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13th February 2018, 14:05
So...Putin's saying that Trump says he can speak for him regarding PLOs?
Trump's has had eight conversations with Putin that we find out about from Russian media?
There's a guy out with a book talking about the faith of Trump. Even though Trump has publicly said many times that he's too good to ask God for forgiveness, a central tenant of evangelical faith, this guy says he's totally different in private. Trump assured him "100 percent" he believes in Jesus. We just need to take his word for it and buy the book to see the truth of Trump's faith.
I'm so tired of the hypocrisy.
enjoy being
13th February 2018, 14:22
24th February 2018, 09:19
Dana Loesch. Sounds like Loosh.
The Eagles won the Super Bowl. The Florida school mascot is the Eagles.
I haven't looked at the numerology around this event.
The alternative community seems to have a lot of emotion invested in Trump. He spoke the language for years. Obama's birth certificate, questioning 9/11. People must have thought he was truly their man.
He didn't really think he'd get elected. He was positioning himself to be the main media darling of this community. He was going to reign terror over the media and Hillary's government. And he likely would have accomplished a great deal.
But he got elected.
What does a narcissist do then? Become a messiah. He is the 'savior' of the right. Thus the fundamentalists support a man who literally professes the opposite of their faith.
He doesn't ask God for forgiveness. Said so himself.
24th February 2018, 09:52
I didn't even know CPAC was getting ready to have an event. And they chanted 'lock her up!' a bunch of times. Wow. How far they have gone.
The timing is amazing. I bet a lot of high school students are watching them and are unimpressed.
enjoy being
24th February 2018, 10:04
24th February 2018, 13:05
The Eagles won the Super Bowl.
Are you sure about that? I thought they had called it quits now that Glenn Frey has passed away. :p
The alternative community seems to have a lot of emotion invested in Trump.
Really? I haven't noticed. :belief: :whstl: (Yes, that was sarcasm. :p)
[...] What does a narcissist do then? Become a messiah. He is the 'savior' of the right. [...] He doesn't ask God for forgiveness. Said so himself.
That's because he thinks he is a god. ;)
24th February 2018, 16:36
I was dreaming last night about telling people I'm sovereign and don't have to follow their orders.
Good grief. I must be practicing.
Emil El Zapato
24th February 2018, 20:14
you are practicing... :) that's a good thing, always...practice makes better, as one of my shrinks once remarked. :)
Dumpster Diver
24th February 2018, 20:45
Are you sure about that? I thought they had called it quits now that Glenn Frey has passed away. :p
Really? I haven't noticed. :belief: :whstl: (Yes, that was sarcasm. :p)
That's because he thinks he is a god. ;)
...the above is Argon trying to emulate Dumpster Diver.
Horrors, I’ve gone over to speaking of self in third person.
Emil El Zapato
4th March 2018, 20:15
This is a post mostly for you continue on your comment about being a Virgo and my response to it.
If you recall about a month ago I remarked about my sick neighbor across street having been picked up by an ambulance that was a Sunday I believe. In my latest post I remarked about my Sun chart and Virgo as an 8th house. I further recounted the accident that I happened upon and about how horrific it was.
I just found out my neighbor friend died on Thursday and his services are tomorrow which I will be unable to attend because I'll be traveling for work. I'll miss him...he was my daily sounding board regarding all my trials and tribulations.
4th March 2018, 21:18
This is a post mostly for you continue on your comment about being a Virgo and my response to it.
If you recall about a month ago I remarked about my sick neighbor across street having been picked up by an ambulance that was a Sunday I believe. In my latest post I remarked about my Sun chart and Virgo as an 8th house. I further recounted the accident that I happened upon and about how horrific it was.
I just found out my neighbor friend died on Thursday and his services are tomorrow which I will be unable to attend because I'll be traveling for work. I'll miss him...he was my daily sounding board regarding all my trials and tribulations.
My condolences, NotAPretender. I've lost a couple of friends myself in 2017.
Emil El Zapato
4th March 2018, 22:19
thanks, I truly appreciate it...
4th March 2018, 23:06
I was just at a funeral. Condolences all around.
Bright side, new babies born recently. Life goes on.:hug:
5th March 2018, 07:59
My condolences too.
Emil El Zapato
7th March 2018, 03:10
I just posted over at, I don't think I'm going to last long...Some of those people are the dregs of the Earth.
7th March 2018, 11:51
You passed the application process, eh? Are you NAP there also?
I was just thinking about how these are times of change and the same old, same old, dog and pony isn't the same at all. Things are becoming quite different...
Emil El Zapato
7th March 2018, 13:41
I was booted back in 2011-2012 and tried several times to get back in...Reading those sick folks posts incenses me and I have a hard time just letting things like that go. Finally El Sombrero gave his imprimatur and approved letting me back in. No, I'm wha'tha over there. I promised BR that I would behave but I'm not sure I can keep that promise... :)
Dumpster Diver
7th March 2018, 17:44
I just posted over at, I don't think I'm going to last long...Some of those people are the dregs of the Earth.
Remember: hate the sin, love the sinner.
Emil El Zapato
9th March 2018, 20:03
http:// (
9th March 2018, 20:10
http:// (
Perhaps a little explanation would not be a bad idea? The above link crashes two of my three installed browsers, and I haven't bothered to check with the third one because it's bound to crash as well. :hmm:
Emil El Zapato
9th March 2018, 20:13
:) ... you must be as bored as I am...just go ahead and delete the post Mr. Aragorn...
it was just a list of creepy photos ... ghosts, aliens, monster, sea creatures ... :)
9th March 2018, 20:27
:) ... you must be as bored as I am...just go ahead and delete the post Mr. Aragorn...
There's no need for that. ;)
it was just a list of creepy photos ... ghosts, aliens, monster, sea creatures ... :)
Oh, I see. :) Well, YouTube has a huge list of videos about those things. And it's alllll true! :p :D
Dumpster Diver
10th March 2018, 01:12
Perhaps a little explanation would not be a bad idea? The above link crashes two of my three installed browsers, and I haven't bothered to check with the third one because it's bound to crash as well. :hmm:
Use safari. I just did, no problems. Btw, its a slide show of spooky photos. I’m sure you’ve seen a bunch of them.
10th March 2018, 01:49
Perhaps a little explanation would not be a bad idea? The above link crashes two of my three installed browsers, and I haven't bothered to check with the third one because it's bound to crash as well. :hmm:
Use safari. I just did, no problems. Btw, its a slide show of spooky photos. I’m sure you’ve seen a bunch of them.
The Safari browser is proprietary to Apple and only available for iOS and macOS. It's not available on GNU/Linux. ;)
Emil El Zapato
12th March 2018, 02:51
This guy spends 2.5 hours explaining why he's right and why the American education system is wrong. What he doesn't realize is that he is the strongest argument for why he is wrong.
12th March 2018, 03:49
This guy spends 2.5 hours explaining why he's right and why the American education system is wrong. What he doesn't realize is that he is the strongest argument for why he is wrong.
Ah yes, Joseph "don't forget my middle initial" P. Farrell — another one of those famous "alternative community" talking heads, and for that matter, one who likes rubbing shoulders with El Hombre Con Sombrero™. But then again, he's wearing a sombrero himself these days, and for the same reasons as the guy in Ecuador. :p
I've seen several interviews of Jay Pee Eff, and I completely agree with your assessment. I generally don't find him worth my time anymore. ;)
12th March 2018, 13:21
Jay Pee Eff:ttr: I listened to a lot of convos he had with Ms. Fitts, Dark Journalist and on The Byte Show. He has written about some interesting subjects including the Vatican, the bankers of Venice, and the Nazis in Argentina.
He likes to "go way out on the limb of high octane speculation" a lot. I haven't really been listening to him lately. He regularly does his News and Views which are around 10 minutes long.
There's a lot of bias all around. In this community, as it is outside the mainstream, it's a bit easier for bias to be present. That seems to be part and parcel for many.
Emil El Zapato
13th March 2018, 15:47
Weird question for the day:
Anybody living in a community with an active serial killer?
Here in Austin, TX there is a serial bomber that has killed two and injured 1 in the last two weeks. 2 blacks and 1 Hispanic. LE (Law Enforcement for those of you that aren't acrimonious) is suggesting a possible hate crime spree but most 'serials' prey on their own kind. Tragic, yes, I haven't been touched by it as yet so I can say it will be 'interesting' to see who the perp/s are.
Had to take an alternate route to work today another serious car accident. Car squashed by something, possibly a big truck. It's not a pretty start of any day.
13th March 2018, 18:11
I heard about that and was concerned because some family of mine is imminently traveling to Austin. I'll be checking in with them.
Emil El Zapato
13th March 2018, 19:20
I heard about that and was concerned because some family of mine is imminently traveling to Austin. I'll be checking in with them.
I'm sure they will be fine...there is at least a level of targeting taking place so it doesn't seem completely random.
Simply go nowhere near an unmarked packaged or any strange package at all.
Dumpster Diver
13th March 2018, 20:36
Weird question for the day:
Anybody living in a community with an active serial killer?
Here in Austin, TX there is a serial bomber that has killed two and injured 1 in the last two weeks. 2 blacks and 1 Hispanic. LE (Law Enforcement for those of you that aren't acrimonious) is suggesting a possible hate crime spree but most 'serials' prey on their own kind. Tragic, yes, I haven't been touched by it as yet so I can say it will be 'interesting' to see who the perp/s are.
Had to take an alternate route to work today another serious car accident. Car squashed by something, possibly a big truck. It's not a pretty start of any day.
You need to read this book:
It may not make you any safer, but you might just come to understand the problem.
Emil El Zapato
13th March 2018, 20:43
You need to read this book:
It may not make you any safer, but you might just come to understand the problem.
Looks interesting...
Morbid fascination is invoked by the SK's ability to revel in death...something most normals don't care to even think about.
What makes them tick: The one thing that no self-respecting SK would ever admit to...necrophilia. That also explains the longstanding myth of the 'criminal always returns to the scene of the crime'. The sexually motivated SK returns for continued 'fun'. It's no wonder they won't own up to it...
13th March 2018, 20:58
I must admit that because psychology has been my major interest, also the mind's of serial killers and psycopaths have been interesting to me so I've studied them. When it comes to serial killers, Unabomber was a weird one though, because the victims didn't matter to him. He was just going against the system in his own violent manic way. I'm currently watching a Netflix series about him.
Emil El Zapato
13th March 2018, 21:08
I must admit that because psychology has been my major interest, also the mind's of serial killers and psycopaths have been interesting to me so I've studied them. When it comes to serial killers, Unabomber was a weird one though, because the victims didn't matter to him. He was just going against the system in his own violent manic way. I'm currently watching a Netflix series about him.
yeah, I watched that awhile back...
14th March 2018, 18:16
I hope I'm not expected to believe that the nationwide school walkouts are a Soros creation.
It's awesome and great to be highly skeptical of the mainstream narrative. It's supremely not smart to be utterly divorced from it. If the only source of information that people rely on is coming from the 'alternative community' they are going to be sorely lacking in many ways.
In order to debunk or disprove something it's crucial to understand the whole of it.
Dumpster Diver
14th March 2018, 20:16
I hope I'm not expected to believe that the nationwide school walkouts are a Soros creation.
It's awesome and great to be highly skeptical of the mainstream narrative. It's supremely not smart to be utterly divorced from it. If the only source of information that people rely on is coming from the 'alternative community' they are going to be sorely lacking in many ways.
In order to debunk or disprove something it's crucial to understand the whole of it.
Oh, oh. Dreamy likes Maddow AND Soros...
...Dreamy, by any chance do you have a 666 tattooed into your hairline? :whstl:
14th March 2018, 21:46
It's awesome and great to be highly skeptical of the mainstream narrative. It's supremely not smart to be utterly divorced from it. If the only source of information that people rely on is coming from the 'alternative community' they are going to be sorely lacking in many ways.
14th March 2018, 23:49
If I had 666 on my scalp my name would be Damian and I would be able to spout information and statistics without limit. (see Damian: Omen II)
Like Soros? What's to like? He's not anywhere near as powerful as portrayed. He's just one of many rich guys trying to influence policy. Corporations get to write legislation. And they're not even elected.
What I like is these high school kids coming of age and getting active. This is the generation that has been feared because it's the biggest since the Baby Boomers. And it's a lot more culturally diverse. That scares us older folk (though I'm not a Baby Boomer. I'm in between them and Gen X. We have no name).
Dumpster Diver
15th March 2018, 00:00
I’m about to draw a money line of about $10 mil US. If you are worth north of that figure, 98% chance of being a Satanist or compromised.
15th March 2018, 01:06
Or lucky. Like a lucky investment or winning the lottery.
I know some people who have a business in specialized medical equipment. Lots of customers for that with the aging Boomer population. They're probably worth more than ten. It doesn't seem likely that they're satanists.
Emil El Zapato
15th March 2018, 01:19
If I had 666 on my scalp my name would be Damian and I would be able to spout information and statistics without limit. (see Damian: Omen II)
Like Soros? What's to like? He's not anywhere near as powerful as portrayed. He's just one of many rich guys trying to influence policy. Corporations get to write legislation. And they're not even elected.
What I like is these high school kids coming of age and getting active. This is the generation that has been feared because it's the biggest since the Baby Boomers. And it's a lot more culturally diverse. That scares us older folk (though I'm not a Baby Boomer. I'm in between them and Gen X. We have no name).
I dated a girl once that looked a lot like Damian ... she acted like it too...
Dumpster Diver
15th March 2018, 06:38
Or lucky. Like a lucky investment or winning the lottery.
I know some people who have a business in specialized medical equipment. Lots of customers for that with the aging Boomer population. They're probably worth more than ten. It doesn't seem likely that they're satanists.
As I said, they got a 2% chance of escaping...
15th March 2018, 10:24
Imagine being an observer of Earth. You're watching the goings on of humans and all the life on the planet. What an amazing task. Huge. Big League.
I think I would want to keep myself secret. I would observe but not interfere. Except on a quantum level 'cause that can't be helped.
Imagine just the last 500 years. Wow.
But an observer might have to be somewhat cold and detached. Like photographing wildlife. You might want to intervene to help a creature but should you? In the wild, nature calls the shots.
Dumpster Diver
15th March 2018, 15:00
Imagine being an observer of Earth. You're watching the goings on of humans and all the life on the planet. What an amazing task. Huge. Big League.
I think I would want to keep myself secret. I would observe but not interfere. Except on a quantum level 'cause that can't be helped.
Imagine just the last 500 years. Wow.
But an observer might have to be somewhat cold and detached. Like photographing wildlife. You might want to intervene to help a creature but should you? In the wild, nature calls the shots.
Right. Except they not only interfered, they massively changed timelines, fought wars with each other, enslaved us, lied to us, ate us, tortured us...
Cute, benine critters like “ET” they are not.
15th March 2018, 15:20
This is what happens when someone is completely disconnected from the mainstream:
But they used the phrase, "the calm before the Stormy". It definitely made me pause and consider. How many people in the comedy world even know that Trump made such a comment last fall? Was that comment by Trump even given any airtime on shows like the CBS evening news, or MSNBC? Makes me really wish I knew what was really going on.
Makes me really see how clueless this person has become.
The late night comedians draw from the news. They're all over it. And not just the mainstream. Yes they knew the phrase, that's why they used it. Yes it's been on the mainstream news.
And yes this person is their own worst enemy because they don't even know anymore what it is they mistrust.
15th March 2018, 16:30
Trump decided he doesn't really want his daily briefings anymore. Apparently not even the oral Presidential Daily Briefing.
I guess he's gonna substitute the Kudlow Report. :wry::fpalm:
Emil El Zapato
15th March 2018, 17:16
Hi Dreamtimer,
Another one of my predictions...he's doing a fade out. He's a Nixon without a brain. Self-immolation here we come! Get the buckets of water! :)
15th March 2018, 23:11
No more cute daily pictures for Trump? Well, who needs them anyways when you have Fox News and Twitter...
16th March 2018, 14:25
People thought Trump would run the country like he ran his businesses. They seem not to have looked very closely at exactly how he did that. He was always chaotic and inconsistent. He runs the Trump Organization. He's at the top. It's family. There are no shareholders. He strong-arms those he does business with. He gets a lot of loans from Russians.
He is now doing exactly what people said. He's running the country like his business. Unfortunately, this country is nothing like his business and his methodology does not work with the Constitution and three branches of government.
I'm not personally down with just undoing the nation without any alternate plan. A 'family' organization of his ilk is a little too much like mafia for me.
16th March 2018, 14:34
I believe Putin has learned that some men 'have bad days' too. (ref interviews w/Stone)
He said of himself, "I'm not a woman. I don't have bad days." But he's no fool. He can see that some men are indeed emotional and vulnerable.
Emil El Zapato
16th March 2018, 20:41
This is an interesting article, it touches on 'Geological' pole shifts, extinctions and biological explosions, and even honeybees. A true science report.
Dumpster Diver
17th March 2018, 04:18
Vortex baby!
Emil El Zapato
17th March 2018, 15:36
Vortex baby!
The reason I read this article is because I was looking for a solution for a misbehaving digital compass that I implemented for work. The damn thing just will not give an accurate reading. It has been tested locally and in China and it continues to give practically random readings. The magnetometer is flaky I think. It had me waving my hand over digital and boy scout compasses just to make sure it wasn't me that was screwing it up. lol
20th March 2018, 10:17
Just read about how UMBC beat UVA. Wow. I have two friends who teach at UMBC.
This is the college basketball season known as March Madness. The lowest ranked team just beat the number one team. UVA apparently plays what's called a slow-down game. It usually works for them. Problem was, when UMBC went ahead, UVA couldn't speed up to regain points because their style is to slow the game down. And they made mistakes. And UMBC won.
Go underdogs! Ub9BdN8qKUCIqrEDl92
20th March 2018, 12:27
Just read about how UMBC beat UVA. Wow. I have two friends who teach at UMBC.
This is the college basketball season known as March Madness. The lowest ranked team just beat the number one team. UVA apparently plays what's called a slow-down game. It usually works for them. Problem was, when UMBC went ahead, UVA couldn't speed up to regain points because their style is to slow the game down. And they made mistakes. And UMBC won.
Go underdogs! Ub9BdN8qKUCIqrEDl92
Acronymese again. :p
Emil El Zapato
20th March 2018, 13:57
Just read about how UMBC beat UVA. Wow. I have two friends who teach at UMBC.
This is the college basketball season known as March Madness. The lowest ranked team just beat the number one team. UVA apparently plays what's called a slow-down game. It usually works for them. Problem was, when UMBC went ahead, UVA couldn't speed up to regain points because their style is to slow the game down. And they made mistakes. And UMBC won.
Go underdogs! Ub9BdN8qKUCIqrEDl92
First time in history that a 16-seed beat a 1-seed :)
Interesting the first time a 1 nationally ranked NAIA team beat a 1 nationally ranked 1 NCAA team was Hawaii's Chaminade beat UVA - many years ago.
Rats and Mosquitos are not indigenous to Hawaii - :)
UVA - University of Virginia
NAIA - small college United States
NCAA - major college United States
UMBC - not sure
Emil El Zapato
20th March 2018, 14:17
Going out on a limb here - as Shirley Maclaine would have said.
Without serious meditation on the subject my 1st impressions of the serial bomber in Austin-San Antonio, if the San Antonio explosion is connected.
The perpetrator has a distinctive facial characteristic as in a tatoo, birth mark, or disfigurement. Possibly something strange/different about hair.
I was going to add potential sex hangups and then I realized...hey waitaminit, that's me... :)
20th March 2018, 14:21
UMBC is University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
20th March 2018, 15:23
Thanks for the clarifications :tiphat: You Americans have noooo idea what you are putting us Europeans through with that "hidden language" called "Acronymese" :p
20th March 2018, 16:14
Early on in my time here I was using DW, BR, PA and CG a lot.
But it is an effort not to reduce things to acronyms. We really do it a lot in America, don't we?
My sister-in-law is a nurse and loves to talk in her jargon even when she's not talking to nurses. It makes her feel special. I think acronyms are like that. You're 'in the know'.
Emil El Zapato
20th March 2018, 16:39
Early on in my time here I was using DW, BR, PA and CG a lot.
But it is an effort not to reduce things to acronyms. We really do it a lot in America, don't we?
My sister-in-law is a nurse and loves to talk in her jargon even when she's not talking to nurses. It makes her feel special. I think acronyms are like that. You're 'in the know'.
I worked on a military project as a student with some folks from 'Aberdeen' working on some communications prototypes. Our side made some proposals and as it was being discussed we offered to throw in a few more acronyms if it would make the military side happier. It was good for a laugh. :)
Dumpster Diver
20th March 2018, 18:13
Just read about how UMBC beat UVA. Wow. I have two friends who teach at UMBC.
This is the college basketball season known as March Madness. The lowest ranked team just beat the number one team. UVA apparently plays what's called a slow-down game. It usually works for them. Problem was, when UMBC went ahead, UVA couldn't speed up to regain points because their style is to slow the game down. And they made mistakes. And UMBC won.
Go underdogs! Ub9BdN8qKUCIqrEDl92
UMBC is a CHESS school, what are these nerds doing playing basketball?
Going out on a limb here - as Shirley Maclaine would have said.
I was going to add potential sex hangups and then I realized...hey waitaminit, that's me... :)
Here’s NAP channeling his inner DD (with insider TOT acronyms)
Emil El Zapato
20th March 2018, 19:08
UMBC is a CHESS school, what are these nerds doing playing basketball?
Here’s NAP channeling his inner DD (with insider TOT acronyms)
I just heard an interview with Cliff Van Zandt...Another FBI profiler. He estimates that there are probably as many as 1500 folks working on this case. As for Zandt...He's a dirtbag different from John Doughlas. Van Zandt is often called as an expert witness on serial cases and even high profile murder cases. He has never seen a suspect that wasn't guilty. In fact, there was one case where the guilty verdict was thrown out due to improprieties.
Another shot in the dark: The perp/perps are mid to upper 20's, possibly University of Texas students studying Tech with some kind of military or Law-Enforcement emphasis.
I'll keep trying until something 'significant' really hits me. These are just thoughts, no flashes yet. I have to get more psychically/psychologically involved. :)
20th March 2018, 20:41
I got the impression of a male in their mid to late 30's or even early 40's. I don't know why I got the word hispanic in my mind, but I somehow doubt the perp would be of that ethnicity. Then again... Who knows. We'll hear more soon.
Emil El Zapato
20th March 2018, 22:09
I could buy that actually...considering 'the tatoo' as in a Tear Drop tattoo. And u could be correct about the age, also but still a student...
Emil El Zapato
21st March 2018, 19:18
The guy lives 4.2 miles from me. I saw a video of him wearing a blond wig with what looked like a shadow of some kind by his left eye...could have been a fake tattoo...just sayin' :)
I know...I'm reaching. I didn't think this 'spree' bomber was going to last long. I'm glad I didn't get on the computer this morning before I saw the reports because I was going to post more 'impressions' that seemed a little 'heftier' to me. I would have made a damn fool of myself... :)
21st March 2018, 21:15
Well, you got some things right. He was quite young and white, which wasn't too surprising though. In reddit he said that he wanted to see the world burn ( Indeed that is what some men want to see, which is quite a terrible and a sad thing to realize. Hate is one hell of an emotion. Never underestimate the anger of lost young men.
22nd March 2018, 13:05
I've taken to referring to the two voices on the shoulder whispering in the ear as the red angel and the white angel. People correct me and tell me that it's an angel and a devil. I know that's the norm.
But am I wrong? (Aragorn may possibly have a unique insight to share;)) I like the idea. It doesn't feel wrong when I say it.
Emil El Zapato
22nd March 2018, 15:26
I've taken to referring to the two voices on the shoulder whispering in the ear as the red angel and the white angel. People correct me and tell me that it's an angel and a devil. I know that's the norm.
But am I wrong? (Aragorn may possibly have a unique insight to share;)) I like the idea. It doesn't feel wrong when I say it.
Only you can really answer that one. Maybe it's a good angel and a not so good angel.
A few more coincidences have popped up on the Austin Bomber. I saw my last name associated with one of the 'central' players in the drama (Only the 2nd time in my life I've seen this happen, actually 3rd, the other 2 times were in movies...maybe that means a movie is in the works already)...Synchronicity possibly, but I suspect it might be my red angel just messing with me.... :)
I think this guy was gay and/or a pedophile and couldn't reconcile with his authoritarian style Christian upbringing. Just speculation really.
Dumpster Diver
23rd March 2018, 01:51
I've taken to referring to the two voices on the shoulder whispering in the ear as the red angel and the white angel. People correct me and tell me that it's an angel and a devil. I know that's the norm.
But am I wrong? (Aragorn may possibly have a unique insight to share;)) I like the idea. It doesn't feel wrong when I say it.
I’m with Dreamy! When I get caught, I’ll say the “voices” made me do it!
23rd March 2018, 02:04
The idea is that you don't let the voices think for you, Dumpy. (finger wagging)
Did Trump really just hire a Fox News personality as National Security Advisor? Is this some kind of weird dream?
Dumpster Diver
23rd March 2018, 02:11
The idea is that you don't let the voices think for you, Dumpy. (finger wagging)
Did Trump really just hire a Fox News personality as National Security Advisor? Is this some kind of weird dream?
When the GF is unhappy with me, I’ll take any port in the voices may be a good try.
Emil El Zapato
23rd March 2018, 02:35
No, Nightmare ... Ever consider Nightmaretimer? Just kidding, of course...You're a dream... :)
23rd March 2018, 09:30
Nightmaretimer...that's funny. It would be a good Talisman card. Enemy spirit, craft 7 I think.
I decided as a kid to face my fears(and other challenges) in dreams and waking life. Dreams put that to the test right away. And it's a lifelong practice. One of the outcomes is that I don't have much in the way of nightmares anymore.
Weird, maybe disturbing dreams will come, but not nightmares.
This is the nightmare card: c7HOftpKTzC8iMV3_jd
Dumpster Diver
23rd March 2018, 15:54
Nightmaretimer...that's funny. It would be a good Talisman card. Enemy spirit, craft 7 I think.
I decided as a kid to face my fears(and other challenges) in dreams and waking life. Dreams put that to the test right away. And it's a lifelong practice. One of the outcomes is that I don't have much in the way of nightmares anymore.
Weird, maybe disturbing dreams will come, but not nightmares.
This is the nightmare card: c7HOftpKTzC8iMV3_jd
Wow, Dreamy! I did the same when I was 5! I’ve had no nightmares since. All I remember was, I just got tired of them so I went on the offensive.
23rd March 2018, 16:06
And Dark Knight Dumpy was born...:thup:
Emil El Zapato
23rd March 2018, 17:19
I just pulled the trigger on 'Neewwman' over at PA...the fireworks should start soon... :)
Incidentally 'Paul' is pronounced as 'Newman' in the 'Seinfeld' sitcom.
enjoy being
23rd March 2018, 23:08
24th March 2018, 03:48
Wow. That's a great image. I love it. So much to see. Buddhabrot, huh? Mmmmmmmm.
Emil El Zapato
24th March 2018, 20:03
I don't get it...I'm not getting any thanks over at PA
Some of the old hands are still around doing what they do best. Very politely and semi-covertly attempting to slit a throat. We'll see how long the mod gang over there can tolerate me.
My biggest problem is that I lose my patience and temper very quickly at this kind of chicanery. If anyone wants to see just how 'nasty and devious' I really can be (just to compare my decorous and solicitous behavior here) :) I'll let you know when it is over... :)
25th March 2018, 00:23
I don't get it...I'm not getting any thanks over at PA
The phenomenon of refusing to click the "Thanks" button in order to send out the signal that one does not like the poster is unfortunately not limited to La Casa Del Sombrero™. People are people, and we see that over here as well. But yes, even back when I myself was still a member at Casa Ryan™, it already was one of the most prominent signals from the favored castes that they didn't consider you one of them. ;)
Some of the old hands are still around doing what they do best. Very politely and semi-covertly attempting to slit a throat.
Ah yes, that's a very beautiful and apt description for what has been my experience there as well. And that was over three years ago already now. As the French would say...
"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. (,_plus_c%27est_la_m%C3%AAme_cho se)"
enjoy being
25th March 2018, 01:10
enjoy being
25th March 2018, 01:55
Emil El Zapato
25th March 2018, 02:00
I don't get it...I'm not getting any thanks over at PA
Some of the old hands are still around doing what they do best. Very politely and semi-covertly attempting to slit a throat. We'll see how long the mod gang over there can tolerate me.
My biggest problem is that I lose my patience and temper very quickly at this kind of chicanery. If anyone wants to see just how 'nasty and devious' I really can be (just to compare my decorous and solicitous behavior here) :) I'll let you know when it is over... :)
:) Eligible for re-entry: Never...
25th March 2018, 02:04
Are you saying you were just banned? With the same 'Never' language?
25th March 2018, 02:15
:) Eligible for re-entry: Never...
Emil El Zapato
25th March 2018, 02:18
Are you saying you were just banned? With the same 'Never' language?
yeah, and I wasn't even warm yet...damn! :)
25th March 2018, 02:24
What threads were you posting on?
Emil El Zapato
25th March 2018, 02:47
Bill Gates vaccine something or other
In not so subtle fashion was 'posted' to silly season (The thread El Sombrero started for Aianawa's benefit). The effort was so transparent as to be ridiculous. It wasn't even fun messing with those brainwashed half-wits for the short time I did. :) They are a cult and likely haven't the slightest notion that they are. One thing I noticed is that people in general are terrified of posting a notion that runs contrary to the herd's idea. Pathetic really. A short exercise in social psychology it was.
25th March 2018, 04:59
What threads were you posting on?
Bill Gates vaccine something or other
In not so subtle fashion was 'posted' to silly season (The thread El Sombrero started for Aianawa's benefit). The effort was so transparent as to be ridiculous.
So you are saying — I've only just looked at that thread — that your stances on Bill Gates and Snopes weren't genuine reflections of your opinions? Because as much as I hate to admit it, El Sombrero™ did correctly point out that Bill Gates has indeed stated in that TED presentation that he is in favor of a reduction of the world population by some 10 to 15% through "better healthcare" — read: vaccinations. And I have seen and heard him make a similar statement many years ago as well.
And as for Snopes, well, the cartoon below says it all... ;)
It wasn't even fun messing with those brainwashed half-wits for the short time I did. :) They are a cult and likely haven't the slightest notion that they are.
Cult members never do. ;)
One thing I noticed is that people in general are terrified of posting a notion that runs contrary to the herd's idea. Pathetic really. A short exercise in social psychology it was.
That much is certainly true over there. And that's one of the reasons why I said earlier that the woo-woo factor there is much higher than it is here. ;)
enjoy being
25th March 2018, 06:38
enjoy being
25th March 2018, 06:46
25th March 2018, 09:00
A healthy place to be is where people don't have to agree on everything, but still get along with each other, showing respect for other beings regardless. That is how it is in The Shire...i.e. right here! :thup:
enjoy being
25th March 2018, 09:17
25th March 2018, 11:25
I can't help but move in a jaunty way when I hear that music, Nothing.:)
25th March 2018, 11:45
They love Assange over there. When Innocent Warrior was posting here I asked her how we know wiki-leaks is reliable. She never even bothered to give an answer.
There's an attitude over there that if you don't know, then you haven't done your homework, and you certainly don't belong there among the knowing and enlightened...
The only real active disagreements I see are over Trump. Turiya has at least two threads on Trump. AutumnW started one called Trump is not the answer. Of course, all kinds of pro-trump members post on that thread. Two members asked if people could post on the other Trump threads and Bill said, no way jose. If they want to be pro-Trump on her thread they can. And on all the others.
Sort of like if I wanted a vegetarian diet thread and in the interest of 'fairness' all the meat-eaters were free to post all their steak pics.
Emil El Zapato
25th March 2018, 12:54
So you are saying — I've only just looked at that thread — that your stances on Bill Gates and Snopes weren't genuine reflections of your opinions? Because as much as I hate to admit it, El Sombrero™ did correctly point out that Bill Gates has indeed stated in that TED presentation that he is in favor of a reduction of the world population by some 10 to 15% through "better healthcare" — read: vaccinations. And I have seen and heard him make a similar statement many years ago as well.
And as for Snopes, well, the cartoon below says it all... ;)
Cult members never do. ;)
That much is certainly true over there. And that's one of the reasons why I said earlier that the woo-woo factor there is much higher than it is here. ;)
:) I just don't agree about Bill Gates. I'm no bigger fan of big business than the next fact, I've despised it for many years...BUT, I don't buy the spin on Gates. I believe he is trying to help. Same deal with Snopes...kinda, I wasn't aware about starting the stories to debunk but I guess I wouldn't be shocked if that were true, BUT, anytime I can read information and be upset because it goes against my grain and at the same time read information and agree with it then that is a reliable source in my estimation. Perhaps that is poor criteria for trust.
They love Assange over there. When Innocent Warrior was posting here I asked her how we know wiki-leaks is reliable. She never even bothered to give an answer.
There's an attitude over there that if you don't know, then you haven't done your homework, and you certainly don't belong there among the knowing and enlightened...
The only real active disagreements I see are over Trump. Turiya has at least two threads on Trump. AutumnW started one called Trump is not the answer. Of course, all kinds of pro-trump members post on that thread. Two members asked if people could post on the other Trump threads and Bill said, no way jose. If they want to be pro-Trump on her thread they can. And on all the others.
Sort of like if I wanted a vegetarian diet thread and in the interest of 'fairness' all the meat-eaters were free to post all their steak pics.
that's weird...No one needs that kind of restriction...It's unnatural.
25th March 2018, 12:55
It's a good critical tool. If you like everything someone says, it should be suspect.
Ironically, it was a conservative friend who pointed me to Snopes. I think he just thought I would be more open to criticism of 'liberals' if it came from 'liberals'. And he should know better than to try to persuade me with liberal bias, but he didn't. It's like he thinks people think in stereotypes. (which many do)
Emil El Zapato
25th March 2018, 13:18
It's a good critical tool. If you like everything someone says, it should be suspect.
Ironically, it was a conservative friend who pointed me to Snopes. I think he just thought I would be more open to criticism of 'liberals' if it came from 'liberals'. And he should know better than to try to persuade me with liberal bias, but he didn't. It's like he thinks people think in stereotypes. (which many do)
Good point, here's my parting message...I'm sure this was written by Billy Bob
"Your account has been disabled for the following reason:
Though you'd created many problems here as alienHunter, we welcomed you back in. But now we're drawing the line: this is not the right home for you. We wish you well, but please become open-minded to what's REALLY going on in the media out there."
Date for account restoration: Never
At one point Wade Frazier offered to get me back in to PA but I declined as I told him I didn't want to put him in a comprising position. I did manage to say hi to him on his thread. :)
Good point, here's my parting message...I'm sure this was written by Billy Bob
"Your account has been disabled for the following reason:
Though you'd created many problems here as alienHunter, we welcomed you back in. But now we're drawing the line: this is not the right home for you. We wish you well, but please become open-minded to what's REALLY going on in the media out there."
Date for account restoration: Never
At one point Wade Frazier offered to get me back in to PA but I declined as I told him I didn't want to put him in a comprising position. I did manage to say hi to him on his thread. :)
Revenge is best served cold ... :)
I'm perfectly satisfied at this point...I was taken offguard the 1st time...I came loaded for bear this time but didn't get a chance to drop my harm done, at least I was prepard to maintain MY SENSE of dignity despite that lowering oneself to open hostility is unseemly at best.
Dumpster Diver
25th March 2018, 14:08
Well, I’m sorta feeling left out. I never posted over at the Kool-Aid Stand, and so I never got the privilege of getting kicked out.
It’s so hard to get in, and then so narrow a path to walk, how do they maintain membership?
Emil El Zapato
25th March 2018, 14:48
Well, I’m sorta feeling left out. I never posted over at the Kool-Aid Stand, and so I never got the privilege of getting kicked out.
It’s so hard to get in, and then so narrow a path to walk, how do they maintain membership?
Hey Mr. Dumpster,
it's not that great, really...and the membership has distilled its older members...many are new and subject to is their game. In the end, it is a very nasty place. Similar to one or two others I'm familiar with but with a somewhat larger population. It's about the leaders of the forums. Here apparently the only ones left are the good ones, at PA they all suck and it shows in their population. It's like the difference between Belgium and the Nederlands. :)
25th March 2018, 15:13
Hey Mr. Dumpster,
it's not that great, really...and the membership has distilled its older members...many are new and subject to is their game. In the end, it is a very nasty place. Similar to one or two others I'm familiar with but with a somewhat larger population. It's about the leaders of the forums. Here apparently the only ones left are the good ones, at PA they all suck and it shows in their population. It's like the difference between Belgium and the Nederlands. :)
:tiphat: I thank you on behalf of Aragorn, Malc, Dreamtimer and myself for the kind consideration...;)
Dumpster Diver
25th March 2018, 15:21
Hey Mr. Dumpster,
it's not that great, really...and the membership has distilled its older members...many are new and subject to is their game. In the end, it is a very nasty place. Similar to one or two others I'm familiar with but with a somewhat larger population. It's about the leaders of the forums. Here apparently the only ones left are the good ones, at PA they all suck and it shows in their population. It's like the difference between Belgium and the Nederlands. :)
Ok, so Belgium is the Kool-aid stand then...or The Netherlands...?
BTW, I lived in The Hague for 8 years and spent a lot of time in Belgium.
Emil El Zapato
25th March 2018, 16:11
enjoy being
25th March 2018, 21:30
26th March 2018, 01:38
Good point, here's my parting message...I'm sure this was written by Billy Bob
"Your account has been disabled for the following reason:
Though you'd created many problems here as alienHunter, we welcomed you back in. But now we're drawing the line: this is not the right home for you. We wish you well, but please become open-minded to what's REALLY going on in the media out there."
Date for account restoration: Never
Those are indeed Billzebub™'s words. I will always recognize his style from a mile away. ;)
Well, I’m sorta feeling left out. I never posted over at the Kool-Aid Stand, and so I never got the privilege of getting kicked out.
I was kicked out over telling something to a moderator by way of a private message, and over the ensuing debate — also via private messages — between said moderator and El Sombrero™ on the one hand, and myself on the other. It was literally a crossfire of PMs from the two of them for several hours on end, and I didn't know where to look first.
Eventually, I was told by the moderator in question — and he's quite an ego-driven asshole too — that if I wanted to remain a member at Project Avalon, then I had to apologize to Bill Ryan. My reply was that he was making a mistake in assuming that I still wanted to remain a member there, because I had become sick and tired of the Machiavellian machinations and lies at that place, and I told them that they could ban me or retire me or whatever, because I wasn't interested in coming back there again.
And as it was written, so it was done. :p
It’s so hard to get in, and then so narrow a path to walk, how do they maintain membership?
Well, you have to keep in mind that the member count in their statistics does still include banned members, retired members, deactivated members, members on sabbatical and duplicate/triplicate accounts. So whenever they kick someone out, then the number of members in their stats doesn't go down.
The more indicative number to look for is the number of active members. I don't know what time span they're using for that over there, but over here it's set to show the number of unique member connections over a period of 30 days. This number will go up and down all the time, but it's a fairly good indicator, even though it doesn't say anything about what those members are doing when they're online. They could just as well be lurking or sending/reading private messages without posting anything on the forums, and they would still be included.
One thing is clear, though: Project Avalon has a much higher member turnover than The One Truth, by which I mean that they're getting new members at a much higher rate than we do, but at the same time, they're also kicking out members at a much higher rate. I'd have to check for the exact dates, but it's been quite a while already since we last banned someone over here, as well as that it's been a long time since a member requested their retirement.
In fact, the most recent changes I've made were to the account of a friend of mine. He had joined up here per my invitation, but he was a busy guy and he hadn't had the time yet to reconnect to the forum. I was however still in regular contact with him via email until early October 2017. After that, he suddenly went quiet, and as I myself and some other people have discovered in the meantime, he also stopped posting on Usenet around the same time, his profile as a software developer on Github was deleted, and all of his email addresses now bounce.
I'm afraid that the only painful conclusion is that he's deceased. I know he was having serious health problems, because he wrote to me about them — he had a blood clot in his lungs. He was only 49 years old.
Given that he is now the second member to have passed away — the other one was an already retired member — I have created a special user group for deceased members, and their names now appear next to their posts, on their profile pages and in the member list in this shade of lavender blue. Their accounts now also carry the user title "In Memoriam".
To the best of my knowledge, Project Avalon does not have any special provisions for deceased members whose passing over has been confirmed. Back when I was still a member there, somebody announced the passing of another member, but they simply kept the deceased member's account in active status. This may have changed in the meantime, of course — I wouldn't know.
What I do know is that the heartfelt human touch over there is definitely missing, even though they do their best to feign it. El Sombrero™ is a very eloquent man, but as we've seen in his replies to Vern, it is quite possible to be rude and insulting while at the same time remaining eloquent and keeping up the illusion of politeness. And of course, the circumference of their quite substantial member base will also make staff-to-member communications/relations far less personal than here. That's why I regularly point out — even though they are not my words — that Project Avalon is like a huge department store, while The One Truth is rather like a small and intimate boutique.
Anyway, I guess I'm just rambling. Maybe it's because I'm hungry — I haven't eaten yet. ;) But then again, this is the chaos thread, so my ramblings should be welcome here. :p
26th March 2018, 02:14
That's interesting about the numbers.
26th March 2018, 14:48
I'm posting this here because, Vortex!
26th March 2018, 15:10
I was recalling the Young Republican wave. Back then the young people were really smart, and putting their money where their mouths were, and patriotic, and...
Funny how judgements change when the activists are on a different team.
Dumpster Diver
26th March 2018, 15:50
I'm posting this here because, Vortex!
Ooooo! I’m into vortexes and timelines....! I gotta show this to the GF....
26th March 2018, 17:25
Hey Dumpy, have you ever done Sedona Stargazing? I know the fellow who runs it.
27th March 2018, 04:04
How ya feeling now NAP ?.
Emil El Zapato
27th March 2018, 13:43
How ya feeling now NAP ?.
Normal...How about you? Still satisfied.
Dumpster Diver
27th March 2018, 13:49
Hey Dumpy, have you ever done Sedona Stargazing? I know the fellow who runs it.
Tried to get with the local Astronomy group a few weekends ago, but they cancelled because of weather. So yeah, I’m joining up when I get the chance...but that said, any other info would be helpful. Is your guy woo-woo or a scope nut?
27th March 2018, 13:58
Scope nut. Used to be associated with the Lowell Observatory. (Lowell had some woo woo history though, didn't he?)
He has some astronomers running his business that have been working with him for years.
Dumpster Diver
27th March 2018, 14:04
Scope nut. Used to be associated with the Lowell Observatory. (Lowell had some woo woo history though, didn't he?)
He has some astronomers running his business that have been working with him for years.
The GF and I are members of the Lowell Observatory for some months now. Frankly, I’m looking for a crossbreed woo-woo/scope “groupies” club: Tantric Telescopers
27th March 2018, 14:07
You're in Sedona. Even a scope guy is gonna get woo woo in the group, right?
Dumpster Diver
27th March 2018, 14:37
You're in Sedona. Even a scope guy is gonna get woo woo in the group, right?
Yup, that’s me...talavera swastika and all...
Emil El Zapato
27th March 2018, 20:18
I had one of those 'epic' dreams last night.
The world was covered in water with huge tidal waves, mountains of waves with only a small portion of humanity fighting for the very small and growing smaller land space. People had all manner of safe havens designed that were all failing. Humanity had essentially split into 3 groups...the overtly evil, the struggling good, and those in-between willing to be empathetic but not unwilling to slit the necessary throat. Crashed planes through buildings running over everyone...huge big wheels, wings, engines falling from the sky. Families separated and desperate to find one another, others knowing their families were gone. Strange weapons, automatic whips with chainsaw like teeth. Knives, very long knives. Threatening big people, threatening little people. Indiscriminate sexual behavior, that part was interesting at least.
There was a guy that was 6'8'' and 340 lbs. That had been harassing me as we passed through the alleyways of the crowded remaining parts of the city. He carried one of those whips I described.
He was accosting me once again and so I told him, Ok, this is it then...grabbed a Crocodile Dundee like knife and we went at it. He was pulling some fancy martial arts moves on me which I dodged with great adroitness. I saw my opening and sprung...chopped off one arm and then the other and for the coup-de-grace removed his head. Threw my weapon away and victoriously moved on.
I ended up being goaded, teased, threatened by a gang of young hooligans whom I instructed on the proper way to make one's way in life.
I need to stop eating pizza before bedtime.
Dumpster Diver
27th March 2018, 20:40
I had one of those 'epic' dreams last night.
The world was covered in water with huge tidal waves, mountains of waves with only a small portion of humanity fighting for the very small and growing smaller land space. People had all manner of safe havens designed that were all failing. Humanity had essentially split into 3 groups...the overtly evil, the struggling good, and those in-between willing to be empathetic but not unwilling to slit the necessary throat. Crashed planes through buildings running over everyone...huge big wheels, wings, engines falling from the sky. Families separated and desperate to find one another, others knowing their families were gone. Strange weapons, automatic whips with chainsaw like teeth. Knives, very long knives. Threatening big people, threatening little people. Indiscriminate sexual behavior, that part was interesting at least.
There was a guy that was 6'8'' and 340 lbs. That had been harassing me as we passed through the alleyways of the crowded remaining parts of the city. He carried one of those whips I described.
He was accosting me once again and so I told him, Ok, this is it then...grabbed a Crocodile Dundee like knife and we went at it. He was pulling some fancy martial arts moves on me which I dodged with great adroitness. I saw my opening and sprung...chopped off one arm and then the other and for the coup-de-grace removed his head. Threw my weapon away and victoriously moved on.
I ended up being goaded, teased, threatened by a gang of young hooligans whom I instructed on the proper way to make one's way in life.
I need to stop eating pizza before bedtime.
...and watching Mad Max movies...
Emil El Zapato
27th March 2018, 20:48
...and watching Mad Max movies...
yeah, probably that or any of the others that I watch ... :)
27th March 2018, 23:36
Go with the Hawaiians. You had a 'wild hogfish dream'. You don't eat hogfish because it might give you bad dreams. (Or the real reason may be that it's just not very good).
But the phrase is real.
Emil El Zapato
28th March 2018, 00:15
it shore don't sound very good... :)
28th March 2018, 03:45
Here's one.
Emil El Zapato
28th March 2018, 17:35
it's a pretty fish but I only eat Pasta and Beans...oh yeah, I confess to eating Tuna ... but the smell generally makes me sick.
28th March 2018, 22:57
The idea is not to eat the fish, or it might give you bad dreams. And it is pretty, easy to avoid hopefully.
You're dream was very interesting. How exactly did you 'instruct' the hooligans? Was is physically or with words?
Interesting about the huge big wheels, wings, engines falling from the sky. I've certainly had my share of dreams with strange vehicles caroming around and crashing from the sky. I used to have dreams of fighter jets crashing. Haven't had those in a while.
Emil El Zapato
29th March 2018, 01:43
I explained to the Hooligans that survival/success can be found in legitimate paths. The physical part was interesting, the males were offering the females to me and I declined with the hope that I was imparting a sense of values in the decision.
Plane crashes have plagued my dreams and honestly i think for a number of reasons. One of the characteristics of dreams that I learned somewhere is that the proximity of the events can represent time. In this case, the crashes were somewhat away from me.
The plane crash I've learned over time represents for me...terrorism. At least it has since I became aware of it in 2001
Dumpster Diver
29th March 2018, 18:38
Eating any kind of ocean fish will get you mercury.
When I was working with the Navy, I was unpleasantly advised that the Japanese dump mercury fouled junk just off the 200 mile ocean “border” of the US. These guys actually saw it happen numerous times. It is international water, but as far from themselves as possible.
Emil El Zapato
12th April 2018, 20:17
In response to Wind's astrology post and the mentioned 'Male' energy surrounding it.
I'm currently reading a book called, Dark Nature: A Natural History of Evil by Lyall Watson.
Here comes your weird fact of the day:
Male and female hyenas are virtually indistinguishable in sexual plumbing. Even by professional biologists. Their natural genetic heritage is one of 'male dominance' usurped by the female as a result of a flooding of androgen in the womb. Here's where it gets weird.
The female is almost certain to give birth to two offspring whom within an hour of birth will be locked in a life and death struggle for survival against each other. Yeah, each other, the female most generally will raise one offspring that lasts until maturity. Just one because the 'twins' have managed to eliminate one of themselves.
If that ain't weird, I don't know what is.
Dumpster Diver
12th April 2018, 20:23
In response to Wind's astrology post and the mentioned 'Male' energy surrounding it.
I'm currently reading a book called, Dark Nature: A Natural History of Evil by Lyall Watson.
Here comes your weird fact of the day:
Male and female hyenas are virtually indistinguishable in sexual plumbing. Even by professional biologists. Their natural genetic heritage is one of 'male dominance' usurped by the female as a result of a flooding of androgen in the womb. Here's where it gets weird.
The female is almost certain to give birth to two offspring whom within an hour of birth will be locked in a life and death struggle for survival against each other. Yeah, each other, the female most generally will raise one offspring that lasts until maturity. Just one because the 'twins' have managed to eliminate one of themselves.
If that ain't weird, I don't know what is.
...almost as bad as the “dog-eat-dog” alt-world community run by Darth Hatman and the Kool-aid stand.
Emil El Zapato
12th April 2018, 20:29
...almost as bad as the “dog-eat-dog” alt-world community run by Darth Hatman and the Kool-aid stand.
It could be argued that it is perfectly, weird sh*t going on in this world. Humans are a little more complex, but the closer we follow our 'natural' instincts, the closer we are to the hyenas... I knew it, I knew it... :)
12th April 2018, 20:54
I just read in the news that a guy in the Netherlands killed his neighbors' dog, then invited those very same neighbors over for dinner, and then served them their own dog as dinner. :shocked: :vom:
There are some really sick people running around on this planet. :belief: :shocked:
Emil El Zapato
12th April 2018, 21:29
I just read in the news that a guy in the Netherlands killed his neighbors' dog, then invited those very same neighbors over for dinner, and then served them their own dog as dinner. :shocked: :vom:
There are some really sick people running around on this planet. :belief: :shocked:
holy jeez...that's CRAZY!
Emil El Zapato
14th April 2018, 14:47
From alt-world books. This prediction was, of course, used against Obama the AntiChrist, but perhaps agonizing reappraisal is in order out of the chaos. :)
Ruth Montgomery:
She says that the Antichrist will not become our next president but a seasoned politician will. Here is what she says:
"In January of 1994 the Guides were still reporting that the mysterious president-to-be had not completed the soul exchange. Referring to the body's present identity, they said: 'The future president is now prominent but has not yet become a Walk-in. That will occur when he suddenly awakens to the futility of politics and the power game and will surrender his soul to the spirit plane, making way for his own replacement. When this occurs, many will be amazed at the alteration in his personality and goals. Some will scoff that it is for political purposes, but it will actually be the Walk-in who has taken over and who plunges into the task of preparing people for dramatic alterations in Earth and weather patterns.'
"Another day they tantalized me by writing: 'His advent into body will occur shortly, so watch for hints of a rather radical change in a fairly prominent man.'
Strangely enough, Trump's preparations for the alterations in Earth and weather patterns is to vociferously ignore them which will lead to disaster. What else would we expect from the AntiChrist?
Letter from Pat Nixon to Donald Trump:
Lanyon said Nixon’s letter, addressed “Dear Donald” and dated 21 November 1987, credited Pat Nixon for predicting that “whenever you decide to run for office you will be a winner!” It was signed “With warm regards, sincerely, RMN.”
14th April 2018, 15:37
From alt-world books. This prediction was, of course, used against Obama the AntiChrist, but perhaps agonizing reappraisal is in order out of the chaos. :)
Ruth Montgomery:
She says that the Antichrist will not become our next president but a seasoned politician will. Here is what she says:
"In January of 1994 the Guides were still reporting that the mysterious president-to-be had not completed the soul exchange. Referring to the body's present identity, they said: 'The future president is now prominent but has not yet become a Walk-in. That will occur when he suddenly awakens to the futility of politics and the power game and will surrender his soul to the spirit plane, making way for his own replacement. When this occurs, many will be amazed at the alteration in his personality and goals. Some will scoff that it is for political purposes, but it will actually be the Walk-in who has taken over and who plunges into the task of preparing people for dramatic alterations in Earth and weather patterns.'
"Another day they tantalized me by writing: 'His advent into body will occur shortly, so watch for hints of a rather radical change in a fairly prominent man.'
Strangely enough, Trump's preparations for the alterations in Earth and weather patterns is to vociferously ignore them which will lead to disaster. What else would we expect from the AntiChrist?
Letter from Pat Nixon to Donald Trump:
Lanyon said Nixon’s letter, addressed “Dear Donald” and dated 21 November 1987, credited Pat Nixon for predicting that “whenever you decide to run for office you will be a winner!” It was signed “With warm regards, sincerely, RMN.”
There's a theory that this was actually a Jeane Dixon prediction. The theory is that Dixon was consulted often by both Nixon's.
14th April 2018, 16:02
I should add that the person who said that letter to Trump came from a Jeane Dixon prediction is a supporter of Trump, so there's that. However, many presidents have consulted astrologers/psychics so imo, it's feasible.
Emil El Zapato
14th April 2018, 16:10
yeah, all true...
Dumpster Diver
14th April 2018, 16:36
Well, I’m of the opinion that all politicians are Satanic. This comes from my time working in the Pentagon in Washington DC. So pick one to be the anti-Christ.
In regards to Montgomery’s description of the anti-Christ being Trump: he is not a seasoned politician and has not suffered a personality change; he’s the same “Noo-Yawk” d!ckhead he has always been
14th April 2018, 16:48
Well, I’m of the opinion that all politicians are Satanic. This comes from my time working in the Pentagon in Washington DC. So pick one to be the anti-Christ.
Depends what you mean by Satanic. Satanic as actually worshipping Satan? Satanic as an evil, self-serving person? It's such a loaded term today.
I think they are all compromised.
What did you do at the Pentagon?
14th April 2018, 16:58
Here's an ex-politician that couldn't be compromised or controlled.
Dumpster Diver
14th April 2018, 16:59
Depends what you mean by Satanic. Satanic as actually worshipping Satan? Satanic as an evil, self-serving person? It's such a loaded term today.
I think they are all compromised.
What did you do at the Pentagon?
It depends on which time. In the 80s, I worked as a math analyst on Black Programs for the Air Force. Earlier I was a weapons analyst, air-to-air, air-to-ground, ground-to-air and had built delivery profiles of all the Air Force weapons in the entire inventory. In the 90s, I managed SACEUR’s General Officer Training Program, and got to see the Byzantine politics of NATO inside of the belly of the beast. This last was in The Hague, The Netherlands. Also during the NATO tour (8 years) I was recruited to do Counter Intelligence work against the Russians.
Octopus Garden
14th April 2018, 17:21
In response to Wind's astrology post and the mentioned 'Male' energy surrounding it.
I'm currently reading a book called, Dark Nature: A Natural History of Evil by Lyall Watson.
Here comes your weird fact of the day:
Male and female hyenas are virtually indistinguishable in sexual plumbing. Even by professional biologists. Their natural genetic heritage is one of 'male dominance' usurped by the female as a result of a flooding of androgen in the womb. Here's where it gets weird.
The female is almost certain to give birth to two offspring whom within an hour of birth will be locked in a life and death struggle for survival against each other. Yeah, each other, the female most generally will raise one offspring that lasts until maturity. Just one because the 'twins' have managed to eliminate one of themselves.
If that ain't weird, I don't know what is.
Weirder fact--Not a Pretender,
Female hyenas have penises AND...oh this is bad...they give birth threw them. Awful to be them!
And while we're on the subject of weird. Some turkeys can lay fertile eggs that hatch, without mating. Virginal birth or parthogenesis. There are several species of single sex lizard. And...some species of sea squirt and sea urchin can mate and produce viable offspring. These two animals are not even distantly related.
And there is always the human chimera-- fused twins who can produce children who appear not to have their own mother's DNA. (It's complicated!)
Emil El Zapato
14th April 2018, 17:29
Well, I’m of the opinion that all politicians are Satanic. This comes from my time working in the Pentagon in Washington DC. So pick one to be the anti-Christ.
In regards to Montgomery’s description of the anti-Christ being Trump: he is not a seasoned politician and has not suffered a personality change; he’s the same “Noo-Yawk” d!ckhead he has always been
the prediction did say, "many will be..." not all, many of us recognized the truth from the beginning.
Are you familiar with St. Malachy? Read him carefully for a little more context... :)
Weirder fact--Not a Pretender,
Female hyenas have penises AND...oh this is bad...they give birth threw them. Awful to be them!
And while we're on the subject of weird. Some turkeys can lay fertile eggs that hatch, without mating. Virginal birth or parthogenesis. There are several species of single sex lizard. And...some species of sea squirt and sea urchin can mate and produce viable offspring. These two animals are not even distantly related.
And there is always the human chimera-- fused twins who can produce children who appear not to have their own mother's DNA. (It's complicated!)
yeeouch...plenty weird for sure...
Emil El Zapato
25th April 2018, 01:28
This one is for fun:
I was 'listening' to Ruburt and Seth discuss Ruburt's relationship with one of the family cats. The cat was by nature a homebody but lately had spent nearly all its time outdoors which concerned Ruburt. Seth explained that the cat was agitated because of 'pressure' it was feeling as a result of the 'electricity' in the home caused by the excitement of speaking with Seth.
I had a thought/intuition/realization about my cat named Kitty Cat. Kitty Cat by nature is a bad kitty which is not too surprising given his unfortunate kittyhood and his condition was probably exacerbated by me because when he first arrived I engaged him in a dominance struggle which he really wasn't too happy about. It occurred to me that my role as his caretaker is to help him work through his internalized trauma. I've always felt this but now it came to the forefront of my reality. Kitty Cat will follow me around everywhere, he sleeps by my side, if I walk outside he follows me outside, if i walk back inside, he follows me inside. The cat really has a strong desire to be by my side which I find annoying at times. But, if I try to pick him up he changes personality and starts trying to filet me. I guess I need to respect his space to acknowledge that I am not trying to dominate him. I've tried to explain that to him but he doesnt care, it's as if that space represents his internal mechanism to regulate the processing of his past misfortunes. So my goal is to make him a deliriously happy Kitty Cat. Something, I never did for my ex-wife ... :)
We have had serious communicative exchanges in the past. Once because he was miffed because I wouldn't let him stalk a bird in the yard. He meowed at me everytime I said he wasn't going to catch it. It was pretty funny really..."Ok, you were going to catch it..." ... silence. "Just kidding, you weren't going to catch it..." meeeoooowwww. lol, he was pissed.
Dumpster Diver
25th April 2018, 03:38
This one is for fun:
I was 'listening' to Ruburt and Seth discuss Ruburt's relationship with one of the family cats. The cat was by nature a homebody but lately had spent nearly all its time outdoors which concerned Ruburt. Seth explained that the cat was agitated because of 'pressure' it was feeling as a result of the 'electricity' in the home caused by the excitement of speaking with Seth.
I had a thought/intuition/realization about my cat named Kitty Cat. Kitty Cat by nature is a bad kitty which is not too surprising given his unfortunate kittyhood and his condition was probably exacerbated by me because when he first arrived I engaged him in a dominance struggle which he really wasn't too happy about. It occurred to me that my role as his caretaker is to help him work through his internalized trauma. I've always felt this but now it came to the forefront of my reality. Kitty Cat will follow me around everywhere, he sleeps by my side, if I walk outside he follows me outside, if i walk back inside, he follows me inside. The cat really has a strong desire to be by my side which I find annoying at times. But, if I try to pick him up he changes personality and starts trying to filet me. I guess I need to respect his space to acknowledge that I am not trying to dominate him. I've tried to explain that to him but he doesnt care, it's as if that space represents his internal mechanism to regulate the processing of his past misfortunes. So my goal is to make him a deliriously happy Kitty Cat. Something, I never did for my ex-wife ... :)
We have had serious communicative exchanges in the past. Once because he was miffed because I wouldn't let him stalk a bird in the yard. He meowed at me everytime I said he wasn't going to catch it. It was pretty funny really..."Ok, you were going to catch it..." ... silence. "Just kidding, you weren't going to catch it..." meeeoooowwww. lol, he was pissed.
Dude, I got bad news. God is a Cat.
25th April 2018, 07:05
Dude, I got bad news. God is a Cat.
25th April 2018, 13:29
Dude, I got bad news. God is a Cat.
enjoy being
25th April 2018, 13:35
Emil El Zapato
25th April 2018, 13:55
now that's funny
27th April 2018, 06:50
27th April 2018, 08:04
I like that a lot, thanks!
Emil El Zapato
2nd May 2018, 00:13
I think somebody's been watching me. :)
I don't think I'm breaking any nda's when I post that I just received a recruitment letter from the 'skunk works'. I would have given anything for that....20 years ago...
enjoy being
2nd May 2018, 01:51
Emil El Zapato
2nd May 2018, 02:03
:) I was thinking I really deserve that... speaking of which... :) I wonder where Batman has been hiding, we need his wildness to add to the ambience. On the other end of the scale there is Sandy with her always even-tempered self.
Emil El Zapato
2nd May 2018, 19:51
I have a buddy that was actually related to this guy:
Jonathan Chapman:
5th May 2018, 16:44
This is about Evangelicals and their support for Hitler during his rise. Controversial and chillingly similar to the current dynamic...
The Protestants who supported Hitler were avid, they called themselves, “storm troopers of Jesus Christ.” Many argued that Hitler could not have happened without the teachings of Martin Luther, yes, they directly linked the creator of their religion to Hitler and National Socialism. And to make sure they stayed in line, they elected Ludwig Müller, as Reich bishop. Müller was well known and a Nazi party member, and under his leadership, the Protestants embraced Nazi philosophy and incorporated it into their worship.
Hitler gave German Protestants what they wanted, a feeling of superiority, the power to force their beliefs on others, and the power to vanquish competing religions from Germany. If this sounds remarkably similar to the same things we are getting from American Evangelicals, well yes, they are very similar. And like the German Protestants, they are very far off the proverbial reservation.
5th May 2018, 17:01
And given the fact that Trump may not have ever been as rich as he claims, the prosperity gospel part falls on its ass...
- Trump was never worth$10 billion, in fact his net worth may never have exceeded $1 billion
- at times Trump has had a negative net worth
- Trump has been very beholden to Russian money.
Emil El Zapato
5th May 2018, 18:05
This is about Evangelicals and their support for Hitler during his rise. Controversial and chillingly similar to the current dynamic...
so true, and so relevant...I heard a story this morning from my barber about her boss...a 'devout' Christian from Mexico. Her husband left her because after 20 years of marriage he found out that his wife had everything in her name, a life that he had built to support her and their children. This woman teaches sunday school.
Christianity in religious philosophy circles has been directly blamed for materialism. I've never really felt that because my understanding has always been that Jesus taught generosity. I think it is genned from the biblical proverb about given Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. I dunno...I never took it that way.
I've never been wealthy and have always practiced generosity but I've had literal miracles sustain me in times of financial issues...literal
Dumpster Diver
5th May 2018, 19:27
Well glad I mentioned it then.
I always feel glad when I spot sandy's name momentarily in online list.
Someone has had batman tied up for a while and some things are getting done but he will be back soon having done us proud.
Yeah, just returned from Peña Duro.
6th May 2018, 00:27
Better than Rura Pente. (Unsure of spelling/Star Trek ref from Undiscovered Country)
6th May 2018, 01:01
Better than Rura Pente. (Unsure of spelling/Star Trek ref from Undiscovered Country)
You came close. ;) It's spelled "Rura Penthe (". ;)
Emil El Zapato
7th May 2018, 18:28
My daughter's high school is going to have a sponsored Ted Talk presentation on May 22. I think this might be a good opportunity for us older generation folks to get an idea about what the younger ones are really about.
I guess it is can try this link if interested:
enjoy being
7th May 2018, 21:22
7th May 2018, 22:02
You don't seem/look like an older generation folk.
In my view you have to be AT LEAST 70 before I will consider you older generation.
Maybe I am just showing my age too.
I still feel like I am *picks a number from the ether* 27
The half century mark has been a traditional marker for elders. We do wish to acknowledge elders before they die.:love:
However, if 70 is your opinion, then it is noted.
7th May 2018, 22:19
Haha, I guess I am saying, the older you get, the older ones elders need to be.
It is interesting as there is wisdom in all ages. Some who are old appear to have learned much, some appear to have learned nothing. But in that nothing there are lessons too.
My folks even, in their age are having some of the biggest spiritual growth of their lives right now, and it was catalysed by words from younger lips.
Before, they were teaching even younger eyes, what can become of the broken hearted, now they are bringing that lesson into something grander.
My generation, the baby boomers and the one before that, to some degree, have a paucity of wise elders. It is wisdom of a life lived and not the years that qualifies, IMO. And, wisdom always hears itself regardless of the age of the lips.
8th May 2018, 03:09
It is interesting as there is wisdom in all ages.
And there is foolishness in all ages, too. I shall not name any names, but... :whstl:
Emil El Zapato
8th May 2018, 16:28
Ant consciousness is about Feethood :)
8th May 2018, 22:03
Show me the wretched who has overcome and let they be teachers or leaders if one must be led or taught. The lessons are always there anyhow for one to learn from, just not always the one which at least one of the exchangers intended. If we can get out of our own way we can observe the lessons as they unfold and love our times of perceived adversary. The caressing storm.
It is impressive that you are self-taught in every way. I must humbly admit that the skills I have honed to a high level were the result of teachers giving me instruction to give me enough grounding to begin to self-teach. Leaders and teachers should not be conflated, IMO.
10th May 2018, 03:02
NAP, I thought I posted a comment earlier but's not to be found. So I'll say it here...
You're new avatar is fun. The tree has an owl's face and a chimp's butt. Or maybe bonobo...:ttr:
Emil El Zapato
10th May 2018, 15:14
:) I took that picture a couple of years ago...I didn't capture it like I wanted to but it reminded me of cave pictures of aliens... :)
From a book written in 1929, a biography of the last remaining slave with a documented knowledge of the trip from Africa on a slave ship...
"When the Earth eats, it doesn't give back"
10th May 2018, 15:40
It could also be a mouth on a Hadui mask. (false face)
Emil El Zapato
11th May 2018, 17:03
My brothers home for 20 years in California had a high school shooting this morning.
My daughter's high school is in lockdown right now due to a suspicious package delivery across the street a few minutes ago.
Bomb's in Beaumont Texas are going off...seems another serial bomber
12th May 2018, 13:22
Nuts. We've got our problems, sure, but this place is hardly a hell-hole. Why shoot up stuff and plant bombs? What insanity has gripped people? There are opportunities around every corner not to mention plenty of natural beauty. Why shoot up the place?
People are going nuts.
The sad reality, but we are here to counter that.
Dumpster Diver
12th May 2018, 16:39
You don't seem/look like an older generation folk.
In my view you have to be AT LEAST 70 before I will consider you older generation.
Maybe I am just showing my age too.
I still feel like I am *picks a number from the ether* 27
70 in September...I actually feel younger than I did in my 50s
Emil El Zapato
12th May 2018, 16:42
cool, the are fortunate...I'm working on my attitude about that...The Seth book reminded me that we are what we believe we are...
incidentally, a Ouija board once told me that I would live to age 104... that's what I'm shooting for :)
One guy I worked with found out my age and remarked that I was going to live past 100...nice corrorboration... :) but I always get those others like my adopted dad who is 95 and as mean as he was when he was 45 that always tries to discourage me.
Emil El Zapato
12th May 2018, 19:36
12th May 2018, 19:54
Were you part of the earlier Kek discussions here, NAP?
Emil El Zapato
12th May 2018, 21:31
If appears witch burning was going out of faddish style around the turn of 1700. About this time, reports of vampirism started to accumulate in Eastern Europe and the focus of ‘supernaturalism’ shifted to that, ostensibly to keep the drumbeat going for the masses amusement. Or perhaps the tricksters wanted to try a new trick. - NAP
Augustin Calmet, The Phantom World – 1746
“The East European vampire was a synthesis of characteristics of five different sets of magical beliefs: ‘the revenants, the nightly pressing spirits, the blood-sucking stryge of Antiquity, those witches from Slavic and Balkan territories who were said to persist in harmful activities after their deaths, and finally the werewolf, a person capable of adopting the form of a wolf in order to attack and devour humans.
For religious writers like Calmet, vampires represented a blasphemous parody of Christian doctrines. Like the uncorrupted remains of saints, the corpses of vampires refused to decay and resurrected themselves every night instead of waiting for the Day of Judgement. Aping the sacrament of the mass they drank the blood of the living, and strange lights like unholy haloes were seen round their graves. It was these grotesque perversions that prompted Calmet to write the treatise which forms this book.
To safeguard Catholic doctrines concerning miracles, the resurrection, the veneration of the saints, and the efficacy of the sacraments, he sought to distinguish these from the blasphemous vanities of peasant beliefs about vampires, and to expose the ignorance that led to mistaken assumptions about phenomena that really had natural causes. Calmet was not only trying to rescue Catholic doctrine from superstitious perversions but also from the onslaughts of atheists and materialists who saw no difference between religious doctrine and popular superstitions.
Unfortunately, Calmet failed to walk this tightrope successfully. His vampire treatise was condemned as uncritical and credulous. Voltaire, who had initially treated Calmet with respect, thereby gaining access to the riches of the library at Senones, later decided that Calmet was a credulous fool. This is a judgement which Henry Christmas, the anti-Catholic translator and editor of The Phantom World, seems to have supported. His introduction [not reprinted] has some very harsh things to say about ‘popery’, ‘superstition’, and ‘human error’. This is both to misunderstand Calmet’s intention and to underestimate his abilities. It’s as useless for Voltaire to criticize him for not being a materialist as ofr Christmas to find him at fault for being a Catholic. Calmet’s mind is clear, he writes with incisive wit and logic, it is a delight to see him deconstructing a story or destroying an argument. Necessarily he brings to his task the constraints of his position and his time, but for anyone interested in the history of ideas that is a bonus not a fault."
Emil El Zapato
12th May 2018, 22:09
Were you part of the earlier Kek discussions here, NAP?
I remember vaguely but it didn't really mean anything to me...Am I missing something?
13th May 2018, 02:58
The video you posted was great.
There was an earlier thread with a couple other vids and some discussion. Modwiz has also posted some stuff re Kekistan.
It was recognized as chaos magic.
People like to see a wrench thrown into the works. Joe even said it in his interview w/Matt Taibi. Problem is, what’s the plan? There is none.
Chaos only destroys. It doesn’t build.
13th May 2018, 03:36
ATL Carver was interviewed and spoke about Kek. Carver wrote a book called You're Imagining Things. I read a review of the book and the video below was embedded. It's a Scottish fellow discussing magic.
This could perhaps go in the Myth and Magic thread as well as the Chaos Magic thread (I believe one was started).
Emil El Zapato
13th May 2018, 13:27
The video you posted was great.
There was an earlier thread with a couple other vids and some discussion. Modwiz has also posted some stuff re Kekistan.
It was recognized as chaos magic.
People like to see a wrench thrown into the works. Joe even said it in his interview w/Matt Taibi. Problem is, what’s the plan? There is none.
Chaos only destroys. It doesn’t build.
yeah, I found it by 'accident' mostly but it was what I was looking for...something to explain the bridge between the 'ancient' and the alt-right. This was it in spades. :)
Emil El Zapato
13th May 2018, 13:38
ATL Carver was interviewed and spoke about Kek. Carver wrote a book called You're Imagining Things. I read a review of the book and the video below was embedded. It's a Scottish fellow discussing magic.
This could perhaps go in the Myth and Magic thread as well as the Chaos Magic thread (I believe one was started).
he's referencing Flatland and Broca's
he's talking about the hemisphere's of the brain right now...yeah, I'm familiar with those ideas and they are interesting. In fact, that is why I find justification in despising Aristotle...because his brain wasn't fully developed... :)
This guy is really interesting... :)
Emil El Zapato
13th May 2018, 14:46
I should be working but what am I doing...ruminating on where we are as a global society... :)
My thoughts right now...disclaimer: my thoughts are always subject to modification... :)
There is great power in magic, there has never been any doubt about that...As one of my teacher nuns stated in 5th grade..."Where there is belief, there is power"
There is a power struggle that has continued since the birth of structured religion...Magic or God?
Is Magic a power that is our essence or does religious spirit faith grant us power?
This isn't a question to be answered by force. We have a choice? If one considers that the birth of 'magic' was founded in a tapping of the 'gods good graces', not a power that emanated from us then the dichotomy dissolves. The notion that power is us developed over time as humanity moved away from the need to conjure primeval superstitions because he was 'englightened' by science. He ostensibly no longer cowered in his cave at the sound of thunder and lightning.
But isn't that where the split began? The split between a faith in the 'great creator' and faith in ourselves as supreme beings. Between you and I, I don't want to be a supreme being, there is too much power in that for me to handle...I want to be granted power at a level that I can deal with...Too much power is explosive to the human being. We have seen too many examples of that to deny it.
Emil El Zapato
13th May 2018, 19:31
Augustin Calmet – Author’s preface to the first volume:
“The great number of authors who have written upon the apparitions of angels, demons, and disembodied souls is not unknown to me; and I do not presume sufficiently on my own capacity to believe that I shall succeed better in it than they have done, and that I shall transcend their knowledge and their discoveries. I am perfectly sensible that I expose myself to criticism, and perhaps to the mockery of many readers, who regard this matter as done with, and settled in the minds of philosophers, learned men, and many theologians. I must not reckon either on the approbation of the people, whose want of discernment prevents their being competent judges of this same. My aim is not to foment superstition, not to feed the vain curiosity of visionaries, and those who believe with examination everything that is related to them as soon as they find therein anything marvelous and supernatural. I write only for reasonable and unprejudiced minds, which examine things seriously and coolly; I speak but for those who assent even to known truth only after mature reflection, who know how to doubt of what is uncertain, to suspend their judgement on what is doubtful and to deny what is manifestly false.
As for pretended freethinkers, who reject everything in order to distinguish themselves, and to place themselves above the common herd, I leave them in their elevated sphere; they will think of this work as they may consider proper, and as it is not calculated for them, will not probably take the trouble to read it.
14th May 2018, 12:47
Go North! Wait, no, don't. (remember the good ole days when gun runners were heroes?)
Emil El Zapato
14th May 2018, 23:52
Augustin Calmet – The Phantom World – 1745
“Opinions of the Jews, Christians, Mahometans, and Oriental Nations, concerning the Apparitions of Good Angels”
“The Mahometans believe, as do the Jews and Christians, that good angels appear to men sometimes, under a human form, that they appeared to Abraham and Lot; that they punished the inhabitants of Sodom; that the archangel Gabriel appeared to Mahomet, and revealed to him all that is laid down in his Koran: that the Genii are of a middle nature, between man and angel; that they eat, drink, beget children, that they die, and can foresee things to come. In consequence of this principle or idea, they believe that there are male and female Genii; that the males, whom the Persians call by the name of Dives, are bad, very ugly, and mischievous, making war against the Peris, who are the females. The Rabbis will have it that Genii were born of Adam alone, without any concurrence of his wife, Eve, or of any other woman, and that they are what we call ignis fatui (or wandering lights).
The antiquity of these opinions touching the corporality of angels, appears in several old writers, who, deceived by the apocryphal book which passes under the name of the Book of Enoch, have explained of the angels what is said in Genesis. “That the children of God, having seen the daughters of men, fell in love with their beauty, wedded them, and beget giants of them.’ Several of the ancient Fathers have adopted this opinion, which is now given up by everybody, with the exception of some new writers, who desired to revive the idea of the corporality of angels demons, and souls – an opinion which is absolutely incompatible with that of the Catholic Church, which holds that angels are of a nature entirely distinct from matter.”
I think it is worth noting that according to Calmet, there is no question as to the existence of these entities but there are varied opinions of their nature. Also notice that Calmet, A Catholic Priest living in 1745 directly contradicts the words in Genesis, implicitly explaining that in his opinion that it is a misunderstanding or simply wrong.
Emil El Zapato
15th May 2018, 17:31
“Opinion of the Greeks and Romans on the Apparitions of Good Genii”
“Jamblichus, a disciple of Porphyry, has treated the matter of Genii and their apparitions more profoundly that any other author of antiquity. It would seem, to hear him discourse, that he knew both the Genii and their qualities, and that he had with them the most intimate and continual converse. He affirms that our eyes are delighted by the appearance of the gods, that the apparitions of the archangels are terrible; those of angels are milder; but when demons and heroes appear, they inspire terror; the archontes, who preside over this world, cause at the same time an impression of grief and fear. The apparition of souls is not quite so disagreeable as that of heroes. In the appearance of the gods there is order and mildness, confusion and disorder in that of demons, and tumult in that of the archontes.
When the gods show themselves, it seems as if the heavens, the sun and moon, were all about to be annihilated; one would think that the earth could not support their presence. On the appearance of an archangel, there is an earthquake in every part of the world; it is preceded by a stronger light than that which accompanies the apparition of the angels; at the appearance of a demon it is less strong, and diminishes still more when it is a hero who shows himself.
The apparitions of the gods are very luminous; those of angels and archangels less so, those of demons are dark, but less dark than those of heroes. The archontes who preside over the brightest things in this world, are luminous but those which are occupied only with what is material, are dark. When souls appear, they resemble a shade. He continues his description of the apparitions, and enters into tiresome details on the subject, one would say, to hear him, that there was a most intimate and habitual connexion between the gods, the angels, the demons, and the souls separated from the body, and himself. But all this is only the work of his imagination; he knew no more than any other concerning a matter which is above the reach of men’s understanding. He had never seen any apparitions of gods, or heroes, or archontes; unless we say that there are veritable demons which sometimes appear to men. But to discern them one from the other, as Jamblichus pretends to do, is mere illusion.”
Emil El Zapato
15th May 2018, 18:51
my cat is entertaining me this afternoon...I was listening to a recorded message on speaker phone and he started batting the phone around...funny
Emil El Zapato
15th May 2018, 22:11
This is not meant as a critique of magic, rather it is an examination of the Magician of 17th century Europe. One thing that is emerging from this work is the realization that most punishment of 'the esoteric' was exacted by secular authorities, but obviously the Christian zeitgeist was most prominent. This is a case of a 'magician' and his motivations, remembering that it is 17th century Europe:
"Examination of the Affair of Hocque, Magician"
“Monsieur de St Andre, consulting physician in ordinary to the king, in his sixth letter against magic, maintains that in the affair of Hocque which has been mentioned, there was neither magic, nor sorcery, nor any operation of the demon; that the venomous drug which Hocque placed in the stables, and by means of which he caused the death of the cattle stalled therein, was nothing but a poisonous compound which, by its smell and the diffusion of its particles, poisoned the animals and caused their death; it required only for these drugs to be taken away, for the cattle to be safe, or else to keep the cattle from the stable in which the poison was placed. The difficulty lay in discovering where these poisonous drugs were hidden; the shepherds, who were the authors of the mischief, taking all sorts of precautions to conceal them, knowing that their lives were in danger if they should be discovered. He further remarks, that these gogues or poisoned drugs lose their effects after a certain time, unless they are renewed or watered with something to revive them and make them ferment again. If the devil had any share in this mischief, the drug would always possess the same virtue, and it would not be necessary to renew it and refresh it, to restore it to its pristine power.
In all this, M. de St. Andre supposes that if the demon had any power to deprive animals of their lives, or to cause them fatal maladies, he could do so independently of secondary causes; which will not be easily granted him by those who hold that God alone can give life and death by an absolute power, independently of all secondary causes and of any natural agent. The demon might have revealed to Hocque the composition of this fatal and poisonous drug – he might have taught him its dangerous effects, after which the venom acts in a natural way; it recovers and resumes its pristine strength when it is watered; it acts only at a certain distance, and according to the reach of the corpuscules which exhale from it. All these effects have nothing supernatural in them, nor which ought to be attributed to the demon; but it is credible enough, that he inspired Hocque with pernicious design to make use of a dangerous drug, which the wretched man knew how to make up, or the composition of which was revealed to him by the evil spirit.”
Emil El Zapato
16th May 2018, 00:14
“M. de St Andre continues, and says, that there is nothing in the death of Hocque which ought to be attributed to the demon; it is, says he, a purely natural effect, which can proceed from no other cause than the venomous effluvia which came from the poisonous drug when it was taken up, and which were carried towards the malefactor by those which proceeded from his own body while he was preparing it, and placing it in the ground, which remained there and were preserved in that spot, so that none of them had been dissipated.
These effluvia proceeding from the person of Hocque, then finding themselves liberated, returned to whence they originated, and drew with them the most malignant and corrosive particles of the charge or drug, which acted on the body of this shepherd as they did on those of the animals who smelled them. He confirms what he has just said, by the example of sympathetic powder which acts upon the body of a wounded person, by the immersion of small particles of the blood, or the pus of the wounded man upon whom it is applied, which particles draw with them the spirit of the drugs of which it (the powder) is composed, and carry them to the wound.
But the more I reflect on this pretended evaporation of the venomous effluvia emanating from the poisoned drug, hidden at Passy en Brie, six leagues from Paris, which are supposed to come straight to Hocque, shut up at la Tournelle, borne by the animal effluvia proceeding from this malefactor’s body at the time he made up the poisonous drug and put it in the, so long before the dangerous composition was discovered; the more I reflect on the possibility of these evaporations, the less I am persuaded of them; I could wish to have proofs of this system, and not instances of the very doubtful and very uncertain effects of sympathetic powder, which can have no place in the case in question. It is proving the obscure by the obscure, and the uncertain by the uncertain; and even were we to admit some effects of the sympathetic powder, they could not be applicable here; the distance between the places is too great, and the time is too long; and what sympathy can be found between this shepherd’s poisonous drug and his person , for it is able to return to him who is imprisoned in Paris, when the gogue is discovered at Passy.”
Emil El Zapato
16th May 2018, 00:32
This is why this tale is in the book and one should note the crimes committed and why he was condemned to death by secular court system:
“When, therefore, it is evident that some person has inflicted injury on his neighbor by malpractices, the parliament punishes them rigorously, even to the pain of death, conformably to the ancient Capitularies of the kingdom, and the royal Ordonnances. Bodin, who wrote in 1680, has collected a great number of decrees, to which may be added those which the reverend Father le Brun reports, given since that time.
He afterwards relates a remarkable instance of a man name Hocque, who was condemned to the galleys, the 2nd September 1687, by sentence of the high court of justice at Passy, for having made use of malpractices towards animals, and having thus killed a great number in Champagne, Hocque died suddenly, miserably, and in despair, after having discovered, when drunken with wine, to a person named Beatrice, the secret which he made use of to kill the cattle; he was not ignorant that the demon would cause his death, to revenge the discovery which he had made of this spell.
Some of the accomplices of this wretched man were condemned to the galleys by divers decrees; others were condemned to be hanged and burnt by order of the Baille of Passy, the 26th October 1691, which sentence was confirmed by decree of the parliament of Paris, the 18th December 1691.
From all which we deduce that the parliament of Paris acknowledges that the spells by which people do injury to their neighbours ought to be rigorously punished; that the devil has very extensive power which he too often exercises over men and animals, and that he would exercise it oftener, and with greater extension and fury, if he were not limited and hindered by the power of God, and that of good angels, who set bounds to his malice. St Paul warns us to put on the armour of God, to be able to resist the snares of the devil: for, adds he, ‘we have not to war against flesh and blood: but against princes and powers, against the bad spirits who govern this dark world, against the spirits of malice who reign in the air.”
Emil El Zapato
17th May 2018, 00:06
“The account composed and printed on this event, bears, that the fumes of the wine which Hocque had drank, having evaporated, and he reflecting on what Beatrice had made him do, began to agitate himself, howled, and complained most strangely, saying that Beatrice had taken him by surprise, that it would occasion his death, and that he must die the instant that Bras-de-fer, another shepherd, to whom Beatrice had persuaded Hocque to write word to take off, the poisoned drug, which he had scattered on the ground, at Passy, should take away the dose. He attacked Beatrice, whom he wanted to strangle, and even excited the other felons who were with him in prison, and condemned to the galleys, to maltreat her, through the pity they felt for the despair of Hocque, who, at the time the dose was taken off the land, had died in a moment, in strange convulsions, and agitating himself like one possessed.
M. de St Andre would again explain al this, by supposing Hocque’s imagination being struck with the idea of his dying, which he was persuaded would happen at the time they carried away the poison, had a great deal to do with his sufferings and death. How many people have been known to die at the time they had fancied they should, when struck with the idea of their approaching death. The despair and agitation of Hocque had disturbed the ass of his blood, altered the humours, deranged the motion of the effluvia, and rendered them much susceptible of the actions of the vapours proceeding from the poisonous composition.
M. de St. Andre adds, that if the devil had had any share in this kind of mischievous spell, it could only be in consequence of some compact, either expressed or tacit, that as soon as the poison should be taken up, he who had put in there should de immediately. Now what likelihood is there that the person who should make this compact with devil, should have made use of such a stipulation, which would expose him to a cruel and inevitable death?
1. We may reply, that fright can cause death; but that it is not possible for it to produce it at a given time, nor can he who falls into a paroxysm of grief, say that he shall die at such a moment: the moment of death is not in the power of man in similar circumstances.
2. That so corrupt a character as Hocque, a man who without provocation, and to gratify his ill will, kills an infinite number of animals, and causes great damage to innocent persons, is capable of the greatest excess, may give himself up to the evil spirit, by implicated or explicit compacts, and engage, on pain of losing his life, never to take off the charge he had thrown upon a village. He believed he should risk nothing by this stipulation, since he was free to take it away or to leave it, and it was not probable that he should ever lightly thus expose himself to certain death. That the demon had some share in this virtue of the poisonous composition is very likely, when we consider the circumstances of its operations, and those of the death and despair of Hocque. This death is the just penalty of his crimes, and of his confidence in the exterminating angel to who he had yielded himself.”
ATL Carver was interviewed and spoke about Kek. Carver wrote a book called You're Imagining Things. I read a review of the book and the video below was embedded. It's a Scottish fellow discussing magic.
This could perhaps go in the Myth and Magic thread as well as the Chaos Magic thread (I believe one was started).
In a roundabout way this guy explains how our powers were stolen from us...i.e. our magic powers. Great find Dreamtimer! And it all started in Glasgow...:)
Emil El Zapato
17th May 2018, 14:26
This is the Chaos anti thread so:
I had a thought last night: The Antarctica thing...It's may not be as mysterious as given...It might just be a land grab for emerging land?
Trump's Witch Hunt - I wonder if he is a witch?
A dream last night about my upcoming new job conjured up all my bad past experiences at work...I hope that was a clearing...I think it was...but I might be headed to a known 'culture'. According to what I've learned about the company, it should be a known environment but a different cultural ambiance.
What is interesting is the location is right next door to a former job that was probably the best work experience I've ever had...location is in Houston which means I won't have to travel for work any longer...that alone is a great thing but the downside for right now will be Houston crosstown traffic every day...and that sucks... :)
I was also dreaming last night that my next door was from Colombia, though in the dream I was unsure if he was from there or Venezuela...his wife is from Ecuador but in the dream I decided Colombia, he's actually from Venezuela. I was just reading that apparently the indigenous in Colombia are fighting for their that the situation that Abby Martin was reporting about?
Emil El Zapato
18th May 2018, 14:21
Two cargo ships collided head-on in the middle of the South Pacific. The cargo of the eastbound ship contained machine parts, hand tools and 135,000 gallons of red paint.
The westbound ship was loaded with computer parts, electronic testers and 37,000 gallons of brown paint. Thanks to superior survival training, not a man or officer was lost, even though both ships split apart and sank to the bottom.
The question is, what happened to the survivors before their rescue three days later?
Damn, an active high school shooter about 20 minutes from me...
small town under a lot of economic pressure because of the major shakeup at the Johnson Space Center...been has going on since 2010 after the retirement of the Space Shuttle
Emil El Zapato
18th May 2018, 14:28
Texas is blowing up...You can't have such one-sided hatred, exploitation, mental programming, lying, and dismissal without something giving...well, it's giving.
This place...Santa Fe is known for its close ties to the KKK...I can see hordes of armed to the teeth 'patriots' descending on the location. I know people from Santa Fe that have high school age kids...probably only one high school in the area.
Emil El Zapato
18th May 2018, 14:39
Reminds me how here was supposedly that cargo ship a few years back, during the beginning of the ISIS existence, that left the USA, and was speculated to have had a smugglers swag of arms on board from the cabal, and it supposedly broke in two and sunk in the Indian ocean. There was a photo at the time, but the story disappeared from 'big news' pretty quickly.
that was the riddle...You should know the answer... :)
the shooting site is active and apparently ongoing according to the news right now...migraine here I come...
I hear a young girl on the news right now talking about heart is breaking...God! 14-year old...Angelica Martinez...this is just not right
Lifeflight helicopters, ambulances, ATF...someone named 'Kathy' is the local onsite reporter...her phone dropped the call...that's not unusual
might be might be over
shooter in custody
SWAT and Texas City police dept (5 minutes away) are just now showing up and additional Lifeflight helicopters
mass casualty ambulances on the way from different areas of doesn't sound like they will be necessary...
One student posited 'two' shooters...the casualties aren't high enough to start a 'false flag' fake news rumor mill...but anyway. official reports say 1 shooter.
Here come the 'parents'...One lady is talking about how promptly the police responded and 'homeschooling' Homeschooling is one of those loaded memetic terms...her daughter is now talking about the 'media'...all pretty predictable for the area, really.
One female student is extremely upset...almost hysterical...talking about an asthma ex always carried one of them thar' inhaler things with her because she was an asthmatic...I've known her for 25 years and I've never seen her have an attack. they need to get her off camera...her mother is now saying that she herself was in a wild she is saying the child is not going back to the school...she drove from my location.
now they have a guy walking around with an american flag...He's wearing a Trump hat...talking about he's protecting the god-fearing people and preventing those that prey on the innocent. Does this seem sane to anyone? He does look normal...says his wife works for the school district
official report says the shooting started in an art alarm was pulled in another part of the school when students saw the shooter...2 shooters?
now they are reporting multiple casualties...might be an onsite police officer and a substitute teacher.
no reports on the shooter but as the old Paul Rodriguez joke goes..."I hope it wasn't one of us!"
oh shit, this is f*cked they are reporting at least 8 casualties..
Emil El Zapato
18th May 2018, 17:23
I just spoke with a lady that has grandkids in the high school...I asked her if they were safe and she said nobody knows because the officials won't let parents take kids out. I didn't say that it was likely because they were trying to get a headcount...
She also said that there is a house surrounded by police that has bombs in it...
She said the incident started when a student came into the school and threw a flash bomb and said "Surprise!". I can't believe I didn't think to ask her if she had a name of the student...
likely means the bomb scare at my daughter's school was probably a real deal...
just heard the perpetrator might have been bullied by students and even faculty coaches. He was a member of the high school football team. Bullying a 'football' player. That never happened in my day...unless, he came out of the closet or something...maybe that's why he went after the art students.
One of the ironies here is that 6 of the wounded were transported to the my local hospital...A level 3 trauma center that just declared bankruptcy in the last two weeks...My personal doctor gave up his practice to take on the the challenge as one of the board, not a good career move for him.
Emil El Zapato
18th May 2018, 18:32
The other thing is that one eyewitness ... the art teacher says he saw a shotgun and the students said they heard about 20 shots...that's a minimun of 4 reloads as far as I know...Aragorn or Fred Six-Pack might have better intel on that...
shooter: Dimitrios Pagourtzis (Greek likely) most commonly found in the U.S and Greece = today wearing a "Born to Kill t-shirt and black duster.
An Instagram account that appears to belong the 11th-grader shows him following multiple gun-related accounts, including ‘sickguns,’ ‘gunspictures’, as well as others called Guns Fanatics, Guns Lovers and Guns Glory. Only three photos were uploaded to it – a toy rifle attached to an arcade video game, a photo of a frog, and a picture of a gun, knife as well as torch lying on a bed. His Facebook bio declared: ‘YouTube is a Comma Kazi. It’s the one with the kamikaze pilot.
The page also appeared to display a photo of the black trench coat work by Pagourtzis during the massacre. It was adorned with various trinkets, which he explained below. He wrote: ‘Duster Hammer and Sickle = Rebellion Rising Sun = Kamikaze Tactics Iron Cross = Bravery Baphomet = Evil Cthulhu = Power.’
Emil El Zapato
18th May 2018, 19:02
The black and white Iron Cross is the highest German military decoration for bravery. It was introduced in 1813, but was redesigned in 1957 after the German government banned the production of Nazi-associated emblems. Some students claimed that Pagourtzis was bullied by students and another teacher., A note on the Santa Fe Indians football team’s website hailed his ‘huge role’ in a game last October. Pargourtiz also said on the Facebook page that he was planning on joining the military in 2019, but a spokesman said there was no record of him on their files. After the massacre, police rushed to the trailer park were Pagourtzis lived amid reports it had been booby-trapped with explosives. He is said to have used improvised explosive devices and pipe bombs during the slaughter
The Governor is now in Santa Fe...I"m sure preparing his I'm so sorry bullshit speech. He's in a wheel chair but that doesn't stop him from being one of the biggest a-hole's in the state of Texas. I told my daughter if I ran into him in Austin, I was going to pelt him with raw eggs.
Emil El Zapato
18th May 2018, 20:04
Pagourtzis played defensive tackle on the Santa Fe High School junior varsity football team, and was a member of a dance squad with a local Greek Orthodox church. In a recap of an October Santa Fe High JV victory, Pagourtzis was among players credited with playing "a huge role" in stopping the Ball High School's JV running game in a 14-0 victory.
Social media accounts that appear to belong to Pagourtzis but were taken down in the aftermath of the incident featured photos of firearms, a knife, and a custom-made T-shirt emblazoned with the words "Born to Kill." He also posted a photo of a coat that included Nazi insignia.
Emil El Zapato
18th May 2018, 22:34
I was just feeding my cats in an upstairs bedroom...they were gathered around my feet and as I was putting food in 'big brothers' bowl, I thought I caught a glance of a 3rd initial flash was...ooh that's weird and I must have glanced at least for a milisecond because both cats turned and started looking at the bedroom doorway...they both shuffled out into the hallway and proceeded to glance down the hallway and stairs. So now I'm thinking that is really weird...nothing. Ghost cat? Ghost Opossum? - that's actually possible but it's a story too horrific to recount.
What I think really happened.
Cats will cue off of their people...they must have sensed my glance towards them, despite being at my feet, and took it as a signal to see what was it up in that general direction. Interesting to I'm a totally avocational psychologist.
Emil El Zapato
18th May 2018, 22:42
The accused shooter’s dad liked the Facebook page of Fox News and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch through his own page. The suspect’s mother shared a post that reads “Make America Great Again. Go to Church & Worship God” along with other religious oriented posts. The parents’ other posts do not appear to be focused on politics.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis’ mother’s name is Rose Maria Kosmetatos. His father’s name is Antonios Pagourtzis. They were married in 2000. There was an age gap between the two at the time; he was 45, and she was 30, according to online records.
Pagourtzis’ Father Is From Greece, Owns a Marine Company & Liked Dana Loesch’s Page on Facebook
Antonios Pagourtzis is an immigrant from Greece, according to his Facebook page. “He worked at North American Marine, Inc.,” lives in Houston, Texas, and is from Magoulítsa, Kardhitsa, Greece, the Facebook page says. It’s filled with photos of boats. The father liked the pages for Fox News and Dana Loesch on Facebook.
Dana Loesch is the controversial, outspoken spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association. Most of the dad’s other likes are cities in Greece.
Rosemarie K Pagourtzis is listed in a Texas Tribune salaries database as “Administrative Associate in Pediatric Endocrinology, a department of The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.” She makes $42,201, and her race was listed as Hispanic/Latina in that database. She was hired in September 2013.
Click2Houston reported that “authorities were searching a home tied to the suspect.” Several law enforcement agencies were at a home on State Highway 6, about three miles away from the school. A Harris County deputy at the scene said, ‘there’s a bomb’ at the house,” according to the television station. Online records show Dimitrios Pagourtzis’ mom lives in a trailer on that property.
Emil El Zapato
19th May 2018, 01:06
Posts to my local neighborhood forum:
SO deeply saddened by the horrific school shooting in SantaFe. Our families of the shooting victims in SantaFe High School are in our prayers.
8h ago · Bay Glen in General
Alan Elledge
Alan Elledge, Bay Glen·7h ago
Prayers from our family to, hope they find that little ******
Martha Wilson
Martha Wilson, Oakbrook West·7h ago
He’s in custody
Deborah Day
Deborah Day, Oakbrook·7h ago
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·Edited 6h ago
Prayers are not gonna change anything.we all have to vote for representatives that will implement stricter gun laws. Write to that you've had enough of… See more
Julie Ann Kerr
Julie Ann Kerr, Bay Pointe·5h ago
Donate blood
Melinda Pena
Melinda Pena, Camino South·5h ago
What a sad, sad heart breaks for the families... prayers to all of them...wish I had the power to do more or be more helpful...
Melinda Pena
Melinda Pena, Camino South·5h ago
Will write to representative...
Cathy Cap
Cathy Cap, Meadowgreen·5h ago
I am praying the Sorrowful Mysteries Rosery right now..������
Verena Rein
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·5h ago
Heartbreaks and praying doesn't make a difference.just makes you feel better about yourselves. Remember the USA is the only country in the world where school shootings happen at… See more
Lauren Lewis
Lauren Lewis, Pine Brook·Edited 23m ago
There are no words. Tragedy is an understatement. The amount of injustice inflicted on the innocent in our world is soul-crushing. It never stops. I like to do my best to mitigate… See more
James Neill
James Neill, Oakbrook·4h ago
More gun laws will not change anything we need to spend more time with our kids and teach them right from rong not just let them play games that teach how to kill once again we… See more
Bill Hess
Bill Hess, Middlebrook·4h ago
They will get a gun regardless if they want to.. if legal or not.. stricter laws or no laws.. mental health issues or not, have access to them or don’t have access to them... if… See more
Rachel Mcenery
Rachel Mcenery, Brookwood·4h ago
As a mother of four children who are still in the school system, I am deeply saddened and shaken up by this shooting that is just a hop in a skip down the street from us.
Hassina Makan
Hassina Makan, Camino South·4h ago
Sending prayers to all the students, parents, teachers and staff of Sante Fe High School - what an awful thing to happen! May God give them strength and courage to face another… See more
Sharon Guidry
Sharon Guidry, Oakbrook·4h ago
Mayor Turner wants everyone to give up their guns like in Chicago with one of the highest murder rates in the country. Good idea
Verena Rein
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·4h ago
Carol do really mean rachel?
Sally Reyes
Sally Reyes, Bay Oaks·4h ago
It’s so sad like you said Rachel it’s close to home. The poor families, praying for the students and and the victims family. This kid will have a long road ahead of him as well as… See more
Verena Rein
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·Edited 4h ago
It's unbelievable that people prioritize 2. Amendment right over the lives of innocent kids. So instead of calling for more gun laws you want WHO exactly to make sure that all… See more
Ron Larson
Ron Larson, Brook Forest·Edited 4h ago
Amen James Neil..this is a Breakdown in Faith, family values, community..we have a world which is creating people troubled and not into technological detachment..then add the… See more
Lauren Lewis
Lauren Lewis, Pine Brook·Edited 33m ago
I don't want to have a political argument but it is worth noting that 68% of school shooters steal the guns they use from parents or relatives. Over 80% of guns used in school… See more
Verena Rein
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·4h ago
Lauren,why do private people need shot guns and ar15 in their house holds? We need metal detectors in our schools!
Verena Rein
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·4h ago
Who reported my comment above about 2. ammmendment rights? I didn't use any offensive language. Stop reporting people just because you disagree with them!
Marie Zapalac
Marie Zapalac, Camino South·4h ago
Mr Neill, you are so right. Their is very little family time anymore. Parents check the video games you get for your kids. Some are extremely VIOLENT!
Marie Zapalac
Marie Zapalac, Camino South·4h ago
Put prayer back in schools.
Marie Zapalac
Marie Zapalac, Camino South·3h ago
Bill Hess
Bill Hess, Middlebrook·3h ago
No need to question Lauren based off of her opinion or statistics. Why do people drink red wine over white wine? Why do people have pitbulls instead of poodles!? Why do you have a… See more
Verena Rein
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·3h ago
With the little distinction bill that white wine doesn't kill people like an ar15? Why do you have one? Why do you like it?I dint criticize Lauren.i asked a question. Am I allowed… See more
Ron Larson
Ron Larson, Brook Forest·Edited 3h ago
Verena, I support and would fight to my last breath your right to free speech! As much as I disagree with your position on guns (which at a later time could be discussed) But let's… See more
Allen Douglas
Allen Douglas, Brookwood·Edited 3h ago
Quick answer, Verena. Many people have shotguns for hunting. They are also good for home protection. Prayers first for all the victims and their families.
Liz Clark
Liz Clark, Camino South·3h ago
Thanks Mrs Lewis, prayers and support are nice but more action to protect our children, I think people should look into REFORM not to be confused with taking away 2nd amendment,… See more
James Neill
James Neill, Oakbrook·3h ago
Like i said teach your kid to pray keep the video game that are violent out of your home spend more time out side not glued to the tv or computer's go camping fishing and church
Verena Rein
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·3h ago
That's bad hunting if you need a shot gun to kill the animal. Ron, so why does the entire European union enjoy free speech without millions of guns in households there? Not guns… See more
Lauren Lewis
Lauren Lewis, Pine Brook·3h ago
I do not disagree, but I do think we should be pushing for more than just stricter gun laws. Because the topic is so political, very little progress has been made. We should be… See more
Allen Douglas
Allen Douglas, Brookwood·2h ago
Verena. Please educate yourself about duck/goose hunting (for example) before you make uninformed statements. Also many people consider a shot gun to be more effective for home… See more
Verena Rein
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·Edited 2h ago
Allen.Free speech is an ultimate goal that is always under fire every where (even here on ND)That doesn't mean that we need automatic rifles to secure it. And the fact that… See more
Allen Douglas
Allen Douglas, Brookwood·2h ago
Please calm yourself. I simply responded to a couple of your posts and never mentioned anything about automatic rifles. Everyone is devastated by this tragedy - not just you.
Shannon Raffetto
Shannon Raffetto, Oakbrook·2h ago
Read that both guns used belong to his father. Why aren’t people held responsible for not securing their guns, especially when those guns are used to murder people?
Verena Rein
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·Edited 2h ago
I am calm Allen. Just putting things out there that need to be said to keep this discussion balanced. And nothing you said indicated you're devastated.
Allen Douglas
Allen Douglas, Brookwood·1h ago
Wow. Yes I am horrified and devastated and sickened by what happened to those children/teachers/families. However, I didn’t realize that I had to report my feelings to you or… See more
Verena Rein
Verena Rein, Bay Glen·Edited 1h ago
Are u serious? I am condescending?you were the one who told me to educate myself but that you doubted I would change my 'preconceived notions' anyway.And then you said I should… See more
Allen Douglas
Allen Douglas, Brookwood·1h ago
Over and out
Cathy Cap
Cathy Cap, Meadowgreen·Edited 38m ago
Answering previous comment..Praying, in my personal opinion, DOES make a difference . Why do you think Jesus died for our sins? Oh.. to save souls. Unfortunately, this incident is… See more
patricia mckenna
patricia mckenna, Bay Glen·31m ago
amen, Cathy Cap -- Amen.
Jeanine Rainer
Jeanine Rainer, Bay Forest·Edited 9m ago
What is your source that there are no mass shootings in other countries, Verena Rain? This problem is incredibly complicated and not really helped by panicked hyperbole.
Lauren Lewis
Lauren Lewis, Pine Brook·4m ago
I was listening to an interview with the mother of one of the columbine shooters. She said she told him she loved him every day and thought she was doing everything right. She… See more
Emil El Zapato
19th May 2018, 01:31
A gunman has reportedly killed at least eight students at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, TX. The shooter is reportedly in custody. Conspiracy theories about the attack are already spreading on message boards and social media.
This post was last updated at 2:56 pm EDT and will be updated throughout May 18.
4chan: The shooter was “identified as Ant-awan Al-Kumiyya” and has “ties” to ISIS.
4chan: “The suspect is a White male named Paulo Deninez.”
The person who started the thread later posted a “correction” that the name they meant to post was “Paul Denino”:
4chan: The shooting was designed to distract from Department of Justice inspector general report about investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.
4chan: The government takes advantage of real shootings to desensitize people before taking their rights.
4chan: The shooting might have been designed to “shift the narrative back to gun control” and/or distract from Israel killing Gazans.
4chan: “Jewish false flag to distract from whatever is dropping tonight.”
8chan: The shooting might have been a false flag.
Reddit’s r/The_Donald: The shooting might have been a false flag.
Twitter user: A fake account for “Laguna Beach Antifa” spread a false claim that the poster’s father is a janitor at Santa Fe High School who was shot. Another fake “Laguna Beach Antifa” account had previously pushed this same image.
8chan: The shooting “was orchestrated to distract from the clearly LIBERAL EMBARRASSMENT that was the Trump golf club shooting?”
Reddit’s r/Conspiracy: “Student tells CNN anchor there was a fire ‘drill’ at Sante Fe, TX school minutes before shots rang out.”
Laura Loomer: Santa Fe High School had a “mass casualty drill” before the shooting. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help but notice these ‘coincidences.’”
Twitter user and 4chan: “Deep state” is “commission[ing]” the shooter.”
Twitter user: The school had an "active shooter drill" just over a week ago. What a (((coincidence))).”
Twitter user: The shooting was a planned distraction from news about Democrats.
Twitter user: The shooting could be part of a New York Times cover-up of the release of the Justice Department inspector general report release.
4chan: The shooter was bullied by teachers, and media are covering it up.
Twitter users: Survivor Paige Curry is a crisis actor.
Fox News guest suggests Common Core curriculum could be responsible for school shootings
Following Texas high school shooting, Sean Hannity calls for the government to monitor every student's social media account
NY Times reporter explains how media outlets fall for Trump’s racism
Fox guest dismisses concerns over flooding schools with armed security: "There's nothing to fear but fear itself"
Fox's Jason Chaffetz blames mental health and "politically correct culture" for shootings
Pro-Trump media are already accusing Santa Fe shooting survivors of being crisis actors
Fox guest: "There's a myth out there, it's a false narrative, that the solution is to just give guns to teachers"
As news of Texas school shooting broke, Fox called for armed guards. After finding out there was an armed guard, Fox called for arming teachers.
Following Texas high school shooting, Fox host blames video games
Fox Business attacks Pope Francis for making "authoritarian socialism ... part of Catholic doctrine"
MSNBC's Zerlina Maxwell: Women are going to die from Trump's restrictions on use of family planning funds
Fox's Ed Henry likens reporters to "rabid dogs" for covering Trump's "animals" comment
Sean Hannity: Mueller investigation is "a direct threat to this American republic"
On Fox News, Joe diGenova claims "There was a substantial effort to frame" Trump "by infiltrating his campaign, and then his administration with spies"
19th May 2018, 03:34
The other thing is that one eyewitness ... the art teacher says he saw a shotgun and the students said they heard about 20 shots...that's a minimun of 4 reloads as far as I know...Aragorn or Fred Six-Pack might have better intel on that...
Well, it depends on the type of shotgun and the type of ammunition. With mini-cartridges , you can significantly increase the capacity, and they're just as deadly at short range as a normal-size cartridge. They wouldn't be very powerful at long range, of course. And then there are some high-end types of shotguns with two loading tubes, but those are quite pricy.
Normal 12-gauge pump-action shotguns can hold anywhere from four to about seven cartridges in the tube magazine, plus one in the chamber. However, the thing with this sort of firearm is that you don't have to wait until the gun is empty before reloading. You can already add more cartridges to the tube magazine while there is a round in the chamber and while there are still cartridges in the tube.
It's not like with a semi-automatic or a revolver. With a semi-automatic, you generally wait until the magazine is empty, because reloading requires that you take out the magazine and pop in another one — many semi-automatic pistols also have a magazine cutoff, so that you cannot pull the trigger when there's no magazine in the weapon. Sometimes, police officers or military personnel will do a so-called tactical reload, i.e. they will take out the magazine before it's empty and put in a fresh one so as to have full capacity again. And with a revolver, you generally wait until you've used up all your ammo, because you commonly have to either pop out the cylinder or (on older Colt revolvers) open the breech, and then you have to remove the spent cartridges from the cylinder and then put in new ones. So you cannot even do a tactical reload with a revolver.
Pump-action shotguns are different. Say that you have a pump-action shotgun that can hold five rounds, being four in the tube and one in the chamber. As soon as you chamber a round — provided that you haven't done so yet before adding the other rounds — you already make room for an extra round in the magazine tube. Then you fire, say, two rounds, and then you can already put two more shells into the tube to fill it up to the max again.
Shotguns can also take a whole variety of ammunition, ranging from birdshot and buckshot all the way over to slugs. Birdshot is very small and spreads out fast. It can seriously wound or even kill somebody from up close, but at ranges beyond 30 meters, it's pretty useless. Not that it can't injure someone very badly, but at that range, the hit-and-miss becomes unpredictable. Buckshot on the other hand is coarser and heavier, and commonly also packs a bit more punch in terms of gunpowder. It can be lethal at medium and medium-to-long ranges — say, up to 60 meters — but beyond that, it mainly causes non-lethal injuries, which could of course still be serious, depending on where you're hit. But in that case — and as with birdshot — the hit would be a fluke, as the dispersion is too big.
Slugs on the other hand are a whole other story. An experienced shooter can place a slug on target very accurately, even at longer ranges — i.e. 100 meters and beyond — and with a hot enough gunpowder load, those things pack quite a mean punch. It would be like firing a large-caliber rifle. Those slugs do after all have a very large diameter, and thus, there will be a large transfer of kinetic energy onto the target, and a very large entry wound. Also, they commonly have spiraling ridges on them to help stabilize the projectile while in transit — because shotgun barrels are commonly not rifled, although exceptions do exist — and those ridges act like rotating little knives inside the target, just like a dumdum bullet would.
Slugs are almost always going to be lethal up to ranges of about 200 meters, and even beyond, although in that case, again, the hit would be more of a fluke, because the weight and the aerodynamics of the slug on the one hand, and the gunpowder charge on the other hand, both still make slugs into subsonic projectiles, and you need supersonic ammunition for long range accuracy.
19th May 2018, 09:26
This is a comment about the royal wedding. I'm not really into this stuff so I haven't paid much attention.
As in, I kinda new the bride was an American and I saw pictures. I didn't know she was the daughter of an American black woman. Wow.
She's come a long way, baby.
I lived in the South as a child and went to college in the South. I met many Southerners who were quite enthralled with British royalty and I learned that the Southerners liked royalty a lot. One of my friends used to speak with pride about how his Georgian accent was closest to British royalty and that sometimes people would think he was related.
How lusciously ironic that a black woman - let's be real and admit that in American there is no half- black, not even for Obama - is now entering and will become part of the British royalty, titles and all.
I just love it.
19th May 2018, 09:39
One more thing...
I listened to a recording of Yanny/Laurel and it literally began as Yanny and slowly morphed into Laurel after about five iterations. Then, depending on the recording and pitch, it would sound like one or the other. Of course, that's due to the fact that the 'yanny' is in higher tones and the 'laurel' is in lower ones.
I lived in Laurel once...
Emil El Zapato
19th May 2018, 14:31
This is a comment about the royal wedding. I'm not really into this stuff so I haven't paid much attention.
As in, I kinda new the bride was an American and I saw pictures. I didn't know she was the daughter of an American black woman. Wow.
She's come a long way, baby.
I lived in the South as a child and went to college in the South. I met many Southerners who were quite enthralled with British royalty and I learned that the Southerners liked royalty a lot. One of my friends used to speak with pride about how his Georgian accent was closest to British royalty and that sometimes people would think he was related.
How lusciously ironic that a black woman - let's be real and admit that in American there is no half- black, not even for Obama - is now entering and will become part of the British royalty, titles and all.
I just love it.
Exactly...I've seen this dynamic up close and personal...the thing about her father...
My younger brother (true half-brother) would pass as the typical "white boy" and does and doesn't mind because he never really experienced the 'other' side. When in high school (he was voted the best athlete in his graduating class) impregnated an "upper class" cheerleader and despite opposition decided to get married. I refused to attend the wedding because I was against it from a philosophical and practical perspective.
This is the rumor that resulted from that:
The bride's father refused to attend the wedding because he was against his daughter marrying a "Mexican". The truth was it was her mother and father that shotgunned the wedding...they not only were in favor of it...they offered to let them live in their own home after the fact. My brother wouldn't have it, went to work full-time to support his new wife and daughter. Of course, within a year a tornado destroyed their home and weirdly enough her parents home because they bought a home close to where my brother and their daughter were living. They split the insurance money and got divorced...even weirder now his daughter lives in the Houston area and has had her family home destroyed twice by hurricanes, actually 3 times. It's a longer and weirder story but I'll stop there. :)
The part about the fascination with royalty is a very weird thing in my estimation but then there is the organization, Daughters of the American Revolution.
Emil El Zapato
19th May 2018, 14:48
Well, it depends on the type of shotgun and the type of ammunition. With mini-cartridges , you can significantly increase the capacity, and they're just as deadly at short range as a normal-size cartridge. They wouldn't be very powerful at long range, of course. And then there are some high-end types of shotguns with two loading tubes, but those are quite pricy.
Normal 12-gauge pump-action shotguns can hold anywhere from four to about seven cartridges in the tube magazine, plus one in the chamber. However, the thing with this sort of firearm is that you don't have to wait until the gun is empty before reloading. You can already add more cartridges to the tube magazine while there is a round in the chamber and while there are still cartridges in the tube.
It's not like with a semi-automatic or a revolver. With a semi-automatic, you generally wait until the magazine is empty, because reloading requires that you take out the magazine and pop in another one — many semi-automatic pistols also have a magazine cutoff, so that you cannot pull the trigger when there's no magazine in the weapon. Sometimes, police officers or military personnel will do a so-called tactical reload, i.e. they will take out the magazine before it's empty and put in a fresh one so as to have full capacity again. And with a revolver, you generally wait until you've used up all your ammo, because you commonly have to either pop out the cylinder or (on older Colt revolvers) open the breech, and then you have to remove the spent cartridges from the cylinder and then put in new ones. So you cannot even do a tactical reload with a revolver.
Pump-action shotguns are different. Say that you have a pump-action shotgun that can hold five rounds, being four in the tube and one in the chamber. As soon as you chamber a round — provided that you haven't done so yet before adding the other rounds — you already make room for an extra round in the magazine tube. Then you fire, say, two rounds, and then you can already put two more shells into the tube to fill it up to the max again.
Shotguns can also take a whole variety of ammunition, ranging from birdshot and buckshot all the way over to slugs. Birdshot is very small and spreads out fast. It can seriously wound or even kill somebody from up close, but at ranges beyond 30 meters, it's pretty useless. Not that it can't injure someone very badly, but at that range, the hit-and-miss becomes unpredictable. Buckshot on the other hand is coarser and heavier, and commonly also packs a bit more punch in terms of gunpowder. It can be lethal at medium and medium-to-long ranges — say, up to 60 meters — but beyond that, it mainly causes non-lethal injuries, which could of course still be serious, depending on where you're hit. But in that case — and as with birdshot — the hit would be a fluke, as the dispersion is too big.
Slugs on the other hand are a whole other story. An experienced shooter can place a slug on target very accurately, even at longer ranges — i.e. 100 meters and beyond — and with a hot enough gunpowder load, those things pack quite a mean punch. It would be like firing a large-caliber rifle. Those slugs do after all have a very large diameter, and thus, there will be a large transfer of kinetic energy onto the target, and a very large entry wound. Also, they commonly have spiraling ridges on them to help stabilize the projectile while in transit — because shotgun barrels are commonly not rifled, although exceptions do exist — and those ridges act like rotating little knives inside the target, just like a dumdum bullet would.
Slugs are almost always going to be lethal up to ranges of about 200 meters, and even beyond, although in that case, again, the hit would be more of a fluke, because the weight and the aerodynamics of the slug on the one hand, and the gunpowder charge on the other hand, both still make slugs into subsonic projectiles, and you need supersonic ammunition for long range accuracy.
Thanks Aragorn...very thorough as usual... :)
Turns out, the perp also had a semi-automatic handgun and the shotgun was 'sawed-off'... b.t.w. What is wrong with my 'quotes' :) I have despised from an early age the restrictions of grammar...I had a friend whose father was a local English professor whose grammar was total sh*t in whatever she wrote for class...she was considered a writing 'prodigy' so she could get away with anything...I couldn't, so I rebelled as I was always against it anyway... :)
just for fun...her nickname for me was 'Chucky Wucky, Demon of the Underworld!'
a madwoman...dubbed me "Chuck, the serial killer clown"... I kinda liked it...
Emil El Zapato
19th May 2018, 14:59
One more thing...
I listened to a recording of Yanny/Laurel and it literally began as Yanny and slowly morphed into Laurel after about five iterations. Then, depending on the recording and pitch, it would sound like one or the other. Of course, that's due to the fact that the 'yanny' is in higher tones and the 'laurel' is in lower ones.
I lived in Laurel once...
interesting...I tried to switch back to my "Yammy" but couldn't. One thing about it when I first saw it on TV I thought "Yanny" was highlighted and thought I was 'supposed' to be hearing "Yanny".
When my daughter was in elementary school I talked her into doing a science project on 'selective attention'. She enjoyed it and so did I...she did a little video with her friends on the psychological processes involved.
I'm wondering if EB ever got the punchline on the riddle I posted...He's a bit averse to being played so he might have ignored it... :)
enjoy being
19th May 2018, 15:17
19th May 2018, 16:05
b.t.w. What is wrong with my 'quotes' :)
When you trim quotes, you have to make sure that you still leave a closing tag to whatever remains of the quoted section, or they won't be "quotes" anymore. And that's the part you often overlook. ;)
Emil El Zapato
19th May 2018, 16:23
Reminds me how here was supposedly that cargo ship a few years back, during the beginning of the ISIS existence, that left the USA, and was speculated to have had a smugglers swag of arms on board from the cabal, and it supposedly broke in two and sunk in the Indian ocean. There was a photo at the time, but the story disappeared from 'big news' pretty quickly.
Was it the Indian ocean...that seems like such a mysterious place to me...scary... :)
Two cargo ships collided head-on in the middle of the South Pacific. The cargo of the eastbound ship contained machine parts, hand tools and 135,000 gallons of red paint.
The westbound ship was loaded with computer parts, electronic testers and 37,000 gallons of brown paint. Thanks to superior survival training, not a man or officer was lost, even though both ships split apart and sank to the bottom.
The question is, what happened to the survivors before their rescue three days later?
They were marooned...
Emil El Zapato
20th May 2018, 17:54
I once asked what pollution restrictions were in place in the Gulf of Mexico off the Texas coast (I was speaking to a business lady at one of the local marinas) She said as far as she knew there were none!
I was thinking, "well ain't that a huge surprise" Actually, it was a huge surprise, how could they do that?
Emil El Zapato
22nd May 2018, 22:35
wow...nice...not to mention that guy is a heck of an artist... :)
23rd May 2018, 14:43
Favorite Joe Rogan quote of the day:
"Gay people know how to do it."
(in reference to a boat festival in Amsterdam)
24th May 2018, 12:50
Enjoy Being, when you talked about jogging the mind I thought of Koans. I had learned that was one of their purposes. So I decided to look up koans. They are associated with Zen Buddhism. I liked this one:
5. If You Love, Love Openly
Twenty monks and one nun, who was named Eshun, were practicing meditation with a certain Zen master.
Eshun was very pretty even though her head was shaved and her dress plain. Several monks secretly fell in love with her. One of them wrote her a love letter, insisting upon a private meeting.
Eshun did not reply. The following day the master gave a lecture to the group, and when it was over, Eshun arose. Addressing the one who had written to her, she said: "If you really love me so much, come and embrace me now."
Emil El Zapato
24th May 2018, 12:54
This is good...
I'm going to post a Linda Moulton Howe video I saw last night that might not seem to be related, but it is for me...It is about the 'magic' of synchronicity, my early life programming, and the things that give me pause despite being aware of the 'power'.
Can't find it, it's was about some communications she had with supposed DIA and NSA folks about the 'true' nature of the ET - they claimed to be factually aware that they are 'demons' playing with was very weird to hear this presentation but anyway...I don't feel a 'strong' conscious fear when I hear this stuff...but it is something that I struggle with to keep in mental balance when weighed against all other things...
24th May 2018, 13:02
In my opinion, based on experience, the inner knowledge of what to say in this conversation comes from the scouting that people do in the Dreamtime. We've seen and practiced the possibilities. They're too numerous to recall, and it would confuse, so we have our instincts and things like synchronicity to help the right options manifest.
Emil El Zapato
24th May 2018, 13:27 this all of the Celestine Prophecy...I really like it...Where can I get more...I started reading the 12th excerpt the other day...only got about 12 pages deep so far (12...synchronicity... :)
24th May 2018, 13:46
This is good...
I'm going to post a Linda Moulton Howe video I saw last night that might not seem to be related, but it is for me...It is about the 'magic' of synchronicity, my early life programming, and the things that give me pause despite being aware of the 'power'.
Can't find it, it's was about some communications she had with supposed DIA and NSA folks about the 'true' nature of the ET - they claimed to be factually aware that they are 'demons' playing with was very weird to hear this presentation but anyway...I don't feel a 'strong' conscious fear when I hear this stuff...but it is something that I struggle with to keep in mental balance when weighed against all other things...
The claim as that intelligent extraterrestrials would be demons isn't new, and I have a very strong suspicion that it comes from within the US American political far right. It builds heavily upon Christian fundamentalism, reducing all life in the universe to merely three categories: humans, angels and demons.
In my personal opinion, it's just as bogus as the Flat Earth theory. ;)
Emil El Zapato
24th May 2018, 13:54
The claim as that intelligent extraterrestrials would be demons isn't new, and I have a very strong suspicion that it comes from within the US American political far right. It builds heavily upon Christian fundamentalism, reducing all life in the universe to merely three categories: humans, angels and demons.
In my personal opinion, it's just as bogus as the Flat Earth theory. ;)
yes, I agree ... reluctantly...
24th May 2018, 13:59
The claim as that intelligent extraterrestrials would be demons isn't new, and I have a very strong suspicion that it comes from within the US American political far right. It builds heavily upon Christian fundamentalism, reducing all life in the universe to merely three categories: humans, angels and demons.
In my personal opinion, it's just as bogus as the Flat Earth theory. ;)
yes, I agree ... reluctantly...
Why "reluctantly"?
Emil El Zapato
24th May 2018, 14:08
programming...remember... :)
I have only one really embedded aspect to me...a belief in demons...and they scare the sh*t out of me...they are mean...when I commented on having been 'inoculated' I meant as was stated in the Howe video, a belief in Jesus is the saving grace...b.t.w. This is coincidental to my belief in the word of Jesus...he's the man/divine
24th May 2018, 14:52
programming...remember... :)
I have only one really embedded aspect to me...a belief in demons...and they scare the sh*t out of me...they are mean...when I commented on having been 'inoculated' I meant as was stated in the Howe video, a belief in Jesus is the saving grace...b.t.w. This is coincidental to my belief in the word of Jesus...he's the man/divine
What we call demons are beings that do exist, but their nature and origins have nothing to do with Yahweh or Allah. In fact, Islam and Judeo-Christianity have differing explanations as to what demons are and where they come from. Judeo-Christianity describes demons as being fallen angels, while Islam describes them as Jinn — beings that may be either good or bad, or somewhere in between, just like humans, because Jinn have Free Will. And I think that Islam's explanation is probably a lot closer to the mark than the Judeo-Christian one.
Many people who've had face-to-face encounters with demons — and that includes my brother — report that calling upon Jesus causes the demon to retreat. But what they don't seem to realize is that this could just very well be part of the deception, because so long as you are praying unto a deity or unto Jesus, you are sacrificing and sending out exactly the kind of energy that these beings feed upon.
I've had my own encounters with demonic activity in some form or another, and let me assure you that they've got nothing to do with any religion, other than that they could be using man's inclination toward being or becoming religious as, indeed, something they feed upon. And whether they scare you to death or not, prayer isn't going to help you get rid of them. If it is, then you are being led by the nose. Remember what false-flag attacks are? ;)
Like all things in existence, they should be respected for the role they play within Creation, because they have their place in the universe. They are catalysts, so as to bring out the best in people. But that's as far as it goes, and I am not going to pray unto anything to help me get rid of them, because due to the fact that they play a role in Creation and that they too have Free Will, nobody "up there" is going to help you deal with them, whether you pray or not.
I consider demons just another lifeform. A terribly annoying one, but only as annoying as the most evil of humans. And I've had loads of experience with those as well. In fact, I'm almost like a magnet for psychopaths. That may have something to do with the nature of my soul, as I am not like other people and I'm not even from within this universe. So I run into psychopaths everywhere, and they've already been messing with my life for as long as I can remember.
I guess I go about the existence of demons in the bushido way. I'm not afraid of dying, because quite frankly, I have a shitty life, and I know that when my time comes to leave these mortal realms, then I will regain all of my power again. So they know that they can't touch me in "the afterlife", and if they seek me out in this life, then I'm not afraid to battle them to the death. Because if and when push comes to shove, then I am more than willing to go that far. I've got nothing left to lose but the battle itself.
Everyone knows that it's better to steer clear of the wounded animal in the corner. ;)
Emil El Zapato
24th May 2018, 15:04
for sure, Aragorn...
I've never been confronted by demons save in dreams...Once one was chasing me down a hallway and cornered me at the thought in the dream was, ok...let's go then. as the demon approached me, I literally shoved my fist into its mouth/skull and ripped its head off... :) When we were early in getting to know one another my ex told me about her encounter with demons and it scared me because I doubted her sanity...after I got to know her better I began to realize why she might have had the encounter ... :). Incidentally, she had paintings in her house that were 'religious' in nature but they for all the world looked demonic to me...I wouldn't have had them within a 100 miles of me. Her current husband was a ghost hunter for a good while and has mentioned stories from people he worked with that had encounters.
I'll keep my 'false sense of security' :)
What we call demons are beings that do exist, but their nature and origins have nothing to do with Yahweh or Allah. In fact, Islam and Judeo-Christianity have differing explanations as to what demons are and where they come from. Judeo-Christianity describes demons as being fallen angels, while Islam describes them as Jinn — beings that may be either good or bad, or somewhere in between, just like humans, because Jinn have Free Will. And I think that Islam's explanation is probably a lot closer to the mark than the Judeo-Christian one.
Many people who've had face-to-face encounters with demons — and that includes my brother — report that calling upon Jesus causes the demon to retreat. But what they don't seem to realize is that this could just very well be part of the deception, because so long as you are praying unto a deity or unto Jesus, you are sacrificing and sending out exactly the kind of energy that these beings feed upon.
I've had my own encounters with demonic activity in some form or another, and let me assure you that they've got nothing to do with any religion, other than that they could be using man's inclination toward being or becoming religious as, indeed, something they feed upon. And whether they scare you to death or not, prayer isn't going to help you get rid of them. If it is, then you are being led by the nose. Remember what false-flag attacks are? ;)
Like all things in existence, they should be respected for the role they play within Creation, because they have their place in the universe. They are catalysts, so as to bring out the best in people. But that's as far as it goes, and I am not going to pray unto anything to help me get rid of them, because due to the fact that they play a role in Creation and that they too have Free Will, nobody "up there" is going to help you deal with them, whether you pray or not.
I consider demons just another lifeform. A terribly annoying one, but only as annoying as the most evil of humans. And I've had loads of experience with those as well. In fact, I'm almost like a magnet for psychopaths. That may have something to do with the nature of my soul, as I am not like other people and I'm not even from within this universe. So I run into psychopaths everywhere, and they've already been messing with my life for as long as I can remember.
I guess I go about the existence of demons in the bushido way. I'm not afraid of dying, because quite frankly, I have a shitty life, and I know that when my time comes to leave these mortal realms, then I will regain all of my power again. So they know that they can't touch me in "the afterlife", and if they seek me out in this life, then I'm not afraid to battle them to the death. Because if and when push comes to shove, then I am more than willing to go that far. I've got nothing left to lose but the battle itself.
Everyone knows that it's better to steer clear of the wounded animal in the corner. ;)
WTG Aragorn! :h5: I can't imagine anyone would seriously want to mess with you...they just have to find out for themselves, hey? You are a brave Soul and deserve respect.
24th May 2018, 18:14
WTG Aragorn! :h5: I can't imagine anyone would seriously want to mess with you...they just have to find out for themselves, hey? You are a brave Soul and deserve respect.
I love you too, Sister. :hugs:
But that's as far as it goes, and I am not going to pray unto anything to help me get rid of them, because due to the fact that they play a role in Creation and that they too have Free Will, nobody "up there" is going to help you deal with them, whether you pray or not.
Well, I have to disagree with that brother. I have had experiences both with angelic beings and demons too (quite often unfortunately) and even though it sometimes gets a bit hard to be in the middle when it comes to the battle between light and darkness, it is a choice to pray or not. You don't have to do that, but there is always help. They can't remove the demons, but it's not hopeless either. There is so much light, so much good. As a counterforce, there is the darkness too. Both are powerful forces, but ultimately the power and light of the Supreme Being and followers of it's light have the upper hand. I don't think anyone said that it would be easy to be a human, especially humans like us in times like these. Just my two Scandinavian cents.
Emil El Zapato
24th May 2018, 21:43
this is kind of a 'religious' thing which I am a bit wary of, as so many others are, but Christian theologians would argue that the 'evil' only has as much power as that allowed by the creator, and any of it is at the creator's behest. so it is part of the mystery I suppose.
All is within the Creation, but evil seems to be quite separated from the Creator. Or it got as far away from it as possible...
24th May 2018, 23:17
All is within the Creation, but evil seems to be quite separated from the Creator. Or it got as far away from it as possible...
There is no existential evil, only existential deception that causes humans to do evil to each other. The manifestation of evil comes only from the actions of the human species. Some things that are Natural get confused with what evil is. Clarity is not so hard but, deception must be cleared away and its source comprehended.
There is no existential evil, only existential deception that causes humans to do evil to each other. The manifestation of evil comes only from the actions of the human species. Some things that are Natural get confused with what evil is. Clarity is not so hard but, deception must be cleared away and its source comprehended.
I can't agree with that. Some of the non-human demonic energies and beings sure have felt evil or to be precise, satanic to me. Very dark, I suspect that those beings and energies and thoughtforms are able to influence many people. That doesn't take responsibility away from us humans as we have our "free" will to choose what we do, but there are greater things at play in the background. That's for certain and it's not a matter of belief.
25th May 2018, 00:11
I can't agree with that. Some of the non-human demonic energies and beings sure have felt evil or to be precise, satanic to me. Very dark, I suspect that those beings and energies and thoughtforms are able to influence many people. That doesn't take responsibility away from us humans as we have our "free" will to choose what we do, but there are greater things at play in the background. That's for certain and it's not a matter of belief.
Envy and jealousy have an evil feel to them, they are hungry and ravenous. I too speak from experience, even dialogue. However, quite content to not pursue a deep subject in a text format. Just adding what I have to share in case it might provide clarity. Shamanic journeying is an experiential path but, deceptions occur in those spaces as well. A coherent creation myth, that can be confirmed as an experience, is the best tool, IMO.
25th May 2018, 07:08
There is no existential evil, only existential deception that causes humans to do evil to each other. The manifestation of evil comes only from the actions of the human species. Some things that are Natural get confused with what evil is. Clarity is not so hard but, deception must be cleared away and its source comprehended.
I can't agree with that. Some of the non-human demonic energies and beings sure have felt evil or to be precise, satanic to me. Very dark, I suspect that those beings and energies and thoughtforms are able to influence many people. That doesn't take responsibility away from us humans as we have our "free" will to choose what we do, but there are greater things at play in the background. That's for certain and it's not a matter of belief.
I do not agree with our brother Radagast on this subject either. There most certainly is an existential evil. Allow me to explain myself.
Before Creation — the word "before" to be interpreted in the logical sense, not in the sense of a temporal sequence — there was complete objectivity, or put in terms of physics, a quantum singularity. Within this singularity, all information was utterly meaningless, because there were no reference points. Creation is the process of collapsing the quantum superstate, with the intent of creating subjective experiences, and therefore reference points.
As such, the Prime Creator Consciousness can find significance in each of the individual subjective experiences it has, and at the same time, as an observer, it can also ascertain how these experiences all interact with each other and fit together outside of the singularity. It's analogous to reading a novel and "seeing" things through the eyes of each of the individual characters, while at the same time also building up an understanding of the story as a whole.
Understanding is order. However, you cannot create any kind of order without also setting aside a role for the concept of chaos. There cannot be warmth without that there is cold, there cannot be light without that there is darkness, there cannot be joy without sadness, and there cannot be good without evil. Or more abstractly put, there cannot be any synthesis without forcing thesis and antithesis to meet — the true Hegelian dialectic.
Evil is therefore just as fundamentally a part of Creation as everything else, but it serves a role all of its own. It is there as a catalyst for understanding and working toward what is good. And by definition, that is what makes evil an existential property of Creation.
Understanding is order. However, you cannot create any kind of order without also setting aside a role for the concept of chaos. There cannot be warmth without that there is cold, there cannot be light without that there is darkness, there cannot be joy without sadness, and there cannot be good without evil. Or more abstractly put, there cannot be any synthesis without forcing thesis and antithesis to meet — the true Hegelian dialectic.
Evil is therefore just as fundamentally a part of Creation as everything else, but it serves a role all of its own. It is there as a catalyst for understanding and working toward what is good. And by definition, that is what makes evil an existential property of Creation.
Yeah it is a matter of..."What Angle" you are looking at it from. Above duality there is no game being played out. In order to play our game, we need the contrasts to be able to differentiate, good and evil are part of it as a whole. (Take chess...could we play it if all the pieces were white?) :goodbad::thup:
It's funny, some things I just can't read, it will vibrate with me in such a way that my eyes and heart and mind start going into a state of spiritual sighing and all I can hear in my head is noise, which is happening a bit in some of the last few pages.
Finished the book, it was great.
Thank you for posting the book, I've saved the link to the audio version for later. :thup:
25th May 2018, 07:59
Understanding is order. However, you cannot create any kind of order without also setting aside a role for the concept of chaos. There cannot be warmth without that there is cold, there cannot be light without that there is darkness, there cannot be joy without sadness, and there cannot be good without evil. Or more abstractly put, there cannot be any synthesis without forcing thesis and antithesis to meet — the true Hegelian dialectic.
Evil is therefore just as fundamentally a part of Creation as everything else, but it serves a role all of its own. It is there as a catalyst for understanding and working toward what is good. And by definition, that is what makes evil an existential property of Creation.
Yeah it is a matter of..."What Angle" you are looking at it from. Above duality there is no game being played out. In order to play our game, we need the contrasts to be able to differentiate, good and evil are part of it as a whole. (Take chess...could we play it if all the pieces were white?) :goodbad::thup:
Sadly enough, there is unfortunately a misunderstanding within the so-called "alternative community" on account of where the duality ends. Many seem to think that it ends at the same boundary as what separates the material cosmos from the spiritual/immaterial realms. This is definitely not the case, exactly because of the fundamental/existential nature of evil.
However, once you start dwelling in the upper echelons of the spiritual realms, evil becomes more of an academic concept, rather than a manifest one. Evil thrives on things which do not exist within the higher spiritual realms — e.g. the struggle for survival or the quest for wealth — and therefore, it cannot survive there.
The concept itself will however continue to exist, as a catalyst in decisions made and in paths chosen. Everything must cast a shadow for it to have depth. :)
You're welcome.
Oh did you find an audio version for the 4th book? That you tube link is for book 1. I was referring to book 4. :thumbsup:
I have no idea...I presumed it was mostly all of it, considering that it's more than 9 hours long. It will take a long time...he? :)
Emil El Zapato
25th May 2018, 12:26
later in the book.
Amen! :)
I can't agree with that. Some of the non-human demonic energies and beings sure have felt evil or to be precise, satanic to me. Very dark, I suspect that those beings and energies and thoughtforms are able to influence many people. That doesn't take responsibility away from us humans as we have our "free" will to choose what we do, but there are greater things at play in the background. That's for certain and it's not a matter of belief.
Free will, yes, there is that decision point and that is what makes us what we are...
Emil El Zapato
25th May 2018, 12:39
I do not agree with our brother Radagast on this subject either. There most certainly is an existential evil. Allow me to explain myself.
Before Creation — the word "before" to be interpreted in the logical sense, not in the sense of a temporal sequence — there was complete objectivity, or put in terms of physics, a quantum singularity. Within this singularity, all information was utterly meaningless, because there were no reference points. Creation is the process of collapsing the quantum superstate, with the intent of creating subjective experiences, and therefore reference points.
As such, the Prime Creator Consciousness can find significance in each of the individual subjective experiences it has, and at the same time, as an observer, it can also ascertain how these experiences all interact with each other and fit together outside of the singularity. It's analogous to reading a novel and "seeing" things through the eyes of each of the individual characters, while at the same time also building up an understanding of the story as a whole.
Understanding is order. However, you cannot create any kind of order without also setting aside a role for the concept of chaos. There cannot be warmth without that there is cold, there cannot be light without that there is darkness, there cannot be joy without sadness, and there cannot be good without evil. Or more abstractly put, there cannot be any synthesis without forcing thesis and antithesis to meet — the true Hegelian dialectic.
Evil is therefore just as fundamentally a part of Creation as everything else, but it serves a role all of its own. It is there as a catalyst for understanding and working toward what is good. And by definition, that is what makes evil an existential property of Creation.
very good...
25th May 2018, 13:15
Another koan:
92. Fire-Poker Zen
Hakuin used to tell his pupils about an old woman who had a teashop, praising her understanding of Zen. The pupils refused to believe what he told them and would go to the teashop to find out for themselves.
Whenever the woman saw them coming she could tell at once whether they had come for tea or to look into her grasp of Zen. In the former case, she would server them graciously. In the latter, she would beckon to the pupils to come behind her screen. The instant they obeyed, she would strike them with a fire-poker.
Nine out of ten of them could not escape her beating.
Emil El Zapato
25th May 2018, 13:21
Another koan:
ahh yes, Zen...if nothing else it's a good teacher... :) inscrutable? of course... :) and funny!
Emil El Zapato
25th May 2018, 15:58
Just for fun (for all you nonbelievers out there) :)
mabus = bossman
Free will
... Is a rather nice feeling illusion. :)
Emil El Zapato
25th May 2018, 23:36
you non-believer... :) Nostradamus is cool though whether a seer or not. Are you familiar with this one...
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