTB and fellow PTBs allow our ability to comment freely.

18th June 2020, 18:53
This isn't the tent. In this thread, all comments are welcome... as long as the PTB and fellow PTBs allow our ability to comment freely.

And lets not forget those boot stomping fascist behind the veil ...

That continue to crush it ... :)

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fthumbs.gfycat.com%2FLonelyWhichEq uestrian-size_restricted.gif&f=1&nofb=1

18th June 2020, 20:30
Who might you be referring to, Gio?

The One
18th June 2020, 20:33
Oh really its about time that some of you actually grow up my kids act more sane than you.TPTB and PTB complete and utter bollocks.


Anyone got a problem with that then you can contact me directly.Some of you are quite rude and your ego's are very unpleasant

I hope i have made myself clear

18th June 2020, 21:24
Take it easy Wind, your reading too much into it ..
It's a real reference to real world Nazism.

18th June 2020, 22:01
And lets not forget those boot stomping fascist behind the veil ...

That continue to crush it ... :)

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fthumbs.gfycat.com%2FLonelyWhichEq uestrian-size_restricted.gif&f=1&nofb=1

When I read this post, I was not interpreting the post to imply what I had intentionally implied. I took it as what Gio explained here (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/13388-Chester-s-Chatter?p=842024257&viewfull=1#post842024257).

Oh really its about time that some of you actually grow up my kids act more sane than you.TPTB and PTB complete and utter bollocks.


Anyone got a problem with that then you can contact me directly.Some of you are quite rude and your ego's are very unpleasant

I hope i have made myself clear

I am the one responsible and I interpreted Malc's post to be primarily aimed at me based on a few of my most recent posts where I complained about the moderation.

This post is meant to take any heat off Gio as I believe it is misdirected.

18th June 2020, 23:37

A picture says a thousand words

19th June 2020, 02:01

19th June 2020, 03:39
This isn't the tent. In this thread, all comments are welcome... as long as the PTB and fellow PTBs allow our ability to comment freely.

And lets not forget those boot stomping fascist behind the veil ...

That continue to crush it ... :)

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fthumbs.gfycat.com%2FLonelyWhichEq uestrian-size_restricted.gif&f=1&nofb=1

Are you calling us Nazis, Gio? If so, then I would like to remind you of how you've been getting away with a lot more here than you ever have at Project Avalon, as well as of the fact that you're free to leave if you don't like it here.

19th June 2020, 07:36

A picture says a thousand words

total classic

19th June 2020, 09:44

You are trying to sting something together that is false and was not my intent ... And to answer your question no i am not.

19th June 2020, 10:29

You are trying to sting something together that is false and was not my intent ... And to answer your question no i am not.

I'm not trying to stitch anything together, Gio. I honestly wasn't sure what you meant, which is why I asked. I apologize that I misjudged your post.

19th June 2020, 11:35
Is it just me, or is there an awful lot of acrimony and misunderstandings on the forum lately?

Maybe it is the pandemic having this negative psychological effect on everyone. I've noticed I have a far shorter fuse than usual as well. I guess there are certain areas where I simply don't have the patience to deal with other people's Bullcrap, or what I perceive to be that.

Emil El Zapato
19th June 2020, 11:43
I had planned to stay away from this thread, but I just want to say that I totally believe you Gio...As for these current posts, I feel sort of like when the TV's talking heads want to describe Trump and they just can't because what they want to say is not sanctioned by polite society nor law, nor professional contract, nor impolite society, nor donkeys, nor ....

Plenty Chris, times are tense...

Hypocrisy in action, nay, I say...Satire versus Hypocrisy...we gotta be thinkin' about that one for awhile. Motivation, motivation, motivation...it's all about motivation. We can be motivated by truth or we can be motivated by something that defies description.

20th June 2020, 02:13
The virus has been, for me, the cure.

The riots, for me, has got me to think and a few of my posts reflected those thoughts.

Note that I believe the intention to instigate a race war was a coordinated plan ready to implement because there are forces at work who a.) knew the state of the global population with regards to the planDEMic™ and b.) that there is long term planetary wide trauma related to the horrific treatment of human beings by groups of other human beings who had temporal power over the which has always been waiting to explode for decades (especially in the US and c.) that it would be inevitable a convenient triggering event would prime the switch.

When you have all sorts of planning, pre-coordination and general buy-in by the various henchmen groups, and the setup b.) and c.) noted above - it's easy to understand how the BOOM went off to the degree it did.

Going back to the planDEMic™, anyone notice the interesting timing of Bill Gates' "stepping down" from the boards of Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway (https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-steps-down-microsoft-berkshire-hathaway-boards-2020-3)?

Just at the right time to focus on the real work, haha... "vaccination" "nanochipping" "making sure your patents are used" "making sure 5G signals trigger "the virus" in just the right misfits" cough cough.

20th June 2020, 02:19
I just learned... jeeeze man


21st June 2020, 16:54
Here is Fauci admitting he lied to us and explaining (justifying) why he lied.


And what this reveals is that people who we allowed to gain a position of authority (yes, we allowed everything that created the position of authority this Fauci guy had achieved - so we are responsible), not only tell us things that are not true, they sometimes do so knowing it is untrue. In other words, as the title to Jimmy Dore's video states - Dr. Fauci Admits He LIED About Mask Safety!

And so ask yourself (if you actually have the capacity to do so), what else are "authorities" (often echoed by an all to willing segment of the sheeple population) lying to us about? Or, if in cases where they actually believe what they are saying is true, misinforming us about?

Could the "masks can protect you" also be misinformation or a lie?

Does anyone understand why I am so adamant that we protect our right to free speech and our right to share and access any information we want?

Because it is the responsibility or each and every sentient being to decided for themselves what they should own as thoughts, what they should say or write as words and what they should do as acts and if we are denied access to information and instead told what to think or, confused into such a chaotic state we can't think for ourselves and we have allowed this situation to arise, we have given our power to those who have taken advantage (and continue to do so) - to tell us what to think and how to think.

This is authoritarianism

And any abuse of power that emulates authoritarianism is to be called out. And anyone with any true sense of self and the importance of personal responsibility should stand against it.

21st June 2020, 19:13
He lied and how many times has Trump lied?

22nd June 2020, 03:28
Trump uses the Permanent Lie described by Chris Hedges and Mark Green (https://www.rt.com/shows/on-contact/490956-green-trump-permanent-lie/).

22nd June 2020, 07:29
Is disgusting how they lied and continue to, both Birx and Faucci, shows the great measure of the man Trump and also his amazing family that he allowed them to incriminate themselves, Gates n co also, so that more people wake up, brain n mind abuse is deep deep though as the post above shows, how many people ( and FFS most are immune compromised elderly ) they murdered now ?, Thank God it is all coming to an end so fast.

22nd June 2020, 11:34
It's very weird seeing a leader being championed for being a liar and a con artist. And his daughter who did the same thing with her emails as Hillary.

I guess double standards are deeply embedded in some folks.

22nd June 2020, 12:21
Take a break from TDS! Get educated...


22nd June 2020, 12:21
Once again i know your not joking about the emails, as incredible as that is, all ends amazingly DT, god wins.

22nd June 2020, 12:51
The evidence is there. No need for jokes. No need to make stuff up. Plenty of need for open minds.

Emil El Zapato
22nd June 2020, 13:23
I didn't watch any of the videos but I know the truth. Fauci did not lie. The facts about Covid have always been nebulous. What he did was his best in the face of the demon and tried to save lives, a.k.a. loved ones. Why is that even a debated point? Trump has gone beyond the question of truth and lies, to the question of sanity versus dreamland.

As Dark Helmut said, we've gone way past light speed, we're at ludicrous speed now. This is not a matter of perspective! Flatly speaking, this is not a rational discussion. What is the name of this thread again?

Emil El Zapato
22nd June 2020, 14:03
What is this all about...REALLY?!

23rd June 2020, 00:13
UC Berkeley History Professor’s Open Letter Against BLM, Police Brutality and Cultural Orthodoxy (https://californiaglobe.com/section-2/uc-berkeley-history-professors-open-letter-against-blm-police-brutality-and-cultural-orthodoxy/)

Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative

By Katy Grimes, June 14, 2020 8:05 am

An anonymous professor of history at U.C. Berkeley wrote open letter to colleagues lambasting the current narratives of “racial injustice” and “institutional racism” claimed by the BLM movement, and ongoing protests over the death of George Floyd.

Zero hedge reports, “Its authenticity was confirmed by Kentucky State University Assistant Professor of Political Science, Wilfred Reilley, who says he was sent a copy of the letter along with Stanford University economist Thomas Sowell.”

https://twitter.com/wil_da_beast630/status/1271301272491171840?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1271301272491171840&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcaliforniaglobe.com%2Fsectio n-2%2Fuc-berkeley-history-professors-open-letter-against-blm-police-brutality-and-cultural-orthodoxy%2F

Dear profs X, Y, Z

I am one of your colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley. I have met you both personally but do not know you closely, and am contacting you anonymously, with apologies. I am worried that writing this email publicly might lead to me losing my job, and likely all future jobs in my field.

In your recent departmental emails you mentioned our pledge to diversity, but I am increasingly alarmed by the absence of diversity of opinion on the topic of the recent protests and our community response to them.

In the extended links and resources you provided, I could not find a single instance of substantial counter-argument or alternative narrative to explain the under-representation of black individuals in academia or their over-representation in the criminal justice system. The explanation provided in your documentation, to the near exclusion of all others, is univariate: the problems of the black community are caused by whites, or, when whites are not physically present, by the infiltration of white supremacy and white systemic racism into American brains, souls, and institutions.

Many cogent objections to this thesis have been raised by sober voices, including from within the black community itself, such as Thomas Sowell and Wilfred Reilly. These people are not racists or ‘Uncle Toms’. They are intelligent scholars who reject a narrative that strips black people of agency and systematically externalizes the problems of the black community onto outsiders. Their view is entirely absent from the departmental and UCB-wide communiques.

The claim that the difficulties that the black community faces are entirely causally explained by exogenous factors in the form of white systemic racism, white supremacy, and other forms of white discrimination remains a problematic hypothesis that should be vigorously challenged by historians. Instead, it is being treated as an axiomatic and actionable truth without serious consideration of its profound flaws, or its worrying implication of total black impotence. This hypothesis is transforming our institution and our culture, without any space for dissent outside of a tightly policed, narrow discourse.

A counternarrative exists. If you have time, please consider examining some of the documents I attach at the end of this email. Overwhelmingly, the reasoning provided by BLM and allies is either primarily anecdotal (as in the case with the bulk of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ undeniably moving article) or it is transparently motivated. As an example of the latter problem, consider the proportion of black incarcerated Americans. This proportion is often used to characterize the criminal justice system as anti-black. However, if we use the precise same methodology, we would have to conclude that the criminal justice system is even more anti-male than it is anti-black.

Would we characterize criminal justice as a systemically misandrist conspiracy against innocent American men? I hope you see that this type of reasoning is flawed, and requires a significant suspension of our rational faculties. Black people are not incarcerated at higher rates than their involvement in violent crime would predict. This fact has been demonstrated multiple times across multiple jurisdictions in multiple countries.

And yet, I see my department uncritically reproducing a narrative that diminishes black agency in favor of a white-centric explanation that appeals to the department’s apparent desire to shoulder the ‘white man’s burden’ and to promote a narrative of white guilt.

If we claim that the criminal justice system is white-supremacist, why is it that Asian Americans, Indian Americans, and Nigerian Americans are incarcerated at vastly lower rates than white Americans? This is a funny sort of white supremacy. Even Jewish Americans are incarcerated less than gentile whites. I think it’s fair to say that your average white supremacist disapproves of Jews. And yet, these alleged white supremacists incarcerate gentiles at vastly higher rates than Jews. None of this is addressed in your literature. None of this is explained, beyond hand-waving and ad hominems. “Those are racist dogwhistles”. “The model minority myth is white supremacist”. “Only fascists talk about black-on-black crime”, ad nauseam.

These types of statements do not amount to counterarguments: they are simply arbitrary offensive classifications, intended to silence and oppress discourse. Any serious historian will recognize these for the silencing orthodoxy tactics they are, common to suppressive regimes, doctrines, and religions throughout time and space. They are intended to crush real diversity and permanently exile the culture of robust criticism from our department.

Increasingly, we are being called upon to comply and subscribe to BLM’s problematic view of history, and the department is being presented as unified on the matter. In particular, ethnic minorities are being aggressively marshaled into a single position. Any apparent unity is surely a function of the fact that dissent could almost certainly lead to expulsion or cancellation for those of us in a precarious position, which is no small number.

I personally don’t dare speak out against the BLM narrative, and with this barrage of alleged unity being mass-produced by the administration, tenured professoriat, the UC administration, corporate America, and the media, the punishment for dissent is a clear danger at a time of widespread economic vulnerability. I am certain that if my name were attached to this email, I would lose my job and all future jobs, even though I believe in and can justify every word I type.

The vast majority of violence visited on the black community is committed by black people. There are virtually no marches for these invisible victims, no public silences, no heartfelt letters from the UC regents, deans, and departmental heads. The message is clear: Black lives only matter when whites take them. Black violence is expected and insoluble, while white violence requires explanation and demands solution. Please look into your hearts and see how monstrously bigoted this formulation truly is.

No discussion is permitted for nonblack victims of black violence, who proportionally outnumber black victims of nonblack violence. This is especially bitter in the Bay Area, where Asian victimization by black assailants has reached epidemic proportions, to the point that the SF police chief has advised Asians to stop hanging good-luck charms on their doors, as this attracts the attention of (overwhelmingly black) home invaders. Home invaders like George Floyd. For this actual, lived, physically experienced reality of violence in the USA, there are no marches, no tearful emails from departmental heads, no support from McDonald’s and Wal-Mart. For the History department, our silence is not a mere abrogation of our duty to shed light on the truth: it is a rejection of it.

The claim that black intraracial violence is the product of redlining, slavery, and other injustices is a largely historical claim. It is for historians, therefore, to explain why Japanese internment or the massacre of European Jewry hasn’t led to equivalent rates of dysfunction and low SES performance among Japanese and Jewish Americans respectively. Arab Americans have been viciously demonized since 9/11, as have Chinese Americans more recently. However, both groups outperform white Americans on nearly all SES indices – as do Nigerian Americans, who incidentally have black skin. It is for historians to point out and discuss these anomalies. However, no real discussion is possible in the current climate at our department. The explanation is provided to us, disagreement with it is racist, and the job of historians is to further explore additional ways in which the explanation is additionally correct. This is a mockery of the historical profession.

Most troublingly, our department appears to have been entirely captured by the interests of the Democratic National Convention, and the Democratic Party more broadly. To explain what I mean, consider what happens if you choose to donate to Black Lives Matter, an organization UCB History has explicitly promoted in its recent mailers. All donations to the official BLM website are immediately redirected to ActBlue Charities, an organization primarily concerned with bankrolling election campaigns for Democrat candidates. Donating to BLM today is to indirectly donate to Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign. This is grotesque given the fact that the American cities with the worst rates of black-on-black violence and police-on-black violence are overwhelmingly Democrat-run. Minneapolis itself has been entirely in the hands of Democrats for over five decades; the ‘systemic racism’ there was built by successive Democrat administrations.

The patronizing and condescending attitudes of Democrat leaders towards the black community, exemplified by nearly every Biden statement on the black race, all but guarantee a perpetual state of misery, resentment, poverty, and the attendant grievance politics which are simultaneously annihilating American political discourse and black lives. And yet, donating to BLM is bankrolling the election campaigns of men like Mayor Frey, who saw their cities devolve into violence. This is a grotesque capture of a good-faith movement for necessary police reform, and of our department, by a political party. Even worse, there are virtually no avenues for dissent in academic circles. I refuse to serve the Party, and so should you.

The total alliance of major corporations involved in human exploitation with BLM should be a warning flag to us, and yet this damning evidence goes unnoticed, purposefully ignored, or perversely celebrated. We are the useful idiots of the wealthiest classes, carrying water for Jeff Bezos and other actual, real, modern-day slavers. Starbucks, an organisation using literal black slaves in its coffee plantation suppliers, is in favor of BLM. Sony, an organisation using cobalt mined by yet more literal black slaves, many of whom are children, is in favor of BLM. And so, apparently, are we. The absence of counter-narrative enables this obscenity. Fiat lux, indeed.

There also exists a large constituency of what can only be called ‘race hustlers’: hucksters of all colors who benefit from stoking the fires of racial conflict to secure administrative jobs, charity management positions, academic jobs and advancement, or personal political entrepreneurship.

Given the direction our history department appears to be taking far from any commitment to truth, we can regard ourselves as a formative training institution for this brand of snake-oil salespeople. Their activities are corrosive, demolishing any hope at harmonious racial coexistence in our nation and colonizing our political and institutional life. Many of their voices are unironically segregationist.

MLK would likely be called an Uncle Tom if he spoke on our campus today. We are training leaders who intend, explicitly, to destroy one of the only truly successful ethnically diverse societies in modern history. As the PRC, an ethnonationalist and aggressively racially chauvinist national polity with null immigration and no concept of jus solis increasingly presents itself as the global political alternative to the US, I ask you: Is this wise? Are we really doing the right thing?

As a final point, our university and department has made multiple statements celebrating and eulogizing George Floyd. Floyd was a multiple felon who once held a pregnant black woman at gunpoint. He broke into her home with a gang of men and pointed a gun at her pregnant stomach. He terrorized the women in his community. He sired and abandoned multiple children, playing no part in their support or upbringing, failing one of the most basic tests of decency for a human being. He was a drug-addict and sometime drug-dealer, a swindler who preyed upon his honest and hard-working neighbors.

And yet, the regents of UC and the historians of the UCB History department are celebrating this violent criminal, elevating his name to virtual sainthood. A man who hurt women. A man who hurt black women. With the full collaboration of the UCB history department, corporate America, most mainstream media outlets, and some of the wealthiest and most privileged opinion-shaping elites of the USA, he has become a culture hero, buried in a golden casket, his (recognized) family showered with gifts and praise. Americans are being socially pressured into kneeling for this violent, abusive misogynist. A generation of black men are being coerced into identifying with George Floyd, the absolute worst specimen of our race and species.

I’m ashamed of my department. I would say that I’m ashamed of both of you, but perhaps you agree with me, and are simply afraid, as I am, of the backlash of speaking the truth. It’s hard to know what kneeling means, when you have to kneel to keep your job.

It shouldn’t affect the strength of my argument above, but for the record, I write as a person of color. My family have been personally victimized by men like Floyd. We are aware of the condescending depredations of the Democrat party against our race. The humiliating assumption that we are too stupid to do STEM, that we need special help and lower requirements to get ahead in life, is richly familiar to us. I sometimes wonder if it wouldn’t be easier to deal with open fascists, who at least would be straightforward in calling me a subhuman, and who are unlikely to share my race.

The ever-present soft bigotry of low expectations and the permanent claim that the solutions to the plight of my people rest exclusively on the goodwill of whites rather than on our own hard work is psychologically devastating. No other group in America is systematically demoralized in this way by its alleged allies. A whole generation of black children are being taught that only by begging and weeping and screaming will they get handouts from guilt-ridden whites.

No message will more surely devastate their futures, especially if whites run out of guilt, or indeed if America runs out of whites. If this had been done to Japanese Americans, or Jewish Americans, or Chinese Americans, then Chinatown and Japantown would surely be no different to the roughest parts of Baltimore and East St. Louis today. The History department of UCB is now an integral institutional promulgator of a destructive and denigrating fallacy about the black race.

I hope you appreciate the frustration behind this message. I do not support BLM. I do not support the Democrat grievance agenda and the Party’s uncontested capture of our department. I do not support the Party co-opting my race, as Biden recently did in his disturbing interview, claiming that voting Democrat and being black are isomorphic. I condemn the manner of George Floyd’s death and join you in calling for greater police accountability and police reform. However, I will not pretend that George Floyd was anything other than a violent misogynist, a brutal man who met a predictably brutal end.

I also want to protect the practice of history. Cleo is no grovelling handmaiden to politicians and corporations. Like us, she is free.

Reprinted in its entirety by Zero Hedge (emphasis Zero Hedge) via @tracybeanz:

U.C. Berkeley’s history department issued a statement regarding the anonymous letter, and instead of addressing – or inviting a vigorous debate over its content, Berkeley’s response validates one of the letter’s core claims that dissent outside “a tightly policed, narrow discourse” is not welcome.

23rd June 2020, 00:27
Sean Parnell


23rd June 2020, 04:50
UC Berkeley History Professor’s Open Letter Against BLM, Police Brutality and Cultural Orthodoxy (https://californiaglobe.com/section-2/uc-berkeley-history-professors-open-letter-against-blm-police-brutality-and-cultural-orthodoxy/)

Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative

Does he though?
All the professor does is spew his own anger and frustration, he provides no proofs, no statistics, No semi-scientific rationale..
All he does is using the same scare tactic as everyone is doing at the moment..
The more I listen and talk to the differences between the BLM and the Anti BLM the more their "sameness" becomes clear.

Ah well.

23rd June 2020, 13:03
Does he though?
All the professor does is spew his own anger and frustration, he provides no proofs, no statistics, No semi-scientific rationale..
All he does is using the same scare tactic as everyone is doing at the moment..
The more I listen and talk to the differences between the BLM and the Anti BLM the more their "sameness" becomes clear.

Ah well.

I posted the article for a reason... to point out how myopic it is... despite the many great points it makes. The problem is that all the good points have no shot to become a reality unless the entirety of the problem is understood and embraced for the fact of it.

Consider the following:

"The west" has a "business appendage" known is the pharmaceutical industry (and the overall "healthcare" industry). In its drive to find "remedies," "cures," even "vaccines." etc. they will make deals with "mafias disguised as governments" to run "trials" on human beings among their population.

The actual bottom line common denominator of these human guinea pigs is their "vulnerability." But go to an externally observable common denominator and what you'll see is that it is the dark color of the skin of these human guinea pigs.

Now look at "Wikipedia" (a sell out to "anti-soul forces") -

Medical experimentation in Africa (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_experimentation_in_Africa)

Notice how the examples are from more than twenty years ago. Does anyone actually think the accords put in place stopped these practices? Look at the lopsided plethora of advertising from the pharmaceutical and medical industries on all the mainstream media news channels. Look at the positioning of Wikipedia as "THE online encyclopedia for the world... all a play towards eventual massive monetization. No integrity - just narrative pushing. "We were bad but now we are good." Yeah, right.

Now come back over to the "highly moral" USA -

Though over 80 years ago - this, again, shows the "usage" of vulnerable human beings with the external common denominator, the color of their skin.

Tuskegee syphilis experiment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_syphilis_experiment)

Since it was long enough ago, the information in this Wikipedia entry appears fairly accurate.

But when you are a billionaire you can get away with this type of stuff... or is it really just because you are a billionaire? Could your "getting away with it" actually be because what you are doing is part of the grand plan of the primary occulted factions running this planet?

Bill Gates - India and Africa... of course, "all that stuff was just rumors... debunked by "in the tank" fact check organizations -

You KNOW the narrative is being desperately controlled when you see everything that pops up in Google's first page - when typing in "Bill gates vaccination experiments in India."

https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=h-fxXoe6Oc-wtgWd2onQAQ&q=Bill+gates+vaccination+experiments+in+India&oq=Bill+gates+vaccination+experiments+in+India&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoFCAAQgwE6BQgAELEDOgIIADoKCAA QsQMQRhD7AVCKDViakwFg_ZQBaABwAHgAgAGFAYgB7xWSAQQ0M i4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjHmYjZ6pfqAhVPmK0KHR1tAhoQ4dUDCAg&uact=5

Bill Gates Visits New Delhi Clinic To Encourage Final Push To Eradicate Polio (of course, put gatesfoundation.org FIRST)!

Reuters: False claim: Bill Gates faces trial in India for testing vaccines on children

The LOGICAL Indian: Fact Check: Were 496,000 Children In India Paralyzed Between 2000 & 2017 From "Bill Gates Polio Vaccine"?

The Dispatch: Did Bill Gates Test Unapproved Vaccines on Children in Africa?

NIH.gov: advertisement disguised as news

again NIH.gov: advertisement disguised as news

and finally, a "questioning" article from 2014 - The Economic Times: Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India? Read more at: (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/healthcare/controversial-vaccine-studies-why-is-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-under-fire-from-critics-in-india/articleshow/41280050.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst)

Then back to narrative control -

news18.com: Fact Check: Bill Gates's Foundation Did Not Paralyse Children While Testing Polio Vaccine in India

politifact.com: The Gates Foundation "tested a polio vax in India between 2000 & 2017 and paralysed 496,000 children."

Then another advertisement - for the GAVI Alliance (formerly The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation)

And that concludes Google's page one...

Now here's a lesson to the less experienced "reader" that may read my post. In today's world, to get to anywhere near the truth, you have to be your own investigative journalist. In addition, you have to recognize that when you are pushed hard into forming an opinion and you are not provided information that points to an alternative view, especially when that alternative view may hold equal (or in some cases, more weight), you should understand that there's a reason "they" want you to think and conclude as the average, rather trusting, rather innocent, far less experienced (or perhaps sheltered) vulnerable will think and conclude.

Your thinking is being manufactured. It is done to hide the true agendas. In addition, these narratives are designed to manufacture consent. Your consent. Your consent, for example, to discard natural health applications, especially those that lie outside "the material" world view (the primary narrative so desperately pushed) like "energetics," like "holistic," like "plant based," like psychotheraputics that includes "sub-personality creation via trauma experiences, past life trauma carryover, entity interference at all levels and forms of manifestation," like emotional healing modalities which result in higher vibrational emotions flowing through us in our world and through society.

Not only can't the medical mafia make much money via treatment approaches noted in the above list, the freedom gained by each individual... freedom at the every level of their being, especially their soul where their spirit can soar... those who control our world in every way possible, risk losing control once enough of us awaken to our true power - not power of this world, but the power of a soul unfettered.

And this is why it is, to me, important the world recognize that unless the true, global and inter-generational trauma experienced by blacks be understood... the 'race wars' will continue and grow.

I repeat -

And this is why it is, to me, important the world recognize that unless the true, global and inter-generational trauma experienced by blacks be understood... the 'race wars' will continue and grow.

And all that I wrote above is simple one form of this racism and the obvious collective trauma that has been produced. The entire global population really has to grasp this and understand the depth of this trauma. That would be a true, deep empathy and would only be the first step, albeit a must first step, in humanity moving to another level. If this is not universally taken, things will only get worse (and they can) and we will all pay dearly.

24th June 2020, 02:43
Tools - they start to use the software tools... stealth.

24th June 2020, 07:49
I feel to apoligise on behalf of many members here Chestor, some are simply caught up in old/ancestor/past life maybe/dated/sabatage n self/etc?, though i do not agree with all you have gifted on this thread i at least absorb before comment, some of your data above is xlent red pill material indeed, lol to the point where some may go, nope did not read that OH shiney thing over there, feel to also say well done and great to see such a positive vibe with your gifting here. Thankyou

24th June 2020, 07:59
Ok, So what do you wise men propose we do?

It's all fun and games it seems to intellectualize all that is wrong in the world and how people are being duped to pick a side without ample information.
But if we are going to look at history and how the media and the money flows in certain ways. It seems the only viable sollution would be to kill yourself and you families to leave the shitshow here on earth.

Or we could just Reiki the shit out of everyone, sing kumbaya at the fire pit and wait until they come to drag us to the battery plant.

AH well..

24th June 2020, 14:20
I'm not into picking sides. It's destructive. We have 350 million here and 6 billion on the rest of the planet. Dividing ourselves here and picking sides is horrendously stupid.

The rich will continue to take and take while the remainder of folks fight foolish battles.

24th June 2020, 17:22
People always seem to forget that there is only one humanity, yet we divide ourselves into different tribes.

24th June 2020, 23:22
Ok, So what do you wise men propose we do?

It's all fun and games it seems to intellectualize all that is wrong in the world and how people are being duped to pick a side without ample information.
But if we are going to look at history and how the media and the money flows in certain ways. It seems the only viable sollution would be to kill yourself and you families to leave the shitshow here on earth.

Or we could just Reiki the shit out of everyone, sing kumbaya at the fire pit and wait until they come to drag us to the battery plant.

AH well..

Since there are no takers here's a well thought out thorough response. vmgxtcbc4iU

Emil El Zapato
25th June 2020, 00:20
It's game theory Cats... somebody is running a massive social experiment based on game theory. I don't have to tell anyone where my finger would point. :)

25th June 2020, 03:33
Ok, So what do you wise men propose we do?

It's all fun and games it seems to intellectualize all that is wrong in the world and how people are being duped to pick a side without ample information.
But if we are going to look at history and how the media and the money flows in certain ways. It seems the only viable sollution would be to kill yourself and you families to leave the shitshow here on earth.

Or we could just Reiki the shit out of everyone, sing kumbaya at the fire pit and wait until they come to drag us to the battery plant.

AH well..

Or, you can dedicated every second of the rest of your life to the refinement of the integrity of your soul. It is an option. It happens to be the option I have chosen (and for some time now). Having said that, there are times I react (get triggered) which demonstrates I have a long, long way to go.

Thankfully, I don't have what these two guys are facing...

https://cdn.qmap.pub/images/bdd1f98ac8a83c32e920c334734bd5a6a74e78108f7eaeec47 72d33646d467dd.jpg

17 knew it all along


28th June 2020, 12:45

Their average age is 90

Emil El Zapato
28th June 2020, 12:58
I intended to laugh but in the end I had to say OK, in a deeply subconscious twisted way it made sense. I don't know if anyone recognizes the 16th century Western Aristotelian meme intertwined with the video but would it make any difference?

28th June 2020, 13:13
Tairona lives didn't much matter

Kankuamo lives still (barely) matter

Wiwa lives still (barely) matter

Arhuaco lives still (barely) matter

Kogi lives...


28th June 2020, 14:25

Just in case you don't know how to do this

28th June 2020, 15:35

Or use this..

29th June 2020, 00:44

For those who still have a tiny connection to their soul


29th June 2020, 06:30
Well Cats, Reiki the heck outa world/Earth has been ongoing for many decades, imo thats why we are still here.

29th June 2020, 07:47

Their average age is 90

I love the Kogi and how they live.

I had not seen this one before. Very well done.

29th June 2020, 09:19

For those who still have a tiny connection to their soul


The Kogi are so in touch with the Mother.

A gnostic can only love what they give us.

I'd join them in a heartbeat.

I could care less about the internet and its contagion.