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4th November 2013, 11:29
DISCLOSURE: The Masonic Truth Behind Aliens/UFOs - False Flag


Royal Blue blood Knight of Malta and Honorary 33rd degree Freemason,America’s 40th President Ronald Reagan often talked about how the whole world would come together if there were an external alien threat to our planet.

At the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 21st, 1987, Reagan said, "In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."

Speaking to a room full of reporters at the White House on May 5th, 1988, Reagan said, "I've often wondered what if all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by an outer…a power from another planet. Wouldn't we all of a sudden find that we didn't have any differences between us at all, we were all human beings, citizens of the world and wouldn't we come together to fight that particular threat?"

He mentioned this idea many other times throughout his life.
Henry Kissinger at the Bilderberger Conference in Evians, France, 1991 is reported to have said, “Today,America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order[referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e. an ‘alien’ invasion], whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”
“The UFO investigator and lecturer Nono Hayakawa says this plan is called ‘Project Panic’ and that high technology equipment will be used to create an optical illusion of a UFO invasion. This will give governments and the United Nations the excuse to call a global state of emergency and all those emergency powers and executive orders will be implemented.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (486)

Almost every movie or TV show you have ever seen about aliens or the Moon came from a Freemasonic director! All of these were made by Masons: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ET, Taken, Alien 1-4, Independence Day, 2001: Space Odyssey, Star Wars, Star Trek, Men In Black, From the Earth to the Moon, Apollo 13, War of the Worlds, and the X-Files.
Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek was a 33rd Degree Scottish-Rite Freemason. This is why we have “Scotty,” Spock’s Kabalistic/Masonic “V” hand gesture, pyramid-shaped communicators, and other Masonic symbols. The name Captain “Kirk” comes from “Circe” and means “church” in Scottish. So the church (Captain Kirk) is the head of the starship Enterprise. What enterprise? Whose enterprise do you think? Take note that the Vatican actually funds and controls every astronomical telescope and observatory in the world. All findings run through the Vatican before both the public and the scientific communities. What does this tell us? Meanwhile, the Masonic movie/music industries give us Stars, Superstars, Devas, Celebrities, Models, and Idols to worship.
George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars also floods his movies with Masonic symbology. Yoda is the name of a Masonic teacher. The Djed-eye (Jedi) comes from the ancient Egyptian as noted earlier. The idea of Jedi Knights and a round table comes from the Knights Templar. Skywalker is the name of the 13th Tzolkien in the Mayan calendar, the symbol of which looks just like the top of Luke’s flight helmet. Anakin comes from Anakim or the Sons of Anak in the Bible and Darth Vader no doubt comes from the “Da’ath” black sephiroth of the Jewish Kabbalah. These occult interpretations of Hollywood movies and TV programs are well understood by initiates, but purposely meant to bewilder the public.

“Since the 1970's, Spielberg has directed or produced seven of the top twenty grossing films of all time. Throughout his career we see an obsession with the alien/UFO/space theme. From the 1977 Close Encounters of the Third Kind to ET in 1982, to Deep Impact in 1998. All depict an invasion from outer space. Even the movie Jaws is littered with shooting stars and strange lights in the sky.

Spielberg was also executive producer for the July 2002 release Men in Black 2, a movie where a shadow government ‘protects’ the people of the world from an alien threat.

In February 1997 a leading light in the British film industry leaked the story that Spielberg and executives of his company DreamWorks had secretly met with senior Pentagon officials in Los Angeles. The officials told Spielberg to ‘stop everything’ and produce a movie whose subject matter involved meteors and/or comets.
One year later Deep Impact was in the can. The film describes a comet hurtling towards earth and the fight for who has the privilege of access to an underground bunker. Who were these Pentagon officials and why were they so eager for Bilderberg asset Spielberg to produce a movie about a threat from outer space? Commencing in December 2002, the SciFi Channel will screen Taken, Spielberg's 20-hour mini-series focusing on alien abduction. The cost of this production was a staggering $120 million - making it the most expensive miniseries in television history.

You'd think Spielberg would by now have tired of the genre, but his elite controllers are really zealous to implant this alien paradigm in the minds of the public.” -Paul Joseph Watson, “Order Out of Chaos” (171)

Steven Spielberg is known to have attended Bilderberg in 1999 and perhaps in other years.

4th November 2013, 12:23
Excellent collation Sarah, very interesting that Skywalker is the thirteenth Tzolkien, didn't know that!! This ties a LOT of wanting ends together, cracking find!

4th November 2013, 17:27
Take note that the Vatican actually funds and controls every astronomical telescope and observatory in the world. All findings run through the Vatican before both the public and the scientific communities.

I don't believe this for one minute !

4th November 2013, 20:05
Well, in the grand scheme of things, we are all directors in this movie called life.
If they wish to plan a fake invasion, let them,but those who are awakened wont be easily fooled.
Unless of course a real invasion takes its place!


4th November 2013, 22:21
The focus on Masonic symbology is ill guided. All our problems stem from our collective dysfunction and brokeness.

I am a 3rd degree Mason and every Mason I have met has been one of the finest men I have ever met, although generally as clueless as any other sheeple. I speak of the men of the Blue lodge, where 3rd degree is the highest. All higher degrees are extensions of the Blue Lodge. It is outside this Blue lodge of fine men that the seeds of mischief seem to arise from. Usually from the very highest degrees. Even at these higher levels one cannot paint the picture with a broad brush. Masons as the bogeyman is getting tired. Bad men are just that. If they happen to belong to a group, they taint the whole.

Pointing at a problem best works in a mirror.

Fred Steeves
4th November 2013, 22:44
The alternative community is a minefield of deception and dis-information, and quite often from sources one would least suspect. Seekers beware, ask the "uncomfortable" questions, and trust those instincts above all. Things are not what they seem.

5th November 2013, 07:59
The alternative community is a minefield of deception and dis-information, and quite often from sources one would least suspect. Seekers beware, ask the "uncomfortable" questions, and trust those instincts above all. Things are not what they seem.

Seems to b the case Fred... in my mind we need to know what is going on here b4 we can know what to worry about what comes later- seems the only logical way to move forward, lb