View Full Version : After 2012, what next

15th September 2013, 07:57
With the greater opening of the Galactic Centre and the Earth becoming ever closer to the Galactic Centre many people have taken wild guesses at the outcome of this day, first to the Earth itself, next to the inhabitant’s world wide.

Since those leaders who consider themselves to be far more knowledgeable and better able to deal with the information that is available, have deemed it wiser to give as little true information as possible, and to give as much deceptive information as their own keepers have decided is necessary to give those who are looking for answers to this question, find they have many other questions to answer as well. The method of keeping everyone in the dark and feeding with b/s has resulted in allowing each person to only realise a small portion of the pie they are seeking. All the rest that they were given was usually a pack of lies making the piecing together of that pie, damn near impossible, unless someone begins to try putting it into some comprehensive whole.

Those so called “leaders” have tied themselves up in knots by trying to scramble their operatives as well as the human population.

There are, or had been many things that could have been the outcome to this scenario and by playing God in this situation they have meant that the situation now can have only one conclusion.

We have tried to intercede by allowing a great deal of the wrongs perpetrated to be discovered, this is leading to a simpler and more effective result for 2012.

Only the best were able to go to Eternity before, but with this rescue mission on Earth, to get rid of intolerance by those rich people against the poor, it was considered someone had to draw a line, fro “Might as well let Earth explode and let them in it sink or swim” which is how so many on Earth went about lives, to “Place us in the care of our selves and let us fix it up”, to yet again “No one feels as I do, so I might as well suicide and stop living now, what will I do later on when there is nothing left to love”, and yet again “Will my family learn to stop living in this s*** hole and make it OK for us to come back to again, then we can all go on together to Home”.

This is why, those of us from Above are here looking for some way to overcome this state of affairs, to satisfy those who have become more aware, and to open the doors to some new ways to think life can be. There is little to no chance to claim your sovereignty when those in power think of you only as useless eaters. When this was being discussed your own stories were discussed as well, and they are not too happy reading.

Some of you are now so advanced, you do not need to learn, others do, and the vanguard will come from opening clear thoughts, not to the aware ones, but to those who met the worst the worst sorry solutions of powerful men, and found out just how sorry they were to end up as the minions of power who simply lift the Earth top to toe in slime and dung. This what they’ve done, but what we feel is worst of all, is that to get to the top, they’ve realised in full, that this is worthless now. The realise they have been overly instigating themselves into murderers and thieves on a grand scale, just to make their own nest well feathered, but ended up without soul or heart.

This is whom we need to comply to the forced heaps of gender specific roles that women are not allowed into, but are the most qualified to show mercy to, and use to full advantage of when the first of the instructions start issuing forth to stop killing men, who only in recent years found not the first, but the imminent story on our short lived role as your minders, in place of who should have been in charge, the families of which we have been systematically leaving to die all over the world.

Women know what to do, so let them come to the fore, to use both sides of their brain in concerted efforts of bringing peace and Light back to Earth.


Wolf Khan
15th September 2013, 12:05
The total return to sanity has begun and women are leading the charge into Light.