View Full Version : What does the "Alt Community" collectively agree upon?

Dumpster Diver
21st May 2017, 17:14
Rather than focus on the 'cat fights' between the major players in this field, what are the points that we all can agree upon? So focus on ideas and facts rather than personalities.

My quick list:

-"ETs" (non-terrestrial, and/or inner-terrestrial, and/or time-traveler advanced technology entities) are a real phenomenon (and harshly debunked by science)
-"Paranormal" phenomenon is real (and harshly debunked by science)
-Giants seem to have been on Earth; the entire archeological record is full of holes and looks to be fabricated.
-Researchers die, or are suppressed when they research into these areas.
-Numerous events (9/11, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK assassination, etc) look fabricated.
-Artifacts of civilization totally out of whack with mainstream science, pyramids, Gobekli Tepi, etc.
-Whole areas of science appear to be fabricated (example: Redshift & Big Bang, star evolution, history of solar system)
-Medicine & food seems to be fabricated to endanger us.
-Weather modification is possible and performed without our consent or knowledge.
-The Sun is getting hotter and more unstable.
-The Earth's poles are moving faster towards each other and approaching a shift.
-There is a coverup of these areas by most governments.
-The coverup seems to not be in our best interest.

What else? Or do we not even agree on these?

21st May 2017, 17:39
That's a big list. My impression is that there's debate in the alternative community, not so much about the reality of things but maybe more the nature of things.

For instance, ETs are real. But,
*they're all demons
*they're extra dimensional
*they're all good or they're all bad.
*there are x number of races
*it's actually programming, implanted memories, etc.
*they're time travelers
*they're hybridizing us
*they live underground, on the moon, on Mars, etc.

You mentioned artifacts of civilizations. Steve Quayle said a disgruntled person at the Smithsonian told him they have millions of OOP - Out of Place - items.

Seems like once something gets labeled OOP, it's out of the running for research, yet it still sits waiting to be understood with no opportunity forthcoming. Only impending loss.

Oops, we lost them.:fpalm:

Dumpster Diver
21st May 2017, 20:51

Big list?

I was thinking it was too short.

On "ETs" I'm not looking for agreement on pos/neg, demonology, races, etc. Just that we agree that they exist and then later (on the list) that the governments are hiding it, and lastly it is NOT in our best interest. I think that 95%+ of the "Alt-world" can agree on this.

...and then, the point is, we try and "sell" the "normal" folks on our ideas with the proof. So, on ETs we have Moon orbit, Mars radiation and evidence of a massive war, and Drake's equation at least. Not even going into videos, which, this day and age can be faked or witnesses which could be MK ULTRAed or on drugs.

re: Smithsonian. I have some evidence that they were/are actively destroying evidence that points away from the current "main line" thinking. Not hard evidence mind you.

21st May 2017, 20:56
I've been running into the theme, "All roads lead to Rome" a lot. What's the Smithsonian connection, I wonder?

Dumpster Diver
21st May 2017, 22:28
I've been running into the theme, "All roads lead to Rome" a lot. What's the Smithsonian connection, I wonder?

As I see it, giants connects to pre-Adamites (as David Wilcock calls them) as the original aliens were very tall and the resultant hybrids before us were very tall. So, if you eliminate the connection, less chance to "figure things out" in terms of the controlling "Deep State." He says the Smithsonian was set up to control exposure of unwanted (revealing) archeology. With Hancock and a few other "real" scientists in the archeology biz saying or wondering in the same regard in relation to the Smithsonian, sorta makes sense to me.

Gale Frierson
21st May 2017, 22:34
Re: The Smithsonian, I've seen books and articles about the Giants in the Earth, though they are not nearly as large as the 55-ft statues sitting on the edges of some of the pyramids in Egypt. The book, "The Kybalion" gives basic principles from over 35,000 years ago about Hermes Trismegistus, supposedly an alien who then came to earth and taught the Egyptians arithmetic, geometry, and all mathematics, agriculture, art, architecture, and so on. The first mental principle states: "The Universe is Mental", which jibes with today's Quantum Physics. (By the way, TOT, thank you for making it so easy to post in this forum. I've had all kinds of grief in a couple of other forums, in some of which I have been a long-term member in good standing.)

21st May 2017, 23:08
You're welcome.

"The Universe is Mental". Reminds me of what Tom DeLonge has been saying. Specifically that the vehicles are controlled by consciousness and much of the phenomenon is about consciousness.

I imagine a lot of research has been stolen, also. David Adair told a story about building a machine that could rebuild a jet engine quickly and efficiently. They destroyed it because it would cost all kinds of people their jobs. And of course, change the industry. He was working for the military.

22nd May 2017, 02:24
When everything that has been hidden from 'Us' as a Global Community, remains hidden - then we will not understand what has happened and we will not be better equipped to never let the 'Hidden' aspect of our lives to be hidden ever again. Until all that is 'Hidden' is revealed - we have to keep striving to learn.

Much Respect & Much Peace - Amanda

Gale Frierson
22nd May 2017, 17:44
Your closing tag line impresses me, Amanda. I too am a man of peace. Were you aware that since 1700 the U. S. has been involved in 79 wars? It has NEVER to my knowledge been OUT of a state of war. We've been so much lied to, I'm not sure if the politicians of the world know how to tell the truth.

Dumpster Diver
22nd May 2017, 20:40
Your closing tag line impresses me, Amanda. I too am a man of peace. Were you aware that since 1700 the U. S. has been involved in 79 wars? It has NEVER to my knowledge been OUT of a state of war. We've been so much lied to, I'm not sure if the politicians of the world know how to tell the truth.

It's like the "United Kingdom" (Aka Britain) which has only 18 countries in the world that it has NOT invaded at one time or another.

English speaking Vikings.

23rd May 2017, 02:05
Gale Frierson - I always sign off with the word 'Respect' and/or 'Peace' as it is what the world really needs - isn't it? When I am in a classroom I place the word 'Respect' on the top left hand corner of the black/whiteboard (facing the board). It is the only rule that applies to my classroom. It works. How did I come to that determination? While on the practical placements that were the final part of my Teacher training, I noted that in some classrooms the Students/Children were given endless lists of rules. Made me tired looking at them and reading through them. I thought to myself - young people who are about to enter adolescence and have to contend with a complicated society - have enough to think about - so - I simplified the situation. It works. I show 'Respect' and they learn. Very few Students/Children continued to be disrespectful and when you consider their home lives et cetera - it always made sense as to why they behaved as they did.

Anyhow - don't mean to derail the thread.

As for wars - all planned and controlled by those who stand to make the most, such as financial gain. It is an interesting psychological note, I read somewhere that after a war has concluded, the population rate rises. At least with regard to WW1 and WW2 - the population rose considerably in the immediate nine to twelve months from the cessation of fighting.

I recently started a thread and provided a link to a declassified document. I printed a hard copy to have on hand. On page seven there is an itemised 'to do' list. It includes such things as;

(1) Start rumours (many). Use clandestine radio. (2) Land friendly Cubans in uniform "over-the-fence" to stage attack on base. I found this one particularly interesting; (8) Capture assault teams approaching from the sea or vicinity of Guantanamo Bay. (11) Sink ship near harbour entrance. Conduct funerals for mock-victims .... (Cited from page 7 & 8 of my printed copy.)

I think, returning to the topic of the thread - in a literal sense, We All want Peace - Yes? Who would not want to live in a Global Community that lived peacefully. Where EVERY Child was safe. Where all resources were healthy and sustainable and shared. Where information and education were available to Everyone. Where we lived without a fiscal paradigm governing everything. Sigh ....

We can get there. Step by careful step ...

Much Respect & Much Peace - Amanda

23rd May 2017, 02:48
Rather than focus on the 'cat fights' between the major players in this field, what are the points that we all can agree upon? So focus on ideas and facts rather than personalities.

My quick list:

-"ETs" (non-terrestrial, and/or inner-terrestrial, and/or time-traveler advanced technology entities) are a real phenomenon (and harshly debunked by science)

-"Paranormal" phenomenon is real (and harshly debunked by science)

-Giants seem to have been on Earth; the entire archeological record is full of holes and looks to be fabricated.

-Researchers die, or are suppressed when they research into these areas.

-Numerous events (9/11, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK assassination, etc) look fabricated.

-Artifacts of civilization totally out of whack with mainstream science, pyramids, Gobekli Tepi, etc.

-Whole areas of science appear to be fabricated (example: Redshift & Big Bang, star evolution, history of solar system)

-Medicine & food seems to be fabricated to endanger us.

-Weather modification is possible and performed without our consent or knowledge.

-The Sun is getting hotter and more unstable.
Not quite, for me. Sun is doing what it should. It may be getting hotter but, Earth is not. Warmth would be a good thing. Temps warmer than ours brought Europe out of the "Dark Ages" and set the conditions for the Renaissance. (Medieval Warming Period) Earth most likely to cool off going into the future. Would rather it didn't.

-The Earth's poles are moving faster towards each other and approaching a shift.
Poles are moving but, shouldn't hurt.

-There is a coverup of these areas by most governments.
Possible understatement:ttr:

-The coverup seems to not be in our best interest.
:ha:Another understatement. Coverup is is fraudulent use of tax-payer money to get even more of it. Watching TV is not in our best interest either. Yet............(None for me since 2010. Sobered up and turned it off. Permanently!)

What else? Or do we not even agree on these?

WTF? Are you never satisfied? :D

Dumpster Diver
23rd May 2017, 16:17
Modwiz: thanks for the itemized feedback. And yes, there are more items on my list, but wanted to start with a modest set to start the ball rolling.

At to Sun changes, this is an area where I have the hardest information, some of it from my own experience. The most critical is from Ben Davidson (as mentioned in Suspicious Observers) and backed up by other Solar scientists.

I also do Sun "eating", i.e. stare at the sun for an extended time at sunrise or sunset. Heals my eyes, and I gain in strength. A year ago, I could look at the Sun up to 15 degrees off the horizon without UV cutting sunglasses. Now I cannot. Sun was red at sunrise, now it is yellow. Changes are getting fairly rapid and conversations with gardeners, roofers, etc they all mention that the sun is getting hotter and more hurtful in terms of UV.

This is getting me to think the wild-eyed David "Will-talk-about-his-cock" (I loved this term when you mentioned it a while back) is maybe correct about this ascension thing. Scares the crap outta me as I think I'm a total slug when it comes to being anything like an enlightened person. But, last thing I want to do is run off and hide from facts. Bad tasting medicine is still medicine, no?

23rd May 2017, 17:28
Modwiz: thanks for the itemized feedback. And yes, there are more items on my list, but wanted to start with a modest set to start the ball rolling.

At to Sun changes, this is an area where I have the hardest information, some of it from my own experience. The most critical is from Ben Davidson (as mentioned in Suspicious Observers) and backed up by other Solar scientists.

I also do Sun "eating", i.e. stare at the sun for an extended time at sunrise or sunset. Heals my eyes, and I gain in strength. A year ago, I could look at the Sun up to 15 degrees off the horizon without UV cutting sunglasses. Now I cannot. Sun was red at sunrise, now it is yellow. Changes are getting fairly rapid and conversations with gardeners, roofers, etc they all mention that the sun is getting hotter and more hurtful in terms of UV.

This is getting me to think the wild-eyed David "Will-talk-about-his-cock" (I loved this term when you mentioned it a while back) is maybe correct about this ascension thing. Scares the crap outta me as I think I'm a total slug when it comes to being anything like an enlightened person. But, last thing I want to do is run off and hide from facts. Bad tasting medicine is still medicine, no?

It was fun.

I also Sun gaze when I can and find it frustrating that I can only grab the last few minutes before it sinks under the horizon because of the shift in color/brightness. As far as ascension, it is escapist crap IMO. People wishing for a different world than the one they feed all their energy to. Much of this is because of the spells people fall under from constant applications and reinforcement of the narratives. DW recently said many of the great ancient civilizations ascended. This is turd in the face to those cultures that were decimated or driven off. I'd be happy for him to ascend.

Dumpster Diver
23rd May 2017, 18:00
It was fun.

I also Sun gaze when I can and find it frustrating that I can only grab the last few minutes before it sinks under the horizon because of the shift in color/brightness. As far as ascension, it is escapist crap IMO. People wishing for a different world than the one they feed all their energy to. Much of this is because of the spells people fall under from constant applications and reinforcement of the narratives. DW recently said many of the great ancient civilizations ascended. I turd in the face to those cultures that were decimated or driven off. I'd be happy for him to ascend.

Yes, I shifted from sunset to sunrise for this reason.

"escapist crap": I'd hope so, but then I've had a "golden life," great wife, great jobs, life in exotic places and able to travel the world, even got to go play "spy" in counter-intelligence (that James Bond/Jason Bourne Movie stuff is total crap: no fast cars or fast wimmen, *sigh*). Last few years have been a shock as I've peeled back the layers on this "Alt-World" stuff. I kinda wish you guys would all go "poof" and I can get back to my most excellent life.

The numbers **** me off sometimes...no actually...most all the time now.

23rd May 2017, 18:13
As far as ascension, it is escapist crap IMO. People wishing for a different world than the one they feed all their energy to.

It might be? But I wonder if that is because we don't all agree on what that means.
Is "ascension" vibration at a different level that is "somehow" lighter. less dense, less pressing?

One of my favorite memories is a weekend long music festival that I staged to honor my late husband. I chose his "crib mate" (born at the same hospital on the same day) friend who had really helped him while ill to help me put it on. He is mean person when drinking. This man had an "in" with a group who have this kind of weekend party. I thought he would help me connect to this group and he did and the same kind of event was planned and organized.

During the event, he was drinking. There was a time when at the entrance tent, he apparently was about 5 feet from my ear yelling at me over something. People saw that and it looked like I was ignoring him. I know I was there at the tent but as far as I recall, I never even heard a thing or noticed him at all.

In my definition, this "not being on the same wavelength" is maybe ascension? I was in a very heightened state of joy and preoccupation with creating this lovely and amazing and awesome weekend that was everything I had hoped.

So when I hear about ascension, I sort of see it in this context.

I think we can all agree that when we personally experience something, we cannot be talked OUT of what we experienced and we wonder ponder think about, maybe obsess over and search about for some understanding? Words have to be used to describe.

23rd May 2017, 18:24
DW recently said many of the great ancient civilizations ascended. This is turd in the face to those cultures that were decimated or driven off. I'd be happy for him to ascend.

He won't. He'll die, travel back in time, and then reincarnate as Edgar Cayce. :ttr:

23rd May 2017, 18:44
It might be? But I wonder if that is because we don't all agree on what that means.
Is "ascension" vibration at a different level that is "somehow" lighter. less dense, less pressing?

One of my favorite memories is a weekend long music festival that I staged to honor my late husband. I chose his "crib mate" (born at the same hospital on the same day) friend who had really helped him while ill to help me put it on. He is mean person when drinking. This man had an "in" with a group who have this kind of weekend party. I thought he would help me connect to this group and he did and the same kind of event was planned and organized.

During the event, he was drinking. There was a time when at the entrance tent, he apparently was about 5 feet from my ear yelling at me over something. People saw that and it looked like I was ignoring him. I know I was there at the tent but as far as I recall, I never even heard a thing or noticed him at all.

In my definition, this "not being on the same wavelength" is maybe ascension? I was in a very heightened state of joy and preoccupation with creating this lovely and amazing and awesome weekend that was everything I had hoped.

So when I hear about ascension, I sort of see it in this context.

I think we can all agree that when we personally experience something, we cannot be talked OUT of what we experienced and we wonder ponder think about, maybe obsess over and search about for some understanding? Words have to be used to describe.

That is why I said "IMO". It is a narrative word and its connotation to many people is largely escapist. But, I will not niggle over word interpretations. DW implied that cultures that disappeared were "raised" to a higher dimension. He used the word ascension. A convenient cover for the murderous parasitical theologies that were bent on extermination for their angry god.

Dumpster Diver
23rd May 2017, 18:50
He won't. He'll die, travel back in time, and then reincarnate as Edgar Cayce. :ttr:

In my belief system, YOU will die, travel back in time, and reincarnate as Edgar Cayce.

You are him in another timeline.

Yeah, it pinches a bit.

23rd May 2017, 19:16
DW recently said many of the great ancient civilizations ascended. This is turd in the face to those cultures that were decimated or driven off. I'd be happy for him to ascend.

He won't. He'll die, travel back in time, and then reincarnate as Edgar Cayce. :ttr:

In my belief system, YOU will die, travel back in time, and reincarnate as Edgar Cayce.

You are him in another timeline.

Yeah, it pinches a bit.

Yes and no. Soul-wise, I am neither him nor Edgar Cayce, and if you know my own story — which I am not going to elaborate on here, and especially not after having been falsely accused by Shane "the Ruiner" of seeking to become an "alt community" celebrity like him — then you would also know that this here is my first and only incarnation. I won't be back after this lifetime, neither here nor on any other planet, nor on any other point of whatever timeline.

If my soul is to continue its existence after I die from this life — which in itself is not something I am certain of, nor am I certain whether I would even want that in the first place — then it'll be in the non-physical realms, because that's where I come from. And just in case you're going to say that non-physical beings are merely physical beings who have ascended, then once again I must disappoint you, because "my kind" has never wanted to be part of the wheels of karma. We had never left the vicinity of Source until we came here, and all of us only came here for a single lifetime, as catalysts.

On the other hand, the consciousness that dwells in me is of course part of Creation, and thus of the consciousness field that dwells in everyone, across time, space and all universes in the omniverse. And as such, parts of the consciousness field do reincarnate with the soul that they give life to. On the other hand, there are yet other parts of the consciousness field which may not necessarily be tied to a soul — or maybe they once were but not anymore at present time — and as such, it is possible that certain people's "past life memories" are in fact only fragments of another person's life in the past, which they are picking up through the consciousness field and regard as their own.

In the end, there is only one consciousness, and at the level of Source, the distinction between Self and Other is merely an illusion. ;)

Dumpster Diver
23rd May 2017, 19:24
Aragorn, I hear you. Surprised a bit perhaps, but I honor your beliefs.

But as I said "In my belief system..." and it predates all the alt-world mumbo-jumbo I've uncovered these last few years.

23rd May 2017, 23:28
Maggie - I get your comments. I really understand what You are conveying. I too believe that once a person is in the awakened state and knows what is happening - there is no turning them off or sending them back to sleep or pushing/pulling them to engage in any behaviour other than what they choose.

Dumpster Diver - Aragorn - Modwiz - I understand what You three are discussing. My understanding on reincarnation and souls and all that area, is influenced by the fact I have had a death experience. I did not want to come back but I did and I accept my choice. I did not know what was waiting for me but it has certainly shaped my life. I used to think that reincarnation may have been a fact but if it is - I do not think it is automatically impressed on each and every soul.

For instance; When I died in the back of the ambulance, I went - left my body - ascended - died, whatever you want to call it, for me it was and still is (as a memory) Beautiful & Peaceful. I recall hovering. just my Soul, the Human vessel becomes obsolete and is no longer needed. I recall very clearly as I hovered, stating; 'I can no longer continue with my life. Send me back if I have more to learn.' (That comment was about sending me back to start another life anew.) In response I heard a voice, not harsh just peaceful and calm; 'There isn't time.' Obviously I returned.

I can state this with absolute certainty, for anyone reading this post; I will not be returning to this planet once my current life is complete. I do not believe in karma. I do not believe that we are sent to this planet to be punished for so called sins. I do not believe that we are on this planet to suffer illness and heartbreak and all other negative based experiences. I believe that this planet is in need of Peace. This planet called Earth and the People who live here - need Peace more than anything. Everything will fall into place when Peace is achieved. Education - Knowledge - Wisdom are all essential components of what is needed.

In keeping with the title of this thread: What Does The Alt Community Agree On - I sincerely would like to believe that Peace and Healing are what the entire Global Community can agree on - yes? Until all information and evidence and all historical knowledge is shared - we have a huge battle to agree on anything - Yes? Unless we have all the facts and all the components of our history - all we can do is search for answers to our questions - Yes?

As for ancient civilizations ascending - I imagine it was more about psychopaths and/or narcissists - also known as bullies/thugs/standover merchants/whatever - capturing and enslaving entire peaceful communities. They were in all probability captured and enslaved for labour or ritually sacrificed. I have a video about ancient civilisations and one section looks at the Mayans in South America. It states that even though the buildings remain, including their step pyramids, there is no evidence of a human physical nature. If there had been an illness that took them all out over a short period of time, there would be burials and even random human remains of those who died with no one left to bury their bodies. The narrative states it is as if they just got up and walked away.

Perhaps they were taken by force and that is why only their buildings remain Who knows? Someone knows - they always do?

Much Respect & Much Peace - Amanda

Dumpster Diver
24th May 2017, 00:37
Amanda: If you follow what David Wilcock has been saying, we are at an end of a 75000 year cycle. Everyone thusly goes one of three places:

Door #1: a 4 Dimensional Earth for "da good guys"
Door #2: another 3D planet for folks who are too bewildered to make a clear decision about being a good or bad guy
Door #3: 3D death and transport to 4D "evil world" for the upper 5% of the evil guys

So, according to him, nobody stays here in this 3D world which can certainly dovetail with your experience as you do not have time for another incarnation on this planet.

Wilcock accounts for one-time "visitors" as travelers and some indigo children, i.e. here for a one-time shot to help us all out in this very trying time. This possibly covers Aragorn's situation.

So he's got all these bases covered. Neat huh?

24th May 2017, 00:49
Amanda: If you follow what David Wilcock has been saying, we are at an end of a 75000 year cycle. Everyone thusly goes one of three places:

Door #1: a 4 Dimensional Earth for "da good guys"
Door #2: another 3D planet for folks who are too bewildered to make a clear decision about being a good or bad guy
Door #3: 3D death and transport to 4D "evil world" for the upper 5% of the evil guys

So, according to him, nobody stays here in this 3D world which can certainly dovetail with your experience as you do not have time for another incarnation on this planet.

Wilcock accounts for one-time "visitors" as travelers and some indigo children, i.e. here for a one-time shot to help us all out in this very trying time. This possibly covers Aragorn's situation.

So he's got all these bases covered. Neat huh?

DW always takes his info from some where else. He is able to report but not invent IMO. He cannoot be any better than his sources of data. So, I don't read him. I go to the place he read what he reports.

Dolores Cannon said much the same. She mined some sort of 4D source who may or may not be credible but the means and the sheer volume of info was impressive.

Others have said much the same. Is this true? I don't know. However, given that I would prefer to have a physical incarnation on a world that like Amanda says is one of Peace and Healing, I approve.

If one accepts that Gaia is a living being who is changing and able to determine the kind of humanity she accepts, I think she would approve that her human inhabitants be willing to cooperate so ALL life be supported.

Lots and lots of people are ready to be in a 4/5 D (or whatever one calls it) space. IMO IF one is able to be the kind of "person" that this requires, THAT is the only point.

I think some of agree that we as humans are not the boss.
I think some of us would not mind that the contents of our psyche be "available' for view.
Some of us have no more competition to play out.
Some of us are more interested in integrity than our "success".

Can we agree that only "time" will show if ascension is true?
Meanwhile, we all have inner/past residual shadowy and icky stuff to heal OR IMO we would not be here.
That is except for those who might be ambassadors for Source. I ain't one meself.
Those here just to be exemplars of Source energy, if that is true and not just spiritualized Ego talking, then again, time will tell.

24th May 2017, 01:00
Maggie - I get your comments. I really understand what You are conveying. I too believe that once a person is in the awakened state and knows what is happening - there is no turning them off or sending them back to sleep or pushing/pulling them to engage in any behaviour other than what they choose.

.....there is no evidence of a human physical nature. If there had been an illness that took them all out over a short period of time, there would be burials and even random human remains of those who died with no one left to bury their bodies. The narrative states it is as if they just got up and walked away.

Perhaps they were taken by force and that is why only their buildings remain Who knows? Someone knows - they always do?

Much Respect & Much Peace - Amanda

I have questioned what happened to the millions of bodies that were not seen anywhere just a couple of hundred years after reprted to be living in cities? There were millions of people at one time not so long ago. Maybe the acidic soil ingested the bones? maybe they did walk away? Maybe they were taken away? Maybe they did ascend? Curious and mysterious and I hope I'll know.

When I leave this earth I want to go to the vast library where all is stored as records because I like that kind of thing.

24th May 2017, 01:02
I'll probably use a title like this thread for a video. Maybe with another or two people. I still hate typing and text can be a bugger for clear communication. One could end up spending more time explaining a past post than the topic that was originally replied to, lol.

Dumpster Diver
24th May 2017, 02:12
DW always takes his info from some where else. He is able to report but not invent IMO. He cannoot be any better than his sources of data. So, I don't read him. I go to the place he read what he reports.

Dolores Cannon said much the same. She mined some sort of 4D source who may or may not be credible but the means and the sheer volume of info was impressive.

Others have said much the same. Is this true? I don't know. However, given that I would prefer to have a physical incarnation on a world that like Amanda says is one of Peace and Healing, I approve.

If one accepts that Gaia is a living being who is changing and able to determine the kind of humanity she accepts, I think she would approve that her human inhabitants be willing to cooperate so ALL life be supported.

Lots and lots of people are ready to be in a 4/5 D (or whatever one calls it) space. IMO IF one is able to be the kind of "person" that this requires, THAT is the only point.

I think some of agree that we as humans are not the boss.
I think some of us would not mind that the contents of our psyche be "available' for view.
Some of us have no more competition to play out.
Some of us are more interested in integrity than our "success".

Can we agree that only "time" will show if ascension is true?
Meanwhile, we all have inner/past residual shadowy and icky stuff to heal OR IMO we would not be here.
That is except for those who might be ambassadors for Source. I ain't one meself.
Those here just to be exemplars of Source energy, if that is true and not just spiritualized Ego talking, then again, time will tell.

Well, DW is a researcher. And researchers typically don't invent, they "connect dots" using other folks inventions and imagination.

In my research DW is on to quite a bit, but not in his "Adventures of Corey Goode" which as I mentioned in another thread is really a great adventure tail with no real evidence, but in his Wisdom Teachings. WT is the real meat. If you dismiss that stuff, then I think you might be missing a few things.

24th May 2017, 02:18
DW always takes his info from some where else. He is able to report but not invent IMO. He cannoot be any better than his sources of data. So, I don't read him. I go to the place he read what he reports.

Dolores Cannon said much the same. She mined some sort of 4D source who may or may not be credible but the means and the sheer volume of info was impressive.

The late Dolores Cannon was a hypnotherapist who specialized in working with abductees and contactees, as well as in doing past life regressions on people. This is how she came to gather all of her information. Some of it allegedly came from the higher selves of her patients, and other times her patients were channeling non-terrestrial entities while under hypnosis.

The information Dolores first came out with regarding the Three Waves of Volunteers was pretty much correct, and clearly stated that the Three-Wavers had never incarnated before, and that they would never incarnate again. However, later on she started receiving other information, from souls who had already incarnated before, albeit mostly on other worlds, but who had also come to Earth as volunteers. This made her change her opinion as to the nature of the Three Waves of Volunteers and what they were really here for. I personally think she made a mistake in conflating her earlier information with this newer information, which clearly came from different sources.

Do note however that Dolores Cannon was herself not a member of the Three Waves of Volunteers, and that none of her information came to her by way of her own higher self or any channeling on her part. She only recorded what her patients (and others) told her.

Others have said much the same.

Yes, Mary Rodwell, among others, but unlike Dolores Cannon, Mary Rodwell mainly works with so-called Starseed children, and they would indeed be of the second type of volunteers as described by Dolores Cannon. These children usually appear to have lived before on other worlds.

One very striking example that stayed with me was a young woman — I think she was 24 at the time — who was a kind of energetic healer, and who wrote and spoke in a very strange language, and with very odd inflections. Allegedly it was the language of the species she had lived as in her previous incarnation, and it appeared highly legitimate to me.

Some of us are more interested in integrity than our "success".

You may count me as one of those. ;)

Those here just to be exemplars of Source energy, if that is true and not just spiritualized Ego talking, then again, time will tell.

I have been accused of spiritual ego when I first came out with this stuff on the internet. It was over at Project Avalon, and by a woman you probably know very well — hint: her native tongue is French. :p And still very recently — in this post (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/10917-BR-s-disclosure-on-CG?p=841968681&viewfull=1#post841968681) — I was accused of having concocted the story of my spiritual origins with the intent of becoming an "alt community" celebrity like Corey Goode or Shane "The Ruiner" Bales. And the person who accused me of such was Shane Bales, who was of course only projecting his own ambitions and mindset onto me, with the intent of defaming me because of the official statement (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/8015-Statement-from-The-One-Truth-s-Management-with-regard-to-The-Ruiner-Material) I published here at the forum when the Ruiner was revealed as a mere storyteller.

All of that, plus the fact that I don't exactly think very highly of myself — courtesy of a very traumatic and traumatizing past — and that I don't actually seek any attention, has all made me decide never to talk of my own spiritual nature anymore unless it is absolutely contextually warranted. I don't have a large ego, but I'm not exactly a doormat either.

Everyone believes whatever they want to believe anyway, and whatever one's spiritual beliefs are, it's not going to make a shred of difference if one talks the talk without walking the walk. If we can't even get along in our human form here on Earth, then what does it matter where one's soul comes from? We'll only know for certain what lies beyond once we ourselves cross over into the hereafter, and even then still, one's experience of the afterlife may only be a manifestation of one's own belief system.

All I know is that I'm here, and that I'm trying to survive, just like the rest of the population. Not that I care so much about being alive in and of itself, but I do care about the circumstances of my life. And so far, I can't say that the quality of my life has made it worth all of the suffering I've had to endure. On the contrary: the scars on my soul are only becoming more sensitive as I grow older.

Anyway, I'm talking way too much about myself again, and I promised myself I wouldn't do that. :fpalm:

:back to topic:

24th May 2017, 02:30
Well, DW is a researcher. And researchers typically don't invent, they "connect dots" using other folks inventions and imagination.

In my research DW is on to quite a bit, but not in his "Adventures of Corey Goode" which as I mentioned in another thread is really a great adventure tail with no real evidence, but in his Wisdom Teachings. WT is the real meat. If you dismiss that stuff, then I think you might be missing a few things.

IMO the "real meat" is more likely discovered first and second hand, not third.
His track record has left me in doubt of his clear vision and sure discernment

24th May 2017, 02:50
Everyone believes whatever they want to believe anyway, and whatever one's spiritual beliefs are, it's not going to make a shred of difference if one talks the talk without walking the walk.

I have no idea where you came from or where you are headed?
It only matters if you do.

Shane likes ruining... he said so. He made a name based on the theme.
I guess he walks his talk too?

Can we agree as an alt community that there is massive strength in extending kindness?
I am not at all sure we can.
In the free will zone, we each have the right to be snarky.

However, if we don't do unto others as we wish them to do, someone will do to us what we don't wish.
That IMO is a certain hit by the carma, not necessarily now, most likely when we forget the breadcrumb trail...

24th May 2017, 02:52
Amanda: If you follow what David Wilcock has been saying, we are at an end of a 75000 year cycle. Everyone thusly goes one of three places:

Door #1: a 4 Dimensional Earth for "da good guys"
Door #2: another 3D planet for folks who are too bewildered to make a clear decision about being a good or bad guy
Door #3: 3D death and transport to 4D "evil world" for the upper 5% of the evil guys


This is Law Of One stuff, otherwise also known as the Ra material, as channeled through Edgar Cayce — of whom Wilcock believes he would be the reincarnation — in the 1960s.

Furthermore, that stuff was also already literally spoken about many years ago at the Above Top Secret forum, by someone who claimed to be an Illuminati insider who had been ordered to entertain questions from forum members for a very limited amount of time, in line with the alleged Illuminati tradition that they may do whatever they want on the condition that they disclose their intentions — albeit sufficiently cryptically, so that only the "awake & aware" would get it.

The event which was to lead to this alleged three-way split of the collective of human souls on Earth — the good go to "4D", the bad go to "4D negative", and the lukewarm go to another "3D" world, whereby Earth would regress into an earlier state of its evolution as a recovery for all of the things humanity had done to her — was supposed to be 21 December 2012, when Marduk the Destroyer would be coming back. According to this character, Marduk the Destroyer was Lucifer, in the form of the alleged Planet X, also known as Nibiru.

Said alleged Illuminati insider went by the name "Hidden Hand" over at the Above Top Secret forum, and it is by now generally accepted that the guy was just a prankster, reciting stuff from the Law Of One and other esoteric publications.

So much for Wilcock's "research". ;)

24th May 2017, 03:04
This is Law Of One stuff, otherwise also known as the Ra material, as channeled through Edgar Cayce — of whom Wilcock believes he would be the reincarnation — in the 1960s.

I don't recall that from the Edgar Cayce teachings? I recall something called "Cosmic Awareness" which I think is still "coming through" but by a different mouth piece and the Ra material. But whatever.... if it happens, we will know. meantime it catma that we need to be concerned about.

A catma is a belief espoused by a relgion which must be understood by all members of that religion. Although it must be understood, it does not have to be accepted as truth because proof of the catma may not yet exist or be accepted, or that proof requires postulates that the adherant to the religion may not presently accept.http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=catma

The central Discordian catma is: "All affirmations are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense."

This is true in some sense. What matters, however, is not whether things are true in some sense, but how far fetched that sense is.

Think For Yourself.
Convictions Cause Convicts.
The Conclusion You Jump To May Be Your Own.
The Pun is Mightier then the Sword.
Truth: If its not one thing its another.
Reality: It all depends on how you look at it.
The Enlightened take things Lightly.
No Two Equals are the Same.
Tis an ill wind that blows no minds.
Is the thought of a Unicorn a Real Thought?
Curb Your Dogma.
Discordians don't have dogmas, which are absolute beliefs; we have catmas which are relative meta-beliefs.
And the central Discordian catma is- any affirmation is true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense. And if you repeat this 666 times, you will achieve supreme enlightenment -- IN SOME SENSE!
--Robert Anton Wilson

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/ef/ef04adeb80576198fb61a3e89a507d8a4e930c5ee3fac3d34f baef6882431863.jpg

24th May 2017, 16:23
I've noticed many people, I'm not sure if it's the alt community or people on the right (social/political), who write off protesters and concerned citizens as 'paid'. This is not a good conclusion to jump to for many reasons.

From the Topeka Capital-Journal:

Roger Marshall just slandered me in the press. He did the same to almost everyone in attendance at his recent town hall meeting in Wamego. Speaking to American Family Radio on May 12, Marshall accused us of not being from his district and said we were paid to be at the event.

I wasn’t paid to attend. I’m a poor graduate student that sacrificed time out of my own work and spent several days researching my question because I thought talking to my representative would be helpful. But when I asked it, he rolled his eyes at me and then made false accusations about me to the media. I knew most of the people in the room – they were not paid and they have been living in his district for years, as I have.

This is unacceptable behavior. This is not what a public servant does. Marshall clearly has no sense of responsibility to those the represents

The Democratic district chair wrote Marshalls a letter:

The reason out of town constituents attended the Wamego town hall was because it was one of only two town halls you did not schedule in early morning weekday hours. The vast majority of your constituents have jobs and are unable to take leave to voice their concerns during those morning town halls. So they traveled, meaning it was vitally important for you to hear their voices and concerns, which you seem to be dismissing. It is not their fault you attempted to minimize your interactions by strategic scheduling. It backfired because instead of one or two upset constituents, you had an entire room full.

As a spouse of a veteran who was stationed at Ft. Riley let me educate you about the possibility of having home of record (out-of-state) license plates on vehicles by many of the military families in our area. So unless you are saying our military families who live in our district don't deserve the right to be heard you can stop trying to make it a conspiracy theory that your town hall was taken over by outsiders.

There are many people who get bussed to town halls and to vote. It's a dangerous knee-jerk assumption to conclude 'paid' or 'fake'.

How does the man not know his constituents?

Dumpster Diver
24th May 2017, 18:37
I've noticed many people, I'm not sure if it's the alt community or people on the right (social/political), who write off protesters and concerned citizens as 'paid'. This is not a good conclusion to jump to for many reasons.

Here's my top-level list of possible "Controlled Opposition" entities:

Alex Jones
Ben Fulford
David Ike
Bill Ryan and Project Avalon
Kerry Cassidy
Steve Greer
Dark Journalist
Robert David Steele
Catherine Austin Fitts
Ron Paul
Veteran Times

All have espoused an idea or two that are negative, and yet are quite vocal.

Just because I label so many folks as "controlled opposition" doesn't mean it's not true. :) And certainly being a CO doesn't mean that they are not providing useful information. Indeed, they may be controlled by "white" or "gray" hats. And with the acceptance of control they get some amount of protection, maybe a lot.

24th May 2017, 19:28
This is Law Of One stuff, otherwise also known as the Ra material, as channeled through Edgar Cayce — of whom Wilcock believes he would be the reincarnation — in the 1960s.

Furthermore, that stuff was also already literally spoken about many years ago at the Above Top Secret forum, by someone who claimed to be an Illuminati insider who had been ordered to entertain questions from forum members for a very limited amount of time, in line with the alleged Illuminati tradition that they may do whatever they want on the condition that they disclose their intentions — albeit sufficiently cryptically, so that only the "awake & aware" would get it.

The event which was to lead to this alleged three-way split of the collective of human souls on Earth — the good go to "4D", the bad go to "4D negative", and the lukewarm go to another "3D" world, whereby Earth would regress into an earlier state of its evolution as a recovery for all of the things humanity had done to her — was supposed to be 21 December 2012, when Marduk the Destroyer would be coming back. According to this character, Marduk the Destroyer was Lucifer, in the form of the alleged Planet X, also known as Nibiru.

Said alleged Illuminati insider went by the name "Hidden Hand" over at the Above Top Secret forum, and it is by now generally accepted that the guy was just a prankster, reciting stuff from the Law Of One and other esoteric publications.

So much for Wilcock's "research". ;)

HA! I get to call out Aragorn for being incorrect about some minor detail that doesn't really matter! What a great day is this!

The Law of One was not channelled by Edgar Cayce. Carla Reukert was the channel with the assistance of Don Elkins and Jim McCarty. In the Cayce readings there was some references to the Children of the Law of One, a group which existed in the time of Atlantis, who were in opposition to another group called the Sons of Belial.

I got to correct Aragorn, haHAha, I got to correct Aragorn!

24th May 2017, 19:46
HA! I get to call out Aragorn for being incorrect about some minor detail that doesn't really matter! What a great day is this!

The Law of One was not channelled by Edgar Cayce. Carla Reukert was the channel with the assistance of Don Elkins and Jim McCarty. In the Cayce readings there was some references to the Children of the Law of One, a group which existed in the time of Atlantis, who were in opposition to another group called the Sons of Belial.

I got to correct Aragorn, haHAha, I got to correct Aragorn!

You are correct, and apparently I had the time frame wrong as well. The Law Of One was channeled in the very early 1980s — not the 1960s as I initially wrote — and Edgar Cayce had already passed away in 1945. Strangely enough, I thought he died in the late 1960s. :hmm:

Anyway, to err is human. And to arr is pirate. :p


Dumpster Diver
24th May 2017, 20:25
I think Aragorn is partially remembering that Edgar Cayce was the high priest RaTa in his "Egyptian life" and it was later associated with the Ra group that the Law of One group channeled by Wilcock.

Wilcock lived with Paula Ruckert for a while, supposedly getting all the "facts" on the Law of One work and I think wired up with CG who had been "tapped" by the blue bird Raw-Tir-Eir. Since supposedly both Law of one Channeled entity and Raw-Tir-Eir started their statements with "I am Ra," Wilcock snapped it up and bought CG's story.

24th May 2017, 20:58
For being the foremost authority on the Law of One, Wilcock sure gets his details wrong (sorta like Aragorn).

Cayce did identify a previous incarnation as the high priest Ra-ta, but such was never mentioned in the Law of One, Wilcock totally got that one from Cayce. The only thing is, Cayce predicted his future incarnation in the mid to late nineties, not in the late sixties. But, one like Wilcock (or Aragorn) can't get bogged down by little details like that. Wilcock did stay at the compound with Carla Reukertband Jim McCarty, but he never got their endorsement, not that of the Cayce family or the ARE, although I have heard it said (recently) that Cayce's descendents are fairly divided over the possibility of Wilcock being his reincarnation.

I personally believe that Wilcock is the reincarnation, as much as I believe he should go back and reread the actual readings and what they say, as well as revisiting the actual text of the Law of One. I like to point out, that according to Cayce his previous incarnation was a gambler and a womanizer, and Wilcock might want to entertain the notion that one's karma does not solely arise from what might seem the previous incarnation.

We choose for each lifetime which lessons to tackle, and fame and fortune certainly weren't on the plate for Cayce, but some of the lessons Cayce did master may be getting walked back before our very eyes in the person of Wilcock.

24th May 2017, 21:37
I personally believe that Wilcock is the reincarnation, as much as I believe he should go back and reread the actual readings and what they say, as well as revisiting the actual text of the Law of One.

I am curious about what led you to agree Wilcock's claim is authentic?
Here the evidence was based a lot on similar "looks".


Here is David's article about himself WRITTEN IN THIRD PERSON (IMO a weird possibly sociopathic "Tell")
The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and His Soul Group?
You Decide.
By David Wilcock (http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/articles/274-the-reincarnation-of-edgar-cayce-and-his-soul-group)

Appearance as a significator for reincarnation seems superficial especially for someone who has ventured through many life times.

As we know cayce was extraordinary on his physical readings that he took from the subconscious of others but in dream prophecy, the energy he read was not fulfilled in "our" timeline.

In 1936, Edgar Cayce had a prophetic dream of his reincarnation in the new USA:
"I had been born again in 2100 A.D. in Nebraska. The sea apparently covered all of the western part of the country, as the city where I lived was on the coast. The family name was a strange one. At an early age as a child I declared myself to be Edgar Cayce who had lived 200 years before. Scientists, men with long beads, little hair, and thick glasses, were called in to observe me. They decided to visit the places where I said I had been born, lived, and worked in Kentucky, Alabama, New York, Michigan, and Virginia. Taking me with them the group of scientists visited these places in a long, cigar-shaped metal flying ship which moved at a high speed. Water covered part of Alabama. Norfolk, Virginia, had become an immense seaport. New York had been destroyed either by war or an immense earthquake and was being rebuilt. Industries were scattered over the countryside. Most of the houses were built of glass. Many records of my work as Edgar Cayce were discovered and collected. The group returned to Nebraska, taking the records with them to study... These changes in the earth will come to pass, for the time and times and half times are at an end, and there begins those periods for the readjustments..."

David Martinique, the author of Edgar Cayce and the End Times has claimed that Cayce received several terrifying prophecies of doom in the months before he died in 1945. His private journal was left to a friend with instructions that it be kept secret until October 30, 1994. The diary includes seven predictions for 1995-1999, and gives this warning:
"Let all wise men heed the predictions herein. The earthly reign of the Lord truly is at hand."https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/profecias/esp_profecia01h4.htm (24)

There is a book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?: Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation 11, 2004
by Wynn Free (Author), David Wilcock (Author) (https://www.amazon.com/Reincarnation-Edgar-Cayce-Interdimensional-Transformation/dp/1583940839) The following scholarly review on Amazon (link to site above) is long but I think worth reading.

ByAnn S.on May 8, 2013

I have been a student of the Edgar Cayce readings for over 30 years, and have spent hundreds of hours absorbing the material on the CD-ROM as well as a couple hundred books. I've known since 2000 of David Wilcock's claim that he is Cayce returned, but never felt the slighted interest in learning more about him or his claim. By coincidence I had just finished the 5 Law Of One books channeled thru Carla Rueckert, and decided on a whim to learn more of Wilcock's claim, just in case he really IS Cayce. I had no idea of the connection between the Law Of One books and this book, but the timing couldn't have been better since the The Law of One RA material was still fresh in my mind. (Note that I use RA when referring to The Law of One material, and Ra with a lower-case "a" when referring to the high priest, also called Ra-Ta who was a prior incarnation of Edgar Cayce in ancient Egypt). I approached this with an absolutely open mind. Had I been shunning CAYCE? I was determined to find out.

This author states that he is very familiar with Cayce's life and readings as well as the Law Of One Material, but I didn't get far into the book before the glaring inaccuracies began to pile up. Either Wynn Free blatently misrepresents and ignores the known facts, or he just wants Wilcock to be Cayce so badly that he makes it happen for himself and his readers. I gave Free the opportunity to prove his case.

First, He is trying to make the case that Cayce's "Source" must have been the group soul or social memory complex of RA, the same source as gave the Law Of One material as well as the Dream Voice and entity supposedly channeled thru Wilcock. He is basing this on the fact that Wilcock's Dream Voice said so. In putting forth that theory, he ignores and twists the facts. For instance, on p.76, he states, "Edgar Cayce's readings were delivered to him by what he identified only as the Source." Nothing could be further from the truth, and my jaw hit the floor when Free made this statement! Cayce was asked many times in trance where he got his information. The series of readings 3744-1 thru 5 answers that for us. Also 294-19, 254-68, 294-1, 900-233, as well as others. All these Cayce readings clearly tell us that for his health readings he gets the information from the subconscious mind of the ailing person, as well as the subconscious minds of others, especially for the remedies; the Akashic Records is the source of most of the remaining information, from life readings, to the creation story, to ancient civilizations, to future earth changes and prophecy. The Akashic Records is the record of every Soul and every activity from the beginning of creation, as recorded on the skein of time and space, according to Cayce. Cayce's own Higher Self, his Subconscious Mind of the Soul, would have provided information as well, but Cayce did NOT channel, though on extremely rare occasions an entity would come through, such as the Archangels Michael and Halaliel. 254-83 is an example of this, and is a beautiful reading where "Thine Identity" is asked for. The answer is "those Universal Forces. Messengers from the Higher Forces that may manifest from the Throne of Grace Itself." When asked "who are the Masters directly in charge?" Cayce answered, "Those that are directed by the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, Him that came that ye might be one with the Father. These are messengers of the Most High" When asked who Halaliel is in this same reading, Cayce gave this, "Halaliel is the one who from the beginning has been a leader of the heavenly host, who has defied Ariel, who has made the ways that have been heavy-but as the means for the UNDERSTANDING."

Mr. Free quotes from the channelings of Wilcock on p.155, "(Cayce) was eventually able to realize through our guidance that Halaliel was sort of a trickster entity, designed to depolarize the contact somewhat." Why does Free believe this to be true? Because Halaliel gave the information about "the cataclysmic earth changes such as Japan going beneath the sea (The tsunami in Japan WAS cataclysmic though wasn't it) and of the inundation of California and the like." Other earth changes predicted by Cayce were to be gradual. But Wilcock's channeled voice said that Cayce had opened himself to negative entities and Halaliel was a negative trickster. As far as I can tell, there is not one shred of evidence to support the claim that Cayce was convinced of that. If Cayce received messages, he wanted them to be from the highest possible source, the "MOST HIGH." Halaliel had offered thru a reading for the study group to be channeled thru Cayce, offering his wisdom and his aid. Free states that the study group members and Gladys Davis "had doubt and concern as to whether they could trust Halaliel". They debated and discussed this among themselves for weeks before deciding as a group that only the "Most High" should be sought. Obviously, if Halaliel was thought by Cayce to be a trickster entity, there would have been no long discussion of the matter. Free really reaches to make us believe that, as Wilcock says, Cayce channeled negative entities.

Oddly, Free even totally ignores the answer to the question of Cayce's source as given by RA himself when asked by Don Elkins in the first Law Of One book! Session 14, p.141 Elkins asks, "Who spoke thru Edgar Cayce?" A: "No entity spoke thru Edgar Cayce." Q: "Where did the information come from that Edgar Cayce channeled?" A: "...intelligent infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density or octave. Edgar used this gateway to view the present...this is the Akashic Records or the Hall of Records." RA is stating the same thing that Cayce said about his source: THE AKASHIC RECORD WAS CAYCE'S MOST FREQUENT SOURCE. If RA was the source for Cayce's information, he/they would have said so when asked point blank, especially almost 40 years after Cayce died, what did they/he have to lose? These are glaring omissions on the part of the author. He totally disregarded the voices of both Cayce and RA to try to establish his theory!

On p.78 the author, obviously realizing that the question would come up as to why RA never identified himself as Cayce's Source, has a ready answer. "If RA was Cayce's main Source, it couldn't be revealed to him in his own readings due to his conservative Christian upbringing." Really?? Many topics, including reincarnation, astrology, kundalini meditation, karma, pre-existance of the soul, as well as other controversial subjects were discoursed upon by Cayce in trance, and they were strongly AGAINST his conservative Christian upbringing. He read the Akashic Records, he didn't have an entity or a 'social memory complex' as a source. Don Elkins even asked RA if he/they had channeled thru others, and he did NOT mention Cayce in his answer. As I said, why wouldn't RA state that as fact almost 40 years later, if indeed Cayce's source was RA!? RA also tells us thru Carla R. that discarnate entities from Earth's inner planes are the most common source (and the most inaccurate because these entities frequently lie) of all channeled material. Of course, channeling discarnate entities such as is done by Wilcock is not the only way to obtain otherworldly information, as Cayce has shown. Should we allow Wilcock's Ra voice to make claims for Cayce that counter what Cayce himself had given? Should we also disregard the Law of One RA answer to this question? Perhaps we should let Cayce speak for himself on this instead of Mr. Free presuming that he and Wilcock know more about Cayce's source than Cayce knew! This begs the next question: WHY DID WYNN FREE LIE AND SAY "EDGAR CAYCE'S READINGS WERE DELIVERED TO HIM BY WHAT HE IDENTIFIED ONLY AS THE 'SOURCE'"? Perhaps it wasn't an intentional lie. Perhaps he just wasn't as thorough in his research as he needed to be, but if so, the lack of due diligence is certainly disturbing. What else in this book is blatantly false?

Now there's Egypt and the Great Pyramid. Also on p.78 do we find the following from the author, "I did a search on the Cayce CD-ROM, and to my surprise I found numerous incidents in the lifetime of Ra-TA where Ra-Ta and a being named Ra existed concurrently." Please, Mr. Free, if you know the Cayce material, you should know that Ra was short for Ra-Ta! They are one and the same and there is a reading that states that Ra-Ta was later called Ra. Several readings in fact. Yes, the same entity! On p.160 he tries to convince his readers that "...most Cayce scholars have never considered these indications of Ra-Ta and Ra being two distinct entities.." Mr. Free, Edgar Cayce had a very unique syntax; it takes practice to understand what is being conveyed in some of the readings, BUT, the Cayce scholars, and not you, have this one figured out: RA-Ta and Ra are one in the same. These Readings have been studied by many, many great minds over the years who are very familiar with the Cayce material. Do you really think they "never considered" this?

The Law of One material tells us that the Great Pyramid was built using thought forms, not levitating rocks, as this author claims. Yes, the remaining pyramids were build by levitation, but not the GREAT Pyramid! Here are the relevant sessions and quotes:

Book 1,p.78-79 Session 3: "I am RA. The pyramids which we thought/built were constructed thought-forms created by our social memory complex." Q: "Then the rock was created in place rather than moved from some place else?" A: "We built with everlasting rock the GREAT PYRAMID, as you call it. Other of the pyramids were built with stone moved from one place to another." Don Elkins then asks why the Great Pyramid was built with many blocks rather than creating the whole thing as one form created at once. A: "We did not desire to allow the mystery to be penetrated by the peoples in such a way that we became worshiped as builders of a miraculous pyramid. Thus it appears to be made, not thought." Again, p.205, session 23, quoting RA, "The first, the GREAT Pyramid, was formed approximately 6,000 of your years ago (4,000 B.C.) Then, in sequence, after this performing by THOUGHT of the building or architecture of the Great Pyramid using local or earthly material rather than thought-form materials to build the other pyramid structures." So, the Great Pyramid was built by thought-form material and the remaining pyramids were built by levitating and moving earthly rocks, all this according to RA thru Carla R. Why exactly is Free stating that according to RA in the Law of One books, all the pyramids were build by LEVITATION around 10,500 B.C.?? THIS IS CLEARLY NOT WHAT RA SAID!! Very, odd!! But, as we shall see, he may have a reason for these misleading statements.

Now, Cayce reading 5648-6 tells us that the Great Pyramid was build over a 100 year period 10,490 to 10,390 B.C. further, "Begun and completed in the period of Araaraart's time, with Hermes (an incarnation of Christ) and Ra (the incarnation of Cayce)" Notice Ra-Ta is shortened to Ra here, but the same Egyptian High Priest is being referred to. How were the pyramids build according to Cayce? Let's look at Reading 5748-6:

Q: "How was this particular Great Pyramid of Gizah built?" A: "By the use of those forces in nature as make for iron to swim. Stone floats in the air in the same manner." Cayce is saying that the GREAT PYRAMID was built by levitation. Not by thought-form as stated by RA, but by levitation just as RA said the other pyramids were built. And was the Great Pyramid built around 10,500 B.C. as per Cayce, or 4,000 B.C. as per RA? I have no idea, but here is Wynn Free's take on it: on page 76 he quotes from Session 1 the Law of One RA material "We spoke to one who heard and understood and was in a position to decree the Law Of One" It is this RA quote that he believes proves that Edgar Cayce's incarnation of the high priest Ra-Ta is the "one who heard and understood and was in a position to decree the Law of One." But there are valid reasons to dispute this.

Firstly, RA goes on after this sentence to say, "However, the PRIESTS and the peoples of that era quickly distorted our message..." It appears as though the "one who heard and understood" was not a priest; the priests distorted the message. Would a priest be "in a position to decree the Law Of One?" or would that be the pharaoh? The very next day, in Session 2, RA goes on to state that he/they contacted a pharaoh, "Ikhnaton (who) became convinced that the vibration of One was the true spiritual vibration and thus DECREED THE LAW OF ONE. However, this entity's belief's were accepted by very few. HIS PRIESTS gave lip service only." The priests gave lip service to the law that was decreed by the pharaoh, the only one in the position to do so! So, it was NOT Cayce as Ra-Ta who decreed this; no, not Ra-Ta the high priest after all. In fact, contrary to this author's claim on page 80, their was NO priest mentioned in these Sessions as being contacted by RA. NO HIGH PRIEST. But Mr.Free clearly states that RA assisted a priest in 10,500 B.C. When did RA go to Egypt? in the RA Sessions it is not clear in the context if they first arrived or returned 11,000 years ago (9,000 B.C.). It's unclear if they contacted the pharaoh in person or thru or dream or in another way. But 9,000 B.C is not close to 10,500 B.C regardless.

Free clearly tells his readers on p.76 that "at the outset of the Law of One sessions (with Carla R. Egypt was discoursed upon in the first 2 sessions) there was a specific reference to an intervention where RA, the social memory complex, contacted an entity who became an Egytian high priest in 10,500 B.C. RA had a telepathic connection with this high priest, and together they built the pyramids from levitation of rock." Free then goes on to take out of order and out of context RA passages from session 6, leading the reader to think the high priest and 10,500 B.C. was mentioned in session 6, which it was not. Part of that corrupted passage Free has as "Our visit was relatively short. This is when we built the pyramids. When we chose the mission..." The problem is, "This is when we built the pyramids" never appears in session 6. He takes several sentences from different portions of the book and strings them together to make one paragraph without quotation marks and misleads the reader!

I went to the searchable portion of the lawofone.com and searched 'priest', 'high priest', '10,500', as well as '12,000' since Free commented on this review (prior to this update)and said that he found the reference to 12,000 years ago from a blog there. NO match for any of these searches corresponded to this Egyptian information given by RA as stated by Mr.Free. If you read the comments to this review, you will see that Wynn Free wanted to discuss this review with me, so I asked him to reveal which of the 104 RA Sessions he found the priest/12,000 year information in. Ok. A blog yes, but a blog is NOT a RA session and according to the book, it was the RA Material that he found it in. Maybe he will have better luck than I had in finding it.

Why is all this important? Remember, the author is trying to tie Cayce to RA, the source for the Law of One material, and is trying to show that not only did Cayce channel RA, but has returned as Wilcock, who now supposedly channels RA as well. To prove all this, he needs to show that all this material from the three sources is consistent. Which it most assuredly is not. So the big question here should be, 'if RA was Cayce's source, why isn't RA's material CONSISTENT?' Why would RA give Cayce different information than he/they channeled thru Carla Rueckert? Perhaps the more relevant question to this discussion is, 'is Wynn Free mis-stating what was said by RA in the Law of One material so it will more closely match Cayce's information? He is clearly trying hard to show the connection, but we saw above that RA said the Great Pyramid was built by thought-form around 4,000 B.C. Cayce said it was built around 10,500 by a type of levitation, as well as other inconsistent statements.

What are we to make of Wilcock looking like Cayce? There is one photo of a young Wilcock that, when put next to a photo of Cayce about the same age, looks very close. Not twins, but very similar. The current photo of Wilcock that's on his website now looks nothing like Cayce, nor do any other pictures I've come across. Those two pictures though, when side by side sure appear intriguing, but is that particular photo un-retouched? We don't know. On his website is a picture of him at 17, which would have been 1990 and I believe it was 1999 when he posted the other picture online next to Cayce, so it was obviously '99 or prior. So why does THAT one picture look so different than his 17-year old self? The chin is far more pointy, the eyes different; his lips much fuller and slightly parted just like Cayce's. It's obvious that he was trying to strike the same pose and facial expression as Cayce, but I won't go so far as to accuse him of retouching the photo. But I do wonder.

Much was been made in Free's book about the similar horoscopes of Cayce and Wilcock. Now, this is something I can speak to, being an amateur astrologer. Their birthdays are 10 days apart. 1877 and 1973. So, of course, March birthdays, they are both Pisces Sun. Between the other planets and luminaries, they share the placement of the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Is this so unusual? After all, there are only 12 signs that each planet can land in. Free does NOT mention that Saturn, Jupiter, the very important outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, as well as the Lunar Nodes, and the most personal point in a horoscope, the Ascendant Sign (or Rising Sign) are ALL different. I have not done a chart for David Wilcock, so I don't know, and Free does not tell us, how close the planets are when comparing the two charts, except for the moon, which are almost exact. It so happens that my brother was born on March 9. He shares with Edgar Cayce the Pisces Sun of course, but also Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, and the Ascendant. I do not believe him to be Edgar Cayce, nor is it at all unusual for people with the same sun sign to share the placement of several planets.

Wilcock appears resentful that the A.R.E. will not endorse him as Cayce's return and Free echoes that resentment, "accepting Wilcock would jeopardize the status quo." Seriously, the Mr. Free? Yeah. That's it; they just don't want to jeopardize the status quo. Cayce himself created (and Free adds "without the endorsement or guidance of his source", as though the man couldn't make an intelligent decision on his own) a test for anyone who claimed to be his reincarnation. The test consists of 5 personal questions that only he would know and WILCOCK REFUSED TO TAKE THE TEST! It would have have made him too nervous to be asked these 5 questions by those negative A.R.E. folks. Free further insults Cayce's intelligence by stating that "since he was not consciously aware of the veil of forgetting, his idea was that he would still be in possession of memories from his former life." OK, Mr. Free, now Edgar Cayce was such a naive, backward, simple man that he was not aware that an entity forgets a past life upon return? MY GOD, he gave over 2,000 Life Readings, telling people who they were in past lives, and YOU and WILCOCK think he didn't know that??? There are a couple points here that you obviously don't understand. 1) Cayce knew on a very deep soul level that he would remember. He knew he was not an ordinary soul and even in a waking state possessed miraculous powers. The directors of A.R.E also know that if Cayce stated he would remember, than he WILL remember. 2) If you read his collected letters, memoirs, lectures, and teachings, you would know what an absolutely wise sage he was. The last 20 years of his life, he showed great wisdom AWAKE and had the utmost confidence in his beliefs and his readings. Try reading some the attached correspondence from his clients on the Cayce CD. 3) He absolutely knew that there would be a few folks out there that really believed they were him and set up a way for they A.R.E to deal with that inevitability. He knew that only HIS soul RETURNED could answer those questions. But Free doesn't stop there, he then seems to believe that the A.R.E. directors are a bunch of paranoid loonies. Why? They don't advocate UFO's, for one thing. Cayce made only ONE off-handed statement about the Earth being visited by ET's (he did not even say ET, that's mine) during a reading for a woman, who had lived in South America thousands of years ago, and in passing told her that it was during the time in history when the Earth was visited by those from "other worlds or planets." The A.R.E. exists to distribute Cayce's wisdom and carry on his legacy, and that just doesn't include UFO's. 4) This point has to do with Wilcock himself: why wouldn't he have obtained the 5 answers from RA prior to the test? Surely, the all-knowing RA would have known the questions in advance as well as the answers to them, would he not? For that matter, couldn't Wilcock have accessed the Universal Consciousness to obtain the questions and the answers?? He could if he was Cayce. No, because those A.R.E people made him nervous. Perhaps the A.R.E. should have just taken Wilcock's word for it. Yeah. And based on what? His facial features and the fact that he could make predictions about Y2K and 2012 that were wrong? We even have to take Wilcock's word for it that when he moved to Virginia Beach, people were so impressed by his looks. For that matter, did he move to Virginia Beach (again, his RA voice told him to) to say he fulfilled Cayce's prophecy of living there when he returned? He didn't stay long. Of course, we all know the Cacye reading predicts the return of the priest, Ra-Ta in '98; it does NOT say that the return would be announced in '98, but that the return itself would happen in '98. There's a huge difference here that Wilcock seems quite willing to overlook. If Cayce was reborn in 1998 he would be 15 this year; wouldn't it be a shame if in a few years nobody believes him because so many think he's already here in the person of Wilcock?

Wilcock freely admits that he publicly announced that he was Cayce's return to "GET ATTENTION" (RA told him to), but his false modesty is rather transparent however, when he claims to dislike the spotlight. He doesn't know the answers to 5 personal questions, but over and over again, he uses the word '(self)aggrandizement', a uniquely Cayce word. Who besides Cayce do we know that ever used that word?? Of course even though we know that Wilcock read at least 300 metaphysical books in college as well as his mother's vast metaphysical library, he must have NEVER come across Cayce and that word; just as he hadn't read the name Amilius, according to him, even though by that time he admitted to having read many Cayce books on Atlantis (the name Amilius was given during a channeled reading, so he believed that there must be a connection to Cayce).It's doubtful that there's been a book written about Cayce's Atlantis story that didn't include the name Amilius. He also uses the word 'grandiose', another rare Cayce word. But none of this is forced, of course. Those rare and dated words just come naturally to Wilcock it must be.

While reading the 5 books in the RA series, I of course noticed some material consistent with Cayce's, but shouldn't they be consistent since it's HISTORY? Should we expect seperate versions of history? But there are also many more inconsistencies between the two groups of material too, which is something one would NOT expect from the same source.

According to Edgar Cayce, Jesus Christ (Jesus in one life, Melchizedek in another, Amilius, Hermes, Adam, Joseph, Jeshuah, Joshuah. Christ in all)is the Master of Masters, the Logos, the Ideal, who took upon himself the task of leading humanity back to the father. We are to diligently strive for the Christ Consciousness and hold as our ideal that perfection. BUT, according to RA thru Carla R. Jesus was a 4th density entity (RA has evolved much higher than Jesus and is a 6th density soul group) who returned as a wanderer to earth. He had a particularly good memory and with that he quickly learned to penetrate Intelligent Infinity as a youth when he became angry with a playmate and killed him with his touch. He then determined to use that power for good, and could thus heal and perform other miracles. See RA Session 17 for this story. Why are these two Christ stories so very different if, as Wilcock's RA and Free maintain, they originate with the same source, RA? This is not the only inconsistency, however.

What does Cayce have to say about spiritual evolution? We get "to Heaven leaning on the arm of someone we've helped." Soul growth and progression does NOT occur without a love for others; without putting aside our own desires, wishes, and selfishness, and seeking to be of service to our fellow human beings, and striving to do the work of our Creator while in the Earth plane. How does this compare to RA? According to the Law of One material, service-to-self is just as valid as service-to-others. Selfishness is a legitimate and acceptable form of spiritual growth and evolution. These entities can lie, manipulate, enslave, and control others; whether of positive or negative polarity, it doesn't matter (at least until they reach 6th density). Both are equally valid. We all know there are negative entities of course, but this is a valid path to spiritual growth?? Personally, until RA I had NEVER heard of anything like this. Not from Gandhi, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, or other spiritual masters. Not from Jane Roberts/Seth, Cayce, Steiner, Swedenborg, Gurdjieff, or any ancient text, channeled material, or other source. This is NOT a consistent point between RA and Cayce.

What does Mr. Free make of these differences and inconsistencies? Well, of course, those lying negative entities, of which Halaliel was one, must have lied thru Cayce and created these inconsistencies. Of course. Yes, that must be it. RA said so. Thru Wilcock.

Does this mean that the entire book has no merit and was not worth the read? Not entirely. Wilcock is probably a sincere man who seeks to do the right thing. It appears that he has/had definite psychic abilities, and he is most certainly channeling some entity, or perhaps the information comes from his own subconscious soul mind. We have no way of knowing if this is RA except to take RA's word for it. Since the Ascension and/or dimensional shift has not occurred as predicted; no Y2K disaster; no dimensional shift culminating December 21, 2012, I am hesitant to believe any Wilcock/RA predictions. Throughout the book, Free calls Wilcocks predictions "amazingly accurate. Precise", and Free shares with us "some of the more specific predictions and prophecies". Let's examine a few of these:

PREDICTION ONE: RA casually mentions Habitu in a reading and the same day Wilcock drove by a restaurant named Habitu. That's a prediction?? A prediction of WHAT? This is what Jung would call a synchronicity, but this is an amazing prediction according to Free. PREDICTION TWO: Wilcock believes this to be a prediction of an auto accident he had later that day, and I agree, it certainly could be that. "It's the greatest science fiction story ever told. Someone comes in-rescue 911. CBS and ABC give adequate coverge. A cast-iron fence is wrought around the victim's body. An impenetrable wall needs only be potentiated by positive energy." When the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks occurred 5 years later, Wilcock determined that this was not only a prediction of his accident, but also a prophecy of 9/11. This reading could actually mean just about any accident at all, auto; plane; car; collapsed building; tornado; flood, this could be anything, but again, Wilcock and Free believe this to be amazing and specific. This is their analysis even though it is anything but specific and even though Free tells us on p.130 that "even when he makes future predictions, they are usually couched in metaphor and cryptically encoded so that they only become obvious after the event has occurred." How can a prediction be called specific if it could have to do with many things, and is decidedly non-specific? If a cruise ship had sunk 5 or even 10 years later, would this then have been the prediction of a sinking cruise ship? That appears to be the case.

Other of his readings are even more questionable. Evidently, he predicted calamity during Y2K and that didn't materialize because, according to him, he listened to Art Bell on the radio. O.K. But RA gave him readings in Sept. and Oct. 1999 predicting devastation. Presumably, it was this prediction that was the reason for the name of his (now defunct) website ascension2000. He expected the global ascension in 2000. When that didn't pan out he evidently changed the predicted date, as Free tells us on p.29, "...2012, which interestingly is the end-date for the Mayan Calendar and the year when WILCOCK'S PREDICTED DIMENSIONAL SHIFT WILL CULMINATE." (I'm writing this 5/2013). In the Law of One RA material, RA told Don Elkins in 1981 that this dimensional shift would take place over the next 30 years and would be complete by 2011. Maybe RA is the negative trickster??

If RA is so inaccurate, exactly how are we to believe anything from him/they, either thru Wilcock or Carla R.? Let alone when he/they spoke of being Cayce's source! What about his other readings? His readings archive are only available on his website for a $72 yearly fee, so I can only comment on the readings in this book. I was very unimpressed by them. The client reading was non-specific, generalized fluff aside from a couple comments pertaining to music. The remainder of it was so general that it could apply to anybody on the planet! The other readings given to David were also fluff. Mostly just a reiteration of the Law of One and other metaphysical material that Wilcock was already familiar with. RA spent a lot of time telling Wilcock how loved and cherished and special he is, and the questions he asked of them/him were all about himself. Compare that to when, at the age of 13, Edgar Cayce was visited by an angel and asked what he wished for most in life. His answer was not "to make money doing this", or anything selfish. He answered that more than anything he wished to be of aid to others, especially children. Not only did he receive his wish as a gift, but we can be very certain that the Higher Forces were protecting him from harm and negativity while he carried out his mission.

David Wilcock does a great job of collecting and collating the work of researchers and scientists. The chapter titled "The Energetic Engine of Evolution" was interesting, and well-written. Wilcock said he printed a 10-foot high stack of information from the internet, so he obviously works hard at putting all this information together in a format that makes sense and flows well. He is obviously an intelligent, talented man. I personally do not think that his Cayce claim has served him well, although it's apparent that he believes whatever his Dream Voice/RA Source has told him. Perhaps he needed to be a bit more discerning. In the eyes of many, he's made a fool of himself by claiming a Cayce heritage and predicting when the dimensional shift and ascension would occur.

Cayce was a humble and selfless soul, who cared only to alleviate suffering and serve his Creator. Free says that Cayce "never had enough confidence" in his readings to charge more than a nominal fee. Not true. He came to greatly believe in the readings, and if you read the transcripts of his letters, lectures, and memoirs, you will see how wise he was. Would we expect Cayce to return as a man who seeks fame and fortune as a cult-hero-type, attention-seeker or as the quiet, humble, wise soul we was? If Wilcock is Cayce's return, this is soul regression instead of soul progression. If a person could get past Wilcock's staff and beg for a reading, for free because they have no money, to try to save a dying loved one, would Wilcock do it? Would Cayce? We know the answer. You will know them by their fruit.

Fred Steeves
24th May 2017, 21:51
You will know them by their fruit.

Tru dat.

24th May 2017, 22:21
Indeed, Maggie, I have noted many discrepancies between what Wilcock says and what the two sets of readings do say, many of which were enumerated by the person who wrote that review, and some others besides. Keeping in mind what Cayce said about his previous incarnation, and what I grok about the transmigration of souls, I still do not discount the possibility that Wilcock is (failing to) learn(ing) a set of lessons in self aggrandizement. That being as a reincarnation of Cayce, or not. I am not a Wilcock fan, so I am by no means married to the supposition.

Dumpster Diver
24th May 2017, 22:57
As I recall, neither David Wilcock, nor ascension, nor Aragorn are among the areas we can all agree on here in the "Alt World."

However, since we are talking about it, I'd certainly like it if anyone can provide any illumination on this ascension thing, Wilcockian or otherwise. I keep hearing folks say they don't like it, but I'm looking for evidence, for or against, not opinions. I'm finding evidence for, none against (but trying hard to stay away from asking folks to prove a negative).

24th May 2017, 23:54
Ascension? The world ended over a decade ago, and nobody noticed.

Dumpster Diver
25th May 2017, 00:51
Ascension? The world ended over a decade ago, and nobody noticed.

Yeah, and somewhere in the background I can hear Celine Dion singing, "My Heart will go on...and on...and on...and on"

Fred Steeves
25th May 2017, 01:35
A very good metaphor, of the feeling when it's time to move beyond the safe confines of alt media.


25th May 2017, 01:37
Keeping in mind what Cayce said about his previous incarnation, and what I grok about the transmigration of souls, I still do not discount the possibility that Wilcock is (failing to) learn(ing) a set of lessons in self aggrandizement.

If I believed I was the reincarnation of a GREAT PERSON, and usually the GREAT PERSON is seen as that in hindsight, that would be awful
My worst nightmare would be that despite my desperate attempts to live up to my imagination of who that person was, I was still (seen) comparing unfavorably.

I'd be crying at night when no one could hear OR raging at my dog in frustration. Then guilt and remorse for not being more mature would plague me. Then terror at my own inability to give up the fantasy. I'd be unable to see myself as plain "just me" OR live up to being that special.

I'd be schizo.
I don't know about anyone else.

25th May 2017, 02:38
Yeah, and somewhere in the background I can hear Celine Dion singing, "My Heart will go on...and on...and on...and on"

You asked.

So or we gonna move this to the Tent, or what?

25th May 2017, 02:53
You asked.

So or we gonna move this to the Tent, or what?

Sounds good. I know where to place any posts related to this subject. The core of the subject is dear to my heart.

25th May 2017, 02:53
If I believed I was the reincarnation of a GREAT PERSON, and usually the GREAT PERSON is seen as that in hindsight, that would be awful
My worst nightmare would be that despite my desperate attempts to live up to my imagination of who that person was, I was still (seen) comparing unfavorably.

I'd be crying at night when no one could hear OR raging at my dog in frustration. Then guilt and remorse for not being more mature would plague me. Then terror at my own inability to give up the fantasy. I'd be unable to see myself as plain "just me" OR live up to being that special.

I'd be schizo.
I don't know about anyone else.


Dumpster Diver
25th May 2017, 04:09
So this "Tent" place is where we lock up the inmates babbling about ascension?

...as always, I'm late to the party.

25th May 2017, 04:21
So this "Tent" place is where we lock up the inmates babbling about ascension?

...as always, I'm late to the party.

No locks on the Tent. It was once a gathering place for many TOT members 2+ years ago. Some of those members have become active again.

25th May 2017, 12:03
So this "Tent" place is where we lock up the inmates babbling about ascension?

...as always, I'm late to the party.

When a thread gets off topic, and the discussion is just getting good, then the Tent is a good place to take it so the OP is not diluted or derailed. Ascension is demonstrably not something the alt community can agree upon.

So this "Tent" place is where we lock up the inmates babbling about ascension?

...as always, I'm late to the party.

When a thread gets off topic, and the discussion is just getting good, then the Tent is a good place to take it so the OP is not diluted or derailed. Ascension is demonstrably not something the alt community can agree upon.

Apparently it needed to be said twice....

Dumpster Diver
25th May 2017, 13:18
When a thread gets off topic, and the discussion is just getting good, then the Tent is a good place to take it so the OP is not diluted or derailed. Ascension is demonstrably not something the alt community can agree upon.

When a thread gets off topic, and the discussion is just getting good, then the Tent is a good place to take it so the OP is not diluted or derailed. Ascension is demonstrably not something the alt community can agree upon.

Apparently it needed to be said twice....

Apologies, I am very male in the fact that you must tell me very directly and not assume I can read your implications on anything. Empathic, I am not.

28th May 2017, 01:21
Has there been a consensus yet? Anything been agreed upon? I would like to think we could all agree to get along. Would be a great place to start ... sigh ...

Much Respect - Amanda

28th May 2017, 01:39
Has there been a consensus yet? Anything been agreed upon? I would like to think we could all agree to get along. Would be a great place to start ... sigh ...

Much Respect - Amanda

TOT members get along well, IMO. I am finding some good progression happening on youtube and have been doing my part. We need real dialogue to be serious. Text is good for less demanding endeavors, IMO.

Dumpster Diver
28th May 2017, 14:23
Has there been a consensus yet? Anything been agreed upon? I would like to think we could all agree to get along. Would be a great place to start ... sigh ...

Much Respect - Amanda

Since a love-beaded, tie-dyed, long-haired hippy like Modwiz and an ex-military, number-crazed, ADHD scientist like me can agree on the flowing points:

-"ETs" (non-terrestrial, and/or inner-terrestrial, and/or time-traveler advanced technology entities) are a real phenomenon (and harshly debunked by science)
-"Paranormal" phenomenon is real (and harshly debunked by science)
-Giants seem to have been on Earth; the entire archeological record is full of holes and looks to be fabricated.
-Researchers die, or are suppressed when they research into these areas.
-Numerous events (9/11, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK assassination, etc) look fabricated.
-Artifacts of civilization totally out of whack with mainstream science, pyramids, Gobekli Tepi, etc.
-Whole areas of science appear to be fabricated (example: Redshift & Big Bang, star evolution, history of solar system)
-Medicine & food seems to be fabricated to endanger us.
-Weather modification is possible and performed without our consent or knowledge.
-There is a coverup of these areas by most governments.
-The coverup seems to not be in our best interest.

Partial agreement on:

-The Earth's poles are moving faster towards each other and approaching a shift.-The Sun is getting hotter and more unstable.

And I got partial agreement from Dreamy (Dreamtime) in another thread, but not Modwiz on:

-The Sun is getting hotter and more unstable.

(but upon which I have a fair amount of hard evidence to support. BTW, my thanks again to The Wiz on his up or down voting on each point.)

I'm thinking the above first 11 points, at least, may have resonance across a wide spectrum of the "alt community."

28th May 2017, 14:48
I don't know whether the sun is getting hotter. I noticed the light appearing more white and bright. But when I was a kid and people would tell me it was yellow, I didn't see it. It just seems a bit more white now.

I've obviously been looking into the interaction of the sun with the earth and it appears we're pretty fortunate that the minimum is corresponding with the weakening of the shield.

I have an question/comment for TargeT. You've mentioned skepticism of the dangers of radiation and how you wear uranium ore. I just came across someone named Galen Winsor who talks about 'nuclear hoax' and also questions what we 'know' about radiation.

Are you familiar with him?

Dumpster Diver
28th May 2017, 14:55
I don't know whether the sun is getting hotter. I noticed the light appearing more white and bright. But when I was a kid and people would tell me it was yellow, I didn't see it. It just seems a bit more white now.

I've obviously been looking into the interaction of the sun with the earth and it appears we're pretty fortunate that the minimum is corresponding with the weakening of the shield.

I have an question/comment for TargeT. You've mentioned skepticism of the dangers of radiation and how you wear uranium ore. I just came across someone named Galen Winsor who talks about 'nuclear hoax' and also questions what we 'know' about radiation.

Are you familiar with him?

Dreamy, I do not see a TargeT post in this thread, so he may not see your comment. PM him directly?

BTW, I updated your feeling on the sun heating & instability above: partial agreement from you? Let me know if that works.

28th May 2017, 15:39
I'm thinking he'll see it. If not, I'll do that.

28th May 2017, 18:50
Dumpy, have you visited the site, Veterans Today? They don't have such a good reputation here. Gordon Duff says he gives something like 70% accurate info. I have no idea if that's true or if it's all Sci Fi. Just curious.

Dumpster Diver
28th May 2017, 19:10
Dumpy, have you visited the site, Veterans Today? They don't have such a good reputation here. Gordon Duff says he gives something like 70% accurate info. I have no idea if that's true or if it's all Sci Fi. Just curious.


I have VT down as about a 75-80% chance of being a controlled opposition group, with Duff the prime voice. I haven't taken the time to split them out, not enough time in the day.

If Duff really is at 70% (I have VT lower than that), that means he is a very good info source. But again if he is a 30% source, that means he is a great "inverted" info source.

28th May 2017, 19:18
I have VT down as about a 75-80% chance of being a controlled opposition group, with Duff the prime voice.

That is my personal assessment as well, and I would extend this assessment onto Benjamin Fulford. :hmm:

Dumpster Diver
28th May 2017, 19:45
That is my personal assessment as well, and I would extend this assessment onto Benjamin Fulford. :hmm:

I have Fulford as above 80% chance of Controlled Opposition now. But his info "worth" is below 60%. It seems he just hears something and then repeats it, hardly any "vetting"...garbage in-garbage out.

Fulford's profile is similar to BR, you can only get "worth" out of his statements with a lot of math work. Normal folks can't do this so mostly worthless to them and he mostly degrades Wilcock's profile when DW agrees with him.

28th May 2017, 22:08
"What does the 'Alt Community' collectively agree upon?"

I think we can agree that nothing in this world is as we've been led to believe,
...that coming together as community and sharing information increases the possibility of finding out what is really going on,
...that solid evidence of the 'truth' we're searching for is fairly rare.

There's not much more to agree on considering the amount of gossip, speculation, innuendo and psyops that runs rampant in the 'Alt Community'...imo.

30th May 2017, 00:02
Melidae - Exactly! Thank You for stating it all so clearly. I view your words above as a solid base upon which to build.

Much Respect & Much Peace - Amanda

30th May 2017, 15:15
Thanks, Amanda.

The difficulty with the 'Alt Community' is the various levels of 'awake' and 'aware' and 'enlightened' of the people involved...each person with their own priorities, interests, perspectives.

It brings to mind the story of two people describing a mug. One describes the beautiful colors and picture with the handle of the mug on the right side. The other sees only a white mug with the handle on the left side. Some people would 'fight to the death' that their vision of the mug is the only correct description...some would walk away from the discussion thinking the other person was blind and ignorant, that there is clearly two separate mugs, and not wanting to confront over such a silly thing...and some would actually puzzle it out together until they came to the conclusion that it must be the same mug that appears different depending on your perspective. Imagine all of these people in a room together... that, imo, is the 'Alt Community'. It can also describe most forums. It would be extremely difficult coming to a single conclusion on any issue under such circumstances. :fisty:

I consider TOT to be the exception...for the most part. I see people coming together to share perspectives without judgment...helping others as well as themselves on their own individual journeys...open-minded, but not to the point their brains fall out. If any in the 'Alt Community' could come to agreement on anything, I would expect it to come from here. Like your 'sign off'..."Much Respect & Much Peace"...the respect shown to other posters here does make a difference. We may not ever agree on anything completely, but like you said above 'it's a good start'. :group hug:

30th May 2017, 15:36
Thanks, Amanda.

The difficulty with the 'Alt Community' is the various levels of 'awake' and 'aware' and 'enlightened' of the people involved...each person with their own priorities, interests, perspectives.

It brings to mind the story of two people describing a mug. One describes the beautiful colors and picture with the handle of the mug on the right side. The other sees only a white mug with the handle on the left side. Some people would 'fight to the death' that their vision of the mug is the only correct description...some would walk away from the discussion thinking the other person was blind and ignorant, that there is clearly two separate mugs, and not wanting to confront over such a silly thing...and some would actually puzzle it out together until they came to the conclusion that it must be the same mug that appears different depending on your perspective. Imagine all of these people in a room together... that, imo, is the 'Alt Community'. It can also describe most forums. It would be extremely difficult coming to a single conclusion on any issue under such circumstances. :fisty:

I consider TOT to be the exception...for the most part. I see people coming together to share perspectives without judgment...helping others as well as themselves on their own individual journeys...open-minded, but not to the point their brains fall out. If any in the 'Alt Community' could come to agreement on anything, I would expect it to come from here. Like your 'sign off'..."Much Respect & Much Peace"...the respect shown to other posters here does make a difference. We may not ever agree on anything completely, but like you said above 'it's a good start'. :group hug:

IMO just because of the difference in perspective on the "mug", we will perceive variously. IMO the benefit of the forum is by way of appreciating that we can have these differences without rancor. I liked this other post

"What does the 'Alt Community' collectively agree upon?"

I think we can agree that nothing in this world is as we've been led to believe,
...that coming together as community and sharing information increases the possibility of finding out what is really going on,
...that solid evidence of the 'truth' we're searching for is fairly rare.

There's not much more to agree on considering the amount of gossip, speculation, innuendo and psyops that runs rampant in the 'Alt Community'...imo.

I listened to an amazing podcast that asked my question. I wish everyone would listen as it lays out IMO where we can be helpful to ourselves...truly embrace skepticism as a basis for our investigations.

Why Scientism is wrong about Everything - A conversation with Alex "Skeptiko" Tsakiris

What is it about the serious investigation from "science" (including what scientism calls the woowoo) leading edge that might be threatening to the "matrix" paradigm we are being controlled in? It is the philosophical implication of truth. The podcast is so worth listening in on IMO because it presents the high and strong POWER of our attention and capacity to use our mind. Skeptics are NOT "pseudo skeptics". Real skeptics are able to learn to THINK about abstract issues and make the implications valuable. They are not locked in to hard wired tracks of belief. Using the mind to use ideas and not being used by "ideas".

IMO forums help us learn to think well, to use our power of focus and transcend the limits of outworn "patterns".

The collapse of the wave function into particle BY THE OBSERVER is the single most scary tool we own. Quantum physics is personally relevant. Pass on the power whenever you automatically "look at" what others wish you to observe.

31st May 2017, 00:44
Melidae et al - Glad my comments have been well received by You and hopefully others. I understand - completely - your example - of the mug. I would like to add to it. All it takes is to physically turn the 'mug' around. Another option is to get up and physically move around to the perspective of the other person. People tend to enter the Awakened State when they are ready - in their own time. Am working on a curriculum (huge task) and I am including the subject of Philosophy which is basically the art of Thinking. As an example - this is how my brain works as a Teacher: How can I possible help a Student to use their brain/thinking systems - if I have not experienced/learned/been taught how to Think myself???

A single action - would open the perspective of both People. I'd like to share a personal experience. I live in a rural setting and a certain person actually stated to my face one day: Amanda I always thought you were crazy but I understand you now.

The same person now wants to know all about how I think. An example is Colloidal Silver. The person now understands what it is and uses it. One day I mentioned I also use Colloidal Gold. The person reacted with a lot of passion. The reaction included comments such as: What? You didn't tell me about that - what is ... et cetera. Seems that person now wants me to share all information. (Picture me with a huge smile on my face.) It took time but as with all Teachers - You have to be patient.

Maggie et al - Phew ... more homework. (Cheeky grin) I will make time to listen to the link you have provided. Just from reading your comments and looking at the title of the link - I am thinking about the fact that, apparently, Physics is a closed science. In other words - everything can be explained - everything! But when we look at curricula and textbooks and what is actually being taught - well I don't need to explain that science per se has been watered down. I have been reliably informed that there are textbooks - with all information, evidence and knowledge about Physics. We mere members of the regular Global Society obviously don't have access to those textbooks but they are out there. Just thinking out aloud about conversations I have had with certain People ....

I would like to add - given my current Child Abuse Whistleblower journey - I have been slammed as it were, from all directions. I have been trolled/shilled/disinformed. I've been lied about and lied to et cetera but this site - The One Truth and one other site are the only places I am supported and feel safe and secure - to speak (well actually type) freely. Huge thank You to Malcolm and everyone who supports me.

Much Respect & Much Peace - Amanda

19th June 2017, 18:34
Did you see this, Dumpy?


Dumpster Diver
19th June 2017, 19:05
Dreamy, yeah, saw it a few years ago. Marked it down as a hoax.

We made hoaxy Powerpoints all the time, it's pretty easy to get logos and the banded background is simple to make.

...but in my new guise as Kommander Konspiracy (trumpet music in backgound) THERE IS NO KONSPIRACY THAT IS TOO KRAZY TO NOT BE KONSIDERED BEING TRUE!!!

...especially concerning those aholes at NASA. I mean, come on! We use to make match-head rockets and light them off for fun. Those clowns should be paying us to shoot rockets in the air.

20th June 2017, 01:33
I've been running into the theme, "All roads lead to Rome" a lot. What's the Smithsonian connection, I wonder?

Off the top of my head.
And completely unrelated here his my favorite TD song.


So again, off the top of my head
I'm thinking of the book ATLANTIS THE ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD by Ignatious Donnely
In this book Donnely who was a Washington DC politician at the time I don't remember if he was a Senator or in the House, but he had a high ranking friend working in the Smithsonian who showed him a room full of artifacts proving the existence of giants in America. This led to Donnely's writing his book on Atlantis.
After this we have numerous reports on giants being unearthed all across the USA as public works like bridges and roads were being created.
There are many records in the city works logs stating this and that the Smithsonian came in and excavated the site, only for the Smithsonian to later deny this and state they knew nothing about this.
One of the most famous of such was the finding in the Grand Canyon, a carved cave with metal working and Egyptian Hieroglyphs found in 1909 this was reported in the Phoenix Gazette at the time and the article is quite interesting. http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/nov2/gazette.htm
And last but not least, we have a contemporary version of this.
Ralph Glidden was an amateur archeologist (god bless the amateurs, they are the only one's providing the world with real data in my opinion) circa 1900-1930, off the coast of California on Catalina Island Glidden dug up an eight foot skeleton with the famous two rows of teeth and six fingers.
This is the only known REAL picture of such. LA Marzuli acquired this pic by basically bribing museum officials in Catalina. He was allowed to take a picture, of the picture. The real picture was kept by the museum where they later placed in prominently in their museum WITH THE SKELETON OF THE GIANT CROPPED OUT.



20th June 2017, 15:01
Off the top of my head.
And completely unrelated here his my favorite TD song.


So again, off the top of my head
I'm thinking of the book ATLANTIS THE ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD by Ignatious Donnely
In this book Donnely who was a Washington DC politician at the time I don't remember if he was a Senator or in the House, but he had a high ranking friend working in the Smithsonian who showed him a room full of artifacts proving the existence of giants in America. This led to Donnely's writing his book on Atlantis.
After this we have numerous reports on giants being unearthed all across the USA as public works like bridges and roads were being created.
There are many records in the city works logs stating this and that the Smithsonian came in and excavated the site, only for the Smithsonian to later deny this and state they knew nothing about this.
One of the most famous of such was the finding in the Grand Canyon, a carved cave with metal working and Egyptian Hieroglyphs found in 1909 this was reported in the Phoenix Gazette at the time and the article is quite interesting. http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/nov2/gazette.htm
And last but not least, we have a contemporary version of this.
Ralph Glidden was an amateur archeologist (god bless the amateurs, they are the only one's providing the world with real data in my opinion) circa 1900-1930, off the coast of California on Catalina Island Glidden dug up an eight foot skeleton with the famous two rows of teeth and six fingers.
This is the only known REAL picture of such. LA Marzuli acquired this pic by basically bribing museum officials in Catalina. He was allowed to take a picture, of the picture. The real picture was kept by the museum where they later placed in prominently in their museum WITH THE SKELETON OF THE GIANT CROPPED OUT.



Thank you, great post DNA! :D

20th June 2017, 17:40
Awesome. Thanks for the Tenacious D. The first time I saw them, my friend played a video and my mind was blown.

I think the Alt community can agree that this may not be the greatest rock song ever, but it's a Giant Tribute:


Dumpster Diver
20th June 2017, 18:30
Awesome. Thanks for the Tenacious D. The first time I saw them, my friend played a video and my mind was blown.

I think the Alt community can agree that this may not be the greatest rock song ever, but it's a Giant Tribute:


I like it! Comic, it's even listenable, unlike about 99.9% of metal, grunge, psycho rock etc. it is a "tribute" to.

...ok, now here's comes all the so called TOT "music lovers" to trash me and my music tastes...

21st June 2017, 14:56
Awesome. Thanks for the Tenacious D. The first time I saw them, my friend played a video and my mind was blown.

I think the Alt community can agree that this may not be the greatest rock song ever, but it's a Giant Tribute:


I didn't mean to go all D, but there is just something about them.
They are a comedy act, and the comedy comes from these two fat guys with only two acoustic guitars thinking they can rock as hard as anyone out there.
And you laugh and you enjoy their antics but then something happens, you realize that they actually do rock and you have to wonder where the comedy ends and where the rocking starts.
I'm a appreciator of all their songs but I prefer their songs in their original acoustic version before the record company said that they had to have a band play behind them or it was a no go. I'm not trying to derail the thread and I will now cease and desist my indulgence in the D.
Thank you for allowing me my transgression. :grin:



21st June 2017, 15:17
It was like a revelation when I first heard these two. It's one thing to have some skill and be really funny. It's another to actually be badass while you're being a comic. It's not so easy.

21st June 2017, 16:34
That is why I said "IMO". It is a narrative word and its connotation to many people is largely escapist. But, I will not niggle over word interpretations. DW implied that cultures that disappeared were "raised" to a higher dimension. He used the word ascension. A convenient cover for the murderous parasitical theologies that were bent on extermination for their angry god.

I seem to be hearing that your thoughts on ascension are that it is ridiculous and I absolutely agree.

I personally don't even view ancient cultures with the idea that they were necessarily altruistic/benevolent practitioners.
I give credence to Edgar Cayce and his statements regarding Atlantis as having a warring faction between "the children of Belial" and the "followers of the law of one".
I'm of the opinion that the "children of belial" practiced energy harvesting in their rituals, and this extended to human sacrifice.
We see the Aztec culture and Mayan culture as practicing human sacrifice to a pretty large extent and to me atleast this feels like a hold over from the those practices used by the "children of belial" in Atlantis.
Castaneda is so fascinating to me on so many levels because of some of the things he hints at.
In the "Eagles Gift" he talks about the pyramids of the ancient sorcerers of Mexico being places modern humans should stay away from
He would go on to say that those ancient sorcerers knew how to capture and use human energy and that these pyramids were made expressly for this.
Castaneda stated many times that the ancient sorcerer/seers were very macabre and were not above doing whatever it took to increase their personal power.
One such story was of how they considered it fair game to take a victim sorcerer and eat him alive in order to absorb the essence and power of that individual.
Castaneda never out and out says it, but he hints many times that these practices and the builders of these pyramids came from Atlantis.

I also think the elite of our modern times have stumbled on to these practices and carry out these rituals themselves now.

Dumpster Diver
21st June 2017, 17:41
I seem to be hearing that your thoughts on ascension are that it is ridiculous and I absolutely agree.

I personally don't even view ancient cultures with the idea that they were necessarily altruistic/benevolent practitioners.
I give credence to Edgar Cayce and his statements regarding Atlantis as having a warring faction between "the children of Belial" and the "followers of the law of one".
I'm of the opinion that the "children of belial" practiced energy harvesting in their rituals, and this extended to human sacrifice.
We see the Aztec culture and Mayan culture as practicing human sacrifice to a pretty large extent and to me atleast this feels like a hold over from the those practices used by the "children of belial" in Atlantis.
Castaneda is so fascinating to me on so many levels because of some of the things he hints at.
In the "Eagles Gift" he talks about the pyramids of the ancient sorcerers of Mexico being places modern humans should stay away from
He would go on to say that those ancient sorcerers knew how to capture and use human energy and that these pyramids were made expressly for this.
Castaneda stated many times that the ancient sorcerer/seers were very macabre and were not above doing whatever it took to increase their personal power.
One such story was of how they considered it fair game to take a victim sorcerer and eat him alive in order to absorb the essence and power of that individual.
Castaneda never out and out says it, but he hints many times that these practices and the builders of these pyramids came from Atlantis.

I also think the elite of our modern times have stumbled on to these practices and carry out these rituals themselves now.

Well, I don't care for the whole ascension thing, but the math I run tells me that it is very probable. I don't like most of the stuff I found in the alt-world, but again here the math says it's probable so I accept the likelihood.

Question, did Cayce actually say "Law of One"? Or is an interpretation? I'm sure you know DW claims to be the "2nd coming" of Cayce.

re: places to stay away from. A very good friend tells me of objects that are "cursed" and places that are "cursed / possessed." She claims she can see the possessing critters. I know her well enough to believe she is on to something.

22nd June 2017, 11:19
Wynn Free originally wrote the book about DW being the reincarnation of Caye. They worked together for a while. I've heard David moving away from that in recent years. Not disputing but more trying to push it aside and talk about ascension and the holographic universe and his insiders and disclosure...

22nd June 2017, 12:01
DW's article Finacial tyranny imo was an xlent kick in the teeth for tptW at that time, was impressive, even now it is impressive.

29th October 2017, 03:48
It was like a revelation when I first heard these two. It's one thing to have some skill and be really funny. It's another to actually be badass while you're being a comic. It's not so easy.

Skip to 1:10 for a musical treat :)

Even better if you're a Josh Homme/QOTSA fan.


29th October 2017, 05:15
Bugger, will not play ( error )

29th October 2017, 10:46
Bugger, will not play ( error )

It will now. I fixed the link. ;)

29th October 2017, 13:21
Fun stuff, thanks.:)

Emil El Zapato
29th October 2017, 15:37
Skip to 1:10 for a musical treat :)

Even better if you're a Josh Homme/QOTSA fan.



Here's the Yang to the Yin:


enjoy being
29th October 2017, 20:30
Umm.. Josh Homme

Jandals and socks with some SUPER bulging white shorts.
Man o man
*goes off to do that mindseye healing on the shorts*

30th October 2017, 04:36
Haha jandals... You Kiwis! :hilarious: I know what you mean though.

2 recorders though... I thought that was pretty awesome.

To be a little more back on topic I had a similar thought to this thread a while ago but it broke down a little different.

My basic idea was to assign a % to each general belief in the alternative community. This could be done personally or as a collective. As the belief got more "out there" you would see a lowering of the percentage, ie the likelyhood that you think the certain thing is true.

For example (for me personally):

Existence of ET life - 100% (or as close to it as you can get)
Existence of intelligent ET life - 99.99%
"They" have visited Earth - 99%
"They" visit Earth regularly - 99%
"Paranormal" phenomenon are real - 95%
There is a large scale (grand) human conspiracy - 95%
We have had official (governmental) dealings with "them" - 90%
An alien agenda is at the top of the conspiracy - 50%
All ET's are friendly - 20%
All ET's are unfriendly - 15%
Inevitable ascension - 10%

I feel like this leaves a little more wiggle room for uncertainty but can still indicate your general thoughts on certain topics. Be mindful though, even a low percentage warrants consideration.

Emil El Zapato
30th October 2017, 16:03

the only one I would disagree with from your percentages is the conspiracy aspect. I would 'qualify' that question somewhat by adding 'organized'

I don't really believe organized conspiracies exist at the top as in Them vs the world. I tend to believe that 'control' naturally drifts to the top and individuals/groups take advantage of the power at their disposal. So, i would give organized conspiracy a 10% and 'natural' conspiracy a 70%

Dumpster Diver
30th October 2017, 17:09
Haha jandals... You Kiwis! :hilarious: I know what you mean though.

2 recorders though... I thought that was pretty awesome.

To be a little more back on topic I had a similar thought to this thread a while ago but it broke down a little different.

My basic idea was to assign a % to each general belief in the alternative community. This could be done personally or as a collective. As the belief got more "out there" you would see a lowering of the percentage, ie the likelyhood that you think the certain thing is true.

For example (for me personally):

Existence of ET life - 100% (or as close to it as you can get)
Existence of intelligent ET life - 99.99%
"They" have visited Earth - 99%
"They" visit Earth regularly - 99%
"Paranormal" phenomenon are real - 95%
There is a large scale (grand) human conspiracy - 95%
We have had official (governmental) dealings with "them" - 90%
An alien agenda is at the top of the conspiracy - 50%
All ET's are friendly - 20%
All ET's are unfriendly - 15%
Inevitable ascension - 10%

I feel like this leaves a little more wiggle room for uncertainty but can still indicate your general thoughts on certain topics. Be mindful though, even a low percentage warrants consideration.

This is very much like my approach except my numbers are derived from my direct observations (set as axioms) and then calcs made from there. I have very different %s for those things on your list and I will get my calcs out later today (I'm on my iPad, calcs are on the Mac) and post my %s against each of your categories (many of mine are the same or similar for ETs)

31st October 2017, 08:00
I was pretty fast and loose with some of those percentages (I was at work). I'll likely revise some and add some to any category you include.

Dumpster Diver
31st October 2017, 17:18
Haha jandals... You Kiwis! :hilarious: I know what you mean though.

2 recorders though... I thought that was pretty awesome.

To be a little more back on topic I had a similar thought to this thread a while ago but it broke down a little different.

My basic idea was to assign a % to each general belief in the alternative community. This could be done personally or as a collective. As the belief got more "out there" you would see a lowering of the percentage, ie the likelyhood that you think the certain thing is true.

For example (for me personally):

Existence of ET life - 100% (or as close to it as you can get)
Existence of intelligent ET life - 99.99%
"They" have visited Earth - 99%
"They" visit Earth regularly - 99%
"Paranormal" phenomenon are real - 95%
There is a large scale (grand) human conspiracy - 95%
We have had official (governmental) dealings with "them" - 90%
An alien agenda is at the top of the conspiracy - 50%
All ET's are friendly - 20%
All ET's are unfriendly - 15%
Inevitable ascension - 10%

I feel like this leaves a little more wiggle room for uncertainty but can still indicate your general thoughts on certain topics. Be mindful though, even a low percentage warrants consideration.

-ET life is pretty much 100% - from the Drake Equation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_equation
-Intelligent ET life: same from Drake Equation
-ETs visited Earth: I have this as a 99.9%+ or 4+ sigma (standard deviations above 50%, 50% being % of the time equally true or false - above 50% is "true" tendency, below 50% is false tendency.) This if from now tons of evidence plus interviews with numerous professional folks - mainly military, who have witnessed such.
-ETs here regularly: I haven't parsed this one, but it would be very high 98%+
-Paranormal is real: (you really have to break out which. Telepathy, for example I have as 99.99+% as I have witnessed it myself.)
-Human conspiracy: 99%+ sigma
-Governmental ET dealings: 98%+
-Alien Agenda (Evil): 99%+
-All ETs are friendly: .001% (too many races of them, and within races there are good and bad, like humans)
-All ET are unfriendly: .001% (too many races of them, and within races there are good and bad, like humans)
-Ascension is real: 90%+ (multiple sources, mainly religious texts, Hundu, Christian, ancient Egyptian writings, Zoroastrian writings, Tibetan Book of the Dead, etc.)


re: Jandals = https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Jandal

NZ term for flip-flop. Australians use the term "thong"... but that's just wrong!!
After a japanese swimming team came to NZ (many decades ago), one observer was so impressed with their style of footwear that he began making them himself - he came up with the word "Jandal" as an abbreviation of the term "Japanese Sandal".

He can't handle the jandal

#footwear#flip-flop#thong#sandal#new zealand

1st November 2017, 11:49
We called them thongs and flip flops growing up in AZ.

Dumpster Diver
15th April 2018, 02:10
In honor of Aragorn buddying up with Darth Hatman, I’m bumping this thread.

I think the Hatman would agree with most of the points made.

enjoy being
15th April 2018, 02:26
In honor of Aragorn buddying up with Darth Hatman, I’m bumping this thread.

I think the Hatman would agree with most of the points made.

I haven't heard that one yet, but with all his cute names for him it was only a matter of time before the universe requested he clarify his position? :-p

15th April 2018, 11:12
I haven't heard that one yet, but with all his cute names for him it was only a matter of time before the universe requested he clarify his position? :-p

The term "Darth Hatman©" is copyrighted to Dumpster Diver, alias Lego :batman. ;)

enjoy being
15th April 2018, 11:39
Not that I take a lot of notice, but I was sure there was bunch of other names with sombreros and things!

Ah well, DD should get the names registered and cash in on royalties then.

Dumpster Diver
15th April 2018, 12:32
My favorite is The Cat In The Hat. It even has a book:


15th April 2018, 12:42
Not that I take a lot of notice, but I was sure there was bunch of other names with sombreros and things!

Yes, El Sombrero™ and its slightly longer version, El Hombre Con Sombrero™, as well as La Casa Del Sombrero™, are trademarks owned by myself. They are not necessarily intended as derogatory or scathing, although I admit to already having gratuitously used them as such.

The name "Bill Zebub (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Zebub)" is actually the pseudonym of a producer of (supposedly humorous) horror movies and heavy metal documentaries — none of which I've ever watched, mind you — and he also publishes a heavy metal magazine.

Ah well, DD should get the names registered and cash in on royalties then.

Well, see, that's the main difference with myself then. I always open-source my artistic creations. :p

enjoy being
15th April 2018, 12:44
I find some of those Dr Seuss critters far more scarier than any electron microscope images. :shocked:

Dumpster Diver
15th April 2018, 12:56
Well, I’ve open sourced “Darth Hatman” as well, but to date no one else has used it, which is good as I like to see folks coin new BR names especially since I have no history with him, and suffer no “hobgoblin under the bed” issues like the rest of TOT has.

enjoy being
15th April 2018, 13:23
Well, I’ve open sourced “Darth Hatman” as well, but to date no one else has used it, which is good as I like to see folks coin new BR names especially since I have no history with him, and suffer no “hobgoblin under the bed” issues like the rest of TOT has.

I personally think people blame too much of their other frustrations on that guy. I even missed the memo saying that that franchise is reputable or the leader of the alt community!
They were just a couple of people doing interviews, there were plenty others out there doing stuff.
Somehow a wave of woken sheep at the time all decided to hang out there and start flushing out their carboreters in the various living rooms. Then they all started saying how great and famous the forum they were in was.
You could be forgiven in thinking the rest of TOT has hobgoblins over it all from the amount of noise a few make?
Surely it is more just a "tsk tsk the paperboy left the paper out in the rain" kind of issue, not a "my family have been kidnapped" problem?

15th April 2018, 13:28
Which hatman?:tiphat:


16th April 2018, 17:39
The alt community is dying because it never made the leap from reaction to actually being the vangaurd. As with all attempts to respond to the status quo, the alt community agreed that something was wrong and something else is wrong and something else and something else and someething..some...thing

There will NEVER be an alternative that does not flip to the alternative and then another alternative.
If the basis is war then peace then war then peace because each state failed to provide what some agreed they wanted....

The alternative community is dead. Long Live the LIVING which needs no alternative.
That LIFE being born will never be seen on a coin.

This is my rant obviously but I feel really good spouting it. Thanks for the opportunity.

Dumpster Diver
16th April 2018, 18:19
The alt community is dying because it never made the leap from reaction to actually being the vangaurd. As with all attempts to respond to the status quo, the alt community agreed that something was wrong and something else is wrong and something else and something else and someething..some...thing

There will NEVER be an alternative that does not flip to the alternative and then another alternative.
If the basis is war then peace then war then peace because each state failed to provide what some agreed they wanted....

The alternative community is dead. Long Live the LIVING which needs no alternative.
That LIFE being born will never be seen on a coin.

This is my rant obviously but I feel really good spouting it. Thanks for the opportunity.

I have to disagree. More folks are becoming aware, especially the below 30 kids. I talk to younger folks all the time and am pleasantly surprised at how many are growing aware of false flags, paedophilia, deep state hijinks, ETs, etc. So the alt-world community is growing by my accounting. Where it is stagnant is in us older folks, 60+ perhaps. Many/most are in complete denial even when confronted with hard facts.

16th April 2018, 18:46
I have to disagree. More folks are becoming aware, especially the below 30 kids. I talk to younger folks all the time and am pleasantly surprised at how many are growing aware of false flags, paedophilia, deep state hijinks, ETs, etc. So the alt-world community is growing by my accounting. Where it is stagnant is in us older folks, 60+ perhaps. Many/most are in complete denial even when confronted with hard facts.

My experience is quite different to yours. In my neck of the woods, it is rather those above 65 who are starting to acknowledge the deception, while the middle-aged are completely taken in by the mainstream narratives, and those below 40 are too apathetic to even care about anything other than themselves. There are of course exceptions among all age categories but those are statistically insignificant minorities.

Also, the fact that too many truth-seekers — I don't even want to call it "the alternative community" anymore, because I agree with Maggie that there's very little "alternative" about them — are aligning themselves with the political far right and/or believe in ludicrous theories like the Flat Earth meme, the Hollow Earth meme, the Holocaust-never-happened/Hitler-was-a-good-guy memes, et al, isn't exactly doing us truth-seekers a favor. Not only does it feed into the ridicule by the mainstream, but it also leads us far astray from the goals of not only finding the truth but also creating a better world for humanity at large and for the generations who come after us.

I think Maggie is painting things a bit too dark, but I can definitely relate to what she's saying. Everyone's listening to talking heads and consuming whatever they're blurting out like it's sweet cake. And everyone nods whenever I say that we have to start with ourselves in order to make a difference, but nobody's doing anything.

There's a difference between a community and an audience. And I'm seeing more and more of an audience than a community, just as I'm seeing a lot of ego instead of a lot of restraint, goodwill and compassion.

There's a lot more that I could say, but I'm not going to, because then things are going to get personal — and for the record, I'm not talking about you. But somebody has to take the high ground, so I'm biting my tongue. My colleagues in the mod room know what I'm talking about, and they too are biting their tongues. I would even say that they're better at it than I am.

Dumpster Diver
16th April 2018, 19:06
My experience is quite different to yours. In my neck of the woods, it is rather those above 65 who are starting to acknowledge the deception, while the middle-aged are completely taken in by the mainstream narratives, and those below 40 are too apathetic to even care about anything other than themselves. There are of course exceptions among all age categories but those are statistically insignificant minorities.

Also, the fact that too many truth-seekers — I don't even want to call it "the alternative community" anymore, because I agree with Maggie that there's very little "alternative" about them — are aligning themselves with the political far right and/or believe in ludicrous theories like the Flat Earth meme, the Hollow Earth meme, the Holocaust-never-happened/Hitler-was-a-good-guy memes, et al, isn't exactly doing us truth-seekers a favor. Not only does it feed into the ridicule by the mainstream, but it also leads us far astray from the goals of not only finding the truth but also creating a better world for humanity at large and for the generations who come after us.

I think Maggie is painting things a bit too dark, but I can definitely relate to what she's saying. Everyone's listening to talking heads and consuming whatever they're blurting out like it's sweet cake. And everyone nods whenever I say that we have to start with ourselves in order to make a difference, but nobody's doing anything.

There's a difference between a community and an audience. And I'm seeing more and more of an audience than a community, just as I'm seeing a lot of ego instead of a lot of restraint, goodwill and compassion.

There's a lot more that I could say, but I'm not going to, because then things are going to get personal — and for the record, I'm not talking about you. But somebody has to take the high ground, so I'm biting my tongue. My colleagues in the mod room know what I'm talking about, and they too are biting their tongues. I would even say that they're better at it than I am.

Dude! I take everything personal. I have a 2000 year history of involvement of with the military that have to essentially atone for. So slapping me in the face with a possible shortcoming is ok as I probably “need” to hear it. Besides, I know you do it in a state of love for my wicked soul. :fire:

16th April 2018, 19:14
Dude! I take everything personal. I have a 2000 year history of involvement of with the military that have to essentially atone for. So slapping me in the face with a possible shortcoming is ok as I probably “need” to hear it. Besides, I know you do it in a state of love for my wicked soul. :fire:

Let me repeat then: this is not about you, nor does it have anything to do with you.

Emil El Zapato
16th April 2018, 19:48
I have to disagree. More folks are becoming aware, especially the below 30 kids. I talk to younger folks all the time and am pleasantly surprised at how many are growing aware of false flags, paedophilia, deep state hijinks, ETs, etc. So the alt-world community is growing by my accounting. Where it is stagnant is in us older folks, 60+ perhaps. Many/most are in complete denial even when confronted with hard facts.

it's deeper than an awareness...they have a knowing...the enlightened spirit is coming of age and is manifest in the 'physical' world. My today's new-agey moment.

16th April 2018, 21:26
Everyone's listening to talking heads and consuming whatever they're blurting out like it's sweet cake. And everyone nods whenever I say that we have to start with ourselves in order to make a difference, but nobody's doing anything.

There's a difference between a community and an audience. And I'm seeing more and more of an audience than a community, just as I'm seeing a lot of ego instead of a lot of restraint, goodwill and compassion.

Very important points in your response. This highlights for me some living breathing humane community distinctions.

16th April 2018, 21:32
I have to disagree. More folks are becoming aware, especially the below 30 kids. I talk to younger folks all the time and am pleasantly surprised at how many are growing aware of false flags, paedophilia, deep state hijinks, ETs, etc. So the alt-world community is growing by my accounting. Where it is stagnant is in us older folks, 60+ perhaps. Many/most are in complete denial even when confronted with hard facts.

IMO, they're bridging the gap. We're stuck being in or out, on this or that team.

They're not.

Dumpster Diver
16th April 2018, 22:31
it's deeper than an awareness...they have a knowing...the enlightened spirit is coming of age and is manifest in the 'physical' world. My today's new-agey moment.

My take is that we have a fair number of indigo children in the younger ages. We can seriously learn a few things from them...we just have to listen.

enjoy being
17th April 2018, 01:09
The alt community is dying because it never made the leap from reaction to actually being the vangaurd. As with all attempts to respond to the status quo, the alt community agreed that something was wrong and something else is wrong and something else and something else and someething..some...thing

There will NEVER be an alternative that does not flip to the alternative and then another alternative.
If the basis is war then peace then war then peace because each state failed to provide what some agreed they wanted....

The alternative community is dead. Long Live the LIVING which needs no alternative.
That LIFE being born will never be seen on a coin.

This is my rant obviously but I feel really good spouting it. Thanks for the opportunity.
nice post.

I personally think people put a bit too much in the importance of iltcommunitys. They weren't called that a few waves of initiates ago btw.
To me, lots get caught up in the mysteries and it seems to become entertainment. You can see it when an event happens and everyone starts posting from their podiums.

Demographics? All flawed in one way or another. Thats the whole point. Yet still people want to separate one to be in the right or the wrong and continue to look elsewhere for guidance. It is all constantly happening in front of us. Im probably blind to some of the things I say or do or react to, just as it seems others are. I mean I could point out plenty of examples of flawed thinking where people are blinkered by their own parameters. No one wants to accept it, they will try and hide it or push blame. Let emotional bonds get in the way of logic, or even vice versa.

I often mention that these communities are partly for people who havent learned to log out and live life. It is nice to share some comparative thinking or have some different stimulation, but the other part kinda says if you are 'here', you haven't succeeded yet. I know I jokingly feel like a failure being a member of forums at times. Being captivated by various distractions. It is a bit of a catch 22, awareness of things which are hidden is a good use of time, but it is just what people do with it.

Restraint and compassion might be lacking in some aspects, but we also can be witness to people placing people into servitude by defending another purely because of emotional associations and as a result distorting or stealing the moment. Or for restraint to work, there should be equal restraint in compassion sometimes...
How does one choose which restraint to exercise one might ask? That is where the lack is, in the ability to be in harmony with the balance of such things.

18th April 2018, 17:15
When you read the title, "What does the 'Alt Community' agree on" and then you read who made the last post, "Nothing" that pretty much sums it up. :D

All good points made in the posts above. I think the biggest mistake that I've made as well as observed others make is thinking that I/you/we/they got it all figured out. Staying flexible to different ideas is key, in my experience.

Emil El Zapato
18th April 2018, 20:09
And there's always the alternative of just listening to me... quack, quack, quack....

Emil El Zapato
18th April 2018, 21:04
nice post.

I personally think people put a bit too much in the importance of iltcommunitys. They weren't called that a few waves of initiates ago btw.
To me, lots get caught up in the mysteries and it seems to become entertainment. You can see it when an event happens and everyone starts posting from their podiums.

Demographics? All flawed in one way or another. Thats the whole point. Yet still people want to separate one to be in the right or the wrong and continue to look elsewhere for guidance. It is all constantly happening in front of us. Im probably blind to some of the things I say or do or react to, just as it seems others are. I mean I could point out plenty of examples of flawed thinking where people are blinkered by their own parameters. No one wants to accept it, they will try and hide it or push blame. Let emotional bonds get in the way of logic, or even vice versa.

I often mention that these communities are partly for people who havent learned to log out and live life. It is nice to share some comparative thinking or have some different stimulation, but the other part kinda says if you are 'here', you haven't succeeded yet. I know I jokingly feel like a failure being a member of forums at times. Being captivated by various distractions. It is a bit of a catch 22, awareness of things which are hidden is a good use of time, but it is just what people do with it.

Restraint and compassion might be lacking in some aspects, but we also can be witness to people placing people into servitude by defending another purely because of emotional associations and as a result distorting or stealing the moment. Or for restraint to work, there should be equal restraint in compassion sometimes...
How does one choose which restraint to exercise one might ask? That is where the lack is, in the ability to be in harmony with the balance of such things.

I think that's a misapprehension Nothing...the part about why we are here. Honestly, when I first started to inhabit 'alternative' forums, I was looking for answers. A sanity check, if you will, to discover if anyone had had the kinds of experiences I had. Even in the environment of 'safety' (alternative sensibilities) it took me a long time to conclude that I wasn't just 'imagining' things, that, in fact, some things are just 'weird' and it's kind of like the initial high from weed or that moment when the LSD starts to kick in, sometimes you just gotta go with it. In that regard I am much more excepting of who I really am. (no, not an Alien well maybe, nah, not even an illegal one). Ain't really nuthin' all that exciting about it...

As much as I hate this cliche, it seems appropriate...It is what it is.

Personally, I live my life on a computer...so corresponding with other denizens is really cool with me.

enjoy being
18th April 2018, 23:07
I think that's a misapprehension Nothing...the part about why we are here. Honestly, when I first started to inhabit 'alternative' forums, I was looking for answers. A sanity check, if you will, to discover if anyone had had the kinds of experiences I had. Even in the environment of 'safety' (alternative sensibilities) it took me a long time to conclude that I wasn't just 'imagining' things, that, in fact, some things are just 'weird' and it's kind of like the initial high from weed or that moment when the LSD starts to kick in, sometimes you just gotta go with it. In that regard I am much more excepting of who I really am. (no, not an Alien well maybe, nah, not even an illegal one). Ain't really nuthin' all that exciting about it...

As much as I hate this cliche, it seems appropriate...It is what it is.

Personally, I live my life on a computer...so corresponding with other denizens is really cool with me.

I often mention that these communities are partly for people who havent learned to log out and live life. It is nice to share some comparative thinking or have some different stimulation, but the other part kinda says if you are 'here', you haven't succeeded yet. I know I jokingly feel like a failure being a member of forums at times. Being captivated by various distractions. It is a bit of a catch 22, awareness of things which are hidden is a good use of time, but it is just what people do with it

I think the balance within that comment has been over looked. I may not have developed the comparative thinking point enough but other than that. Of course, well within the word choice i used, it should be plain there are "exceptions", though I did ommit in that case, there is a healthy need for denial. You should see some of the reactions in the past from people who fly off the handle half cocked etc, at my mentioning of the subject.

18th April 2018, 23:24
What is the alternative path? Probably it's about questioning the status quo, not buying the official narrative about the way things are. Questioning things... That's the thing that most if not all of us share.

After that fact... It gets more convoluted. The alternative (conspiracy & new age) world is full of garbage too, wishful thinking, hoaxers and people who absolutely do not know what they're talking about and it will require good research skills and intuition to find the true gems of valuable information and knowledge.

Many intelligent people are not always wise people. Wisdom isn't just knowledge alone either, it's experience combined with knowledge and understanding. "Wonder is the beginning of wisdom." The collective virtual hub known as internet has changed everything though, it has given people the freedom to find information on their own which was much harder before, if not in some cases almost impossible. To share your knowledge and why not even feelings and opinions with likeminded people is a nice thing. After all, we humans are social beings. Even if some of us might be quite introverted by our nature.

enjoy being
18th April 2018, 23:53
I appreciate those sentiments Wind.

The richness of the experience, or initial experience anyway, keeps people wanting more, so the notion of it being something which can become an addiction is there and sometimes, well plenty times, people can become comfortable and settled in the habit which may or may not have unhealthy aspects. The wine turns to vinegar.

But yes, the library of ideas and information, the sounding boards of sharing, and most importantly in some ways, the bumps and scratches people collect from not getting out of the way of themselves. The interpersonel interactions can teach people a lot. The whole social media thing does that too.. I belonged to a publuc mainstream forum for a decade or more while also being a member of sites like this, the comparrison is good. The pig pen of the public forum had lots to learn from observing people acting out. Alt forum members dont really seem to be so spazzy as a rule, but we do see a bit of childish stuff. All that side of it is a great social experiment and the data I have gathered personally, has been amazingly helpful to the way I gauge scenarios and behaviours of myself and others. As time goes on, this sort of thing is probably of most interest to me. Subjects like aliens and hidden passages under old buildings don't really interest me that much.
Well, I mean, sure some stuff is interesting coffee table curios, some has insight or such... but the rest is all just a group sift through a broken jigsaw.. and what after all the pieces that can be found are placed in position? Will that be of use? Or will it only then be that people start to look within and find REAL answers?
That is where I am coming from when saying alt sites can suck people in and stagnate them into just pretty much watching an alt TV and seeking entertainment and escapism.
Of course, folk are completely entitled to do so. This observation doesn't seem to be made very often and as said, often people will become a bit defensive of their TV watching.

Emil El Zapato
19th April 2018, 00:08
I appreciate those sentiments Wind.

The richness of the experience, or initial experience anyway, keeps people wanting more, so the notion of it being something which can become an addiction is there and sometimes, well plenty times, people can become comfortable and settled in the habit which may or may not have unhealthy aspects. The wine turns to vinegar.

But yes, the library of ideas and information, the sounding boards of sharing, and most importantly in some ways, the bumps and scratches people collect from not getting out of the way of themselves. The interpersonel interactions can teach people a lot. The whole social media thing does that too.. I belonged to a publuc mainstream forum for a decade or more while also being a member of sites like this, the comparrison is good. The pig pen of the public forum had lots to learn from observing people acting out. Alt forum members dont really seem to be so spazzy as a rule, but we do see a bit of childish stuff. All that side of it is a great social experiment and the data I have gathered personally, has been amazingly helpful to the way I gauge scenarios and behaviours of myself and others. As time goes on, this sort of thing is probably of most interest to me. Subjects like aliens and hidden passages under old buildings don't really interest me that much.
Well, I mean, sure some stuff is interesting coffee table curios, some has insight or such... but the rest is all just a group sift through a broken jigsaw.. and what after all the pieces that can be found are placed in position? Will that be of use? Or will it only then be that people start to look within and find REAL answers?
That is where I am coming from when saying alt sites can suck people in and stagnate them into just pretty much watching an alt TV and seeking entertainment and escapism.
Of course, folk are completely entitled to do so. This observation doesn't seem to be made very often and as said, often people will become a bit defensive of their TV watching.

not me...I love TV, movies, and books. And playing chess, of course...My team is in the process of disbanding, but oh well. I used to be into the usual things...baseball, softball, golf, tennis, bar hopping...I just don't have time for any of it anymore.

1st July 2018, 01:15
Drake Equation? Fermi Paradox?

If life is common, then where is everyone? A new paper (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.02404.pdf) claims to have the answer, but their conclusions are highly suspect.

Water, light, heat, organic molecules, and the ingredients for life are indeed everywhere. But aliens of any type have yet to show themselves. For all we have hard evidence for, Earth may be it for life in the entire Universe.

If that sounds pessimistic to you, or, as Carl Sagan put it, "an awful waste of space," you're not alone. [Nature doesn't waste energy]

Although we knew very little about the various parameters in it, the Drake Equation is still used by many today to estimate the number of potential civilizations we can communicate with in space.

https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/960x0/https%3A%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Fstartswithabang%2Ffiles%2F2018 %2F06%2FUniversity-of-Rochester.jpg

Despite the replacement of point estimates with probabilistic distributions, as the authors impose, there is still no evidence that we can say anything sensible about these likelihoods. In the absence of evidence, theorists aren't theorizing based on sound science; they're simply making numbers up. The authors state their methodology as such:

In this paper, we shall look at two different ways of extending this approach beyond a toy model — generating probability distributions for the parameters of the Drake equation based on the variation in historical estimates and doing so based on the authors’ best judgment of the scientific uncertainties for each parameter.

Unfortunately, this falls prey to what I call the first law of computer science: garbage in, garbage out. Historical estimates and the authors' judgments are no substitute for the data we need, and do not have.

Source (https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2018/06/26/no-we-cannot-know-whether-humans-are-alone-in-the-universe/#76497a037d3b)

conclusion in this case seems to be 'Jury's still out'

1st July 2018, 12:34
Prophecy: (not mine, and I don't believe they are set in stone)

I just started reading Spiritual Ecology this evening. The first essay is by Chief Oren Lyons of the Onandaga in upper state New York. He wrote about the prophecy that would inform his people of the extent of the degradation of the earth through two signs. One was the acceleration of the winds, which I have certainly noticed. The other was how people treated their children. So we are at the place of needing to reconcile our relationship to our life-giving earth. He goes on to say that we need to get along with laws. “There is no habeas corpus in natural law. You either do or you don’t. If you don’t you pay….So what we have to do is get our leaders to change, and if our leaders don’t do it, we’ve got to raise better leaders, newer leaders….It’s your responsibility to raise good leaders. Get them up there where they can be effective and change the direction of the way things are headed.” He writes that life is for thanksgiving and to be outside and enjoy life. “….you should tell everybody that there can never be world peace as long as you make war against Mother Earth.”

I don't believe this is 'using the same thinking'. The same thinking has been to be unengaged and disaffected.

The new thinking is to believe that your actions, and your vote, matter. New thinking and new action are happening.

1st July 2018, 23:17
Prophecy: (not mine, and I don't believe they are set in stone)

I don't believe this is 'using the same thinking'. The same thinking has been to be unengaged and disaffected.

The new thinking is to believe that your actions, and your vote, matter. New thinking and new action are happening.

It helps me to see source attributions. Thanks

2nd July 2018, 00:50
The quote is from a comment near the bottom of a thread (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/6/30/1776974/-Actually-we-do-care-hundreds-of-thousands-attend-Families-Belong-Together-rallies-around-the-world) I have linked to. The commenter's name is Pretiare. (I don't normally directly link to this site because it's flavor is quite different than this forum. I have referenced it before.)

Dumpster Diver
2nd July 2018, 14:44
Drake Equation? Fermi Paradox?

If life is common, then where is everyone? A new paper (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.02404.pdf) claims to have the answer, but their conclusions are highly suspect.

Water, light, heat, organic molecules, and the ingredients for life are indeed everywhere. But aliens of any type have yet to show themselves. For all we have hard evidence for, Earth may be it for life in the entire Universe.

If that sounds pessimistic to you, or, as Carl Sagan put it, "an awful waste of space," you're not alone. [Nature doesn't waste energy]

Although we knew very little about the various parameters in it, the Drake Equation is still used by many today to estimate the number of potential civilizations we can communicate with in space.

https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/960x0/https%3A%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Fstartswithabang%2Ffiles%2F2018 %2F06%2FUniversity-of-Rochester.jpg

Despite the replacement of point estimates with probabilistic distributions, as the authors impose, there is still no evidence that we can say anything sensible about these likelihoods. In the absence of evidence, theorists aren't theorizing based on sound science; they're simply making numbers up. The authors state their methodology as such:

Unfortunately, this falls prey to what I call the first law of computer science: garbage in, garbage out. Historical estimates and the authors' judgments are no substitute for the data we need, and do not have.

Source (https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2018/06/26/no-we-cannot-know-whether-humans-are-alone-in-the-universe/#76497a037d3b)

conclusion in this case seems to be 'Jury's still out'

What is always left out of the Drake equation is the movement of the solar system thru the galaxy. When you take it into account, the Earth is much “closer” to other stars than simple static positions.

2nd July 2018, 14:55
I like the helical motion videos. The planets are moving in the wake of the Sun.

Dumpster Diver
2nd July 2018, 18:00
I like the helical motion videos. The planets are moving in the wake of the Sun.

Those are usually done wrongly. They typically show the planets whirling perpendicular to the sun’s motion thru the galaxy. The ecliptic plane is canted with respect to the Milky Way. Right now Mars is close to the Earth and passing thru the Earth’s magnetosheath causign the dust storms on Mars. Happens every time Mars and Earth get close. Boneheaded “solar scientists” are clueless to this.

2nd July 2018, 21:54
What is always left out of the Drake equation is the movement of the solar system thru the galaxy. When you take it into account, the Earth is much “closer” to other stars than simple static positions.

Yeah but those other stars (and their planets) are themselves also constantly moving, Bro. There is no such thing as absolute position within spacetime. :eyebrows:

3rd July 2018, 11:08
The opinions of the young and very active generation that is coming of age is very different from those of the alternative community. At least according to surveys. That doesn't mean that they are the enemy of this community. In fact, this community could learn by taking a few pages from their playbook.

The alt community was the cutting edge. The young people are now the cutting edge. They follow the alternative community's model in many ways, using social media to spread information instead of waiting for others to act, or to be spoon-fed information.

Rather than judge, dismiss, or demonize, imo, this alternative community could learn a lot from them. Even form alliances.

Dumpster Diver
3rd July 2018, 13:08
Yeah but those other stars (and their planets) are themselves also constantly moving, Bro. There is no such thing as absolute position within spacetime. :eyebrows:


Emil El Zapato
4th July 2018, 01:48
Yeah but those other stars (and their planets) are themselves also constantly moving, Bro. There is no such thing as absolute position within spacetime. :eyebrows:

But there is relative motion...estimates are that the Milky Way and Andromeda will collide in about, uh, a long time. Two scenarios are painted...one corresponds to my interpretation of biblical end times and the other is totally benign given the distance between star systems...no contact.

4th July 2018, 01:54
Yeah but those other stars (and their planets) are themselves also constantly moving, Bro. There is no such thing as absolute position within spacetime. :eyebrows:

But there is relative motion...estimates are that the Milky Way and Andromeda will collide in about, uh, a long time. Two scenarios are painted...one corresponds to my interpretation of biblical end times and the other is totally benign given the distance between star systems...no contact.

Yeah, but that's still some 4 billion years away, so I'm not about to hold my breath just yet. :p

Emil El Zapato
4th July 2018, 02:32
Yeah, but that's still some 4 billion years away, so I'm not about to hold my breath just yet. :p

me neither...but it gives us some time... :)

4th July 2018, 07:38
The opinions of the young and very active generation that is coming of age is very different from those of the alternative community. At least according to surveys. That doesn't mean that they are the enemy of this community. In fact, this community could learn by taking a few pages from their playbook.

The alt community was the cutting edge. The young people are now the cutting edge. They follow the alternative community's model in many ways, using social media to spread information instead of waiting for others to act, or to be spoon-fed information.

Rather than judge, dismiss, or demonize, imo, this alternative community could learn a lot from them. Even form alliances.

You said it Dreamtimer and I couldn't agree more...
The young people are now the cutting edge just wait for them coming faster than bullets! :h5::love:

4th July 2018, 12:14
You made me think of Foster the People, Elen. (a band) Mmmm, maybe back to the lounge.

11th July 2018, 08:07
I agree

11th July 2018, 10:32
Agree? About the young ones?

11th July 2018, 20:16
Agree? About the young ones?

I have absolutely no idea what this means.
Is this forum now primarily like a chat box for a few regulars?

If the mods and the few want to chat, maybe they should use that forum feature.]

There are too many wasted clicks on the forum for me because there is no content to the posts.
I am griping here because the one liners are weighting the threads.

However IMO one thing for the alt community: the presence of one liner and unintelligible posts with no significant content leads to no more visiting the forum.
I have contributed money and content so feel like I am now entitled to challenge this ongoing trend. What is important for me in a forum is that I know if I go there, I won't just see vapid or non sequitur or argumentative text. I can talk to myself for that hehe.

11th July 2018, 20:38
I have absolutely no idea what this means.
Is this forum now primarily like a chat box for a few regulars?

If the mods and the few want to chat, maybe they should use that forum feature.]

There are too many wasted clicks on the forum for me because there is no content to the posts.
I am griping here because the one liners are weighting the threads.

However IMO one thing for the alt community: the presence of one liner and unintelligible posts with no significant content leads to no more visiting the forum.
I have contributed money and content so feel like I am now entitled to challenge this ongoing trend. What is important for me in a forum is that I know if I go there, I won't just see vapid or non sequitur or argumentative text. I can talk to myself for that hehe.

I agree wholeheartedly. There has been a change of focus or discussion here lately that feels more MSM fed than alternatively fed. I have largely lost interest and vote with being quiet, for the most part.

Dumpster Diver
11th July 2018, 21:41
I agree wholeheartedly. There has been a change of focus or discussion here lately that feels more MSM fed than alternatively fed. I have largely lost interest and vote with being quiet, for the most part.

...having been branded a woo-woo crazy who believes in every conspiracy that’s out there, I wonder about this trend as well.

...just because I’m crazy doesn’t make not true(ish) ...he, he...

11th July 2018, 22:53
Totally, the young ones enjoy ignoring what once led many of us by the nose. Little use moaning and many have a once twice by by rule.

The opinions of the young and very active generation that is coming of age is very different from those of the alternative community. At least according to surveys. That doesn't mean that they are the enemy of this community. In fact, this community could learn by taking a few pages from their playbook.

The alt community was the cutting edge. The young people are now the cutting edge. They follow the alternative community's model in many ways, using social media to spread information instead of waiting for others to act, or to be spoon-fed information.

Rather than judge, dismiss, or demonize, imo, this alternative community could learn a lot from them. Even form alliances.

Sorry Maggie, my apologies, I sometimes feel I am making more mistakes then evar.

I have absolutely no idea what this means.
Is this forum now primarily like a chat box for a few regulars?

If the mods and the few want to chat, maybe they should use that forum feature.]

There are too many wasted clicks on the forum for me because there is no content to the posts.
I am griping here because the one liners are weighting the threads.

However IMO one thing for the alt community: the presence of one liner and unintelligible posts with no significant content leads to no more visiting the forum.
I have contributed money and content so feel like I am now entitled to challenge this ongoing trend. What is important for me in a forum is that I know if I go there, I won't just see vapid or non sequitur or argumentative text. I can talk to myself for that hehe.

Emil El Zapato
11th July 2018, 23:31
You know what though, Maggie...perhaps the approaches are disparate but I'm thinking the goal remains the same for everyone...The One Truth.

Totally, the young ones enjoy ignoring what once led many of us by the nose. Little use moaning and many have a once twice by by rule.

Sorry Maggie, my apologies, I sometimes feel I am making more mistakes then evar.

Ainawa, when one is sincere it is very difficult to be truly mistaken...And you are sincere. Celebrate yourself for that. :)

13th July 2018, 16:39
I agree wholeheartedly. There has been a change of focus or discussion here lately that feels more MSM fed than alternatively fed. I have largely lost interest and vote with being quiet, for the most part.

I will not be posting for a while, for that reason and one other.

The last thing I posted was a Kryon video with an unfortunate title. When I first viewed it, I though of Shadowself and how it might possibly help with what she is going through...but chose not to post because of the title. But then Ainawa posted the Fake News video from Kryon, and this just seemed like such a good follow-up that I couldn't resist. Bad choice on my part. Rather than providing food for thought and/or promoting discussion, it proved to be just another trigger.

I feel like I'm walking on eggshells here.

One story before I go silent....

The Little Soul and The Sun
A Children's Parable
by Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God

Once upon no time, there was a little Soul who said to God, "I know who I am."

And God said, "That's wonderful! Who are you?"

And the Little Soul shouted, "I'm the Light!"

God smiled a big smile. "That's right!" God exclaimed. "You are the Light."

The Little Soul was so happy, for it had figured out what all the souls in the Kingdom were there to figure out.

"Wow," said the Little Soul, "this is really cool!"

But soon, knowing who it was was not enough. The Little Soul felt stirrings inside, and now wanted to be who it was. And so the Little Soul went back to God (which is not a bad idea for all souls who want to be Who They Really Are) and said,

"Hi, God! Now that I know Who I am, is it okay for me to be it?"

And God said, "You mean you want to be Who You Already Are?"

"Well," replied the Little Soul," it's one thing to know Who I Am, and another thing altogether to actually be it. I want to feel what it's like to be the Light!"

"But you already are the Light," God repeated, smiling again.

"Yes, but I want to see what that feels like!" cried the Little Soul.

"Well," said God with a chuckle, "I suppose I should have known. You always were the adventuresome one."

Then God's expression changed. "There's only one thing..."

"What?" asked the Little Soul.

"Well, there is nothing else but the Light. You see, I created nothing but what you are; and so, there is no easy way for you to experience yourself as Who You Are, since there is nothing that you are not."

"Huh?" said the Little Soul, who was now a little confused.

"Think of it this way," said God. "You are like a candle in the Sun. Oh, you're there all right. Along with a million, gazillion other candles who make up the Sun. And the sun would not be the Sun without you. Nay, it would be a sun without one of its candles...and that would not be the Sun at all; for it would not shine as brightly. Yet, how to know yourself as the Light when you are amidst the Light -that is the question."

"Well," the Little Soul perked up, "you're God. Think of something!"

Once more God smiled. "I already have," God said. "Since you cannot see yourself as the Light when you are in the Light, we'll surround you with darkness."

"What's darkness?" the Little Soul asked.

God replied, "It is that which you are not."

"Will I be afraid of the dark?" cried the Little Soul.

"Only if you choose to be," God answered. "There is nothing, really, to be afraid of, unless you decide that there is. You see, we are making it all up. We are pretending."

"Oh," said the Little Soul, and felt better already.

Then God explained that, in order to experience anything at all, the exact opposite of it will appear. "It is a great gift," God said, "because without it, you could not know what anything is like. You could not know Warm without Cold, Up without Down, Fast without Slow. You could not know Left without Right, Here without There, Now without Then."

"And so," God concluded, "when you are surrounded with darkness, do not shake your fist and raise your voice and curse the darkness. Rather be a Light unto the darkness, and don't be mad about it. Then you will know Who You Really Are, and all others will know, too. Let your Light shine so that everyone will know how special you are!"

"You mean it's okay to let others see how special I am?" asked the Little Soul.

"Of course!" God chuckled. "It's very okay! But remember,'special' does not mean 'better.' Everybody is special, each in their own way! Yet many others have forgotten that. They will see that it is okay for them to be special only when you see that it is okay for you to be special."

"Wow," said the Little Soul, dancing and skipping and laughing and jumping with joy. "I can be as special as I want to be!"

"Yes, and you can start right now," said God, who was dancing and skipping and laughing right along with the Little Soul.

"What part of special do you want to be?"

"What part of special?" the Little Soul repeated. "I don't understand."

"Well," God explained, "being the Light is being special, and being special has a lot of parts to it. It is special to be kind. It is special to be gentle. It is special to be creative. It is special to be patient. Can you think of any other ways it is special to be?"

The Little Soul sat quietly for a moment. "I can think of lots of ways to be special!" the Little Soul then exclaimed. "It is special to be helpful. It is special to be sharing. It is special to be friendly. It is special to be considerate of others!"

"Yes!" God agreed, "and you can be all of those things, or any part of special you wish to be, at any moment. That's what it means to be the Light."

"I know what I want to be, I know what I want to be!" the Little Soul announced with great excitement. "I want to be the part of special called 'forgiving'. Isn't it special to be forgiving?"

"Oh, yes," God assured the Little Soul. "That is very special."

"Okay," said the Little Soul. "That's what I want to be. I want to be forgiving. I want to experience myself as that."

"Good," said God, "but there's one thing you should know."

The Little Soul was becoming a bit impatient now. It always seemed as though there were some complication.

"What is it?" the Little Soul sighed.

"There is no one to forgive."

"No one?" The Little Soul could hardly believe what had been said.

"No one!" God repeated. "Everything I have made is perfect. There is not a single soul in all creation less perfect than you. Look around you."

It was then that the Little Soul realized a large crowd had gathered. Souls had come from far and wide ~ from all over the Kingdom ~ for the word had gone forth that the Little Soul was having this extraordinary conversation with God, and everyone wanted to hear what they were saying. Looking at the countless other souls gathered there, the Little Soul had to agree. None appeared less wonderful, less magnificent, or less perfect than the Little Soul itself. Such was the wonder of the souls gathered around, and so bright was their Light, that the Little Soul could scarcely gaze upon them.

"Who, then, to forgive?" asked God.

"Boy, this is going to be no fun at all!" grumbled the Little Soul. "I wanted to experience myself as One Who Forgives. I wanted to know what that part of special felt like."

And the Little Soul learned what it must feel like to be sad. But just then a Friendly Soul stepped forward from the crowd.

"Not to worry, Little Soul," the Friendly Soul said, "I will help you."

"You will?" the Little Soul brightened. "But what can you do?"

"Why, I can give you someone to forgive!"

"You can?"

"Certainly!" chirped the Friendly Soul. "I can come into your next lifetime and do something for you to forgive."

"But why? Why would you do that?" the Little Soul asked. "You, who are a Being of such utter perfection! You, who vibrate with such a speed that it creates a Light so bright that I can hardly gaze upon you! What could cause you to want to slow down your vibration to such a speed that your bright Light would become dark and dense? What could cause you ~ who are so light that you dance upon the stars and move through the Kingdom with the speed of your thought--to come into my life and make yourself so heavy that you could do this bad thing?"

"Simple," the Friendly Soul said. "I would do it because I love you."

The Little Soul seemed surprised at the answer.

"Don't be so amazed," said the Friendly Soul, "you have done the same thing for me. Don't you remember? Oh, we have danced together, you and I, many times. Through the eons and across all the ages have we danced. Across all time and in many places have we played together. You just don't remember."

"We have both been All Of It. We have been the Up and the Down of it, the Left and the Right of it. We have been the Here and the There of it, the Now and the Then of it. We have been the male and the female, the good and the bad; we have both been the victim and the villain of it."

"Thus have we come together, you and I, many times before; each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to Express and to Experience Who We Really Are. And so," the Friendly Soul explained further, "I will come into your next lifetime and be the 'bad one' this time. I will do something really terrible, and then you can experience yourself as the One Who Forgives.

"But what will you do?" the Little Soul asked, just a little nervously, "that will be so terrible?"

"Oh," replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle, "we'll think of something."

Then the Friendly Soul seemed to turn serious, and said in a quiet voice, "You are right about one thing, you know."

"What is that?" the Little Soul wanted to know.

"I will have to slow down my vibration and become very heavy to do this not-so-nice thing. I will have to pretend to be something very unlike myself. And so, I have but one favour to ask of you in return."

"Oh, anything, anything!" cried the Little Soul, and began to dance and sing, "I get to be forgiving, I get to be forgiving!"

Then the Little Soul saw that the Friendly Soul was remaining very quiet.

"What is it?" the Little Soul asked. "What can I do for you? You are such an angel to be willing to do this for me!"

"Of course this Friendly Soul is an angel!" God interrupted. "Everyone is! Always remember: I have sent you nothing but angels."

And so the Little Soul wanted more than ever to grant the Friendly Soul's request. "What can I do for you?" the Little Soul asked again.

"In the moment that I strike you and smite you," the Friendly Soul replied, "in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could possible imagine ~ in that very moment..."

"Yes?" the Little Soul interrupted, "yes...?""Remember Who I Really Am."

"Oh, I will!" cried the Little Soul, "I promise! I will always remember you as I see you right here, right now!"

"Good," said the Friendly Soul, "because, you see, I will have been pretending so hard, I will have forgotten myself. And if you do not remember me as I really am, I may not be able to remember for a very long time. And if I forget Who I Am, you may even forget Who You Are, and we will both be lost. Then we will need another soul to come along and remind us both of Who We Are."

"No, we won't!" the Little Soul promised again. "I will remember you! And I will thank you for bringing me this gift ~ the chance to experience myself as Who I Am.

"And so, the agreement was made. And the Little Soul went forth into a new lifetime, excited to be the Light, which was very special, and excited to be that part of special called Forgiveness.

And the Little Soul waited anxiously to be able to experience itself as Forgiveness, and to thank whatever other soul made it possible. And at all the moments in that new lifetime, whenever a new soul appeared on the scene, whether that new soul brought joy or sadness--and especially if it brought sadness--the Little Soul thought of what God had said.

"Always remember," God had smiled, "I have sent you nothing but angels."

by Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God

Emil El Zapato
14th July 2018, 22:25
No one ever need walk gingerly if they are walking on a solid philosophy... 'Me'

19th August 2019, 00:36
I'm not sure the alt community collectively agrees on climate change or the causes. Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers makes some climate science observations in this video.


19th August 2019, 04:56
I will not be posting for a while, for that reason and one other.

The last thing I posted was a Kryon video with an unfortunate title. When I first viewed it, I though of Shadowself and how it might possibly help with what she is going through...but chose not to post because of the title. But then Ainawa posted the Fake News video from Kryon, and this just seemed like such a good follow-up that I couldn't resist. Bad choice on my part. Rather than providing food for thought and/or promoting discussion, it proved to be just another trigger.

I feel like I'm walking on eggshells here.

One story before I go silent....

The Little Soul and The Sun
A Children's Parable
by Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God

Once upon no time, there was a little Soul who said to God, "I know who I am."

And God said, "That's wonderful! Who are you?"

And the Little Soul shouted, "I'm the Light!"

God smiled a big smile. "That's right!" God exclaimed. "You are the Light."

The Little Soul was so happy, for it had figured out what all the souls in the Kingdom were there to figure out.

"Wow," said the Little Soul, "this is really cool!"

But soon, knowing who it was was not enough. The Little Soul felt stirrings inside, and now wanted to be who it was. And so the Little Soul went back to God (which is not a bad idea for all souls who want to be Who They Really Are) and said,

"Hi, God! Now that I know Who I am, is it okay for me to be it?"

And God said, "You mean you want to be Who You Already Are?"

"Well," replied the Little Soul," it's one thing to know Who I Am, and another thing altogether to actually be it. I want to feel what it's like to be the Light!"

"But you already are the Light," God repeated, smiling again.

"Yes, but I want to see what that feels like!" cried the Little Soul.

"Well," said God with a chuckle, "I suppose I should have known. You always were the adventuresome one."

Then God's expression changed. "There's only one thing..."

"What?" asked the Little Soul.

"Well, there is nothing else but the Light. You see, I created nothing but what you are; and so, there is no easy way for you to experience yourself as Who You Are, since there is nothing that you are not."

"Huh?" said the Little Soul, who was now a little confused.

"Think of it this way," said God. "You are like a candle in the Sun. Oh, you're there all right. Along with a million, gazillion other candles who make up the Sun. And the sun would not be the Sun without you. Nay, it would be a sun without one of its candles...and that would not be the Sun at all; for it would not shine as brightly. Yet, how to know yourself as the Light when you are amidst the Light -that is the question."

"Well," the Little Soul perked up, "you're God. Think of something!"

Once more God smiled. "I already have," God said. "Since you cannot see yourself as the Light when you are in the Light, we'll surround you with darkness."

"What's darkness?" the Little Soul asked.

God replied, "It is that which you are not."

"Will I be afraid of the dark?" cried the Little Soul.

"Only if you choose to be," God answered. "There is nothing, really, to be afraid of, unless you decide that there is. You see, we are making it all up. We are pretending."

"Oh," said the Little Soul, and felt better already.

Then God explained that, in order to experience anything at all, the exact opposite of it will appear. "It is a great gift," God said, "because without it, you could not know what anything is like. You could not know Warm without Cold, Up without Down, Fast without Slow. You could not know Left without Right, Here without There, Now without Then."

"And so," God concluded, "when you are surrounded with darkness, do not shake your fist and raise your voice and curse the darkness. Rather be a Light unto the darkness, and don't be mad about it. Then you will know Who You Really Are, and all others will know, too. Let your Light shine so that everyone will know how special you are!"

"You mean it's okay to let others see how special I am?" asked the Little Soul.

"Of course!" God chuckled. "It's very okay! But remember,'special' does not mean 'better.' Everybody is special, each in their own way! Yet many others have forgotten that. They will see that it is okay for them to be special only when you see that it is okay for you to be special."

"Wow," said the Little Soul, dancing and skipping and laughing and jumping with joy. "I can be as special as I want to be!"

"Yes, and you can start right now," said God, who was dancing and skipping and laughing right along with the Little Soul.

"What part of special do you want to be?"

"What part of special?" the Little Soul repeated. "I don't understand."

"Well," God explained, "being the Light is being special, and being special has a lot of parts to it. It is special to be kind. It is special to be gentle. It is special to be creative. It is special to be patient. Can you think of any other ways it is special to be?"

The Little Soul sat quietly for a moment. "I can think of lots of ways to be special!" the Little Soul then exclaimed. "It is special to be helpful. It is special to be sharing. It is special to be friendly. It is special to be considerate of others!"

"Yes!" God agreed, "and you can be all of those things, or any part of special you wish to be, at any moment. That's what it means to be the Light."

"I know what I want to be, I know what I want to be!" the Little Soul announced with great excitement. "I want to be the part of special called 'forgiving'. Isn't it special to be forgiving?"

"Oh, yes," God assured the Little Soul. "That is very special."

"Okay," said the Little Soul. "That's what I want to be. I want to be forgiving. I want to experience myself as that."

"Good," said God, "but there's one thing you should know."

The Little Soul was becoming a bit impatient now. It always seemed as though there were some complication.

"What is it?" the Little Soul sighed.

"There is no one to forgive."

"No one?" The Little Soul could hardly believe what had been said.

"No one!" God repeated. "Everything I have made is perfect. There is not a single soul in all creation less perfect than you. Look around you."

It was then that the Little Soul realized a large crowd had gathered. Souls had come from far and wide ~ from all over the Kingdom ~ for the word had gone forth that the Little Soul was having this extraordinary conversation with God, and everyone wanted to hear what they were saying. Looking at the countless other souls gathered there, the Little Soul had to agree. None appeared less wonderful, less magnificent, or less perfect than the Little Soul itself. Such was the wonder of the souls gathered around, and so bright was their Light, that the Little Soul could scarcely gaze upon them.

"Who, then, to forgive?" asked God.

"Boy, this is going to be no fun at all!" grumbled the Little Soul. "I wanted to experience myself as One Who Forgives. I wanted to know what that part of special felt like."

And the Little Soul learned what it must feel like to be sad. But just then a Friendly Soul stepped forward from the crowd.

"Not to worry, Little Soul," the Friendly Soul said, "I will help you."

"You will?" the Little Soul brightened. "But what can you do?"

"Why, I can give you someone to forgive!"

"You can?"

"Certainly!" chirped the Friendly Soul. "I can come into your next lifetime and do something for you to forgive."

"But why? Why would you do that?" the Little Soul asked. "You, who are a Being of such utter perfection! You, who vibrate with such a speed that it creates a Light so bright that I can hardly gaze upon you! What could cause you to want to slow down your vibration to such a speed that your bright Light would become dark and dense? What could cause you ~ who are so light that you dance upon the stars and move through the Kingdom with the speed of your thought--to come into my life and make yourself so heavy that you could do this bad thing?"

"Simple," the Friendly Soul said. "I would do it because I love you."

The Little Soul seemed surprised at the answer.

"Don't be so amazed," said the Friendly Soul, "you have done the same thing for me. Don't you remember? Oh, we have danced together, you and I, many times. Through the eons and across all the ages have we danced. Across all time and in many places have we played together. You just don't remember."

"We have both been All Of It. We have been the Up and the Down of it, the Left and the Right of it. We have been the Here and the There of it, the Now and the Then of it. We have been the male and the female, the good and the bad; we have both been the victim and the villain of it."

"Thus have we come together, you and I, many times before; each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to Express and to Experience Who We Really Are. And so," the Friendly Soul explained further, "I will come into your next lifetime and be the 'bad one' this time. I will do something really terrible, and then you can experience yourself as the One Who Forgives.

"But what will you do?" the Little Soul asked, just a little nervously, "that will be so terrible?"

"Oh," replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle, "we'll think of something."

Then the Friendly Soul seemed to turn serious, and said in a quiet voice, "You are right about one thing, you know."

"What is that?" the Little Soul wanted to know.

"I will have to slow down my vibration and become very heavy to do this not-so-nice thing. I will have to pretend to be something very unlike myself. And so, I have but one favour to ask of you in return."

"Oh, anything, anything!" cried the Little Soul, and began to dance and sing, "I get to be forgiving, I get to be forgiving!"

Then the Little Soul saw that the Friendly Soul was remaining very quiet.

"What is it?" the Little Soul asked. "What can I do for you? You are such an angel to be willing to do this for me!"

"Of course this Friendly Soul is an angel!" God interrupted. "Everyone is! Always remember: I have sent you nothing but angels."

And so the Little Soul wanted more than ever to grant the Friendly Soul's request. "What can I do for you?" the Little Soul asked again.

"In the moment that I strike you and smite you," the Friendly Soul replied, "in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could possible imagine ~ in that very moment..."

"Yes?" the Little Soul interrupted, "yes...?""Remember Who I Really Am."

"Oh, I will!" cried the Little Soul, "I promise! I will always remember you as I see you right here, right now!"

"Good," said the Friendly Soul, "because, you see, I will have been pretending so hard, I will have forgotten myself. And if you do not remember me as I really am, I may not be able to remember for a very long time. And if I forget Who I Am, you may even forget Who You Are, and we will both be lost. Then we will need another soul to come along and remind us both of Who We Are."

"No, we won't!" the Little Soul promised again. "I will remember you! And I will thank you for bringing me this gift ~ the chance to experience myself as Who I Am.

"And so, the agreement was made. And the Little Soul went forth into a new lifetime, excited to be the Light, which was very special, and excited to be that part of special called Forgiveness.

And the Little Soul waited anxiously to be able to experience itself as Forgiveness, and to thank whatever other soul made it possible. And at all the moments in that new lifetime, whenever a new soul appeared on the scene, whether that new soul brought joy or sadness--and especially if it brought sadness--the Little Soul thought of what God had said.

"Always remember," God had smiled, "I have sent you nothing but angels."

by Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God

I missed this last year, is a fav of mine Little Sun, what a year since, feel that Neale, Kryon plus Matt Kahn keep me grounded ( just ) nowadays, what blessings in our times they are.

19th August 2019, 13:01
I think everyone agrees that the climate changes. Even those who are not in the alternative community agree that the climate changes.

19th August 2019, 14:32
The arguments over the causes seem to be where the strife is.

We haven't found evidence of warming happening this fast ever in the past. If that's the case, then it's hard not to look a humans as a potential cause.

Sometimes it seems like people are more afraid of doing something about it than they are of the consequences of ignoring it or pretending like we can do nothing.

I'm glad folks like Ben still appreciate the value of science.

Fred Steeves
19th August 2019, 16:48
I think everyone agrees that the climate changes. Even those who are not in the alternative community agree that the climate changes.

In the 70's science told us we were heading into an ice age, starting in the 90's it flipped to we're going to burn up, but then came this weird middle ground where it became climate change to fit any slot, even though warming is still the go to pin up doll of our time.

I think it's too bad that people like me who dare question certain modern day scientific consensus are hung with the label of "science denier", same category as flat Earthers, but that is indeed the case.

Oh, and don't dare question 9/11, Pearl Harbor, or Epstein's death and acquaintances either. The evidence is in, it's all settled law move along folks nothing to see here.

19th August 2019, 17:12
We already know that earth goes through warming periods followed by sudden drops into ice ages.

We've known that from the geological record for a long time.

That hasn't changed.

The question and debate has always been around whether humans cause it/can alleviate or stop it.

The measured difference now is the rate of warming.

So, are we responsible in part? Can we do something?

Dumpster Diver
19th August 2019, 17:55
This video is the real stunner:


19th August 2019, 18:37
Curious thing... If anyone remembers the interviews Project Camelot did of Paul LaViolette, he spoke of a galactic superwave of some sorts headed our way, and some of the people who claimed to be on the inside of the secret space program also spoke about "something that was headed our way."

Well, guess what ─ and I'm actually surprised that no one at Slashdot has posted about it yet ─ it was in the local scientific news here in Europe a few days ago that a gigantic plasma burst is being emanated from the supermassive black hole at the galactic center right now. It's supposedly due to friction of superheated particles near the event horizon, making the supermassive black hole brighter than ever observed before. And if the radio telescopes can pick it up, then it must be close. :hmm:

19th August 2019, 19:03
Well perhaps that's something the "Alternative Community" should really agree upon ...
So much relevant info has been sweep aside in the back pages of these sites.

19th August 2019, 20:36
Warning: most readers/participants will not like this post

We already know that earth goes through warming periods followed by sudden drops into ice ages.

We've known that from the geological record for a long time.

That hasn't changed.

The question and debate has always been around whether humans cause it/can alleviate or stop it.

The measured difference now is the rate of warming.

So, are we responsible in part? Can we do something?

We've known (well, those who have done their homework) that throughout history, the human masses are extremely susceptible to influence of a few, generally the powerful and if not, the quite charismatic... often both combined.

We've also known that those who are vulnerable to compromise (such as scientists who depend on grants provided by organizations/foundations owned by or backed by (if you follow the money) a tiny percentage of "uber-wealthy agenda driven 'elite') are malleable by these highly unscrupulous, consciousness-depraved humans.

Those who think for themselves and do honest research and discover honest analysis of honestly acquired data know that the drivel coming from the emotional vulnerably driven and/or the socio/psychpathic "God wanna be types" has nothing to do with fact and everything to do with an inner rage which will never be resolved unless "they" gain full power over every single one of us. Too often, these types engage in the "creative analysis" (massive skewing) and feed their flawed analysis through every media channel available (most not just willing... but lapping it up like liquid nirvana) where they spew it back at the masses through their anal cavities until we are so drenched with disgust we have little time to devote to stopping the madness because all our time is sucked up in cleaning off the filth.

We know that "the media" has been hijacked for decades and the media is a 'constantly pounding' force behind the 'potential' hoax known today as dangerous "climate change (caused by humans)."

If any reader of my post still retains a tiny sliver of ability to think for yourself, then I challenge you to watch in full the following video. It certainly address "what we know and what we've known."


Here's what we really know...

We know that the single most important thing human beings need to figure out still has not been figured out... and that is -

What is it about us humans that we always empower the worst of us to dominate us?

THAT is the question that should be asked, answered (honestly) and then resolved, forever!

19th August 2019, 21:40
...the human contribution however is very, very small.


Emil El Zapato
20th August 2019, 00:15
Interesting, he points out water vapor as a more serious catalyst for global warming than CO2...well yes, that's not exactly a secret, nor is methane a secret either. CO2, without really even knowing...I haven't won a Nobel Prize nor am I Al Gore, is likely considered an indicator of global warming as opposed to creating it. He's bitching about Obama receiving a Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the United States, awarding the huge strides that Americans had made in terms of social consciousness. Why in the world would he complain about that? A mechanical engineer that won a Nobel Prize in 1960 may not be the perfect candidate for defending or discounting climatology? Out of respect, no one will point out that he has no clothes...but okay.

As usual, I don't really get it...but that is a big part of what it is all about.

LaViolette has written some great stuff...especially about superluminal velocities

20th August 2019, 12:42
The ice cores show the geological warming and cooling trends. Just like the rock layers show volcanic eruptions and asteroid impacts.

I'm not going to throw away knowledge because science gets screwed up by money and politics.

The better choice, imo, is to continue to look with a critical eye.

Scientists are limited in all kinds of ways. Humans are flawed.

And we still have the geological record. Gaia isn't lying to us.

Just because humans lie doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to what she's screaming at us.

This video is the real stunner:


Thanks, Dumpy. I posted this in another thread (https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/12172-Our-Sun?p=842013868&viewfull=1#post842013868).

20th August 2019, 14:45
Very interesting thread on Avalon about possible future scenarios, take a look:

Emil El Zapato
20th August 2019, 15:35
Tongue-in-cheek: I can do better.


One timeliner to another: "Are you sure we're in the right timeline? Everything seems the same."

Fred Steeves
20th August 2019, 17:08
Very interesting thread on Avalon about possible future scenarios, take a look:

Interesting. Well, first off I would have to say that as of right now, I see just about zero sign of the utopian scenario on the horizon. One sign my radar is always scanning for is "do people understand the manipulation we are under, and if so to what degree?"

Obviously people in the alternative community would generally have a better handle on this than the average person on the street, but even then I see the same herding and corralling going on there, just at a higher level. I could go way out esoteric and talk about people like Crowley and Parsons, and even people to this very day who open up portals to other dimensions in attempt to manipulate this one, but the low hanging fruit would simply be how political in nature even the alt community has become since the 2016 US elections. If smart savvy people are this easily led down ridiculous dead ends on just this low brow level, how are they ever going to even *begin* the navigation through much more treacherous and higher level waters of manipulation?

Anyway that's my basic take on it. The more I see technologies like the internet enabling people to start "waking up" to various levels, the more I see the same technologies enabling higher and higher degrees of manipulation to suit the "waking up" consumer. What worked for Edward Bernays 100 years ago still works today, same thing just different and again, these are just the lower tier levels.

As an aside, I also see very little of people inclined to work together, and even on occasion when they do, the movement is eventually infiltrated, co-opted, and driven into the proverbial ditch. I wish I could say I see it differently one of these days, but the only bright spot I continue to see, as has been throughout history, is that ANY given individual is indeed fully capable of running the table and transcending Samsara, but Samsara will always rule this roost. That's the rules of the game we're in IMO.

24th August 2019, 15:31

Emil El Zapato
24th August 2019, 17:06
For Whatever It's Worth: I think we lay off the galactic plane and at an oblique angle to the burst... :)

that was in response to your post about LaViolette Aragorn...i meant to reply with quote but of course, I didn't...my mind is shot...

Emil El Zapato
24th August 2019, 17:16
lol, Amen, so much said with so few words by Mr. McKenna...

I think the 'alt' community collectively believes that by denying hard reality in favor of anything that is 'not' they are accomplishing something. As McKenna would say, they are hopelessly and woefully lost. We aren't here to deny, we are here to suggest 'better' but it surely is not happening...I guess 'not' really is the operative word.

12th November 2019, 01:09
Rather than focus on the 'cat fights' between the major players in this field, what are the points that we all can agree upon? So focus on ideas and facts rather than personalities.

My quick list:

-"ETs" (non-terrestrial, and/or inner-terrestrial, and/or time-traveler advanced technology entities) are a real phenomenon (and harshly debunked by science)
-"Paranormal" phenomenon is real (and harshly debunked by science)
-Giants seem to have been on Earth; the entire archeological record is full of holes and looks to be fabricated.
-Researchers die, or are suppressed when they research into these areas.
-Numerous events (9/11, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK assassination, etc) look fabricated.
-Artifacts of civilization totally out of whack with mainstream science, pyramids, Gobekli Tepi, etc.
-Whole areas of science appear to be fabricated (example: Redshift & Big Bang, star evolution, history of solar system)
-Medicine & food seems to be fabricated to endanger us.
-Weather modification is possible and performed without our consent or knowledge.
-The Sun is getting hotter and more unstable.
-The Earth's poles are moving faster towards each other and approaching a shift.
-There is a coverup of these areas by most governments.
-The coverup seems to not be in our best interest.

What else? Or do we not even agree on these?

I might consider myself at odds with the "alt community", particularly the conspiratorism aspect, but maybe other views as well, and other issues I don't necessarily disagree but I have a completely different perspective on the,m. I don't even know if I should consider myself one of the alt community.

That being said, if I would consider myself one of them, it is not immediately clear to me what I would agree with them on. Some of the things you mentioned I disagree, but others I would not be in complete disagreement but have a different perspective. For example, when you said that

-Whole areas of science appear to be fabricated (example: Redshift & Big Bang, star evolution, history of solar system)
I would be in strong disagreement with, and I would not consider it something the alt community agrees upon.

12th November 2019, 01:48
I might consider myself at odds with the "alt community", particularly the conspiratorism aspect, but maybe other views as well, and other issues I don't necessarily disagree but I have a completely different perspective on the,m. I don't even know if I should consider myself one of the alt community.

That's a good point, actually. First of all, the so-called "alternative community" as a whole isn't really all that alternative, if you look at how the self-proclaimed members of the community act and think. Many consider themselves "alternative" because they grow their own food, and/or they are vegetarians or vegans, and/or they spend hours every day meditating, and/or they dedicate most of their time watching videos from YouTube talking heads.

The second reason is that most people who call themselves "alternative" don't realize that they are only choosing to go with the other side of the same coin ─ the (by now) old tale of choosing the antithesis to the thesis, instead of looking for the synthesis. They exhibit knee-jerk reactions toward all that is mainstream. And it is because of this reason that the so-called "alternative community" was easily infiltrated and co-opted by what is known in the USA as "the alt-right". Because they too are knee-jerkers, and they are paranoid about everything they cannot control or understand.

That being said, if I would consider myself one of them, it is not immediately clear to me what I would agree with them on. Some of the things you mentioned I disagree, but others I would not be in complete disagreement but have a different perspective. For example, when you said that

-Whole areas of science appear to be fabricated (example: Redshift & Big Bang, star evolution, history of solar system)

I would be in strong disagreement with, and I would not consider it something the alt community agrees upon.

This might come as a surprise to you, but I actually agree with you on that. But then again, the person you are replying to is someone who rejects anything mainstream with prejudice across the board and who buys into all of the conspiracy theories, including Corey Goode's fairy tale, the so-called Mandela Effect, and all the woo-woo talk that David Wilcock has published over the years.

Not everyone here agrees with that poster's hard line, though. I for one certainly don't. ;)

Border Dog
12th November 2019, 21:41
from 13 items listed, I found:

(7) (+) rights
(3) (+/-) half rights
(3) (-) wrongs

its interesting see how mind manipulation happens

they spread one right thing, one half-right and one wrong.
we read one (ok), read other (may be), and another (what?)
and who doesn't pay much attention, ends up finding everything right :angel:

the three wrongs, and justification

-Artifacts of civilization totally out of whack with mainstream science, pyramids, Gobekli Tepi, etc.

not totally (so, its wrong)

-The Sun is getting hotter and more unstable.

the sun is getting cool and more stable

-The Earth's poles are moving faster towards each other and approaching a shift.

ahá, the south pole will kiss the north pole, finally :love:
the moon will be jealous and should disappear
I guess ..

12th November 2019, 22:22
from 13 items listed, I found:

(7) (+) rights
(3) (+/-) half rights
(3) (-) wrongs

its interesting see how mind manipulation happens

they spread one right thing, one half-right and one wrong.
we read one (ok), read other (may be), and another (what?)
and who doesn't pay much attention, ends up finding everything right :angel:

the three wrongs, and justification

-Artifacts of civilization totally out of whack with mainstream science, pyramids, Gobekli Tepi, etc.

not totally (so, its wrong)

-The Sun is getting hotter and more unstable.

the sun is getting cool and more stable

-The Earth's poles are moving faster towards each other and approaching a shift.

ahá, the south pole will kiss the north pole, finally :love:
the moon will be jealous and should disappear
I guess ..

How did you find only 3 wrong? I found 10.

-Giants seem to have been on Earth; the entire archeological record is full of holes and looks to be fabricated.
-Researchers die, or are suppressed when they research into these areas.
-Numerous events (9/11, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK assassination, etc) look fabricated.
-Whole areas of science appear to be fabricated (example: Redshift & Big Bang, star evolution, history of solar system)
-Medicine & food seems to be fabricated to endanger us.
-Weather modification is possible and performed without our consent or knowledge.
-The Sun is getting hotter and more unstable.
-The Earth's poles are moving faster towards each other and approaching a shift.
-There is a coverup of these areas by most governments.
-The coverup seems to not be in our best interest.

These claims are reflecting an anti-scientific, conspiracy viewpoint, which I am strongly against.

How do you agree with any of these 10? I am very skeptical of them.

These 3 I consider ambigous.

-"ETs" (non-terrestrial, and/or inner-terrestrial, and/or time-traveler advanced technology entities) are a real phenomenon (and harshly debunked by science)
-"Paranormal" phenomenon is real (and harshly debunked by science)
-Artifacts of civilization totally out of whack with mainstream science, pyramids, Gobekli Tepi, etc.

I don't buy the classical explanation for these phenomena that believers would have.

12th November 2019, 23:34
Well okay, because you all insist ─ :ttr: ─ I'll share my two Eurocents on the claims that Dumpster Diver listed...

"ETs" (non-terrestrial, and/or inner-terrestrial, and/or time-traveler advanced technology entities) are a real phenomenon (and harshly debunked by science)

The mainstream media and the US military are slowly beginning to admit that there are things out there that they have no explanation for. However, at the same time, there is a "political correction" going on with regard to the naming convention of these things. Whereas up until recently they had all been called UFOs ("Unidentified Flying Object"), they are now being referred to as UAPs ("Unidentified Areal Phenomenon") and UAVs ("Unidentified Areal Vehicle"), suggesting that they would be drones of some as yet unidentified type. Other military forces of the world ─ e.g. the Belgian Air Force, in 1989 ─ have in the past already officially admitted to the existence of UFOs. The USA is just a little slower than everybody else in that regard, for political reasons.

Mainstream science is still skeptical, but that will change once more government officials come forward ─ which they appear to be wanting to do now.

"Paranormal" phenomenon is real (and harshly debunked by science)

Paranormal phenomena are most certainly real, yes ─ I've got a whole bunch of them of my own ─ but the problem is that most of them cannot be empirically verified because of the skepticism and cynicism of the investigators. It would appear that one must believe before one can see, and most investigators want to see before they believe.

Giants seem to have been on Earth; the entire archeological record is full of holes and looks to be fabricated.

I have seen photographs of supposedly living giants, and of giant humanoid skeletons. However, in this day and age of image processing, CGI and ─ by now ─ A.I.-supported "deep fakes", it becomes extremely difficult to ascertain how much of that would be true. The massive humanoid-looking fossil bones that were dug up could just as well have come from a dinosaur or perhaps a prehistoric primate. Paleontology is certainly an ongoing field of research, and it is an accepted fact that a lot of the fossil record has gone missing due to cataclysmic geophysical events.

Researchers die, or are suppressed when they research into these areas.

There are indeed rumors of such, but I don't know to what extent they would be true. And when these rumors come from David Wilcock, then I'd certainly take them with a couple of buckets of salt.

Numerous events (9/11, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK assassination, etc) look fabricated.

Some of those events are down to utter stupidity and mismanagement, while others are indeed not what the people have been led to believe. Here's my opinion on the individually listed events here ─ I have researched some of them a little more than I did the others...:

"9/11": A genuine conspiracy with a political motive that facilitated the deep swing to the right in the USA. This conspiracy involved insiders in the US administration as well as non-US operatives, including Saudis, but Osama Bin Laden had not been involved in this operation.

Pearl Harbor: The attack was very real, and the US government did not know for a fact that it was going to happen that way, but they did know that Japan was going to declare war to the US sooner or later, because the US had been provoking the Japanese into a climate of hostility for a long time already before the event. It was most certainly not an attack "out of the blue".

The Gulf-of-Tonkin incident: This was a "false flag" operation, intended to offer an official excuse for the US to get involved with the Vietnam war, which up until then had been a civil war. North Vietnam was being supported by the Soviet Union, and so the CIA and the hard-liners within the US government wanted the US to get involved in order to drive back communism.

The assassination of John F. Kennedy: A genuine conspiracy that involved various conspirators from within organized crime, the FBI, the CIA, the corporate world and JFK's political adversaries.

Artifacts of civilization totally out of whack with mainstream science, pyramids, Gobekli Tepi, etc.

Some artifacts are "out-of-whack", indeed ─ e.g. the ancient megaliths ─ but there's also a lot that has been blown out of proportion and/or deliberately misrepresented in order to have the so-called alternative community make a fool of itself once again.

Whole areas of science appear to be fabricated (example: Redshift & Big Bang, star evolution, history of solar system)

No, they're not. This is empirically proven science, and it is only being questioned by pseudoscientists.

Medicine & food seems to be fabricated to endanger us.

No, it's not. It is fabricated so as to make a profit, and in some cases, that does involve the covering up of events where hazardous agents ended up in the food. Likewise, the pharmaceutical industry is only scratching its own itch. They want power and money, and so they will rather sell drugs that keep the patient hooked for the rest of his or her life, than to sell drugs that cure the patient of their disease for once and for all.

Weather modification is possible and performed without our consent or knowledge.

Yes, weather modification is possible, and the Chinese have already openly illustrated that they are capable of it by favorably influencing the weather just before an important event. One can therefore safely assume that the military has already managed to weaponize this technology, and will not hesitate to deploy it.

The Sun is getting hotter and more unstable.

I don't know about that. Some say that it does, and others say that it doesn't. They don't seem to be able to come to an agreement on what is really happening with the sun.

The Earth's poles are moving faster towards each other and approaching a shift.

Opposite poles ─ at least, when we're talking of the magnetic poles of Earth ─ will always drift as far away from each other as possible, and so they will always be at exactly the opposite side from one another. There is however evidence that Earth's magnetic poles have in the past reversed several times, and it is a given that a powerful enough solar flare at the right moment might just do that.

The orientation of Earth's magnetic field is determined by the direction of spin of the liquid iron at Earth's core, by the way.

There is a coverup of these areas by most governments.
The coverup seems to not be in our best interest.

There are indeed things that governments do lie about ─ and most notably the US government ─ but most governments are also notoriously bad at keeping secrets, and therefore sooner or later, things are going to come to light that had been hidden or unknown about for decades.

Border Dog
13th November 2019, 09:05
How did you find only 3 wrong? I found 10.

I admit, I was heavily conservative, avoiding the terms used.

These claims are reflecting an anti-scientific, conspiracy viewpoint, which I am strongly against.

I'm too against the artificial Agenda, but I won't throw myself against the big wall,
So, I choose some more fragile bricks to try broken the big wall later.

How do you agree with any of these 10? I am very skeptical of them.

subversion methods use somethings right to fooled us with the wrongs.

maybe worth we discuss a few over The Art of War book (Sung Tzu),
because the powers use this subtil strategies, thinking we don't know It as well as they do

These 3 I consider ambigous.

I used only three (objective) entries -- right, half-right and wrong
I think that doubts (or ambiguity) tends paralyzes to start any action.
I also think its better do something against it, than do nothing.

I don't buy the classical explanation for these phenomena that believers would have.

I don't buy too, and if they give me for free, I throw away in the trash. [lol]

Border Dog
13th November 2019, 09:49
Well okay, because you all insist ─ :ttr: ─ I'll share my two Eurocents on the claims that Dumpster Diver listed...

Hey Aragorn, very nice your points, thank-you for share

I'm replying because you don't know (yet) about "The Sun is getting hotter and more unstable."

Unfortunately, the great brazilian Phd "Ricardo Felício (https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricardo_Fel%C3%ADcio)", a reputable climatologist, for obvious reasons, is one of the suppressed researchers and he don't publish anything in english. He has been running a website (FakeClimate (https://fakeclimate.wordpress.com/)) for many years, doing alt media interviews. But he can do what he can, and fighting against the worldwide politics is not his job.

He explained with data the solar cycles, the appearance of sunspots, which are now decreasing, indicating that we are in a cycle of more stability. Follow an excerpt from his website's goal (About (https://fakeclimate.wordpress.com/about/)), translated ..

First of all, we would like to make the following caveats: The Fake Climate team, made up of many researchers from various fields of knowledge, receives no funding from companies, large estates or any financial aid from NGOs, research funding institutions like FAPESP among others, to carry out their research and work. The maintenance of this website and all our activities are carried out by selling our own workforce and sacrificing free time, which we vigorously devote to Science and Truth as a return to all of society.


Within these premises, we intend to:

Demystify global warming whose origin is attributed to human actions;

Demonstrate that man has influence on the local scale of his attributions and never on the global one;

Present facts that show the skeptics' fight against the aquimentists is much larger than the media preaches in the information vehicles;

Explain as never the emissions of human trace gases will influence the climate of the earth;

Demonstrate that the fallacy of anthropogenic “global warming” is just the smokescreen to hide the true governmental intentions headed by the British, the Americans and other European countries, to manage our natural resources, sell “green” products, impose political sanctions, economic and military, as well as orchestrating the forms of energy production and management of underdeveloped and resource-rich countries (like Brazil);

Explain how climate change is the effect of natural climate variability rather than human actions;

Demonstrate the face of another type of “climate change” that exists only in the conception of false scientists engaged in “sustainable development” political programs that sell their nations, completing people's daily life's surrender to the environmental cause. In this way they foster more economic and social restrictions than ever before in the history of mankind;

Explain how the environmental cause will generate more government mismatches with health, education, sanitation, etc, as well as the generation of exorbitant taxes, based on an unrealistic scenario of environmental chaos;

Demonstrate the complete failure of the IPCC and its Brazilian minions in the fight for the cause, with no evidence that human greenhouse gases heat the planet;

To present all the facts that demonstrate that people are unknowingly indulging in the action of these impostors and that they will unconsciously desire all these things, so much that the media preaches such myths as unquestionable truths.

We have reached a point of madness in modern societies where no one questions anything and assumes that certain men, by the titles they carry, are true owners of the truth! It is observed that people may even question the existence of God, but they do not question the existence of "global warming", "climate change" and believe that "sustainable development" is a salvation.

One interesting thing about the life of Ricardo Felício -- No one has ever said that he is wrong, as he is one scientific authority on the subject.

So, I think the only shortcoming of the arguments posted above, can be filled with information this scientist provided. Unfortunately there is nothing in English in that regard, that I can offer now.

BTW, the stability of Sun its measured by SunSpots, and it can be easily seen, or searched in images obtained by the observatories


according Ricardo Felício, between 2020-2055, its possible to start a mini ice-age like what happened in 1645–1715, and it is based on the following material, published by Valentina Zharkova on this PDF (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-45584-3.pdf).


The resulting summary curve reveals a remarkable resemblance to the sunspot and terrestrial activity reported in the past millennia including the significant grand solar minima: Maunder Minimum (1645–1715), Wolf min-imum (1200), Oort minimum (1010–1050), Homer minimum (800–900 BC) combined with the grand solar maxima: the medieval warm period (900–1200), the Roman warm period (400–10BC) etc. It also predicts the upcoming grand solar minimum, similar to Maunder Minimum, which starts in 2020 and will last until 2055.

24th February 2023, 20:15
Things aren't looking too great because people actually aren't thinking that clearly. It's quite sad indeed.