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2nd February 2018, 06:28

Synchronicity: the Vision of Jose Arguelles

Posted on 24 January, 2018

Resonant Moon 15, Kin 246 (January 24, 2018) marks the 79th birthday of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan. His original Vision stands true today and his work deserves to be well studied. Here is an excerpt from Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change: the Visionary Life and Work of Jose Arguelles in honor of his solar return. Awakening to the Synchronic Order

Virtual reality shows that we are starved for release into a parallel world, an imaginal realm that is not just a rejection of our worst nightmares, but of our highest most sublime aspirations.
—José Argüelles

There will come a time when the birds will fall from the trees, the rivers will be poisoned and the wolves will die in the forests. But then the warriors of the rainbow will appear and save the world.
—Prophecy of the Cree Indians

One time is ending, but another is just beginning, an entirely new era in the history of the Earth: the noosphere. This is the message of José Argüelles. We are leaving the world of pure sensory matter, and entering a world of mind and telepathy. In this new world of the noosphere, time is not what a clock measures, but a factor of synchronicity, and the synchronization of our minds into ever expanding consciousness.

C.G. Jung first introduced the idea of synchronicity to the modern mind in 1952, with his famous exposition, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. This was the same year as the discovery of the tomb of the great Pacal in Chiapas, Mexico. This tomb— the enigma of the man whose body was buried there—was to become a central facet to José’s life, especially in his investigation of the Mayan calendar and culture.

After years of study and experimentation, José discovered that synchronicity is based on an underlying mathematical order akin to the underlying mathematics of the Mayan calendar, though this information is universal, and not strictly “Mayan.” He labeled this the “synchronic order,” the cosmic ordering principle of synchronicity.

José discovered that the synchronic order is a matrix of living intelligence; it is a fourth-dimensional order of reality based on the Law of Time. Hence, the Law of Time is the science of synchronicity. In Time and the Technosphere (2002), he states that the future of human evolution is to become a medium of cosmic consciousness traveling back to the stars but through the superior knowledge of the actual laws of time. He believes this is what the Maya foresaw.

His path to this discovery was not ordinary; it was the path of a visionary. In aboriginal society vision is considered one of the highest values to cultivate. In Western culture vision is generally dismissed as not real. The visionaries are those who have had visions and are able to present them to society so the people can become renewed. The visionary sees through and beyond ordinary reality.

José’s first vision occurred in 1953 atop the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán, Mexico. This vision shaped his life and destiny. He later realized that he was being cultivated from afar to unearth the entire prophecy and knowledge as per his vision at Teotihuacán. In an interview with Magical Blend Magazine (2002), José describes his mission beginning with his vision at Teotihuacán:

... outside of Mexico City, on top of the Pyramid of the Sun, when I had this experience like a vision or an inner knowing that it was my life mission to learn or remember again the cosmic knowledge that had been used to build Teotihuacán in the first place. And that was my life mission and journey—from that moment in 1953 when I was fourteen, my life became increasingly devoted to decoding the Mayan mathematics and prophecies.

Atop the pyramid he vowed to find the knowledge of the masters who built and designed Teotihuacán and bring it back to this modern world. This intelligence was vastly different than the intelligence that created Sears and Roebuck or Wal-Mart down the street. José knew that the how of the knowledge that built Teotihuacán was different from the how of how things are done now. From this point on, his path was guided by the vision reawakened in him at this time.

Jung proposed the theory of synchronicity as a means of encompassing acausal events in an ordered framework that would form a more complete picture of the phenomenal world. There are several types of synchronicity.

One form of synchronicity is similar to precognitive dreams and visions, which involves foreknowledge of events, and according to Jung, may take the form of an inner psychological state such as a dream. José first experienced this type of synchronicity shortly after the vision at Teotihuacán when he had a dream as chronicled in 2012: Biography of a Time Traveler:

...On the drive back home from Mexico City, Joe (José) had a dream that he got back to Minnesota and went to his friend Walt McDonald’s house. Walt lived two blocks up the street from Joe on Seventh Avenue. In his dream, Joe knocked on the door, and Walt’s father opened it. Dressed in shorts and with shaving cream on his face, he told Joe that Walt wasn’t home.

When Joe returned to Minnesota he went to his friend Walt’s house and knocked on the door. Walt’s father opened it, dressed in shorts and with shaving cream on his face. He told Joe that Walt wasn’t home.

This precognitive dream was the tip of the iceberg of what was to come. This was also his first conscious experience of what he would call the zuvuya, a Mayan term, which he perceived as the interdimensional thread connecting future to past and past to future. The zuvuya, as he would later write, is the big memory circuit or hotline that works individually and collectively.

José later discovered that the conscious entry to the zuvuya is through number. From the time he was 14, he had been fascinated with the mathematics of the Maya, which operates by the vigesimal (20) rather than the decimal (10) system. This was his first clue as to number being the underlying foundation of synchronicity.

Jung had also put forth that numbers underlie synchronicity. José had formed this perception with the discovery of the Law of Time (1989). Through living several cycles simultaneously over a period of time José made a life-changing discovery while visiting the Museum of Time in Geneva, Switzerland with his wife Lloydine. The Law of Time makes the distinction between artificial or mechanical time and natural time.

José discovered that the Law of Time, like the law of gravity, is not a human law, but a natural law. Just as the law of gravity cannot be seen, neither can the Law of Time, but both are invisible principles fundamental to the universe.

He realized that time is a frequency and that the Maya understood this to be the frequency of synchronization which governs all of nature. José saw that this is universally true, with the exception of modern human civilization. This discovery verified his original vision atop the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán.

The Law of Time states that the galaxy and everything in it is held together by one common timing frequency, a 13:20 ratio constant, which maintains everything in a unified condition by synchronization.

By contrast, modern civilization operates by an artificial, irregular mechanistic timing frequency or 12:60 ratio (12 month calendar, 60 minute clock).

José realized that this artificial frequency was an actual paradigm or belief system that the human race lived in. This belief system says that time is money, and no one ever has enough time and is always seeking more money and time off. He synthesizes the nature of this belief system in the Galactic Culture Master Plan (1996):

In the Gregorian/mechanical paradigm there is a belief system that makes you pay to be born, then go to an educational institution where you are basically taught and prepared to join the economic force, you are expected to graduate, go to college or get a good job, have a family, maybe get a vacation home, a sailboat or a house in the woods and then anticipate retiring so that you can have more leisure time.

This structure maintains the belief system that the purpose of life is to get a good job, work hard, make lots of money so you can enjoy some form of life of leisure or recreation on what is called the weekend or off hours. This model of reality is held together by the macroprogram of the Gregorian calendar and is reinforced at every level by all the different forms of public communication, media and education.

José determined that the only way this situation could be remedied was to return to living in the natural timing frequency.

From his own experiments, he discovered this could be achieved through use of the harmonic matrix of the 13 Moon/28-day calendar. is was the only calendar used by humans that takes into account the unity of planetary and galactic time.

He reasoned that if enough people agreed to get out of the robotic 12:60 box then the collective could express and experience a new freedom of harmony. It was up to the people to take back their time and return it to the earth.

Quantum physicist, David Bohm, who proposed the most comprehensive theories on the holographic nature of the universe in his 1980 book Wholeness and the Implicate Order, believed in nonlocatability and the likelihood that the old historical cause and effect paradigm is inadequate in explaining all phenomena.

Likewise, José discovered that the philosophy of synchronicity and the synchronic order does not conform to the logics of mainstream science, but rather, relies on an invisible number matrix that follows a precise set of coded patterns.

He was aware that the Maya used up to 17 calendars simultaneously at the height of their civilization. From living different cycles himself, José understood that the reason for this had everything to do with synchronicity.

From years of studies and experimentation of the mathematics and cycles that underlie the Mayan calendar, José realized that:

1) a universal mathematics informs all existence.

2) the entire phenomenal world is created from a certain number of patterns.

3) these number patterns are the fourth-dimensional codes that inform our third-dimensional reality.

The mathematics of the Maya, he discovered, was actually the mathematics of the fourth dimension, or the mathematics of time. He realized that all of life in the galaxy is synchronized according to different harmonic ratios of fourth-dimensional time.

The discovery of the Law of Time was followed by the Dreamspell (1991), an interactive mathematical system for working with the fourth-dimensional codes of the Law of Time. The Dreamspell also lays out an entire psychomythic cosmology recapitulating the evolutionary stages of the past 26,000 years.

The Dreamspell mathematical codes are incorporated into the 13 Moon calendar with the purpose of creating a practical tool that can be used daily in helping to shift from linear time to galactic time.

The 13 Moon calendar synchronizes the 365-day solar cycle with the 260-day galactic cycle to create a cycle of 18,980 days or 52 years during which no two days repeat. José referred to this as the solar-galactic cycle, and referred to this interlocking system of codes as Dreamspell. He discovered a mathematical system where synchronicity could be mapped on a daily basis.

The word Dreamspell came in a dream that José had in 1990 in which he witnessed a great shattering—the point when the collective dream was broken. At this point, amnesia set in. No one could remember what happened. Within the shattering, the word Dreamspell emerged as an evocation uttered by an ancient voice. Fragmented memories were scattered and deposited in isolated pockets of the collective human mind. They were the seed-forms of everything that is now culminating in the state of the present world. The mathematical codes were the key to the remembering and entering a new Dreamspell. (Dreamspell refers to any agreed upon or consensual reality)

José worked out the mathematical codes of the Dreamspell and its accompanying Book of Kin, while staying in a cold, dark, Gothic house in Dornach, Switzerland. This house was designed in the early part of the twentieth century by esoteric philosopher, Rudolf Steiner. José felt the mathematical codes existed as a living universal intelligence that belonged to no one group or race, but displayed a cosmic message meant for all peoples.

He intuited that this living mathematical matrix coordinated the Sun and its planetary system with a larger being or essence.

He realized that the simplest way to access these mathematical codes was through the 13 Moon/28-day calendar matrix. He referred to this 13 x 28 matrix as a “synchronometer” or measure of synchronicity, rather than calendar, which is Latin for calends, meaning “account book”.

He found this to be a master matrix that other calendar systems can be plugged into. It is a tool that, when applied, connects us to the vast web of synchronicity.

It was through following the clues left by the Maya that José discovered the synchronic order, a systematic set of codes that reveals the larger evolutionary patterning.

He discovered that the Galactic Mayan time science synthesizes all that can be known, both on this planet and on other world systems. In the Mayan Factor, José wrote of the purpose of the Mayans, whom he believes originally came from an advanced interplanetary civilization:

… They (Mayans) came here specifically to show two things: one, that it is possible to live in harmony with all of life with very minimal technology as we know it; and two, to leave behind a code that unlocks the keys to how our life—DNA—is in resonance with galactic forces and energies. This code also functions as the calendar. Everything operates holographically.

… Within this large order of reality, are countless synchronized cycles within cycles, which establish all of the different evolutionary phases of life throughout the galaxy. The ending of a cycle does not mean the end of the world, but rather signals a moment of great change and the beginning of a new evolutionary cycle. For more, https://lawoftime.org/product/time-synchronicity-and-calendar-change/

Emil El Zapato
3rd February 2018, 03:51
that actually makes sense...in particular the part about clock time and universal time. In an important fasion to us in the scientific real world time has no intrinsic meaning or value, but there it is...just hanging out as a 4th dimension affecting all other spatial dimensions. A medium that functions as a message carrier? A medium dictating when and why events happen from the cosmic to the quantum. Synchronicity? Why not! I like it...

4th February 2018, 08:18
Nice reply to read, yes the Vatican cloak slowly slowly slowly being recognised and understood

4th February 2018, 11:07
Math. The great geometer. g_d.

If the church has known, at least some of it, and has had what was lost in Alexandria, then when they go to South America and see all these secrets out in the open...

They take it back, burn the rest, and now they have even more knowledge of how creation works.

And what have they done with that? I also wonder about rabbis who spend so much time studying scripture which teaches them vast secrets of creation which they never share...

Jose cares about humanity and shares with humanity. He's human.

The word Dreamspell came in a dream that José had in 1990 in which he witnessed a great shattering—the point when the collective dream was broken. At this point, amnesia set in. No one could remember what happened. Within the shattering, the word Dreamspell emerged as an evocation uttered by an ancient voice. Fragmented memories were scattered and deposited in isolated pockets of the collective human mind. They were the seed-forms of everything that is now culminating in the state of the present world. The mathematical codes were the key to the remembering and entering a new Dreamspell. (Dreamspell refers to any agreed upon or consensual reality)

If our conceptual reality was shattered, could that have occurred parallel to a catastrophe? (one of the last extinctions/worlds)

5th February 2018, 05:07
Nutshelled, imo

15th March 2018, 08:58
Just thanking you, Aianawa, for posting about this subject and sharing with us. I'm interested in your continued journey beyond the mists and have been looking at your links.

Dumpster Diver
15th March 2018, 14:09
Just thanking you, Aianawa, for posting about this subject and sharing with us. I'm interested in your continued journey beyond the mists and have been looking at your links.

...also, I’d like to hear about your adventures in Koolaidistan.

Dumpster Diver
15th March 2018, 18:19
Btw, our Quantum mechanical God is laughing at us:


15th March 2018, 18:34
I am hopelessly unable to understand the nuances of this message but accept that it has values to those who do. I use synchronicity like electricity... it works that when I am in "my" flow, it is very apparent.

but I have a deep question about "time markers". If I want to coordinate with another person to be "somewhere" at the same "time", does it really matter what system is used? I don't understand how the system being used is the issue? I will agree that the "clock in" phenomenon that I have had to be in was inhumane. As a nurse in medidustrial complex, I had to clock in. Even a few seconds late was a "tardy" as it was a mechanical affair. If we were just minutes late, it counted against us. Three lates were an absence and absences was added up. After so many, one was disciplined, then a letter written and after the letter and being suspended one could be fired.

This was for a PROFESSIONAL job where I might be in the middle of a crisis and unable to clock out "on time" but yet was held accountable for a strict time punching in. Some one might say that this was so there was a concrete measure to use if the employee was not wanted and so could be fired on Objective grounds. I also agree that as we had shifts, we'd need to be on time to have the change of shift reports. But a minute or two is not going to really matter except as a control mechanism.

Strangely enough after this experience, when I was a peon deli worker, there was no punching in and out and there was no problem being minutes late. One could say that as it was a peon position, they could just fire us anyway so did not need objective measures?

It is true that where I live, the rural lifestyle is less "clock" strict except for appointments made when one should not keep another waiting un-necessarily. People say I am on "mountain time" where a half hour late is not late unless there is an appointment. Also, when one is not working a job, can't one deal with time as one likes?

So, I cannot really say I agree that just because there is a "time keeping" system, or a calander keeping system it is any big deal. What is a big deal IMO is making people squeeze themselves into the stress of having to be strictly "on time". there are some people I know who are very controling and they are the same kind of people who probably believe that a clock is some objective "thing" to abide by.

So, please help me understand why "the time keeping" type is such a serious issue? I see the means as just a convenient method of coordinating us to be in the same space. Again IMO, the issue is the control by systems that are mechanistic and are believed to have some objective validity.

15th March 2018, 18:56
Btw, our Quantum mechanical God is laughing at us:


A snippet from that article... ;)


In the mid-20th century, a physicist named John Archibald Wheeler came up with an interesting variation on the double-slit experiment. When you send a photon through the double slit, he figured, it has one of three possibilities: it can go through the right slit, it can go through the left slit, or it can go through both slits (in which case, it would be behaving as a wave). The double-slit experiment shows that the photons go through both slits when there are no detectors, and one slit or the other when detectors are in place.

But what if you made the decision to detect the photons after they already made the "choice" of what path to take? Say you shot the photons at a screen that could be removed at a moment's notice to reveal two detectors, one that would detect a photon that passed through the right slit, another to detect one that passed through the left.

A research team tried Wheeler's experiment for real (http://science.sciencemag.org/content/315/5814/966) in 2007 (and another extended it into space in 2017 (http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/3/10/e1701180.full)), and got the exact results he predicted: if you decide to leave the screen down after the photon passes through the double-slit, you get an interference pattern showing that it took multiple paths. If you decide to remove the screen after the photon passes, it hits either the right or the left detector, showing that it took one path. It's as if the decision to leave or remove the screen actually reaches back in time to change the particle's behavior. As Wheeler put it (https://books.google.com/books?id=L7r_AwAAQBAJ&pg=PA183&lpg=PA183&dq=Thus+one+decides+the+photon+shall+have+come+by+ one+route+or+by+both+routes+after+it+has+already+d one+its+travel.&source=bl&ots=7jLvpewkos&sig=-DDbTQ9DZwwphs5BYWdweDqRRTQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiomO2H_NjZAhVEs1kKHVFpCD4Q6AEIOjAE#v=on epage&q=%22Thus%20one%20decides%20the%20photon%20shall%2 0have%20come%20by%20one%20route%20or%20by%20both%2 0routes%20after%20it%20has%20already%20done%20its% 20travel.%22&f=false), "Thus one decides the photon shall have come by one route or by both routes after it has already done its travel."

Of course, many prudent physicists take issue with this interpretation (http://jamesowenweatherall.com/SCPPRG/EllermanDavid2012Man_QuantumEraser2.pdf). In fact, the entire premise of the experiment isn't quite right: it's not that a single photon only has one of three possibilities; it's that a single photon embodies all possibilities until it's detected. You see all of those possibilities when the screen is down because nothing was detected. When the screen is removed, the detectors make the photon "collapse" into a state that's detected by one detector or the other — not, like the eerier interpretation suggests, go back in time to "choose" a path.


In other words, the assumption that one's actions in the present can alter the events of the past is once again a human logical fallacy. ;)


It is true that where I live, the rural lifestyle is less "clock" strict except for appointments made when one should not keep another waiting un-necessarily. . People say I am on "mountain time" where a half hour late is not late unless there is an appointment. Also, when one is not working a job, can't one can deal with time as one likes?

So, I cannot really say I agree that just because there is a "time keeping" system, or a calander keeping system it is any big deal. What is a big deal IMO is making people squeeze themselves into the stress of having to be strictly "on time".

So, please help me understand why this is such a serious issue?

It's an issue because people are conditioned to believe that everyone (except them) must abide by strict rules, and that the sky is going to fall if one doesn't. ;)

15th March 2018, 21:42
I don't know enough about the Dreamspell calendar to explain it well. It is based on cycles of energy. Each 28 day month has a two wave spells and each day has a certain kind of energy signature. It's called a sychronometer.

The idea is that we're out of synch with natural energies using the Gregorian calendar. The desire is to help people move from thinking of time as money - the mechanistic way - and instead think of time as art.

The one day that doesn't fit in is called the Day out of Time and is encouraged to be a day of artistic expression around the world. DOOT day as Aianawa likes to say.

16th March 2018, 01:20
I don't know enough about the Dreamspell calendar to explain it well. It is based on cycles of energy. Each 28 day month has a two wave spells and each day has a certain kind of energy signature. It's called a sychronometer.

The idea is that we're out of synch with natural energies using the Gregorian calendar. The desire is to help people move from thinking of time as money - the mechanistic way - and instead think of time as art.

The one day that doesn't fit in is called the Day out of Time and is encouraged to be a day of artistic expression around the world. DOOT day as Aianawa likes to say.

I appreciate the explanation.

16th March 2018, 16:14
This a nice concise page (https://innerhacking.com/the-13-moon-calendar/) with a good description of how the calendar works in synchronization with the energies of the Universe.

This calendar of 13 moons is a perfect tool for daily transition to a New Time and to reconnect again with the superior dimensional order. Each moon (or month) in the calendar has exactly 4 weeks of 7 days each. 7×4=28, this is also known as the GST (Galactic Standard Time), hence making this calendar a perfect reflection of a superior dimensional order.

Each week has its unique power:

Week 1: (Red) The knowing gives birth to vision

Week 2: (White) Humility refines meditation

Week 3: (Blue) Patience transforms conduct

Week 4: (Yellow) The power matures the fruit


The days of 1, 8, 15 and 22 are the “Dali” days. The 2, 9, 16, 23 are the “Seli” days, and so on and so forth. These are the 7 radial plasmas – electric fluids that are the basic components of Creation. These plasmas emerge from the center of the galaxy and they are also absorbed and radiated through the 7 chakras. They are also the basis of a new telepathic technology from which we can create the rainbow bridge around planet Earth…

Each of these 7 radial plasmas have their unique power:

Dali = Thermal force (heats)

Seli = Light force (flows)

Gama = Light-Thermal force (pacifies)

Kali = Catalytic agent (establishes)

Alfa = Double extended electron (liberates)

Limi = Mental electron (purifies)

Silio = Mental electron-neutron (discharges)

These energies are related to the chakras


Aianawa and Joanna had an interesting conversation here (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/8055-the-path-of-initiates?highlight=Ophiucus). I'm interested in Ophiucus.

Emil El Zapato
16th March 2018, 17:21
I am hopelessly unable to understand the nuances of this message but accept that it has values to those who do. I use synchronicity like electricity... it works that when I am in "my" flow, it is very apparent.

but I have a deep question about "time markers". If I want to coordinate with another person to be "somewhere" at the same "time", does it really matter what system is used? I don't understand how the system being used is the issue? I will agree that the "clock in" phenomenon that I have had to be in was inhumane. As a nurse in medidustrial complex, I had to clock in. Even a few seconds late was a "tardy" as it was a mechanical affair. If we were just minutes late, it counted against us. Three lates were an absence and absences was added up. After so many, one was disciplined, then a letter written and after the letter and being suspended one could be fired.

This was for a PROFESSIONAL job where I might be in the middle of a crisis and unable to clock out "on time" but yet was held accountable for a strict time punching in. Some one might say that this was so there was a concrete measure to use if the employee was not wanted and so could be fired on Objective grounds. I also agree that as we had shifts, we'd need to be on time to have the change of shift reports. But a minute or two is not going to really matter except as a control mechanism.

Strangely enough after this experience, when I was a peon deli worker, there was no punching in and out and there was no problem being minutes late. One could say that as it was a peon position, they could just fire us anyway so did not need objective measures?

It is true that where I live, the rural lifestyle is less "clock" strict except for appointments made when one should not keep another waiting un-necessarily. People say I am on "mountain time" where a half hour late is not late unless there is an appointment. Also, when one is not working a job, can't one deal with time as one likes?

So, I cannot really say I agree that just because there is a "time keeping" system, or a calander keeping system it is any big deal. What is a big deal IMO is making people squeeze themselves into the stress of having to be strictly "on time". there are some people I know who are very controling and they are the same kind of people who probably believe that a clock is some objective "thing" to abide by.

So, please help me understand why "the time keeping" type is such a serious issue? I see the means as just a convenient method of coordinating us to be in the same space. Again IMO, the issue is the control by systems that are mechanistic and are believed to have some objective validity.

You nailed that one. Living by a time clock is a prison lifestyle...one which I could never abide by...which is why I was such a huge failure despite the fact that I outperformed my peers to the point that they despised me or at least wanted to, I was just too damn lovable... :)

That experience taught me immense empathy for those that are stuck and immense gratitude for having escaped.

Emil El Zapato
16th March 2018, 17:33
Aragorn's description is an accurate one...I was going to read the research on this notion (again) when I had the chance. Thing is, When 'Wheeler' speaks people listen. I'm not sure that any experiment can legitimately claim that Wheeler's conjecture is wrong...The quantum world is quite fuzzy.

But if one views the past, present, and future from a completely objective vantage, it can't be denied that reality creates itself in quantum time indefinitely. From that perspective the past is ephemeral at best. How does one categorically state that what they 'perceive' as the past is truly the past...it went bye-bye. Even the present isn't what it seems?

Which I suppose is plain crazy when one considers traveling to the past? huh!? It's all energy with a memory...energy is the ruling force, all we can hope is that it plays by the rules we expect. Or at least some rules, for without that what we have is...here it comes...drum roll please, Chaos.

I'd like to recommend a book for SciFi lovers: Hell's Gate...it is really grabbing me and I suspect Mr. Dumpster with his love of timelines would find it an 'exciting' read. Incidentally this particular writer has a 'military' bent. I'm not sure why but he seems to know 'boats' really well...

17th March 2018, 01:42
How does one categorically state that what they 'perceive' as the past is truly the past...it went bye-bye. Even the present isn't what it seems?

Which I suppose is plain crazy when one considers traveling to the past? huh!? It's all energy with a memory...energy is the ruling force, all we can hope is that it plays by the rules we expect. Or at least some rules, for without that what we have is...here it comes...drum roll please, Chaos.

Many people I have studied talk about the past being no less maleable than any time. It is all maleable because we create the sense of time out of memory. What we still carry with us in the present (like grievances, woundings etc>) can be cleared and reframed. Retrocausality anyone? I'll take that "give away" CT reports for my cleared heart space and mind.

For instance I studied the 13 moon cycle of various civilizations like the Druids and learned the way people remembered the moons with associations like various trees. I love the moon and I consider its presence very significant in a positive way for life on earth. Using 13 moons as a "yearly cycle" is very synchronous with the solar cycle. It suits me to notice the moons with names like


On the other hand, I am not bothered by the calander in place as it seems to be a tool and not my master. Separating out the tool and how the users operate it is what I think is paramount.

The landscape to me of "time" is two things.... one is that cycles are occurring and that they have a circular or repeating rhythm...so there IS a natural rhythm. Two, we give names to the cycles and attributes that correspond with the rhythms. We have a "common language" of time and some beat others over the head with clocks.

Memory is a factor for "past time". What we are recalling is not just objective fact but our interface with events. The shape of memory is not just an artifact but the prime mover of my experience IMO. For example, the way I remember is a pattern in my mind that causes me to behave in certain ways. Each day is "now" in time and when I see the full moon for example today, I recall the pattern and the associations I recall with high tides and etc. and imprint my expectations. I also imprint the past with my expectations.

This developing understanding of my response ability is shaping my experience.

I am not sure that the pattern of associations is the issue that causes the imprisoning. It is not just having clocks that makkes us slaves to a mechanical system of time. Again, it seems that the use of patterns to control OTHERS overlays and for example, what if on some given lunar phase, the controlers demand a sacrifice? Or what if on a given "moon", the wars are NECESSARILY started. It is not the calender's fault.

So I appreciate that people like the symbols and the rhythm of the vison of Jose Arguelles and his use of Mayan symbols. It is still a prison IMO until we realize that just because I was born the day Blue Spectral Monkey types are designated, I still am not held to the pattern unless I incorporate it in my own symbolic memory.

My bias is that I see how people glom onto various schematics and think they have made a big step out of imprinting. That step IMO is when we see all imprinting as just that and are not managed by its scheme.

Emil El Zapato
17th March 2018, 01:58
Many people I have studied talk about the past being no less maleable than any time. It is all maleable because we create the sense of time out of memory. What we still carry with us in the present (like grievances, woundings etc>) can be cleared and reframed. Retrocausality anyone? I'll take that "give away" CT reports for my cleared heart space and mind.

For instance I studied the 13 moon cycle of various civilizations like the Druids and learned the way people remembered the moons with associations like various trees. I love the moon and I consider its presence very significant in a positive way for life on earth. Using 13 moons as a "yearly cycle" is very synchronous with the solar cycle. It suits me to notice the moons with names like


On the other hand, I am not bothered by the calander in place as it seems to be a tool and not my master. Separating out the tool and how the users operate it is what I think is paramount.

The landscape to me of "time" is two things.... one is that cycles are occurring and that they have a circular or repeating rhythm...so there IS a natural rhythm. Two, we give names to the cycles and attributes that correspond with the rhythms. We have a "common language" of time and some beat others over the head with clocks.

Memory is a factor for "past time". What we are recalling is not just objective fact but our interface with events. The shape of memory is not just an artifact but the prime mover of my experience IMO. For example, the way I remember is a pattern in my mind that causes me to behave in certain ways. Each day is "now" in time and when I see the full moon for example today, I recall the pattern and the associations I recall with high tides and etc. and imprint my expectations. I also imprint the past with my expectations.

This developing understanding of my response ability is shaping my experience.

I am not sure that the pattern of associations is the issue that causes the imprisoning. It is not just having clocks that makkes us slaves to a mechanical system of time. Again, it seems that the use of patterns to control OTHERS overlays and for example, what if on some given lunar phase, the controlers demand a sacrifice? Or what if on a given "moon", the wars are NECESSARILY started. It is not the calender's fault.

So I appreciate that people like the symbols and the rhythm of the vison of Jose Arguelles and his use of Mayan symbols. It is still a prison IMO until we realize that just because I was born the day Blue Spectral Monkey types are designated, I still am not held to the pattern unless I incorporate it in my own symbolic memory.

My bias is that I see how people glom onto various schematics and think they have made a big step out of imprinting. That step IMO is when we see all imprinting as just that and are not managed by its scheme.

well, that makes good sense...not to mention it is pretty practical. Perhaps, an ideal way to deal with the 'limited'/not ideal circumstances of lacking full awareness of the ramifications of those time mechanisms which run our lives if we let them.

17th March 2018, 02:16
well, that makes good sense...not to mention it is pretty practical. Perhaps, an ideal way to deal with the 'limited'/not ideal circumstances of lacking full awareness of the ramifications of those time mechanisms which run our lives if we let them.

I think what you are stating "deal with the 'limited'/not ideal circumstances of lacking full awareness of the ramifications of those time mechanisms" is REALLY the important part.

The order I posted above was 12 moons. I don't know when a 12 moon designation began for certain peoples... It worked well enough though because the cycle repeats and there is nothing too "off" as far as seasons etc...

So here is a 13 moon system


I want to emphasize I am not knocking the Jose Arguelles (mayan?) scheme. IMO it is possible to avoid nay intercalendrical wars by noticing it's quite all a mental overlay on something which is quite a bit less rigid than any system.

17th March 2018, 02:53
Thought this might be interesting to add. I see a Divine order underlying this reality. It is not the god of religion but religion does use the Divine. Is it possible that one way we have been persuaded to agree to the controlers is the way religion has intertwined itself with commerce (productivity, being a "good and loyal" citizen who pleases the employer in a way to please God)? This is all so deep in our assumptions that it lies unquestionned. I know Vern is trying to help unlock these assumptions.

I think that a statement in this article shows "western civilization" equates morality with punctuality is an indication of religion being used by controlers to make us time bound.

I so look forward to my widening understanding of how to live according to the Divine underpinnings of beauty, harmony and the rhythms of life.

A brief theology of time: Part 2 Resisting the tyranny of time by Paul Mill

We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.
Philip James Bailey

Time is the modern-day slave-driver. Calendars and clocks not only govern, but also tyrannise our lives. Our first study on time (Vol. 7, No.1) examined the biblical witness that God is both transcendent over time while acting within it. Here we continue the theme of time but from the perspective of how and why God has ordered its divisions. With the help of that revelation, we may be better able to resist the tyranny of time.


Time has never seemed so precious nor its measurement so all-pervasive.[1] We rush from work to home and from home to leisure with record numbers complaining of ‘stress’. Moreover, the standard patterns of life are in flux as yet more services, from telephone-banking to TV news channels, are provided at times that would previously have been given to sleep, rest or religious observance. Shopping hours encroach into Christmas and Easter holidays and into the night. Licensing and gaming hours are being relaxed further as local authorities covet the title of the ‘24-hour city’.

Should we embrace this fast-moving lifestyle with its apparent increase in personal freedom and economic efficiency? This paper suggests not. It will briefly review the development of calendars and clocks and then consider biblical teaching on years and months, the week and the day, suggesting practical lessons to resist the rule of time.

Calendars, clocks and the measurement of time

The building blocks of all human calendars have been astronomical, with the time needed for the Earth to rotate on its axis determining the length of a day, and to rotate around the Sun usually prescribing the year.[2] Meanwhile, the moon takes approximately 29 days and 12 hours to complete a revolution of the Earth. The best ancient mathematicians strove to reconcile the difference between the solar year and twelve lunar months (354 days, 8 hours) in order to prevent the migration of months across the seasons. The Babylonians devised a complex 19-year cycle in which seven years had 13 lunar months and 12 years had 12 months, and this was adopted as the Jewish calendar. The Islamic calendar retains the 354- or 355-day lunar year, meaning that specific months (such as Ramadan) migrate across the seasons.

The Julian calendar, introduced in 45 BC, comprised the familiar pattern of 12 months totalling 365 days, with a leap year once in every four. But it was not until the calendar reform under Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 that mainland Europe fixed on the current Western calendar with New Year’s Day on 1 January and three century years out of four ceasing to be a leap year. Britain and the American colonies did not make the change until 1752. Even now, annual adjustments of ‘leap seconds’ are made to official clocks to maintain alignment of the Gregorian calendar with the solar year.

The development of an accurate measure of time within a day was as tortuous. The Egyptians were the first to divide daylight into 12 portions, with the Babylonians the first also to divide the night into 12 hours as well (c.1000 BC). However, in both cases, the 12 hours were an equal division of the day or night, and so varied with the season. Timekeeping could only be approximate, with sundials influenced by the latitude and season, and water clocks by temperature and workmanship. Mechanical clocks of any accuracy were first developed in thirteenth-century Europe to enable monks to observe their daily prayer times. Such clocks were soon widely adopted in Northern European towns where the provision of a collective measure of time became a public utility. The definition of an hour as one twenty-fourth part of a day became widespread in the fourteenth century, whereas minutes were measured with relative accuracy from the seventeenth century with the addition of a pendulum to the escapement clock. It took a further century, and the development of the balance spring mechanism, for clocks to be sufficiently accurate to aid navigation at sea and be made portable as pocket watches.

Preliminary observations from the measurement of time

The first point to note is that time – or the measurement of it – is most definitely mutable. Given its precise measurement by contemporary atomic clocks,[3] it is tempting to believe that measured time is an absolute concept and an objective reality. Yet we measure and date periods the way we do through a combination of astronomical necessity, astrological superstition and historical error,[4] which makes the celebration of a ‘Millennium’ a farcical concept. Developments of the calendar we now take for granted happened relatively recently and in a haphazard manner. For instance, until the 1870s, the US rail system had 80 separate railroad time zones for its various timetables, while France had 14 different time zones until the Prime Meridian Conference in 1884 fixed the convention for international time zones.

Second, cultural attitudes to the use of time arise as a consequence of how easily we measure it. When time cannot be measured accurately or cheaply, appointments tend to be approximate. Punctuality is a ‘virtue’ only in societies where reliable clocks are common. As a result, Northern Europeans find difficulty with the more approximate Mediterranean or African approach to timekeeping. Mindful of this, Western Christians should resist identifying punctuality with morality, rather than good manners, if culturally appropriate.

Third, our attitude to work is now governed by the precise measurement of time. In Medieval Europe, communal clocks became a widespread feature of urban living, so enabling work to be measured by time spent, rather than by the completion of tasks. Consequently, time was made a commodity that could be traded through the process of ‘clocking on’. Indeed, in the seventeenth century, Puritan preachers were insistent that time was extremely valuable: ‘use every minute of it as a most precious thing, and spend it wholly in the way of duty…Remember how gainful the Redeeming of Time is.’[5]

Of course, in the light of numerous biblical injunctions,[6] such teachers were right to emphasise the need to make the most of the time God has granted to us. But this leaves us prone to measuring work through time spent rather than tasks accomplished. As a result, busyness per se takes priority over relationships and the mere passage of time is given an autonomous monetary value. Yet the belief that ‘time is money’, as embodied most obviously in the concept of an interest rate, causes numerous economic crises due to our reliance on debt finance.[7] In the workplace, it means that return is lost on capital and machinery if it is not being used around the clock. Consequently, the remorseless pressure to introduce 24-hour, 7-day a week shift patterns that subjugate workers’ health and families to the needs of capital. In the professions, the widespread practice is now to charge for time, down to the nearest chargeable six minutes,[8] rather than the completion of tasks.

In contrast, the biblical treatment of time means that it should not be our master. For God has asserted His sovereignty over all time by initiating Creation and establishing patterns of years, weeks and days within the calendar. These ensure that, as made in God’s image, we should rule time, rather than be subject to it.

The year, seasons and months

The Creation account is replete with assertions of God’s sovereignty over both time and those bodies that the ancient world believed governed the seasons and years. Not only does God initiate time through the first act of creation (Genesis 1:1), but three days pass before the creation of the sun and the moon, to underline the subordination of those celestial bodies and their dispensability to the temporal process. Indeed, the fourth day witnesses the creation of the sun, moon and stars ‘to separate the day from the night’ and to ‘serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years’ (1:14f). The Creation account maintains that the very existence of these celestial bodies is motivated by their role in marking the passage of time for mankind. Amore thoroughgoing denigration of astrology and sun worship could not be imagined.

Nevertheless, the remainder of the Old Testament refers to a twelve-month lunar calendar and shows no compunction about using Canaanite (e.g. Deuteronomy 16:1) or Babylonian (e.g. Nehemiah 1:1) names for the lunar months. Indeed, references to new months are synonymous with the new moon and, strikingly, there are no references whatsoever to a solar year. Within the year of 12 or 13 lunar months, the Law sets out the required observation of a number of feasts – Passover, Firstfruits (Weeks), Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles[9] – in order that the people re-enact and so commemorate their deliverance from Egypt, God’s providence in their desert wanderings and his provision of food in the Promised Land. The festivals entailed public holidays for individual days or a whole week (Tabernacles).

For the Christian not bound to observe such a calendar, what is there to learn from the Old Testament’s treatment of the yearly pattern? Perhaps the most important lesson is not to despise the cycle of the seasons that God has ordained. Of course, the biblical witness is that time is predominantly linear in contradistinction to other beliefs (such as Hinduism) that emphasise repetition, recreation and rebirth.[10] The danger, however, is to forget that God created the seasons for a purpose (Psalm 74:17). He has ordered natural life and the Judaeo-Christian calendar in a way that combines change and novelty with repetition and rhythm.

This reconciles our simultaneous desires for stimulation and stability:

He (God) has contrived to gratify both tastes together in the very world He has made, by that union of change and permanence which we call Rhythm. He gives them the seasons, each season different yet every year the same, so that Spring is always felt as a novelty yet always as the recurrence of an immemorial theme.[11]

Hence, society acts wisely when it establishes an annual cycle of public holidays and common celebrations to provide shared patterns of experience and opportunities for families and friends to co-ordinate time off together. Christian festivals belong in this category. As with the Israelite calendar, they provide a regular reminder of the provision that God has made for us, both spiritually and physically.

Photo credit: William Warby
Photo credit: William Warby

The week

Whilst systems for subdividing seasons and months into more convenient shorter periods have been part of most calendars, there is no astronomical or mathematical reason why that subdivision needs to be seven days. Indeed, at various points in history, ‘weeks’ of anywhere between five and ten days have been observed. But it was the adoption across the Roman Empire of the Judaeo-Christian seven-day week in the third century AD that ensured its widespread use. The days of the week were named by the Babylonians according to which of the seven visible planets was thought to be dominant on the first hour of that day – hence the series Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in the names of the days, especially in Romance languages (eg. Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi etc.).

This genesis has prompted the contemporary observation that the seven-day week is ‘a convenient human invention’.[12] However, the biblical revelation of a continuous seven-day week with a regular day of rest is without parallel in the ancient world. The template is outlined in the Creation account of six days in which God makes and populates the universe followed by a seventh of ‘rest’.[13] It is then translated into the Israelites’ working experience in the collection of manna (Exodus 16:23f) prior even to the giving of the Law. The two accounts of the Ten Commandments then give complementary reasons for the observance of the weekly day of rest (‘Sabbath’):

Exodus 20:8–11 looks back to God’s resting on the seventh day of creation and its resultant blessing and sanctification. Israel’s observance of the Sabbath re-enacted the revealed sequence of the creation and by tracing the origins of the Sabbath to creation and declaring it blessed, God indicated the day’s wider significance to humanity.
Deuteronomy 5:12–15 enjoins the cessation of work on the seventh day because Israel is to remember her release from Egypt and her covenant with God. Israel’s liberation meant that all in society were to enjoy that rest, to ensure that neither workers nor animals were exploited through constant work.[14]
The key Gospel teachings on the Sabbath are familiar. Jesus taught that, since ‘The Sabbath was made for mankind, not mankind for the Sabbath’ (Mark 2:27), the day of rest is a privilege to those to whom it is revealed (not just to God’s people) rather than an end in itself. By asserting that ‘The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath’ (Matthew 12:8), he claimed co-authority with the Creator of the Sabbath and heralded himself as the ultimate end to which the Sabbath pointed – participation in God’s ‘rest’.[15] Jesus fulfils the covenantal role that the Sabbath played in the Law. The remainder of the New Testament reiterates this last teaching. The Sabbath is the shadow of which Christ is the substance (Colossians 2:16,17) and so the New Testament contains no requirement that Christians observe a particular day as a ‘Sabbath’. The early church marked the superseding of the Sabbath by meeting regularly on the day of the resurrection and Pentecost rather than the Jewish Saturday (e.g. Acts 20:7; Revelation 1:10).

What should be our attitude to observance of the six-plus-one weekly cycle? Theologically, the unbroken connection between Creation and the weekly day of rest establishes God’s ultimate sovereignty over our use of time, just as payment of a tithe acknowledges God’s ultimate ownership of our possessions. The day of rest is a regular pointer back to the Creation, forward to the pre-ordained end of time and to Christ who personifies our eternal ‘rest’. It is ironic, therefore, that Sundays are the busiest day of the week for some Christians and the furthest they get from ‘a taste of heaven’ on earth. That Sunday is not a ‘Christian Sabbath’ permits the choice of another day for those in ministry to rest. It is encumbent on others to respect that day. From a practical perspective, the one-day-in-seven pattern of rest encapsulates numerous applications. First, the need for a regular day of rest ensures that work and consumption cannot be the all-encompassing object and idol of our lives. The requirement to rest from work is a necessary antidote to the prevalent materialism of Western society that believes getting and spending to be the goal of existence.

Second, the seven-day pattern is a creation ordinance given to all mankind. Nothing in the astronomical calendar requires a seven-day week, yet no society that has adopted it has successfully changed to an alternative. Revolutionary France implemented a decimal 10-day week intermittently between 1793 and 1805, and the USSR experimented with 5- and 6-day weeks in 1929–32 in order to break with the Judaeo-Christian week. No such attempt to replace the seven-day pattern has succeeded.[16] There is something intrinsic to the human psyche that responds best to a six days on, one day off pattern.

Finally, wider benefits to society flow from a shared day off. It enables families and communities to develop a rhythm and routine to their lives and plan shared leisure activities with other family members. Without a common day off, families in particular have difficulty co-ordinating their time off, leading to stress and a higher divorce rate.[17] It is barely credible that politicians and employers pay lip service to ‘family-friendly’ employment practices but do not promote Sunday as a shared, common day of rest.

The day and the night

The Bible’s teaching on the day and the night begins with the creation of light initiating the daily cycle, although the sun is not created until the fourth day (Genesis 1:3,14). God, rather than the sun and the moon, owns the day and the night (Psalm 74:16). God promises to Noah that while the earth endures, ‘day and night will never cease’ (Genesis 8:22). This promise is then elevated to a ‘covenant with the day and the night’ (Jeremiah 33:20) with its connotation of immutability on God’s part until the creation of the new heavens and earth, when the day/night cycle will cease (Revelation 21:23–25).

The day in OT Israel was divided according to natural phenomena (dawn, midday, sunset etc.) with three watches of the night mentioned. But there are no other clearer references to shorter periods of time within Israel,[18] reflecting the lack of reliable clocks. As a result, the day is referred to most often as the smallest unit of time in our relationships with God and others. His compassions are ‘new every morning’ (Lamentations 3:23); we are to give thanks for His provision of food on a daily basis (Proverbs 30:8; Matthew 6:11); each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34); and we should not let the sun go down on our anger (Ephesians 4:26).

The nearest the text comes to practical advice about how to live on a daily basis is the equation of the night with deeds that are also dark (e.g. Proverbs 4:19; John 3:19). The normal time to work is during the daylight (Nehemiah 4:22; John 9:4–5). Although the wife of noble character works from before dawn to after dark (Proverbs 31:15,18), toiling late into the night is of no use if the Lord is not in the enterprise (Psalm 127:2). Legitimate activity is assumed to be concentrated during daylight.

Is this just the result of the biblical authors living when artificial light was weak and expensive? What can be wrong with night shifts and 24-hour shopping for maximum convenience? The barrier is that the human body is hardwired into a daily ‘circadian’ cycle that is triggered by natural sunlight. Body temperature and alertness begin to rise from dawn to an early morning peak, dip in the early afternoon, before rising again in late afternoon and falling from early evening.[19] Disruption to sleep through long or irregular shift patterns reduces attentiveness and co-ordination, leads to poor decision-making and significantly increases the probability of heart disease (by 100–200 per cent), gastrointestinal disease (over 100 per cent) and mood disorders. The divorce rate amongst US shiftworkers is 60 per cent higher than average. Fatigue causes 50 per cent of fatal traffic accidents, and several major catastrophes have resulted from fatigue associated with long hours and night working (e.g. Exxon Valdez, Bhopal, Chernobyl, Challenger shuttle).[20]

Again, there are lessons for us. By blurring the distinction between the day and the night, employers and shoppers impose costs elsewhere on workers and society. Whilst some night-time working is, of course, necessary we should not rush towards a 24-hour society as a ‘good thing’ or an automatic requirement of being part of a global economy. The wider relationship and health costs of night working should be passed on to consumers and publicised to those workers likely to suffer as a consequence. As families and individuals, we should be more aware of the benefits of regular shared recreation times during the day and adequate uninterrupted sleep patterns at night. Our bodies operate optimally when synchronised with the day/night cycle.


Truly we are living in a nascent ‘chronocracy’ in which the Rule of Time goes unchallenged.[21] Spiritual significance is latent within such a development, for the measurement and use of time is symbolic of mankind’s willingness to place God at the centre of history and acknowledge the natural constraints of the seasons and the unlit night. Hence, the non-Christian attempts to replace BC with ‘Before Common Era’ or to abolish the seven-day week. More subtly, breaking down traditional temporal patterns (especially the day and the week) is hailed as liberation.[22]

But rather than achieving freedom, by ordering our lives by measured, autonomous time, we have enslaved ourselves to a tyrant of our own making. Time rules our lives through apportioning our working day. By the very act of time measurement, chronocracy makes us feel guilty if we ‘waste’ an hour; it claims inherent value by teaching that ‘time is money’; time’s passage is celebrated through anniversary and millennial festivals; and those cultures that have not embraced its rule are deemed to be less ‘advanced’. Perhaps most insidiously, the absolute rule of time is eroding the natural and rhythmical distinctions of the year, the seasons, the week and the day.

The Christian understanding of time is quite different. It opposes the chronocracy of our culture by acknowledging God as the Lord of Time. Whilst celebrating the technical achievements of calendars and timepieces, it refuses to allow the measurement of time to undermine respect for the divinely ordained patterns and cycles in nature. Only by refusing to place a value on work and money just by the mere passage of time will we learn to ‘number our days aright’ (Psalm 90:12).

Dr Paul Mills graduated in economics from CambridgeUniversity and worked as a researcher at the Jubilee Centre before returning to the University. Having completed his PhD, he now works as an economist specialising in finance. The views expressed here are entirely personal and do not reflect those of any organisation.

Dumpster Diver
17th March 2018, 03:03
Aragorn's description is an accurate one...I was going to read the research on this notion (again) when I had the chance. Thing is, When 'Wheeler' speaks people listen. I'm not sure that any experiment can legitimately claim that Wheeler's conjecture is wrong...The quantum world is quite fuzzy.

But if one views the past, present, and future from a completely objective vantage, it can't be denied that reality creates itself in quantum time indefinitely. From that perspective the past is ephemeral at best. How does one categorically state that what they 'perceive' as the past is truly the past...it went bye-bye. Even the present isn't what it seems?

Which I suppose is plain crazy when one considers traveling to the past? huh!? It's all energy with a memory...energy is the ruling force, all we can hope is that it plays by the rules we expect. Or at least some rules, for without that what we have is...here it comes...drum roll please, Chaos.

I'd like to recommend a book for SciFi lovers: Hell's Gate...it is really grabbing me and I suspect Mr. Dumpster with his love of timelines would find it an 'exciting' read. Incidentally this particular writer has a 'military' bent. I'm not sure why but he seems to know 'boats' really well...

Is this it?


Or this:


17th March 2018, 11:26
So many gates, so little time.

Really interesting Maggie. Makes me think of church bells and how they controlled peoples' days. Of course hours spent in church were compulsory. Muslims have constant calls from the minaret for prayer and begin/end of fast. Religion definitely makes people slaves to the clock.

I'm with you. I'm not a slave to it and don't want to be.

My friend Karen-Lee believes that lateness is the heighth of rudeness. We used to be late so often our name was associated with time. And there's 'island time' and 'mountain time'. I think that's where I'm from. I just don't think we should be slaves to minutes.

I used to have to bill minutes in the law firm. What a nightmare.

17th March 2018, 12:03
I fixed the images here (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/11928-Synchronicity-the-Vision-of-Jose-Arguelles?p=841989099&viewfull=1#post841989099). They show the month w/colors and how the radial plasmas relate to the chakras.

Emil El Zapato
17th March 2018, 14:07
Is this it?


Or this:


David Weber and Linda Evans... written in 2006 as a first of a series - The bottom one.

Emil El Zapato
17th March 2018, 14:29
The ultimate insult to the self: Alarm clocks!

My ex was on 'Mexican' time. The converse of slavery to time are those that refuse the common courtesy of 'compromising' personal autonomy for the benefit of others: she suffers from narcissism and BPD.

21st March 2018, 08:35
We do indeed live in exciting times, I feel that humanity will slowing move to a natural time calendar and away from the warring rome etc calendar within the next ten years. This imo will smooth the transmission and transmuting a lot.

ps Likely not as complicated as this though > https://timesurfers.wordpress.com/2017/01/30/resonant-moon-21-st-john-and-the-7777/

28th March 2018, 03:17
Latest from Stephanie > https://1320frequencyshift.com/

Some beautifullll art work is within this article, it is also the anniversary of Jose Arguelle's death seven years ago, Blessings with him are.

30th March 2018, 17:18
March 31 – Full Blue Moon

The Full Moon at the end of this month is called Blue Moon since it is the second full moon in March (the previous one was on March 1). This is also the second Blue Moon this year, as we had the same situation end of January with the beautiful Total Lunar Eclipse I shared some photos and experiences in a previous post.

This time the Full Moon falls in the sign of Libra and on a Yellow Cosmic Human day. Being the last day of the Yellow Sun Wavespell, the invitation is to review blockages that need to be resolved in your relationships and to clear up misunderstandings.

March 31 is also the last day of the Red Castle of Initiations, a period of 52 days inviting us to be clear with what we want to manifest during this Tzolkin cycle, which ends on October 25.


30th March 2018, 21:45
Today we enter the Skywalker wavespell, very apt.

31st March 2018, 05:56
Today we enter the Skywalker wavespell, very apt.

Luke or Anakin? :p

Dumpster Diver
31st March 2018, 10:07
Luke or Anakin? :p

Argon’s jokes are getting worse than mine...:winner:

17th April 2018, 03:56
Latest post on Timesurfers blog cannot be transferred here, imo is a good one indeed, will put here when possible.

23rd April 2018, 22:04

Still trying with latest post, put this here for now.

24th April 2018, 06:32

Still trying with latest post, put this here for now.

Interesting, complex and time-consuming...I will have to set time aside for this contemplation, Vern. Thanks for posting! :D

24th April 2018, 08:13
the inner sun
the mother of all prophecy
message of the star witness, Bolon Ik,
received and repeated by her servant in love,
Pacal Votan.”

Telektonon Prophecy, Verse 3 (https://tortuga1320.com/telektonon-of-pacal-votan/)

June 15th, 2017 (NS1.29.12.17 KIN 23 10Night) marks the 65th Anniversary of the discovery of the tomb of Maya sage and king Pacal Votan below the Temple of Inscriptions at the archeological site of Palenque, Mexico.

Considered as one of the most (if not the most) important archeological discoveries of all time (only comparable with the discovery of the sarcophagus of Egyptian King Tutankhamun), the opening of this funerary chamber triggered around the world not only a renewed interest for the ancient Maya culture, but it also released a prophecy. This prophecy is known today as “The Telektonon Prophecy of Pacal Votan”.

This prophecy was received, carried and enacted by two human beings: a man and a woman named Jose and Lloydine playing the archetypal roles of Pacal Votan and Bolon Ik… A couple who embarked on a journey full of trials, tests and tribulations to bring its message to the world. The prophecy commands the return to natural time through the 13-Moon, 28-Day calendar as the bridge that can bring us back into harmony with nature and with our planet, and reconnect us back with our Ancient Future.

The script of the original prophecy has not changed nor “came to an end” in the year 2012, but it is a living transmission still unfolding in REAL Time. We are now the protagonists of our own individual and collective Hero’s Journey. We are enacting the male + female archetypal journey of redemption in time. We are the ones who, by following the steps and guidance of our ancestors, and of our Higher Self, can still enact our own liberation from a world that keeps us at large entrapped in the walls of materialism and the numbing effects of the artificial time matrix. As in any real-life adventure, we just need to have the right attitude, the right set of tools and the right focus to uncover more clues, messages and memory treasures encoded within the “Mother of ALL prophecies” in order to find our way out of the consciousness labyrinth we are living.



This report is an attempt to unveil some of those hidden layers of harmony behind the current state of chaos and polarized human dramas we are now witnessing. We will do our best to present below some of the most relevant findings and synchronic treasures.
We hope these findings will contribute to elevate our perception of reality and examine it under a new higher perspective.



“Among the contemporary Lacandon Maya, the person found in the tomb of Palenque recalled the mythic “halach uinich” or “true man” known as the Great Pacal, or Pacal Votan. Precisely 1000 years after the tomb-dedication, in the year 1692, two Jesuits priests living in Chiapas had a correspondence in which they referred to a now lost text entitled, “The Trials of Votan,” mythic accounts of a legendary king of the Maya known as Pacal Votan, whose life extended back to the time of Noah and the Tower of Babel, whose home was in the stars of Valum Chivim, whose adventures included four journeys to the “Rock of Heaven” via the ladder of 13 serpents, and whose incarnation near Nah Chan (Palenque) occurred at a mysterious site known as Valum Votan. Having built a Tower (of the Winds) at Palenque, he had constructed his fabulous tomb, and buried with himself all knowledge of that tomb, except for a few odd marks in the stone floor and a set of enigmatic glyphs in the temple atop the edifice that came to be known as the Pyramid of the Inscriptions. Had it not been for the tile speaking tube (Telektonon) protruding from the rubble beneath the stone with the odd markings, the archeologist would never have dug at all.

Pacal means “Solar Shield,” but Votan? Any student of mythology recognizes Votan as one of the names of the Germanic or Teutonic “god, “Odin, also known as Votan, Voten, Wuotan, Woden, and after whom the English day of the week “Wednesday” derives its name. The name Votan is derived from the Vedic Lord of winds, Vata, and hence Votan is also known as lord of the winds or devoted of the wind. February 6 (Resonant 28, Spirit Tower of the Seventh Moon) is the night dedicated to Odin Lord of the Winds. According to the Telektonon and confirmed by the inscriptions of Palenque, the Great Pacal was unique in that he reasserted the matriarchal lineage derived from Bolon Ik, White Solar Wind Woman, the patroness and founder of the mythic dynasty of Palenque. Devoted of the wind, Pacal Votan claims devotion to the precious breath of Bolon Ik and the mystery of woman commemorated by the 28 day cycle of the Thirteen Moons.”
~Jose Arguelles –


A drawing of the lid of the tomb of Maya ruler Pacal the Great


The discovery of this tomb in Palenque has shifted the course of history in VERY dramatic ways. Ways that we are just starting to understand and make fully conscious… Since the moment of its finding, new archeological and numerological evidence has been uncovered to bring NOW more multi-dimensional and archetypal aspects of the Telektonon prophecy to the surface.


65 YEARS: Archeologist Alberto Ruz inside Pacal’s tomb, June 1952. (IMAGE: http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/alberto-ruz.htm).

24th April 2018, 08:43
The 65th anniversary of this historic event holds this year of the Blue Spectral Storm a UNIQUE and POWERFUL significance thanks to the synchronic coalescense of multiple prophetic factors. Let’s review them:


The eve of the 65th year anniversary of the archeological discovery that released the prophecy, corresponds to june 14th, 2017 KIN 22 9Wind, signature of Bolon Ik the Primordial Mother of Palenque, also known as Primordial Deity GI of the Palenque Triad.


“One of the multiple inscriptions in Palenque enacted by Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw who was discovered in Temple XIII. In this tablet from Temple XIV, she represents the Myth of Creation, dressed with symbols of the main deity of Palenque’s Triad, GI, 9 Ik, White Solar Wind; whose glyph is depicted on her cape and also in the main date of the event (top left corner).” Source Galactic Feminine.


On this day, we are celebrating 104 Tzolkins since Lloydine Bolon Ik, White Solar Wind, Co-Founder of Planet Art Network and the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Peace Movement, Coauthor of Dreamspell: the Journey of Timeship Earth 2013 arrived to this world.

Let’s contemplate for a moment the multi-cultural/ multi-dimensional significance of the Sacred Number 22 as presented in 2014 on the blog QUETZALCOATL BITES HIS/HER TAIL: 9 SIGNS OF A LIVING PROPHECY – PART 1: (http://galacticspacebook.com/profiles/blogs/quetzalcoatl-bites-his-her-tail-9-signs-of-a-living-prophecy-part)


“Bolon Ik [KIN 22] is the spirit breath of Kinich Ahau, intended to transmit the messages of the Bolontiku from the Great Unconscious, to the primordial unconscious of Pacal Votan, the sage and prophet of the nine and the thirteen, who thence makes the messages conscious as prophecy.”

Seven Years Mystery of the Stone, p. 40-41

9Wind = 9 Spirits = 9 Lords
(BolonTiku: Bolon=9 Tiku= Lords, Gods or Transcendent Beings)

Once we recognize the relevance of the numbers 9 and 13 across the “Map of Mayan Prophecy”, by adding the numbers, we can explore new territory using a new set of lenses. As a result, the multi-cultural/ multi-dimensional significance of the Sacred Number 22 start to emerge within the context of prophecy, scripture and world spiritual practices with powerful numerical correlations:

22 is the number of biblical books of the Old Testament

The 22 chapters of the Revelation of John

22 is the number of letters of the hebrew alphabet that we find in the Pentateuch.

The chronology of the Patriarchs, from Adam to Jacob, includes 22 names.

The 22 chapters of the Vendidad, book of the Avesta, written by Zarathustra.

The 22 prayers (“Yeshts”) of the “Khorda-Avesta”.

The Chronos god was surrounded by 22 main assistants and 22 secondary, according to the Phoenician Sanchoniaton.

For the Muslives, the Koran is the recording of the oral revelation authorized by the grace of God to the Prophet of Islam during almost 22 years, in the beginning of the
seventh century of the Christian era – from 610 to 632.

The 22 cards of the Tarot – 22 major arcana.

The initiation of Pythagoras with the Egyptian priests lasted 22 years.

The twenty-two channels linking the ten “Sephiroth” between them in the “sephirotic Tree” of the Cabal.

22 divided by 7 gives the number “pi”, which represents the mysterious and approximate ratio of the perimeter of a circle to its diameter.

July 22nd (22/7=pi): NOOSPHERE DAY. Mary Magdalene Feast Day.




“The New Epoch must manifest due respect to the Mother of the World, to the feminine element […] The star of the Mother of the World is the planet Venus.” ~Helena Roerich

“The Dance of Venus” by John Martinaeu – (An accurate scientific drawing of Venus stunning pattern around the Earth. Our closest planetary neighbour draws a huge pentagram pattern around Earth every 8 years or 13 Venusian years. Four of the eight-year Venus cycles are shown, with the motion of Venus around Earth over 32 years), “A Little Book of Coincidence”, 2002.

“Clearly a manifestation of Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl, the coming of Pacal Votan in A.D. 631 was indicated by the completion of the 36th Venus great cycle from the initiation date, 3113, B.C. The Venus great cycle represents the conjunction of 104 solar years of 365 days each, with 146 sacred calendar cycles of 260 days each and 65 Venus cycles of 584 days each. The total number of days or kin in such a cycle is 37,960. The fractal 3796 represents the number of tun elapsed between 3113 B.C. and A.D. 631, and the number of solar years elapsed between 3113 B.C. and A.D. 683. The 52-year cycle—A.D. 631-683—representing the duration of Votan’s life activity on the planet corresponds, of course, to the “calendar round:” the conjunction of 52 solar years with 73 sacred calendar cycles. The next significant Quetzalcoatl avatar, 1 Reed Quetzalcoatl, also lived 52 years, from A.D. 947 to 999.”
– Jose Arguelles –
“The Mayan Factor”


As referenced on the above excerpt from “The Mayan Factor”, 65 and 104 are the numbers that define the Venus Round frequency:

★ Every 8 Years both planets draw a 5-Star Pentagram in space as they meet for 5 Venus+Earth Conjunctions


★ There are 65 Venus+Earth Conjunctions in 104 Years. The final 2 conjunctions of the current 8-Year pentagrammic cycle that started with the Transit of 2012 will fall on KIN 1 (Oct 26, 2018) and KIN 66 (65+1) (June 3, 2020).


★ Given the paramount role of the Venus cycles within Mayan cosmology, this consitutes a MAJOR SYNCHRONIZATION POINT IN TIME:
“The Resurrection of Venus on KIN 1 symbolizes the Primal Force Resurrection of “the Goddess”/”Queen of Heaven”/”Quetzalcoatl”, right before embarking on the last leg of her 5-stage journey of 2920 days in order to complete the 5-Star Pentagram of Resurrection on KIN 66 1WorldBridger (Sign of Primal Mars) on June 3rd, 2020.”
See complete note+chart here: goo.gl/pw8ZKP

enjoy being
24th April 2018, 10:43
Well aint that something, about Venus.

24th April 2018, 10:53
Yeah, man. Pictures v. thousands of words.

I'd like to thank Malc and Aragorn for their help with resizing images because some of these were ginormous.

It can be done with resizing, 500 value is good. And also using a table.

enjoy being
24th April 2018, 11:05
It is amazing yet I guess not surprising that such geometries get traced on the macro scale, when you see the same framework in the micro too, such as flowers shells. Fibonacci etc. Thanks, and thanks Vernaianawa.

Yeah, I've used the resize a few times now, had to find that English accented video demo too the first time.

I liked this picture on that page, as a supplementry after reading your post, that page is quite an over load and it is good you have pulled out bits to help with its navigation.

25th April 2018, 09:09

Souths site

enjoy being
25th April 2018, 10:43

Souths site

uKnow 2011

One from one of my quirky auto abstract series. Synchronicity.
Looked a bit like the image on that link, of the head.
My photo is a bit blurry to see all the little things going on, the more you look...
.. the profile of the human head, the moon balloon, the back of the mind,
.. the tree spine pine cone death.
.. the psychedelic mario brother chainsaw frontal lobe distraction,
.. the little fantasia wizard leaning on top of the waterfall in the back of the mind, over shadowed by the bigger, red-faced queen, with lips made of a red bird carrying a purple heart..
The wizard is in her chin, with white beard and red suit, hand on his chin.
Well that's what I can see anyway, auto abstract you just let it evolve via disconnection and suggestion.
The two canvases weren't planned, nor planned to become one, but they fitted miraculously well at a stage so become one.
This to me is a perfect example of, you are not your mind. This was an allowing to come through. Taken a lot of practice to get this sort of head space operating at a semi refined way. So many trials to face and doubts to clear.

And yep that is the same painting in my current avatar, around the time when it wasn't finished, mirrored. That photo was an unplanned portrait, was busy trying to photograph something in a cabinet and saw I had caught myself in the reflection of the mirror in the back of it lol. I dislike taking portraits.