View Full Version : Order of the Portal

13th February 2017, 20:53
Hi fellow forum researchers, am researching Order of the Portal and google atm is being stuborn indeed, trying differing words, usually sending me to a bio of an artist Bloom, still unsure of what lies here within, anyone one heard of this order ?.

13th February 2017, 22:58
Sounds like a toilet cult.

13th February 2017, 23:09
Its old, maybe a hole in the back yard lol

16th February 2017, 13:35
There's a Stargate in the Outhouse!

I don't know of any such Order.

Could be dimensional, cosmic, magic. Oceanic. Could be about transition and change. Peering into another world/place/time.

16th February 2017, 18:13
It's a synchronous day today.:magic:, The fellow called Ra who's recently been on Rex Bear's show was talking about the Watchers who are the guardians of magical portals, magical property, magical people, earth stargates, dimensions and astral realms.

They are astral thought-form guardians called Grigori.

Here's something from a site about angels and magic (http://www.archangels-and-angels.com/misc/grigori.html): "In some Witchcraft and Wiccan systems the Watchers are beings who guard portals that link worlds together. Within such systems they are viewed as a spiritual race, a set of deities, or as spirits of the four elements. The Watchers are associated with the four quarters of north, east, south, and west. In some Traditions the Watchers are associated with the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water. They are also linked to each solstice and equinox, as well as to a specific star."

So now to find some Grigori Orders, perhaps?

Ra is of the Strega (http://www.archangels-and-angels.com/misc/grigori.html). They may be such a thing. To be clear, Ra is fighting the Grigori who are akin to the archons.

2nd March 2017, 16:45
I've always thought of portals in a sci fi way but they're surely associated with magic, spirituality and religion. At 13 min. Lobo Blanco Wayna Pacha talks about energizing chakras and how a series of phases or dimensional doorways will be opened and luminous beings await to teach us. But they are not what they seem...


There are eight levels.

The number eight is infinity.

One could be stuck there a long time...

There are 70 or more dimensions. (hmmm...72 virgins are promised)

7th January 2020, 17:48
This is related to the above video rather than an Order. But portals of a sort are involved.


Very interesting thing said just after one minute.

Emil El Zapato
9th January 2020, 02:21
that guy has an English accent?

9th January 2020, 03:34
He's from Peru. Most of his vids are in Spanish. Watch/read the one above, if you desire. I found it quite interesting.

I'm pretty sure I originally saw it posted over at PA but I don't recall the thread.

5th February 2020, 14:34
At one minute in the above video he talks about the underworld and volcanoes.

This topic of the underworld and its connection to volcanoes is discussed in this conversation from Veritas radio.

Go to 37:17 to hear an interesting and somewhat familiar topic.
