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Emil El Zapato
11th October 2020, 18:21
lol, well so far so good ... still going through this one, though ...

12th October 2020, 01:20
The war in Afghanistan has been continuing for nine-teen freaking years.

If Biden wins will he do something about it or just allow the war machine to continue?

I'd be amazed if he did anything. The whole foundation of USA is based on war unfortunately.


12th October 2020, 14:58
Does anyone recall Kai Winn?

The early years...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fds9.trekcore.com%2Fgallery%2Falbum s%2F3x24%2Fshakaar151.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

The later years...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fds9.trekcore.com%2Fgallery%2Falbum s%2F1x20%2Finthehands219.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

And before the fall...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yourprops.com%2Fmovieprops%2F original%2Fyp511d895a542822.49179391%2FStar-Trek-Deep-Space-Nine-Kai-Winn-s-Undergown-3.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

She was very power hungry and ended up turning to the Wraiths because the Prophets never spoke to her. She fell for a smooth-talker turned lover who was really a Cardassian who had been altered to look Bajoran. I true example of someone who just doesn't know when to stop.

Emil El Zapato
12th October 2020, 15:06
vaguely ... i remember the switcho-chango between Cardassian and Bajoran. interesting ...

13th October 2020, 13:35
I learned today that John McCain's mom just died. She lived to be 108. Wow.

13th October 2020, 17:18
You Tube doesn't offer 'recommended for you' anymore. Just 'new'. I don't know if this is a general you tube change or not.

Emil El Zapato
15th October 2020, 16:01
i just received a scam call ... south asian voice tell me $300 will be auto-debited from my checking account every month for 'security purposes'. I called the number back and the dude got pissed off at me asking me why I was bothering to call back a scam number. I said because he was obviously part of the network that got my information. He said, ok, fine then you will be auto-debited for the indefinite future. I called my bank and while i'm waiting for an agent... i'm getting intermittent loud static, a buzz buzz, a click click and then a high-pitched whine and the dat dat dat of news alerts. and then it clears until the next time.

What the hell is going on!?

Octopus Garden
15th October 2020, 20:05
I'd be on that right away. Your bank might be getting hacked.

Emil El Zapato
15th October 2020, 20:16
yeah, i did ... :)

Octopus Garden
15th October 2020, 20:42
Oh good. I log in to my bank from the internet website and I am hyper aware of look alike sites!

Emil El Zapato
15th October 2020, 20:50
yeah, one has got to be seriously on guard, it would seem ... this whole scenario started for me a couple of weeks back when I absent-mindedly clicked on an update request. Even as I was clicking the thought hit me 'what a great way to introduce a virus'. It was a well known software provider but I hadn't seen a request for an update in a good while. Aragorn explained the reasons for that, after the fact, of course.

Octopus Garden
15th October 2020, 20:53
I don't click on anything unless I absolutely have to. It has more to do with the problem of finding someone to straighten things out, if I run into mundane troubles. Of course it protects me from criminal activity too....to a degree!

Emil El Zapato
15th October 2020, 21:42
yeah, i was stupid but as always, in a hurry to get stuff done ...

16th October 2020, 02:22
What the hell is going on!?

It's called Mercury Retrograde, I guess it's hitting you hard now.

16th October 2020, 14:42
In the argot of spies, a “cobbler” assembles a dezinformatsiya packet, accompanied by more truthful “litter” and “chicken feed” that makes it appear as if a deceptive document is real. If possible, the information is left where it’s handily accessible to the target of the dezinformatsiya campaign, but a special purpose “floater” may be used to pass the information along—often without that person understanding their role in the scheme.

Now, substitute “hard drive” for “briefcase” and “email” for “document.” Because that’s exactly what happened on Wednesday as the New York Post ran a story about a soggy computer left behind by a mysterious stranger at a Delaware repair shop. That computer was supposed to kick off a scandal about Hunter Biden. But what it really proves is that Rudy Giuliani and Rupert Murdoch are neck-deep in a scheme to spread disinformation to the American public.

I just can't decide who is more moronic. The folks doing this or the folks who fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Emil El Zapato
16th October 2020, 14:50
It's called Mercury Retrograde, I guess it's hitting you hard now.

:) Seems I better watch that post.

17th October 2020, 00:57
OMG it just occurred to me. Republicans have been chasing after this 'unmasking' concoction because it would be so horrid to unmask someone.

And now they're all anti-mask. Oh, the poetic irony!

19th October 2020, 15:17

Emil El Zapato
19th October 2020, 17:01
This is the first time I've ever been able to pull up anything on Robert David Steele that wasn't started by him or where he was the central character:

Is this guy for real? Robert David Steele claims to be a former CIA spy, former Marine, and co-founder of the MCIA
A friend of a friend posted a youtube video of this guy spewing some absolutely nutty conspiracy theories about Coronavirus being a nanovirus spread by 5G.

I've tried to check if any of his LONG list of incredible credentials are true, and find myself really doubting most of it. This is his bio: bio These are his schools: education And this is what he posted when prompted to provide proof of service: service

I'm not saying it's impossible that he's a former marine, but co-founder of the MCIA? I checked and they did have a civilian deputy working in tandem with an active military director, but I can't find his name associated with it anywhere other than on his own websites and postings. I’m thinking he’s either a very thorough fraud, or he’s legit and just completely off his rocker.

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level 1
20 points
6 months ago
This looks like no certificate of retirement I've ever seen...

level 2
5 points
6 months ago
I’ve only managed to find a few photos of certificates of Honorable discharge that looked even remotely similar. But it is supposedly from 1996. He claimed he didn’t want to release his DD 214 because it had his social security number on it, but how hard is it to just black that out?

Continue this thread

level 1
6 points
6 months ago
His bio is full of shit. Open source intelligence is just anything non classified that's available to anyone. So the extent of his super duper Intel collection likely involves reading books, newspapers and Facebook.

level 2
3 points
6 months ago
Am in military intelligence. Can confirm open source is literally anything you can use from google or other sites to add to real intel.

level 1
4 points
6 months ago
My moneys on no.

20th October 2020, 04:16
And then now for something completely different...


Emil El Zapato
20th October 2020, 12:25
Good robot ... :) Asimov and his everlasting legacy. Deep ocean colors are wondrously remarkable.

20th October 2020, 12:40
Isn't the deep ocean pretty much black?

Watch out for the denizens of the deep. They are not robots. They may be angling for you...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.phys.org%2Fnewman%2Fgfx%2Fnews %2Fhires%2F2009%2F35-researcherss.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

Emil El Zapato
20th October 2020, 13:11
I misstated my thought ... The top of the deep blue sea ... :) the colors are so vivid, like dye

20th October 2020, 13:23
You're right. Exquisite.

Bruce Lee said to be water.

He also said,

There is a powerful craving in most of us to see ourselves as instruments in the hands of others and thus free ourselves from the responsibility for acts which are prompted by our own questionable inclinations and impulses. Both the strong and the weak grasp at this alibi. The latter hide their malevolence under the virtue of obedience: they acted dishonorably because they had to obey orders. The strong, too, claim absolution by proclaiming themselves the chosen instrument of a higher power -- God, history, fate, nation, or humanity. — Bruce Lee

I think I should start reading Bruce Lee quotes on a regular basis. That man was a fighter and a philosopher.

Emil El Zapato
20th October 2020, 13:28
yes, which is why he was such an icon. What's funny/ironic in the movie, "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" Brad Pitt's character beats the hell out of Bruce Lee on set because Lee is being all cocky and badass and challenges Pitt to a 'showdown'. Pitt plays a 'reputed' wife killer bodyguard of Leo's character, a fading Hollywood Western star. It's a good movie.

20th October 2020, 13:32
Sounds massively fictional. ;)

20th October 2020, 13:43
It was a good movie, but that fight was silly. There was a controversy about it, people were claiming that Tarantino disrespected Bruce's legacy.

20th October 2020, 13:55
Well he clearly did if he portrayed Lee as cocky and needing to prove himself with an unnecessary fight.

But hey, it's Quentin. He apparently didn't care that he endangered and possibly caused permanent injury to Uma Thurman.

Gotta make the cash, right?

20th October 2020, 14:03
I actually haven't seen any of Bruce's movies even though he kinda has been my idol.

I loved his son's Brandon's movie The Crow, but it was tragic in many ways as he died while filming it.



Emil El Zapato
20th October 2020, 14:45
you simply have to watch: 'Enter the Dragon' and 'Return of the Dragon'

Bruce puts a whuppin' on Chuck Norris, after taking a few licks he then gets serious (Return)

The original (Enter) was a rendition of the Old Western organized 'showdowns' in a manner very similar to 'Bloodsport' which Van Damme stole from Bruce Lee, not that there's anything wrong with that.

It was a good movie, but that fight was silly. There was a controversy about it, people were claiming that Tarantino disrespected Bruce's legacy.

yes, he did, but you know 'Hollywood'

you know who is my favorite newscaster ... Tucker Carlson ... no, not really

Poppy Harlow ... she is totally real, no nonsense and tough ... she's good ... I hope she's happy? :)

20th October 2020, 15:00
I used to have this wall flag of Bruce on my wall, I still have that flag.

I will have to watch those movies too, I have a collection of Bruce's movies.



Octopus Garden
20th October 2020, 21:50
The magic of the ocean!



Octopus Garden
20th October 2020, 22:02
More on the Uma Thurman, Tarantino injury story

But Thurman didn't just call out Weinstein. In a shocking twist, she also spoke out against the director she'll be forever linked to: Quentin Tarantino.

Halfway through the Times story, the narrative shifts from Weinstein to Tarantino, and how the director — who made Thurman a star in his movie, "Pulp Fiction" — allegedly forced her, on the set of "Kill Bill," to do a scene she wanted a stunt driver to do instead. It led to the actress being injured.


Emil El Zapato
20th October 2020, 23:09
man, you guys are being mean to Tarrantino ... seriously though I would never advocate for someone that is unsympathetic to other's life and limb. He had a really unusual upbringing, if i remember not financial harship but plenty of emotional hardship. That doesn't make his actions forgivable... Did Thurman sacrifice for her career or was she 'frightened' to say no?

The magic of the ocean!

fascinating stuff ...

i wonder if those mating parameters are measured in wattage? :)

I always wanted my cat to be blue...i couldn't get anybody on board with me unfortunately.

Emil El Zapato
23rd October 2020, 13:23
A logical statement is a statement that, when true, allows us to take a known set of facts and infer (or assume) a new fact from them. Logical statements have two parts: The hypothesis, which is the premise or set of facts that we start with, and the conclusion, which is the new fact that we can infer when the hypothesis is true. (Note: If you've used hypothesis in science class, you've probably noticed that this is a fairly different definition. Be careful not to get confused!)

Consider this statement:

If you go outside without any rain gear or cover when it’s pouring rain, you will get wet.

Here, the hypothesis is “you go outside without any rain gear or cover when it’s pouring rain.” The hypothesis must be completely true before we can use the statement to infer anything new from it. What does this statement say about someone who doesn’t go outside? About someone who uses an umbrella? About what happens to someone when it’s not pouring rain? Nothing. This statement doesn't apply to anyone in those cases.

The conclusion of this statement is “you will get wet.” Suppose it’s raining, and someone walks outside, and doesn't have any rain gear or other kind of cover—what will happen? All the parts of the hypothesis have been met, so—if the statement is true—we can infer that the person is going to get wet. It certainly seems reasonable that they would!

Note that in this example, if the hypothesis isn’t true, the person still could get wet. On a sunny day with no rain, someone might go outside to wash his car and get sprayed by the hose. Someone else might go swimming, and then they would really get wet! The statement says nothing when the hypothesis is false. It's only helpful when the hypothesis is true.

Not all logical statements are written as “If (something is true) then (something else is true).” To identify the hypothesis and conclusion, you may need to try to rewrite a statement in an “if-then” format.

Statement: All Democrats are Communist
Statement: All Communists are Democrats

"Candace Owens", "Elite College"

My Statement: All Blacks attending elite colleges are unqualified tokens

Emil El Zapato
23rd October 2020, 15:11
When I was growing up we had a stray Russian blue: cool but not blue enough ... :)


23rd October 2020, 17:13
Some folks I know lucked out and got one at an animal shelter. Beautiful cat.

Emil El Zapato
23rd October 2020, 19:32
A logical statement is a statement that, when true, allows us to take a known set of facts and infer (or assume) a new fact from them. Logical statements have two parts: The hypothesis, which is the premise or set of facts that we start with, and the conclusion, which is the new fact that we can infer when the hypothesis is true. (Note: If you've used hypothesis in science class, you've probably noticed that this is a fairly different definition. Be careful not to get confused!)

Consider this statement:

If you go outside without any rain gear or cover when it’s pouring rain, you will get wet.

Here, the hypothesis is “you go outside without any rain gear or cover when it’s pouring rain.” The hypothesis must be completely true before we can use the statement to infer anything new from it. What does this statement say about someone who doesn’t go outside? About someone who uses an umbrella? About what happens to someone when it’s not pouring rain? Nothing. This statement doesn't apply to anyone in those cases.

The conclusion of this statement is “you will get wet.” Suppose it’s raining, and someone walks outside, and doesn't have any rain gear or other kind of cover—what will happen? All the parts of the hypothesis have been met, so—if the statement is true—we can infer that the person is going to get wet. It certainly seems reasonable that they would!

Note that in this example, if the hypothesis isn’t true, the person still could get wet. On a sunny day with no rain, someone might go outside to wash his car and get sprayed by the hose. Someone else might go swimming, and then they would really get wet! The statement says nothing when the hypothesis is false. It's only helpful when the hypothesis is true.

Not all logical statements are written as “If (something is true) then (something else is true).” To identify the hypothesis and conclusion, you may need to try to rewrite a statement in an “if-then” format.

Statement: All Democrats are Communist
Statement: All Communists are Democrats

"Candace Owens", "Elite College"

My Statement: All Blacks attending elite colleges are unqualified tokens

I didn't think we should waste a little informal lesson on formal logic ... maybe it will take on someone, obviously not me, though

Speaking of formal and informal, I've at least managed to determine that my formal mail is being lost down a black hole ... never fear though Microsoft is on the case: they keep telling me that an email add-in is suspicious ... the formal certificate of authenticity cites Microsoft as the originator. Anywho ... this is one of the emails I received a little while ago:

Hi gfdkeif,

One of my favorite things about Halloween is all the candy.
But the problem is… candy doesn’t last very long, at least not when I’m around it.
But you know what does last?

Emil El Zapato
23rd October 2020, 22:36
A little more help ... somebody start a riot!

In linear algebra, an eigenvector (/ˈaɪɡənˌvɛktər/) or characteristic vector of a linear transformation is a nonzero vector that changes by a scalar factor when that linear transformation is applied to it. The corresponding eigenvalue, often denoted by {\displaystyle \lambda }\lambda , is the factor by which the eigenvector is scaled.

Geometrically, an eigenvector, corresponding to a real nonzero eigenvalue, points in a direction in which it is stretched by the transformation and the eigenvalue is the factor by which it is stretched. If the eigenvalue is negative, the direction is reversed. Loosely speaking, in a multidimensional vector space, the eigenvector is not rotated (I think it is a virtual/imaginary measure). :)

- The One True Word -

24th October 2020, 06:34

Emil El Zapato
24th October 2020, 12:42
my phone message for my awakening this morning: Sorry about the shameless post.

yo Charles, I'm horny now ... can you show me your d*ck (without the asterisk) <sigh>

Which reminds me, sometime back I got this call saying only ... "Who are those 3 tall white figures behind you?" now, that was a weird one ...

24th October 2020, 13:23
Chaotic, Captain. Very Chaotic.


Emil El Zapato
26th October 2020, 19:00
Well the hackers did me in ... They continued to try get to my bank accounts, so this morning I had to close out my account which I've had for 20 years and reopen another with a different number. At this point I think the initial hack of my laptop put me on a buy list of my information. Subsequently, I was approached and offered a position for a project for Kaiser Permanente. The weirdness with this software engineering firm started right away but it was a pretty good position, so I figured i would stick it out ... One thing led to another, I did the job onboarding, including my banking account number and routing number for auto deposit, my driver's license and social security number. Immediately after completing the paperwork, a few hours later in the evening, I received a call from HR stating that I should hold off because the circumstances for the project had changed. It was really a lame story, as were all the other stories leading to that point. They were either legit or extremely professional crooks. I have enough lines out with various agencies that if they are guilty they will be caught and charged.

Emil El Zapato
27th October 2020, 15:27
that would make about the 4th time I've been defrauded which is why I have a licensed certification for Identity Theft Mitigation. It ain't worth much after it happens though.

I wish I was named Joe Smith :)

28th October 2020, 13:02
Here's a little ShowerCap for ya. You need a chaotic laugh about now.

Now, I’ve grown accustomed to a level of pure radioactive madness that would kill an ordinary man, but watching this Adderall-addled slug slither through the country, belching up lies and plague to audiences that eagerly devour both like ravenous baby birds, it’s...it’s a bit much, friends. I think I saw George Orwell pop up for a minute, as a Force Ghost; he took everything in, muttered something about being “too old for this shit,” and vanished.

Another nugget,

Well, maybe Rudy Giuliani can get a refund on that Make Your Own Comey Letter kit he ordered off a 2 a.m. informercial...

Emil El Zapato
28th October 2020, 14:01
lol, Amen to that ... :) He tried ...

29th October 2020, 17:38
Right-wing extremism: The new wave of global terrorism:

So much talk about the dreaded antifa, but which is actually worse?

30th October 2020, 15:59
The right wing is the wing that has organization. Organization leads to coordinated action. Planning. Stocking up. Training.

This is not what antifa is doing. There is no such organization.

If the militias in America were left wing, the narrative would be vastly different. And the current Administration's FBI would have made a plethora of arrests.

But the jackboots on the ground are not on the left foot.

3rd November 2020, 12:52
I'm designing a new badge. I like this image. What do you think?


Here's another.


They are called Nemesis.

3rd November 2020, 12:54
Looks nice.

Emil El Zapato
3rd November 2020, 14:18
I like the red look best ... :)

4th November 2020, 23:18
Sleepy Joe Biden ...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia2.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2Fl4JyNE zIxGk3QZIXe%2Fsource.gif&f=1&nofb=1

Living in America


Emil El Zapato
4th November 2020, 23:35
I can't help myself Gio, :winner::chrs:

6th November 2020, 10:43
I can't help myself Gio, :winner::chrs:

Believe me i do understand how you might feel (presenty), but neither of these two candidates (dudes) will end up soothing what aches most of US ... But hopes springs eternal, doesn't it.

Emil El Zapato
6th November 2020, 12:14
Honestly, I see Biden as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding and a positive force to the good. My daughter was texting me last night and talking about AOC ... that may be the future ... there are many 20-somethings that see the world as my daughter does.

6th November 2020, 13:26
It's been apparent for decades that Republicans are not representing the changing demographic of America. For a while they tried. Then they seemed to give up.

They've descended to the low level of a ruling minority who needs to undermine the system in order to keep control.

It's sad. But even more pathetic are the millions who go along with it. Turning half of America into an enemy doesn't help any of America. The nation won't become stronger with this type of minority rule. It will continue to devolve.

Biden has never been left-wing, never a darling of the left. When conservatives believe the lies and rhetoric of a bloviating sore loser, it's not a good bellwether.

Emil El Zapato
10th November 2020, 12:15

It seems this guy has gone 'crazy cat gent'. This is a flip show.


Emil El Zapato
10th November 2020, 15:11
It seems the great advisor on the Earth is invoking this:

Early atheistic Nyaya scholars, and later theistic Nyaya scholars, both made substantial contributions to the systematic study of Ātman.[62] They posited that even though "self/soul" is intimately related to the knower, it can still be the subject of knowledge. John Plott[62] states that the Nyaya scholars developed a theory of negation that far exceeds Hegel's theory of negation, while their epistemological theories refined to "know the knower" at least equals Aristotle's sophistication. Nyaya methodology influenced all major schools of Hinduism.

The Nyaya scholars defined Ātman as an imperceptible substance that is the substrate of human consciousness, manifesting itself with or without qualities such as desires, feelings, perception, knowledge, understanding, errors, insights, sufferings, bliss, and others.[63][64] Nyaya school not only developed its theory of Atman, it contributed to Hindu philosophy in a number of ways. To the Hindu theory of Ātman, the contributions of Nyaya scholars were twofold. One, they went beyond holding it as "self evident" and offered rational proofs, consistent with their epistemology, in their debates with Buddhists, that "Atman exists".[65] Second, they developed theories on what "Atman is and is not".[66] As proofs for the proposition "self/soul exists", for example, Nyaya scholars argued that personal recollections and memories of the form "I did this so many years ago" implicitly presume that there is a self that is substantial, continuing, unchanged, and existent.[65][66]

Nyayasutra, a 2nd-century CE foundational text of Nyaya school of Hinduism, states that the soul is a proper object of human knowledge. It also states that soul is a real substance that can be inferred from certain signs, objectively perceivable attributes. For example, in book 1, chapter 1, verses 9 and 10, Nyayasutra states[63]

Ātman, body, senses, objects of senses, intellect, mind, activity, error, pretyabhava (after life), fruit, suffering and bliss are the objects of right knowledge.
Desire, aversion, effort, happiness, suffering and cognition are the Linga (लिङ्ग, mark, sign) of the Ātman.

— Nyaya Sutra, I.1.9-10[63]

Octopus Garden
11th November 2020, 22:10
Honestly, I see Biden as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding and a positive force to the good. My daughter was texting me last night and talking about AOC ... that may be the future ... there are many 20-somethings that see the world as my daughter does.

I love AOC. The right call her a commie, so she must be doing something right, (or left!)

Emil El Zapato
11th November 2020, 22:42
yeah, I see her and the other two as relatively naive but on a mission. At least it is a mission FOR humanity ... that's all i really care about ... :)

12th November 2020, 11:19
Desire, aversion, effort, happiness, suffering and cognition are the Linga (लिङ्ग, mark, sign) of the Ātman.

This phrase really strikes me.

Naivete is not a bad thing, as long as learning is available and perhaps some guidance for protection. Cynicism closes the mind.

Open minds can see solutions jaded minds cannot.

Emil El Zapato
12th November 2020, 11:51
yes, no doubt that is true... And for that type, naive perhaps but a wise and caring soul will always evolve. So saith Rudolph Steiner ... :)

Emil El Zapato
15th November 2020, 13:40
ok folks, here we go on another chapter of chaos: Warning: Not for children, Disclaimer: I have not gone off the deep end.

Curiously, I commented yesterday about 'pictures' regarding ladies in various stages of undress ... well,

Between 2001 and 2005, I worked with a young guy just out of college, he's about 25 years younger than I am. Very good guy, very sociable. In the course of usual friendship I gave him a book to read that I had just finished by Dean Koontz (I don't remember which title it was). In the book there was some scenarios of what I consider really freakish sexual behavior and jokingly I mentioned that to my friend. He responded, "What's weird about that?" and i a bit flustered said, "I'm almost afraid to ask you what your home sex life is like", he had a very pretty Hispanic (Nicaraguan) girlfriend at the time.

Times changed, our group of friends went their separate ways and only reganged for two marriages, one for the above friend around 2004, and another group member in 2011. At the 2011 marriage when we sat down for a meal, my friend's wife declined to sit by him and chose to sit on my left while he sat on my right...well, ok, his wife and I, always had a 'let's talk about your husband' type of relationship so no big deal. As the night wore on and we got progressively sloshed, my friend said he wanted me to have sex with his wife and I blew it off as drunk talk and figured he was gonna be plenty embarrassed when he sobered up. hmmm, ok.

About a month ago, we reconnected via email and started reminiscing about the good old days ... one thing led to another and last evening he asked me if I thought his wife was good looking. Of course, I said yes which is true and he asked me if I wanted to see some pictures of her. With a little trepidation I said sure. He said, ok but he had to switch to his 'burner' account. He started sending me pictures of her in 'various stages of undress' from underwear to bucket naked porn poses. I'm like wow, and said yeah, she looking good. He then 'popped the question' AGAIN and asked me if I wanted to have sex with his wife and that he would enjoy 'watching'. Now, in truth this is a bridge too far for me, but though this may seem 'weird', I didn't want to offend him by saying no and I surely didn't want to go into my life story regarding all things, so I just replied, "sure, but geez, man". He was getting a great kick out of all this and I just sorta went with it.

I jested that he was quite the photographer and his parting comment was that he thought he should get some video. I just responded by sending an emoji of an artist' palette. He thought that was funny. I've heard tales from other people about local community 'wife swapping' clubs but thought it was a very weird thing to be into but to each their own.

In the end I was granted some time, as he proffered that during covid it wouldn't be a good idea but maybe after ... whew! All I can say is, "What tha' f*ck!"

If I still had my subscription to Penthouse, I might send this in as a story of the month.

15th November 2020, 13:56
I would have said no to the pictures, but then I'm me.

It sounds like a kind of foreplay. If you like the pics, you might like the real thing.

I'm so utterly traditional I would have just said, "No, thank you."

I discovered near the end of my college years that many of my classmates were into BDSM. I use the acronym because I don't even like to write it out. It's about rules and control and some very weird sexual associations which I don't even understand because for me, beating and pain and abuse don't have anything to do with being intimate in a sexual way.

Anyway, enough of that.

Emil El Zapato
15th November 2020, 14:35
yeah, the lady that cuts my hair said her former husband had some experience with that ... apparently took her to a show ... it was totally bizarre what she described. crazy!

15th November 2020, 14:53
Some friends of ours have neighbors who periodically have parties. In advance, the neighbors cover all their windows with paper, or something which cannot be seen through. When their guests arrive they are clad in very interesting attire. Lots of leather and accoutrements.

Our friends have never attended any of these parties.

Emil El Zapato
15th November 2020, 14:55
lol, I guess it's more common that I would have ever expected. People ... Animals ... :)

15th November 2020, 15:10
When I first heard that people could get addicted to sex I thought it was a joke. But it's not.

I also thought people were pulling my leg when they talked about people being gay. But they weren't.

I wasn't particularly sheltered, my parents didn't try to hide these facts from me. My family was just really 'normal'. Very heterosexual, very monogamous, meat-eating, church-going (not mega-church stuff), community supporting, almost Mayberry in their existence.

I didn't realize until early teenage years that everyone didn't live like we did. We moved around the country but the neighborhoods we lived in were all very similar.

I knew there were very rich people and very poor people but other than that...

Emil El Zapato
15th November 2020, 16:44
interesting ... my dad once told the story about how when he was in the military ... must have been just over 18 when a gay individual approached him and started getting overly friendly. He said some of his friends got all over the guy and summarily dismissed him. When they told my dad that the dude was gay, he was 'surprised' not knowing that such individuals existed. Not a slam, i so wanna be politically correct, just a story.

16th November 2020, 14:56
Has Bush's brain gone into dementia?

I'm just curious because Rove had all these things to say about Cory Bush, who just got elected to the House, and he described her as being from Baltimore.

She's from St Louis, MO. Not even really near Baltimore.

And what about the numbers of Republicans in Washington who thought she was Breonna Taylor because her face mask had Breonna's name on it?

I mean, if you're going to pretend to understand the circumstances of black folks in America, you really should know who you're talking to/about.

Breonna is dead. Shot dead in her bed by police.

I guess black women are terrifying even when asleep in bed.

Emil El Zapato
23rd November 2020, 17:34
Rockeymoore Remembers Brother-In-Law, U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings

Maryland Rep. Elijah E. Cummings is remembered across the nation as a powerful orator and civil rights activist, and is missed by those who knew him personally.

San Marcos City Councilmember Mark Rockeymoore, whose sister was married to the late Congressman, said the time he spent with Cummings was a blessing. Cummings passed away on Oct. 17 from complications of longstanding health problems, reports the Associated Press.

“He will be missed greatly by all who knew him personally and many who knew of him,” Rockeymoore said in a statement. “His words and deeds mark him as a truly great man and it was my honor to know and love him.”

Rockeymoore said he first met Cummings at his sister’s — Maya Rockeymoore Cummings — doctoral graduation from Purdue University.

“Over the years, he became a fixture in our lives as my sister’s life partner and then husband in 2008,” Rockeymoore said.

The Congressman was always accessible, according to Rockeymoore.

“When I ran for office in 2018, he asked me what my platform was and approved,” Rockeymoore said. “He told me to always listen to the people and you can’t go wrong. When I won office in December of (2018) after a runoff, he told me again to always listen to the people and do their will. He also said he was proud of me and he was confident in my ability to stand for the city of San Marcos.”

Cummings served as chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee and former President Barack Obama said in a tweet that “he showed us all not only the importance of checks and balances within our democracy, but also the necessity of good people stewarding it.

Rockeymoore said the loss of Cummings at this time is traumatic for the nation, but even more so for his sister and Cummings’ children.

“The time I spent with him was a blessing, but to know that a man of such caliber was my sister’s husband was a comfort indeed,” Rockeymoore said.

24th November 2020, 00:46
Huh, that's Rahkyt (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?100738-Racism&p=1392023&viewfull=1#post1392023). :eek:

24th November 2020, 10:50
Boy do I wish I hadn't just read Bill's words.:fpalm:

Although it does help to see how folks so easily parse words and then make wholesale judgements about a person's belief systems. Coming from the man who presented so many questionable figures...:fpalm:

24th November 2020, 11:04
I've been marveling at how folks can believe that Trump is any kind of savior or Christian.

That would be like believing that my dog is the best cat ever. Everybody knows it. You know it, and they know it. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. My dog is the best cat ever!

For Christian fundamentalists, being taught to suppress critical thinking begins at a very early age. It is the combination of the brain’s vulnerability to believing unsupported facts and aggressive indoctrination that create the perfect storm for gullibility. Due to the brain’s neuroplasticity, or ability to be sculpted by lived experiences, evangelicals literally become hardwired to believe far-fetched statements.

This wiring begins when they are first taught to accept Biblical stories not as metaphors for living life practically and purposefully, but as objective truth. Mystical explanations for natural events train young minds to not demand evidence for beliefs. As a result, the neural pathways that promote healthy skepticism and rational thought are not properly developed.

This is from Bobby Azarian who is a neuroscientist.

Emil El Zapato
24th November 2020, 11:11
yeah, I remember a few discussions with Mark and his wife, very nice people and it was obvious that Mark was a gentle soul and suffered from the abuse of his dignity. I totally empathize with him.

"This is from Bobby Azarian who is a neuroscientist."

Couple that with the psychological output of the 'double-bind' and it's Bye Bye Birdie.


Emil El Zapato
24th November 2020, 19:47
My half sister's latest book - Mary Madrigal née Cocco

https://scontent.fhou1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12249867_1036465889752968_5347646669603325653_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=kc03jpS3QsUAX83e0rY&_nc_ht=scontent.fhou1-1.fna&oh=1a557a496e1a420e22d2a470c41920a0&oe=5FE3D597

Octopus Garden
24th November 2020, 20:33
Rockeymoore Remembers Brother-In-Law, U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings

Maryland Rep. Elijah E. Cummings is remembered across the nation as a powerful orator and civil rights activist, and is missed by those who knew him personally.

San Marcos City Councilmember Mark Rockeymoore, whose sister was married to the late Congressman, said the time he spent with Cummings was a blessing. Cummings passed away on Oct. 17 from complications of longstanding health problems, reports the Associated Press.

“He will be missed greatly by all who knew him personally and many who knew of him,” Rockeymoore said in a statement. “His words and deeds mark him as a truly great man and it was my honor to know and love him.”

Rockeymoore said he first met Cummings at his sister’s — Maya Rockeymoore Cummings — doctoral graduation from Purdue University.

“Over the years, he became a fixture in our lives as my sister’s life partner and then husband in 2008,” Rockeymoore said.

The Congressman was always accessible, according to Rockeymoore.

“When I ran for office in 2018, he asked me what my platform was and approved,” Rockeymoore said. “He told me to always listen to the people and you can’t go wrong. When I won office in December of (2018) after a runoff, he told me again to always listen to the people and do their will. He also said he was proud of me and he was confident in my ability to stand for the city of San Marcos.”

Cummings served as chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee and former President Barack Obama said in a tweet that “he showed us all not only the importance of checks and balances within our democracy, but also the necessity of good people stewarding it.

Rockeymoore said the loss of Cummings at this time is traumatic for the nation, but even more so for his sister and Cummings’ children.

“The time I spent with him was a blessing, but to know that a man of such caliber was my sister’s husband was a comfort indeed,” Rockeymoore said.

Yep, that's Rahkyt. Amazing guy. Lovely human being. When I found out he left Avalon, I didn't have much of a desire to go back.

Octopus Garden
24th November 2020, 20:39
I've been marveling at how folks can believe that Trump is any kind of savior or Christian.

That would be like believing that my dog is the best cat ever. Everybody knows it. You know it, and they know it. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. My dog is the best cat ever!

This is from Bobby Azarian who is a neuroscientist.

Wow. Thanks for that, Dreamtimer. It explains a LOT. I wonder if that whole phenomenon can be extended to the spiritual, esoteric realm. For instance, in group ufo sightings, some people clearly see them and others don't. That may be a trickster like effect of the phenomenon itself, or what you have just described, above.

Emil El Zapato
24th November 2020, 20:43
What I knew of him, he would have been hard for anybody to dislike ... I'm sure there are things I don't know.

Social Justice Warrior ... Why would anybody NOT be a social justice warrior ... justice or the lack of it is what defines us a human species. I guess I can understand why many just don't get that and the reasons ain't pretty.

30th November 2020, 18:39
Social justice warrior was turned into a bad word some time ago. Years. It's the same dynamic as turning liberal into a bad word. These drums have been beaten for decades. Many folks are bound to succumb.

"It must be true. People keep saying it."

30th November 2020, 18:47
People can get out of the programming they were raised in. It takes work. Or some kind of transformative event. Megan Phelps-Roper is one example.

This is on the Rogan thread but I couldn't find it in it's number group. This is a very interesting discussion.


Emil El Zapato
2nd December 2020, 11:44
I just lost a chess game to a person called fra_bartholo from Belgium ... what a sandbagger :)

Emil El Zapato
7th December 2020, 22:52
My niece is on the right ... looking like she has been working on one of her two hundred dollar bottles of tequila ... Her husband is the wine connisseur.

I told you she looked like Roseanne, sounds like her two ... uses the same kind of language...but she really is a wonderful person. Been through some insane things.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Wkvk8vnTUSoA60HBnhLFqyzXMbxNdZZZkY7aumXepVT1S1ApOb 91gr9_WqNCDguKqzRL=s151

11th December 2020, 13:37
Here's some Showercap for ya...

"...but watching the Republican Party congeal into its next, apparently equally grotesque form is...hoo boy. It’s somethin’. Like, “oh, we’re keeping ALL the crazy parts, huh? That’s...a choice.”

This movement’s gleeful complicity in its own gaslighting, even in the face of mass casualties, is, by my calculations, the single mathematically damndest thing I have ever seen.

But still, Hairplug Himmler calls to demand deliverance from democracy.

[N]ot only must you overthrow the entire American system of government for your Maggot Monarch, he also requires you to design the whole plan from scratch and put in all the legwork yourself, and if you could get that done by the time he’s finished golfing, that’d be stupendous.

Like, what sort of Stalinist fun house are we locked in where only 27 of the 249 Republicans in the House and Senate are willing to acknowledge, on the record with the Washington Post, the objective truth of Joe Biden’s landslide victory? It’s not in dispute. You wouldn’t ask Roy Blunt if mustard exists.

[F]rickin’ Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, lending the prestige of their offices to this dangerous drivel, and fucking OF COURSE it’s radicalizing millions of Americans.

Meanwhile, Texas AG Ken Paxton, certainly no stranger to bringing shame upon his office, picked up a half-eaten crayon and drafted his own warped, treasonous parody of a lawsuit, demanding the invalidation of crucial swing states’ election results, because the voices that speak to him through his molars are reasonably confident there was oodles of fraud.

[I]t’s also gasoline on millions of fires burning in millions of individual rabbit holes.

[T]he trend is really taking off in Idaho, where death cultists, excuse me, "anti-maskers" terrorized a 12-year-old child in his home, in the name of preserving the coronavirus’ God-given right to spread, unimpeded, from host to host.

Fascism filtered through the frat house. Gonna be great.

Nothing drives home the reality of American decline under the Turd Reich quite like watching coronavirus vaccination begin...in other countries.

[O]f COURSE Doctor Dotard declined a deal to acquire millions of doses of the Pfizer vaccine for U.S. citizens. Of COURSE those doses, including many manufactured on American soil, will instead be shipped to foreign nations who had the good sense not to elect yam-brained assclowns.

[S]omething deep within me finally snapped. Without quite understanding how, I find myself sewing an elaborate costume and working up a plot to kill the Batman...

Emil El Zapato
11th December 2020, 14:25
Ain't that the unabashed truth ... :)

Emil El Zapato
11th December 2020, 15:32
I just read that Hillary Clinton is Facebook's official certifier of posted information ... This emoji is a first time for me. I never really found a reason to use it until now:


14th December 2020, 15:44
They can't possibly have just one person.

Emil El Zapato
14th December 2020, 16:17
lol, We need to ask over at Mordor to get a definitive answer.

18th December 2020, 16:26
The opium of Trump's lies is amazing. I know I shouldn't be amazed but I really am. People are enthralled by him and yet they have nothing to gain from it. Because he won't help them or their country. But that doesn't matter. The opium of anger and fear are too much to overcome.

I shouldn't be amazed. It's the same dynamic that keeps thousands in a mega-church. Fear of the loss of salvation. Anger at the godless liberals.

It's opium. And it's the kind of opium that leads to inquisitions and vigilante justice.

Oh look, it's happening.

Emil El Zapato
21st December 2020, 16:14
Ok, folks, riddle me this one ...

For the last month and a half I have been going out for some exercise (walking and running to a local park). I always smoke a cigarette as I go out the front door and more than one neighbor has kidded me about exercising and smoking. I just say that I always strive for balance.

Anyway, I have been pacing myself by a storm drain, when I am about finished with the cigarette I start looking for the storm drain so I can toss the butt into it. Yesterday, I didn't see it and so figured that I must have passed it. No big deal. Today the same thing happened so I was a little puzzled and on the way back I searched an entire block for the drain. It wasn't there?!?!

Of course, my lights and my clothes dryer (which gets in the mood sometimes to beep out a message to me) have been acting up. A dog that I've seen everyday for over a month has started barking at me when in the past all it did was stick its tongue out at me and wag its tail.

Any solutions? You can leave out dementia as that one is too obvious. I have taken a number of online tests on the DNA forums and I'm still as sharp as over 99% of the people that have taken it, in fact, the last one i took I was at 100% on both correctness and speed of processing. :)

This one might need an answer in Aiawanese.

21st December 2020, 18:29
Are you field stripping the butts before you send them down the drain? I think Mandela may be sending you a message about your habits. ;) Maybe the balance is lost with the butt disposal...

Emil El Zapato
21st December 2020, 18:33
:) that's heavy, DT ... maybe I've failed at the field stripping level ...

21st December 2020, 18:40
Be careful how you strip in the field. You never know who's watching. ;)

Emil El Zapato
21st December 2020, 18:54
:meditating: I'm worried now ... wouldn't be the first time 'someone' was spotted on the streets without the proper attire ... :)

22nd December 2020, 07:27

22nd December 2020, 13:00
lol Elen. :hilarious:

Emil El Zapato
22nd December 2020, 13:21
that's hilarious Elen

28th December 2020, 02:00

Emil El Zapato
28th December 2020, 13:26
I just threw out that head last evening.

Emil El Zapato
28th December 2020, 23:28
The storm sewer drain is back!

Emil El Zapato
28th December 2020, 23:48
But on the bright side I hear that the Nashville bombing was actually a hypersonic missile fired by 'Fill in your favorite blank here'

wheee we're having fun now wheee

30th December 2020, 12:54
It seems that the American Psychosis video could go into the Collapse thread as well.

From the video comments:

Chris Hedges on the US empire of narcissism and psychopathy. Subscribe. Directed by Amanda Zackem http://www.americancanary.org Short film by American Canary. UNM is currently in production of the documentary, Ecosophia featuring Chris Hedges, David Holmgren, Vandana Shiva, Prof. Tim Garrett, Prof. Paul Ehrlich, Prof. William Ophuls and many others.

I'm interested in this project called EcoSophia. I'm going to look into it.

Chris says,

It's obvious, logical, natural, even mathematical that our civilization is going to collapse, that we have overshot the sustainable carrying capacity of the earth and ecosystem that supports us. But people are fed false hope, false positives and magical faiths which extract your agency and distract you from your presence. Held captive by apathy, afraid of your own shadow.

Emil El Zapato
30th December 2020, 13:39
yeah, this is a practical approach to survival...One of the solutions to the Fermi paradox is that there are no viable intelligent species in the galaxy or universe because they all implode through self-destruction. But the author doesn't believe that ALL civilizations kill themselves off. And there is another scientist that believes that we have passed the test of survival by just being here now.

But there is no doubt that we are at a critical juncture and action has to be taken.

30th December 2020, 14:03
But there is no doubt that we are at a critical juncture and action has to be taken.

I feel that the hourglass is running out of sand relatively soon, but don't take my word it. Just a feeling... We ought to do something.

31st December 2020, 14:56
I agree. Perhaps after January a path will be more clear.

Has anyone else been making very strange connections? Yesterday it was Chris Hedges leading me straight to a video from a Druid.

Today, looking into needlework, I heard reference to a word I had been unable to think of for weeks from an entirely different context.

Like synchronicities of seemingly unrelated things.

So weird.

Emil El Zapato
31st December 2020, 15:02
yeah, just this morning actually ... it was weird and not necessarily positive, so I ignored it. :)

6th January 2021, 20:22
Storming the Capitol? Really? Good God. :fpalm::facepalm::fpalm:

The same folks who say that elections have consequences cannot handle that fact. They just can't handle reality.

There is not just one opinion or side that matters or has validity in America. That lesson still needs learning.


Emil El Zapato
6th January 2021, 21:17
I'm glad i'm not in D.C. Those people are crazed ... Another psychologist once stated that within the United States, certain sub-cultures were without morals and dangerous. He was referring to the biker gang phenomena...that's who these people are. Rebels without the slightest clue, not the slightest. My older brother is part of that culture, of course, was associated with law-enforcement, gun fanatic, authoritarian, and started life as a scary potentially, very potentially a violent criminal.

I have a half-sibling on the shrink's side that is a biker as well but not sure if he rides with a gang/club ... don't think so. but he's rabidly pro-trump ...

6th January 2021, 22:00
Wow, I'm amazed by the madness. This is what Trump has brought, chaos.


Emil El Zapato
6th January 2021, 23:53
I'm betting the military is on high alert and actually mobilizing. The next step is to literally drag Trump out of the white house. what is that 25th thing ... now is the time ... I don't think they can wait .

7th January 2021, 04:59
I read that Cabinet members are actually discussing the 25th. Pence would have to be Pres until Biden's inauguration. Many are also calling for Impeachment again, coupled with conviction which would prevent Trump from running for office again.

I don't know how much these processes can be expedited, but there are ways.

Emil El Zapato
7th January 2021, 11:59
I think he's isolated ...

7th January 2021, 14:15
It's so pathetic. The mythical 'busload'. There seems to always be some magical busload.

A busload of Antifa. (the anarchists who have no organization somehow have all these buses lined up. it's amazing)

A busload of ballots.

A busload of immigrants. (bad Hombres, you know).

A busload of 'illegal' voters.

The real busload is the pile of shite continually being shoveled by the right wing.

Josh Hawley put out a fundraising request during the event. Gotta incite the mobs so he can make some cash! Just like Dear Leader. :vom:

7th January 2021, 15:35
Who thought they could grab the tiger by the tail? Didn't they understand the inherent danger?

Of course, it's important to keep in mind the End Times current which is strong with the tiger grabbers. They believe so hard they try to make it happen. They want it.

Emil El Zapato
7th January 2021, 17:52
yeah, DT, surely some of those wackos are pushing for it.

8th January 2021, 04:57
Well, two things have now resolved and moved forward. One personal. One national. The personal one is good. The national one is also, imo.

8th January 2021, 14:13
So, how about someone goes into the houses of all the folks who vandalized the Peoples' House and treat them the same way. Break windows and doors, rifle through stuff, hang from stairwells, leave DNA behind...

Emil El Zapato
8th January 2021, 14:27
The right will have to come up with another talking point to replace, "We don't riot, like those leftist monkeys!" At least when the left does it there is some basis in reality for it. Even a little is better than batshit crazy.

Emil El Zapato
8th January 2021, 17:23
PA is becoming boring. They have a few intelligent folks over there finally speaking up to the lunacy, idiocy, and lack of knowledge that is so rampant on that site. They don't need me anymore ... :)

9th January 2021, 11:17
I was going to post this on the humor thread, but really it's just informative.


9th January 2021, 11:23
Have you noticed the irony of the name Parler? In America, it's pronounced like parlor. And it's clearly being used by the right wing folks. The funny thing is, parler is french for 'to speak'.

So the right-wingers, who spent decades bashing France, french fries, and French people are now all going to a site whose name is literally the french word for speaking.


10th January 2021, 22:38
Well, well, well...

Capitol siege was planned online. Trump supporters now planning the next one. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/01/09/trump-twitter-protests/)

The desire to prevent a repeat of Wednesday’s attack helped drive Twitter’s decision to suspend Trump’s account after years in which he challenged the company’s policies against hate speech and inciting violence. The two tweets the company cited in its announcement Friday night were tamer than many during his candidacy or his presidency, but Twitter said it was particularly concerned about contributing to a possible “secondary attack” on the U.S. Capitol and state government facilities the weekend of Jan. 16-17.

Concerns about more violent incidents appear to be well-founded. Calls for widespread protests on the days leading up to the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden have been rampant online for weeks. These demonstrations are scheduled to culminate with what organizers have dubbed a “Million Militia March” on Jan. 20 as Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris are to be sworn in on the same Capitol grounds that rioters overran on Wednesday.

11th January 2021, 04:49
Well, well, well...

Capitol siege was planned online. Trump supporters now planning the next one. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/01/09/trump-twitter-protests/)

The desire to prevent a repeat of Wednesday’s attack helped drive Twitter’s decision to suspend Trump’s account after years in which he challenged the company’s policies against hate speech and inciting violence. The two tweets the company cited in its announcement Friday night were tamer than many during his candidacy or his presidency, but Twitter said it was particularly concerned about contributing to a possible “secondary attack” on the U.S. Capitol and state government facilities the weekend of Jan. 16-17.

Concerns about more violent incidents appear to be well-founded. Calls for widespread protests on the days leading up to the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden have been rampant online for weeks. These demonstrations are scheduled to culminate with what organizers have dubbed a “Million Militia March” on Jan. 20 as Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris are to be sworn in on the same Capitol grounds that rioters overran on Wednesday.

"Come mister tally man, tally me bananas,
Daylight come an' me wanna go home..."


11th January 2021, 06:48

11th January 2021, 12:46
As you point out, Wind. This was planned. And it was in the open.

Trump's chaos affected law enforcement. Among the many aspects of that chaos were fears of asking for outside help due to the unmarked Federal officers who showed up in Oregon and arrested people without charging them.

My Governor asked for clearance to send in the National Guard and got no response whatsoever from the (green and incompetent) Secretary of Defense for more than a half hour. He ended up talking to someone in the army and it appears that Mike Pence had to take action.

Trump was too busy in his party room listening to Laura Branigan while Guilfoyle danced.

11th January 2021, 12:55
This is isn't funny. And also is.


11th January 2021, 13:51
OK. I admit it. I'm really having some schadenfreude fun seeing domestic terrorists being put on no-fly lists and being arrested in airports. Talk about having what goes around come back around. Wish I was a fly on the wall.

Emil El Zapato
11th January 2021, 22:33

BeauBeau said it all: Is this prosocial or antisocial. Remember that context is absolutely and completely and critically paramount

Once they succeeded in ending democracy and turning Germany into a one-party dictatorship, the Nazis orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to win the loyalty and cooperation of Germans. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.

During the spring of 1933, Nazi student organizations, professors, and librarians made up long lists of books they thought should not be read by Germans. Then, on the night of May 10, 1933, Nazis raided libraries and bookstores across Germany. They marched by torchlight in nighttime parades, sang chants, and threw books into huge bonfires. On that night more than 25,000 books were burned. Some were works of Jewish writers, including Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud. Most of the books were by non-Jewish writers, including such famous Americans as Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, and Upton Sinclair, whose ideas the Nazis viewed as different from their own and therefore not to be read.

The Nazi censors also burned the books of Helen Keller, who had overcome her deafness and blindness to become a respected writer; told of the book burnings, she responded: "Tyranny cannot defeat the power of ideas." Hundreds of thousands of people in the United States protested the book burnings, a clear violation of freedom of speech, in public rallies in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and St. Louis.

Schools also played an important role in spreading Nazi ideas. While some books were removed from classrooms by censors, other textbooks, newly written, were brought in to teach students blind obedience to the party, love for Hitler, and antisemitism. After-school meetings of the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls trained children to be faithful to the Nazi Party. In school and out, young people celebrated such occasions as Adolf Hitler's birthday and the anniversary of his taking power.

Key Dates

December 5, 1930
Joseph Goebbels disrupts premiere of film
In Berlin, Joseph Goebbels, one of Adolf Hitler’s top deputies, and Storm Troopers (SA) disrupt the premiere of "All Quiet on the Western Front," a film based on the novel of the same title by Erich Maria Remarque. Nazi protestors throw smoke bombs and sneezing powder to halt the film. Members of the audience who protest the disruption are beaten. The novel had always been unpopular with the Nazis, who believed that its depiction of the cruelty and absurdity of war was "un-German." Ultimately, the film will be banned. Remarque will emigrate to Switzerland in 1931, and the Nazis, after coming to power, will revoke his German citizenship in 1938.

March 13, 1933
Joseph Goebbels heads Reich Propaganda Ministry
Joseph Goebbels, one of Adolf Hitler's most trusted associates, is appointed to head the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda. This agency controls the writing and broadcast of all media (newspapers, radio programs, and movies) as well as public entertainment and cultural programs (theater, art, and music). Goebbels integrates Nazi racism and ideas into the media.

May 10, 1933
Joseph Goebbels speaks at book burning in Berlin
Forty thousand people gather to hear German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels speak in Berlin's Opera Square. Goebbels condemns works written by Jews, liberals, leftists, pacifists, foreigners, and others as "un-German." Nazi students begin burning books. Libraries across Germany are purged of "censored" books. Goebbels proclaims the "cleansing of the German spirit."

12th January 2021, 00:08

12th January 2021, 02:02

Aww, such peaceful and unarmed protesters, accompanied by unicorns that fart rainbows, and so brutally beaten down by gratuitous police violence... :ttr:

12th January 2021, 05:12
Antifa presents the real danger, right?

Armed protests being planned at all 50 state capitols, FBI bulletin says

12th January 2021, 13:24

12th January 2021, 13:49
Belichick will not accept the Presidential medal of Freedom from Trump. Wow.

The Patriots are my brother's all-time favorite team.

Emil El Zapato
12th January 2021, 14:12
hey was that Joe Rogan out there ... :)

Only leftists for the most part have been shot and helicopter firebombed, but if those priveleged white guys keep it up, they are heading for a really bad end ... en masse. This should be posted on PA as a public service announcement. I saw that tough guy militant TargetT, is back to posting. Perhaps he and his dog headed in the other direction when the fun started.

If that isn't fascism in motion I really don't know what is. Actually, governments have to play their part. Trump's government is doing exactly that. As Aianawa posted some time back: "We will not get away with it!" Sung to the tune:


More like:


Emil El Zapato
12th January 2021, 23:56
Inspired by DT, I responded to a phishing email that I have been getting repeatedly from different source:

Kindly pass this on to your fellow scammers:

If you send this to me one more time I will find you. I have a particular set of skills … you will not like the consequences. I’ll give you a hint … I hold government security clearances through the FBI and Homeland security.

13th January 2021, 02:38
Lol. (hope no-one gets hurt)

So, let me get this straight. The same folks who scream and yell that there is no evolution and they didn't come from monkeys, spread their urine and feces in our Nation's Capitol.


20th January 2021, 22:55
Here's a kinda weird thing.

Throughout my life the Vice Presidency has not been seen as a powerful office. Potentially, if something happens to the President. Otherwise, it's been more of a figurehead/ceremonial type of role.

We've now reached a time where the Vice Presidency is going to be very powerful. Kamala is the determinant of the majority in the Senate as well as being the tie-breaking vote.

Powerful indeed.

It's an appropriate irony for the circumstances.

Emil El Zapato
20th January 2021, 22:59
cool, huh! b.t.w. I haven't had a phishing email since I sent the above one as a response ... I guess other people watch movies too. :)

21st January 2021, 09:02
Powerful indeed.

She knows what is on her shoulders!

21st January 2021, 22:57
A little Showercap (http://showercapblog.com/the-turd-reich-falls-directly-on-the-mypillow-guys-head-apparently/) snippet for ya...

I always knew Lindsey Graham would go down groveling, and hoo boy, he did not disappoint (https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/17/graham-schumer-senate-vote-canceling-impeachment-trial-460014).

Team Skidmark...:ttr:

Emil El Zapato
21st January 2021, 23:06
they're a different species ... it's the only explanation.

Emil El Zapato
21st January 2021, 23:27
I read the article ... that's funny and hits me just right there ... :)

21st January 2021, 23:34
Maybe this is some kind of Divergence. ;)

But I try to think logically. Try being the operative word.

There are a lot of us, though the US is less crowded than most nations around the world. Humans can become collectively disturbed. We have become so here. People go into denial. Some people engage in dangerous behavior.

Examples of this are ignoring pandemics, staging insurrections, believing things either without evidence, or in the face of contrary evidence.

Sooner or later this path leads to death of some sort. And so goes that sort of self-culling. (is that too harsh a term?)

Emil El Zapato
21st January 2021, 23:38
no, I think you are exactly right ... not a culling, eventually extinction ...

21st January 2021, 23:47
The idea is that those traits subside because they're not the best for advancement.

22nd January 2021, 02:40

22nd January 2021, 06:06
Snowflakes melting in the open sun... (sing to Chestnuts Roasting...)

Emil El Zapato
22nd January 2021, 13:47
there was a more 'real' one. Fauci back walked Biden's statement of starting the war on Covid from scratch. Fauci publicly stated that it wasn't that 'bad'. I suppose now he will be fired by an enraged Biden. uh yeah, right. What is more likely to happen is that Biden will be a little more circumspect when saying anything that involves Fauci's work with the Trump administration. :)

22nd January 2021, 14:24
Just, OMG. When will the cray cray subside? It'll take some time.

22nd January 2021, 14:32
I believe there's going to be a crapload of 'what goes around comes around' in the legal arena for Trump. He has used the court systems for decades. And now he's going to be in the courts for perhaps the remainder of his days.

Emil El Zapato
22nd January 2021, 19:25
never, I've been considering whether to post this or not because i usually do it tongue-in-cheek but what the hey... I'll give you an example ... remember this is the Chaos and AntiThread ... for those who can't maintain a straightforward stream of consciousness ... :) (Is that an oxymoron?)

Last night my kitchen light turned on spontaneously ... not too unusual sometimes it does that for various reasons. ok, well then my bedroom door creaked open ... not too unusual ... the cat will sometimes force the door open when he comes in. I was somewhat startled so I got up to look for the cat, no cat ... I then sheepishly walked into the kitchen to see if anyone was there ... no one.

Those two events happening simultaneously was a little strange ... such is my life in the Faraday cage. :)

Emil El Zapato
22nd January 2021, 19:36
I forgot to mention the other day my daughter called me and I had to run to the phone. Either simultaneously or just right before I heard her voice. In going to the phone I knew it was her and so when I answered i asked her if she had just texted me a video or something. She said no, so I explained why I asked, she remarked..."theDaddy, you always do that" ... Mind you, I get calls all day long from job recruiters so it wasn't unusual for me to get a call that I have to decide whether to answer or not. My daughter is right though ... ever since she was even a baby, I would hear her talking to me and when she was old enough I would ask her what she said and she would say nothing. And then I would tell her what I heard and she would agree that that was what she was thinking.

Now I'm thinking things I heard her say when she was first becoming lingual might just have been my imagination, maybe even hallucination ... oh well, no harm done ... it was always to the good.

One time she was going on outing with a friend to a park and I had the distinct feeling she was going to get hurt, but I didn't want my 'weirdness' impacting her life in a deleterious fashion. Sure enough, she got hurt and had to get several stitches in her knee and patched up elsewhere. I felt that I had messed up when she called me because I got really upset which just upset her, but after that initial reaction (I think she might have thought I was mad at her which was the farthest thing from my mind) she handled it like the extremely cool customer she is.

22nd January 2021, 19:52
It's telepathy my friend, you just have a strong connection to your daughter.

Also you seem to have spirits with you there. Cats sure would know. :rolleyes:

23rd January 2021, 07:18
It's telepathy my friend, you just have a strong connection to your daughter.

Also you seem to have spirits with you there. Cats sure would know.

I agree with that. :love:

Emil El Zapato
23rd January 2021, 13:20
This is what brought me to alternative forums in the beginning. A sanity check on some of my 'weird' experiences. Dreams, I'm ok with that. Precognition, i'm ok with that. Telepathy, that is a bridge too far for me, something about that is just too weird, but in truth, it is something that I seemed to have experienced over time for some reason.

I read this yesterday on some of the proposed scientific explanations for 'telepathy'. It made sense to me:

Hyperesthesia is a condition that involves an abnormal increase in sensitivity to stimuli of the sense. Stimuli of the senses can include sound that one hears, foods that one tastes, textures that one feels, and so forth. Increased touch sensitivity is referred to as "tactile hyperesthesia", and increased sound sensitivity is called "auditory hyperesthesia". In the context of pain hyperaesthesia can refer to an increase in sensitivity where there is both allodynia and hyperalgesia.

In psychology, Jeanne Siaud-Facchin uses the term by defining it as an "exacerbation des sens" that characterizes gifted children (and adults): for them, the sensory information reaches the brain much faster than the average, and the information is processed in a significantly shorter time.

- wiki -

23rd January 2021, 21:35
Sounds like telepathy. If folks have heightened senses, that might be enough to push them past the threshold of being able to pick up thoughts.

Of course, I don't like the idea of someone reading my thoughts.

I also anticipate calls. Or think of someone before seeing or hearing from them. I think this is fairly common.

There are cultures which dream collectively. That could be a dynamic related to telepathy.

Emil El Zapato
23rd January 2021, 22:17
it's why i gave up smoking rope ... it seemed like it put me there in full time mode ... I said not only no, but hell no ...


23rd January 2021, 22:27
Thoughts are not just contained within your head, the brain is just like a radio station.

Emil El Zapato
23rd January 2021, 22:39
well, as long as like Aianawa says ... my thoughts ARE my thoughts, I very much prefer keeping it that way ... :)

23rd January 2021, 22:55
I had a telepathic connection with my dog, but it's more of an energetic feeling type thing. They don't think like we do.

The crazy thing is that I even had at times a telepathic connection with my ex... True story.

Emil El Zapato
23rd January 2021, 23:00
it doesn't surprise me, Wind ... you have that kind of deeper spirit that might enable someone to connect like that ...

23rd January 2021, 23:40
It's just not me, it's a natural occurence. Of course some people are able to more easily tune in.

24th January 2021, 04:48
This is related to musicians talking about reaching up or out to grab a song from the ether.

24th January 2021, 06:22
Of course, I don't like the idea of someone reading my thoughts.

You can easily block it if you don't want it and "they" will respect your wishes. Unwritten laws of a higher nature at work. :h5:

24th January 2021, 08:57
Sounds like telepathy. If folks have heightened senses, that might be enough to push them past the threshold of being able to pick up thoughts.

Of course, I don't like the idea of someone reading my thoughts.

I also anticipate calls. Or think of someone before seeing or hearing from them. I think this is fairly common.

There are cultures which dream collectively. That could be a dynamic related to telepathy.

Thoughts are not just contained within your head, the brain is just like a radio station.

I had a telepathic connection with my dog, but it's more of an energetic feeling type thing. They don't think like we do.

The crazy thing is that I even had at times a telepathic connection with my ex... True story.

It's just not me, it's a natural occurence. Of course some people are able to more easily tune in.

This is related to musicians talking about reaching up or out to grab a song from the ether.

I am going to go out on a limb here, but this is the chaos thread, so all kinds of weird logical jumps are supposedly welcome here ─ or so NotAPretender said (albeit perhaps not in those words). :)

Here's the thing... Most scientists agree that the universe started with the Big Bang, which was a singularity. Given that time is only one of the dimensions of space-time, time did not exist "before" the Big Bang. Ergo, despite the many efforts from stubborn ─ in the positive sense ─ scientists to try and guess what happened "before" the Big Bang, there is no way of ever knowing that, because the concepts of "before" and "after" did not exist yet at that point.

Another strange thing is that most people, when you tell them about the Big Bang, will picture this as a kind of explosion that started off in a single point, from which the universe began expanding at an enormous velocity. But that's not what it was like, because if that were the case, then the universe would have a clear center ─ a place somewhere in space-time where it all began, and from where everything is expanding. And yet, that is not what we ─ the word "we" meaning "the scientific community", to which I humbly count myself as well, as someone who has studied and continues to study in various fields of science ─ observe. As the matter of fact, the universe doesn't have a center, and therefore, while our observation is that the universe is expanding, it is doing so in all directions, regardless of one's location within the universe.

Now keep all of the above in mind, because we're going to briefly touch upon another scientific principle, namely Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. It is so-called because it was his original theory of relativity, but it didn't incorporate gravity yet. It was only later that Einstein started factoring in gravity, and then his theory became the General Theory of Relativity. The theory without the gravitational influences was therefore renamed to Special Theory of Relativity, and it is still often used as a simplified model for discussing and studying phenomena in which gravity is irrelevant.

That said, Special Relativity (as it is also called) primarily talks about the speed of light, which is always the same, in any direction, for every observer, regardless of whether an observer is moving, where they are located or which direction they are facing. As such, Special Relativity holds that if the speed of light is a constant for every observer, then both distance and time are variable. This means that objects that approach the speed of light will be contracted in length. Except, that is not what an observer who himself/herself is approaching the speed of light would observe, because to themselves, they would still have the same length, width and height. But another observer, in another reference frame will be seeing this lengthwise contraction in the speeding observer along their direction of travel.

And the weirdness doesn't end here, because if the other observer is also moving, then depending on whether they are moving faster or slower than the first observer, they will be seeing either the past or the future of said first observer. And this in turn means, as Einstein said, that the past, the present and the future are only an illusion. Of course, science does not generally believe in predestination. According to science ─ and its rejection of anything even remotely connected to spirituality ─ the future is wide open, with infinite possibilities, and everything is happening through mere serendipity. But if a particular observer's future can be observed in the present of another observer in a different reference frame, then this notion is false, because then it means that the first observer's future was ─ indeed ─ already written in stone.

This in turn brings me back to what I've already been saying for a long time, which is that we are all characters in a novel, and we don't know what's on the next page, but the book has already long been written, and whoever wrote the book also knows how the story ends. Or if you will, we are all actors in a movie, and the director and the script writer know how the movie ends, but the characters ─ note: the characters, not the actors who are playing the characters ─ don't know what's going to come next.

Now, how does all of this tie in with telepathy? Well, we know that there is such a thing as quantum entanglement. Two particles can get entangled, and then regardless of where they are in the universe ─ even with a distance between them so great that light itself (and thus all forms of communication) would take a long time to travel from one particle to the other ─ a change to one particle will immediately and simultaneously impart a change on the other particle. But of course, not everything is quantum-entangled, and the entanglement also appears not to be absolute. It's not a binary "yes" or "no", but rather a statistical probability. Or to put it otherwise, an experiment based upon entanglement can fail, even if the particles were initially entangled.

Now, let's jump back to Special Relativity and the fact that not the speed of light, but space and time are "flexible". And now couple this to the fact that the universe is observed to be expanding in all directions for every observer, regardless of their position in space-time, and that therefore, the universe does not have a center. Therefore, the Big Bang was not and could not have been an explosion ─ scientists generally agree with that ─ but rather, it was a process of creation; the universe simply "came into existence".

Therefore, my theory at this very moment ─ and I've actually been pondering this for a while already now ─ is that, while we observe the universe to be expanding, this expansion is only an illusion. Yes, the distances between remote galaxies are increasing, as is the distance between them and our own galaxy. And it is happening at a velocity greater than the speed of light, which is possible because we're not talking of an object in space-time that would be traveling faster than light; we are talking about the very medium in which light (and everything else) exists, i.e. space-time itself. And space-time is flexible ─ that's what General Relativity shows us, i.e. gravity bends space-time, and gravity itself is not a force but an acceleration.

So, what we are observing as the expansion of the universe is ─ again, in my theory ─ just as much an illusion as the past, the present and the future, and as the length-wise contraction of an object traveling near the speed of light. The distances between the galaxies are increasing, but they are only increasing in our observation. In reality ─ and quantum entanglement proves this ─ everything is actually still where it used to be at the level of the quantum field. Perhaps an easy way of thinking of this would be to compare the universe to the holodeck onboard the USS Enterprise D in Star Trek: The Next Generation. When the characters onboard the Enterprise enter the holodeck and invoke a simulation, then they can move around within that holographic simulation, and they can travel for kilometers (or miles) on end within that simulation. And it'll feel very real to them, even though ─ obviously ─ the holodeck itself is limited in size.

Bottom line: I now believe that what we call telepathy and empathy ─ in the literal sense of the word "empathy", meaning "being able to feel/experience what another person is feeling/experiencing" ─ are merely the same thing as quantum entanglement, and quantum entanglement merely exists because in the end, we are all still inside of that singularity of the Big Bang. Yes, we see the universe expanding, but in reality, it isn't expanding at all. Everything is still one. But not everyone is telepathic ─ read: entangled ─ and those who are, are also not always entangled with everyone else.

Well, there it is. I hope my logic wasn't too difficult to follow. I know these are all difficult and complex subjects, and some people here admittedly do have attention issues. :p

Emil El Zapato
24th January 2021, 12:53
that's a very good theory ... impressive. I could only say why not. I didn't realize that quantum entanglement could fail. To think that cosmic 'laws' could be flexible makes sense to me and is indicative of what we experience and to hell with the mathematicians. :)

Why would entanglement fail ... that's really interesting. Recalcitrant subatomic particles? Perhaps like Elen suggested, "Screw you my twin, I don't want to play that game today." :)

25th January 2021, 05:22
We humans are electromagnetic beings and so thoughts and emotions contain electromagnetic energy too.


25th January 2021, 05:54
that's a very good theory ... impressive. I could only say why not. I didn't realize that quantum entanglement could fail. To think that cosmic 'laws' could be flexible makes sense to me and is indicative of what we experience and to hell with the mathematicians. :)

Why would entanglement fail ... that's really interesting. Recalcitrant subatomic particles? Perhaps like Elen suggested, "Screw you my twin, I don't want to play that game today." :)

Did I say that? :grin:

Emil El Zapato
25th January 2021, 14:21
yes you did, my dear Elen ... :)

Emil El Zapato
25th January 2021, 14:38
Sheldrake is a very interesting researcher

25th January 2021, 22:59
My brain feels a little entangled...

This phrase is standing out, and not just because it was bolded.

i.e. gravity bends space-time, and gravity itself is not a force but an acceleration.

Emil El Zapato
26th January 2021, 19:57
My daughter just gave herself a blood type test - O-negative ... That substantiates what I always knew ... she's a Starseed ... :) At least that's what the white supremacists say ... and she's as brown as her daddy ... :)

27th January 2021, 01:19
For real? That's weird. It doesn't seem like type O would be an elite type.

27th January 2021, 12:03
The Oregon Republican party is claiming that the insurrection was a false flag.

I thought the Northwest crazies were supposed to be liberals.

Looks like all the stereotypes were just a bunch of BS.

Emil El Zapato
27th January 2021, 12:17
For real? That's weird. It doesn't seem like type O would be an elite type.

It's the rh-negative factor that is considered 'elite' & 'Alien' ... The rh-negative type is actually theorized to have originated in the Basque region of Spain and is also considered to be a natural mutation. As it turns out my daughter is actually rh-positive not negative. :)

It is still interesting for me because her mother is B-positive and I'm A-negative so for my daughter to be type O she had to have inherited a recessive O from both her mother and me. Type O is actually a fortunate blood type to have. I've been trying to figure out if recessive O has any health benefits. Blood type O has definite advantages against Covid, but as it turns out so does rh-negative types.

My daughter was directly exposed to Covid from a co-worker and is right now waiting to see the results of her covid test. If she is positive then she has exposed me too, but she isn't showing any symptoms after at least 4 days since her coworker tested positive.

27th January 2021, 12:48
Thanks. One of our members used to post quite a bit about RH negative and red hair and royal blood lines... ;) It turned out that PA was the preferred forum for that member.

Emil El Zapato
27th January 2021, 12:51
lol, yeah no doubt ... :)

27th January 2021, 12:54
Thanks. One of our members used to post quite a bit about RH negative and red hair and royal blood lines... ;) It turned out that PA was the preferred forum for that member.

As I gather, she was unsubscribed from there during the first big wave of Q-insanity. I don't have any details.

Emil El Zapato
27th January 2021, 18:15
What she Q-insane? Surely it wasn't Trump Derangement Syndrome because only normal healthy humans contracted that disease.

27th January 2021, 18:36
What she Q-insane? Surely it wasn't Trump Derangement Syndrome because only normal healthy humans contracted that disease.

Oh yes, she was definitely one of the fanatics, according to what I've heard.

Emil El Zapato
27th January 2021, 18:48
well let's have some names ... :)

27th January 2021, 19:40
well let's have some names ... :)

I'm afraid I cannot do that, NotAPretender. Her account here is still active, even though she hasn't been around in a long time now. :noidea:

Emil El Zapato
27th January 2021, 20:15
:) ok ...

28th January 2021, 12:08
This is a good sum-up of the 'mentality' going on:

“Keep your goddamn government hands off my Medicare!”

People really say these sorts of things.

I hope more smart people immigrate.

28th January 2021, 12:28

28th January 2021, 12:45
Random post alert:

Insurance company advertisements are all about creating whole worlds. There's a slew of Geico characters. Flo and her Progressive minions inhabit their own world. Farmer's tells its vignettes.

I find the Liberty Mutual commercials to be by far the most annoying.

So annoying.

Except for the two boys who go get tacos. They're cute.

Emil El Zapato
28th January 2021, 13:21
yes, annoying. Flo and her crew are hilarious I think.

The AT&T girl was cutely captivating at first, but now they've put to much emphasis on the cute and it really isn't working. I'm still disgusted by that lying bastard that does State Farm, but it seems they have added another guy as a foil to the liar and he actually says, "We always tell the truth!" haha, i sent them some strong brainwaves. :)

28th January 2021, 13:49
Lying bastard?

Emil El Zapato
28th January 2021, 13:51
yeah, the black dude that talks about accident forgiveness... he's a f*cking liar. :)

Emil El Zapato
28th January 2021, 17:59
Speaking of redneck hillbillies :) This is a 1st or 2nd cousin, their family lives in North Carolina pretty close to the Darling family. No not really I think it is Tennessee.

Cuz, a.k.a. Rusty Meek. I hope he doesn't find out I posted this, I know he don't cotton to revenuers but I reckon' he likes me even less. He is one of a passel of new found kinfolk. :)


I actually see the family resemblance ... :)

Emil El Zapato
29th January 2021, 12:30
Oh, cmon pepos ... my cuz ain't that scary looking ... :) ok, yes he is.

Here's a picture of my half-sister on the top and my grands on the bottom... a.k.a. The Detty Clan. Somewhere along the line one of them there folks hitched a Meek. yeehaw!


29th January 2021, 13:13
You cause me to wonder.

My niece managed to find my sister-in-law's family. She spoke to them. It was a very weird experience for her. They really want to see her. She's not so sure.

Emil El Zapato
29th January 2021, 13:34
yes, it is scary, I garanttee you that. My half-sister on my muddah side is a psychologist and so pretty balanced. The rest of 'her' family are fanatical rightists. Even my other half-siblings and as my half posted to me just today, they are INSANE. Same emphasis.

There are paralles between us, though. She was a high school dropout, gang member, etc ... she got her stuff together and ended up as a shrink. Her maiden name is Cocco, her dad was/is an Italiano.

Sometimes the reunions are happy, sometimes not so much. I've yet to meet any of mine, I have spoken with my half-sister on the phone and it was a pleasant conversation (after a year-and-a-half of just messaging). But pretending that we are one big happy family ... I dunno ... someday perhaps. I have to consider my younger brother's feelings. He is in the same situation as me with his new found relatives and simply wants no part of it.

If your niece is reluctant I would suggest taking more time to figure things out ... her true feelings.

29th January 2021, 13:53
I continue to be amazed, although I should not be.

People accuse others of pedophilia/child abuse with no evidence, just lots of speculation. They claim outrage at this alleged atrocity.

Then, real evidence comes out about folks like Epstein, Maxwell, Conway, and on and on.


Crickets. Snoring. Yawning.

So....fanning flames with no evidence? A OK!

Examining actually suspicious behavior and connections? No way, Jose!

Emil El Zapato
29th January 2021, 13:59
Now my paternal side refuses to even message with me. One of my purported half-sisters on that side responded to my message with a no holds-barred, "Not interested". That hurt, but my cousin on that side a very decent guy with an education, he is a program director for NASA told me that the whole family lives in denial and have been at war with each other ever since he can remember. We message all the time and he says getting family information would be akin to pulling teeth. He grew up with them and he says he doesn't know half the sh*t.

I have a female cousin on that side who is also a very open person saying that her cousins (my half-siblings) are f*cked up. She said one of them she honestly believes to be schizophrenic because she is so crazy. Ahh, now that sounds like family... :)

So, the fact that your niece's gene family is willing to 'discuss' things is a positive.

There's that famous story of the 3 identical triplets that were purposefully adopted out to different families (A jewish orphanage conspiracy intended to do 'research') that met their mother and one of them said, "once was enough". He wasn't impressed because they met in a bar when they were all in their early twenties and he noticed that their mother was slamming down drinks at the same rate that they were. It's a fascinating story if you're not familiar with it. "Identical Strangers".

29th January 2021, 14:05
I really like stories of twins who find each other as adults and discover that they both have similar homes, or similar jobs or hobbies, or children with the same names, or spouses who look alike.

It's so fascinating.

I would freak out if I had a twin. But we might not look that much alike because I had my teeth fixed. And even if she did as well, hers would still look different due to the course of work/period of time it took for mine.

Hers would probably have happened in a more 'normal' way, when she was younger.

She would also probably have two or three careers to my none. Or maybe many children young.

Who knows.

Emil El Zapato
29th January 2021, 14:12
yes, those are the kinds of things we wonder about ... :)

29th January 2021, 16:12
Do you know the guy (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/11510-Chaos-and-the-Anti-Thread?p=842034761&viewfull=1#post842034761)? Something about him?

I recall he played the President in 24. His character was called on for help during the subsequent President's term.

Emil El Zapato
29th January 2021, 16:31
Kiefer Sutherland ... good series ... his daddy is one of my favorites ...

oh, yeah that's him ... I never watched 24 ...

No, but that commercial was on the air when I had my one and only accident. 'Accident Forgiveness'.

State Farm cancelled my policy... the assholes. :)

Emil El Zapato
29th January 2021, 16:38
It's Allstate, there is a remarkable likeness between Dennis Dexter Haysbert and David Palmer (24)


29th January 2021, 19:51
You're messin' with me, NAP.

David Palmer is a fictional character, portrayed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Palmer_(24)) by Dennis Haysbert

:cool:like a good neighbor;)

Emil El Zapato
29th January 2021, 20:31
lol, holy shit no ... I just saw the name David Palmer, RU Sure David Palmer is fictional? It read like that was his actual name ... I just sort of glanced but I did go to Wikipedia ... and then I looked up the commercial guy and it said Dennis Dexter Haysbert. I'm really confused now ... :)

Emil El Zapato
29th January 2021, 20:40
I wasn't paying attention ... not sure what I was doing ... but it wasn't reading ... I see it now ... this is the search I did this morning: David Palmer (24) and it popped up on the upper right. I saw the picture and followed a link to Wiki ... never at all noticed the 'fictional character' that is all over the place.

Timeline switch alert ... OR I've lost my mind alert. :)

30th January 2021, 00:56
Truth is, in fact, stranger than fiction.

Here's a Contrapoint for you:

What do you do if you're a Gryffindor stuck in a Hufflepuff's body?

30th January 2021, 01:48
I was naive. I used to think that Trump bankrupted casinos because he was so busy lining his pockets and so used to getting bailed out by his Dad that he just kept on doing it.

I knew nothing about how real estate, especially in New York City, is such a tool for money laundering. Guess who loves to launder money in NYC?

Among others, Russians.

And who was it who loaned Trump money for golf resorts when no-one else was building them and no US banks were giving loans?

Oh yeah, the Russians.

I'm so naive.

Because I wouldn't think of doing such things.

Emil El Zapato
30th January 2021, 14:34
Truth is, in fact, stranger than fiction.

Here's a Contrapoint for you:

What do you do if you're a Gryffindor stuck in a Hufflepuff's body?


30th January 2021, 14:52

Octopus Garden
30th January 2021, 23:25
It would be beyond funny if it turned out Melania was Donald's 'handler.' From Russia, with love. Well close enough to Russia, anyway. His triumph at the polls 4 years ago could have been in the works for a couple of decades. Maybe Trump is Putin's revenge although the oligarch's who loaned him money may not have any connection to Putin at all.

That meme the right wing is so fond of, "Russia, Russia, Russia," to put down anybody drawing a clear line between Trump and Russia is intentional blindness or stupidity. It's a proven fact he has strong ties to Russia.

Emil El Zapato
30th January 2021, 23:37
What an empty-headed meme it is ... it bothers the h out of me just to hear it. I hope you've been well, OG. :)

30th January 2021, 23:37
Indeed. The weirdest thing of all is how little people care. Do they expect to benefit from strong ties with Russia? I fail to see how. Most people certainly would not.

Octopus Garden
31st January 2021, 01:33
Thanks. Much better, NAP. I can now say I know what a seriously wrenched back feels like, so not a total loss.

The Russian exercise with Trump is about weakening the U.S. Good job so far!

31st January 2021, 03:24
Indeed. I remember hearing a weird thing years ago where someone said that Russians were going to take over America. I thought it was fantastic hyperbole. However, it seems like at least some in leadership aren't really so concerned about the possibility. Perhaps they think they have something to gain.

Melania is interesting. She could have been a hook in Donald.

31st January 2021, 14:18
I listened to an interview of Frank Luntz, former GOP strategist. OMG, what a snowflake. I can't believe these people. Bolton, Stevens, Luntz. Frikkin snowflakes. Jeez. No wonder their party is such a mess.

I used to believe the 'Republicans are tough' line. Boy was I mistaken.

There are a couple who are, in fact, tough and unafraid. And they're with the Lincoln Project and no longer calling themselves GOP members.

I'm not even a fan of these people, but at least they have a backbone and don't whine about how they would have fought the 'serious concerns of national security if the Democrats had just been more nice to them.'


Emil El Zapato
31st January 2021, 18:08
Thanks. Much better, NAP. I can now say I know what a seriously wrenched back feels like, so not a total loss.

Well, OG, as I once cautioned a moderator here ... You have to stay out of those barroom brawls. :)

1st February 2021, 02:41
I was looking up images related to heyoka. One search was for 'sacred clown'. Amongst the expected images was an unexpected one.

A photo of Joe Rogan.

I'm not clownin' around.

2nd February 2021, 16:00
I wonder if I could fully agree with this.


Emil El Zapato
2nd February 2021, 20:55
Interesting ... he would have to say a whole more than he just did to convince me. Really, I tend to think that creation/cosmos is good and it takes a willful choice to reject it.

Octopus Garden
2nd February 2021, 23:43
Uncertainty, polarization and fear are a part of life. You can work to reduce them but not eliminate them. And often they are imposed upon us, not freely chosen by us. If you live in a 'shithole' country with gangsters for political leaders, it's not up to you to meditate it away, or change your thinking about it. It is objectively real and you have to deal with it, often by fighting fire with fire. And yes, that means you risk becoming more like 'it' yourself. But them's the brakes.

There is nothing right wing politicians would like more than for everyone to "accept personal responsibility" for their 'negative emotions' and polarized views.

These gurus have their place, but 50% of what they say, seems to be blown right out of their ass and not applicable to the real mundane world as people live it, as they have to live it. Self improvement gurus are such a scam. He's or was a lovely human being, but....

I say that without watching the video, so I may be mistaken. I guess I will watch it now!

Okay, watched it. People deal with fear by becoming more materialistic or identifying with something they consider good, like a structured religion. Problem is, there are many emotional factors that have people adopting this behavior. They are not always coping strategies. What about the seven deadly sins--like pure greed? Fear based? Sometimes, not always.

Identifying with a religion can be status seeking, which may or may not be fear based. The underlying emotion could be a desire for power which is also not always fear driven. It can be driven by pure aggression.

Ram Dass equates neuroses with our attitudes. But this is not clearly correct. Speaking in pathological terms, it is people on the aggressive narcissistic continuum that are most prone to destruction.

Neurotics, who are fear based, are often conscientious and guilt and shame based. Guilt and shame are uncomfortable but there for a damn good reason and if you have ever been around anyone who did not or could not experience this state of being, it becomes evident just how important they are for a civilized society.

Emil El Zapato
2nd February 2021, 23:51
Didn't change your mind it seems ... I once asked my Ethics teacher if any of 'those' people were normal and he just laughed and said, "We teach and learn the extremes"

Octopus Garden
3rd February 2021, 00:01
Well, OG, as I once cautioned a moderator here ... You have to stay out of those barroom brawls. :)

Yeah...but you should have seen the other woman!

Emil El Zapato
3rd February 2021, 00:04
lol ... jolly good show ... :)

3rd February 2021, 11:05
Confession time :priest:

I'm laughing with schadenfreude. I just can't help it.

3rd February 2021, 19:50
Speaking in pathological terms, it is people on the aggressive narcissistic continuum that are most prone to destruction.

It wouldn't be so bad if they were only on the path of self-destruction, but those kind of pathological people tend to take many down with them, even whole nations. All you actually need is one narcissist to do to that. What about thousands of them, or sociopaths and psychopaths? I do think they're essentially evil as their actions are too. You are your deeds.

Here NAP's favorite Canadian psychologist talks about the concept of evil. :rolleyes:


4th February 2021, 08:45
:ttr: Evil is much too easy to find, imo. Thank goodness there's so much goodness. I mean that sincerely.

Goodness and love are the counterforce to evil.

It's way to easy to fall victim to ego and anger. This is why evil is weakness and not strength. Love is where strength lies. :love:

4th February 2021, 21:03
God is good & love and those forces are my guiding stars until the end of time.

5th February 2021, 06:20
:ttr: Evil is much too easy to find, imo. Thank goodness there's so much goodness. I mean that sincerely.

Goodness and love are the counterforce to evil.

It's way to easy to fall victim to ego and anger. This is why evil is weakness and not strength. Love is where strength lies. :love:


9th February 2021, 03:55
Stupid or evil?


9th February 2021, 11:30
He's playing Trump's game of, "Micheal Cohen? Who's that? Never heard of him. I'm sure he's a nice guy..."

17th February 2021, 01:01
My sister-in-law likes to say that our two political parties are like a married couple. The Republicans are the husband, the Democrats are the wife.

For some time now, I've been seeing how that is an abusive relationship. The husband plays the typical, she-made-me-do-it victim game.

It's funny and a little weird to see someone else whom I don't know at all say what I've been thinking:

It’s easy to understand why they [now] blame Biden if you look at the language of the abuser. “She made me angry, so it’s her fault I hit her” easily translates to “He won the election, so it’s his fault we had to riot. He made us do it.”

18th February 2021, 00:10
I forgot that Rush Limbaugh did this:


On most good days, I just forgot he existed.

18th February 2021, 01:12
For the doubters:

Iowa’s Cedar Gazette reported in 1990 (https://www.newspapers.com/clip/71309533/the-gazette/) that Limbaugh’s “AIDS Update,” a recurring segment in which he made jokes about a disease that had killed more than 100,000 people in the United States the previous decade, started by playing songs such as “Back in the Saddle Again,” “Kiss Him Goodbye,” “I Know I’ll Never Love This Way Again,” and “Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places.”

18th February 2021, 12:37
On another note....

My former Lt. Governor, Michael Steele is now with the Lincoln Project. (Gee, I wonder what he knew over the last year?)

There were many things I didn't like about him which I don't recall. The reason for that is that when I do recall why leaders disappoint me or do wrong, I get so angry it's hard to live daily life. So I have to not think about specifics, but just recall the recoiling feeling. Then later I get reminded of the specifics.

And so, from a different resident of this state,

Steele was my Lt. Gov in Maryland for just one term, I believe, in the early 2000s. He said some typically (for the time) ridiculous things and I believe was behind a stunt where his gubernatorial running mate, Bob Ehrlich and their campaign bused in homeless men from Philly to harass voters at the polls (I even got mildly harassed by one of them who was inside the allowed distance for political workers at my polling place).

What? Bussing people in? Voter intimidation? No wonder that accusation gets hurled so often by Republicans. It's what they've been doing for years.

The tools of reflection and distraction have been finely honed.

Emil El Zapato
18th February 2021, 13:04
Rush Limbaugh, what a funny guy.

19th February 2021, 11:32
I hereby concede that women would be no more rational, no less warmongering and lying than the men we've had leading us (humans).

January 6th and the aftermath have demonstrated to me that women are just as bat-shit as men.

20th February 2021, 12:01
Showercap's blog this week (http://showercapblog.com/sewage-dunk-tank-with-ted-cruz-week-is-the-best-week/) is about Texas and Cruz, NAP. You may appreciate it.

Here's a snippet:

And did you see that...letter Adam Kinzinger got from his...family? Holy shit. I keep hearing about how much REALER than me these people are...but what they’re doing here is like if somebody in, say, October of 2001, got all up in your shit and started shrieking at you for refusing to take Bin Laden’s side.

20th February 2021, 12:29
Far from it, Thursday was one of the slowest news days in a good long while, and there was little else to do but watch [Cruz] step, with miraculous precision, on every single rake in the known universe, one after the other.

If I ever decide to write scathing editorials, this dude will be one of my role-models.

Emil El Zapato
20th February 2021, 13:12
lol, yeah, he's pretty good.

Emil El Zapato
20th February 2021, 13:43
Been through there a number of times ... never stopped thankfully



21st February 2021, 12:28
This is pretty awful and yet terribly funny. I saw this quote yesterday:

"The ambulatory Ed Gein inspired lampshade known as Steven Bannon..."

I looked up Ed Gein...:omg: and :hilarious:

Emil El Zapato
21st February 2021, 14:11
lol, Ed Gein, now there's an interesting 'local' ... :)

21st February 2021, 21:23
Rush Limbaugh, what a funny guy.


22nd February 2021, 13:20
Funny what happens when ideas reach the 'mainstream':

You had to nod and smile as he explained how Spiro Agnew's ghost is making him fill this Big Gulp in order to seed a hybrid race of humanzee super soldiers who will be specially trained to defend future U.S. Jupiter moon colonies as soon as the time portal inside the nacho kiosk is completed.

Emil El Zapato
22nd February 2021, 16:53
it seems my intent was mis-interpeted ...

politicians are politicians ... all the óthers' alluded to are Democratic politicians ... bottom line to the white populists the greatest line of demarcation is race ... political and species race ... completely true and open ...

if it was misconstrued i don't apologize that's not my issue ... it's the readers

Gio you are off on a ridiculous rant ...

oh Gawd, I've been cancelled ... I made my point anyway ... :)

Emil El Zapato
25th February 2021, 12:38
In 1985 Hoeflin and Langdon published the World's Hardest I.Q. test in Omni magazine. It must have changed overtime because in the original there was a question regarding the analogy between St. Petersburg and Petrograd to something else, I couldn't find it. Below are the verbal questions in the current version. Can anyone spot any analogy to the one I mentioned above. I wonder if I just went on some weird tangent and I am just remembering what I was thinking at the time. :). It seems the original version was canceled. Likely once or twice. :)

1. Once : Twice :: Bitten : ?
2. Amphibian : Salamander :: Political district : ?
3. Riddle : Mystery :: Mystery : ?
4. Penny : Thrift :: Pinch : ?
5. 2.54 : Inch :: 454 : ?
6. One-eyed : Cyclops :: Two-faced : ?
7. Swiftness : Velocity :: Stickiness : ?
8. Say : Hear :: Imply : ?
9. Space : Hyperspace :: Vector : ?
10. Wind : Rain :: Typhoon : ?
11. Scenic : Picturesque :: Roguish : ?
12. Inward : Outward :: Infection : ?
13. Strong : Herculean :: Polymorphous : ?
14. Sophisticated : Wisened :: Wrinkled : ?
15. Wicked Woman : Witch :: Bad Taste : ?
16. Silly, Not Obese : Fatuous :: Offensive, Not Loud : ?
17. Column : Row :: File : ?
18. Humbug : Bach :: Seek : ?
19. Coals : Newcastle :: Rough Beast : ?
20. Enlightenment : Illuminati :: Knowledge : ?
21. Pride : Prejudice :: Sense : ?
22. Of Ten : Factor :: Of Magnitude : ?
23. 2.54 : Inch :: 3.26 : ?
24. Pocus : Hocus :: Pokery : ?
25. Eggs : Grading :: Wounded : ?
26. Mock : Mach :: Oiler : ?
27. Go : Gang :: Awry : ?
28. Tall, Dark : Handsome :: Nasty, Brutish : ?
29. Split Apart : Cleave :: Stick Together : ?
30. Image : Idea :: Hallucination : ?
31. Hairpiece : Wig :: Party : ?
32. Tom : Harry :: Gold : ?
33. Them : Us :: Eskimo : ?
34. Wedding Assistant : Best Man :: Movie Production Assistant : ?
35. A, AB, B, BO, O : BO :: A, C, G, T, U : ?
36. Plus Ultra : Ne :: Ne Sais Quoi : ?

26th February 2021, 12:36
The above post makes so much more sense here, don't you think? ;)

Emil El Zapato
26th February 2021, 12:43
lol, it dun matta' ... except it is hard for me to piss people off within this thread. :)

27th February 2021, 10:53
Business as usual!


28th February 2021, 13:21
Does Trump really see himself as a kind of Pagan God? How hilarious would that be?

I'm not sure why the golden CPAC statue has a wand. It's not a scepter. Is he casting a magic spell? In his flag shorts? (I don't want to embed an image)

I'm a little confused.

I think we're devolving.

On another interesting CPAC note, the stage is an upside down rune. But the rune has legs on it which were not part of runic writing.

They were part of nazi symbolism.

Here's the breakdown:

The odal rune is from the Elder Futhark. It has no legs.


The following image is the Flag of the 7th SS Freiwillingen-Gebirgs — Division Prinz Eugen, a Volksdeutsche Waffen-SS division operating in Croatia during World War II


And a soldier:

Here's an image:https://images.dailykos.com/images/922006/large/ssprinz?1614452912

Here's the CPAC stage (upside down and highlighted):


Exactly which God are they invoking? I don't think it's the Christian one anymore.

Emil El Zapato
28th February 2021, 13:43
business as usual: for whatever it's worth Wind ... it is much more nuanced than that. It will take time to stabilize the global state and this is part of the process. Bombs are always flying and certainly not just American ones.

interesting DT. The TPAC thing is an Onion editorial. It is closer and closer to what Jung and others described as mass psychosis (Wind's video). No joke! A Golden statue? Is that supposed to be self-parody?

28th February 2021, 18:52
My understanding is that the Trump statue was made by an artist who used his own funds. He hopes to sell it. I don't know whether CPAC paid him anything to use it. He made it in his studio in Mexico.

The wand is the weirdest thing to me.