View Full Version : MISSING LINKS

Divine Feminine
16th January 2017, 17:17
You guys see this yet? I just happened to catch this video the other day and I wasn’t disappointed. Gregg Braden has a new show on Gaia called Missing Links. If his show is anything like his first video packed with well researched information, sign me up! The Kondratieff Seasons(chart) is an investor’s wet dream...in fact the information in this entire video should go into a time vault!

What would be interesting is to see how Astrological charts coincide with the ‘cycles of time’, maybe this will be a future show....even reincarnation cases will validate what he’s saying. It's why I keep bringing them up because in a sense they allow you to see what's true and what' b.s. I noticed in my own cases that we were going backwards as I experienced my husbands from the 1500’s in this lifetime in reverse! I suggested it was due to the Precession of the Equinoxes and it’s proving to be correct as you begin to see it’s all cyclical..... and it would.....as you are living within a computer simulation. The year 2012 adds up to 5 and I believe this is why there are 5 soul aspects of myself in this lifetime as it’s a reflection of the time period we are in. Likely if you do your own research on your cases you will find the same. The information in this video is worthy of keeping as someone who’s savvy might use it as a tool....Oh and if you watch closely, you will see numbers adding up to 3. Here’s a peek into how parts of ‘the simulation’ works.


“The biggest questions concerning who we are, where we come from and where we are going have captivated scientists and mystics for centuries. Gregg Braden connects the missing links between science and spirituality to complete our understanding of humanity’s history, the origins of civilization and our interconnectedness with all things.

Explore the deep truths of our origin, history, destiny and fate, with Missing Links."


PS The only thing I don’t like is the UNTIED NATIONS semi-plug. Long ago I sent an email to Rollin McCraty, in regards to my concerns of his colleagues Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton touting the UNITED NATIONS. And my comment below was specifically stated based on something Bruce Lipton had said in a video I was referring to: “no one from the UNITED NATIONS is going to control my consciousness or direct it as they see fit for that matter since they can’t even demonstrate that they have their own spiritual houses in order.”
I never got an answer, but I still stand behind what I said back in 2014.

I’m all for being ‘UNITED’, but that organization is the architect behind AGENDA 21, FUTURE EARTH, AGENDA 2030, or whatever the hell they want to call it not to mention other atrocities, so when the likes of Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton(who I want to believe are men of honor) feel the need to mention this nefarious organization it beyond worries me. I truly don’t get their enamoration(yes I’m making this word up), as from my point of view there’s nothing warm and fuzzy about the UNITED NATIONS. Waiting to be ‘enlightened’ on that topic and if I ever get in front of either of them I will ask and listen with sincerity, cause I’m obviously missing something. Another intellect, Dr. Joel Wallach also touts them....making me roll my eyes in the back of my head. Would love to ‘get’ their reasoning.

16th January 2017, 18:07
I am downloading the video to listen/consider (to) the content. The U.N as currently configured is not a benevolent entity, It is Empire/Globalist central and does not have a plan that is good for human freedom and sovereignty. In fact, it is at odds with both. So, anyone embracing the UN raises serious red flags for me. That is why I want to listen to what Gregg has to say. The UN will need and enlist people who speak the language of the most free thinkers on the planet and look to subvert them. These free thinkers are the gravest adversary of the Empire and they need to be made impotent. All poison needs a wholesome medium to be hidden in for it to be consumed and the material of people like Braden and Lipton is a great medium, as it speaks the "language" of the awakened and awakening. In fact much of their message can be left "clean" with the inserts simply being their approval of things like the UN. Knowing that mesmerizing speakers ultimately end up with cult-like followers who will drink kool-aid ideas with the good stuff. The question for me is whether these speakers know they have been co-opted.

Divine Feminine
16th January 2017, 20:04
The question for me is whether these speakers know they have been co-opted.

Hey you might be amused to know I asked in so many words if they were being mind-controlled, lmao. Ok it's not funny, but seriously....how can I not ask if they drank the koolaid???

Continuing from the letter I sent to Rollin:
"This leads one to only assume at this point, that you are completely on board with the plans of Agenda 21 since so many of your associates are demonstrating unparalleled stamps of endorsement, uniting with this sordid crowd. I see nothing but potential/intention for the steering of a new state of consciousness, into a predetermined web of lies and deceits which will further dismantle any chances of a spiritual recovery. Has it occurred to you that they will take this information and use it against the people with improper programming and implementation? Oh wait, this has/is already occurring and one has to look no further than the CIA’s mind control programs all ready in full force. For that matter, how do we even know they haven’t gotten to you guys? That’s precisely how scary things have become; you can’t trust anyone anymore because the trail of deceit runs so long and so deep that even the most seemingly astute minds miss what’s taking place right before their very eyes."

This thread isn't really the place for my letter and it would make more sense if you could read it in its entirety. I just wanted to point out Gregg's mention in the video about the U.N. and that it didn't go unnoticed or sit well with me and I don't want anyone to walk away with the impression that I think the U.N. is spiritually whole. I can only assume this an ego based mention because the impression I get from both Gregg and Wallach is they are honored they could present their material to the U.N. and seem to be proud of being recognized by them. I enjoy the work of Braden, Lipton and Wallach and am grateful for all they have taught me. IMO they can stand on their own and don't need to mention any recognition or valor from the U.N. to validate their work.

I think when you do that, you're in a sense endorsing them whether it's your intention or not and many of us who know what the U.N is all about want to run as far away from them as we can. In fact I'm really hoping 'Zeus' kicks their a$$es right out of N.Y. city in his first 100 days in office.

Even though this aspect of Braden torks me, his work resonates within and in this video you get the 'meat and potato' aspect of the story. This is intelligent t.v. and if accurate, should be seen by everyone. If you want to see how this world works, you will enjoy this video. Let me know what you think...

16th January 2017, 20:33
It does not seem weird at all that this is a simulated reality. What runs it and why is a next level question? Lots of people seem to like the idea of some nefarious AI but that seems like fearful projection to me. I think the simulation includes all probabilities of choices and is quite fractal in appearance.

IMO Tom Campbell eloquently expresses that we do live in an information based VR operated by Consciousness and with a purpose of growth in elegance and love. There are "rules" of construction and certain probabilities of uncertainty. We are consciousness playing in the VR making choices.

I think the ideal of the United Nations was co-opted by the same kind of IUOC (individuated units of consciousness) choices that created the need for a UN in the first place. Therefore a perfectly beautiful ideal becomes degraded in the implementation. All grist for the mill in VR land.

I have not listened to this interview but its current.


17th January 2017, 16:08
I listened to the video in the OP. I would need to a video of my own to address it properly. In short, the Fed and the manipulations of banks in the historic timeline he presented was an egregious omission of very relevant data with regards to economic cycles and war. The use of music throughout felt manipulative too. I guess the banksters and uber-wealthy families could claim, "the Sun made me do it". My guess is the solutions to his carefully crafted "problems" will demonstrate he has been co-opted. The UN gave Braden and Lipton a world platform they apparently wanted. Like Tellinger with Ubuntu and Lipton with epigenetics, we need not throw out the message. The messengers have delivered something we can all use without embracing them personally and the ideas that emerge from them now that they have gotten the celebrity they seek.

20th January 2017, 10:27
My gosh, cheers DF, feel I will really enjoy Greg's research etc.

26th January 2017, 03:21
Been massively busy boy and only now will get the opportunity to watch Gregg, well after tea, ta again.

Divine Feminine
26th January 2017, 06:29
Hope you like it...I did. So many flippin videos to watch, hard to keep up!

27th January 2017, 07:53
True DF, yes enjoyed vid, felt it was somewhat over positive regarding our past and not seeing him give a fiat system Q and A, strange but this is the first vid communication, so may get addressed in vid 2 etc. An 8 outa ten from me lol.

28th January 2017, 02:55
If this is a simulation, what really matters?
This conversation may be useful navigating our UNPROGRAMMED evolving Virtual Reality:

How Love Works in a Simulation with Tom Campbell


How Intent Works in a Simulation with Tom Campbell


Consequences of Living in a Simulation with Tom Campbell