View Full Version : Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites (Book trailer)

28th March 2020, 15:53
found this fellow this winter....very interesting
Citizen Z approved

For the first time an independent Egyptian researcher and author is digging deep into the history of ancient Egypt and Israel. Dr. Ashraf Ezzat has embarked on his rare quest with daunting questions and growing doubts about the veracity of the Israelite Exodus
The book’s title is not misleading. The author not only means every word of it but will also substantiate his claim with evidence-based findings. Dr. Ezzat, supported by a serious community of scholars and their amazing findings, will reveal one of the biggest acts of deception in history hidden behind the myth of Egyptian Pharaohs. And yes, the whole story of Egypt ever being ruled by so called Pharaohs is nothing but a pure myth and a blatant deception.
The new evidence-based findings combined with the research carried out by the author of this book will help rid ancient Egypt of what otherwise seemed like a perpetual curse of Pharaohs Ancient Egypt was ruled by kings and queens, not Pharaohs. The king of Egypt had five titles none of them was Pharaoh or anything close to it.
Get ready to think the unthinkable and imagine the never thought imaginable, for if Egypt knew no Pharaohs then it goes without saying that Egypt never Knew Moses either. And if Moses never set foot in Egypt, then The Exodus’ road map to the Promised Land has to be redrawn.
Now take a deep breath, and try to digest that the Israelite’s Promised Land is not in Palestine where the modern day Israel has been established for nearly six decades now. How is that for a paradigm shift, pretty huge eh?
Not only is the author going to stop this far but he is going to hit the readers with more explosive revelations such as neither Abraham nor Joseph ever set foot in Egypt or even dreamed about it.
And if that’s not enough the readers will be in for a stunning surprise when they will find out that the true Pharaoh is not Egyptian and that he actually came from the arid and tribal land of Arabian desert.
And that’s not all, brace yourselves for more astonishing revelations uncovering the Arabic roots of Judaism and where the Jewish Patriarchs Abraham, Joseph and Moses lived and died.
Still the biggest surprises this book will reveal is that ancient Egypt never witnessed any of the stories of the Jewish patriarchs and that the land of the Nile valley knew neither Pharaohs nor any Israelites. Egypt was never the land of the Israelites’ Exodus nor Palestine their Promised Land.
Visit Dr. Ashraf Ezzat's website for more information and articles https://ashraf62.wordpress.com/

Emil El Zapato
28th March 2020, 17:03
sounds interesting but I am curious how the author could know that someone, anyone didn't 'dream' something?

29th March 2020, 02:18
which part......?

29th March 2020, 03:25
Enjoyed, thankyou

Emil El Zapato
29th March 2020, 11:55
Which part was interesting? or the statement that Abraham et all, didn't even dream about Egypt?

30th March 2020, 13:48
This has english subtitles.


30th March 2020, 17:07
that was an interesting interview.

30th March 2020, 17:15
sounds interesting but I am curious how the author could know that someone, anyone didn't 'dream' something?

the part is about 2 minutes 30 sec in approx
and in context he stated that these characters were mythological
such characters are not actual people so no they do not dream about anything
and the terms in question "Egypt", "Pharaoh", he says were terms unused in that time, designations which were assigned after by others, so even if these mythological characters could dream of such a place we call "Egypt", it was not Egypt these events took place in , but rather Mizraim.
so it makes sense, it is i think his style of presentation which may be the cause of that question.

Emil El Zapato
30th March 2020, 17:24
hmm, ok, if it isn't obvious, I disagree with the concept in its entirety but I will take a closer look. :)

I have learned over time that sometimes we have to keep digging beyond where we have found something that resonates and keep digging until we hit non-resonance and it sometimes is much deeper...just a thought.

30th March 2020, 17:35
hmm, ok, if it isn't obvious, I disagree with the concept in its entirety but I will take a closer look. :)

I have learned over time that sometimes we have to keep digging beyond where we have found something that resonates and keep digging until we hit non-resonance and it sometimes is much deeper...just a thought.

that's fine...expected really
demonstrates critical thinking is operant, which is excellent
all this information is just fish we have netted from the ocean of information, and not all the fish will be desirable to eat....some is only good to make fertilizer with
I use what i could call the true lies metric to assess new data points....
and, until analyzed, all data is to be considered as just raw data
assigning emotional reactions to the discerning processing part would complicate and obfuscate rather than bring clarity...
and if new data does elicit emotional reactions, this itself is a new vector to explore....why did that have that effect?

Emil El Zapato
30th March 2020, 18:04
:) well, to defend the possibility that I had an emotional response, I would say it is because I've seen so many of these 'alternate' religious views over the last bazillion years and have been conditioned to just reject outwardly as to not encourage going down an unproductive road (as I see it)...but at the same time, doing my own research and drawing my own conclusions...I haven't been moved yet...there are always opposing viewpoints with what might be considered 'legitimate' underpinnings. An underpinning is not enough to overturn what my 'faith' tells and demonstrates to me.

Lord Sidious
14th April 2020, 15:18
This has english subtitles.


Even more interesting than the video is his replies to posts on the video by others.
Seems to be a humble guy that appreciates others input.