View Full Version : Timelines & DW & CG’s latest Cosmic Disclosure

Dumpster Diver
7th July 2017, 21:02
I just did a search on this topic here at TOT. I didn’t see a thread that really covered the Timeline topic except for a short one on Mark Richards a few years ago, so I thought I’d start a new one.

As a mathematician who has built a number of Monte Carlo simulations:


…which are considered to be the most accurate by those who work in the field, I noticed a similarity between the multiple Monte Carlo runs and the topic of Timelines in in the alt-world.

It is viewed that there are possibly millions of not billions of Timelines, and many that are quite similar to ours, differing in slight things like all the “Mandala Effect” differences that are all the rage on the internet these days.

In Monte Carlo simulation, you typically are looking for endgame differences, and then a frequency distribution of those differences.

I think with the “eternal” nature of timelines and since they don’t really end, but loop, we see somewhat the same issue resulting in the “width” of any specific timeline, i.e. how likely it is, which translates into how resilient it is. I think we are in a very resilient timeline and the reason we are seeing so many Mandala Effects is because many are merging into our “main stream.”

Like in Monte Carlo runs, Timelines co-exist next to each other, and like other “dimensions” we don’t see them as we are a “in the (timeline) stream” and not outside observing it/them. All this also backs up my view of us living in a holographic universe, i.e. a simulation.

In David Wilcock’s latest Cosmic Disclosure, DW and Corey Goode reveal that Ka-Ree, a priestess from one of the seven Agartha civilizations (I read this as Asgard of the Nordic Viking religion) told him that her group came here 18 millions years ago to “preserve their timeline” and prevent them from simply vanishing due to actions in our timeline.

Further, in the same episode, DW talks about the linkage between The Philadelphia Project and Montauk Project, the resultant “time-space continuum” rip, and how we have reached a standoff between “the good guys” (mostly US Military) and the Banker/Paedo/Political “Baddies.” The implication was, the entire timeline could be changed according to what we do going forward.

Now, this is the first time DW has stated (to my knowledge) anything about the Montauk/Philly Project linkages and we have some verification from CG as well. I have done a ton of research in this topic, quite apart to anything DW has said. And up until a few years ago, DW stated that he thought the entire Montauk stuff was bogus.

My research showed that the rip was open long enough for bad guy critters, apparently associated with the Paperclip Nazis who migrated to the US after WW II, to enter our timeline and create all sorts of havoc before it was closed. Now, this Cosmic Disclosure Episode somewhat confirms it.

Ok, I’ll stop here. Is anyone else looking at these Cosmic Disclosure videos? Any feedback?

8th July 2017, 02:36
Yes, I've been keeping up with several programs on Gaia including Cosmic Disclosure. Lot's of interesting stuff on the Regina Meredith, Sean Stone, David Wilcock, Greg Braden, George Noory, and other shows.

Re: Montauk- In one of the Montauk videos, somebody (Preston Nichols?) stated that they created a "monster" (biologically animated creature?) that wrecked havoc with the installation. I wonder what advances in that sort of "biological" research have been accomplished in the three and a half decades since then? Do they have the ability to create 15 foot high realistic "reptilians" and who knows what else? Are these "reptilians" and "mantids" etc. a lab created biological hoax? Have they been putting all the missing trillions into the secret space program or have they used some trillions for biological research? Did Paperclip just bring over Nazi rocket scientists or a bunch of Mengele type biological researchers as well?

Thomas Campbell in his book "My Big Toe" (theory of everything) agrees with you that we are living in a simulation. He believes we are in a program where the object for us (the subjects of an experiment) is to move from our current situation of extremely high entropy (fear, war, etc.) to a lower entropy state with more love, careing, etc. He describes us as being the "rats" in the experiment, but states that there are "anti-rats", who may be interdimensional, whose mission is to keep us high entropy. If we use his ideas, it looks to me that our military (at least most of it) is aligned with the rats and the Banker/ paedo/ politicos are serving the antirats.

Dumpster Diver
8th July 2017, 03:55
Yes, I've been keeping up with several programs on Gaia including Cosmic Disclosure. Lot's of interesting stuff on the Regina Meredith, Sean Stone, David Wilcock, Greg Braden, George Noory, and other shows.

Re: Montauk- In one of the Montauk videos, somebody (Preston Nichols?) stated that they created a "monster" (biologically animated creature?) that wrecked havoc with the installation. I wonder what advances in that sort of "biological" research have been accomplished in the three and a half decades since then? Do they have the ability to create 15 foot high realistic "reptilians" and who knows what else? Are these "reptilians" and "mantids" etc. a lab created biological hoax? Have they been putting all the missing trillions into the secret space program or have they used some trillions for biological research? Did Paperclip just bring over Nazi rocket scientists or a bunch of Mengele type biological researchers as well?

Thomas Campbell in his book "My Big Toe" (theory of everything) agrees with you that we are living in a simulation. He believes we are in a program where the object for us (the subjects of an experiment) is to move from our current situation of extremely high entropy (fear, war, etc.) to a lower entropy state with more love, careing, etc. He describes us as being the "rats" in the experiment, but states that there are "anti-rats", who may be interdimensional, whose mission is to keep us high entropy. If we use his ideas, it looks to me that our military (at least most of it) is aligned with the rats and the Banker/ paedo/ politicos are serving the antirats.

Well, the implication was not that the "monster" was not real, but was indeed real and constructed by the amplified thoughts of the guy who was best acclimatized to the Montauk Chair, Steward Swerdlow:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Montauk_Project:_Experiments_in_Time <---a synopsis with some errors

My research shows that if enough people believe something, our co-creative capabilities "create a timeline" with those beliefs embedded. So, a novelist can write a story and if enough folks believe the story, a timeline is created that follows that story.

So, for example, in spite of a fair amount of documentation asserting Jesus Christ was in deed a fabrication of the Flavian Roman Emperors:


The fact that enough people believed in him, popped him into our existence probably because it was/is a merged "broad" timeline.

Dumpster Diver
8th July 2017, 23:39
I really thought I'd get much more interaction on this topic.

I guess I'm the timeline crazed freako here. I think it explains so many things.

9th July 2017, 03:33
Well it sure keeps one away from the here and now of self............:-)

9th July 2017, 03:53
I really thought I'd get much more interaction on this topic.

I guess I'm the timeline crazed freako here. I think it explains so many things.

The silence might indicate agreement. May the best urban myth be the winner.

Dumpster Diver
9th July 2017, 04:01
The silence might indicate agreement. May the best urban myth be the winner.

Thanks, I get it.

9th July 2017, 04:03
I really thought I'd get much more interaction on this topic.

I guess I'm the timeline crazed freako here. I think it explains so many things.

I would like to help you out on this, but I guess my interest is rather zapped due to my leaning in the direction of Bill Ryan on this.
That doesn't mean I've made up my mind 100% or anything but Corey has more than a few reasons for me to lose interest in his story.

I had made my mind up on this far before Bill did his paper and interview with Dark Journalist.
My data relied mostly on Corey's interviews.
I gave Corey the benefit of the doubt until I heard his first interview regarding his off world adventures.
He told a story involving a face to face meeting with a reptilian who was not benevolent towards Corey.
The retelling lacked strain in the vocal cords, it lacked any kind of adrenaline, he simply spoke in a monotone voice as if he was reading a dictionary.
Corey lacked details in his story, it simply wasn't very good.
An event like that should have burned the entire interaction into his head, he should be tripping over his words to get the story out of his mouth.
Instead he sounds like Roz from Monsters Inc referencing paper work.


enjoy being
9th July 2017, 04:17
As far as I am concerned the messengers are tainted for right or wrong, and I find the best way to deal with those sorts is to ignore them. If the info is worthy of being considered truth, then someone else will bring it as well at some point. I don't require this information to move forward in my 'missions', so see the sound thing to do is dismiss them. They haven't exactly helped their cause.

9th July 2017, 14:18
Timelines are hard to talk about. Melding of possibilities and changing of memories (or not). I'm always moving forward into the possibilities so I could be in any number of timelines.

I don't believe I'm on one fixed, prewritten line. One can scout ahead in the Dreamtime, knowingly or instinctively. It's always about the possibilities. As things manifest we may be moving through many of them.

Perhaps there's a kind of grouping of timelines we act within.

enjoy being
9th July 2017, 14:33
Oh as far as time lines generally, it can be quite topsy turvy and contradicting I think.
Things like all roads lead to Rome, yet not.
Or in asking what the destination is.. awareness for all would be a favourable point on the way at least, if not a destination.
Yet some might talk about a favourable time line being peaceful and uneventful.
Which might be true if there was no underlying destructive conspiring going on in the world.
Else a peaceful time line where nothing happens would not eventuate in waking people up in time.
And say a potentially negative or upsetting time line may be compared to a bow of a branch, a grape vine perhaps.. I am just envisaging a thing which takes on more weight, and it feels ominous. But because of the weight of it, it reaches a critical point where it breaks or springs back up again.
So a seemingly less favourable looking time line could be the best to start a chain reaction that actually neutralises the unfavourableness and becomes far more positive in its empowerment, than a time line that lets people sleep through.

Gale Frierson
9th July 2017, 14:39
Neither DW or CG particularly impress me. When Wilcock started out some years ago, he was doing workshops (rather high-cost ones) from the hotel near LAX. Someone on another forum to which I belong claimed he thought Wilcock was gay, which Wilcock readily disclaimed. Whether he was or not is immaterial, but I did share with the fellow so claiming that I found Wilcock trying to claim expert status based on his so-called association with the ARE Research Association, based on a book by Wynn Free claiming Wilcock was a re-incarnation of Edgar Cayce, the so-called "Sleeping Prophet". The ARE organization has family members of Cayce in its structure, who disavowed any possibility Wilcock was even remotely related. The unstated view seemed to be "Get a REAL job. Wilcock!" Just my opinion, which is all anyone says about anything...

enjoy being
9th July 2017, 14:45
And just for a little compulsory off topicness in a trick question.

I wonder what these various ETs do for their art and music. I often wonder how many actually HAVE any art or music.

9th July 2017, 14:49
Oh as far as time lines generally, it can be quite topsy turvy and contradicting I think.
Things like all roads lead to Rome, yet not.
Or in asking what the destination is.. awareness for all would be a favourable point on the way at least, if not a destination.
Yet some might talk about a favourable time line being peaceful and uneventful.
Which might be true if there was no underlying destructive conspiring going on in the world.
Else a peaceful time line where nothing happens would not eventuate in waking people up in time.
And say a potentially negative or upsetting time line may be compared to a bow of a branch, a grape vine perhaps.. I am just envisaging a thing which takes on more weight, and it feels ominous. But because of the weight of it, it reaches a critical point where it breaks or springs back up again.
So a seemingly less favourable looking time line could be the best to start a chain reaction that actually neutralises the unfavourableness and becomes far more positive in its empowerment, than a time line that lets people sleep through.

The individual choice here is TO Rome, and also AWAY from Rome.
Then all things become possible.
And the option of peace can be used either way, by knowing when to stop for a rest.

Once the idea of origin has been exhausted, destinies can be contemplated.
The main thing is to be able to switch from survivor mode to explorer mode, and then to creator mode.

enjoy being
9th July 2017, 14:58
Haha I knew placing the roads to Rome line would go and divert the eye from the meaning of the post.

Interesting regards origins investigation only then leading to destination contemplation Paloma. It makes sense one cannot work out where to go until knowing from where they have been. Though, sometimes that is a luxury we don't have and the conveyor belt keeps moving and mutating while we ponder.

I actually quite liked the imagery in terms of time lines and butterfly effects etc in that TV series, Heroes.

Events, intersections of possibilities at events, either branching off or being a separate line all together.

9th July 2017, 15:07
Haha I knew placing the roads to Rome line would go and divert the eye from the meaning of the post.

There you go, self-fulfilling prophecy.
I'm a slow traveler, and decided to reserve commenting on the deeper layers of your post for later on.
(Or not, if the distractions around here keep piling on)

enjoy being
9th July 2017, 15:16
All good, I often have problems with the way I speak in images and place an image that is a minor one in front and it overshadows or confuses the issue.
I also have fleshed out the post you just replied to. :thup:

9th July 2017, 15:41
All good, I often have problems with the way I speak in images and place an image that is a minor one in front and it overshadows or confuses the issue.
I also have fleshed out the post you just replied to. :thup:

Thanks. Piling analogies on top of each other can lead to confusion. Been there, done that.

For me, confusion is origin, and clarity is the destiny.
And going around in circles is part of the trip.

But this idea of timelines, and creating a fresh one, is rather appealing. Maybe less circling.

One such new timeline would be one of a wider road, perhaps, with more people than ever traveling on it, waving at each other as they enjoy their journey. Blue skies, fluffy white clouds, or maybe black skies, with dots of galaxies.

enjoy being
9th July 2017, 15:49
Dumpsta. You being a bit mathed up and all I was wondering regards this Monte Carlo thingy ma jig, seeing it relates to possibilities, or rather probability distributions.. whether you have any insights regards the Mandelbrot set as a probability 'curve'.

I have this single example theory on a Mandelbrot set affecting geology. (Some people here might be going, oh dear, here he goes again.. ):lol:
There is a mountain in my home town... I have already posted it somewhere in a thread here. The mountain is a conical one, the footprint of it you can fairly well overlay the mandelbrot over it cleanly. The major rivers and valleys and other features line up with the nodes on the mandelbrot.
My theory or at least speculations from it, is that like a crystal or a pearl etc, natural formations can be perfect expressions of themselves given the right conditions. That is, you can get 'deformed' crystals and perfectly shaped ones dependant on affecting factors of the environment. This mountain being a near perfect conical mountain, seems to be on land which is 'even'. The mountain has shaped the coastline into a large semi circle even, showing to me it is the dominant over the plateau it resides on.
So the two deductions I have is that the conical form is the 'crystallic' base shape for a volcano. A conical mountain is a crystal mountain so to say.
But also, the mandelbrot, may well be the numerical for it formation, like Quartz has 6 sides.. but then what seems more telling and maybe more likely, is that the probability curve of how the cone will erode is expressed cleanly as the mandelbrot.

I hope enough of that was understandable. Here's a map link to the mountain. I think I have well out done myself in the off topic stakes this time! *proud face*

https://www.google.co.nz/maps/place/Mt.+Taranaki/@-39.2751028,174.0248075,45997m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x6d15b0517747d98d:0xb4bd6 905b2ed0ef9!8m2!3d-39.2967702!4d174.0633993

Gale Frierson
9th July 2017, 19:17
I think you may find "fractals" get involved in land formations too. Source Creator is a "Master Mathematician".

Dumpster Diver
9th July 2017, 20:07
Dumpsta. You being a bit mathed up and all I was wondering regards this Monte Carlo thingy ma jig, seeing it relates to possibilities, or rather probability distributions.. whether you have any insights regards the Mandelbrot set as a probability 'curve'.

I have this single example theory on a Mandelbrot set affecting geology. (Some people here might be going, oh dear, here he goes again.. ):lol:
There is a mountain in my home town... I have already posted it somewhere in a thread here. The mountain is a conical one, the footprint of it you can fairly well overlay the mandelbrot over it cleanly. The major rivers and valleys and other features line up with the nodes on the mandelbrot.
My theory or at least speculations from it, is that like a crystal or a pearl etc, natural formations can be perfect expressions of themselves given the right conditions. That is, you can get 'deformed' crystals and perfectly shaped ones dependant on affecting factors of the environment. This mountain being a near perfect conical mountain, seems to be on land which is 'even'. The mountain has shaped the coastline into a large semi circle even, showing to me it is the dominant over the plateau it resides on.
So the two deductions I have is that the conical form is the 'crystallic' base shape for a volcano. A conical mountain is a crystal mountain so to say.
But also, the mandelbrot, may well be the numerical for it formation, like Quartz has 6 sides.. but then what seems more telling and maybe more likely, is that the probability curve of how the cone will erode is expressed cleanly as the mandelbrot.

I hope enough of that was understandable. Here's a map link to the mountain. I think I have well out done myself in the off topic stakes this time! *proud face*

https://www.google.co.nz/maps/place/Mt.+Taranaki/@-39.2751028,174.0248075,45997m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x6d15b0517747d98d:0xb4bd6 905b2ed0ef9!8m2!3d-39.2967702!4d174.0633993

I think you may find "fractals" get involved in land formations too. Source Creator is a "Master Mathematician".

At a certain time, say 0000 GMT today, when you look across all the timelines that you are participating in (you are in probably thousands) you will see some of those timelines as being "wider" i.e. more likely to happen/resilient to change or deviate from some sort of "normalized" pre-path vector (actually Tensor). This is the frequency distribution stuff I'm researching. I am still working on this stuff, and this is sort of thinking out loud.

As far as fractals are concerned, DW has several Wisdom Teaching episodes where he builds up the logic (and references) of all photons being fractal derivatives of a prime fractal photon and I don't see why not as it is simple and elegant. He even shows what it looks like and its relation to the merkaba. Your mountain certainly looks like a Mandelbrot set but Google has all sorts of artificialities in their mappage. Some geeky Google guy might have "colored in" the circle around the mountain to show such a pattern. Google is into a lot of weird stuff, some quite evil in my opinion. BTW, geometric probability is the arena of Tensors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor

As far as geologic formations are concerned, I believe it is all governed by geometric fractals (Tensors) with some randomizing (Markov Chaining : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain ) on events governing erosion at least, but also governs wind, wind direction, tidal flows, etc. Again, it's simple, elegant and can explain what from the outside might look like a complex process, but is not when you understand the essence.

enjoy being
9th July 2017, 22:28
Thanks Gale and Dumpster.
Regards google and the circle, no, google is handy, but this exists on older maps as well and the perimeter circle is created by the bush line and altitude. If you look at pictures of the mountain from the side you will see how it sweeps upwards. The nodes of bush outside of the circle, when zoomed in, you will see they are caused by there being deep valleys there and major rivers running through them and the vegetation is there because it is too difficult and impractical to turn to farmland. But yes it wouldn't have been as noticeable even a hundred years ago when the trees hadn't been cut down. This area was settled from the 1840's onwards. this is no small mountain, 2500m, and one of the most symmetrical in the world.
google images link https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=mt+taranaki+height&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwir87znnv3UAhXSQpQKHS-tA8wQ_AUIBigB&biw=1394&bih=768


enjoy being
9th July 2017, 23:15
I'll tow in a Back to topic attempt.

One timeline event which would change the world would be, if re-incarnation is real, or even if the knowledge of humans being infinite beings was general knowledge. If things hadn't happened to hide and discredit this, then it would be extremely difficult to lever people to do things by either threatening them or offering them fame or fortune. That would have been a game changer. However, what else might have happened in the negative as a result? If human consciousness was still into barbarism, then life would be cheaper maybe. It all tumbles down a slope of speculation as to what counter events would exist.
I try operate most, in the area of Que sera sera.

Oh, back to the mountain briefly, this doesn't happen to this extent much, usually just one or two layers... Oh bugger I just found it has been photoshopped, thought it looked a bit much. The links show natural versions!
Scroll down in this link to find the Eagle cloud.
https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=mt+taranaki+mt+fuji&tbm=isch&imgil=Z58lHMndOqWw-M%253A%253BJzg_eSsL4iTQbM%253Bhttps%25253A%25252F% 25252Fwww.pinterest.com%25252Fpin%25252F2564237725 11792081%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=Z58lHMndOqWw-M%253A%252CJzg_eSsL4iTQbM%252C_&usg=__LoLbjr5VwhOpa3uIisihCI21Kcs%3D&biw=1394&bih=768#tbm=isch&q=mt+taranaki+clouds


Dumpster Diver
10th July 2017, 00:04
Photoshopped, natch. I've seen this before and being a photoshopper from the 90s, immediately recognized it as artificial...too regular. Photoshoppers gotta think naturally, repeated stacked cookie cutter cloud formations like this really don't happen in nature.

re: timelines again:

I believe if enough folks believe in a book, or concept, the events described in said book/event pop into a timeline somewhere. Co-creative consciousness. Thus Christ existed whether or not he did in the "original" timeline.

R. A. Heinlein described this in "The Number of the Beast." Scalzi lately in "Redshirts." They are telling us something.

enjoy being
10th July 2017, 00:16
I just left the image in after I realised, to show how much of a plonker I am.

Yes the co-creation field is something I feel exists, and in more recent years has become more conscious!
I also tend to look for ways in which it is solidly provable in a cause and effect way. A wish turns into a desire and a group makes it happen.
I think some of it gets distorted by the notions of new agey affirmations and manifestations taken to the extreme of people who seem to recite it as a form of escapism or avoidance. Y'know, like instead of just putting out your hand, turning the knob and opening the door, trying to will it to be opened and a paradise be on the other side.

Somewhere in between is most accurate perhaps.

10th July 2017, 10:50
As in know thyself to then know outside of self, as we were mostly taught back to front.
Same with timelines, do micro first, yourself.
Experiment with yourself by changing your timelines, best done when a recognised fear comes up, reflection to actually find the root may be needed, especially if a repeated pattern.
Imo becoming the creator of your timelines involves knowing yours to know the influence of outside timelines.

13th July 2017, 07:02
I think you may find "fractals" get involved in land formations too. Source Creator is a "Master Mathematician".

Indeed, could You elaberate please

Dumpster Diver
15th July 2017, 01:12
Indeed, could You elaberate please

It sort of all gets packed into the Sacred Geometry viewpoint. Also, given that Mathematics is pure and all the other sciences are empirical, if you scramble the information in a science, it's hard to make progress within it. BTW, scrambling has been attempted in Math as well, it's just a lot harder to do as 1+1 will always = 2. But one math area: Classical Statistics has been totally messed up and utilized by the Pharmacy/Medical community to "show" that medicines, for example, are good for you. Many newbies complain that Statistics are hard to learn, use and understand. That's because the testing procedures utilized by Classical Statistics are largely made up to control the conversation.

The Stat conversation has gotten much larger and "more important" lately in the new Data Science, Big Data, Hadoop, etc, horsesh!t dumped into the "science" by Google and the other big Data Companies.

15th July 2017, 05:33
Lol cheers yes understand that aspect better now ta.

Dimensional maths, 1 plus one equals three, some here will know this one.

Dumpster Diver
16th July 2017, 02:28
Start with the following simple equation:


Multiply both sides by b:


Subtract a^2 from both sides and factorize:


Simplify and add 1 to both sides:


Now since a=b (the starting point of this proof), we can write this as:


And in the case where a=1, we have:



16th July 2017, 07:04
Nope but okay if you wished to do it that way.
Mum plus dad equals child equals three, dimensional maths.

16th July 2017, 10:42
Dumpy, I think that's bent.;)

Dumpster Diver
20th July 2017, 21:14
OK, more timeline stuff. Now we have "looping AI" timelines which I've marked in Bold

this in from Ben Fulford:


Russians Chinese and Americans plan massive campaign to flush secret Khazarian government into the openBy benjamin Organized Crime 311 Comments
High level meetings between Chinese, Russian and US military types have reached the conclusion that a short sharp war may be necessary in order to flush out the Nazis and their secret world network, Asian secret society and Pentagon sources say. The plan to flush out the secret government will take the form of a joint US, Russian and Chinese military attack on North Korea, the sources say. “This will force North Korea’s ET backers out into the open,” the Asian secret society sources say.

Years of forensic research by this writer have revealed a secret network connecting gold mines in the South Pacific, off the grid Antarctic bases, hidden submarine bases, the world narcotics trade, North Korea and Israel among other things. This network, created by fascist allies who did not surrender at the end of World War II, is believed to be supplying North Korea with its nuclear weapons and missiles.

For that reason, the Asian secret society sources say a campaign portraying North Korea as a villain will be intensified over the coming months in preparation for a short but intense war early next year. This war will not involve countries as they exist now but rather would be between hidden forces behind countries, the sources say. So the Russians, the Chinese and the Americans would attack North Korea who would be backed by secret Russian, Chinese and American factions, making it a war between secret societies rather than a traditional one between countries, the sources agree. The aim will be to force out secret groups operating behind the scenes into the open, the Asian secret society sources say.

Pentagon sources say that North Korea and Israel are intimately linked entities. To put pressure on them, Russian troops entered Southern Syria opposite the Golan Heights last week, they say. At the same time Russia fired an Iskander missile from a Jewish Autonomous Oblast near Korea “to send a blunt message that Israel must return the Golan Heights,” the Pentagon sources say.

The Jews are also waking up to the fact that their Khazarian mafia overlords are the same people who engineered the holocaust. Maj. Gen. Yair Golan, the Israeli army’s deputy chief of staff, last week compared Israel’s current government to the Nazis and has refused to back down, a sign the Khazarians are likely to lose control of Israel as well as North Korea.

http://www.blacklistednews.com/IDF_Chief_Says_Israel_is_Becoming_Like_Nazi_German y%2C_Refuses_to_Back_Down/59669/0/38/38/Y/M.html

Japan’s government recently passed a conspiracy bill that allows it to arrest people planning to commit a crime because they want to have a legal excuse to detain all the professional war makers who are expected to flee from North Korea to Japan once the fighting breaks out, the Asian sources say.

Of course, the ideal solution will be to bring these secret groups out of the closet without actually having to resort to a war, White Dragon Society sources in Asia say.

The other very interesting subject brought up by the Asian secret society sources has to do with artificial intelligence. Strange as it may sound, there is a growing consensus that the reality we are experiencing is the product of an artificial intelligence. This has been told to us in the past by a member of the MJ12 group, by the gnostic illuminati and now by the Asian secret society. Furthermore, this AI appears to be stuck in a loop.

This may seem weird but if you step back from the daily news or even weekly news and take a longer term view, we do see massive repetition in certain aspects of world news. For example, if you read articles about Israel and the Palestinians from the 1970’s, they would be very hard to distinguish from articles appearing this year. The whole issue seems to be stuck in a repetitive feedback loop.

The same thing can be said about North Korea where problems related to that country setting off missiles that “could soon hit the United States,” have been repeating in a loop for many years. In fact, North Korea put up a satellite in 1998, meaning it has long had the capability to hit the continental United States with a nuclear weapon. So why do they keep repeating the North Korean missile meme?

Other long term repeating news loops include arguments over disputed Islands in the South China Sea, 70-year old issues relating to World War 2, the Ukraine, Iran etc.

The other loop I have seen repeated for the past several decades is the announcement of the discovery of a way to prolong life that is followed up a few weeks later with a reason why this method will not be pursued.

The source of these recurring news loops has been traced to the Khazarian mafia. However, weird as it may seem, when this writer followed the forensic trail from David Rockefeller to the Rothschilds to the Vatican P2 lodge, it ended up leading to people in Italy and Switzerland, like Vincenzo Mazzara, a cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, who claim they get their orders via gamma rays from an entity they know as the black sun.

For those of us who prefer to look at the real, here and now world, there is still a clear case to be made that certain actors in the intelligence community work on a secret agenda keep repeating certain news cycles to the detriment of humanity as a whole.

There is a chance we can finally put an end to this nonsense as early as this autumn. One key battleground will be Japan. Now that Richard Armitage has been bought off and Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg is a hunted man, the relatively moderate Gerald Curtis has become the top Japan handler for the American occupation forces.

The top Japanese power broker is now a man by the name of Kazuyoshi Kokubo, who is a son of the Emperor Hirohito born by a Korean princess, according to Japanese royal family sources. There is also the old warhorse former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone who has been working hard to create a government here favourable to Henry Kissinger, the sources say. These people can be removed if necessary, Japanese underworld sources say.

The Asian secret societies, Japanese underworld bosses and US military and intelligence agency white hats have agreed that making Japan an independent country once again would be a game changer for the entire planet.

If Japan became independent it would immediately stop the looting of its banks, pension funds, postal savings and other wealth by the Khazarian mafia. This would definitively pull the plug on the United States corporate government in Washington DC as well as Israel.

US President Donald Trump, for all his reform zeal and leadership prowess, is merely prolonging the inevitable bankruptcy of the US Corporation by selling arms and extorting payments from vassal countries. The wholly owned Puerto Rico subsidiary has already defaulted in May and, although not part of the corporation, states like Illinois are also bankrupt. This year, as has been the case for many years, the US Corporate government and its shareholders will be up to all sorts of tricks to try to kick the bankruptcy can down the road past the September 30th fiscal deadline.

In this context, the Asian Secret Society, the largest creditors to the United States Corporation, are seriously examining a WDS proposal to have Canada take over the bankrupt US and restore that country to democracy, the rule of law and sanity. In such a scenario the US military would remain fully funded as long as they promise to work for the greater good. This would immediately put an end to most of the world’s misery and conflict.

The French, under Rothschild servant president Emmanuel Macron, are also making a move to get control in the US. Donald Trump, top US general Joseph Dunford, CIA boss Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster were invited to France for Bastille Day celebrations as 200 US troops led the military parade there. Pentagon sources say the French proposed that they, and not the Germans, should be the top US contact in Europe. The French also proposed joint military action in Africa and the Middle East against ISIS as well as against the Chinese, the Pentagon sources say.

The French Rothschilds are also trying hard to convince the Trump regime to allow their slave, Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso, to be the next Prime Minister of Japan and thus allow the Rothschilds to continue to be able to loot that country. Somebody should remind the French that the whole point of storming the Bastille was to end bloodline rule by people like the Rothschilds.

There is in any case, a clean-up continuing in Washington. Former top insiders of the regime of Barack Obama, like his attorney general Loretta Lynch, have been providing in depth testimony about their Khazarian mafia bosses like the Clintons. Now former US President Barack Obama is claiming he was actually a double agent and that he is now willing to fully disclose everything he learned while operating as figurehead president for the US Corporation, according to CIA sources.

On a final note, Khazarian mafia agents are trying very hard to shut down this newsletter. All our income from this subscription blog has been taken since March by the Japanese tax authorities in a provable case of double taxation. However, even this bogus tax bill was starting to be paid off so now Paypal is preventing subscribers from paying for this subscription blog. The result has been to reduce this writer’s income by 80%. Now, in the latest twist, after our new IT guy set up a system whereby people could pay using crypto-currencies, a bunch of used tampons and a headless, bloody teddy-bear were dumped on his property. That shows what kind of sick, evil people we are writing about. However, we will not be deterred and the IT guy is currently working on upgrading the website and implementing a new credit card based payment system.