View Full Version : Is consciousness the soul?

The One
2nd November 2013, 10:04

Science inquiry based on evidence suggests that's what it is. It's a byproduct of brain function. Neuroscientific research discusses this a lot. No need to impose spirituality to falsly comfort yourself about living and dying etc. Perhaps look at some research on qualia as well, talks about how subjectivity can be created in the brain. The word doul however, is a useful one, for talking about mind, self and consciousness, but it shouldn't be claimed by religion.


Consciousness is not the soul. I believe that when we die, our souls die with us. However, I do believe that we all have one universal consciousness that has lived since the beginning of time. I think that our souls are nothing more than neurological manifestations of our genetic programming and past experiences. I think that it is very hard for the consciousness to die because the consciousness IS THE UNIVERSE. I think that even things that don't have minds (including plants and inanimate objects) have consciousness. I believe that we might truly die when the theoretical day comes that the universe collapses upon itself and is destroyed. If I can truly believe believe this, then I have no reason to fear death. However, I don't want to die because I like living.

What do you think.It would be great to here other members views on the soul and what it actually is.The soul subject fascinates me.We keep hearing that the body is but a shell used by the soul.So why so many different shells and when we are in these shells why are some more intelligent than others.Meaning humans lol

Do souls think if so are some more intelligent than others.Wow i could go on forever with this subject.I do not believe the bible's version of the soul


2nd November 2013, 12:28

New to the forum but a regular lurker !
Love the content and the easy going vibe.

Probably agnostic on what the soul actually is, an energy body, 5th dimensional software or just a metaphor for a fractal unit of primal conciousness.
Intuitively, i think the soul and consciousness are seperate entities.

2nd November 2013, 12:42

New to the forum but a regular lurker !
Love the content and the easy going vibe.

Probably agnostic on what the soul actually is, an energy body, 5th dimensional software or just a metaphor for a fractal unit of primal conciousness.
Intuitively, i think the soul and consciousness are seperate entities.

Welcome to TOT thenmac, jump right in !


I think they are separate thing too.

There are plenty of people out there with no souls.

2nd November 2013, 18:40
I always wondered if the trinity the Catholic church teaches is really: The body, The soul and The Spirit (or consciousness)

I sometimes think consciousness uses a soul to communicate with a body. That's why soul-less people are unconscious.

Once out-of-body, consciousnesses can easily communicate with each other through mental telepathy - and many consciousnesses are learning how to do this from body to body.

My thoughts today; tomorrow I reserve the right to change them

john parslow
2nd November 2013, 20:10
A very interesting question Malc.

My gut feeling is that the soul is one thing and consciousness another, if we are to understand various ‘experts’ related to this subject we learn that the infamous Archons are soulless beings who obviously have a consciousness even if it may be of a hive nature. Perhaps when we pass through the veil again our soul reverts back to source for some R&R but our consciousness expands (as memory returns) to its limitless boundaries and we become yet again one with the universe …

Just a thought …

P.S. A heartfelt welcome thenmac

3rd November 2013, 01:08
Consciousness is a property of the soul. It is sentient awareness, it is an electromagnetic force, it is responsible for what scientists have falsely labelled gravity. Without a soul the body has zero consciousness. Anything with consciousness has soul energy invested in it. Since everything is energy one could say that the Universe is creator consciousness, meaning the creator has a soul.

Additional questions would be: does the soul have other properties beyond consciousness? What is the difference between soul and spirit? Does the soul exist outside of this Universe as source? What is the essence of source? Is love the corner stone of source? and so on. . .

3rd November 2013, 01:46
My small take on it is that, it is like being sent a contract to read. If you read just the top of the page you get one kind of understanding, if you, however, go to the small print and read and inwardly digest that which is supposedly being said there, you will most certainly find another layer to discern, and will give you a whole new meaning to the understanding you have, of what you are getting into.

You come with a package, when born, I like to call it, something like the now, what it began as, was what you had learnt along the way, but each time you learn a new bit to add on to what you are, you are now something else or you have become the sum total of everything you are, which tomorrow may become a new sum total of what you are. You can make it a part of your own mentality, each lifetime the mentality you begin with should be more than the lifetime you began with, the last time round. It becomes a tool for your Soul to use. Your Soul is there to help you to proceed in any direction. If you ask what will I do now, your Soul will gather together for you whatever information you have that may help you to decide. It will call upon memories, past or present that may remind you of what you have already learnt, but then it will call on your consciousness as well to help in the discernment of all that information, the more you can discern what it gives you the more you are able to make a decision because now you have more understanding of facts presented to you. The Soul will help the Spirit by telling it, if the decision you made is something you should then go ahead to do, or help it to know if in its awareness of your main learning capacity, it is a bad decision for you to make. These are the things no one else can tell you, they can only tell you within the confines of what their own sum total is able to discern.

If you understand your Astrological chart, the aspects that are the most difficult for yourself to work with are your oppositions, the next most difficult are the T crosses since their you are having to relate the different notions brought about by each thing you have difficulty with, in this case 3 aspects to life. What you then have to see to is that if you are able to do one action that will make one of those difficulties easier for you, will it in fact make the other aspect of life more difficult for you and can you cope with that for a period of time. A single cross you have to find ways and means to overcome some part of your life you find difficult to handle. If you work at it and find ways to cope and use to your advantage, the next lifetime round you may find yourself with a trine because, now that aspect of life you have found easier to work with and can use it to advantage, the next time round it may become a conjunction, because now you can use what you do easily either for your betterment or the benefit of others because you can now use power to make it work for you. What you have found that is new to you is a part of your consciousness and you will have memories concerning this which your Soul can help you with, for now you have new understanding. So, the learning process you were to go through in this life is mapped out for you in your Astrology, your numerology, your palms and so on, these are the tools you can use with your life to help you to gain more consciousness. Because it is there in your chart, you can be darn sure that at many times in your life as the transit of planets takes place, you will in fact have a set of situations come into your life so that you do, in fact, encounter the type of experiences that will be there and if you have sense or the need to you will look into it deeply. Religious doctrine can sometimes help you to survive the impact on your life , but, what you learn will pay dividend the next time it comes around for now you have found some ways to counteract the difficulty you experienced before, next time, you have even more ways to see it through, fortunately aspects won't be as hard during the whole of your life as they are when the planets move on to once again dance the problem in front of you.

15th January 2014, 15:02
Is consciousness the soul?

i think we are slowly getting to the answers.


another take on it.


15th January 2014, 16:30
I would have liked to write something light harted , but deep cropped up.

we are one.
and yet we choose not to be.
we are complete.
and yet we insist that there is something missing.
we are much more than this consciousness.
and still we deny ourselves of our worth.
we are capable of so much.
and we say ''yeah in our dreams''.

we are not dreamers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we-----are.

if that is life or death,consciousness or soul,all things or nothing ,still we are .

If there are differences between us , it would and could only be by personal choices,circumstances and effort .
we can only be different if we choose to.
the circumstances of our current society will definitely give us more or less, a life harder or easier,but our sense of self or of whole have no cultural boundaries.
we are now and after death as i feel we are then to.

not to deep!

15th January 2014, 17:09
another view on consciousness depends on your level of awareness.
we have the physical,mind,consciousness, soul and HS so to speak.
all of these aspects of self are searching for the ultimate question.

but can and are we not one?just a fragment of source experiencing in each individual being?
does source know love?
does it know hate?
i think not.but it wants to experience it through you.
maybe you have been given the freewill to choose to be and do whatever you want!
but whatever you do you have to experience the opposite of your choices the next time round until.
maybe thats why we forget if we are reborn.

or before prebirth you choose to come here and choose what lessens are to be learned and taught.

for source there is no time,for a lifetime would be a blink of a eye so to speak.
maybe it is what we experience and learn is the ultimate key to return to source.

15th January 2014, 17:14
Exploring Human Potential (It's difficult not to add some colour to this post because this is such a rich planet.)

We are the explorer race of souls. We come from several different planetary systems to experience life on the most beautiful and diverse planet in the Universe. That is what we all share in common - that youthful passion and exuberance for exploring physical feelings.

And we are resilient, as we have demonstrated time and again through many incarnations in our persistent attempt at showing that it is possible to hold the entire magnificent energy of a soul inside a human physical body. Yes we will glow when this is accomplished, and disease will be no more.

There is a blueprint for human existence, a means by which humanity, as a whole, can achieve its full potential. This potential is the reintegration of the "higher" aspects of our consciousness with our "physical" aspects of consciousness. Once we have achieved this reintegration, we will understand fully who we are, where we originated and how we came to be.

To put it another way, the soul is capable of dividing it's consciousness, investing 25 % in the physical body which it has created for itself using the Earth's template ( energetic, morphological field ) and elements from the Earth. The other 75% of human consciousness is outside of the physical body existing as energetic potential (the higher self). Our job is to clear emotional energetic blocks arising from childhood trauma, so that our physical body contains room for higher frequency energetic flow so that 100% of our soul consciousness can be available to our physical selves.

That pure energetic flow is our emotions and yes they are meant to flow and be shared freely. They are not meant to be blocked, as we have been trained to do for the convenience of a smoothly running bureaucratic society. Therefore it is wise to focus your attention on your inner flow as a constant meditation, not allowing those governmental distractions to involve you.

When each of us have achieved this reintegration, we will experience being wholly human and fully conscious. One of the first steps is to realize that religion is man made. There is no being out there that requires our worship. The Creationary Source, using terms expressed by quantum physics, could be described as the "Fields of Possibility". It is a consciousness that contains all the energy potential that exists in this Universe. And that source has chosen to explore the potential of physical life.

It has invited us, who are also source to explore and, most importantly to share with each other, this potential for interactive physical life.

In swirling, whirling, mixing minds
A vibrant light emerged to shine
It sparkled in the elements
And lit a blaze of hearts' content
As glowing feelings shared afford
In nature lies our true accord

We are the explorers of the question: What if non-physical souls could occupy a physical body that contained 100% soul conscious awareness? What does it FEEL like to walk in the grass, hold hands with another wholly conscious and wonderfully unique physical body, what is it like to fully, consciously feel the senses of a soft summer breeze, to be fully aware of those fragrant orange blossoms, to drink the summer wine, feel light-hearted, and see your smiles reflected in a pond, in another's eyes?

In other words, the Universe has a consciousness, a soul, the galaxies are consciousness, souls, and solar systems are equally consciousnesses, souls.

We are the non-physical souls who have decided to take on a fully physical form. The only question remaining is can we incorporate 100% of our consciousness into a physical body and how will it feel to be Wholly Human when we have succeeded?

Naturally we will be much lighter because our cells will be vibrating at a much higher frequency, we will experience the full symphony of awareness and naturally our senses will be expanded so that we can see the faeries who look after plant life, we will communicate not telepathically, but through immediate feelings of an intrinsically unique energetic nature that distinguishes each soul from every other soul.

We will think of that wonderful person and be immediately in front of them, no matter where they are on this vibrant planet with the energetic potential to be a sun herself.

Those who have been holding humanity back will be gone because their vibrations are so very low, they cannot survive here on Earth.

In reply to Ronin, Earth's Schumann Resonance Base frequency was too low for our body's root chakra (which connects us to Earth, that's what gravity really is) to maintain the entire soul within the physical body. So yes connecting to organic Earth grounding is essential. The more grounded you become the more you realize just how simple those answers to the mysteries really are.

15th January 2014, 17:32
We are the explorer race of souls. We come from several different planetary systems to experience life on the most beautiful and diverse planet in the Universe.

why would source create beings to explore themselves in another being on this planet.
that would be like saying the being from one of these planets is our HS or our creator.

the frequency that i feel that we must achieve is one back with Gaia.
but with all the events that have happened over the last few years and that may come,maybe it,s to late.

it,s difficult to explain but i mentioned earlier that everything is interconnected.
ufo,s,spiritulism,the soul,dna,source,tptb ect.

everything fits into place then disappears.
but on a deep level it makes sense.
you just catch glimpses of it.

16th January 2014, 01:16

16th January 2014, 10:21
I answered yes but I would say that consciousness is a result of the soul and not the soul itself. A bit like the body is a result of previous and current consciousness.

Soul leads to consciousness which leads to physical, mental and emotional manifestation.

16th January 2014, 10:31
It depends what one means by consciousness. If we mean the casual definition, then all it takes to render us unconscious is a little too much alcohol, never mind death. That is the kind of consciousness generated by the brain, a kind of neuroelectric phantasm. That is not the soul. It is not even a very lofty part of the mind, but the most profane part.

16th January 2014, 18:52
As I see it and from my perspective, consciousness is a part of the soul. Our souls enter the body to experience the human existence. Therefore the soul experiences human emotions and everything else. A soul is a spirit/entity that wants to have a human experience ;)

18th January 2014, 13:15

we may have been miseducated to our true potential of being.
what we do not know now the ancients knew.
i believe they knew how,why and what consciousness and the soul are.

for those that have and do try to control the soul by education,religion,media,politics ect

there are just as many waking up and asking questions to our being.

or is it our consciousness waking us up?

this is a excellent series.

18th January 2014, 14:35
to find the soul one must awaken the consciousness

19th January 2014, 06:52

Took me a while to come to sort of an asnwer.
Dependeing on your interpretation of the words Consciousness and Soul different answers apply really.
I take consciousness to be that which we are aware of combined with the sense of I or self.
Well that consciousnees according to the buddha and the neurological sciences/mri studies of the brain.
Suggest that that kind of conscious awarenes are moments of neurons fireing together and than fading away.

our brains that make their own stories then create the illusion of a self/conscioussnes that exists over time, based on partial memories and a lot of blanks filled in by the brain.

Now if conscioussnes is no more than that. I cannot even fathom a Soul to exist as More than conscioussness.

With Love

25th April 2015, 09:47
Bumping this.
From the what is consciousness thread. It seems that many definitions there, could also apply to soul.
It seems to me that soul. the energy that is seen as soul is also linked to who we are..

Just curious... What is soul.
Is it differentiated into higher and lower aspects. Soul groups.
Is it just another classification in order to bring structure to life's experiences.

Is it in any way related to what we are here, now as humans.
In light of the ever changing nature of experiential existence I find it hard to believe there is some record keeping consciousness dictating my actions in order to grow.

With Love

25th April 2015, 09:52
Lower self
higher self
soulgroup overseer

With Love

25th April 2015, 12:33
Soul is your right to know what to do in Life. If experiences only, it wouldn't stop life, but would shed light on what the totality of Life is - experience won't risk or tell you not to do something. This is not the Soul, the Soul is what tells the Spirit to stop being or doing, whatever is not right for you, during each particular experience. Consciousness, only gives your mind the either/or story to your mind alone, so if you you only think of something as what right or wrong should be, that is something in your experience, calling it back to your mind to clear a focus, or settle on one decision.

The mind cannot tell you what to decide, you Soul either is in tune with the experiences, or not. Their is Soul or Soul or Soul, their is no upper or lower or Self inside the soul, just one Soul, per person, and it tells you what to do within the boundaries of having realised something at another time, and your realisations are the most important things, you will ever do in any life. This is as there is no right or wrong, only realising the gift is not to choose, but to follow Life's stream of evolution.

What is Life's Stream of Evolution? That is that everyone is on evolutions right to exist in the totality of life -if getting onto this is what many think of as consciousness, then it is wrongly named. For your Soul links to the consciousness of evolutionary topics on what Life is about. That is not carried into life after death, the only things Self takes on into their next time round, is your Soul and Spirit. These in fact beg you to listen to them both.

The Soul realises your need to evolve, as not only a Self, but as the elected ones to steer a path to new stories in your Story books, but you are not on your own, as worldwide your Soul Group is on its way to ever new horizons of finding totality of love and everlasting joy in creating newer fields of endeavour - so link to my thread in channelling on Piscean into Aquarian Age, as hang onto your hats, we are now in Aquarius new age evolution of our species.:group hug:

25th April 2015, 13:30
I've always thought of the soul as the life essence, the energy, the consciousness, it's what wants to breathe the first breath. We live in these bodies because we are having a physical experience. It's kind of the opposite of being in spirit form. We're focused, concentrated in a single body at a point of time. We communicate in very different ways. But we're not completely removed from the spiritual experience. We can seek that out even though we are contained in bodies because that's the power of our spirit/soul/lifeforce.

As much as I love science, almost became a scientist, I really dislike the tendency to call everything brain chemistry. And I don't really want us to learn how to scientifically measure or control the soul. Then we'll do something stupid like make a machine to capture and send it back as if we can make better choices in this form than in our original. (little bit of irony there)

25th April 2015, 23:23
Here the Web Site "Debate.org" where the question is asked, 40% say Yes, and 60% say No to the question "Is consciousness the soul?", here the link (http://www.debate.org/opinions/is-consciousness-the-soul).