View Full Version : "Deathbed testimony" about UFOs given by former CIA official

16th September 2013, 01:07
This was in my archives and I thought I would share it since we're starting over. Most of you have probably seen this video but maybe not some of the newcomers.
I think this was a greatest video of the Citizen Disclosure Hearing.

Video testimony by an anonymous alleged former CIA official was shown at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on Friday, May 3. �Anonymous� alleges that, after an invasion threat from President Dwight Eisenhower on Area 51, he and his superior at the CIA were allowed inside the secretive Area 51 in Nevada to gather intel and report back to the president. There, �Anonymous� describes seeing several alien spacecraft, including the craft that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Then, he and his superior were taken to the*S-4 facility*southwest of Area 51 where they observed live extraterrestrials.

