View Full Version : Healing with Color and Light

22nd January 2018, 18:23
Lately I have been checking SOTT first thing to read news. Today there is an article on Chromotherapy, one of my interests. I had overlooked Mercola's interview with Dr. Alexander Wunsch

Chromotherapy: What you can heal with colored light
Dr. Mercola
Sun, 21 Jan 2018 00:00 UTC

Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to use colors as a way to make your life healthier? The truth is, you can. Dr. Alexander Wunsch, who is based in Germany, is a world-class expert in the use of light as a therapeutic healing agent, and is a human treasure trove of information on a topic that very few people understand.

In previous interviews, we've discussed the history of photobiology and how LED lighting can compromise your health. Here, our focus in on the therapeutic use of colored light, which Wunsch began experimenting with nearly 25 years ago.
"My first approach was colorpuncture from Peter Mandel. One evening, I met a friend of mine. I told him I would like to go deeper into the colorpuncture issue and learn more about that. He handed me a book by Darius Dinshah, 'Let There Be Light: Practical Manual for Spectro-Chrome Therapy' ...

I thought this is really a fascinating color system. It's not only a color therapy method, it's also a beautiful color system - [the way] Dinshah arranged these 12 basic colors, how they compose the Spectro-Chrome color wheel is a pleasure by itself, because it's very symmetric and there's a very logical plan behind it. I started to evaluate this method on my own."

Why Chromotherapy Was Relegated to the Dustbin

As noted by Wunsch, who has studied the historical rise and fall of photobiology, in the 1920s, there was a strong push to weed out so-called "quackery" in medicine, although there was no evidence-based medicine to speak of as of yet.

All physically-based treatments were targeted for elimination, for the simple reason they were unwanted competition standing in the way of the burgeoning drug industry. In this crusade, the Spectro-Chrome method was one of the hundreds of targets of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
"If you have a brave patient who takes the pills every day, he's a good customer ... If you have a client who's treating himself with colored light, you might sell a lightbulb to him, but that's it," Wunsch says.
"There was a hype for blue light [in those] days. It was very popular. Light therapy, think of Kellogg, for example, was very popular. The medical experts in a way had problems with the spreading of these physically-based methods. It was more or less a logical step to [ban] the method ...
Dinshah did one thing quite early in his chromotherapy career. He thought, 'OK. If the doctors aren't ready for the method, I will address all the knowledge I collected around the diligent use of colors to the laymen.' His motto was, 'Spectro-Chrome for every home.' This was his aim. He wanted to spread the word about the effects of colors so that everyone would know how to treat himself or herself by using colored light."
While there are well-documented health benefits associated with the red, near- mid- and far-infrared spectrum, the Spectro-Chrome method created by Dinshah focuses on the visible part of the light spectrum, on the rainbow and the extra-spectral colors.

Systemic and Local Use of Colored Light

You can implement colored light therapy either by shining light through a colored filter, or by wearing colored glasses, so that the light striking your retina is of a particular color frequency.
"You could say there is systemic use and local use of colored light. You would shine the light onto a body part, which can be the eye or the skin. There is a dermal application, and there is an ocular application. You can treat systemically, which means you are taking a light bath, covering the full body surface with the light, [or you can do] local treatments.

The ocular treatment is somehow in between the local and the systemic. You're treating only the eyes, which is locally defined, but the eyes are the window of the brain, the window of your vegetative system, so the treatment of the eyes is also a systemic treatment," Wunsch explains.

"In the 1930s, when the Spectro-Chrome method had been banned already, there was some kind of modification, which is called Syntonics Optometry. Syntonics optometrists used the colored light exclusively for the eye (learn more at collegeofsyntonicoptometry.com). They addressed also systemic disorders using this ocular pathway. As a basic principle in phototherapy, it does not matter what kind of technology you're using for the light source.

[What's] important is that you cover the wavelength band and that you reach certain intensity levels. Intensity levels are already something that is very close to modern phototherapy. Spectro-Chrome [produces] effects based on information, not intensity. This means you can use large, huge colored projectors, but you can also use the small little light [that] might have comparable effects." Continue Reading here https://www.sott.net/article/374918-Chromotherapy-What-you-can-heal-with-colored-light


29th January 2018, 09:25
Cheers Maggie, feel rainbows need more research as they create such sensitivity, ta for data.