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16th May 2017, 09:55
Interesting > https://truthearth.org/2017/05/15/what-kind-of-work-goes-into-a-synchronicity/

What Kind of Work Goes Into a Synchronicity?

Posted on May 15, 2017 by truthearth

Synchronicity is an amazing thing and just about everyone has experienced it at some point in their life. But for those who are more aware of the existence of a behind-the-scenes aspect of our reality, the following question may arise: What kind of background work goes into arranging and executing a synchronicity?

Some of you have read articles I’ve written where I have documented incredible synchronicities that are both numerical and situational. Everything is exactly set up in the right time and the right place. Can you imagine all the work that goes into you seeing a simple 11:11 on the clock?

First you have to be guided throughout the day during your normal routine. Maybe you go to the store to get breakfast or you make it at home. You may be guided to skip a step in your normal routine in order for this to happen. You cross the street at a specific time at a specific traffic light interval. Perhaps you talk to someone on the street or you get a phone call from someone and you talk to them for a ‘seemingly’ random amount of time. This would be one of several steps guiding you to the exact moment you look at a clock and see 11:11.

In the following article I had several mind-blowing synchronicities all day long. The light rail trains I got on were designated as sacred geometric numbers, 108 and 144. Out of all the numbers and out of all the trains that could have been there when I arrived on that day, which, by the way, I spontaneously decided to go just the day before. Those beings on the ‘other side’ would have had to get the exact train with those numbers I mentioned that I would be aware of to be there and ready when I was finished with my day.

That must mean that the beings beyond this reality worked it out with those here the exact trains I would be getting on that day. The right people would go about their day, doing their jobs and unknowingly being guided to create this grand synchronicity which I am sharing with you again. They would wait until I was finished visiting the Japanese Garden, walking around town and returning to the bus station to find the train numbered 144 rolling up to take me back home.

I recall a 5th dimensional character, ‘Griffin’, that was written into the script of Men in Black III and much of his conversation involved him seeing probable futures and all the different daily events, some mundane and others not so mundane, that would lead up to an event that he foresaw:

So whenever you see, hear or experience a synchronicity in your life, you may ask and wonder what went into organizing it and the amount of resources that went into you discovering it at the exact right moment. It’s incredible!

This is all I wanted to share for now. Thank you and much love!


16th May 2017, 18:25
The subject of synchronicity tangentially touches upon something else I've been pondering for a while already, i.e. the subject of free will. I mean, if synchronicity is so meticulous to make you observe its manifestation — e.g. the clock showing "11:11" at exactly the right moment when you're looking at it serendipitously — then how serendipitous really was your decision to look at the clock at that point in time? Were you neurologically nudged by some unseen entity, or was it your own conscious decision, because you just wanted to check what time it is in order not to miss an appointment?

For a while already, I've been contemplating — and at this point, I am fairly convinced — that we are all like the characters in a novel. The book has already been written, and everything has already been preordained by the author, but we, as "the players" don't know what is on the next page.

Or perhaps put differently, all of existence is a movie, and the cast members are part of the production of that movie, so they know the story. But the cast members are acting as the characters in the movie, and the characters themselves do not know how the story will evolve. They make decisions, they express their thoughts, and they experience fear, or hope, or love, or anger. But all of it together will lead to the conclusion of the movie in exactly the way the script was written, and in the way the director cuts and arranges the footage.

And to stay with the metaphor, synchronicity then is like the background music for certain scenes — which normally only the viewer would be aware of — which is bleeding over into the awareness of the characters, so as to give them hints about the next sequence of events. Or if you think of it as a novel rather than as a movie, about what's on the next page.

The bottom line is that, in my opinion, we are left with the illusion of free will, and with it, the feeling of responsibility over the decisions we make, but in reality, those decisions have actually already been programmed into us (and into the matrix all around us) from before we were ever born. It's all part of The Plan™.

In the end, one thing is certain. All is One, and as such, who we are as individuals is an illusion too — merely a dream in the mind of the multidimensional Creator, if you will. We are here — in whatever shape or form — as mere tools by which the Creator is exploring itself through myriads of subjective experiences. And angels, demons and whatever other entities out there are all just as much characters in the movie/novel as we are. They too are merely expressions of the Creator, but at a different level. If we go back to the metaphor of the movie, then we as humans are the characters in a movie, which itself is made by characters in another movie — a movie about people making a movie.

We are the universe, and so synchronicity is just a pattern by which that part of our being that isn't encompassed within our individuality is letting us know that we are it, and it is us. And it's re-entrant too, because we are capable of observing the synchronicities themselves, and in some cases, we will allow a particular manifestation of synchronicity to guide us in our actual decision-making.

It's tricky, but we already know about such things as synchronicity and the noosphere. We know they exist, but we're still trying to guess what they are and where they come from, while in reality, it's actually all very simple if you can make the abstraction. All of it simply manifests because we are all One, and not just with each other, but with everything in existence. We are all compartmentalized and subjective-experimental manifestations of the Creator, like the apples growing from the branches of a tree. The apples look like individual specimens, but they are all part of the same tree until they fall down — whether they drop on Isaac Newton's head or not. :p

Am I making sense? ;)

16th May 2017, 20:51
To start, synchronicity and the noosphere are theories.

16th May 2017, 21:17
To start, synchronicity and the noosphere are theories.

Now that's a rather cynical observation, especially when coming from you. :shocked: :belief:

16th May 2017, 21:26
Lol, now breakfast completed, great thoughts, am meditating upon, to respond.

17th May 2017, 21:18
“Synchronicity*is a concept, first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.” (I got that from Wiki by the way)
The esoteric view on Jung related to this is:
“It is quite regrettable that not even such an “authority” as psychoanalyst Jung realizes the difference between subjective and objective. He says that a legend “is psychologically true in so far as it exists. Psychological existence is subjective to the extent that a conception appears in one single individual. But it is objective to the extent that it is established by a society.” Here Jung confuses what is objective with what is collectively subjective. What is merely subjective can never become objective. A lie can never become objective however many people believe in it. The conception is objective only if it is true and so objectively real.”

So...First...Logically, this idea of “no causality” must just be ignorance in the context in which synchronicity manifests...because... just because we may think there is no cause involved, or are unable to work out the cause, does not mean there is no cause...because nothing can exist without a cause.

Secondly...we need to sit and contemplate one very important fact which Jung failed to realise:
Thought(a consciousness expression) precedes action or manifestation, and synchronicity is merely an objective phenomena...
So what then could have caused the manifestation of a synchronicity, which is an objective event, which seems to be completely random, unexpected, and seemingly(subjectively) comes from some external source?

And the answer is actually very simple...YOU HAVE CAUSED IT!

Carl Jung, like all psychiatrists and psychoanalysts are not very familiar with brain wave interception by non mechanical means, and certainly not with cycles of events, and influences from higher planetary, solar, or cosmic worlds...let alone what the human constitution actually is, and how we get to interpret these influences or energies.

We should keep in mind that we are all part of many collectives like, family, town, city, region, country, race, planet, human, and we are each also part of the collective of one of the 7 rays or departments in our solar system, which all influence each of us in a very individual way as well as in a collective way. Each of these collectives have intertwining influences on every individual... no wonder we are all so different...and I have not even mentioned the fact that each of us are at our own individual level of consciousness.
Then, also, probably the biggest phenomena that influences us today, on this planet, is telepathy. Telepathy is a phenomena which most people don’t even consider when things pop into their heads... they always just think that it comes from their own thoughts, but this is incorrect.

All of the above are causes which effect and influence how we see the world, and how we react to life, and which make up the very complexity of our individual destiny...but... everyone of them is a subjective event. I am not talking about the objective things collectives create.

So what else can it be that influences us objectively to have a synchronicity seem so significant?

It is the many things we have read about in books and forums and articles and conversations which have absolutely no synchronicity with reality. Thousands of writers and presenters, all over the internet, telling us things they have absolutely no idea just how fictitious they are, and presenting them as facts to their audience, who might be just as ignorant about reality as they are. Of course there are genuine ones as well.
Then we have the biggest culprit... our ever busy minds creating imaginative fictions, and hoping for divine intervention, and wondering when we will suddenly see the light.

Ask yourself why do we not react the same, when we walk out the door and see our car parked there waiting for us to drive to work every morning at the same time, as when we look at the time and see 22:22 or some other number or word or object of our ever expectant imaginative mind? ... and the answer is all about individual rhythm or cycles, and expectations.

When we see a recurring objective manifestation of something we know is just normal, we think nothing of it... but when we see an objective manifestation of something which conjures up some subjective emotional expectation which we believe, or have heard, might signify some message, we think it has significance in our life...when in reality, chances of seeing it has higher odds than one might want to admit...or even realise.

Nothing of what I have written has anything to do with precognition, which is an entirely separate phenomena, and although similarities seem to appear, the causality is very different.

Take care.

17th May 2017, 21:41

“It is quite regrettable that not even such an “authority” as psychoanalyst Jung realizes the difference between subjective and objective. He says that a legend “is psychologically true in so far as it exists. Psychological existence is subjective to the extent that a conception appears in one single individual. But it is objective to the extent that it is established by a society.” Here Jung confuses what is objective with what is collectively subjective. What is merely subjective can never become objective. A lie can never become objective however many people believe in it. The conception is objective only if it is true and so objectively real.”


Yet, if there is one thing that quantum physics has taught us, then it is that objectivity doesn't exist. Everything in the universe is always going to be subjective, because it needs to be subjectively observed in order for it to take on meaning — i.e. the collapse of the wave function. And that in itself, then, is precisely the reason for what we call Creation. ;)

17th May 2017, 22:29
24 hours later lol , meditated upon, collective synchronicity and individual synchronicity imo need to be separated first, but work wonderfulllly together , from experience ( unexpressed pain being the dissipater lol when combined ), dear oh dear, wish I was wordy and very sciency, forge ahead though. Being of the world but not in it or in it but not of it, creates a personal timeline holding hands with as some express, the what is, is is what is happening, nought influence as in O before One ( yes ? ), this timeline One is now may and can with practice observe synchronicity, until one chooses to let holding hands release and allow to repeat the practice till in sync, lol synchronicity is no longer seen if another was watching you, likely you would be considered crazy because your actions in the moment would be observed as totally out of whack.

17th May 2017, 22:55
Yet, if there is one thing that quantum physics has taught us, then it is that objectivity doesn't exist. Everything in the universe is always going to be subjective, because it needs to be subjectively observed in order for it to take on meaning — i.e. the collapse of the wave function. And that in itself, then, is precisely the reason for what we call Creation. ;)
Actually you are quite wrong here...
There is no quantum theory which proves that matter does not exist...at best they say they do not know. This assertion, better called a 'hope to justify their claims', is also a favourite in the Indian philosophies who insist on what they call a formless world.
I am always amazed at the errors which humans make, including all science, and quantum physics, when they believe that physical level experiments can prove what life actually is, when the physical atomic world is 48 levels from the highest level in our Cosmos. The fact is that no physical world instruments are capable, or will ever be capable of identifying even the real atom of the physical world...never mind 48 levels smaller.
Then, the most important thing is that it is clear that what you are lacking in your judgement of your fictitious reality is due to your present ignorance of reality. And by ignorance I mean that you do not know yet, and how many actually do? :) :shocked:

And so I will give you another quote from esoterics, which comes from Pythagoras:
"Existence is a trinity of three equivalent aspects: matter, motion, and consciousness. None of these three can exist without the other two. All matter is in motion and has consciousness.
Matter is composed of primordial atoms, which Pythagoras called monads, the smallest possible parts of primordial matter and the smallest firm points for individual consciousness.
The original cause of motion is the dynamic energy of primordial matter. "

Then I also keep this link for those of you with this strange belief that objectivity does not exist...and that quantum physics has actually taught us this bit of fiction...enjoy..
Please read all the comments by all the quantum scientists and people who are far more in the know about quantum physics than I am interested in.

17th May 2017, 23:32
24 hours later lol , meditated upon, collective synchronicity and individual synchronicity imo need to be separated first, but work wonderfulllly together , from experience ( unexpressed pain being the dissipater lol when combined ), dear oh dear, wish I was wordy and very sciency, forge ahead though. Being of the world but not in it or in it but not of it, creates a personal timeline holding hands with as some express, the what is, is is what is happening, nought influence as in O before One ( yes ? ), this timeline One is now may and can with practice observe synchronicity, until one chooses to let holding hands release and allow to repeat the practice till in sync, lol synchronicity is no longer seen if another was watching you, likely you would be considered crazy because your actions in the moment would be observed as totally out of whack.

The collective synchronicity depends on ones antenna to receiving our universes evolving templates, this is where arkeytypal balancing is important imo, arkeytypes are expressed ( to be understood ) in many differing ways within cultures and peoples and learning your own arkeytypal energy/s to then understand them outside of oneself, being used and walked is hugely important once again ( you may have them already as such from previous lives and simply just need reminding in current one).

PS will add, very important to be logical

18th May 2017, 00:06

“It is quite regrettable that not even such an “authority” as psychoanalyst Jung realizes the difference between subjective and objective. He says that a legend “is psychologically true in so far as it exists. Psychological existence is subjective to the extent that a conception appears in one single individual. But it is objective to the extent that it is established by a society.” Here Jung confuses what is objective with what is collectively subjective. What is merely subjective can never become objective. A lie can never become objective however many people believe in it. The conception is objective only if it is true and so objectively real.”


Yet, if there is one thing that quantum physics has taught us, then it is that objectivity doesn't exist. Everything in the universe is always going to be subjective, because it needs to be subjectively observed in order for it to take on meaning — i.e. the collapse of the wave function. And that in itself, then, is precisely the reason for what we call Creation. ;)

Actually you are quite wrong here...
There is no quantum theory which proves that matter does not exist...at best they say they do not know.

Um, that is not what I said. What I said was that objectivity does not exist. Or at least, not beyond the primordial consciousness of Source.

This primordial consciousness sits even lower than the primordial dichotomy, being the difference between order (i.e. that which has been identified) and chaos (i.e. that which has not (yet) been identified). It is the resolution of this dichotomy which then also demands the existence of the second dichotomy, i.e. the difference between Self and Other. But Other does not exist in and of itself, and so that's where Creation comes into play.

It is difficult to explain this in words that humans can understand, because at that level, designations like "above", "below", "before" and "after" don't exist in the same manner as that we define them in our human minds. Logic is not linear at that level.

This assertion, better called a 'hope to justify their claims', is also a favourite in the Indian philosophies who insist on what they call a formless world.

But I never said anything about that. At the deepest level — or the highest level, depending on your semantics — everything is neither matter nor energy, but simply information. And this is something even mainstream science is now beginning to explore, albeit that not all scientists are convinced that this is indeed the case.

Scientists generally seek to avoid anything ado with spirituality because they feel stupid not being able to explain it by way of formulas and lab experiments — or perhaps I should say that they are afraid of being regarded as stupid by their peers (and whoever pays their grants). The scientific community is as much a cult with a belief system as any other religion, and anyone who doesn't fit in gets ridiculed. So they prefer sticking with empirical materialism instead.

I am always amazed at the errors which humans make, including all science, and quantum physics, when they believe that physical level experiments can prove what life actually is, [...

Well, for what it's worth, I agree with you on that.

...] when the physical atomic world is 48 levels from the highest level in our Cosmos. The fact is that no physical world instruments are capable, or will ever be capable of identifying even the real atom of the physical world...never mind 48 levels smaller.

How do you arrive at the number 48?

Then, the most important thing is that it is clear that what you are lacking in your judgement of your fictitious reality is due to your present ignorance of reality. And by ignorance I mean that you do not know yet, and how many actually do? :) :shocked:

Um, is that the proverbial "you" or the personal "you"? Because if it is the latter, then I happen to have an ace up my sleeve which might surprise you, but which I don't wish to get into here and now.

And so I will give you another quote from esoterics, which comes from Pythagoras:
"Existence is a trinity of three equivalent aspects: matter, motion, and consciousness. None of these three can exist without the other two. All matter is in motion and has consciousness.
Matter is composed of primordial atoms, which Pythagoras called monads, the smallest possible parts of primordial matter and the smallest firm points for individual consciousness.

Pythagoras was not aware yet of the distinction between energetic particles and matter particles, nor of how either of these two types of particles can manifest as waves rather than as particles, depending on the desired outcome of the experiment.

The original cause of motion is the dynamic energy of primordial matter. "

Motion can be caused by inertia, through kinetic energy. On the other hand, motion can also be an essential component of a particle/wave, and at the electromagnetic level, this is true for all matter and energy particles, but the most obvious manifestation of that would be light.

Light can be slowed down and even brought to a halt, but this requires very special measures involving Bose-Einstein condensates. In its natural form and uninhibited by any refractive media, light is always in motion (and on a free-fall geodesic) at the highest possible speed that the fabric of spacetime supports, i.e. c, or 299'792'458 meters per second.

Then I also keep this link for those of you with this strange belief that objectivity does not exist...and that quantum physics has actually taught us this bit of fiction...enjoy..

Quantum physicists have come to the conclusion that objectivity does not exist — which is true — but alas, not out of wisdom. Their deduction is based upon formulas and experiments with the wave-particle duality. When it comes to spirituality and mysticism, they are either groping in the dark or they simply pretend that it doesn't exist for convenience.

When I say that objectivity does not exist, I am talking of the mechanisms of Creation. Source — that which people tend to call "God" — is infinite information, but in pure objectivity. This means that although it is comprised of infinite information, it has no idea whatsoever what this information represents, what it means.

However, part of this information is information about consciousness, and so Source is conscious, but it is not a personal consciousness. It is merely an abstract awareness. That is why, as part of its awareness, Source has become aware that it is unique and alone, and that in order to give meaning to the information it is comprised of, it must concoct subjective experiences. This part of Source is what one would call the Primary Creator. The remaining part of Source is what makes make up for Creation itself — it is "all that is, and all that is not."

And that's what Creation is. Whether it manifests as matter, as electromagnetic radiation, or as whatever else, is all irrelevant. It will manifest in whatever shape or form Source needs it to manifest. The point of it is that it is subjective, and all of it is imbued with a compartmentalized fragment of Source's consciousness, which passes through us all like a stream, or perhaps better explained, as a field that we are all part of. Each of us is a subjective experience, and the space in between us all is taken up by the collective subconsciousness, also known as the noosphere.

Please read all the comments by all the quantum scientists and people who are far more in the know about quantum physics than I am interested in.

I don't need to, because I already know their take on things which they have absolutely no experience with. ;)

18th May 2017, 01:34
pondered for much time on the idea of why is it so important to convince people to be in one camp or another regarding beliefs....
was reading much in this vein and came to see the idea regarding the shamanic battles that would occur from time to time....
the dreamer/shaman who was seeking to take over from another would engage in much mischief and misdirection, sowing seeds of doubt in the minds of the tribe as it was a battle of vision, of dreams....whose was stronger would decide the outcome..
it appears that each individual who accepts a shamans vision/dream would then become a source of power for that shaman/dreamer.... which would explain somewhat why so much effort is expended in getting people to believe in one storyline or another.

18th May 2017, 19:41
synchronicity's ( if that is how you spell it ) are part of a series of phenomena that exist beyond the awareness of your current awareness. As your consciousness expands and your connection to higher aspects of your self become clearer these phenomena become more visible, thus this thread has been created. As your connection to higher aspects of yourself increase so does your awareness and you will become more aware of this phenomena as it seems to be increasing.

When a clear and complete connection to higher aspects of your self has been achieved then you will be aware that it was not yourself creating any phenomena but just your awareness connecting to everything that is, is complete.

What people mostly experience now with synchronization is the sporadic side effects of the universal mind on there natural evolution to complete integration of the universal mind into there current awareness.

synchronicity's stop when you know yourself as the universe as you are, then connection to all that is, is complete and everything that ever has been will be or will not be but will be, is one as one in one moment. Synchronicity can not exist in this state of consciousness expansive awareness, so they are side effects in the process as described.

15th July 2017, 19:52
Aianawa – Great Thread… thank you.

In reading your OP which was written by truthearth (thanks for providing the attribution), a few questions arose. I will quote what prompted my questions -

First you have to be guided throughout the day.

In your opinion, Aianawa, and anyone else who may wish to comment - Who/what is doing the guiding?

15th July 2017, 19:58
In my opinion it's the world. I don't really mean just Earth. I mean the world. That includes your life experience, awake and in the dreamtime, and the energies of all the life around you. The world teaches the lessons you need to learn and shows you what you need to know. That's not all it shows you, but it does show you what you need.

I'm guided by my instincts which are influenced greatly by dreaming. I do believe there are guardians also but they watch and protect more than direct.

You're direction is your own. Thus the need to follow your heart and gut. They can hear the world.

That's what I think, anyway.

15th July 2017, 20:45
Oh Sam, great question, like can you create synchronicity, being another.

Most of us know when we are in sync, watch one person walk through a lions den untouched but next one attacked, why, closer to feeding time lol, first thing to ask unattacked person is, who guides you.

Gale Frierson
16th July 2017, 20:26
How can any one of us initiate or originate a thread here at TOT? Another forum to which I belong has a button for "Starting a New Thread".

16th July 2017, 20:42
How can any one of us initiate or originate a thread here at TOT? Another forum to which I belong has a button for "Starting a New Thread".

Just navigate to the forum category where you would like to start a thread, either via the main forum page (https://jandeane81.com/forum.php) or via the Quick Navigation link at the bottom right of a thread page — there's a button which will pop up a menu with forum categories if you click it — and once you have found the suitable category, look at the top left of the category page, above the listed threads. There will be a button there labeled "+ Post New Thread". ;)

17th July 2017, 16:15
I experience what I call quantum hyper synchronicity. I am not unique and I am not the only one. I do believe I have begun to understand “the formula” for creating such experiences. I have mentioned this same thing in many posts in the past.

The key ingredients to achieving the state where these experience arise in many and profound ways are –

Be open minded to the phenomena. Don’t close your mind or conclude that the appearance of what someone like me would call a synchronicity is nothing but apophenia

Be open minded. Be open minded to psi phenomena, be open minded there’s more to life than what meaninglessly meets the five senses.

Live a life where meaning matters. Look at all that arises in your life where metaphors are observed. Learn about yourself and what is meaningful to you and then start to notice the “things” that appear in your life which can be seen as metaphors to those things meaningful.

And then bring forth from within enthusiasm. I know its heard for so many in this world today but strive to find enthusiasm for life. I have found that the key ingredient (as long as the mind is open) is enthusiasm.

And so today, I experienced once again one of the most mathematically improbable synchronicities… one filled with personal meaning.

Here’s the story and artifacts –

Around 10:30 am (my time, central time) I completed and submitted the following post.


I then had to take my step-daughter to work and then go pick up my daughter-in-law and granddaughter to take the granddaughter to the doctor. As I was driving east on Mockingbird Lane at perhaps 10 minutes before 11 AM, I found myself thinking more about Corey and Simon and then Shane. And what I was thinking about was that just between those three alt media personalities, I experienced hearing (and in two of the three cases was told directly) a pretty precise description of the mythical “space god” Anu. I recall thinking that I wish folks could be me in this case… meaning I wish they could have experienced what I experienced which was that the three descriptions were significantly different where it was absolutely clear that if one of the three had actually seen and been with an actual Anu, the undeniable fact was that the other two hadn’t (well… unless… But I need to address this one later and it is important to address).

But before I go further with the story, the reader has to know some background and that background is this –
In my previous studies that go back to the 90s, I had once read Sitchin’s, The 12th Planet and I was fascinated with what he suggested. Relevant to the story I am sharing now, I have always recalled that Anu was assigned a number in the Sumerian number system. That number is the highest number in their number system which is the number 60. See - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexagesimal
Why I had always remembered this is in part because I had come to own (and cherish) a divination deck of cards called, the Crop Circle Cards – a deck of 64 cards. I also had always recalled that the first card I ever drew as Card 60 Starseed Spiral. In fact, here’s documentation of a reference I made to this on this very forum back on September 30, 2012.

Now prior to having made this post, I had also made an interesting connection between the word, Dracula, and the number 60. I recall I made this discovery in 2010 when I had developed what I call “English Language Gematria” which is essentially the same as Pythagorean Numerology but where I use two digits when the English language alphabet letters go past the letter I where J = 10, K = 11, L = 12 and so forth.
So when one does “this” with the word Dracula, one gets –

D = 4
r = 18
a = 1
c = 3
u = 21
l = 12
a = 1
and when you add all that up you get

Why this is quite synchronicitous is that (and for those who recall) Simon had always referred to the scary 4D being he had been in contact with as “Daddy Drac.” In time it came forth that Simon either stated, or agreed that Daddy Drac was Anu. Note also that Anu had become associated with the Alpha Draconis who were depicted by so many in this alternative community to be “the bad guy Reptilians.”

And so when we also consider how Shane had written as “Dracon” on TOT and who had shared with his friends how he was (just as Simon) a “son of Anu” and Corey also wrote extensively back in 2015 of his “secret space program meetings” where he was in direct contact with Anu… you get a glimpse of what is in the safest place of my memory… having been in relationship with Corey to some extent, with Shane to a great extent and then, interestingly enough because of Corey Goode, I had become entangled with Simon Parkes…

Here’s a post related to this and demonstrates as just one example how I have for a long time tied much of this together

So….. back to where I was at before I shared this background… driving down Mockingbird Lane, a three lane street going both directions with a big fat set of grass filled dividers between the east bound lanes and the west bound lanes… while focusing heavily on this Anu character I suddenly see one of those City grass mowers directly ahead mowing one of these center patches. Within seconds I was upon it when I saw a big, bold sticker on the back of the guys mower with a huge number 60! If folks only knew how profoundly often this number 60 and Anu and Dracula seem to pop up all together in my life literally seconds apart you would understand the impact this has upon me.

In fact, I was so blown away by this that I hung a u-turn as fast as I could as I had to grab a photo of this mower and the number 60. And as soon as I past the guy again, I did another u-turn so I could come up behind him again to take the pic. What was funny is that when I slowed down the guy seemed to sense my presence and he whipped the mower around so as to face me. When he did that I saw that the same number 60 appeared to be spray painted to the front of the mower. I was almost at a full stop just past him with my window down and my cell phone camera aimed right at him out my car window. Clearly the guy thought I was a nut and was pretty freaked at what I was trying to do and started spinning the mower around to where I couldn’t get a good picture but somehow I snapped this one just as he seemed ready to get off the mower and come after me!

to be continued...

17th July 2017, 16:27
Ok so perhaps nothing but a coincidence… nothing to worry about here… as David Icke would say, but what do ya’ll think about what happened next?

Understand I am now in an even more heightened and excited state regarding this phenomena and as I continue onto my destination… no more than two to three minutes after taking the photo, I find myself listening to the radio where I am suddenly hearing an advertisement for some sort of mother’s day gift by a company called Shari’s Berries –
http://www.berries.com/?ref=SHBSRCHgoogkwdbrand_shari%2339s%2339+berries_ e_c_&prid=SHBCDBS15
where when it came time for the hook they said, “Get a special discount by ordering before Mother’s Day – just insert Promo Code 6060.”

Ha! 6060… impossible.

This happened just as I turned right onto Northwest Highway and I recall thinking… “if the next number I see is 60, I will totally lose it.” Alas I immediately spotted a speed limit sign but the sign said 45 miles an hour… oh well. (again... to be continued)

17th July 2017, 16:39
And so I picked up Kim and Hollie and then drove back the direction I had come while sharing my crazy story with Hollie. Just as we got close to where the mower guy should have been I told Hollie to keep an eye out for him. But we soon passed where he had been just 15 – 20 minutes before and I was sad as I wanted her to see it. And so just as I gave up hope, I saw a city truck with its flashing yellow and blue lights on top with a trailer attached and there in the trailer was the mower! And it made sense the guy was probably headed for lunch break and so we both laughed. Then seconds later just as we approached the next light, which was red, we stopped behind a pickup truck that strangle displayed a bunch of stickers on the back window where in the top left corner was the number 45 and in the bottom right corner was a different type and color of sticker but was again the number 45!

So I remembered the 45 mile an hour sign and told Hollie about what I had thought just after hearing the 6060 and where the next number I had seen was 45.

I then thought for a sec that the first 60 added with 60 and 60 (from the 6060) would equal 180 and that if Hollie and I saw another 45 right away that that would make four 45s which would also add to 180. I then told her that we should see what the next license plate number might be that we would come upon next and so just as I said this, a car passed us on our left where we saw 6 characters where only two were numbers and the numbers were together but they were not 45… they were 59. And we both said, “ahhhhhhhhh” in disappointment. And then it hit me – 59… 5 and 9… 5 x 9…. 5 x p = 45! And I exclaimed this excitedly to Hollie and again we burst out laughing.

This is an example of the experiences that have filled my life since 2012 and my resurrection from the worst imaginable ‘dark night of the soul’ event one could imagine and which this very forum, Project Avalon, played a central role in this resurrection coming true because it was the folks here who gave me hope that no, I am not crazy and yes… this is all real and not a figment of some marijuana induced hallucination.

And so if someone has read this far you might recall the post I linked above where I mention, Anu, Sitchin, Daddy Drac and Simon where then in the very next post (of which I was also the author), I state the following…
“As far as what I have learned about the "transhumanist agenda" one of the concerning goals is the attempt to hook the mind of an individual up to an internet manned by centralized computers whose software has been developed by a small group within humanity. And that the fear of this is not about the ability for the individual to access massive amounts of information rapidly but that the individual can be manipulated by "thoughts" being placed into their heads by this small 3rd party group.”

And now I add this comment…

Imagine that we truly create the reality that reflects back to us and that this reality comes forth most entirely from the 90-95% or more of our consciousness we call the sub conscious?

My conclusions have led me to forming the following “formula.”

Sam’s formula in creating synchronicities –

Use the following ingredients in the order presented

Open the mind to the phenomena of Synchronicity

Throw into the mix an authentic (meaning from deep within the heart) enthusiasm for both, life and the phenomena – stoke the joy!

And watch the meaningful experiences swell up from the combination of your individuated self and the “all possibility” within the collectively experienced shared reality

And enjoy

But also… and I am exploring the following that has arisen as a human habit…
Which is that as synchronicities arise, all too often the individual begins to travel the road of the following –

First they interpret the synchronicities

Then they begin to form conclusions about the synchronicities

And it is here that I am beginning to see as “where trouble all too often begins.”

More on this in later posts.

17th July 2017, 18:14
After all those 60 s and their, for you entanglement, were you happy for the completion sequences of 9 afterwards.

Love hearing your stories and feeling s Sam.

17th July 2017, 19:05
The "finale" of the story... which took hundreds of words and a few photos to set up demonstrated the following...

That perhaps my theory has validity when we look at the odds -

The first factor involves license plates here in Texas - most have four numerical characters, many have three and less have two.

The very next car that went by (just after I made the declaration) had two numerical characters.

And considering there are 100 possibilities for what those two characters could be, we were looking for a 45.

What we got was a 59 which, if broken down to two digits and multiplied equals 45. This also means that the two characters could have been 95 which would also have the same realtionship to 45 as 59 does. In addition, we could also consider 54 as 54 is 45 backwards.

This reduces the set for two numerical characters having some link tangible link to 45 down to one in twenty five, still a 4% chance within the two numerical license plates. When we then consider how few, relative to three numerical character and four numerical character licence plates that most likely passed by (as we also could have witnessed a "vanity" license plate or an out of state license plater where we do not know the rules/odds... this likely brings the odds down to well below 4% and perhaps lower than 1%.

So again... we had all the ingredients going for us - primarily enthusiasm... and, like magic, a bona fide synch is essentially "conjured up" into our reality experience... or... maybe it was just coincidence or... something else?

After all those 60 s and their, for you entanglement, were you happy for the completion sequences of 9 afterwards.

Love hearing your stories and feeling s Sam.

and 6s and 9s... add them together and we get 15 and we see that 3 x 15 = 45 and 4 x 15 = 60... the two major numbers of the story being 60 and 45.

17th July 2017, 19:39
I back your experience completely Sam, my life revolves around number and synchronicity, when it slows it is time to balance, reflect and pat the cats.

17th July 2017, 20:17
I back your experience completely Sam, my life revolves around number and synchronicity, when it slows it is time to balance, reflect and pat the cats.

I appreciate your feedback as now I am able to ask you this question... but first, know that the question is meant to ask you engage in a dialogue and I have no idea or conclusion that I wish to impose on anyone (you or anyone else).

When you first started experiencing synchronicities and I mean, to the level where you felt like these experiences are far beyond what might randomly occur... do you recall interpreting those experiences as, perhaps, "messages" to you?

17th July 2017, 20:25

17th July 2017, 21:58

That was how I used to interpret it. But then, after series of synchronicity strings led me to the consideration I, like Simon Parkes and Shane, might be a son of Anu, where then I ended up getting so deeply involved with Shane (and rose to what I believe at the time was Shane's 2nd or 3rd closest supporter and confidant)... that after I had somehow reached a point where I could no longer deny the loud voice in my gut that screamed Shane's stories were just... stories and I then suffered quite a depression not just because the illusion (for me) fell apart, but that the result was an experience of an internet lynch mob of proportions I wouldn't wish on any other, I then started to ask the following.

"If these synchronicities were messages from "something" then who/what is that something? ...and what then can be the purposes of said messages?"

to be continued...

18th July 2017, 06:32
I somewhat understand what your saying, many people have continual synchronicity every day and are unaware of it, feel Your synchronicity continued during zour experience and outside influence or persons were playing with your mind.

18th July 2017, 16:29
I somewhat understand what your saying, many people have continual synchronicity every day and are unaware of it, feel Your synchronicity continued during zour experience and outside influence or persons were playing with your mind.

If someone has continual synchronicity and are "unaware of it" - who then knows it?

And if no one else "is aware of it" (and are able to make a bona fide case that a specific experience is meaningful, and based on data, a fair case can be made it is a true synchronicity) then how can any of us say "many people have continual synchronicity every day?"

I will now open up another can of worms...

ahhh and another question - if "outside influence or persons were playing with your mind" then is the one being played with a helpless "victim" or can they do something about that?

I will state right now what is my firmest opinion and that is that only the individual "being played with" can do anything about that. In fact, perhaps if "outside psychic attacks" can actually effect another, it is all and only up to that other to prevent such attacks or resolve such attacks if/when they happen. And I say this because what other solutions are there for such possibilities? I know there are all sorts of folks out there willing to counsel on this type of thing and I certainly support that but there are also others who sell themselves to have powers to stop such attacks... and this course (to me) appears to be like catching fish for someone else instead of teaching them to fish. And then finally, there are the ones who act as if they would teach another to fish but they create a dependency on their teaching which never ends... Teach, teach a few times and then... let go. That (IMO) is the only wise way to go.

18th July 2017, 17:09
Imo nope nope nope and nope, yes.

Someone else can stop an attack happening on someone else.
Know your own mind to not be played.
One knows synchronicity and when they are in it because it is happening.
The individual playing is actually imo only playing themself, the others mind and imo soul connection.
Watched a doco where the rapists showed how they chose, what they searched for, weakness, body posture, predictability, gullibility, easy prey and one also sensed, he said.

18th July 2017, 20:30
Imo nope nope nope and nope, yes.

Someone else can stop an attack happening on someone else.
Know your own mind to not be played.
One knows synchronicity and when they are in it because it is happening.
The individual playing is actually imo only playing themself, the others mind and imo soul connection.
Watched a doco where the rapists showed how they chose, what they searched for, weakness, body posture, predictability, gullibility, easy prey and one also sensed, he said.

Apologies, but I should have asked these questions better... they just flowed out the first time. Anyways, I got lost trying to understand your responses but I am very interested in them so let me try this -

If someone has continual synchronicity and are "unaware of it" - who (other than them) then could know or be aware that one could exist?

I ask this question because it seems you may be saying that people have them regardless of whether they are aware of it or not. And this may be true, but how can we know that it is true? If we cannot know that it is true, then all we can do is assume it is (or assume it is not), yes?

18th July 2017, 20:45
they be very happy and everything going perfect for them, mostly.
people are having synchronicities unknowingly imo.
once again when your in it and know it, it is.

18th July 2017, 21:15
May be easier to explain when you see everything is synchronicity.

18th July 2017, 21:36
they be very happy and everything going perfect for them, mostly.
people are having synchronicities unknowingly imo.
once again when your in it and know it, it is.

Ok gotcha... response time but first (and I almost wish to post the following in every post I make with regards to the phenomena of synchronicity)...

I would like to share my views on this and wish to emphasize that these are just my current views and thus subject to change.

I also wish to emphasize that these views are pretty much opinions based on my own experiences with the phenomena and then forming some "provisional conclusions" about the phenomena.

Lastly, I must add that though I have some provisional conclusions and I am reasonably certain about many of these conclusions, I do not have the same strength of certainty that these conclusions apply to others.

once again when your in it and know it, it is.

I agree but cannot prove this statement to be true, even if only true for myself. I can say that to another based on my experience, but that is still just an assumption I have (it isn't yet proven). I totally understand the statement and in fact, in my earlier days when I first started to notice the phenomena and that these experiences seemed to be more than just simple coincidence, I would say the same thing. But I have striven to research the phenomena more closely the last 5 or so years... to try and "prove" (as best as can be done) the phenomena itself and what factors might go into the creation of these synchronicity experiences... in fact also, to attempt to prove they are not just coincidences (as skeptics often say).

And so how I have attempted to handle this is by paying close attention to the details of a synchronicity experience, then document as much as I can about the experience and then also to bring into the documentation as many artifacts as I can such that I would be able to make a better "circumstantial evidence case" for putting forth the conclusion that a synchronicity actually occurred... a case where a third party that was not an experiencer to the synchronicity event might still agree that indeed it was a bona fide synchronicity event.

people are having synchronicities unknowingly imo.

This indeed could be true. I certainly want to believe it is true. The problem is that if an individual is having some but nver know it and no third party observer is able to recognize these synchronicities, document them and back them up with artifacts, how would even just a circumstantial case be made that they actually occur unknown to anyone? I don't feel we can automatically say they occur. I feel we can speculate they may be occurring, but unless there's some form of third party recognition of these synchronicities as they arise or where artifactual data is discovered after the fact where a case could be made for it, but in the case of the latter here, it would be too easy to simply call those coincidences. I find that the real-time, unfolding synchronicity strings to be better at building any case there was an actual synchronicity.

I then considered your first statement...

they be very happy and everything going perfect for them, mostly.

If I am interpreting this right, here's what I think you are saying... That a person who is happy and has everything going for them is living in synchronicity with (and I must use a metaphor here) "the benevolent will of the Universe." In other words... I think you might be saying that when we go with the flow, we are not only in synch but also, we experience more "confirmation of that" from the Universe in the form of being provided all sorts of "a-ha" experiences almost as if the Universe is saying, "Thank You for allowing yourself to be in My flow" instead of fighting against the will of the Universe.

If I sort of interpret what you meant correctly, I greatly understand that. At the same time, it almost seems to suggest there is a "me" and there's "a Universe" and that we are two separate parties. But also... at the same time and paradoxically, "I" am in the Universe, a part of the Universe and thus certainly not separate.

And for the record, my opinion is that both are true!

May be easier to explain when you see everything is synchronicity.

And this is an interesting view and one I have explored. And I have yet to find any way to prove it (either way as true or not). And if true, then is the concept of "free will" (meaning that an individual could use their own will independent of the will of the Universe) a silly notion?

18th July 2017, 22:34
Imo one has the free will to create potentials, negate potentials and be potentials, be potentials in synchronicity, excuse me will mull the rest at breakfast time Sam.

23rd July 2017, 00:24
Can one perform any operation at the level of their consciousness known by some as "the waking state, fully alert" (5% or so) part of their consciousness (100%) which might excite "the reality" in such a way that "the reality" responds by producing manifest phenomena... phenomena that is particularly meaningful to that one?

If so, is it possible that this would likely involve (and perhaps need to involve) the massive sub conscious?

23rd July 2017, 07:20
Unsure of what your enquiring upon, the sandwhich filling may involve karma, free will, potentials, past and or future lives etc.
Imo there are many evolved humans upon Earth, their choice of expression being simply to anchor their consciousness or help others fufull themselves or be in joy or some such, synchronicity may appear to stop completely for one, once they are embodied within the what is, as they are now part of the wave, needed not to be the wave, to be.

24th July 2017, 01:05
Can one act through their waking state, fully alert" (5% or so) part of their consciousness (100%), in other words, can ne consciously create an intention that then might manifest?

If so, could that intention be, for example, that person X falls in love with person Y (assuming the one "acting" is neither person X or person Y... call that person, person Z.

Could person Z do some form of mental/emotional exercise (such as a white or black magic act/ritual) that could cause person X to fall in love with person Y? (again... just as an example)

24th July 2017, 10:24
Still a wee bit lost to what your wishing to know, are you able to spell it out better.

When a seeker sits with a master, a transmuter, they too will alight.

24th July 2017, 12:19
Your will and intent have creative powers. You can manifest. But trying to do that to make someone else fall in love with someone is different, imo. You're not just manifesting something, you're controlling and possibly taking over part of the will of someone else. That is not such a good idea and probably not so easy to manifest. Bending someone else's will in that way is a kind of black magic.

Synchronicity is something that happens naturally, imo. Thus it can be a sign. When people are looking for something they see it more often. I'm not sure what difference that makes other than awareness. Perhaps appreciation and wonder instead of ho hum.

I try not to engage in fear when I experience synchronicity or deja vu. An important moment or time doesn't have to be negative.

24th July 2017, 14:17
Your will and intent have creative powers. You can manifest. But trying to do that to make someone else fall in love with someone is different, imo. You're not just manifesting something, you're controlling and possibly taking over part of the will of someone else. That is not such a good idea and probably not so easy to manifest. Bending someone else's will in that way is a kind of black magic.

The "falling in love" thing was an example but it was indeed an example in bending the will of another - good catch. Understand that my question was not "should one do this" it was "can one do this?"

Here is an example of someone using "magick" to place a hex on Trump -


“I’m in line with Yoko [Ono] and John [Lennon] and the belief that there’s a power to the vibration of a thought. Your thoughts are very powerful things and they become words, and words become actions, and actions lead to physical charges.”

24th July 2017, 14:43
Yes Sam, what you ask is done often by manipulators, to be fufulled, to be in control, for energy and or attention.

24th July 2017, 14:49
I read about the hex back when it was first happening. We talked about it here. My impression from a few different people was that they view it as binding him from doing bad. It's affecting his will, which isn't good. It's supposed to be stopping him from doing greater harm. I don't know how valid that is or whether something like that can even work. I imagine a great deal depends on what energies join in. Most who were involved seemed to be describing themselves as white magic users. Bending the will is a grey area at best, imo.

I'm not as extreme as Dumpy who believes that even dreaming of the future is cheating because it bends the will. I say, if I see something that guides me to make a better choice or avoid injury or worse, I'm down with it. I'm not being guided by entities. I scout things out in dreams.

I almost never tell anyone what to do. Their choices are their responsibility. If I could cast a spell to influence Trump to actually take responsibility for what he does, I'd cast it in a heartbeat. However, that's something that has to come from the heart. I don't believe he has the heart for it.

24th July 2017, 14:53
Sending blessings, love, light etc without intent, to Trump or whomever, is better than sitting on a fence or nothing, imo.

24th July 2017, 14:55
I like that, Aianawa. I agree, good intentions without trying to control can possibly have good outcome, even in spite of the man.

24th July 2017, 14:59
I love the purrfection so far from Trump, the atm is so impossible pre 2012 12 21, no one, even Trump, knows what is next or the reaction to what is next, that is the popcorn of the soap opera so far.

Dumpster Diver
24th July 2017, 17:44
I'm starting to think I'm a synchronicity event.

I got one for you:

...why do all the clocks, TVs, etc blink the same number 12:00 when unplugged?!


24th July 2017, 18:06
Really, in a way, numbers can and do give synchronicity, time is nature, time for humans is energy expressed, some say art one creates.
Clocks were at first a toy with little to no use, vatican cloak of time is money and 12 moons is, instead of nature is.

24th July 2017, 18:32
I read about the hex back when it was first happening. We talked about it here. My impression from a few different people was that they view it as binding him from doing bad. It's affecting his will, which isn't good. It's supposed to be stopping him from doing greater harm. I don't know how valid that is or whether something like that can even work. I imagine a great deal depends on what energies join in. Most who were involved seemed to be describing themselves as white magic users. Bending the will is a grey area at best, imo.

I'm not as extreme as Dumpy who believes that even dreaming of the future is cheating because it bends the will. I say, if I see something that guides me to make a better choice or avoid injury or worse, I'm down with it. I'm not being guided by entities. I scout things out in dreams.

I almost never tell anyone what to do. Their choices are their responsibility. If I could cast a spell to influence Trump to actually take responsibility for what he does, I'd cast it in a heartbeat. However, that's something that has to come from the heart. I don't believe he has the heart for it.

Several related comments -

First -

From what I have learned through study and discussion with "witches, black magicians, so called "white" magicians, etc." a "hex" is the casting of negative energy in a generic way such that the result may increase the target's experience of "bad luck" such that the target would be derailed in some form or even "eliminated" from the current 3D shared reality experience. I can certainly see "the binding" result as one result of "a hex" but I think "a hex" could have many satisfactory results, not just binding.

If this type of "magick" is believed to work, I have always theorized that the degree to which it works depends on the degree of emotion pushed through the being (and through their sub-conscious) to how that being connects with "the All" which of course then would connect to all other beings. Essentially my theory is that if an individual's 5% waking state, fully self aware consciousness is able to derive an action that would end up achieving that person's goal, it uses the flow as my theory states. I am sure I am not alone in being open to this theory as to how magick is processed but I do have more to propose here (using the consideration my theory may be true).

I like the suggestion you make after using the phrase "describing themselves as white magic users" and I whole heartedly agree. Any "will bending" is at best "grey" and in fact, I see all that as actually "black." For this reason I do not consciously participate in any form of "magick" which now touches on what you have sated is DD's self limit... and I share a form of that same self limit. I do not in any way want to "know my future." Thus I do not have "my fortune" told. I like the surprises of life as they unfold. Actions I consciously take to create results are always done in 5D. Having said that, I also see us all as complex beings and one of those complexities is that we appear to be "magickal beings." That the interaction of of conscious will and desire, combined with our imaginative abilities... fused through our individuated sub conscious into the endless sea of All Consciousness (capitalized simply out of respect) seems powerful and seems to be what drives the manifestation of the very reality we experience as it unfolds.

So is dreaming of the future done intentionally or does it sometimes simply happen? If intentionally done, I view that (for myself only and do not impose this opinion on any other) as cheating. If I happen to have an experience where I realized I dreamed about it then I just see that as one of the many capabilities of what I am... a complex multi-level being.

I all too often speak with others in ways that seem persuasive and thus, to the less confident, seem to suggest what they should think or do. I feel I have to be consciously aware of this and to strive to limit that as much as possible. I have become pretty good at not directly telling anyone what they should do, even when they ask... I usually respond that "based on what I know and things that are important to me... this is probably what I might think or do."

I desire to see Trump take responsibility for what he does. I strive to take responsibility for what I do. I desire to see everyone taking responsibility for what they do frankly.

24th July 2017, 18:41
Sending blessings, love, light etc without intent, to Trump or whomever, is better than sitting on a fence or nothing, imo.

This is precisely what I strive to do. In fact, and I have posted about this before... certainly at PA but likely also here... that I created a term for this form of "magick" that I call - Clear Magick.

Here's my summary of this form of magick.

When I observe something that I find generates a significant emotive reaction within me, especially if that emotion is seen by my conscious, waking state 5% consciousness as not the kind of reaction I am proud to own, I then utilize my individuated, conscious waking state 5% to consider "better" (from my best assessment of what would be "the highest road" and "better for all... speaking of a better emotion) and then I work to reconvert that negative energy into positive energy where I then cast it back out into the reality through the flow described above and with the full power of my transformed emotion but then I stop right there!

I do not form pictures as to what results I desire to see. I instead hand the ball off to "the Wisdom of the Universe" and then I focus on bolstering my faith that indeed this Wisdom knows best and will do the best.

An easy example is when I see someone abusing another. I initially get angry but then, I see e better emotive response may be to "see with understanding" and thus I then transform that energy into understanding and push that out.

Note that doing this does not mean I sit back and allow someone to be harmed when I might be able to stop it.

Thus... the Serenity Prayer comes in handy as well.

24th July 2017, 19:00
I think magic is best when it's natural. Like the perfect opportunity that comes at just the right time.

If the dreaming comes naturally, then it's natural magic. I don't go to fortune tellers or anything but for slightly different reasons. They're either a mentalist or they're really psychic. I don't need to pay a mentalist to 'read' me and then tell me what I want to hear. I don't want a stranger to be looking at me intimately in a psychic way, so I won't be paying for that either.

Instincts are also magic because they're connected to nature. If I let my ego or emotions or 'need to be right' get in the way I won't hear my instincts and I might have trouble.

Rituals are a tool for focusing energy into intent and will. They often bring in outside energies. It's a little like playing with fire to me. I'm very careful about the rituals I engage in, including going to church. There are very powerful emotions at play during services. The last time I went to one I almost felt like crying and there was no immediate personal reason. It was more than the beauty of the music (at that moment), it was also all the people together there and the collective ritual.

24th July 2017, 19:16
Can you explain this 5% please Sam.

24th July 2017, 21:52
Can you explain this 5% please Sam.

Of course the number, 5%, is not precise and likely various from individual to individual.

But the reference I make is commonly known among consciousness researchers. It could also be considered a tenant of "mainstream consciousness studies."

see here -

25th July 2017, 05:36
Okay, cheers Sam.

This 95% may be used without awareness by someone, is your question, yes.
Feelings come into this matter i believe because one will feel, unless unable.

31st July 2017, 02:04
Hi Aianawa,

I thought you might enjoy my video evidence of a magical conjuration / synchronicity I was involved with a year ago.

To have context, this was my last day of a trip I had to take to Curacao. The purpose was to get a single piece of paper that my wife and I needed for her to be granted her residency to the US so she could join me in the US. So I flew my wife to Curacao from Medellin, Colombia and I flew in from Dallas Texas, USA.

We stayed at the Curacao Marriott which happened to be where we celebrated our honeymoon many years before, so it was a true second honeymoon.

More - Up to this moment, we had been married for almost 14 years but have had to live apart the last four years leading up to this trip. The reason for the terribly long separation was that my work had me back in the US and Cristina is from and was living in Colombia as her daughter was about to graduate from High School... so to understand, we were in a fearful situation leading up to this trip that if the trip did not prove successful (that we obtain the "Good Conduct Report" we need), we may need to start the US immigration process all over again. Fortunately though, all had gone well on the trip and we were promised the report would be provided well before our deadline... and so this was the last day of that 17 day trip.

One more thing... on the second day of the trip, Cristina spotted a pelican and told me she loved these birds... they were special for her.

So now you have context with regards to this "real time" (video recorded) experience.


2nd August 2017, 19:46
Tranquill vid Sam.

3rd August 2017, 22:30
Tranquill vid Sam.

Man I am glad to see you back... I was sorta worried (foolishly) when I hadn't seen a post from you for several days.

3rd August 2017, 22:58
Was in Salzberg a few days to end our trip abroad, not able to connect up to TOT, annoying lol.

Cheers for your concern Sam, the pelicans flying after you said of, xlent.

27th April 2018, 11:39
Still, free will needs redefining as we evolve, imo

Ok gotcha... response time but first (and I almost wish to post the following in every post I make with regards to the phenomena of synchronicity)...

I would like to share my views on this and wish to emphasize that these are just my current views and thus subject to change.

I also wish to emphasize that these views are pretty much opinions based on my own experiences with the phenomena and then forming some "provisional conclusions" about the phenomena.

Lastly, I must add that though I have some provisional conclusions and I am reasonably certain about many of these conclusions, I do not have the same strength of certainty that these conclusions apply to others.

I agree but cannot prove this statement to be true, even if only true for myself. I can say that to another based on my experience, but that is still just an assumption I have (it isn't yet proven). I totally understand the statement and in fact, in my earlier days when I first started to notice the phenomena and that these experiences seemed to be more than just simple coincidence, I would say the same thing. But I have striven to research the phenomena more closely the last 5 or so years... to try and "prove" (as best as can be done) the phenomena itself and what factors might go into the creation of these synchronicity experiences... in fact also, to attempt to prove they are not just coincidences (as skeptics often say).

And so how I have attempted to handle this is by paying close attention to the details of a synchronicity experience, then document as much as I can about the experience and then also to bring into the documentation as many artifacts as I can such that I would be able to make a better "circumstantial evidence case" for putting forth the conclusion that a synchronicity actually occurred... a case where a third party that was not an experiencer to the synchronicity event might still agree that indeed it was a bona fide synchronicity event.

This indeed could be true. I certainly want to believe it is true. The problem is that if an individual is having some but nver know it and no third party observer is able to recognize these synchronicities, document them and back them up with artifacts, how would even just a circumstantial case be made that they actually occur unknown to anyone? I don't feel we can automatically say they occur. I feel we can speculate they may be occurring, but unless there's some form of third party recognition of these synchronicities as they arise or where artifactual data is discovered after the fact where a case could be made for it, but in the case of the latter here, it would be too easy to simply call those coincidences. I find that the real-time, unfolding synchronicity strings to be better at building any case there was an actual synchronicity.

I then considered your first statement...

If I am interpreting this right, here's what I think you are saying... That a person who is happy and has everything going for them is living in synchronicity with (and I must use a metaphor here) "the benevolent will of the Universe." In other words... I think you might be saying that when we go with the flow, we are not only in synch but also, we experience more "confirmation of that" from the Universe in the form of being provided all sorts of "a-ha" experiences almost as if the Universe is saying, "Thank You for allowing yourself to be in My flow" instead of fighting against the will of the Universe.

If I sort of interpret what you meant correctly, I greatly understand that. At the same time, it almost seems to suggest there is a "me" and there's "a Universe" and that we are two separate parties. But also... at the same time and paradoxically, "I" am in the Universe, a part of the Universe and thus certainly not separate.

And for the record, my opinion is that both are true!

And this is an interesting view and one I have explored. And I have yet to find any way to prove it (either way as true or not). And if true, then is the concept of "free will" (meaning that an individual could use their own will independent of the will of the Universe) a silly notion?

28th June 2018, 13:39
Jung described the pairing or clustering of events through meaningful coincidence as an “acausal” phenomenon.

But this does not mean that there is no cause for coincidence. "Beyond the accidental surface effects of this world sit - as of yore - the gods," Joseph Campbell declared.

The physical forces that play with us through coincidence may include our parallel selves in parallel universes, interacting with our world in constant and complex weavings through what quantum physics has taught us to call “interference” patterns, forever shifting the balance of probabilities for any specific outcome.

Richard Wilhelm’s account of the Chinese rainmaker contains the essence of a worldview in which the human mind and the external world form a whole. A village has been without rain for weeks. The desperate villagers send for a rainmaker. When the old man arrives, he shuts himself up in the house provided for him, performing no ceremonies until the rains come. When asked how he brought the rain, he explains that when he arrived he noted a state of disharmony in himself, so he retired to compose himself. When he restored his own equilibrium, the rain came according to its natural pattern.

As we become more awake to what is going on, we may become personal magnets for coincidence, “strange attractors” that draw more and more interesting and unexpected encounters and events toward us. The brilliant analyst and classicist Marie-Louise von Franz, who knew both Jung and Pauli well, alluded to this: “The larger our consciousness is, and the more it develops, the more we get hold of certain aspects of the spirit of the unconscious, draw it into our own subjective sphere, and then call it our own psychic activity or our own spirit.”

Source (http://mossdreams.blogspot.com)

29th June 2018, 09:48
Yes, one could boil it all down to Know Thyself, because then out their becomes like in here, known, synchronicities are beholdened and now examined.

7th July 2018, 13:42
I went to a funeral yesterday. The priest spoke about the person's life and how that person always celebrated life, was always interested in the family's stories, always took pleasure in the joys of life and living, and the importance of love.

Just that morning I had read the following excerpt from the epic of Gilgamesh:

“Gilgamesh, where are you roaming? You will never find the eternal life that you seek. When the Gods created mankind, they also created death. They held back eternal life for themselves alone.

“Humans are born, they live and then they die. This is the order the Gods have decreed. But until the end comes, enjoy your life. Spend it in happiness, not despair.

“Savor your food, make each of your days a delight. Bathe and anoint yourself, wear bright clothes that are sparkling clean. Let music and dancing fill your house. Love the child who holds you by the hand, give your wife pleasure in your embrace. That is the best way for a man to live.”

I read it to some family after the service and they agreed that it was beautifully relevant.

8th July 2018, 01:51
Indeed Epic.

I went to a funeral yesterday. The priest spoke about the person's life and how that person always celebrated life, was always interested in the family's stories, always took pleasure in the joys of life and living, and the importance of love.

Just that morning I had read the following excerpt from the epic of Gilgamesh:

I read it to some family after the service and they agreed that it was beautifully relevant.

6th May 2020, 00:40
Long time between posts, today accidently of FB a post of an old friend living in a tiny house, blog. He taught me how to make gypsy bread and assisted me when living with the gypsies and ancient Waitaha


An amazing soul indeed

20th September 2020, 09:30
24 hours later lol , meditated upon, collective synchronicity and individual synchronicity imo need to be separated first, but work wonderfulllly together , from experience ( unexpressed pain being the dissipater lol when combined ), dear oh dear, wish I was wordy and very sciency, forge ahead though. Being of the world but not in it or in it but not of it, creates a personal timeline holding hands with as some express, the what is, is is what is happening, nought influence as in O before One ( yes ? ), this timeline One is now may and can with practice observe synchronicity, until one chooses to let holding hands release and allow to repeat the practice till in sync, lol synchronicity is no longer seen if another was watching you, likely you would be considered crazy because your actions in the moment would be observed as totally out of whack.

Years pass and syncs sync with more love and guidance than ever, hope all here also.

27th February 2021, 20:19
Synchronicity is becoming for some atm is becoming shockingly obvious, for me very nice indeed, sign of the times, would like to hear where other members here are with this facet of life nowadays.

Emil El Zapato
27th February 2021, 21:21
Just a few examples this week, I might be inclined to call it 'coincidence'

Not sure yet ... :)

27th February 2021, 21:26
I've mentioned it on other threads. Many times saying or thinking something and then a person on the TV or radio or nearby says what I just said.

Synchronicity with threes and nines.

27th February 2021, 21:26
Good, best to not believe until one see's it or knows it.

Emil El Zapato
27th February 2021, 21:27
There's one right now, DT ... I just mentioned 'other threads' in one of my posts in the last couple of minutes ... :)

27th February 2021, 21:28
Simultaneous post synch! (with Aianawa)

Emil El Zapato
27th February 2021, 21:30
lol ... to paraphrase Mr. Aianawa ... 'tis true

27th February 2021, 21:30
Tisa rite

27th February 2021, 21:32
Now you two did it!

(I know there are seconds between, but the time stamp's still a match)

27th February 2021, 21:36
Gosh you two are getting all cuddly lol

Emil El Zapato
27th February 2021, 21:37
Sympatico is the term I would use ... nice try though Aianawa

27th February 2021, 22:50
Nope no n ниет Nap, was cuddly

28th February 2021, 05:38
You and NAP got cuddly there for at least one second. ;)

28th February 2021, 05:49
Here it is...


28th February 2021, 05:53
Beary good! I can't bear the cuteness!

The synchronicity is bearing down on us.

(I'll stop now)

28th February 2021, 06:13

28th February 2021, 07:09
By gosh Naps, we is cute indeed, wink wink of course i am the more beautifullll one on the left lol kidding

PS the rite


28th February 2021, 11:33
You're melding, melding...

Emil El Zapato
28th February 2021, 13:30
LOL ... :)

1st March 2021, 09:35
Had a meeting today at some hot pools, went to find person but was drawn to this dude who was very shaman like doing ritual and rite beside him is the person sitting, we hugged and i mentioned how i found her and mentioned he was a beautifullll man to which he gave blessing and acknowledgement, he came and went for next hour but we never talked or included him in convo, on way out we bumped into each other, expected a Indian or Turkish but it was harry, again just hi n names and bye ( great sync coming from this soon, i just know ), i was pumped as helped lady get off several daily nasty pills, get family harmony, she knows not the person she had become many years ago, does yoga every morn, she's a corp boss who i told a story which lifted so so much pain and suffering upon her making changes, huge changes, but why did she do it, i told her synchronicity and her higher self conspired alongside spirit to give Grace through me, FN powerfullll stuff as the ripples she spreads is amazing, you guys here get some credit as i remember when i was telling story to group of ladies i had to get vulnerable ( in the moment was only way it worked and i felt that moment at the time, the future harmony ripple wave cousring through me, oh being a shaman mystic ), see sometimes i feel you guys in the future and your so happy and laughing, it is very joyfullll.

1st March 2021, 11:06
I'm so glad you were able to help someone, Aianawa. It's wonderful when instincts and synchronicity work together.

7th March 2021, 01:46
Thankyou DT, tisa choice making remembered and learnt, am getting back to where i was over a decade ago regards the beautifullll happenings spoken above again being in my general life, over a decade ago i let spirit know i wished to be at evolving peak, work, relationship, family and more has been the grace, loved n smashed time n again till toned n honed for the last year of amazingness n now beyond.

Syncs are massive atm, loving life very easy n simple.

22nd February 2022, 03:00
About 17 days ago i had a wee transformation and synchronicity ramped up big time, any others here felt this of late ?.

22nd February 2022, 14:00
My dreams have been very unusual for at least two to three weeks now.

22nd February 2022, 19:44
Yes this is a big topic on social platforms atm, X said same yesterday and couple of people the live here on property, many it is actualllly nitemares, = timelines not walked but being experienced as a lower potential now taken over by higher potentials, feel the dissolution thread explains trhis in a facetal way.


Emil El Zapato
22nd February 2022, 20:42
Yes this is a big topic on social platforms atm, X said same yesterday and couple of people the live here on property, many it is actualllly nitemares, = timelines not walked but being experienced as a lower potential now taken over by higher potentials, feel the dissolution thread explains trhis in a facetal way.


I can't remember when exactly but I had a nuclear bomb drop dream awhile back ... Does that count for anything?

22nd February 2022, 20:55
Indeed BobNapChuck, our world is moving into harmoony n letting the survival energy living go.

23rd February 2022, 10:41
People walk alternate timelines in the Dreamtime. It's how you scout out possibilities. Then you can find the game or the water or the people or your way. Whether it's conscious and deliberate, or natural and instinctive, it's a human ability. Oftentimes, when a person is running away from what lies before them it can become a nightmare.

The most important thing, imo, is to be able to hone in on the best choices. Then the timeline plays out in a better or maybe even the best way.

Synchronicities have been happening, good time stamps on posts, and many things falling into place in terms of my husband's music efforts.

25th April 2022, 00:26
Ooopps missed your reply post DT, yes even more of late are astonished at the or their synchricities.

28th April 2022, 11:32
Hey Chuckie, your dream counts, but for what is the question. That sort of dream is not uncommon. And thankfully those sorts of bomb drops are very uncommon. I would be worried if I had one because I never do. It just might be a real warning if I have one. But I have not had any disastrous look-aheads in dreams. I don't think nukes are in the cards for now.

2nd May 2022, 23:10

27th August 2022, 09:11
Maybe just me, synchronicity is through the roof atm, lovin it. Any others ?

11th September 2022, 19:07
Talking to many that are sharing the same or similar Sync's at present, is ramping up very amazingly atm, just the rite person or circumstance arriving at just the rite time.