View Full Version : The Noospheric Ambush

21st June 2017, 02:22
Emotions high ?, feelings hurt ?, imo be thankfullll, things unfair ?, little reward ? especiall? atm ?, same is happening to the tptW, just coping ?, they are not and that and their aspect within Yourself connect wise is You disconnecting through them, enjoY.

The noosphere is and has more control than tptW, the sun and where we are in space, Earth wise is part of the soup and salad wether winter or summer.

Thats the ambush, a few years ago, some or likely many, who had become enlightened, basicallY sat in bliss and joy day to day, were asked to take themselves back to highly awakened and still hold the enlightened vibration, most took this oppurtunity up, this stengthened and even more, powered up the noospere, some were asked, who were at a highly awakened level, to leave and come back in again and did, the sacrifice and passion of an evolved human is death or transmutation for the tptW.

22nd June 2017, 04:24
Last year in Russia and some neighbours, disclosure of the ufo etc kind happened, this advanced ( yes Russians are using the noosphere and fully know how it can work ) what is presently happening atm in rest of world, truth wise concerning ufo etc etc. Jolly xlent.

Dumpster Diver
22nd June 2017, 06:10
Emotions high ?, feelings hurt ?, imo be thankfullll, things unfair ?, little reward ? especiall? atm ?, same is happening to the tptW, just coping ?, they are not and that and their aspect within Yourself connect wise is You disconnecting through them, enjoY.

The noosphere is and has more control than tptW, the sun and where we are in space, Earth wise is part of the soup and salad wether winter or summer.

Thats the ambush, a few years ago, some or likely many, who had become enlightened, basicallY sat in bliss and joy day to day, were asked to take themselves back to highly awakened and still hold the enlightened vibration, most took this oppurtunity up, this stengthened and even more, powered up the noospere, some were asked, who were at a highly awakened level, to leave and come back in again and did, the sacrifice and passion of an evolved human is death or transmutation for the tptW.

Pretty quiet at TOT today...

22nd June 2017, 10:52
As it shoulda coulda be lol, those sitting strongly and corded well noospherically are usually a and e ffected first.

22nd June 2017, 22:36
The Chinese ones that also understand and working noospherically, are being patient and seeding seeding seeding, as their tptW create more and more holes as such to work with and assist them, imo watch for large to huge economic parrallel future leanings, more so than already in place with Russia and places like Khakastan-Mongolia- x sateelites etc. Especially Mongolia and Tibet, Tibet is a sleeping giant spiritually and folding into the noospheric potentials as fast as India at present.

24th June 2017, 08:17
Imo make no mistake, everyone is connected to the noosphere, everyone is affected somewhat as it evolves and each one of us has an oppurtunity within the adjustments, to sit still and be involved or perfect action within and out, to comfort, to hit reverse even if needed, imo it feels like a wave, unstoppable wave, if connected to the noospere well, you will feel it earlier, if really connected then usually experienced blissfulllly, if totally unconnected but still a part of noosphere then you are the wave unable to see the crest.

26th June 2017, 01:34
Some people go, wow what a great idea, where did it come from this great idea of theirs, may have been something they seen or heard unknowingly, popping up or was it within the noosphere and aha-ed by the persons mind, plucked sorta, maybe unknown intent to do or have or know something, being given because a channell is open to recieve ?, there is another option but usually done knowingly, in that one can access their past lives for wisdom and knowledge, traits and doings. The noosphere of late has really kicked in imo and experience, be aware, be open and allow fun bliss happy while striving to connect stronger noosherically.

26th June 2017, 21:25
Putin interviews equals Noosphere in these times, the end of may and most of june had huge noospheric seeds planted, imo one could feel the noosey ripples on interviews coming out.

1st July 2017, 07:04
Gentle, word gentle, oldish gentle feels noosey of late.

2nd July 2017, 16:18
What drives the noosphere in our times , not fear anymore for sure, imo the answer is art, think about ones art form, what artistic expression is your life, how do you dance, what imprint, energy memory and passion driven intent plus love is expressed.
The drivers of the noosphere are also those that play in it, meditate in it, expressed action and non action while within it and feet anchored here.

23rd September 2017, 07:17
Ambush presently happening imo.