View Full Version : Uniting the People for Full Disclosure

29th July 2017, 16:38
The following is an article posted November 22, 2016 by Justin Deschamps on the website Stillness in the Storm.

It was written in response to Dr. Steven Greer's presentation Cosmic False Flag:

. . . What should become apparent through the course of this writing is that Dr. Greer, Goode, and Tompkins, all provide information that is largely in agreement. They each discuss the Secret Space Program or Military Industrial Complex, secret government projects, UFOs, extraterrestrials, and they agree that full disclosure is the best course of action. The knowledge that has been hidden from humanity to maintain oppression, enslavement, and energy dominance of corporate interests (along with the Earth's complete history) is something they each are passionate about releasing to the public for the good of all. Dr. Greer's intentions appear to be good and non-duplicitous, although he may not have a complete comprehension of the full body of knowledge available, as will be revealed. . . .

Uniting The People For Full Disclosure | Steven Greer's Cosmic False Flag Presentation: Review, Commentary, Analysis and Assessment of Claims Against Goode and Tompkins (http://www.stillnessinthestorm.com/2016/11/Uniting-The-People-For-Full-Disclosure-Steven-Greers-Cosmic-False-Flag-Presentation-Review-Commentary-Analysis-and-Assessment-of-Claims-Goode-and-Tompkins.html)

30th July 2017, 02:26
The government will never acknowledge bona fide ufo information, post war Nazi activity, black projects, secret space fleets, etc. The people promoting such disclosure know this, and are cashing in on the credulous.

30th July 2017, 09:14
The people promoting such disclosure know this, and are cashing in on the credulous.
No they're not.

They're making their contribution.

30th July 2017, 10:31
The government will never acknowledge bona fide ufo information, post war Nazi activity, black projects, secret space fleets, etc. The people promoting such disclosure know this, and are cashing in on the credulous.

No they're not.

They're making their contribution.

... At keeping everyone chasing their own tail — yes, they certainly do.

Greer has been owned for years, and all he ever says is that (1) we are not alone in the universe and (2) there are no negative ETs. Bassett and Wilcock have been promising the world official disclosure for over a decade already. It was supposed to have come in 2007. Then it was going to come in 2012, by way of Barack Obama. And then it was postponed again to 2017. We're over halfway through 2017 now, so I guess the new deadline will be 2025 or something, and by then it'll be scheduled for 2040, and so on.

We've all heard it all before already. The Purple One™ is correct — it'll never come, because then they would also have to admit that they've been sitting on free energy and other advanced technology for decades while they've been allowing the whole circus of pollution and artificial scarcity to carry on unabated all this time, while in the process also murdering anyone who could have made such technology available to the general public.

There's so much more involved here than merely an admission of the existence and even the presence on our planet of intelligent extraterrestrial life. The whole financial-economical system is a control mechanism, and its very existence depends on keeping a lid on this advanced technology. Likewise for military superiority, and war is good for business, so they can't afford global peace either. That's why the CIA has operatives in every friggin' country on this planet — they need to be able to overturn local regimes and create conflict so as to be able to justify the corporately controlled US empire's expansion.

Do you have any idea at all what would happen if all of that dirt were to come floating to the surface? Society would collapse, because the bankers are in control of it all and if the banks go down, everything else goes down with it. All industrial activity would grind to a shrieking halt. Governments and law enforcement would instantly lose all credibility. Organized crime and street gangs alike would take over from the governments and the cops. There would be be riots and lynch mobs seeking revenge against the ones who've been keeping us all enslaved and involved in war and conflict all of this time.

You're looking at total chaos. And The Powers That Be™ know this. Of course, they don't care about us or even about what would happen to the world, but what they do care about are their own necks, as well as maintaining the level of global control that has served them so well all of these years. They cannot afford to slaughter the chicken that lays the golden eggs.

The expectation of an official disclosure — on anything, from ETs over the pedophile networks and the infiltration of all countries by CIA operatives, down to the manufacturing of terrorism as an excuse for the draconian curtailing of civil liberties, new military invasions and the wasting of taxpayer money on ever-increasing military-industrial development — is utterly naive, I'm afraid.