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28th January 2018, 11:04
"Becoming Multidimensional"

This live channelling was given in Montreal, QC, Canada
November 11, 2017

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Montreal.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I sit in front of an esoteric audience right now and the subject has been multidimensionality for the entire day. You're discovering things right now that are unbelievable to many. At the very basic level, and at the core of humanity's perception, there is change coming. It's beautiful change that is sometimes difficult to achieve and imagine, but if you look at it closely, it truly is a change that brings you out of the dark.

I want to review some things in this message that I have given in the past, then I want to introduce some new things to you that I've never said before. This is the time for it. Why should this be the time? Because, dear ones, you came here and are reading this. We are here as multidimensional energies and entities to teach you as much as you can understand about this shift.

First, let's take a look at what has happened on the stage today since this meeting began [The Ariane Publishing Convention]. The channelling today has come from different Human sources, yet there was only one real message given. If you take a look at the various ways that it was delivered, you'd see that the Human is involved, but the core information is the same. What are the words that would describe in any language the core of what was said today? Hope, benevolence, love, compassion, togetherness, harmony and awakening. This is the message from the creative source today on this planet, as represented by multiple channellings.

How do you know if a channeller is real? It's easy. Look for these subjects in the message: Hope, awakening, love, compassion and help when experiencing the difficulty of moving into the light. No channeller who is real and accurate will give you a doom and gloom message today. It is impossible, because the God-source knows what has taken place here on the planet and that's the "message of the shift".

Little by little, group by group, old souls and Lightworkers are receiving information that is starting to ring true. You're going to eventually identify with this energy if you understand what is really happening. You may look at your media and see what they say is happening around you with the world condition – and it may seem far different from what we are telling you. Dark consciousness on this planet wants you to be frightened and return to the lower consciousness of the past. Media is involved in pleasing the commercial core.

Look for it. It's everywhere. The dramatic gyrations of a few are causing the kind of trouble that reminds you of what took place more than 50 years ago – a return to fear. This is the darkness of consciousness trying to bring this planet back to a place that will never exist again. There is too much light starting to be revealed. It's happening everywhere, even right now in this room. Old souls are seeing it and coming to a meeting like this. Human Beings are awakening to a bigger truth, and it's not just within channelling. The bigger truth is a vision of a world at peace for their children and their children's children, a way through the darkness, a compatibility with other civilizations on the planet. It's a vision about future cultures that will say, “Our beliefs are different about the Creator, but we honor your beliefs as well. We honor what you do in your system because it is connected to the one source.”

It's about time for the oneness to spread through the planet. Oneness is another way of saying "awareness of the whole of things, a confluence of connection between everything". I want to list some things for you to give you some examples and information about this awareness. How is oneness happening? What are some of the attributes to look forward to? What are the new things you didn't expect? Everything I'll give you is benevolent, beautiful and truthful news.

The Creation Story

There is a discovery taking place. Awhile back, perhaps as long as 200,000 years, a spiritual creation story slowly began to place itself on this planet. Dear ones, the creation story that you read about in your culture's scripture is interestingly similar to the one that we now discuss. However, the one we discuss is also the one claimed by a majority of the indigenous all over the planet.

The indigenous on Earth say, "We came from the stars." They will tell you the same thing your scriptures say. The Human Being today is not a product of evolution of the planet earth, but was altered. The creation story miracle of this alteration gave you spiritual awareness of dark and light. We also tell you that your very DNA was altered at this time.

The creation story in scripture is filled with metaphors. The Garden of Eden is a metaphor for Gaia and the beauty of Humans on Gaia. The garden is all of nature, not a specific place. The Humans that are involved in the story, the man and the woman, represent ALL men and women at that time. The creation transformation started slowly and we have told you there was a creative spark – a point at which this took place. It had to start with a few and multiply over time. "Coming from the stars" is a truth that the indigenous believe almost universally, and for many, is the metaphor for the Pleiadians (the Seven Sisters constellation).

Now, dear ones, you won't read that in scripture. Instead, the story is that an angel came down from the heavens. The result of that visit is that you were given sacredness and awareness. Suddenly, Humans who were simply biological, evolutionary beings became those with spiritual free choice. You were given the knowledge of good and evil, dark and light, and the ability to sense the creative source (God) and decide between these energies. That's the story in scripture and that's the story that we give you of the Pleiadians.

The Pleiadians are a very highly evolved spiritual race, which has had a multidimensional consciousness for tens of thousands of years. Their purpose 200,000 years ago was to seed this planet with the knowledge of the Creator. Even today, some scientists are starting to question why it is that the modern Human Being, who is approximately 200,000 years old, has 23 pairs of chromosomes instead of the 24 that all the evolution below it has. The timing that science is discovering is the very timing we've told you about here. Something happened that changed your DNA.

You're very new on this planet! Having 23 pairs of chromosomes, dear ones, means that you didn't come from anything here! Do you realize that? Science is starting to also realize that. They won't give you the creation story as I have, but they will say, "Something took place that created a Human Being outside of the normal, accepted evolutionary process." So this Kryon story may be more mainstream than you would imagine.

The 24th Pair

Now, I'll tell you something I've told you one time before. Indeed, it appears that you have 23 chromosome pairs. But you are only studying them to the extent that you can in 3D. You study them in a linear fashion with the 3D chemistry instruments you have because it's all you have right now. So where did the 24th pair go? What if I told you that it's still there?

Aha! It's definitely still there. Dear ones, the 24th pair IS the quantum pair. You still have 24 pairs, but 3D biology only sees 23. So, what is the 24th pair all about? If you lose the perspective of this, it's not going to make any sense. What is the numerology from the ancient Tibetans on the number 24? It's a six (6) and if you look at the meaning of the six in that system, it's "man at its highest level - harmony and balance". Did you know that? What a coincidence that the 24th pair, which is multidimensional, is coming awake after 200,000 years! You have passed the marker (2012) and with that comes a change in your DNA. It starts to vibrate differently, not as a frequency, because a frequency is a three-dimensional description. It vibrates differently within a quantum energy (affecting the spin of atomic structure within a quantum field). It's extremely different, extremely high, and it starts to change Human nature. That's what's happening.

The first step to understanding this process is going to be for you, old soul, to cognize it. This is an interesting word in my partner's language. Cognize doesn't simply mean believe in. It means a Human mind must accept it internally so it becomes an "owned" reality. All of you have cognized a physical attribute called gravity. You don't believe in gravity. Instead, you have cognized it and work with it every single day. There's no question that if you drop something, it's going downward. You cognized it to the degree that it's real to you at the core level. You own the concept.

There are many in this room and reading this who have cognized the love of God to the degree that there is no question that God is real and this beautiful source knows you're name. Those who understand that know that when they leave this place, they will never be alone. There are a multitude of entities with all of you who know you and who love you. This is the solace and reality for many old souls. However, you know that there are those who don't believe it at all. This is free choice, the core of the creation story energy.

Can you imagine a fully quantum Human Being with changed DNA, ready to make major shifts, but who doesn't believe in any of it? They go home from this place alone and they feel alone, yet there are multitudes of loving entities around them, just waiting to take their hand – if they could cognize God in themselves.

Can you imagine them sitting alone all their lives, dying alone - never having taken the hand of any one of those guides who love them eternally, who know their soul-name, and who were ready for healing and life change? That's free will. Perhaps it's because they were never told about something you are learning today?

Every Human on this stage feels this love when they are in channel. Channelling is different for each individual. There is no right or wrong way to channel. There are two channellers on the stage at the moment. Can you identify them? One channels the love of God through his fingers right now [Robert Coxon - composer/musician]. He knows what he is doing is multidimensional because he hears the music before he plays it! He hears the information of the man in the chair channelling before it's channelled! That's the variety of multiple channelling. That's multidimensionality. Every channeller on the stage has felt this and knows this. I tell this to you even before I begin to tell you what your evolution is bringing you next.

My partner talked earlier about an evolving Human Being and gave you some things to consider. What does evolution really mean? Our last channeled book is filled with examples of DNA changing, attitudes changing and what becoming multidimensional might mean within a changing Human consciousness. Let's list some attributes yet again, so you will really understand the practicality of an earth with individuals who are starting to have an awakening they did not expect.

Past Life Remembrance

The first one, the easiest one, is past life awareness. Children are being born today who will wake up earlier to these concepts. When they learn to talk, they may say things to their mothers like, “You're the best mother so far!” Others in disagreement and disappointment will say, “I liked my last one better.” Mothers will look at them in shock, “What are you talking about?” However, an old soul mother will know exactly what is taking place. The child is remembering and may not know the exact names or the faces, but internally the child knows that they are not here for the first time.

So the first thing that we say you may see is an intrinsic knowledge of the fact you have lived before. It starts with the children and unless they are talked out of it, they will have it all their lives. They know that life is a circle. No matter what spiritual systems will tell them, they know better. Some will keep quiet so they don't offend those around them, but inside they'll know it.

You older souls didn't have that. You had an awareness that grew and then you cognized it. However, with the children, it's part of who they are when they come in. It's already cognized. Remembering the fact that you have lived before is starting to happen to old souls. You're starting to remember energies that you never remembered before. These are not necessarily dramatic, poor or dark energies. You're starting to awaken to remembrances of good things, joyful things.

Sometimes you will awaken and say, "Wow! That hasn't happened very often. I was flying and saw beautiful colors. I heard my name being called and somehow there was light all around me. I want that dream every single night!" Welcome to a quantum experience of remembering not just a past life, but also a multiple of past experiences wrapped together in a way that is non-linear. That's what is beginning to happen. That's number one.

Awakening to Past Wisdom

Number two is awakening to wisdom from the past. Now listen: You cannot have Human Beings who start over every single time they're born. That will never give you an ancient wisdom factor on the planet. Instead, you must have remembered wisdom from the past. It will be a wisdom that will put you in place to know what works and what doesn't work - a self-evident and very natural wisdom in a culture that will understand that war will never work, a self-evident wisdom that knows the way out of difficulties, and a wisdom that will not allow you to make the same mistakes again and again.

This will be wisdom from the past brought forward to the old soul child who grows into an adult and, slowly over a generation, the new attitude starts to be seen within your culture. It appears in the laws that you pass, in how your own legislators are selected, and what you start to hear: No more war. How many generations of humanity will it take before there is no more war? That is up to you. It may be shorter than you think because of what I am telling you now.

What if you don't have to be reborn again and again, but instead you simply awaken to the wisdom of the past? It would be wisdom you did not develop in this lifetime, but rather a wisdom that has come from many lifetimes over and over. My partner says to you, dear ones, when you return you will come into this world far more multidimensional than now. You will have chromosome pair 24 vibrating at a higher level, so you won't make the same mistakes. It's like when you burned your hand on the stove a child. You will carry that in with you in your next life instead of repeating it. You'll remember the stove, and that is a metaphor for remembering war. You won't do it again. I will say it over and over: There will come a time where you will look at civilization before 2012 as the barbaric years. Higher consciousness will be the way of everyday things on Earth.


So let's talk about some new multidimensional attributes. This may not make sense, because now we are going to depart from linearity. You're going to remember future lives. Immediately, you agree, "Kryon, that doesn't make sense." Indeed, it doesn't make sense in a linear fashion, no. Every single soul in this room and listening to this channel has been part of a bigger soul-group. There have been times on the other side of the veil when you have planned with the others where you'll go next, what the plan would be that would help humanity the most, or what you needed to experience and learn. It's a plan also about where you would be in this new energy and what you might do. Those plans for the future will constantly change because of what you do in the present. So none of it is a contract or a set, unmovable plan. However, what if I told you that you would be able to remember the planning? That is becoming multidimensional. Therefore, some of you will have a very good idea what is next and who you might be and where.

In the case of the man in the chair, he's going to a "new Africa", but he is not going to alone. A karmic group around him will be with him. Are you listening Marc? [referring to Marc Vallée, the host of the conference] This karmic group is not the ones necessarily living with you. It may be those who you befriended as souls who have taken the journey with you in many lifetimes so far. It's beautiful to think that you all may be part of a grand, future promise. Imagine knowing where you're going to be next time and cognizing it! Many have called Earth "an experiment". It isn't. It's a grand plan, modified by free choice.

Multidimensional Biology

Oh, there's another great one! When chromosome pair 24 becomes more active, you're going to start having quantum biology. Multidimensional biology becomes a kind of super-innate. What that means is that everything you took for granted in the way your body works is wrong, because a quantum biology is one that is so smart that disease can never invade it. It's smarter than the old energy diseases of the planet.

Listen: There are some diseases your science has wiped out from the planet completely, by giving the body a tincture or sample of what to look for so it won't let it in. Your biological defense is now greater than the disease and it's gone from your world. This new information is very similar. So you actually have precedent of what I'm talking about and can visualize it.

Now, what do you think that might do to the expectation of how long Humans are supposed to live? Think: No more cancer or any other disease, no more Alzheimer's, name any disease that is so prevalent now - it can't get in. It can't get in because it's dysfunctional and stupid to a light-body where chromosome 24 is super active. Your immune defense is a super-defense. That's the multidimensionality of biology. It awakens to how it was designed and knows exactly when disease is trying to get in. It is smarter than anything you have yet seen.

Nothing is Singular

Oh, I have another one before we close. If you truly understand multidimensionality, you'll also realize there is no singularity in physics or life. Nothing is alone. There is no single soul within you. There is no one life to remember. Remember, everything has oneness (a confluence of connection) with everything else. Watch for this to show itself. Human Beings are starting to remember and meld with multiple Akashes. "What does that mean, Kryon?"

Listen: A great politician might start to participate with the best politicians of the ages. He will sense a multi-Akashic record – not just his own, but the greatest leaders in history. His leadership may then give great change and ideas to a very stale government. A great musician will start to participate in all of the old masters at once! That musician is not just sensing the old masters, he/she becomes the old masters. You might say there will be super-humans, super-artists, super-politicians and super-artists. Some are already here!

Your question is, “How can they do this? It doesn't work that way." Welcome to multidimensionality. This is the way it was designed to work. You are currently in a singular, linear box. Forget the linear idea of one soul. Souls on the other side of the veil are a "soup" that we have told you about before. You can access yours, plus theirs, and it's totally normal for a multidimensional consciousness. That's chromosome pair number 24 starting to vibrate and hook you to all that is. Watch for it.

Apply this possibility to many "super-spiritual" leaders. They would have the wisdom of the masters who walked the earth, yet have the sense not to allow themselves to be worshipped and would teach "from a distance". Do you think that would fast track this civilization of humanity into something magnificent? The answer is YES! Some day there will be no such thing as a self-worth issue in old souls. All of you will know where you came from. You will be super-human and multidimensional. You will have tools that never existed before and inventions will push you forward in multidimensional awareness. Is this too grand or unbelievable? It is totally unbelievable if you think that what you call Human nature will remain the same. As it starts to modify, this will be what you call "a game-changer". [Kryon smile]

The battle rages, dear ones. The battle is between dark and light and will be with you for a while on this planet. It doesn't stop you from knowing about the coming evolution we're discussing, but there will come a time where the main battle will be over. Make no mistake: Humans will always have free choice and there will be dark spots around the earth and disagreements from those who choose lower energy. But it will no longer be entire countries or dictators or entire cultures as it is today. Instead, it will be isolated and represent fractionalization of smaller groups. That's free choice and will always be with you.

Imagine that Human nature itself starts to change and actually expects benevolent things to always be the answer. Imagine cultures that are wise enough to work out issues with each other based on community and compassion, creating win-win scenarios. Imagine a culture that is no longer attracted to drama and death, but where all the best-selling movies and books reflect a new maturity of storytelling where the heroes are always those who think in ways that create solution. That would be the game-changer.

There will come a day when Human nature is a consensus that will have "coherence of the heart" as its core and not drama or force or power. A new kind of Human will emerge, dear ones, and you'll be there to see it all and to participate. Now, that is the best news you can ever hear.

And so it is.


Gale Frierson
28th January 2018, 14:17
Fantastic! Absolutely believable, and workable. Thank you, Ainawa! Peace, Brother!

29th January 2018, 00:57
"Becoming Multidimensional"

This live channelling was given in Montreal, QC, Canada
November 11, 2017
Please provide a link to the source of the copy and paste.

29th January 2018, 01:06
Really the only Channelling I listen too over the years that exhibits a sense of truth IMO...thk for posting :tiphat:

29th January 2018, 05:43
Here is a link to the text version (https://higherdensity.wordpress.com/2018/01/28/kryon-becoming-multidimensional/) of this channelling.

29th January 2018, 11:08
KeepTrying, here's the YouTube link to this channeling:


And here's the link to (maybe) all of them:


Take what resonates and leave the rest...ALL channeling will be intercepted...don't ever forget that...but remember the "baby and the bathwater".

29th January 2018, 11:30
Take what resonates and leave the rest...ALL channeling will be intercepted...don't ever forget that...but remember the "baby and the bathwater".

I'm wondering what we have available to us from 1989, when his saga began.

29th January 2018, 12:08
I'm wondering what we have available to us from 1989, when his saga began.

Sorry I've got no idea...:scrhd:

29th January 2018, 12:50
Sorry I've got no idea...:scrhd:

Now, I have an interesting research project, because I'm fascinated by the role of Wikipedia when it comes to discussions on forums.

My attitude toward Wikipedia is that it is a goldmine when it comes to subject matter that is not controversial, but not to be trusted when it is.

Of course channeling is controversial.

But in this case, I'm interested in what they have to say.

That's because I don't have an opinion about Lee Carroll's motivation for what he does. Is his heart in the right place? I don't know.

I'm hoping there will be some video and/or audio from 1989.

Meanwhile, I'm interested in the editorial comments on Wikipedia's "Lee Carroll" article:



Lee Carroll (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Carroll)

29th January 2018, 12:57
I've heard authors talk about how they can't edit their Wikipedia page. I don't know much about the controllers there.

29th January 2018, 13:14
I don't trust Wikipedia, I don't trust channeling...but I do trust my ability to recognize wisdom when I see it. :h5:

29th January 2018, 13:51
I don't trust Wikipedia, I don't trust channeling...but I do trust my ability to recognize wisdom when I see it. :h5:

Can you do it solely on the written word?

29th January 2018, 14:16
Can you do it solely on the written word?

I should have said..."or hear it" ;)

29th January 2018, 17:54
I should have said..."or hear it" ;)

Okay but you're saying you could decide by just reading the text?

I guess like people read the Bible.

30th January 2018, 07:02
Okay but you're saying you could decide by just reading the text?

I guess like people read the Bible.

Oh I never said reading text...but seeing it...and never mind :D

30th January 2018, 08:41
Now, I have an interesting research project, because I'm fascinated by the role of Wikipedia when it comes to discussions on forums.

My attitude toward Wikipedia is that it is a goldmine when it comes to subject matter that is not controversial, but not to be trusted when it is.

You've got that right — see below. ;)

I've heard authors talk about how they can't edit their Wikipedia page. I don't know much about the controllers there.

That is correct. Wikipedia is heavily censored and directed. It's all done with committees of so-called super editors, and those committees are heavily infiltrated with government/military agents and corporate shills.

Let's just take Abby Martin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abby_Martin) as an example. The Wikipedia article that's up there now is the third one already, after two earlier pages on her were taken down by a Wikipedia committee of these so-called super editors "because she wasn't notable enough to warrant having a page of her own." This, notwithstanding the fact that the US mainstream media all knew who Abby Martin is because of her sharp criticism of those very same mainstream media in her own show on RT, Breaking The Set.

The fact simply was that the busybodies of the mainstream media and their shills couldn't stand that Abby Martin had a page on Wikipedia — a page which she herself had not created and had had nothing to do with — even though there are people with a page on Wikipedia who are far lesser known than Abby Martin.

Abby herself doesn't care about whether she has a page on Wikipedia or not, but she did comment on the fact that Wikipedia had removed the page, and she exposed them for what they are — including the fact that Wikipedia periodically keeps on asking for donations while they have over USD $1'000'000 worth in the bank.



I don't trust Wikipedia, I don't trust channeling...but I do trust my ability to recognize wisdom when I see it. :h5:

Amen to that, Sister. ;)

30th January 2018, 10:42
Oh I never said reading text...but seeing it...and never mind :D

I don't want to belabor the point, but for me it's very important.

Trying to figure out what's actually going on in this world is a full-time job!

If you had never observed or listened to Lee Carroll, would you be able to ascertain the reliability of his writings?

30th January 2018, 10:52
Oh I never said reading text...but seeing it...and never mind :D

I don't want to belabor the point, but for me it's very important.

Trying to figure out what's actually going on in this world is a full-time job!

If you had never observed or listened to Lee Carroll, would you be able to ascertain the reliability of his writings?

I think that what Elen is saying is that it is neither the personality — in this case, Lee Carroll — nor the fact that the material was channeled that matters to her, but that she looks at the material itself as a body of information, and that she intuitively finds value and wisdom in said information, regardless of whether it comes out of a box of magnetic crayons or not. :p

30th January 2018, 11:09
I think that what Elen is saying is that it is neither the personality — in this case, Lee Carroll — nor the fact that the material was channeled that matters to her, but that she looks at the material itself as a body of information, and that she intuitively finds value and wisdom in said information, regardless of whether it comes out of a box of magnetic crayons or not. :p

Eloquence of speech, Aragorn, that is what YOU are blessed with. Your point is exactly what I try to portray in my simple way. Thank you! :chrs:

30th January 2018, 11:14
Eloquence of speech, Aragorn, that is what YOU are blessed with.

Ah well, I just happen to have a cryogenically treated brain and all that. :p :ttr:

30th January 2018, 11:18
. . . she looks at the material itself as a body of information, and that she intuitively finds value and wisdom in said information . . .

I very much relate to the root word "intuition." I'm a believer in it.

30th January 2018, 11:28
Ah well, I just happen to have a cryogenically treated brain and all that. :p :ttr:


30th January 2018, 11:47
I very much relate to the root word "intuition." I'm a believer in it.

I'm all in on that one. Instincts and intuition are in the same category for me. There are very few absolutes in life. I will die some day, I won't escape paying taxes, and I must always listen to my instincts.

If I'm reading something and I have a feeling about it, I trust that feeling, even if it goes against my other inclinations.

Using the word 'feelings' reminds me that it can be a challenge to hear the instincts/intuitions amongst the noise of many other feelings.

Dumpster Diver
2nd February 2018, 02:16
Eloquence of speech, Aragorn, that is what YOU are blessed with. Your point is exactly what I try to portray in my simple way. Thank you! :chrs:

What pisses me off to no end is some semi-Dutch guy (Flemish) can write better than I, a native born speaker/writer of the lingo...

...it ain’t right.

2nd February 2018, 02:27
Lol Dumpy, wwwhat , Taxes n Axes be good pals

2nd February 2018, 02:29
What pisses me off to no end is some semi-Dutch guy (Flemish) can write better than I, a native born speaker/writer of the lingo...

...it ain’t right.

That might be because I started teaching myself English from the age of 6-7 on, long before we had any English classes at school. English classes only started here in 8th grade, and even though by that time my peers only knew the meaning of "boy", "girl" and "sex", when I myself was that age, I could already hold up a decent conversation in English.

And of course, our education system over here teaches us other things than just how great the United States of God Bless America are. :p

(Note: I am a born-and-bred Belgian, not a Dutchman, even though the Flemish do indeed speak what linguists call Southern Dutch. But apart from the mainstream media and teachers, almost nobody here speaks the official Dutch. Virtually everyone here actually speaks their regional dialect. ;))

Dumpster Diver
2nd February 2018, 02:42
That might be because I started teaching myself English from the age of 6-7 on, long before we had any English classes at school. English classes only started here in 8th grade, and even though by that time my peers only knew the meaning of "boy", "girl" and "sex", when I myself was that age, I could already hold up a decent conversation in English.

And of course, our education system over here teaches us other things than just how great the United States of God Bless America are. :p

(Note: I am a born-and-bred Belgian, not a Dutchman, even though the Flemish do indeed speak what linguists call Southern Dutch. But apart from the mainstream media and teachers, almost nobody here speaks the official Dutch. Virtually everyone here actually speaks their regional dialect. ;))

Well, as a Belgian you do know about what Frankenstein monster of a state Belgium is, part Dutch, part French, part...what is that Eastern dialect? Semi-German? Part Luxembourger?

...all part of a “let’s keep the French behind a barrier” as a result of the Napoleonic War settlement fiasco.

2nd February 2018, 03:02
Well, as a Belgian you do know about what Frankenstein monster of a state Belgium is, part Dutch, part French, part...what is that Eastern dialect? Semi-German? Part Luxembourger?

5% of the population — in the east, yes — speaks German. This is a consequence of the redrawing of the borders after World War I. We inherited three German cities.

...all part of a “let’s keep the French behind a barrier” as a result of the Napoleonic War settlement fiasco.

Yes, even though the Dutch did try annexing us again after Napoleon was defeated. There is also hard evidence that they were planning to conquer Belgium again at the end of World War II, but that they eventually abandoned the idea.

But indeed, Belgium as a country came to be because the British crown wanted to instate a buffer zone between France and the Netherlands. And after Belgium had been declared independent, the provisional Belgian government wanted to appoint a descendant from the French royal family as king, but the British crown objected and insisted on the German Leopold von Saxe-Coburg, to whom they were directly related. And so was it written, and so was it done.

Emil El Zapato
2nd February 2018, 04:17
I don't want to belabor the point, but for me it's very important.

Trying to figure out what's actually going on in this world is a full-time job!

If you had never observed or listened to Lee Carroll, would you be able to ascertain the reliability of his writings?

I believe one could if they remove the author from the content/message. In fact, if one feels that can't do this, then its time to question the content.

I'm all in on that one. Instincts and intuition are in the same category for me. There are very few absolutes in life. I will die some day, I won't escape paying taxes, and I must always listen to my instincts.

If I'm reading something and I have a feeling about it, I trust that feeling, even if it goes against my other inclinations.

Using the word 'feelings' reminds me that it can be a challenge to hear the instincts/intuitions amongst the noise of many other feelings.

that's the biggest challenge and the biggest lie those tell when they say there is no emotional involvement. Only the non-human is capable of that and truly, not even them/its

What pisses me off to no end is some semi-Dutch guy (Flemish) can write better than I, a native born speaker/writer of the lingo...

...it ain’t right.

While I admire the eloquent writer, I'm satisfied to go with KISS ... :)

That might be because I started teaching myself English from the age of 6-7 on, long before we had any English classes at school. English classes only started here in 8th grade, and even though by that time my peers only knew the meaning of "boy", "girl" and "sex", when I myself was that age, I could already hold up a decent conversation in English.

And of course, our education system over here teaches us other things than just how great the United States of God Bless America are. :p

(Note: I am a born-and-bred Belgian, not a Dutchman, even though the Flemish do indeed speak what linguists call Southern Dutch. But apart from the mainstream media and teachers, almost nobody here speaks the official Dutch. Virtually everyone here actually speaks their regional dialect. ;))

Sex crazed, huh...I had similar issues ... :)

2nd February 2018, 07:19
Just posted the latest Kryon channelling > Who Are You - 2018 < witch may help understand things as such, even better lol you are who

Dumpster Diver
2nd February 2018, 16:19
Just posted the latest Kryon channelling > Who Are You - 2018 < witch may help understand things as such, even better lol you are who

So far, I’m the same annoying windbag I’ve always been. Karma’s a b!tch.

9th February 2018, 06:38
Lol, then maybe only listen to the ones loving and liking you lol while keeping an ear to hrad truth of course

9th June 2018, 01:50
Actually DD, the latest two Kryon articles may clear up your karma issue imo.

> http://www.kryon.com/k_25.html