View Full Version : Novusod's Mystery School

5th November 2016, 20:45
(Placeholder Post)

Now that there is a Topical Musings forum I figure I should make my own thread on the random topics that interest me. It is call it the mystery school because I have dedicated a large part of my life to researching and understanding the higher truths of this world. In ancient times the study of the higher truths was called the Mystery School. Scholars and wise teachers would gather from all over the world to discuss occult topics and things that are hidden from the masses within the mystery school. Secrecy within the mystery school was highly regarded because to speak openly these topics was heresy and often punishable by death. In the age of the internet these arcane laws have ceased to be and the truth has slowing begun to leak out though rarely all in one place. This thread intends to change that and reestablish the mystery school for the modern age. This thread will cover many of the ancient mystery school teachings as well as modern topics and conspiracies.

The topics will probably start off fairly conventional and then enter the realm of the truly bizarre. Hang on because it is a long and wild trip down the rabbit hole.

So down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass we shall go.

5th November 2016, 21:05
The first topic will be on the nature of money, artificial scarcity, and the Federal Reserve private banking scams. This post is a longer essay on artificial scarcity that I mentioned in brief in the Bill Still thread.

The secret to money it that it actually has no value. It is just a stand in for real goods. Problems arise when society forgets that money is just a stand in. In our society people are perversely incentivized to just to make money with out producing a tangible products. For example Banks don't actually make anything but they make money through interest, derivatives, stocks, and bonds etc. By not producing any tangible products but still creating money bankers are able to loot the planet through through the unseen hand of monetary malfeasance.

Let me tell you about the meme of artificial scarcity.

We have lots of idle factories that could be producing stuff but are shut down.
We have plenty of demand for the products made in those factories but still they do not operate.
We have millions of unemployed workers who want to work in those factories but are not allowed.
We have millions of empty homes and millions of homeless people. Why is that?
We live in a time of phenomenal abundance but there is poverty everywhere.
Food is left to rot in the field while people starve.
Real abundance is being destroyed. WHY?

Both Capitalists and Socialists are complicit in this fraud called artificial scarcity. Look at this picture for a few minutes and take it all in.


Those are not sand bags. What you are seeing is millions and millions of tonns of grain that was purposely destroyed so that meme of artificial scarcity could be maintained. Every bag represents a life ruined. Every bag represents a malnourished child that had to go to bed hungry. This is a real life holocaust.

Do you really think people would work these lousy wage slave jobs if there was not the ever present threat of death by starvation hanging over people's heads. That is how the modern day slave system works. It is about controlling people either through their jobs or through government socialism. Either way you are a slave to the system. It is system that destroys the natural abundance of human production so that those at the bottom of society are held captive to the whims of the people whole rule at the top of the social pyramid. They want us all competing against each other in Hobbsian struggle for survival. The Hunger Games is an apt analogy for how the world really exists behind the scenes. If there was no hunger than there would be NO games. I don't know about you but I grow tired of these hunger games and am here to bust this system by exposing it.

Don't you dare call me a socialist for saying such things. What I advocate is not socialism. Socialism is just another failed ideology. The socialist survives on the same meme of artificial scarcity. Those who do not do what the socialist tells them to do shall not eat and is left to starve. That is how Stalin cemented his control over the USSR. He engineered the Holodomor artificial famine and cut off the people's food supply. Those who did not swear complete allegiance to him were not fed and thus died of starvation. The socialist mind has not really changed much since then. The whole scarcity meme was artificially engineered then and it is being artificially engineered right now through socialist policies in the United States.

Artificial scarcity is the biggest lie ever told. The idea that everything is scarce is a huge lie. There is no poverty. It is all fake, all lies. Poverty is manufactured via a system of debt, wage slavery, and government socialism. We live in a world of phenomenal abundance where nobody ever has to starve. Grain can flow like sand in a desert if people can learn to see through the lies. There does not have to be a hunger games style competition between the world's people if they can see the bigger picture. People do not have to fight to the death over the lie of limited resources.

What I advocate is called a resource based economy where work creates its own intrinsic value.

Factories have intrinsic value
Fields of grain have intrinsic value
Workers earning an honest wage have intrinsic value

What has no intrinsic value is money, banks, and stock markets and yet these worthless things are the most highly prized in our society.

The defenders of the current limited paradigm will argue there is not enough money to pay for all the jobs, homes, and food for everyone. But they forget money is NOT the be all end all of wealth. Money is merely an abstraction that exists to facilitate trade. However, money in the modern corporate capitalist sense does NOT facilitate trade. It does the opposite, it restricts trade because it is all hoarded by a super elite group of rich people and there is no money for the average person. When the average person has no money then trade for all practical purposes grinds to a halt. This is why the factories stopped running and why food rots in the field. There is no trade so everything goes to waste.

In a resource based economy money is created that is backed by resources. In stead of letting food rot money would be created that is backed by the grain stores so it can be traded to hungry people who want to eat the food. Money in a resource based economy represents things with intrinsic value. Money exists for its original purpose to facilitate trade. That is what is needed to end the current malaise.

Do you have any idea how much the Earth is worth? It is worth Quadrillions (http://youtu.be/nt6ab7BTlgE?t=2m14s). (see link)

What stands in the way of true progress is the banks and particularly central banks such as the Federal reserve system.

The Federal Reserve is not a branch of the government. The FED is a privately owned for profit bank. It is controlled by a conglomeration of Wall Street crooks and con artists from the City of London. Part of it is even owned by the Chinese communist government. It is a corporation that has allegiance to no country but lives off the backs of the people like a parasite.

We let a private bank print up and loan the people's currency at interest. It is one of the greatest scams of all time and it has been going on for 100 years. It has resulted in the complete looting of the country. The dollar has lost 99% of its value since the FED was created. Even just 35 years ago the cost of college education was just a couple hundred dollars. Children today have to take out a 30 year mortgage just to go to school. Then they enter the work place where people fight over lousy $10 /hr jobs. It is SLAVERY and you are a slave under this system.

The total US debt is actually $0 because this is all a con game. Put an end to the Federal Reserve and the debt simply goes away. It is all unconstitutional anyway because only the US government and NOT a private bank is allowed to issue the currency. The debt is NULL and VOID because it is unconstitutional. The debt can simply be erased by ending the FED. The plan to zero out the debt is the only moral thing to do that can country from the Kraken. This plan will never happen because our leaders or too corrupt and bribed to ever change the deal. The American government is the most corrupt regime on Earth because of what they have done here. People aught to revolt but they never will because they are too stupid to realize they even are slaves to this beast.

In 1964 the minimum wage was 5 silver quarters. In 2016 those 5 silver quarters have a melt value of $15.55.

We don't need to raise the minimum wage. We need to fix the money.

Workers should demand to be paid in real money, not valueless numbers in a computer. Don't accept an IOU for your wage. They are not paying you. People are being conned.

5th November 2016, 21:28
That was a good post. People need to understand what intrinsic value is and it starts with them. Factories don't build themselves and grain does not harvest itself. WE, and the Nature we come from, are the value.

6th November 2016, 00:51
That was a good post. People need to understand what intrinsic value is and it starts with them. Factories don't build themselves and grain does not harvest itself. WE, and the Nature we come from, are the value.

Thank you modwiz. Intrinsic value starts with people and the goods they produce. Money should only be an after thought and a stand in to facilitate trade. The problem with our society is we put money first instead of people first and then we wonder why perfectly good factories are being shut down and grain is allowed to rot.

Wages are the foundation of society upon which everything else is built.
When the wage foundation is kicked out from under the people everything else just starts to fall apart.

One facet of the problem is although factories do not build themselves increasingly they are being run by robots making workers redundant. All automobile welding is done by robots and so is most of the painting. E-mail and word processing essentially eliminated secretaries. Robotic answering machines have but completely replaced call centers. First the call centers went to India and then they disappeared entirely to robots. It is almost impossible to contact an actual human when calling large businesses. This creates yet another perverse incentive. Every time there is a new technological breakthrough the CEO's get bigger bonuses while the workers get rewarded with pink slips because they just put themselves out of a job. Technological progress actually hurts the workers. This not because technology is bad it because our banks and monetary system is bad. Our society does NOT value the increased production technology brings but instead values the MONEY is saves. In the long run everyone loses because laid off workers can no longer afford what is made in the robot factory so production completely shuts down.

This is the main reason why FREE ENERGY is kept under wraps. How do you create a supply and demand curve for a product that is infinitely renewable? You can't. It is impossible. It is a trick question. Society must choose. FREE ENERGY and Money are mutually exclusive concepts. We can only have one or the other BUT not both. They both can't exist in the same paradigm. When free energy is released a moneyless society is the ONLY natural and logical outcome.

This root of the problem all does back the crooked bankers and especially the central bankers who create money from thin air and call it wealth. The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and George Soros of the world are actually quite deluded by their own con games. Their wealth is basically an illusion. A number in a computer and nothing more. If people ever wake up to the illusion then the devil's money becomes worthless overnight.


Taking back the planet is as simple as hitting ctrl alt delete. Wipe it clean and the real wealth goes back to the people.

6th November 2016, 06:06
Awesome thread Novusod :thup:

The scarcity game really need as much exposure as possible. The reality of the "Hunger Games" being programmed is beginning to set in with the population and fear is creating even more destruction mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. A survival mindset does not promote constructive or productive solutions.

There is abundance every where we look on beautiful Mother Earth. She has provides non stop for all her species. We need to know and understand this and as Modwiz so succinctly put it.......acknowledge our own worth and intrinsic value and WHALLA...no more looking for some authority to tell us what to do!!

Looking forward to more postings :tiphat:

enjoy being
6th November 2016, 06:35
It is an agreement. A game of pretend. We could use balls of mud to trade if we all could handle the agreement and trust each other.
But we can be such a contradiction because in the current pretend set of units, so many have trusted and forgotten the fakery.

It is about attitude and yes I totally agree with much of the sentiment that about misdirected attention towards tools being used as toys and status symbols. I would go further to mention the medicinal value people place on all such things for their emotions and feelings of self worth and well being. The last 30 years or more has been an intensified bombardment on the psyche as we have come to grips with technology and all the benefits of it. We have done reasonably well on many fronts and have come forward in leaps and bounds in terms of literacy and abstract conceptualising. There is a feeling at times that this is how it has always shaped up, an epoch of time where a civilisation reaches stages of development where it almost could burst through into a new level... but it devours itself from the inside and self destructs before it can get there?

6th November 2016, 08:08
If money goes away people will not work they will expect the state to take care of them. University's will close because why bother to get PhD no benefit to myself 12 years collage why bother .

6th November 2016, 08:13
Money has always varied in price if I gave you 1 trillion Zimbabwe dollars for everything you own would you except .money moves up and down in every country.

6th November 2016, 08:38
The next post will be a little bit humorous. The following comic was made by an autistic teenager. I am featuring it here because he "gets it" better than 99% of adults and proves there is hope for future generations. Millennials are NOT lazy. They see the world for what it is without filter and are consciously rejecting it.

Behold a Ship of Fools a modern day Babylon.
Click here to view the image and try to read all the captions if you can (http://i.imgur.com/lpMFI8E.jpg).

6th November 2016, 09:16

6th November 2016, 09:36
Money has always varied in price if I gave you 1 trillion Zimbabwe dollars for everything you own would you except .money moves up and down in every country.

Zimbabwe uses essentially the same monetary system we do in America. They printed money out thin air the same way the Federal reserve does. The only reason Zimbabwe failed quickly is because they didn't have much intrinsic wealth to begin with. They had no factories to speak of and their farms ceased to function after they ripped up the irrigation equipment and sold it for scrap. Zimbabwe is a cautionary tale of what will happen in our future if we do not change direction. Zimbabwe is the perfect example of what happens to a society that dedicates itself to making money without producing real wealth. We are losing our factories in America at accelerating rate. When our intrinsic wealth is gone we will become just like Zimbabwe that is rich in money but poor in REAL things. The process is already well underway and must be reversed before it is too late.

*Note I will be voting for TRUMP.

6th November 2016, 10:06
The decline of America cannot be stopped but it can be changed from a hill to a waterfall event . Everything moves in cycles Trump can help i think but can he save Ameica from itself honestly i do not know. i have spent quiet a lot of money on the mystery schools and i have found there some of the deepest secrets my interest what are your intersts in mystery schools

-meical qigong

6th November 2016, 10:14
Money, like energy, is neutral. Both can be used and misused. As such, they function as a mirror for our consciousness. Life, too, is neutral in the sense that it has no intrinsic meaning other than that which we give it. Actually, all these things are slightly positive in that their neutrality gives us the opportunity of choice, or freedom, and that is positive for those who value freedom.

The "Ship of Fools" cartoon reminds me of the movie "Idiocracy", which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. Mike Judge, its creator and director, laments that he didn't realize that he created a documentary rather than a satire: so many things in the movie have come true already 450 years early. The movie is back in theaters again in honor of the anniversary, and perhaps as a mirror for our society during election season.

'Idiocracy' to Return to Theaters as Election Season Reminder (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/idiocracy-return-theaters-as-election-931455)

Money is NOT energy. It is a belief. It is a delusion.

The "Ship of Fools" is actually the mirror image of idiocracy. Idiocracy contains very little hard truth and is a jab at the common man by the elitists. The movie implies the people are so stupid they need the guidance of the intelligentsia or they will bury themselves in garbage and other nonsense. The "Ship of fools" is the opposite and represents the common man saying their leaders are the REAL morons.

Here are a few highlights to particularly pay attention to:

Note that Gaddafi was killed for his anti capitalist system that worked. Libya before the US bombed the crap out of it was the richest country in Africa and the people enjoyed a higher standard of living than Saudi Arabia. Libya was on the last countries still on the GOLD STANDARD and that is why their system worked and had to be violently destroyed through US aggression.



Note the monopolist creating artificial scarcity and the farmer trying to pay back his loan with tangible goods. The fool banker wants paper money and numbers in a computer because $ can reproduce $ like crows reproduce according to his logic. The only useful person on the boat is being made to walk the plank.


6th November 2016, 10:28
Interesting view but without banks a dark age will emerge with no moveable wealth . Gold is a relic of the past because there is not enough of it to go around scarce . Goverment care nothing for gold and are moving towards electronic money for two reason first they are broke and to stop bank runs.gold is okay for the average person but the major players cannot invest in it mostly because it is not big enough for super wealthy and more important does not pay interest . If gold does go bananas goverment will kick in every door looking for it or seize it or both

6th November 2016, 11:07
Love the thread, time is money grrrrr always annoyed me that saying, time is creativity, nice.

6th November 2016, 11:23
Interesting view but without banks a dark age will emerge with no moveable wealth . Gold is a relic of the past because there is not enough of it to go around scarce . Goverment care nothing for gold and are moving towards electronic money for two reason first they are broke and to stop bank runs.gold is okay for the average person but the major players cannot invest in it mostly because it is not big enough for super wealthy and more important does not pay interest . If gold does go bananas goverment will kick in every door looking for it or seize it or both

If Gold is a relic that will lead to a dark age then explain why Libya was such an incredible success. So much of a success in fact the US saw Gaddafi as a threat to the global banking system and destroyed him with violence.


A small list of things Gaddafi provided to his people thanks to the GOLD STANDARD.
- In 1951 Libya was the poorest country in the world
- Housing is a human right and is nearly free. Homelessness does not exist in Gaddafi's Libya
- Electricity was FREE to all people
- He build schools, hospitals, roads, airports, shipping hubs
- FREE Healthcare (Something even America lacks)
- All loans are 0% by law (The Libyan bank was state owned as opposed to Rothschild owned)
- cars are provided at half cost and gas is 14 cents a gallon
- Anyone who wanted to be a farmer was given FREE land, equipment and training
- Libya provided all this and ZERO national debt because their money was made of GOLD not valueless paper

Libya was a paradise that thus had to be destroyed for humans must never learn the truth of their enslavement. Libyans shared in the natural and intrinsic wealth of their county FREE from the shackles of debt slavery. The country was run for the benefit of the people and not the benefit of the bankers and world controls.

I urge you to wake up and see the enormity of this great crime against humanity. Heal thyself of your Stockholm syndrome that you have for the rulers that control us like slaves.

Libya under Gaddafi:
(NOT a dark age. They had it better then we do as Rothschild's debt slaves)

While being bombed by the US:


6th November 2016, 12:32
Novusod, thank you for a most provocative thread. You really have me thinking of the meme of scarcity which has been a huge issue with my pattern of thinking throughout my life. This is very well done.

6th November 2016, 12:37
Novusod, thank you for a most provocative thread. You really have me thinking of the meme of scarcity which has been a huge issue with my pattern of thinking throughout my life. This is very well done.

Agreed. Novusod is doing a great job with both the thorough presentation of the subject and the handling of objections. I had a good feeling about this thread and am very happy with its quality.

6th November 2016, 12:43
Well done Novusod, great info here...:tiphat:

6th November 2016, 13:24
Some more highlights from the "Ship of Fools" and other musings.

Rent you capital here at interest.
Get a job @ Capital
Salary = 2 peanuts

Supreme Court says it is all fair and those rats live better than me.

WORK HARDER join the rat race.

The Military will make the world safe for Democracy.

6th November 2016, 14:38
Well ....were do i start lol

The World or Dollar runs on two currency the first one is Oil has been the main currency of the last hundred years Wars are fought over it and for it . At the end of World war one Germany had 2 million men but no quick way to
get the men to Western front from the eastern front ( Oil was available in Hungary but was delayed by British intelligance which won the war as the full German army would have over run British , France lines ). The eastern front had fallen as Russia descended into civil war which was payed for by Germany ( Revolutions are expensive ) . The first World War was fought over a railway from Berlin to Iraq which undercut British shippping by 70 percent and was faster shipping as well .

The Second World War was fought over the decline of the British Empire ( bankrupt makes every empire fall as we all like getting paid lol) and mainly who would take her place the choice was either Germany or United States . The main source for Germany Oil was Hungary and Venezuela there was a congress enquiry into Venezuela ( American colony ) Oil going to Germany however in 1943 America congress stopped Rockefeller from shipping Oil to Germany . Bush Snr President father was the front man for Rockefeller Oil and was tried and found guilty of treason over it .I think he got probation and was told don't do that ( connections Rockefeller lol ). In 1943 Germany gathered all there forces and went for all the southern Oil field of Russia however they just pushed to far and were completely crushed by the Russia a great victory to be sure .

Libya is the richest known country in Africa know in oil mostly untapped because of sanctions but they sell or sold billions in oil mostly to europe . They are swimming in Oil lots and lots of it . Gaddafi wanted to set up a Arab
bourse were you sell all Arab Oil for gold foolish really i would have spent billions buying anti-aircraft weapons from Russia or building them under contrat if not allowed to import them as to building them you can import engineers . Gaddafi had already being hit before his daughter was killed and his home had been hit by missles and country by America so he was not liked .Gaddafi was a tyrant but he was swimming in money and invested in his country and people rather than his bank account ( he might still had few billion there as well ). They ( America , France , Italy e.t.c) were fools to remove him now as Europe is swimming in refugees guess they seized all his assets that they could find do you think the assets were return to the Libya people (no at a guess ) .Gaddafi while in powers there were no refuees in Europe it's chaos there now.

America is the reserve country for two reason ( three really lol) . The first is all Opec sell there oil in dollars ( Saudi Arabia , Qatar, Nigeria, Iraq ,e.t.c ) they control the market so if you want Opec Oil you buy Dollars lots of them
and you give them to Opec who gives you Oil . This arragement was set up by United States around the time of Nixon when he closed the gold for dollars rule . He ( Nixon ) cause the oil shock were the raised the price of Oil four-fold around the world it was the time of the 6 day war ( Israel v Arabs ) which was the excuse which was given War . The goal was to force every country in the World to buy Dollars keep America the reserve currency . The Arab country took there orders from Washington and were told with all new dollars from the oil to reinvest the money in America treasurys . They were told they come keep couple millions dollars for toys but the majority of money was to be reinvested into America treasurys. Opec owns trillions in treasuries today .
America is reserve currency reason 2 is the military any country selling American treasurys especially a lot gets huge military exercise right at there border ( a threat ) or they declare al qaeda terrorist in the country .
Reason three . There is no other country in the world at the moment to park huge money Britian , China , to small europe is falling apart . World trade is only a tiny portion of investment money and at the moment the dollar is the only place to be .

6th November 2016, 20:07
Well ....were do i start lol

I don't disagree with the facts you wrote. But please count up how many times you mentioned WAR in your post and then see my post above. If you need violence to enforce your ideas, your ideas are worthless. I really do mean that. Your ideas are worthless. It bears repeating.


The US dollar is a fraud backed up by Violence. Other countries have tried to sell oil in other currencies but they were invaded and destroyed. Libya, Iraq (https://www.rt.com/news/economy-oil-gold-libya/), Syria are all case in point. NATO killed Gaddafi to stop a pan-African GOLD back currency (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/declassified-emails-reveal-natos-true-motive-topple-gaddafi-stop-creation-gold-backed-african-currency/). This gold backed currency would have lifted the entire continent of Africa out of poverty. The Rothschild's would have none of it as they need perpetual war to maintain their evil empire.

I urge you to turn to the light and stop supporting the evil empire. War for oil and the dollar being rammed down humanity's collective throat is bold faced psychopathy. It will not be tolerated and will it be called out. Evil must be STOPPED.

6th November 2016, 20:33
Novusod honest were do i start ....

Every person works in there self interest
Every country works in there self interest

America at the moment agenda is population reduction ( gmo ) and control of the world through economy reason and military power . If America falls 2034 and China rises do you think China will
not work in there self interest . If your in the way especially if your a man of power you will be convinced either money or gun to get out of the way or else . We all work for someone and
you earn money for them or you do not work for them for long .

Every curreny is backed by nothing and it has been this way forever . The reason for this is simple Goverments cannot keep there hands out of your pocket legally they have no right to tax you
but you have some chance of convincing them of that in court of law . Indeed once a goverment starts to borrow the end is nigh it has broke every major bank in history because it was law to
never lend to a crown because how can you force them to pay you back there default breaks the bank . Historically goverment who borrow going back 5,000 years of recorded history only one
goverment has ever paid the money back Romania in the 1980's. Every other goverment borrow until they default why is goverment debt classified as AAA the default of 1931 was removed from
history books were all goverments defaulted on there debt for reference look up Herbert Hovers memories. The gold standard was never really a solution because goverment spends so much
money that it has to break the gold standard. That is why money has mostly been many things slave girls, sea shells , coins , silver , Gold e.t.c each has varied in value over time mostly a game of
confidence in the system . japan for 600 years had a currency of rice because they kept defaulting on there money and people refused to accept it .Goverment really do not care for gold or silver they
are moving at light speed to electonic money to collect every penny in taxes no black economy and to stop bank run because they are broke and have promised the moon to people there is no way to
pay huge pension, healthcare , etc . The debt and promises exceed 100 trillion who will pay a default leads to world war .

Future of America ....No matter who wins ....

No pension ( private or public ) ,No dole , No childrens allowance , No relying on the State , A electronic money system which america will be last to bring in mostly because they have trillions in debt all over the world .

War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated General
by Smedley D. Butler

6th November 2016, 20:35
The US dollar is a fraud backed up by Violence. Other countries have tried to sell oil in other currencies but they were invaded and destroyed. Libya, Iraq (https://www.rt.com/news/economy-oil-gold-libya/), Syria are all case in point. NATO killed Gaddafi to stop a pan-African GOLD back currency (http://thefreethoughtproject.com/declassified-emails-reveal-natos-true-motive-topple-gaddafi-stop-creation-gold-backed-african-currency/). This gold backed currency would have lifted the entire continent of Africa out of poverty. The Rothschild's would have none of it as they need perpetual war to maintain their evil empire.

I urge you to turn to the light and stop supporting the evil empire. War for oil and the dollar being rammed down humanity's collective throat is bold faced psychopathy. It will not be tolerated and will it be called out. Evil must be STOPPED.

I would also like to add for the record that all European nations used to also have a gold-backed currency, but that this came to an end when the EURO was introduced in 2002 as the successor to an older attempt at a unified currency for all European countries, i.e. the ECU (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Currency_Unit). The difference with the ECU is that the EURO has usurped all but two other European currencies, while the ECU coexisted alongside those individual European currencies.

Quoting the Wikipedia article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro)...:

"The euro is managed and administered by the Frankfurt-based European Central Bank (ECB) and the Eurosystem (composed of the central banks of the eurozone countries). As an independent central bank, the ECB has sole authority to set monetary policy. The Eurosystem participates in the printing, minting and distribution of notes and coins in all member states, and the operation of the eurozone payment systems.

The 1992 Maastricht Treaty obliges most EU member states to adopt the euro upon meeting certain monetary and budgetary convergence criteria, although not all states have done so. The United Kingdom and Denmark negotiated exemptions, while Sweden (which joined the EU in 1995, after the Maastricht Treaty was signed) turned down the euro in a 2003 referendum, and has circumvented the obligation to adopt the euro by not meeting the monetary and budgetary requirements. All nations that have joined the EU since 1993 have pledged to adopt the euro in due course. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro#Administration)"

So it's basically the same thing here in Europe now, and given that the US Dollar and the EURO are now coming very close in exchange rates, it is not unthinkable that the plan would be to lock them together in a steady exchange rate as a first stage, and then unify them into a single western or possibly globally intended currency at a later stage. Allegedly, similar plans have also already been considered on account of the US Dollar versus the Canadian Dollar and the Mexican Peso.

Fred Steeves
6th November 2016, 20:42
I urge you to turn to the light and stop supporting the evil empire.

Evil must be STOPPED.

Are you saying evil needs to be eliminated? The yin/yang symbol comes to mind.

6th November 2016, 21:02
Are you saying evil needs to be eliminated? The yin/yang symbol comes to mind.

At the scale of the Primary Creator itself, evil serves a purpose. However, at the more focused levels of Creation farther down, I think it would be in everyone's best interest that evil be expelled. :hmm:

6th November 2016, 21:07
No evil cannot exist without good Life is balance expelled is wrong sorry Aragorn .

6th November 2016, 21:27
Novusod honest were do i start ....

You are trying to justify fraud, war, violence, and death to prop up the dollar as being somehow good. It is an argument you can't win. Naked evil will find few allies even in a den of thieves.

The US dollar is a fraud backed up by violence. It is unsustainable because no amount of violence will ever make a lie become true. Fraud backed up by violence is still fraud. No amount of violence and war can ever make a fraud not be a fraud. The US dollar is still a fraud no matter how much violence the military threatens the world with. The fraud is now at the point of becoming untenable because everyone can see it now and no amount of violence can hide the truth forever.

Using violence and war to enforce frauds works all too well in the short-term, but then turns into a mega-disaster in the longer term. The fundamental mechanism is that the short-term social successes based on being able to back up lies with violence, or enforce frauds, can never stop those lies from still being false. Therefore, the basic problems with the current political economy are that everything was based on being able to successfully enforce frauds. That worked fantastically well for a few, in the short to medium term, but that drives the society as a whole to become psychotically insane in the longer term!

The overall results become that society ends up being almost totally dominated by the best professional liars and immaculate hypocrites, who collectively maintain attitudes of evil deliberate ignorance towards any more rational evidence or logical arguments, because the ACTUAL foundation of the established sociopolitical systems are the abilities to successfully back up lies with violence, or enforce frauds. Since no amount of that kind of successful enforcement of frauds can ever stop those frauds from still being false, the more socially successful those systems of enforcing frauds become, the more that the longer term consequences are that civilization as a whole becomes controlled by runaway criminal insanities!

The sequences of short-term successes based on being able to back up lies with violence has resulted in almost everyone almost totally embracing the frauds. However, the lies still remain false and the more violence they use to back up their lies the more they expose themselves as naked. The emperor truly is naked and it is a gruesome sight to behold. The psychopathy backing the US dollar is at the heart of that nakedness.


Thus the ship of fool sails on to it's ruin. Again I urge you to turn to the light. Rebuke your demons and cast them out.

6th November 2016, 21:43
No sense or reason or emotion can reach you my friend but life and experiences teaches not words :scrhd:

The Dollar is the safest currency in the world because World debt is like 2000000 trillion and the America debt clock is only 20 trillion Europe is cracking and China is
not yet ready for the big time Britian is to small for the big buckets of money.

Wow to America of the dollar going to the moon interest rates will follow for the market controls interests rates not goverment dispite what you think .

Without money or banks we would be in a very dark age of slaves of the very wealthy

Well what can i say to that but Thank You and withdraw from this thread :fpalm:

6th November 2016, 21:54
Are you saying evil needs to be eliminated? The yin/yang symbol comes to mind.

There is a tsunami of love descending on planet although it does not seem like it. People appear to be flipping out and going nuts however that is the nature of the beast. The only truth is unity consciousness. Unity is a point where everything flips and becomes ONE. It is the point where both the light and the dark come to the same conclusion and all pretense is lost. The view is either naked good or naked evil. People are flipping out because they are confronted with their own internalized evil. They either turn to the light or self destruct in frenzy of trying to justify evil as being good.

Hillary Clinton too was a wolf in sheep's clothing and likewise her fleece has also fallen off exposing her naked to the world.


I'm NOT with her!

6th November 2016, 22:03
Everything as such is energy, evil is energy, even if of the mind, transmutation and/or transformation of evil makes most sense to myself and that experience.

Fred Steeves
6th November 2016, 22:15
Thank you Novusod, I can see much more clearly where you are coming from now.

6th November 2016, 22:19
Without money or banks we would be in a very dark age of slaves of the very wealthy

The success of Gaddafi's Libya already proved this to be false. Far from being a dark age it was the opposite. People were given housing, land for farming, FREE healthcare, and educations; electricity was cheap and fuel was abundant. The people loved him and cheered him. The country had NO debt. Need I repeat that Libya had no debt and yet was still able to provide things for the people. Freeing people from Rothschild's banking oligarchs was a boon for humanity. So successful was Libya it had to be toppled in an unjust war of naked aggression.

No amount of violence can ever make the frauds not be frauds. The truth of it all is being exposed.


6th November 2016, 23:42
WAR what is it good for?


As Putin said recently Americans live in a bubble of propaganda.


If you see something reported in the mainstream media it is probably a lie. Don't believe a word of anything they say.

Lets take a look at some other perspectives: The real reason America hates North Korea. North Koreans are woke "AF" to the plans of the New World Order. Our media will drone on and on about how North Koreans are brainwashed. Well you be the judge of who is brainwashed.


7th November 2016, 01:27
There is a way to balance good and evil. I agree with an earlier posting where a member commented that money is neither good or evil.

The way to balance is simple. Do not purchase a good or service is it is provided by someone who does not share your cultural values.

By purchasing goods and services from people who do share your values, you financially support businesses who uphold cultural values and traditions.

If everyone does this, businesses with poor values will go broke.

Furthermore, if everyone does this, we are basically purchasing a society with sound cultural values. Every dollar is a vote; when spent, the vote is cast to which business should prosper. Those businesses that get no votes fail.

The decision to purchase an item because it is cheaper, is a vote for cheapness. If we do not care about the the inhuman slave-like conditions of a sweatshop when we purchase a cheap product, we are endorsing that companies poor standard of human value!

There is a critical mass of like minded people required to make the adoption of this method of spending sustainable. After that point the community creates its own business opportunities to supply the market demand it creates.

7th November 2016, 01:55
There is a way to balance good and evil. I agree with an earlier posting where a member commented that money is neither good or evil.

The way to balance is simple. Do not purchase a good or service is it is provided by someone who does not share your cultural values.

By purchasing goods and services from people who do share your values, you financially support businesses who uphold cultural values and traditions.

If everyone does this, businesses with poor values will go broke.

Furthermore, if everyone does this, we are basically purchasing a society with sound cultural values. Every dollar is a vote; when spent, the vote is cast to which business should prosper. Those businesses that get no votes fail.

The decision to purchase an item because it is cheaper, is a vote for cheapness. If we do not care about the the inhuman slave-like conditions of a sweatshop when we purchase a cheap product, we are endorsing that companies poor standard of human value!

There is a critical mass of like minded people required to make the adoption of this method of spending sustainable. After that point the community creates its own business opportunities to supply the market demand it creates.

I like this statement. I am veering into woowoo but I see money as a thought form with a life we have given. But IMO it has been in poverty as we have been. I look at it as currency that wants to flow. That we name it such is not a BAD sign but to the good. If we flow it as fast as it wishes, it is a forceful power. If we pool the dollars they make a tremendous river

Like the story Stone Soup where people held onto their carrots ad potatoes in fear, everyone was more hungry. The trick of "stone soup" cajoled all into sharing their small hoarded bits to make a great soup.

I appreciate that it is the use of money that makes it either useful or useless. As numbers on paper, it is illusion. As the means to supply what is needed it has real value.
I love money, not as a end but as a means. I also really believe that money has had its feelings very hurt and wants our LOVE and wants to love us back.

7th November 2016, 03:35
Surely money can't be good or evil? Isn't it more of a tool? Can a hammer or wrench be evil?

I mostly agree with the sentiment of this thread and absolutely agree about faked scarcity but of late my thoughts are that, to a degree, the problem isn't even the "system". The "system" is merely a symptom. I see the problem as being the idea of "authority" itself. The idea that someone has to be in charge. As has been pointed out NO political system has "worked". Even in a "socialist paradise" there are still 2 classes of people. Those in charge and those that are not.

In fact I am of the opinion that there are no free people on earth (who are not in the master class), everyone has to live under someone else's law.

I liked the quote "If you need violence to enforce your ideas, your ideas are worthless" but I would break it down a bit differently.

All laws are either redundant (in that we as people know that it is wrong ie murder, theft etc) or enslaving (forcing people to act in ways they normally never would ie funding warmongers through "taxes")

I am sincerely starting to believe that the only way out of this mess for us is Anarchy (or self rule). We need a return (did we ever actually have it?) to complete personal responsibility. This post has been a little scattershot but I would wholeheartedly recommend Larken Rose's book The Most Dangerous Superstition. I have also found a lot of Mark Passio's work in this area very helpful.

7th November 2016, 04:04
Surely money can't be good or evil? Isn't it more of a tool? Can a hammer or wrench be evil?

I mostly agree with the sentiment of this thread and absolutely agree about faked scarcity but of late my thoughts are that, to a degree, the problem isn't even the "system". The "system" is merely a symptom. I see the problem as being the idea of "authority" itself. The idea that someone has to be in charge. As has been pointed out NO political system has "worked". Even in a "socialist paradise" there are still 2 classes of people. Those in charge and those that are not.

In fact I am of the opinion that there are no free people on earth (who are not in the master class), everyone has to live under someone else's law.

I liked the quote "If you need violence to enforce your ideas, your ideas are worthless" but I would break it down a bit differently.

All laws are either redundant (in that we as people know that it is wrong ie murder, theft etc) or enslaving (forcing people to act in ways they normally never would ie funding warmongers through "taxes")

I am sincerely starting to believe that the only way out of this mess for us is Anarchy (or self rule). We need a return (did we ever actually have it?) to complete personal responsibility. This post has been a little scattershot but I would wholeheartedly recommend Larken Rose's book The Most Dangerous Superstition. I have also found a lot of Mark Passio's work in this area very helpful.

Mark Passio is wisdom with an attitude. I really like him despite his simmering contempt for ignorance and apathy. His name is so appropriate as he is passionate about his message and understanding Natural law expressed as love and responsibility.

7th November 2016, 04:59
Mark Passio is wisdom with an attitude.

Haha great way to put it! He's been the "swift kick up the bum" I've needed. Whatever your spiritual beliefs I find his talks on Natural (Universal) Law invaluable and inspirational.

7th November 2016, 05:51
Larken Rose definitely has a seat at the mystery school. I have been following him for years. This short video will give you good synopsis of his theories.


7th November 2016, 05:54
Mark Passio is wisdom with an attitude. I really like him despite his simmering contempt for ignorance and apathy. His name is so appropriate as he is passionate about his message and understanding Universal law expressed as love and responsibility.

I'm pretty sure it was you, Modwiz, who posted his piece on vitriol. I liked it so much I started looking into Mark's work and was well rewarded.:thup:

7th November 2016, 14:00
I like this statement. I am veering into woowoo but I see money as a thought form with a life we have given. But IMO it has been in poverty as we have been. I look at it as currency that wants to flow. That we name it such is not a BAD sign but to the good. If we flow it as fast as it wishes, it is a forceful power. If we pool the dollars they make a tremendous river

Like the story Stone Soup where people held onto their carrots ad potatoes in fear, everyone was more hungry. The trick of "stone soup" cajoled all into sharing their small hoarded bits to make a great soup.

I appreciate that it is the use of money that makes it either useful or useless. As numbers on paper, it is illusion. As the means to supply what is needed it has real value.
I love money, not as a end but as a means. I also really believe that money has had its feelings very hurt and wants our LOVE and wants to love us back.

I'm glad you like it. People don't know the value of money (sometimes) :)

Poverty is a state of economics that is sometimes separate from the issue knowing the value of money. There are quite a few ideas circulating about the issue, I am of the camp that say the level of prosperity enjoyed by a money circulating society is controlled by he who controls the money supply. If you dry up the circulation, you see more poverty.

I think that is what you are saying.

Indeed fiat currency, or even a currency based on precious metals, are representative of the "stored productivity" required to obtain the money. The actual value is an illusion that we create by associating our productivity to the money.

To me, that is what "Stone Soup" is about. The idea that by combining our productive efforts we can all prosper. That touches on what value oriented consumerism is about, but still, you need a critical mass of people who join forces for the Soup to come out right.

7th November 2016, 22:13
As part of the mystery school on money let me introduce you to: The abundance paradox.

The premise of the abundance paradox is simple yet is kept hidden from the masses to lower their consciousness. As long as you are speaking their language and playing their game they win no matter what. So it is important that people to break out of their preconceived nations about money and shatter the illusions of the matrix by learning to see things from a different perspective. The metaphysical nature of money is that it does not value abundant things at all but instead perversely incentivizes scarcity and destruction. Money is not a creative force, it is a destructive force. This is the mantra of the "Ship of Fools." Abundant things have no value but scarcity is the ONLY value that can be monetized.

Take for example what is going on at standing rock and the water protectors. We all know that water is life yet the "Ship of Fools" sails on by ramming an oil pipeline through our sacred drinking water. In a monetized society a river of clean water has no value. However, if that river becomes polluted and destroyed then it can be monetized as something of value because clean water is now scarce. People will pay good money for clean water and it can be sold by the bottle. People will NOT pay if it is free and abundant but they will pay after it becomes scarce and is no longer available. This is the paradox of abundance. If you destroy things then they become more valuable. That is a paradox. Destruction creates value in our world because of the inherent way money works. Money does not value abundant things but instead seeks to destroy what is abundant and make it scarce so it becomes valuable through scarcity.

Here is another example. Would you buy air from a corporation if they sold it in a can? Most people would say no, that is a joke. Air is free and abundant. What if the air was polluted and you couldn't breath it anymore for free without harming your health. Then people would surely pay for it. Think it couldn't happen. It is not a joke. Breathing, something we take for granted is a luxury people pay for in heavily polluted China. Polluted New York and LA also have oxygen bars.


When mankind was first put on this planet we found a pristine world that could provide for all our needs. This paradise we destroyed and put up a parking lot because we did not understand the abundance paradox. We have met the devil and the devil is us.

8th November 2016, 05:47
The next topic on the Mystery school of money is the question: is money a necessary evil?

Basically the idea goes that money is a necessary evil required to motivate selfish and greedy humans to do things or share their talents. This argument takes many forms and is not always phrased that way. The story of the "Stone soup" is an appeal to the necessary evil argument. Putting rocks in the soup was a necessary evil to convince people to stop hoarding their little bits of carrots and potatoes. However, you can't trick people into this arrangement or justify putting rocks in the soup without first creating artificial scarcity. The truth is you would never have to put rocks in the soup to give the illusion of abundance because we produce more food then we can possibly eat and much of it goes to waste. Putting rocks in the soup is actually an appeal to the illusion of scarcity. Capitalism is itself a "stone soup" on a global scale.


On the ship of fools we have Malthus saying: "There is no such thing as a Lunch." Capitalism itself arose during the time in which Malthus wrote his theories and he was crucial figure in developing the capitalist ideals. Without Malthus' scarcity concept capitalism never would have existed as no one would have bought the necessary evil argument.

Man wasn't always as greedy as exists today. For example there was the Ubuntu concept that existed in many African tribes before the white man showed up.


They understood the dangers of not sharing creates an artificial scarcity that otherwise would not exist. If someone introduces an artificial scarcity into their society such as the anthropologist attempted to do then it must quickly be eliminated.

There was also a movie made about this called the Gods must be Crazy. A tribesman finds a glass bottle discarded by some careless tourist and brings it back to his village. At first the villagers are amazed by the bottle and then they begin fighting over it because it can't be shared and they don't know how to make more bottles. The tribal elder declares that the gods must be crazy and tells the man who found it to go return the bottle to where it came from. It is kind of like the African version of the Lord of the Rings and taking the ring back to mount doom.

It is time to take the devil's money and his printing press and throw it the fires of mount doom. The one ring cannot be used for GOOD it must be destroyed.

Shout out to donk for mentioning Daniel Quinn in the Standing rock thread. I am not sure how many people are familiar with Quinn's work but he will also have a seat at the mystery school. His allegory of the "Box sitter" described in the book My Ishmael is highly relevant here.

8th November 2016, 15:05
there was the Ubuntu concept that existed in many African tribes

I think the ideas of contributionism are very aligned with my dream of how to live well.
Ubuntu (http://www.ubuntuusa.com/philosophy.html) is represented here


“Let each citizen contribute their natural talents or acquired skills to the greater benefit of all in the community.” Michael Tellinger.

Ubuntu Contributionism is a resource-based economic system that says money is not only unnecessary, but counter to abundance. While a money economy is debt-based and designed to keep us chasing money, Contributionism is "creation's asset based" and designed to utilize each person's unique abilities and skills.

The moneyless Ubuntu Contribution system is an adaptation of ancient tribal customs and is not based on barter or trade since barter and trading is just another form of money. Everything needed is available to everyone at all times. Hording or accumulating stuff and planning for old age is simply unnecessary.

Contributionists believe ownership of land as unnecessary, and to be frank, impossible. We are custodians of the land and each custodian is responsible for her care. When we act in harmony with nature, she yields abundance for all.

In the words of Chief Seattle in 1854, “How can you buy or sell the sky? We do not own the freshness of the air or the sparkle on the water. How then can you buy them from us? Every part of the Earth is sacred to my people, holy in their memory and experience. We know the white man does not understand our ways. He's a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The Earth is not his friend but his enemy, and when he's conquered it he moves on. He kidnaps the Earth from his children....for whatever befalls the Earth, befalls the children of the Earth.”

Fundamental Principles
(Adapted from UBUNTU South Africa and the work of Michael Tellinger)

We, the people of the United States of America, declare for all our country and the world to know that:
The United States of America and the land are under the care of all who live in it.
No government has the right to rule the land and the people unless it has been appointed by the people.
Any appointed body is there to serve the people of the people and implement the will of the people at all times.
The people retain the right to replace any appointed body at any time if they feel their needs are not being served by such body.
No "government" entity, individual, or corporation can claim ownership of the land or any part thereof.
We, the people of the United States of America, all free and equal, adopt this freedom charter.

The people govern themselves
Any existing structures created are based on the will of the people on a local level.
Tribal structures with a council of elders may be implemented to assist, guide, resource, and facilitate communities.
Tribal councils adopt the fundamental principles of Contributionism to enhance their ability to facilitate the resourcing of the people.
Every man and woman is a potential candidate for all councils and bodies who assist, resource, and facilitate communities.
All people retain their creator-given freedoms and responsibilities and may at any time choose to act as their own elders and resource facilitators.

All people are equal
The principle of unity is the foundation of all communities and guiding bodies.
All people may utilize their own language or communication modalities and develop their own culture and customs as long as they do not infringe on the customs of others.
The diversity and beauty of our cultures and languages are promoted and celebrated as widely as possible.
All communities and tribal groups are protected by law against any and all threats to their culture and communities.
Every person's contribution to the community, however large or small, is valued as equally important as any other.
There are no hierarchies or levels of superiority on any aspect of society.
The use of money and wealth as tools of separation, segregation, and discrimination are abolished.

The people share the country's wealth and resources
The national wealth/resources of the country are restored to the people. "Be free and harm no one" law is installed to protect the people on all fronts.
All mineral wealth above and below the ground will be protected by the people and used for the benefit of all people and all communities. No individual or alleged ruling bodies will be allowed to own or monopolize it.
Forms of trade may be adapted by the people to assist in the well-being of all of the people.
All industry and manufacturing are supported in all possible ways to deliver the abundance of all things to all people.
All people are free to choose trade, craft, or profession and all training and education is free.
All banking, financial systems, and the printing of money is eradicated until there is no call for money in our society whatsoever.

The land is shared by those who work it
Farmers who feed the people are the heroes of the land and are given land, tools, seeds, implements, and all assistance necessary to maximize the production of their crops and produce.
Land usage is adapted to benefit all the people and made available to those who work it, to banish famine and hunger.
Since the land is under the care of all the people, land ownership is abolished and replaced by new land usage guidelines of the new society which will benefit all the people, farmers in particular.
Since money is no longer part of the system, no land is to be sold or owned by individuals, alleged corporations, or any other way possible.
Existing farmers use their land for the benefit of the community and teach other new farmers to farm vacant land to feed the people.
Everyone who contributes toward the community is given as much land as is required to perform their task.
The people in each community plan and implement the reconstruction of their community and develop public parks and recreational areas to the greatest benefit of the community.
Every community manages a specific area around its boundary for the production of crops and other farming necessities.
These boundaries are to be specified under the equal rights of Contributionism and based on the population of the community.
Each community is encouraged to become self-reliant and self-sustainable on the agricultural products they produce.
Food is to be distributed nationally between communities and to those communities unable to provide for themselves. All food and other farming or agricultural produce is available to the people for free.
All people have the right to settle in any community they choose and contribute to their community with their skills, talents, and abilities.

All are equal before the law
Ubuntu U.S.A. operates under a "Be free and harm no one" philosophy. Each community is free to establish guidelines for the greatest benefit of their community.
Each community is responsible for protecting its people and boundaries according to the guidelines it agrees to under the "Be free and harm no one" philosophy.
No one is to be imprisoned, deported, or restricted without a fair trial based on the system agreed upon by the people under the "Be free and harm no one" philosophy.
Any and all "Be free and harm no one" courts are to be representative of the people.
Peace officers and military personnel are re-purposed and restructured to help, protect, and meet the needs of the people.
Any peace officer or military structure is to be based on the needs and will of the people. They are to be given tools and support necessary to perform their tasks as required by the new "Be free and harm no one" philosophy.

All contribute according to their passion
Under the Ubuntu Contribution System, no one works for money but for personal satisfaction and love for their community. Money is to be removed from the system altogether.
The term "work" will eventually fall away since all people are to follow their passion and creator-given talents and abilities. These are their expressions of self and their "contribution" to society.

Transition phase of building the new Ubuntu Contributionist Society
During the transition into full Contributionism, everyone who is without an occupation, job, or income will be asked to participate and contribute to the national and local Public Works Project in which all aspects of transportation, housing, health, communication, energy, and all aspects of service delivery is to be upgraded and made available to all.
Everyone who contributes is to be paid equally and only required to contribute an average of five hours per day as preparation for transition into full Contributionism.
All who contribute are to have their basic needs met (food, water, housing, and electricity.
Every person in every trade is to be given tools, materials, and support necessary to perform their tasks to the best of their ability and the highest standard of their craft.
During the transition phase, each member of the community will contribute two hours per week toward community building projects, irrespective of what other activity they are a part of or contribute to in their community.
Each community is to be unified and united in their effort to make life as easy and pleasant as possible for everyone to live life and enjoy it to the full!

Doors of learning and culture opened
All education on all levels is free and students may choose whatever they want to learn about.
The concepts of games and play as a part of learning are introduced in such a way that the foundations of literacy are established without effort.
All classroom-based teaching is abolished and replaced by a series of exciting internships, where from an early age, children may follow their passion and learn skills of life in a variety of areas from masters in their fields; so that by the time they are 16 years old, their knowledge is wide and they have a very clear idea of what they want to do as part of their contribution to society.
Anyone who is an expert in their field and appointed by their community to act as teacher may choose to be one. Such people are to teach groups of children as part of their daily process in an internship capacity.
All children are taught the basics for survival about soil, water, plants, animals, earth, planting, harvesting crops, and farming in all aspects to build a strong bond and respect for Mother Earth. Aside from this, children may follow any path of learning they choose.
Anyone at any stage of life may change occupations and enroll in a program to learn new skills and sharpen talents.
The discovery and development of talent for the enhancement of the culture is promoted on all levels.
All cultural treasures of mankind are open to all by free exchange of books, ideas, and contact with all communities and other lands.
All adult illiteracy is ended (for those who want it) by a mass community training plan.


8th November 2016, 19:34
Thank you Maggie that is exactly what I was getting at.

The next lesson on the Mystery School of money is the: Parable of the 11th Marble.

Any five-year old child knows that if you put ten marbles into a tin can, you can only take ten marbles back out. No amount of wishful thinking, dreaming, or praying, will yield that eleventh marble from inside that can. That eleventh marble does not exist. It never did, and it never will. All discussions about the eleventh marble are the product of imagination. The eleventh marble is a fantasy.

Private central bankers issuing the public currency as interest-bearing loans operate on the belief that they can put ten marbles (dollars) into a tin can (the world) and magically get 11 marbles back out. Thus, we may conclude that the the bankers are dumber than five-year old children! But unlike five-year old children, the bankers will take your home, your business, and your nation when they don't get that eleventh marble! The spoiled child may cry and throw a tantrum, but that will be the end of their upset. The spoiled banker, however, in his or her arrogant rage that they cannot have the eleventh marble their imagination says must still be in that tin can, may start a war before they will admit that eleventh marble was never really there.

Economies are like tin cans. Before you can take a marble out, you must have put a marble in. Nobody can give you a marble that does not exist, yet this simple reality is lost to the priests of that fantastic religion called banking in that unholiest of temples called the IMF. Their religious doctrine seems to be that there must always be an eleventh marble inside the tin can, and that the tin can unfairly withholds that eleventh marble, indeed cheats them of their right to the eleventh marble, purely out of spite. That faith in the existence of the eleventh marble, unseen and improvable, is the article of faith the religion of banking rests on. It is far easier to burn the heretics than to question the dogma.


Today we see the bankers, having already retrieved their ten marbles from the tin can, flogging the world for that missing eleventh marble. Greece does not have that eleventh marble, so they turn to Germany and ask, "Do you have an eleventh marble", and Germany replies, "Sorry, but the bankers already took the ten marbles they put in our tin can, and we are searching for an eleventh marble ourselves. Try the Americans." The Americans, of course, have only just surrendered the last of their ten marbles back to the bankers and are looking under seat cushions for that missing eleventh marble nobody seems able to find.
But the eleventh marble will never be found. After all that mayhem brought down on the tin can there still will be no eleventh marble. It does not exist. It never did, and it never will.

The problem with all modern reserve banking systems is that the moment the first bank note goes into circulation as the proceed of a loan at interest, more money is owed to the banks than actually exists. Ten marbles have been put into the tin can, but the bankers see 11 marbles owed back to them. Sooner or later the non-existence of that eleventh marble will create a crises of faith. People will stop believing in the religion called private central banking, and that crisis of faith will bring the system crashing down, as did the Temple of Baal in ancient times when the Syrians saw through the priests' trickery. This evil magic of creating money out of debt was a fraud all along, as fraudulent and silly as the idea that one can put ten marbles into a tin can, and take out eleven.

In ages to come economists will look back at this failed experiment in debt-based currency, and dump it into the same category of human folly as Tulip mania, The Nation of Poyais, Credit Mobilier, the Great South Seas Company, and Mortgage-Backed Securities.

Once again we are back on "Ship of Fools" with the farmer being forced to walk the plank for attempting to repay his loan in real goods and not slips of paper. Some defenders of the current paradigm will argue that the economy is not a zero-sum game and that the economy will expand to accommodate the repaying of interest on loans. This argument only holds water if you allow people to repay their loans with tangible goods. Making the "tin-can" bigger does not increase the number of marbles in the can. The number of marbles will remain the same no matter how big the tin can is increased in size. If you make them repay with money it is assuredly still a zero-sum game because you are forcing them to find the proverbial 11th marble that never existed.

The world controllers bank on the modern economy being too complex for the average man to understand so that they can get away with their frauds and then use violence to justify their frauds by making people walk the plank in the form of starting wars.


WALK the plank ye unbelievers of Capitalism.

8th November 2016, 20:19
This evil magic of creating money out of debt was a fraud all along, as fraudulent and silly as the idea that one can put ten marbles into a tin can, and take out eleven.

Your topic is deeply interesting to me. Is that 11th marble the expectation that tomorrow will bring in a promised return on the investment of 10 marbles today?


This is what I understand. I agree with you that credit debt (promise to pay later with interest what I borrow today) is a base evil. It is working on many levels. The collateral is promised and always, unless we can service the debt, we will lose the collateral.

The "thing" at play is the idea of expanding that will make borrowing pay off. So it is all based on a belief that one's "economy" will grow. My experience is that I tried to play a "credit today pay delay" game when my husband had a beautiful product that needed capital to make. Being a micro business, we used readily available credit "cards". My story ended with a debt to pay when my husband's business was not able to continue. The risk was taken with the belief we'd have a successful business.

The issue is that we cannot predict what will happen in the future and projects TODAY need capital. But the reason these systems can work is that someone buys the stuff today (materials etc.) and IF that someone asks for interest on a promise to pay.....that makes sense for belief in the project.

I didn't choose bankruptcy. I just let it slide and the creditor took me to court. There was a judgement for the credit card company. I did sell some land and paid it off. Now I have no credit cards. There is also no business.

My question is
1. Is the answer to have no business to finance?
2. Is the issue that people want a return on a investment?

IMO, the gap is that materials and infrastructure are not free. If we have an idea for business, we must have some capitalizing.
From Where will this COME?

8th November 2016, 20:55
In a debt based monetary system any return on investment is pure fraud. I can simplify the analogy even further for you. Lets say a Bank has the Mona Lisa and they lend it to you for 5 years and when the loan expires they want you to return 2 Mona Lisas. You are now in debt to the bank to return more than what they originally gave you and you can never repay it back. It is an impossible task, you can't do it thus they own you forever. This is a fair analogy since you can't pay back the bank with counterfeit money it is impossible to repay the loan. The bank will say to you walk the plank, give me a pound of flesh, and your first born. This is how humanity was originally enslaved by the Babylonian priests. They are still doing it today and now the bankers own the whole planet despite them never having produced anything except frauds backed up by violence.


Ever notice how Washington's portrait on the dollar is almost exactly the same as the Mona Lisa.

The bankers knows when we trick you NOW we own you. That is why they are smiling. They know you can never repay.


This is the devil's money. Dollars are little Mona Lisas. The bankers will only accept their originals but somehow they expect to get more originals back than actually exist. They won't accept counterfeits and they won't accept tangible goods neither fruits and vegetables nor hand crafts. Thus they have you caught in their web from which there is no escape. You can never repay and will be their slave forever due to their frauds. Usury is a deadly sin equal to murder because it leads to the enslavement of mankind. In fact is probably worse than murder because usury is the only sin that can destroy society as a whole.

In a resource Ubuntu style economy returns can theoretically exist. I can loan you ten apples and you can easily repay me back with 11 apples because you can always grow more apples. But it doesn't work that way with money. This is the point I am trying to convey. Money really is evil. It is not a tool, it is not neutral, it is not energy, it is just evil and ultimately a force of destruction, enslavement, and ruin.

8th November 2016, 21:24
In a debt based monetary system any return on investment is pure fraud.

Since the whole "matrix" world is financed by fraud, by now, we must either retreat, accept or make an end run?

Maybe we will decide to have no modern life of "products" using woods, metals, parts of varuous kinds?

or we accept that the system IS a fraud and yet we want the credit?

The kind of situation you describe indicates to my mind that unless we are each willing to band together and buy the essential items needed to make items, like tools, equipment, materials for "modern lifestyle", we will need to stop having a modern lifestyle OR accept the fraud?

I like go fund me" kinds of examples. They can be used to cooperate and finance
I like the idea of using "trash" for repurposing.
This kind of strategy will work for awhile but really we MUST somehow create a new "net" to catch us that is offering thriving.

You have offered the problem.
What do you offer as a net?

8th November 2016, 23:39
You have offered the problem.
What do you offer as a net?

I already mentioned the solution in the first post.

The total US debt is actually $0 because this is all a con game. Put an end to the Federal Reserve and the debt simply goes away. It is all unconstitutional anyway because only the US government and NOT a private bank is allowed to issue the currency. The debt is NULL and VOID because it is unconstitutional. The debt can simply be erased by ending the FED. The plan to zero out the debt is the only moral thing to do that can save the country from the Kraken.

The final solution is closer than you may think. Dump the bankers, dump the debt and reset humanity on the proper pathway.

Trump's victory is at hand. (fingers crossed)
Consider how Trump has survived multiple bankruptcies. He got through his own massive debts simply by not paying them. He defaulted and told the bankers to go kick stones. It worked because he was strong enough and powerful enough to give the bankers the middle finger. He has talked about it on the campaign trail that America doesn't have to pay its debts. He is telling the truth and people are listening. This is the only solution. Don't pay. Screw those bankers they deserve nothing. They are frauds who belong in jail. Hang em high.

The same solution was written in Mien Kampf, in Gaddaffi's Green book, and in Kim Il Sung's Juche manual. Get rid of the parasitic bankers. We don't need them. Unfortunately every time a leader arose with the final solution legions of brainwashed masses fought against their own liberation. Maybe the masses enjoyed being slaves or perhaps their consciousness was simply too low.

There is a bitter pill the world must swallow and that is to accept the fact that Hitler was right.


The Nazi vision for humanity was not world domination but freedom from the Jewish banking oligarchy that caused WW1. Positives ETs from the Aldebaran system contacted psychic Nazis in the Vril society to give them technology along with a positive message that would lift humanity from perpetual slavery and financial tyranny. The German people paid a very high price for trying to free humanity from the global tyranny of the Jewish banker. Their entire country was destroyed, millions were killed, and millions more innocent Germans were brutally raped.

A gullible public was duped into fighting an unjust war against the very people who were trying free the planet from the financial tyranny of the Jewish bankers. The whole planet has Stockholm syndrome.

However all was not lost:

Many Nazis in the Vril society lived and created a breakaway civilization in Antarctica to continue their struggle to free humanity. At this very moment John Kerry is in Antarctica negotiating terms of the bankers surrender. A great victory for mankind is about to unfold.


Something is fundamentally changing right now. There is a tsunami of love descending on the planet. They will NOT be able to start another WW2 to keep their game of frauds running. The people will not support that kind of naked psychopathy again. The people will prevail. The truth is coming out and cannot be stopped. It is our duty as just and moral beings to expose the truth and make sure humanity is not tricked again as the reset unfolds.

9th November 2016, 03:38
Something is fundamentally changing right now. There is a tsunami of love descending on the planet.......The truth is coming out and cannot be stopped.

I do feel this is happening. Money is a great energy tool and debt is fraud but using money's energy for good is possible IMO. I think it all has to do with US and our false belief, or our connection to truth and knowing what is valuable.

From an email that William Henry sent (because I'm on his list), I discovered this other post.



Watching Osteen speak, it suddenly crystallized in my mind that there is a strange connection between symbolism of manifesting the light body and the symbolism of the dollar.

Here it is.

The Essene-Christians of the first century AD connected the crucified Jesus, and the attainment of the light body, to the Nehushtan, the fiery serpent lifted on a pole by Moses (Numbers 21:8). The raised serpent was a symbol of wisdom, or gnosis, as well as the Divine Manifesting Power. Lifting the serpent is also a reference to raising the kundlani laying coiled at the base of our spine. When this spiritual energy flows freely upward along the spine or stairway to heaven it leads to expanded consciousness.

When Moses lifted the Nehushtan it brought healing to the Israelites and also the manifestation of super angels called Seraphim, who are known as the fiery serpents. These are the highest order of angels, advanced celestial beings, who manifest on earth as luminous, humanoid figures with spinning or vortex-shaped bodies. The Essene-Christians believed humans could transform into Seraphim......


.......John the Beloved (or John the Essene) directly connected the Nehushtan to Jesus, and to our ascension, when he wrote:

“No one has ascended into heaven except the One who descended from heaven (on) the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life” (John 3:14).

Wow! That is powerful.

John is clearly telling us to understand that the secret meaning of the serpent on a pole symbolism has to do with the secret of eternal life and ascension. More, it is about transforming us into angels or beings of light like the Seraphim, as ‘lifting the serpent’ means to transform into a Seraph.

The serpent on a pole or rod is, of course, the caduceus of Hermes, the staff of enlightenment, from or around which ribbons or a snake or snakes curl. Numerous authors make the connection not only between Moses and Hermes, but also Jesus and Hermes. It is no wonder their symbols are interconnected.


In 1797, the serpent on a pole symbol was adopted by the U.S. Government and became the dollar sign, $, the symbol for the almighty U.S. Dollar, a unit of currency. Some clever person, or persons, in Philadelphia, the capital of the newly formed United States of America, decided to use a supernatural symbol for a supernatural concept as a symbol for a new supernatural concept: the creation of printed money. This symbol, $, is known world wide. Everywhere it is found it denotes “prosperity” or “money”. Most don’t know the magic behind money or the origins or esoteric meaning of its symbolism.

The word ‘dollar’ comes from the German thaler. As shown here, in the sixteenth century, thalers featured a Nehushtan on one side and the crucified Christ on the other. The message is they represent the same thing: the secret of eternal life.


......Unfortunately, rather than standing for the flowing of spiritual current and the transformation of humans into angels, or truth-speaking, peace-walking beings with expanded consciousness and open hearts, the $ symbol became the global symbol for money and flowing cash.

Money flows, but the magi know, it does not actually exist. It is manifested out of thin air by bankers and symbolized by fiat currency or paper money. We all agree, or have faith, that the paper stands for something real, but it isn’t. This is the magic or supernatural power of money. We trust that the inventors of money will continue to give us credit (and they will as long as we, wink, wink, go along with their magic). Many people will do just about anything to accumulate money.

In Goethe’s classic German legend, Faust, the Devil (Mephistopheles) and the scholarly Faust are purveyors of the secret of alchemy: how to create astounding wealth by printing money. Faust makes a deal with the Devil, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures.

Timothy must have been tempted by the same Faustian deal when he said:

“Those who want to be rich, however, fall into temptation and become ensnared by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. But you, O man of God, flee from these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.

Timothy’s advice is Buddhist. The righteousness he implores us to pursue is a condition of the heart and mind. Living righteously, we are rewarded with the Robe of Righteousness. This is the light body of Christ.

Timothy is clearly urging us not to take the Devil’s pact, but instead to pursue our angelic or Christ bodies for righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness are all qualities of the Seraphim angels.

So, plain and simple, our choice is either to spend our precious time on this fragile earth chasing money, and filling our purse with something that does not exist, or we can pursue our angelic light body. One path leads to destruction. The other leads to freedom.

This makes it kind of ironic that a Christian preacher has made a massive fortune offering tools to attract money.

I don’t mind, because the tools he offers can be applied in all areas of life.

More, I think money is good and can be used for godly purposes.

Before getting into Joel Osteen’s ancient technique for manifesting prosperity, I want to share Jesus’s words on money. As we will see, he presents the explicit choice between chasing money and the Robe of Righteousness.

PROSPERITY AND THE LIGHT BODY Continued here (http://www.williamhenry.net/2016/07/prosperity-and-the-light-body-joel-osteen-says-something-big-is-coming-your-wayand-i-believe-him-but-not-for-the-same-reason/)

9th November 2016, 05:53
Disclosure has begun. A message from the light to handle with care.


10th November 2016, 05:26
What is happening tonight: Soros is throwing a temper tantrum. Although some are legitimately fooled into fighting against their own liberation the majority are not fooled and this will not last before it is quickly exposed.


11th November 2016, 00:08
Look who has the power now. 4Chan's /pol


We are the new gods.

11th November 2016, 09:02
Saw this on Zerohedge and had to repost it:

Who must Go?

Looks like the ship of fools finally struck an iceberg.

11th November 2016, 09:09
Saw this on Zerohedge and had to repost it:

Who must Go?

Looks like the ship of fools finally struck an iceberg.

Very funny! :ha:

11th November 2016, 10:54
Multiple false flags are in progress tonight.

1. Hillary Clinton is a false flag against feminism. Divine Feminism is a positive force that could solve most of the world's problems. The cabal of parasites of course hates real feminism and is trying to destroy it by making the general public hate feminism as much as they do. They know she is hated and that is why they want to force her on us so we in turn associate wretches like Clinton with feminism. The idea is to make feminism as unappealing as possible so the masses hate it too. It is a kind of brainwashing because they do it with our consent. This is how they deceive even the awakened.

They do so with a slight of hand, a diversion. The parasites will push Hillary Clinton with their right hand openly so everyone can see it. Then secretly they will reach around with their left hand and say to the masses "yeah, hate her, hate her. we want you to hate her. Feed us with your hate." Thus the masses can be deceived into hating the feminine. It doesn't end there. "We came, we saw, he died..." Hillary Clinton is being set up for a FALL. She is going to start some massive war with Russia and bring about near total destruction. Then the parasites will come and say to the survivors "Look what happened when we put a woman in control. She failed; there was war, death, and destruction. Everything you hold dear was lost. Woman are dangerous. They must never be allowed to hold power ever again or even speak against the male leaders who know best." Everyone save a few will be fooled. The masses will be on board with this and give their consent.

We need real woman like the hero grandmothers at standing rock to lead the planet. This is what the parasites fear the most. This is why they are doing this false flag against women and feminism.

2. SJWs are a false flag against real social justice. There is a real social justice movement on the march and it is coming for the bankers and the parasites who stole this planet from its original owners. The bankers and their frauds backed up by violence will no longer be tolerated but this cabal of criminals is not going down without a fight. Similarly to the false flag against feminism the cabal has created their own parody of social justice in the form of fake SJWs. The SJWs are out in the streets tonight burning things and beating people in the name of PEACE, LOVE, and Tolerance. Again the Cabal is trying to deceive the masses to associate these wretched social justice warriors with the real social justice movement that is going to free humanity. The cabal can't fight their own battles so they require surrogates to do their fighting for them.

The SJW's aren't bad people. They have just been tricked by the cabal. The Tsunami of love that is descending on this planet is also tearing them apart. The love energy wave has place to go in these people so it is just causing chaos. We were warned that people would be rolling around in agony in the streets the day the tsunami of love appeared and now we are actually seeing it happen. They will either turn to the light soon are self-destruct trying to resist it.

3. The DNC establishment a false flag against liberalism and progressive ideal. The cabal of criminals also hates the qualities of compassion and kindness which the parasites view as a human weakness. Compassion and good will toward men has historically come from the progressive ideals of the LEFT. We should be feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and healing the sick. The Cabal opposes this for their own evil reasons. That is why they forced the DNC to get rid of Bernie Sanders and is now pushing for Tim Kaine to run in 2020 on an even more regressive ticket than Hillary Clinton. The literally DNC is committing suicide tonight. This is by order of the cabal. It is a controlled demolition. It will be exposed shortly.

13th November 2016, 01:37
This tsunami of love is really taking hold of South Korea right now. Over 1 million people come to protest in the streets of Seoul to demand the Cabal controlled puppet government resign.

Everywhere the elite are squirming as people all over the planet rise up against their psychotic tyranny. In America the love tsunami is causing chaos due to misdirection by the likes of Soros. It won't last though as his own minions will turn on him soon.

13th November 2016, 04:49
where does this image originate / source please :-) I would like to research this more..............

13th November 2016, 05:55
This tsunami of love is really taking hold of South Korea right now. Over 1 million people come to protest in the streets of Seoul to demand the Cabal controlled puppet government resign.

Everywhere the elite are squirming as people all over the planet rise up against their psychotic tyranny. In America the love tsunami is causing chaos due to misdirection by the likes of Soros. It won't last though as his own minions will turn on him soon.

I am really enjoying your perspective and perception. Something very special is happening.

13th November 2016, 06:09
where does this image originate / source please :-) I would like to research this more..............

The picture was posted by a reddit user (https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5cln93/this_is_seoul_right_now_1_million_people/) so I don't I don't know where it originally came from.

There is an in depth article on Russia today that has similar pictures and videos so I believe it is genuine.

14th November 2016, 02:02
I am really enjoying your perspective and perception. Something very special is happening.

Thank you modwiz. I don't have insider information but what I do have is a good feel for the energetic currents. There were other love waves in the recent past such as during the Ferguson riots which spontaneously ended in a love fest. When has that ever happened? I consider it to be a divine miracle. People just miraculously stop rioting and the whole end thing ended with out bloodshed. That is what the power of love energy can do.

Kingly Ka is a universal sign of love, consciousness, and enlightenment.

There was a lull in the love wave for about a year and half but it is now come back at full blast.

For every force there is an opposition force. There is a counter balance energy coming from the dark side that is saying: "I care not who rules the planet so long as humans feed me loosh."


WANTED for arrest: Intergalactic criminal Demiurge.

14th November 2016, 04:59
Thamks for the resource Novusod and for RT as this was the first I saw or heard anything going on in South Korea Love it!!

14th November 2016, 06:40
You are a bringer of good news Novusod, I urge you to continue with "the roll you are on" as there are angles to everything and the lifting of spirit is by far the best one. :tiphat:

14th November 2016, 07:12
You are a bringer of good news Novusod, I urge you to continue with "the roll you are on" as there are angles to everything and the lifting of spirit is by far the best one. :tiphat:

Thank you Elen. My goal here is to focus on the raising of consciousness by discussing subjects from different angles that are rarely talked about. Wisdom can be found in the most unlikely places.

For instance this Looney Tunes (Toons) cartoon teaches the effectiveness of using false flags in deceptive warfare. You may have even seen this when you were a child but few could see the deeper message behind it. This is pretty much how warfare and politics is done in the 21st century. Create false flags to blame the innocent party.


Hillary Clinton - False flag against feminism
SWJs - False flag against genuine social justice
DNC leadership - False flag against genuine progressives
9/11 and terrorism - False flag against Islam (usury is forbidden in Islam)

15th November 2016, 12:33
This might be a good time to open a discussion on the Mystery school on divine Feminism because it is extremely important in understanding why the dark opposes it so much.

It really has to do with how our hierarchical society is run and its' various flaws coming home to roost. Everything in modern society seem to be based on one person telling another person what to do. That is the real problem. Everyone is oppressed but nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room.

Examine how different people interact in society:

Teacher is dominant over student.
- The teachers don't really control anything because they have bosses too
- Principal is dominant over the teacher
- Superintendent is dominant over the principal
- School board is dominant over the superintendent
- State has control over the school board
- Department of Education (Federal) tells the states what to do

Department of Education has its own internal hierarchy like a corporation
- All corporations have the same basic structure where the employer is dominant over the employee.
- You have low level employees who are under the thumb of management
- The management is not really in control because they have bosses too
- Management is under senior management
- Executives have control of the senior management
- CEO controls all the other executives
- In the case of the Department of Education the Secretary of Education runs the whole education system in America
- Secretary of Education answers only to the President of the US

It is a hierarchy like a pyramid. This pyramid control structure allows very few people at the top to tell everyone what to do. If you are the bottom of the pyramid of course you are going to feel oppressed because you have the whole weight of the world on your shoulders. Our entire society and government is run like a corporation.

The corporation is just Feudalism with names changed.
Instead of Kings -> Lords -> Vassals -> Knights -> Serfs
We have renamed it: CEO -> Executives -> Management -> Employee

The reason I bring all this up is because you can't just discus Feminism in a vacuum. You have to see the BIG Picture of what is really going on in the world. Our personal lives and family life are being run like a corporation as well. Both men and women are trapped in their own personal Feudalism.

What is a "King" but a father figure. The Lords and Vassals are but the King's extended family. Feudalism is modeled after a family structure that is called a patriarchy. Patriarchy has the same root word as Hierarchy. Both words mean rule by "father." Putting a Queen on the King's pyramid changes nothing. As far back as ancient Egypt there were female Pharoahs on the throne. The Queens of Egypt even wore fake beards and cod pieces to be the same as the male. There is nothing progressive about this. It is just more backwards thinking.

Modern feminism is completely backwards. A gender reversed patriarchy is still a patriarchy. The focus of the modern feminist is to transform females into men. Make women into modern days queens called CEOs. Modern feminism should really be called masculinism because women are turning into men. When women are rejecting their own feminism then there is an even bigger problem.

A Matriarchy is not a gender reversed patriarchy. If you examine what a real "feminist" matriarchal society looks it is non-hierarchical. The matriarch is not a Queen but a Goddess. The goddess does not rule over her subjects like a king does. A king needs a scepter and a whip to beat his subjects into submission. A goddess does not need a scepter. Men will throw themselves at the feet of the goddess and worship without compulsion. No scepter is needed, no fear is needed, only love is needed. The matriarch rules by Love vs the patriarch who rules by Fear and compulsion. That is what divine feminism really is.

Divine Feminism has the power to up end the entire New World Order power structure. There is no hierarchy, no pyramid of control under divine feminism. All men and women are sovereign under this system and service is voluntary. The phrase that I posted earlier in the thread: If you need violence to enforce your ideas then your ideas are worthless is central to theme here. All contacts and contracts are voluntary and consensual. Compulsion is abhorrent and will have no place in the new Earth.

I often use this picture to illustrate the point of divine feminism. It represents two people together as equals in service to each other united in love through this journey we call life.

15th November 2016, 13:24
Thank you for pointing out the distinct qualities, it couldn't be any other way.

16th November 2016, 01:00
More false flags and deception caught red handed. Bunch of Loony Tunes.


17th November 2016, 08:00
This made me laugh and cry at the same time:



BEST of All they don't even know why they are protesting:
They are just being sent out like a bunch of lemmings.

20th November 2016, 02:20
Moving on to another subject in the mystery school.
Trauma based mind control

There is an unseen trauma that millions people go through that is never talked about. If you ask most people if they have ever been traumatized they will say no. Some people will talk about MK-Ultra experiments but will never associate how the trauma based mind control applies to them directly. People who are somewhat awake to the concept will often take a detached view that trauma based mind control only happens to unfortunate "others" being tortured in some government black site without ever realizing they themselves are the real victims. There is a terrible trauma that many people go through as infants. Trauma based mind control begins at birth. What I am talking about here is circumcision and how it mind controls our male population to be violent because it is imprinted on them at birth.

Circumcision is large scale satanic torture of babies done to inflict trauma based mind control on the whole population. Shortly after birth baby boys are taken from their mother and strapped down and tortured in the most gruesome ways. This is done to break the bond between the mother and child and create an attachment disorder in children which metastasizes into PSTD type psychosis as adults.

Healthy family bonding:

Robotic and cruel board infants are strapped to while being circumcised.

There is a strange phenomenon that can be observed between the differences when American men get drunk and when European men get drunk. When European men get drunk they tend to be jolly. Singing is common in German beer halls and even English pubs. When American men get drunk they brawl and fight. Violence is fact of life in America.

How can we expect men not to lash out at the world when as their first experience in life is to be assaulted just hours or days after being born. The extreme pain coming from having the most sensitive part of their body crushed in a clamp and then cut off without anesthesia rewires the brain to expect violence. This violent imprint is then carried into adulthood and is the cause of many social ills. Every society that has a high rate of circumcision also has a corresponding high rate of violence. America's violent crime is outrageous compared to Europe where circumcision is rare. Same is true in the Middle East and Africa.

Circumcision is again the suppression of the feminine. The male foreskin is the part that (in a sexual encounter) men spiritually connect with the female. The foreskin are the labia are the same organ. The foreskin is the feminine part of the man. When the foreskin is removed this feminine part of the man is also removed. What remains is sex without the natural spiritual connection.

Here is a pretty decent video on the subject from a spiritual master that understands the bigger picture quite well.


enjoy being
20th November 2016, 03:01
12 years ago or so, I remember stumbling across a google search result while searching for "furniture restoration". It came up with several entries and links to websites including the outrageous looking term, foreskin restoration. I just had to investigate this lol.. and found much of the information you relay here amongst these sites for men who were attempting to repair themselves. My opinion is that it doesn't affect all circumsized men in the same way or in the same amounts, and maybe the purpose of it was served when it was more common a few decades and more ago, in that it may have helped play its part for its time with the chronology or menu of psychological abuse of men. Say when previously the generations of men sent to war and coming home affected had its results, the continuation of circumcision through those years and after into the 70's mainly (when it tailed off), could have been seen to have achieved the right adjustments. From memory one attribute to the psychological differences between circumcised and uncircumcised men was confidence and security.

Other childhood abuses is the destruction of imagination and the ridicule of magic. This is done at the same time as parents first teach their children that it is okay to lie about some things. I am talking about Christmas paraphernalia and the last few centuries of evolution of the festival which has given us this vehicle to attack the minds of children.

Oh, also recall the circumcision information making reference to money being paid for the removed skin, by early stem cell type research organisations, so there was a market for them.

Have to add more, as I feel I spoke of it semi dismissively compared to how I really feel on the matter. How I really feel is that I have some form of block there, some kind of connection with the suggestion, and an awareness of some horrible thing happening to me as a child that I can't quite put my finger on.

20th November 2016, 03:29
12 years ago or so, I remember stumbling across a google search result while searching for "furniture restoration". It came up with several entries and links to websites including the outrageous looking term, foreskin restoration. I just had to investigate this lol.. and found much of the information you relay here amongst these sites for men who were attempting to repair themselves. My opinion is that it doesn't affect all circumsized men in the same way or in the same amounts, and maybe the purpose of it was served when it was more common a few decades and more ago, in that it may have helped play its part for its time with the chronology or menu of psychological abuse of men. Say when previously the generations of men sent to war and coming home affected had its results, the continuation of circumcision through those years and after into the 70's mainly (when it tailed off), could have been seen to have achieved the right adjustments. From memory one attribute to the psychological differences between circumcised and uncircumcised men was confidence and security.

Other childhood abuses is the destruction of imagination and the ridicule of magic. This is done at the same time as parents first teach their children that it is okay to lie about some things. I am talking about Christmas paraphernalia and the last few centuries of evolution of the festival which has given us this vehicle to attack the minds of children.

Oh, also recall the circumcision information making reference to money being paid for the removed skin, by early stem cell type research organisations, so there was a market for them.

Have to add more, as I feel I spoke of it semi dismissively compared to how I really feel on the matter. How I really feel is that I have some form of block there, some kind of connection with the suggestion, and an awareness of some horrible thing happening to me as a child that I can't quite put my finger on.

I believe it affects ALL circumcised men. The only variance is the degree to which people will admit to it.
There are those who accept the trauma that has been done to them.
There are those who deny it.
There are those who so traumatized they are incapable of even considering the question.

Man in his late 50s still terrorized over his circumcision.


enjoy being
20th November 2016, 03:59
Agreed, I couldn't/can't really express it correctly. Admission or even awareness. The seamless reality from such an age and not attributing any such thing to the psyche, has men not even aware of how it has changed the possible them.
It is indeed a hard thing to have any good data on. And yes many having not considered it, don't believe it a culprit.
I myself can't look at the video, and just have some memory of something horrible happening that I can't quantify. I could say, yep well I am circumcised so it must be that, but then that just seems too simple and the block is I can't commit to matching the two up, which really is a case of 1 plus 1 equals 2. But I keep 'backing out' with some feeling that there must be a 2nd trauma or whatever, so I have 2 halves still. Sorry if that makes no sense.

20th November 2016, 04:42
Agreed, I couldn't/can't really express it correctly. Admission or even awareness. The seamless reality from such an age and not attributing any such thing to the psyche, has men not even aware of how it has changed the possible them.
It is indeed a hard thing to have any good data on. And yes many having not considered it, don't believe it a culprit.
I myself can't look at the video, and just have some memory of something horrible happening that I can't quantify. I could say, yep well I am circumcised so it must be that, but then that just seems too simple and the block is I can't commit to matching the two up, which really is a case of 1 plus 1 equals 2. But I keep 'backing out' with some feeling that there must be a 2nd trauma or whatever, so I have 2 halves still. Sorry if that makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense and it is OK if you are hurting over this. It does not make you less of a person to feel hurt and victimized. Millions of people are in the same boat as you. These are some very evil entities we are up against. This has been going on for a very long time and we as a human species are just learning to fight back against it. If you need to look away from this material that is perfectly acceptable.

Your observation that there are two parts to this issue is spot on:
- The first part is physical which is the circumcision itself.
- The second part is the emotional scaring that comes from trauma based mind control.

Circumcision itself physically heals but the trauma based mind control can last a life time. It can manifest in many forms from anger, sadness, lack of motivation, feelings of worthlessness, etc. They do this to break us and make us their slaves. Along with many other things this plot will shortly be exposed and put a stop to.

There are protests all over the country as the people are waking up and fighting the fight against circumcision.

21st November 2016, 04:33
South Koreans are protesting again tonight.

Amazing spontaneous LOVE waves are literally manifesting in plain sight.


21st November 2016, 08:19
Here is another really good video about hiding the TRUTH in plain sight and manufacturing our consent via medical tyranny.

You see this here. This here is a MYTH constructed to distract us from the real truth. It doesn't look like this.

American babies are being tortured an abused in plain sight. Chances are if you are an American male it was done to you. The devil doesn't wear a black robe but wears scrubs and a surgeon's mask. He is torturing our children and getting away with it.


The mother child birthing process is actually divine. The doctors are coming from a very dark place when they break this bond. They are separating our male children from the divine feminine and replacing that divine energy with fear, and pain.

The painful circumcision is the mark of the Demiurge and I will get into this later. The Goddess created man perfect. There is no need to cut off and destroy her divine creation.

21st November 2016, 10:28
Powerfullll, thankyou.

I just finished a wee cry and have tears again, a wee bit of pain.

I want to swear out loud, throw something, the c word repeats in my head, least I can feel the pain.

21st November 2016, 13:17
Powerfullll, thankyou.

I just finished a wee cry and have tears again, a wee bit of pain.

I want to swear out loud, throw something, the c word repeats in my head, least I can feel the pain.

I apologize if this presentation is causing you pain. Know that it does get better. I am exposing this evil to the light so that it may be stopped and transmuted back into love. Forgiveness is key to the healing process. Spread this information where ever you can so that it is not perpetuated onto another generation. When we stop inflicting pain on our children it will birth a kinder and gentler world. A world that is more connected to the Goddess energy and no longer under the thumb of trauma based mind control.


People are rising up to stop the evil.


21st November 2016, 14:20
I had a doctor, female, look me in the eye and tell me that the baby wouldn't feel any pain. I happened to know what the process entails in detail and I just looked at the woman and bit my tongue. I wanted to tell her she's an idiot. But if people don't know, maybe they just believe their doctors. :fpalm:

enjoy being
22nd November 2016, 06:11
I had a doctor, female, look me in the eye and tell me that the baby wouldn't feel any pain. I happened to know what the process entails in detail and I just looked at the woman and bit my tongue. I wanted to tell her she's an idiot. But if people don't know, maybe they just believe their doctors. :fpalm:

I have started this topic of conversation a few times in a local forum over the last decade, the response the first time was appalling. Very little response and what there was, was giggling and trolling. The second and third time were slightly better, and in those times I have pointed out how frightened it seems people are to talk about it.

This is in NZ where most males used to be circumcised up until during the 70's.. not sure of exact dates and digits.. Still the comments are flippant runaways, people who want to talk about it but then freak out so come up with some smart reply instead. A common thing is to display the brainwashing in proclaiming that it is all about cleanliness.
To that I say, okay lets pull out babies teeth because they can rot. Amputate the arms so there's no smelly armpits. Sew up the babies bottom and pipe in a special sewerage system that can also be set up to pay a license and meterage fee for. :-0

The conduct of medical staff you mention there Dreamtimer is appalling eh. It is a bit of a trap for them in ways I guess. Part of their medical indoctrination and learning is to omit all things unnecessary to be known by the patient or NoK. The little white lie thing from all around. "What they don't know can't hurt them". The grey area of a tactic of efficiency in not engaging in sections of topic which will cause paperwork or extra time in explaining. But done under the mantra they are protecting the patient from unnecessary stress and leading them to what is in their best interests . It is a fairly general form of load lightening we all can do, but seen here like a few other examples, it becomes deceitful and even malicious. Contradictory to the words Health Care Providers.

In my early life I was subjected to a very considerable amount of psychological abuse, by today's definition certainly. Even at the time, though it would have been equally called, "old fashioned upbringing". A passing down through generations of a family brand of militant and stubborn discipline. It took a wee while to untangle quite a bit of it.. yet other things that helped, like forgiving them by being aware it is their first time as parents and they are not infallible, came as epiphany quite young, like 11 or 12. All that stuff, you can sort of quantify. Even being sexually abused by an older child from next door. All that, said to qualify the sense that aside from all that, like in the earlier post, I have always felt like there was something far more horrible that happened before I was old enough to remember. In some ways being able to settle on it being circumcision would be a relief. I have had plenty of time to ponder it, but it slips away like opposing poles of 2 magnets.

22nd November 2016, 08:34
Had that two magnate experience also, interesting, protecting oneself ?.

22nd November 2016, 09:12
I had a doctor, female, look me in the eye and tell me that the baby wouldn't feel any pain. I happened to know what the process entails in detail and I just looked at the woman and bit my tongue. I wanted to tell her she's an idiot. But if people don't know, maybe they just believe their doctors. :fpalm:

Have you ever heard the old wives tale Boys cry more than Girls as babies? It is because of the circumcision. Boys are more likely to be colicky because they are in real pain and are traumatized from having the most sensitive part of their body crushed in a clamp and then cut off often without any anesthesia. Colicky is is just another one of those lies they tell us. "Oh the baby is just being colicky there is nothing wrong. He will be perfectly fine." It is not just the doctors that say these things. It is reinforced in the media, in baby books, and parroted endlessly throughout society.

Most doctors simply do it for the money. A foreskin is worth about $350 of pure profit. If a doctor does a dozen or so circumcisions a week then they are raking in some serious blood money. Doctors will tell you any lie they can think of to get that money. First they will charge you for it and they will turn around the sell the foreskin itself to cosmetic companies who use the foreskin as an ingredient to make expensive skin creams (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/10/baby-foreskin-facial_n_7040808.html). Beyond what the doctors think there is something very dark about this whole thing that goes beyond mere profit motive. In the medical system meat is on the menu and they are serving up human flesh. There is a similar cannibalism with vaccines containing aborted fetus cells. This is because the devil wears a surgeon's mask. There is a very spiritual or anti-spiritual aspect to all this.

I have started this topic of conversation a few times in a local forum over the last decade, the response the first time was appalling. Very little response and what there was, was giggling and trolling. The second and third time were slightly better, and in those times I have pointed out how frightened it seems people are to talk about it.

This is in NZ where most males used to be circumcised up until during the 70's.. not sure of exact dates and digits.. Still the comments are flippant runaways, people who want to talk about it but then freak out so come up with some smart reply instead. A common thing is to display the brainwashing in proclaiming that it is all about cleanliness.
To that I say, okay lets pull out babies teeth because they can rot. Amputate the arms so there's no smelly armpits. Sew up the babies bottom and pipe in a special sewerage system that can also be set up to pay a license and meterage fee for. :-0

The conduct of medical staff you mention there Dreamtimer is appalling eh. It is a bit of a trap for them in ways I guess. Part of their medical indoctrination and learning is to omit all things unnecessary to be known by the patient or NoK. The little white lie thing from all around. "What they don't know can't hurt them". The grey area of a tactic of efficiency in not engaging in sections of topic which will cause paperwork or extra time in explaining. But done under the mantra they are protecting the patient from unnecessary stress and leading them to what is in their best interests . It is a fairly general form of load lightening we all can do, but seen here like a few other examples, it becomes deceitful and even malicious. Contradictory to the words Health Care Providers.

There has been a quiet revolution against circumcision in many parts of the world. The practice of cutting new born infants has completely stopped in New Zealand, Australia, and in the UK. It is still occasionally done in Canada but in America the rate is still around 50%. That is over 1 million baby boys every year going through this painful torture in America.

I can remember debating circumcision on forums almost 20 years ago. A lot of circumcision debates starting popping up on the internet because of a South Park episode (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95LyNGBCTzk) on circumcision that originally aired in 1998. Circumcision rates were much higher back then around 70% or something. South Park was mostly watched by teenagers and I think it really woke a lot of people up to at least start asking questions. The older generation of course my parents generation was still in the mentality of circumcision is like eating your vegetables. "We cut it, you are going to like it, you have no say, OK." But with the younger 1990s era kids it was not OK. They were NOT cool with it. The anti-circumcision movement really had its origins back then. They may not have had the power to fight the system back then but now those children have grown into adults themselves and they are rejecting circumcision in increasing numbers.

The quiet revolution has also been taking place in America as circumcision rates have declined by quite a bit since the end of the 20 century. Now the next phase is moving forward with active protests by the Intactivists. Large protests in 2012 against the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) resulted in circumcision being removed from the list of recommended procedures. Before 2012 doctors used to point the AAP and say circumcision is recommended but now they have lost that crutch. We are at a tipping point where the whole thing could end up being abolished in the next few years. THANK the Goddess.

In my early life I was subjected to a very considerable amount of psychological abuse, by today's definition certainly. Even at the time, though it would have been equally called, "old fashioned upbringing". A passing down through generations of a family brand of militant and stubborn discipline. It took a wee while to untangle quite a bit of it.. yet other things that helped, like forgiving them by being aware it is their first time as parents and they are not infallible, came as epiphany quite young, like 11 or 12. All that stuff, you can sort of quantify. Even being sexually abused by an older child from next door. All that, said to qualify the sense that aside from all that, like in the earlier post, I have always felt like there was something far more horrible that happened before I was old enough to remember. In some ways being able to settle on it being circumcision would be a relief. I have had plenty of time to ponder it, but it slips away like opposing poles of 2 magnets.

I am sorry to hear you had an abusive childhood. The thing that you can't remember is certainly the circumcision though I wouldn't call it a relief.

Circumcision pain is on the level of having your fingernails ripped out with pliers. The procedure can last as long as 10 minutes which is an eternity if a doctor is doing surgery on you without anesthesia. This is truly nightmarish stuff. Some babies scream so much they can suffer collapsed lungs, seizures and other traumas. Most babies will simply pass out from shock and go into a comatose state. Babies going comatose during the procedure is the origin of the euphemism that babies slept through the circumcision. In America there are about 200 deaths a year from circumcisions.

enjoy being
22nd November 2016, 09:46
Had that two magnate experience also, interesting, protecting oneself ?.

Proximity alert lol. Hopefully indulging these details is useful as some form of example. Our conscious thoughts and subconscious thoughts being one thing but then repressed memories and all the little triggers involved in protecting them.. Triggering has become more widely understood it seems, just from seeing it become a fashionable term in recent times? that is awesome isn't it.
Computers are awesome too, not just for their usage. But that they have supplied us with a way to talk about the mind and understand ourselves, just in terms of talking about information and ram and storage and page filing and bandwidth.. internet, wireless, networking. So hardware and mechanics has helped to understand and share understanding of the mind. And also, how it all relates in contrast to quantum computing.

Still I don't understand enough to be sure of anything though eh! But the mind and body do hide stuff from the consciousness and each other. An injury which is favoured and then becomes posture and the mind pitches in by forming habits to avoid the anti posture. I have heard of physical therapists who have ways to catch the body and mind out and find injuries that are being hidden.

22nd November 2016, 09:59
Had that two magnate experience also, interesting, protecting oneself ?.

This is another aspect of the trauma based mind control. There is a very spiritual reason for this blockage. When I was trying to do past life regression meditations there was this massive wall of pain and fear that was very difficult to get through. These were the memories of my circumcision. The circumcision was blocking me from accessing early memories from before I was born. Circumcision is in part done to prevent us from remembering who we are by severing out connection to the divine and walling it up with fear and pain. Every time you try to get close to these memories the pain of the circumcision will reflexively push you away like a magnet. This keeps us anchored into a single life so that we believe nothing came before we were born.

In the few times I was able to meditate past the circumcision memories I was able to retrieve fleeting glimpses of being in the womb and living in the spirit realm. I have this memory of being a grown man and gently tossing small stones in a pond and then watching the ripples in the water.

This memory comes from a past life and it looks something like this:

22nd November 2016, 12:46
Unfortunately, my past life memories are of being in war. Probably WWII. On the bright side, I realized that we had to stop warring and began to tell everyone around me. Most didn't listen but some did. That was the feeling I carried into this life. But still, most don't listen.

25th November 2016, 08:51
Here is a video of Bill and Hillary Clinton selling circumcision on the faulty science it prevents AIDS in Africa.

You know it is evil when the Clinton crime family is pushing circumcision for no logical reason at all. It is medical colonialism and more trauma based mind control. Circumcision is falling out of favor in the industrialized world so they are looking for more victims to exploit. This isn't about money. They are doing it entirely to suppress the divine feminine presence on this planet which threatens to overturn the New World Order.


25th November 2016, 09:09
Unfortunately, my past life memories are of being in war. Probably WWII. On the bright side, I realized that we had to stop warring and began to tell everyone around me. Most didn't listen but some did. That was the feeling I carried into this life. But still, most don't listen.

I am listening and am interested in your stories. There is a indirect way of expanding the memories through research.

I have a name attached to some of my memories though I won't say it just yet because I am still doing research into where that name leads.

25th November 2016, 12:14
I don't recall any names. I've never tried to bring back the dreams. I could conceivably do so and glean many more details. I recall a very large, wide dirt road. Several tanks or trucks could go down it side by side. There were not a lot of trees around. There were planes dropping bombs and men shooting guns. I was on foot and armed. It was very loud with weapons and men screaming.

It was the only dream I had as a child that was in black and white. Otherwise my dreams were all in color. It was sepia, in fact. Once I realized this I decided it was something from the past, a past life. I've never dreamt in black and white since.

27th November 2016, 08:50
Incredible news coming out of the Pizzagate scandal recently:

Both John and Tony Podesta were in Praia da Luz, Spain on May 3rd 2007– the day Madaline McCann vanished. The Podesta brothers were staying with a friend named “Clem” . Clement Freud, a known to be a pedophile and also the grandson of psychopathology sex expert Dr. Sigmund Freud.

Both John and Tony Podesta match the witness descriptions and police sketches.




This can't be allowed to just slip down the memory hole.

28th November 2016, 02:19
Andrew Breitbart tried to blow the whistle of the Podesta sex crimes 5 years ago in 2011 and then they killed him.


29th November 2016, 08:19
Now might be a good time to discuss the next topic in the Mystery School:

The Mystery School of the Orouborous

This is probably going to be one of the most difficult concepts to accept and come to terms with. This has to do with the nature of souls and why evil is permitted in this universe. Why? Why is child molestation of all things permitted? How can God or the Goddess allow this to happen? It is so unfathomably evil it shouldn't exist. It shouldn't be a thing, ever. BUT it does exist and there is a reason for it. There is a higher cosmic reason it exists and why it is happening and pertains to the nature of souls.

You can't kill a soul. Souls are immortal by default. They never die, that is their innate condition. Most humans alive today are 99.999% likely reincarnated souls. We are not just a few decades old. Souls are thousands if not millions of years old and have experienced dozens if not hundreds of different lives. Nobody should really be afraid of death because death isn't really death. Nobody really dies when they die. Death is just a door to another existence and then you are coming back. So what happens when a child molester dies? Just like everyone else they are going to get reincarnated only they will be carrying karma from a past life into the next life. This is where the victims come in.

The watchers and spirit guides who oversee what goes on on Earth permit the child molestation to happen because to the "watchers" the little child victim is not actually innocent. The child is not really a child but is in a spiritual sense a many thousand year old soul that has incarnated on Earth to experience Karma and make amends for past sins. That child is then guided and karmicly attracted to a predator who gives them their payback. For example what is going to happen to some very evil souls such as the Podesta brothers or Jimmy Savile or Clement Freud. When they die they are going to be judged by the LORDS of Karma and sent back to Earth with a life contract that has them on the receiving end of their evil deeds.

These souls are is a state of Orouborous. They are soul serpents biting their own tales. A child molester and their victim are karmically attached to each other. In one life time soul A molests soul B. Then in the next lifetime the roles will flip and soul B will molest soul A. This also happens to other sinners as well.

Rapists will be raped in their next life.
Murderers will be murdered in their next life.
Thieves will be robbed in their next life.
Etc etc.

See the Orouborous as a serpent biting its own tale and the man pushing over the column until it "dominoes" onto his own head. This is the nature of multi-life reality and a logical consequence of souls being immortal and never dying.



I don't actually endorse what the Karma Lords do here because the Karma Lords themselves are actually very evil and are part of the Demiurgic system that has enslaved the entire human race. The Lords of Karma have created a trap for humanity from which there is no escape. Souls just go round and round on wheel of Karma forever.

This is a pretty good video on the topic of the Karma Lords that I have been wanting to share ever since Sylvie NewEarth started talking about the "parasites" and Golden ages.


Many people who have had near death experiences or do past life regression recall how they went through a so called "life review" between lives. It is this life review that determines your karma and how much you will have to suffer in the next life to make amends. The Lords of Karma tell us that it for our own good and we need this grow spiritually. The truth of the matter is suffering is NOT necessary. In fact it is detrimental to our being and we are being tricked into self harming.

If you understand the mythology behind the Vedic texts it states that thousands of years ago man existed in a pristine condition. Our life spans were longer, there was no suffering, and people didn't even have to struggle just to survive. It was a time of endless leisure and abundance because the Demiurgic system of Karmic enforcement had not yet been foisted upon the human race. This was the golden age of man. The early Greek myths also recall this same golden age. In the bible this pristine time is called the Garden of Eden. The present time is a dark age called the Kali Yuga in the Vedic scriptures. Instead of spiritually evolving humanity has been sinking deeper into the Kali Yuga by following the Karmic laws.

It can be proven Karma never actually resolves. For example the laws of karma state if I broke my friend’s bowl, then the universe will send somebody to break my bowl in order to teach me the consequences of my actions. In turn the universe will then send somebody to break the bowl of whoever broke my bowl, etc. Nothing ever resolves and suffering just escalates forever as suffering is just passed back and forth like a game of Karmic "Hot Potato." We can't find our way back to the pristine time because there is no way back. Wars are only getting worse and more frequent and people are becoming more violent with each reincarnation. Suffering will just continue to escalate forever as long as humanity continues to play this game.

The only way to win at this game is NOT to play because it rigged so can't win. The only way humanity will return to the golden age that existed before is by collectively telling the Lord of Karma that we sovereign and we are not going to take it anymore.

29th November 2016, 11:04
Do you believe one can stop the karma game for oneself ?.

29th November 2016, 12:42
Do you believe one can stop the karma game for oneself ?.

Yes I believe the Karna game can be stopped.
http://tinyurl.com/KarmaLords (This article contains quite a few details on how to defeat Karma)

I will explain more in my next Mystery School presentation.

29th November 2016, 12:56
Did you, at some point, link to the "Why I'm no longer a light worker" article, Novosud? I cam across it fairly recently and read it but I can't recall just how.

Thanks for this. The ouroboros is a symbol I've encountered many times but I can't claim to have a full understanding. One of my favorite fantasy series, The Wheel of Time, uses the ouroboros symbol. It's a ring that certain initiates wear.

"The Turds of Karma":ttr: Don't get any ToK on your shoes...

29th November 2016, 13:16
Did you, at some point, link to the "Why I'm no longer a light worker" article, Novosud? I cam across it fairly recently and read it but I can't recall just how.

Thanks for this. The ouroboros is a symbol I've encountered many times but I can't claim to have a full understanding. One of my favorite fantasy series, The Wheel of Time, uses the ouroboros symbol. It's a ring that certain initiates wear.

"The Turds of Karma":ttr: Don't get any ToK on your shoes...

I just linked "Not a Light Worker (http://tinyurl.com/KarmaLords)" in my previous post to Aianawa. I am glad you already read it. There is some good stuff in there. I say: Down with the Karma Lords. I am Sovereign.

The information contained in these Mystery School lessons is occasionally put out into various media forms to control the masses and fulfill obligations they have to disclose the truth. They have to tell us what they are doing to us so they can prove that humans are non-sentient beings. It is complicated and I will explain more in the next few mystery school presentations.

29th November 2016, 13:33
I think someone tried to recruit me once. I met a follower of Drunvalo but I never joined in. I would have been interested but I had already decided as a teenager to go my own way and learn as much as possible on my own before taking on any kind of master.

At this point in life, I don't need a master. Unless, of course, I decide to learn a specialized skill which would require a mentor/master.

29th November 2016, 14:44
I think someone tried to recruit me once. I met a follower of Drunvalo but I never joined in. I would have been interested but I had already decided as a teenager to go my own way and learn as much as possible on my own before taking on any kind of master.

At this point in life, I don't need a master. Unless, of course, I decide to learn a specialized skill which would require a mentor/master.

Don't worry I am not trying to recruit you into any kind of cult. I am just putting the Mystery School material out there free of charge so people can make up their own minds. I am NOT a follower of Drunvalo Melchizedek myself though I have read his work. He also called his teachings a "Mystery School" but he didn't tell his followers where he got his information from. A lot of Drunvalo's material comes from books written by Dr. Doreal on Atlantian antiquities. My Mystery School isn't the same as Drunvalo's though we do have some similarities such as revealing the mysteries of the Karma Lords and the Orouborous.

I would highly recommend watching the video I linked in the Orouborous presentation. It is a long video but you don't have to watch the whole thing. The first 20 minutes or so is very good and very important in understanding the Mystery school that I am teaching here.

29th November 2016, 15:08
Thanks. I was not feeling any recruitment efforts coming from you. It was a couple decades ago.

I would have to think very carefully about subjecting any teachers to the experience of having me for a student. :whstl::rolleyes:

29th November 2016, 17:02
I never had an NDE but I must say I have probably read/watched/thought about this matter obscessively.

You said:

"Many people who have had near death experiences or do past life regression recall how they went through a so called "life review" between lives. It is this life review that determines your karma and how much you will have to suffer in the next life to make amends. The Lords of Karma tell us that it for our own good and we need this grow spiritually. The truth of the matter is suffering is NOT necessary. In fact it is detrimental to our being and we are being tricked into self harming."

When was YOUR NDE and what did YOU learn?

From my own POV which is YES just my own POV, I am not a bit worried about any external source like a "Lord" of"karma" because it looks just to me, that I am the one who is seeking. And if I am seeking NOW and if I have a belief in "progress" and "getting better" and "doing good" NOW and if this is still compelling to me as a an aware being, I will SEEK the continued possibility later.

From my POV, this exercise in Mystery is a sharing of what you believe and that is perfectly OK but I suspect you may NOT have taken this seeking of your own POV as a beliefness. The way it is being presented is as if it is outside you to reckoned with OBJECTIVELY.

I was not going to say anything at first but then I saw this post today (synchronicity).


Loving ourselves truly madly deeply is the most powerful opportunity afforded on this level of experience. The feedback is that we are victimized and assaulted and this often seems to spiral into either seeking salvation/ being a savior or seeking retribution/ being prosecutor/persecutor.

IMO this unfulfilled state of self lovingness as the POV of an existing being is a far more powerful attractor of earth reality in duality. If one thoroughly embraces oneself as that being we really are, we move to an observation of belief (not a participant IN belief) and observation as that higher level of knowing is a passkey IMO. I think that only the MOST self loving we ever could embrace here is enough to wear away the ricochet of action/reaction.

I agree with what Matt Kahn says that the abuse we heap upon ourselves in our daily mundane life which is encouraged by all the apparent systems around is THE issue.

29th November 2016, 22:09
About to watch vid above, feel to say I atm see the life review as a very positive thing which by some may be seen in a negative light. One can go about doing their own now, life review which is of course different and can be very profound imo.

29th November 2016, 22:40
Watched the first twenty three minutes and finding this interesting on a few differing angles, first they are very here, Earth orientated so far, nothing on there being previous timelines, as in mars and Asteroid belt ( maldek, planet X etc ), second the soul concept gives nothing around why soul/s chose to be here, especially the last 1000 years, thirdly many are mad keen to come back here again once dead as such, soul wise, because they have seen what they and other souls have done to create the soul vibration age/golden age/now age etc and wish to continue the joy and love, especially from doings and beings and observation the las few years, fourthly Maggie above outlines and inlines her post beautifully imo in regards to Love, the centre, the beginning or as the vid says, the strange beginning outside of pure.

30th November 2016, 07:43
I never had an NDE but I must say I have probably read/watched/thought about this matter obscessively.

When was YOUR NDE and what did YOU learn?

From my own POV which is YES just my own POV, I am not a bit worried about any external source like a "Lord" of"karma" because it looks just to me, that I am the one who is seeking. And if I am seeking NOW and if I have a belief in "progress" and "getting better" and "doing good" NOW and if this is still compelling to me as a an aware being, I will SEEK the continued possibility later.

From my POV, this exercise in Mystery is a sharing of what you believe and that is perfectly OK but I suspect you may NOT have taken this seeking of your own POV as a beliefness. The way it is being presented is as if it is outside you to reckoned with OBJECTIVELY.

It is possible to force an NDE through sleep deprivation. That is to stay awake until the point of passing out. Upon passing out the soul can be tricked into thinking the physical body has died allowing the soul to go into an NDE like experience. Perhaps I will share those experiences at a later time but I do NOT wish to confuse my personal experiences with the universality of the Mystery school.

The mystery school on the Orouborous and the Karma Lords comes from I call a Merged Mythology.

The Merged Mythology is a unified mythology of Vedic texts, Egyptian mythology, Sumerian and Babylonian creation stories, Greek Mythology, Abrahamic Lore, and Gnostic Christian apocryphal texts.

One of the common themes in the merged mythology is the judgement story. When the body dies the soul goes into another world (underworld) to be judged.

The most archetypal of these stories is the Judgement of Osiris from the Egyptian book of the dead. In this story Anubis brings the deceased into the underworld to face judgement where the heart of the deceased is weighed against the feather of Maat and the 42 negative confessions. If the heart weighs more than the feather then the heart is devoured by Ammit and the soul is condemned to wander the Earth. (In the merged mythology the wandering soul is an allusion to forced reincarnation)

This scene has been depicted as such for at least the last 6 thousand years.

The modern NDE accounts that I have read about is just kind on an Icing on the cake. People report seeing similar judgement scenes. Maybe not as Osiris and Egyptian deities but some will see Jesus. Some will meet "GOD" himself or some other angelic being. There are quite a few of these videos on Youtube and in other media.

The most recent example I read just a week ago about an atheist doctor Rajiv Parti suddenly becoming a believer after having an NDE and having a "Judgement of Osiris" style meeting with the Lords of Karma.

Loving ourselves truly madly deeply is the most powerful opportunity afforded on this level of experience. The feedback is that we are victimized and assaulted and this often seems to spiral into either seeking salvation/ being a savior or seeking retribution/ being prosecutor/persecutor.

IMO this unfulfilled state of self lovingness as the POV of an existing being is a far more powerful attractor of earth reality in duality. If one thoroughly embraces oneself as that being we really are, we move to an observation of belief (not a participant IN belief) and observation as that higher level of knowing is a passkey IMO. I think that only the MOST self loving we ever could embrace here is enough to wear away the ricochet of action/reaction.

I agree with what Matt Kahn says that the abuse we heap upon ourselves in our daily mundane life which is encouraged by all the apparent systems around is THE issue.

I can understand why some people would hold the view that judgements by the Lords of Karma can be a good thing because it can force unloving souls to consider the consequences of their actions. However, forcing the souls into punishing reincarnations puts the souls into a state of Orouborous where they bite their own tails. Souls aren't supposed to bite their own tails.

If you have not watched it already please PLEASE watch this video. It explains how the Karma Lords abuse their power and used karma guilt to enslave the human race. The Lords of Karma are the "parasites" that ruined the golden age and led humans down a path that is our current condition. The Earth may have originally started out as some kind of benign school for learning but now the Earth is a prison planet. It is all because of these Karma lords.


Follow closely the analogy of the Avatars and how children can play with lego blocks and then when they are done playing the legos go back in the box. That is how the golden age used to be.

30th November 2016, 09:03
Watched the first twenty three minutes and finding this interesting on a few differing angles, first they are very here, Earth orientated so far, nothing on there being previous timelines, as in mars and Asteroid belt ( maldek, planet X etc ), second the soul concept gives nothing around why soul/s chose to be here, especially the last 1000 years, thirdly many are mad keen to come back here again once dead as such, soul wise, because they have seen what they and other souls have done to create the soul vibration age/golden age/now age etc and wish to continue the joy and love, especially from doings and beings and observation the las few years, fourthly Maggie above outlines and inlines her post beautifully imo in regards to Love, the centre, the beginning or as the vid says, the strange beginning outside of pure.

The Maldek story is definitely true but think about how Maldek became corrupted in the first place. Was it really because the people who lived there were greedy and unloving? I don't believe that to be the case.

Maldek just like Earth was a pristine world long ago. If the people were greedy and unloving who created the pristine world? Bad people don't create pristine worlds. They must have been good at one point and then turned evil. If they started out good and then fell from grace what caused them to fall? Think about it logically.

What can cause a loving people to turn evil? My theory is that the answer lies with the Karma Lords. Good people just didn't suddenly pick up weapons and start killing each other. The initial conflict probably started with some simple mistake that was then was escalated by the Karma Lords tit-for-tat. The conflict may have started over something as simple as a bowl being broken. (Don't take this as the hard truth, it is just an example) If a bowl broke then it opened the door for the Karma Lords to come in and tell the people of Maldek someone has to be punished for that. Someone broke a bowl and now someone else has to break that person's bowl to balance out the Karma. However, breaking the 2nd bowl didn't resolve the karma. It just go passed along to another person. Because another bowl had been broken the person who broke the second bowl also had to be punished. Things just escalated from there until the planet was destroyed. Much like the Mystery school on money and the ship of fools Karma never goes away. It just gets bigger and more dangerous as it is passed around like a "hot potato." In the case of Maldek the karmic hot potato became a wrecking ball.

Does idea of a whole planet being destroyed over a broken bowl sound completely ridiculous? Well stranger things have really happened.

Consider the immovable Ladder of Jerusalem. It is an allegory for everything wrong with the Earth in the Kali Yuga. A Ladder has been stuck on a window ledge for 280 years because people don't know how to let little trivial things go. Fights break out because someone moved a chair a few inches. This is supposed to be the holiest site in all of Christianity.


Moral of the story is to LIVE and let LIVE.

In the Golden age if something broke it wasn't a big deal. Nobody cared until the Karma Lords came along and introduced Karmic punishments.
Even if someone died it wasn't a big deal. Souls knew they were immortal and bodies were just temporary avatars.

Buddhist monks spend weeks creating intricate mandalas and ritually destroy them. This exercise is done to teach their souls to let things go. They know from Vedic texts this is the secret of returning to the Golden age.


30th November 2016, 10:21
Tis late for me, just finished work so excuse the quick reply, yes greedy and unloving vs original opposite and there is a couple of schools of thought around this besides your own, one being the time wars, so a carry on from the Orion wars it is said and gets more complicated, more simply imo this star system has a template in use, which updates our evolving through newer templates ( central sun ) originally from our beginnings from there, dot in the circle as such. For myself this karma lord stuff is fear based or taken incorrectly from old data.

Also imo when we die we go where consciously or unconsciousely believe we will go, this may depend on soul growth or ones soul connection though.

4th December 2016, 07:47
Here is an interesting video on the love waves started a few days before Trump's election. Recorded on Nov 11th.

Skip the first 5 minutes because it is just introduction:


It describes what is happening all over the world. There is a huge wave just rolling across the planet disintegrating the darkness. The election was the turning point when darkness lost control of the planet. The world controllers don't have power over us anymore. Fifty years ago their dark plans would have succeeded but NOT anymore. The planet has changed, the people have changed, nothing can hide from the light. Trump is being guided by a higher power and that power is of the light. The Ego Trump is an idiot but understand the light is in charge. Wars will not be allowed. Hillary was for the dark and would have destroyed the planet by provoking Russia into ww3. It was not allowed. The election was the real event.

Many people have their eyes in the sky looking for a savior to come swooping down from heaven and save them from the darkness. Won't happen. Our focus should be on Earth and to look within. We are the saviors we are looking for. WE are the light. It continues as MORE is on the way. Each one of us that awakens inspires others to awaken. The stunning victory of Trump energized movements elsewhere.

First BREXIT, then Trump, and tomorrow Italy and Austria will be freed. A cascade of light is encircling the globe as country after country will free itself from the darkness. The people are awakening in huge numbers and turning their backs on the parasitic world controllers. Korea is being freed as massive protests continue there as well. It is only a matter of time. We have are the EVENT. Change has come and it can't be stopped.


(More news on Italy)

6th December 2016, 10:32
Lot of people will find it hard to believe Trump is guided, I do, exciting times, enjoyed the vids, ta.

Fred Steeves
6th December 2016, 11:37
Here is an interesting video on the love waves started a few days before Trump's election. Recorded on Nov 11th.

Skip the first 5 minutes because it is just introduction:


It describes what is happening all over the world. There is a huge wave just rolling across the planet disintegrating the darkness. The election was the turning point when darkness lost control of the planet.

I'm just hoping the posting of this video, along with the description, was some sort of a test? To see if the class is paying attention, with properly functioning discernment meters?

6th December 2016, 21:43
I'm just hoping the posting of this video, along with the description, was some sort of a test? To see if the class is paying attention, with properly functioning discernment meters?

This video is not a test. The video was posted because it put into words what I had been feeling on an emotional level ever since about Oct 21st. There was this intense love wave that just made everything feel like I was on cloud nine. It didn't matter how bad the news was or what the polls were predicting nothing bothered me. I was in the zone and it is ongoing.

Be assured that nothing bad is going to happen with Trump. He was a 9/11 Truther on day 1. He may say some stupid things but the light has got his back. The media will scream and holler that Trump is unfit to be President because they know he will bring about the end of their dark agenda.

The audio from this video was recorded on Sept 11 2001.


Fred Steeves
7th December 2016, 12:14
That's a very disappointing answer, as disappointing as the b flick caliber video of the gentleman supposedly channeling his higher self. There is no ascension, and there is no love wave sweeping around the planet.

This is kindergarten type stuff, and it needed pointing out.

Carry on.

7th December 2016, 16:47
That's a very disappointing answer, as disappointing as the b flick caliber video of the gentleman supposedly channeling his higher self. There is no ascension, and there is no love wave sweeping around the planet.

This is kindergarten type stuff, and it needed pointing out.

Carry on.

Who said anything about ascension? I am talking about Trump having a higher purpose.

1. Trump is a 9/11 Truther and will disclose the truth of this conspiracy to the American people when the time is right.

2. Trump also understands the mystery school of money. Debt isn't real and can be canceled because it nothing but fraudulent numbers in a computer. Trump has gone through half a dozen bankruptcies and yet is still a billionaire. He has said on the campaign trail America doesn't have to pay the debt and he is right. Trump is the catalyst that will bring about the end of debt slavery.

As for the LOVE wave it certainly exists. I can prove it. This isn't kindergarten this is mystery school.

Here try this:
What is the sound of silence? AND What is the color of darkness?

To answer the first question there exists what some call the deafening sound of silence. If you go into a room that is perfectly silent it is possible to hear the sound of silence. It is not tinnitus and it is not your mind playing tricks on you. The sound of silence sounds like either high or low pitched tones. It sounds like tuning forks or singing bowls if you ever used singing bowls. These sounds really exist if you focus on them. The sound of silence is a perception of the energy that surrounds us. Sometimes the tones are in harmony and other times not. Through listening to the sound of silence on a daily bases it is possible to become aware of the love waves and know of their existence. The love waves are part of the sound of silence when it is harmonized.

To answer the second part of the question darkness does indeed have color. Like perceiving sounds coming from pure silence it is also possible to see light and colors from pure darkness.
In a relaxed state is possible to see the phosphenes which are the gateway to the soul. If you go into a dark room with absolutely no light it is possible to see them. The light of the phosphenes comes from the glowing of the pineal gland. The pineal gland is the only part of the human body which gives off its' own light. The pineal gland can glow in the dark like a firefly. When it glows your mind will see this internally as phosphenes. If someone is smart they are literally bright because their minds are illuminated with phosphenes.

This is the true illumination. These light patterns in the phosphenes are also affected by the love waves. The light patterns will ebb and flow with the coming of the love waves and it is possible to see this happens. The uninitiated are simply not aware of such things even though it occurs all around them.

Below is an example of what Phosphenes can look like.

7th December 2016, 21:17
Lol we definitely here on Earth, in a kin garden. Maybe just be happy now and if unable, be open to answers from within and without.


8th December 2016, 09:38
Lol we definitely here on Earth, in a kin garden. Maybe just be happy now and if unable, be open to answers from within and without.


I actually completely disagree with Matt Kahn on the subject of pain.
#1 There probably is no ascension because we are already ascended and just don't know it. Our souls are immortal and always have been. Don't let con-artists sell you something you already have. "Ol Oz (Osiris) never gave nothing to the tin man that he didn't already have. (https://youtu.be/SI5HjciMODc)"

#2 There are no gods. Just a bunch parasitic control freaks called the Lord's of Karma who like to torture humans because "they" don't see us as sentient beings. They get away with it because they can and we let them.

#3 Pain serves no purpose at all. There is nothing to learn from it. Suffering in all forms is just pure evil. The only beings that benefit from such arrangements are the Karma Lords. Humans are food and slaves to them. It is called "Loosh" in some circles.


Here is a moral experiment:

Lets say a scientist builds a semi-autonomous robot. It looks kind of like a human but it is not. It has rubber skin and its' bones are made of metal and it can even talk. Would it be immoral to mistreat this robot and use it as a slave? Surely not it is no different than a toaster. Who is to say what is moral and immoral when it comes to robots, it is just a chunk of metal and plastic shaped like a man. "But what if it was sentient" cries a voice from the wilderness? Well then yeah it would be immoral BUT what determines if the robot is sentient or not. There must be some type of sentience test to prove that the robot is either sentient or non-sentient.
- What if we tell it jump off a cliff and it does? That would surely prove it was non-sentient.
- What if one beats the robot and it still served us? Surely it would prove itself to be non-sentient.
But what if it talked back us and refused our orders? Surely then it would sentient. YES yes then it would be.
What if the robot knew the difference between right and wrong told us we were jerks for mistreating him? Then the jig surely would be up.

In the story of Job there was a challenge about the sincerity of man's worship. Was Job really loyal to the LORD or did he only worship god because his prayers were always answered. The Demiurge needed to prove that Job would still worship and give thanks to the LORD even in the worst of conditions. No need to retell the story but in short Job lost his family, his farm, and was inflicted with pox but still gave thanks to the Lord and worshiped the Demiurge.

The story of Job is in essence a sentience test. God does not work in mysterious ways to the wise. In the Gnostic mystery school interpretation of the story the Demiurge was forced to go along with the test to prove he wasn't breaking the laws of hyper reality. It would be immoral to enslave a fully sentient creature. If one beats a dog enough it will eventual turn against its master. By putting up with these trials and still thanking the Lord for his suffering Job proved his sentience was less than a dog. Job was Enki's Golem and he could do what ever he wanted with it. Job was chattle property. Nothing more than goods going to warehouse. As long as mankind is seen as non-sentient the Demiurge can skirt around the rules of the Codex. The Demiurge commanding Abraham to kill his only son was another sentience test according to Gnostic beliefs.

As I mentioned previously in my last Mystery School lesson: The only way humanity will return to the golden age that existed before is by collectively telling the Lord of Karma that we sovereign and we are not going to take it anymore.

When God gives me pain I raise my hands to heaven and then I shake my fist because the Demiurge is a shitty a god I will not worship him.


I dare to say that I am sentient. I am not a golem and not a robot and will not allow pain to be a part of my life. The Lords of Karma are a bunch of awful beings and they need to be called out and held to account for their hypocrisy.

Humanity get off your knees.

8th December 2016, 12:54
I have a lot to reply to if that is okay ( your post above ) ?.

For instance the line above when you say > When God gives me pain I raise my hands to heaven and then I shake my fist because the Demiurge is a shitty a god I will not worship him < Why would god give you pain, this sounds silly to me but am interested in why you think this, why even then would you get angry and raise your fists, sorta hurting yourself with anger and god is not just up there but everywhere imo including you hurting yourself, maybe call god the now MOMent instead.

8th December 2016, 13:37
"Kin Garden". Nice. Another good one, Aianawa.

We're all kin in a garden. We're walkin' in a garden. We're all in, in the garden.

8th December 2016, 16:33
I have a lot to reply to if that is okay ( your post above ) ?.

For instance the line above when you say > When God gives me pain I raise my hands to heaven and then I shake my fist because the Demiurge is a shitty a god I will not worship him < Why would god give you pain, this sounds silly to me but am interested in why you think this, why even then would you get angry and raise your fists, sorta hurting yourself with anger and god is not just up there but everywhere imo including you hurting yourself, maybe call god the now MOMent instead.

I shake my fist at the Demiurge because that being is not the real "god" that is lower case "g." The Demiurge is a fake and a fraud. He is the present ruler of this planet, the capstone of the Pyramid. He literally decides who lives and who dies. He along with his surrogates the Archons and the Lords of Karma dictate our entire lives through Life Contracts. Everything bad that has ever happened was predetermined as some type of Karmic punishment. However, his power is only through deception. The real power is in us the humans.

The movie the Wizard of Oz is basically an allegory for the judgement of Osiris (http://i.imgur.com/3T70zuM.jpg). They have to tell us what they are doing to us. It is part of some cosmic agreement. The man behind the curtain isn't who he appears to be.

The Wizard of Oz was a fraud but he didn't admit to until he was called out and revealed for what he was. He was a con-artist selling people things they already possessed. Just like every religion in existence. They are trying to sell us something we already own.
The Wizard of Oz promised the Cowardly Lion that he would give him courage if he proved himself worthy. The lion didn't need courage because he was already brave.
The Wizard of Oz promised the Tin Man that he to give him a heart if he proved himself worthy. The Tin man didn't need a heart because he already had one
The Wizard of Oz promised to send Dorothy home if she proved herself worthy by killing the wicked witch. Dorothy didn't need to find her way home because she was already home. All She had to do was click the slippers together and wake up.

The Wizard of Oz didn't admit the truth until after he was exposed as a fraud. That is what I am attempting to do with this Mystery School; expose the fake gods as frauds so that humans may be freed from this prison planet.
All religions are premised on the same frauds. That is people worship and follow XYZ gods then we gain salvation, immortality, etc. This is essentially fraud. Humans can't become any more immortal then we already are. Human souls are already immortal as part of our default condition. Nothing can destroy a soul. All religions attempt to do is sell us something already have.

Here is another example:
How did Alice escape from Wonderland? She threw a fit and called the whole universe nonsense and madness. She escaped wonderland because she wouldn't tolerate it anymore. Then she woke up because she was in control the whole time but didn't realize it.

Yet another example of allegory in the media working along the same lines. This cartoon is basically about reincarnation. Daffy Duck is seen living multiple different lives: Fencer, Farmer, Skier, Hawaiian, Sailor, Aviator, etc. Each time he gets the rug pulled out from under him. About half way through he starts talking about his Life contract. At the end he gets thrown out because he starts demanding answers to what is going on and then gets shown the door. That door is the exit. The end of pain and suffering.


There is ONLY one exit to this prison planet. That is to call out the fake gods for what they are and take the power back.

There is a better way then the madness we are being shown.

Perhaps this is all too confusing because I have not yet released the next mystery school lesson on "322" and the Demiurge.

8th December 2016, 17:29
*This is really just a rough draft but I figure it best to post it now before people become more confused.

The Mystery School of 322 and the Demiurge:

The often seen number of 322 is a reference to Genesis 3:22 in which "God" refers to himself in the plural and admits that man can become like on of "us" one of the elect. The idea is that man can become a God. It is a central tenet of the hidden mysteries worshiped in inner circles such as Skull and Bones and the Illuminati.

What if there is a fake God pretending to be the real GOD? That is basically the core of the Gnostic Mystery School.

The keys to understanding the existence of the Demiurge (Fake God) is to study the origins of the bible and the many elements of it that were plagiarized from far older religions such as the Sumerian texts and the Egyptian book of the dead. The story of Noah's flood was taken from Gilgamesh and the fall of man Garden of Eden story was taken the Enuma Elish. I sometimes refer to these parallel stories as the merged mythology.

In the story called the Enuma Elish these fake gods (Enki/Ea) created man as a slave race to make their own lives easier. However, something goes wrong in the creation process and man becomes a sentient being. Enki went too far and broke the laws of hyper reality by making man too smart. These laws aren't like written laws but more akin to the laws of physics or even metaphysics. It is against the Codex of the universe to create a sentient being and use it as a slave. Enki was only allowed to create a "Golem" which is an unformed man without a soul or voice.

In Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

Man was too smart, too inteligent, and thus a great crime was committed. Man was only supposed to be a golem, a machine, an animal like being to be used as a slave and a beast of burden. Enslaving an unthinking animal is permitted by the laws of hyper reality but enslaving sentient beings is not allowed. Here is why. The true GOD who created the universe is both omniscient and omnipresent. When man became too smart and self aware the omniscient spirit of the true GOD entered into Man. When the spirit of God entered into man he became a divine being in his own right. If you slap a man then you are slapping God because the omniscient spirit feels the slap in the man. Thus you cannot enslave man or you enslave God.

Adam is a derivative of the true GOD named TEM. Before time existed God was originally called "Tem" which meant the "One." Tem was the one God. He was the Template of all creation. Tem's mold is thee Template. Tem is the origin of the world Temple meaning we are tem's people: the Temple. Those with temperament who can be tempted.

The secret line of Tem:
- TEM (the one and original source)
- Atem
- Atum
- Atom
- Adam the man

Enki the Demiurge committed a great crime by creating sentient man. Earth to him slave planet but Enki broke the most sacred law in the universe. To cover up this great crime Enki elected to destroy his creations. This is what led to the flood story in both the bible and Gilgamesh. Another fake god named Enil wanted to destroy all the humans spare none.

The plan hatched by the Demiurge was to kill all the sentient creatures they had created to cover up their crimes. Enki decided to spare some of the slaves via warning Utnapishtim of the coming flood. The Gnostic interpretation of the story is that Utnapishtim was too dumb and thus ended up being spared. The Demiurge would be allowed to keep his slave planet as long as man did not show signs of higher intelligence. In later ages a series of sentience tests would be done to prove man was no longer spiritually intelligent.

There is also a certain parallel here with the Greek story of Atlantis and the concept of hubris. According to the Greek telling of the story Atlantis was destroyed because of hubris. Man's intelligence was becoming equal to the gods so the Pantheon of gods had to put a stop to it. They destroyed Atlantis in a great flood but kept some humans alive at a lower level of civilization.

The Atlantis/Noah/Gilgamesh flood occurred 12,000 years ago and in the time since then the crimes of the Demiurge have long since been exposed. The Demiurge can no longer simply lay waste to humanity because this planet is being watched and the inspectors will not allow it.

The Demiurge's control over the Earth has transitioned from overt rule into covert rule. There are no Anunnaki gods walking around on the Earth telling humans what to do. If the Demiurge is to continue ruling he must be worshiped by the human race of our own free will. The Demiurge has no more power over us then the power we give him. The Demiurge can only continue using humans as slaves if they worship him of our own free will. Otherwise human souls are protected by the Codex of the Universe which governs all of hyper reality. This transition from overt rule to covert rule occurred some time around when the story of "Job" was written.

In the story of Job there was a challenge about the sincerity of man's worship. Was Job really loyal to the LORD or did he only worship god because his prayers were always answered. The Demiurge needed to prove that Job would still worship and give thanks to the LORD even in the worst of conditions. No need to retell the story but in short Job loses his family, his farm, and is inflicted with pox but still gives thanks to the Lord and worships the Demiurge.

The story of Job is in essence a sentience test. God does not work in mysterious ways to the wise. In the Gnostic interpretation of the story the Demiurge was forced to go along with the test to prove he wasn't breaking the laws of hyper reality. It is against the codex of the universe to enslave sentient creatures. If a one beats a dog enough it will eventual turn against its master. By putting up with these trials and still thanking the Lord for his suffering Job proved his sentience was less than a dog. Job was Enki's Golem and he could do what ever he wanted with it. Job was chattle property. Nothing more than goods going to warehouse. As long as mankind is seen as non-sentient the Demiurge can skirt around the rules of the Codex. The Demiurge commanding Abraham to kill his only son was another sentience test according to Gnostic beliefs.

When scholars interpret the story of Job many equate the Demiurge's trails to God testing Job and Job having passed the test. The Truth is Job actually failed the test because it was a sentience test. If Job would have only raised up his fist then he would have been freed on the grounds of being sentient.

In one of the Sumerian tablets it says that the Anunnaki came to conquer Earth because there was a worker revolt on a previous slave planet. (Hmm how did that happen?) Could it be that workers become sentient and Demiurge lost his previous planet too. All of what you are seeing has happened before. The prophesy has nearly come full circle. If humanity ever wakes up (experience Gnosis in mass) then the Demiurge will lose control of the Earth forever.

To the very present day the human race is still presented with various sentience tests. As long as we keep failing the sentience tests the Demiurge will continue to rule us.

There are other legends such as the Vedic texts which say the "humans" actually predate the gods. In those stories the human race was attacked, defeated, and completely conquered by vicious space gods. After humans were conquered they were reduced to a slave like animal state and the the space gods portended to be our "creators" when really they were just usurpers. In the early days long before the Flood humans were divine in their own right. Then we devolved and became slaves. The Sanskrit legends mesh pretty will with the Sumerian stories except for the beginning.

9th December 2016, 11:19
Sorta like these karma lords and their boss is the devil ?.

9th December 2016, 13:13
Sorta like these karma lords and their boss is the devil ?.

That is quite correct. The Demiurge is the boss of the Karma lords. However, I would go a step further and say the Demiurge is more than just a devil. The devil is controlled opposition and is just another one of Demiurge's henchman. They are both working on the same team. It is especially evident in the book of Job that god (small "g" god) and the devil are working together.

Rather then explain it in words this picture will be more enlightening.


This one too goes along with it:


It is oldest trick in the book. How do you make a bad organization look good? Create an even worse boogieman to serve as controlled opposition.

How do you convince a FREE people to willingly give up their freedom? Create a controlled opposition force to give the people no alternative. This is where the devil comes in.
- Sheep to the slaughter
- How did the Fox convince Chicken Little to come with him?
- He told her the sky is falling (controlled opposition)

Likewise our religions practice a form of "Human farming" through controlled opposition. It says right in the bible openly: "The LORD is our shepherd."
- That is Not a good thing at least not for the sheep

The Gnostics need no shepherd for we are sovereign.

9th December 2016, 21:07
Only replying to your last line atm.

So your saying that to be a Gnostics and sovereign you have to fear and be angry at the devil and their company ?.

10th December 2016, 16:35
Only replying to your last line atm.

So your saying that to be a Gnostics and sovereign you have to fear and be angry at the devil and their company ?.

Fear and Anger are not part of the equation of becoming sovereign. It takes great courage and heart to stand up to the Demiurge. If the lords of Karma and the Demiurge tell you between incarnations that in your next life you have to suffer greatly for you sins then it is up to you to tell him NO. Only you and you alone can claim your sovereignty. This is the hardest thing a soul will ever have to do. It takes incredible courage to do this. It is not easy and very few souls ever stand up to this monster. This is about bravery NOT fear. Souls will struggle lifetime after lifetime until they summon the courage to stand up and claim their unconditional rights to a positive life experience.

I do not shake my fist at the Demiurge out of anger but out of steadfast determination to overcome this horrific prison planet. I will not be deterred. Life was meant to be a journey of joy and creativity not endless pain and suffering. I will not stand for it anymore. I love myself too much too allow the Demiurge and the Lords of Karma to give me pain. I have overcome them and they have no power over me. I am sovereign and beyond all judgement.

My purpose here is only to initiate others into this mystery school so that they too may find the exit and escape this prison planet.

10th December 2016, 21:37
You certainly carry this burden well, may I ask who gave you this programme ?, most of my programmes, that I am aware of, have the burden of knowing my own mind and being open to my feelings, some of my past programmers have been incorrect, only human, so am interested in your programmer because of how I feel about the programme you share, fear based.

10th December 2016, 22:38
how I feel about the programme you share, fear based.

Yes, I too feel it fear based.
It is no fun to feel fear.
It has very little humor in it...(I should know!!)
It is more fun to make fun of fear.

Laughter that is true and deeply reverberating.
It can be sly and it can be wicked and it is not mean and not laughter at anyone but one's release of ignorance.
OOO how powerful!!!


11th December 2016, 00:11
Yes, I too feel it fear based.
It is no fun to feel fear.
It has very little humor in it...(I should know!!)
It is more fun to make fun of fear.

Laughter that is true and deeply reverberating.
It can be sly and it can be wicked and it is not mean and not laughter at anyone but one's release of ignorance.
OOO how powerful!!!


I remember that movie. The guy in the suit definitely has the stink of the "Lords of Karma" about him. Notice how he act like a bully and is very arrogant, very hateful, and not a shred of mercy in his bones. That is the Lords of Karma for you. This is definitely one of those movies where they tell us very plainly what they are doing to us. This movie wasn't meant to be funny but educational.

The ending of the movie also has the whole door / exit theme to it. The man on trial is not respected until he stands up to them and breaks their rules.


11th December 2016, 00:56
You certainly carry this burden well, may I ask who gave you this programme ?, most of my programmes, that I am aware of, have the burden of knowing my own mind and being open to my feelings, some of my past programmers have been incorrect, only human, so am interested in your programmer because of how I feel about the programme you share, fear based.

I am not sure what you are asking here. My beliefs are not ridged as they have changed much over time as new information has become available to me. The origin of my current program comes from studying the apocryphal texts and the merged mythology. My next mystery school lesson will be on Lilith who has the first Gnostic. She is one of the key players in the Mystery School.

11th December 2016, 08:29
I am asking where/who and if able what makes you speculate your theory, can you point to the texts, the myths, the origin for yourself of your belief. Have enjoyed your shares here and elsewhere and learnt from you, from my own past experience and remembering plus learning, fear base or anger/frustration/not love is a road block as such. Atm I feel not to take your word for this teaching aspect ( karma lords ) being so, like to download the data you have myself, see how I feel, how I intuit, lol what my fear of your fear is lol.

11th December 2016, 14:47
I am asking where/who and if able what makes you speculate your theory, can you point to the texts, the myths, the origin for yourself of your belief. Have enjoyed your shares here and elsewhere and learnt from you, from my own past experience and remembering plus learning, fear base or anger/frustration/not love is a road block as such. Atm I feel not to take your word for this teaching aspect ( karma lords ) being so, like to download the data you have myself, see how I feel, how I intuit, lol what my fear of your fear is lol.

To start off I was raised as a Christian and always had an interest in spiritual subjects. It runs in the family. I am genetically related to the theologian Ralph Waldo Emerson who wrote the essay The Over-soul (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Over-Soul) in 1841. In a way I feel like I am continuing his research into spirituality. This is my ultimate inspiration for creating this mystery school.

I read the entire bible cover to cover at young age. I also read a lot of other weird books such as an entire 2000 page dictionary. I studied the bible a lot and learned that there were missing chapters from Bible that had been censored out. These missing books are called the Apocryphal texts. Over time I sought out these books and read them.

Here is a small list of the Apocryphal texts to look into though none of them actually mention the Karma Lords:
- The Book of Enoch
- The Gospel of Thomas
- The Gospel of Judas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Judas
- The Nag Hammadi scroll

While studying the bible I also took an interest in classical mythology. I read Gilgamesh in high school and noticed that Utnapishtim and Noah both shared a similar flood story. This was over 20 years ago when I first considered creating a merged mythology due to the similarities. This also around the time I started thinking about the "Root Language (http://www.jandeane81.com/threads/8229-Root-language-and-esoteric-numerology)."

I eventually gave up on Christianity and started following the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek for while before giving that up too. He also taught a version of "Mystery School." This article here is probably the most important in understanding why I started believing in the Karma Lords.

29th December 2016, 22:59
Mystery School: Why the Illuminati kill celebrities

It is EASY to fit it all together when you understand WHY they do it.

One of oldest and most suspicious deaths of a pop culture icon was the death of Jim Morrison of the Doors. He was the son of the infamous Admiral Morrison who staged the Gulf of Tonkin hoax that got America into the Vietnam war. It was a total spook job.

(Jim Morrison) His Father was a US Navy Admiral (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Stephen_Morrison)

The world controllers still worship the "Old Gods" who demand blood sacrifice. If you read Homer and his work the Iliad one of the Kings named Agamemnon killed his own daughter so he would be successful in the war against Troy. The war gods demanded a blood sacrifice for the war effort and Agamemnon complied by killing his own daughter. This is why they killed Jim Morrison. He was a blood sacrifice to the war gods during the Vietnam war. The same practice continues to the present day. The world controllers are killing all these idols because they are trying to curry favor with the war gods. They are re-enacting the story of King Agamemnon killing his daughter as a blood sacrifice to the evil gods.

They are losing the war in Syria, losing the war in the Ukraine, and Trump has defeated them domestically at home. They are killing pop idols to turn the tide in the war they are currently losing.

Another blood sacrifice can been seen with the death of Aaliyah just a couple weeks before 9/11.

Painting of Menelaus sacrificing his daughter Iphigenia to the gods.

Recent Illuminati blood scarifies.
- Carrie Fisher
- Debbie Reynolds
- George Michael
- Florence Henderson (Brady Bunch mom)
- David Bowie
- Prince

31st December 2016, 05:41
This isn't a mystery school teaching though it is somewhat related. Someone asked a on another forum saying that the best way to live life is to be a hedonist. That is to seek pleasure constantly, have frequent sex, do drugs and die young before the suffering of old age sets in. This is my reply to the hedonists of this world.

Happiness is the difference (Delta) between your pleasure threshold and what you are currently experiencing.

Hedonists have it all wrong and are actually the most miserable people on the planet because their baseline for happiness is way to high. Think of an imaginary scale of zero to ten with zero being a neutral position and ten representing total ecstasy and absolute bliss. Then there is a negative scale going to negative ten representing living hell pain and misery. Call this the pain and pleasure scale.


Now every experience you have will be assigned a number and placed on the scale of pain and pleasure. Lets say reading a book is maybe a 1 or 2 on the pleasure scale. A particularly good book might be worth a 3 or 4 while boring book would be a -2. Now if your baseline for pleasure is around 2.2 might get some pleasure out of that book if was somewhat good. A hedonist has a much higher baseline pleasure threshold. A hedonist needs about 7.5 to feel any kind of happiness. That is their baseline. So if a hedonist is reading a book that rates at 3 their misery index is actually -4.5 because they are 4.5 points under their baseline. Anything under the baseline is unhappiness. Anything above the baseline is REAL happiness. A hedonist need to be constantly scoring 8s, 9s, and 10s to be happy otherwise they are miserable.

Happiness = the difference (delta) between your baseline pleasure threshold and what you are currently experiencing.

Lowering your baseline is the key to TRUE happiness and contentment.
- A hedonist can never be happy just watching a sunset or taking a walk in the park
- Hedonists aren't even happy being rich and driving a Ferrari everyday. That is like a 6 or 7 still below their baseline.
- Everyday things are absolute torture to hedonists.
- They spend almost their entire lives in misery except when they are banging super models and smoking crack.
- The truly happy find joy in the simplest of things. Nothing I like better than being tired and having a good sleep in a warm bed.

***end reply

This is one of the major problems in the world today. The world controllers are hedonists trapped in personal hells of their own creation. They don't understand the pain and pleasure scale and that happiness is relative to their baseline. If your baseline is too high then that is a recipe for misery. People with lower baselines are happier people. It sounds like a paradox but it is not. It is all mathematical if you look at the scale I created.

1st January 2017, 21:41
Mystery school theater staring Carrie Fisher and "KIMBA."

Originally uploaded in 2015.


The concept of an all powerful god was created by the reptilians to trick humans into worshiping "them" out of FEAR. The universe was co-created by a multitude of divine souls emanating from an origin point called the source. The source isn't a god but just a starting point of all consciousness. Death is also just an illusion kind of like dying in a video game. If you die then you just get another life and you have infinite lives. Some souls are older than others and have been playing the game for a lot longer than humans. Some of the souls turned evil (reptilians, archons, the Demiurge) and spend their energy manipulating us. They really have no power over us as their control system is also just an illusion.

3rd January 2017, 16:59
Watching the Carrie Fisher and Kimba video had me feeling like I was screening a video for my son. He's grown up now so there would be no point in doing such a thing now. It was a kind of flashback.

3rd January 2017, 20:19
Watching the Carrie Fisher and Kimba video had me feeling like I was screening a video for my son. He's grown up now so there would be no point in doing such a thing now. It was a kind of flashback.

What did you think of the video: Good, BAD, terrible, or just interesting?

That video was made by one of the better "truthers" I have come across and I always find his videos to be entertaining if not educational. This is another example of his work.

Starlord Jesus
(12 minutes)


This is part 3 of a larger 8 part documentary but it stands on its own getting to the point of what the Demiurge is all about.

11th January 2017, 03:10
Couple of big News items that are related to the Mystery School.

Trump appointment of anti-vaxx Robert Kennedy Jr to chair of the vaccine safety commission has Big Pharama shaking.


Parents vaccinate triplets on the same day and within 24 hours all three regress into autism. This kind of thing actually happens all the time but is covered up by powerful monied interests. One out of 8 children now have either autism or Asperger's. A whole generation children is now lost to autism thanks to vaccines.


The dreadful truth of this will now come out under TRUMP. Trump's youngest son Barron is believed to have autism so expect justice to be swift and devastating to the guilty parties. Head will roll.

11th January 2017, 10:17
Isn't this sooo obvious?? Thanks for reminding again Novusod...the whole vaccine program breaks my heart.

11th January 2017, 11:28
Isn't this sooo obvious?? Thanks for reminding again Novusod...the whole vaccine program breaks my heart.

Still a lot of people out there blindly Vaccinating their kids. People in general are kept ignorant of the dangers of vaccines. This will soon change. The perpetrator of this crime against humanity is BIG pharma and the big banks who own the pharmaceutical companies. It is all intentional as part of a depopulation agenda. They have been pushing this agenda since the club of Rome when a bunch of too rich elitists with way too much money and far too little humanity decided that there were too many humans on this planet and they were going to thin the heard of "useless eaters." This is all intentional and all by design.

The big change in 2017 is that something is finally going to be done about it. This is the first time an anti-vaxx advocate is being put in a position of power. Robert Kennedy Jr is a good man who attended the DAPL protests last year. There is going to be some big changes soon over how this planet is run. Not just in terms of vaccines but everything. This is just one sign of the coming paradigm shift that the election of Trump has created.

11th January 2017, 15:04
What did you think of the video: Good, BAD, terrible, or just interesting?

That video was made by one of the better "truthers" I have come across and I always find his videos to be entertaining if not educational. This is another example of his work.

Starlord Jesus
(12 minutes)


This is part 3 of a larger 8 part documentary but it stands on its own getting to the point of what the Demiurge is all about.

Sorry I didn't answer your question, Novosud. I did, actually, but never posted it.:whstl::rolleyes:

I like the videos. I personally feel like they're targeted at an audience much younger than me. They're concise and humorous.

12th January 2017, 14:20
I've listened to Mark Passio talk about how the occult is in our faces all the time and how it's used to control us. I am still in the process of understanding how this happens and why it works. I used to ignore things or even avoid them and I also used to give things new meanings. I'm still working on understanding how archetypes work with the mind and spirit.

I have my own consciousness and then there is the collective consciousness. So I have to actually get out there with words and actions to try to effect change.

13th January 2017, 01:28
Putting this here for my own reference:

They put occult knowledge out in the open in plain sight to prove we are not sentient. The world controllers and parasites can say to themselves "Hey we put the TRUTH out there right in plain sight yet they did not heed the warning. Humans have no more intelligence than a pile of stones. We can do whatever we want with them."

Sentient beings have unalienable rights to a positive life experience.
Non-sentient beings are chattel property that have no universal rights.

I believe pointing these things out greatly undermines their power and what the parasites can get away with.

Some examples: Starbucks

Merck using the Egyptian / Atlantian symbol of the Merkaba

It is the symbol of life BUT they twist it around and use it against us.



14th January 2017, 04:54
2017 in microcosm


The energy changing this planet is real.

14th January 2017, 11:53
Ouch! He got rammed. His dog sure dropped the ball.

14th January 2017, 13:23
2017 in microcosm


The energy changing this planet is real.

Indeed it is.

14th January 2017, 16:14
Sentient beings have unalienable rights to a positive life experience

Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively. Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience).

I am not sure that there is any possibility to contradict this fact.

What would one consider a "positive" experience? IS it possible that every experience is positive? Is it possible that every experience, no matter how simple or by contrast convoluted, aids to SENTIENCE in greater depth of beingness?

This is my serious departure with all teaching that some Bad force subverts good forces.
I do a cascade of greater separation from KNOWING ONE IS SENTIENT but that in itself has a brief shelf life of expiration when the experience of this


What if for the sentient being, ALL experience is positive?
What if all beings (from crystals to trees...EVERYONE) quit this temporary place with a new self reflection
What if in the ONE there is many and MANY in the one and the PARADOX is what people cannot grasp very well?

Every day that I ever have spent any hours bewailing the status quo of what others made of their experience is IMO quite a waste of my own time...not that I don't waste lost of time anyway hehe.

Today I am an initiate, feeling quite well and satisfied. Tomorrow? I may forget everything again

From Victim to Victor: Becoming the Initiate of Your Life

“For those people pursuing a goal, life should be treated as a lab.”
Will Gompertz, Think Like an Artist

In the mid-to-late 19th century, Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, and many of the Impressionist painters of the day faced harsh opposition from the traditional art community in France. This did not stop them, however, from holding onto a vision and a set of beliefs that were independent of what was conventionally acceptable for the day. They did not wait for an endorsement, a degree, or a professional qualification to decide that color was as important of a subject matter as the subject itself. In doing so, they brought vibrant hues and ecstatic forms to canvases, creating one of the most important art movements of the 19th century. Their initiation was their life, their canvas their symphony—odes to the love they discovered in being, doing, experimenting, expressing, and evolving as artists.

As the new year begins, I think it is an important lesson for all of us. When we finally realize that life is an initiation, we see there are no victims—just students. There are no schools of ancient wisdom to attend and there’s no rush to go or be anywhere. Instead, life is our playground—an alchemical laboratory where we’re given free rein to tinker, toy, experiment, learn, and create.

If we’re not intentionally creating our life, however, we are victims to it, and as victims we react in very predictable ways. Being a victim means that someone or something in our external environment is controlling us, thus we believe we are powerless in changing how we act and react to those circumstances. Why does this occur? Because our brains have become neurological records of the past and our bodies emotionally and chemically conditioned to the past. Then we wind up wondering why our lives stay the same, when the truth of the matter is it’s because there’s an exact match between the biology of our inner world of thoughts and feelings and our outer world of reality.

When you start to view your life as a test or an initiation—when you stop thinking the same way, unconsciously demonstrating the same behaviors or habits, and emotionally reacting in the same manner to people, things, or circumstances, and instead hold on to a vision independent of the circumstances in your life—something interesting happens. As you do things you might not feel like doing, yet things that are consistent with your vision, your mindset begins to change and you no longer believe you are a victim with no choices. As a result, you meet the challenges of your life from a greater level of mind. Then all the sudden life starts to seem more like a game and less like a do-or-die situation in which we are helpless, hapless victims.There are no victims on this playground, just volunteers. So why not make 2017 your year to meet life with a new attitude and evolve from philosopher, to initiate, to master? (http://www.drjoedispenza.com/blog/general/from-victim-to-victor-becoming-the-initiate-of-your-life/?inf_contact_key=3e70b019481daf81cc1b0492149603be5 e4ed2cc5038ad86f8dcc4214eca2bbb)

I am not the only one to ever have asked this question. I think I have an inalienable OWNERSHIP of my consciousness. No matter what in this "world" I use my ownership to support, (IMO AND BACKED UP BY OTHERS EXPERIENCE), no one ELSE owns MY sentience.

16th February 2017, 15:02
I think this goes well here. (And in a couple other threads)


This man is very clear and synthesizes a great deal of knowledge in laying out the big picture.

The thing I'm left wondering is, once you've escaped the matrix, what about your loved ones that are still trapped?

26th February 2017, 09:13
I think this goes well here. (And in a couple other threads)


This man is very clear and synthesizes a great deal of knowledge in laying out the big picture.

The thing I'm left wondering is, once you've escaped the matrix, what about your loved ones that are still trapped?

Sorry I have not checked back into this thread for quite a while so I missed your post until just now. The video you posted was quite good. The Shaman understands the mystery school of the Archons quite well. He calls them "predators" Sylvie calls them Parasites but they are the same thing. I tend to call them the Lords of Karma. They are the fake judges of mankind who seek to feed off our energy. As the video states this is a sacred teaching that pre-dates all modern religions and goes back 150,000 years. Everything he says is absolutely true from my own understanding of the mystery school.

Once you've escaped the matrix, what about your loved ones that are still trapped?

I am reluctant to answer this for you may not be ready for that truth. When you escape the matrix your whole understanding of existence will change. Plato's allegory of the cave applies here.

Plato describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners' reality. Plato explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall are not reality at all, for he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the manufactured reality that is the shadows seen by the prisoners. The inmates of this place do not even desire to leave their prison; for they know no better life.

It is a little more complected than Plato's allegory. For in the Mystery school the prisoner would perceive himself to be one of the shadows. In the same way your loved ones are like shadows on the cave wall. After you escape the matrix you will cease to care about the shadows but instead direct your love at what created the shadows.

People and souls are like Russian Dolls. One doll is stacked inside another doll. The 3D soul resides inside the 5d soul and 5d soul sits inside the 7d soul and so on and so on. The higher souls are called the "over souls" or the higher self. These dolls were created to explain conscious existence to the masses but the meaning has been lost to all but the enlightened. When you are 3d all you care about is the smallest doll for that is all you can perceive. When you escape the matrix you will be able to see the 5d over soul. (This I have personally witnessed through remote viewing and dreams)

Ancient wisdom of the heart light that can allow one to transcend the matrix.

26th February 2017, 11:36
So, essentially, you're not really leaving anyone behind. Or you're only leaving a layer behind.

27th February 2017, 01:33
So, essentially, you're not really leaving anyone behind. Or you're only leaving a layer behind.

That would be correct.

8th March 2017, 06:58
History will need to be rewritten soon.


9th March 2017, 02:06
Feel that's a special vid, as it is gentle in its bringing people to an alternative mind set, factual in its concepts and most people love monKEYs

22nd March 2017, 17:09
Terror attacks today in London. It is 3/22 right on schedule.


Are you feeling sentient today?

23rd March 2017, 19:25
So, essentially, you're not really leaving anyone behind. Or you're only leaving a layer behind.

My thoughts:

You are leaving behind a perception set, I would imagine that things that were immensely important to you at one level of understanding will not be the same at another level.

I've noticed smaller patterns of this in myself, as I age & take on drastically different "perception sets" than I previously held, that which used to be the focus (or a focus at least) and so "important" at the time are now not even thought of often, or when I do think of them it's with a chuckle and head shaking..

being less attached to individualism and identity seems to help when looking for these patterns in myself (who I am now is no where near who I was 15 years ago).

So when we eat from the tree of life. (https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23331184-300-old-blood-can-be-made-young-again-and-it-might-fight-ageing/)... will we finally be free of all this crap?

27th March 2017, 16:37
History will have to be rewritten...

Operation High Jump in 1947

What is really in Antarctica: Neuschwabenland.


9th April 2017, 02:47
Meet the Chickenhawk in Chief who nearly started World war 3.


Chicken little is acting all preppy on the Western front.

On a more serious note. I will be doing TWO world peace meditations to counter these aggressions against the Syrian people. Please join me if you believe in the power of manifestation to overcome war.

First peace meditation will be Tomorrow (4/9/17) at noon Eastern.
Second peace meditation will be Tuesday (4/11/17) at 2:08am Eastern. (Coincides with the "pink" full moon over Palmyra)


9th April 2017, 03:12
Mystery School: Halafian Pottery

(Originally posted on Deviant Art blog on Nov 24th, 2014 (http://novuso.deviantart.com/art/Mystery-School-Halaf-Pottery-Part-2-496306171))
The Halaf plate was discovered in the Halaf region on the boarder of Iraq and Syria and was dated to be over 7000 years old.

The ancient Halaf people from 7000 years ago would use plates such as this to expand their consciousness. By spinning the plate on a potter's wheal the dazzling image could transport their minds to another dimension through induced hypnotic trance. For the first time in 7000 years the plate spins again in its' original glory.


The symbol on the plate is the oldest iron cross ever discovered and predates Christianity by 5000 years. It is magic. The good kind and can aid in the peace meditation. By visualizing the Halaf pottery over the Syria war zone it can used to manifest peace and harmony.

FIVE Critical points: (Damascus, Aleppo, Raqqa, Palmyra, and Manbij)




9th April 2017, 16:49
Meditation is the gateway to peace.


You are more powerful than you realize.

9th April 2017, 16:51
Meditation is the gateway to peace.


You are more powerful than you realize.

So right Novusod!

13th April 2017, 01:32
The reason America is at war with Syria.


The more research I have done over the years the less I believe it was about oil or any other resource. It is really about the dollar trade. Since the end of WW2 all trade has been conducted in dollars. If the Ukraine wants to sell 1000 bushels of grain to Russia that trade deal has to be done in Dollars. If Italy wants to sell a 1000 cases of wine to Brazil they have trade in dollars. No other currency is allowed in international trade. Any country that tries to make trade deals outside of the dollar based system either gets overthrown or is invaded.

In 2001-2003 Iraq prepared to sell oil in Euros (Invaded)

Libya 2010 proposed gold backed dinars for trade (overthrown)

In 2011 Iran / Syria begin trade deals (civil war started, Iran threatened and backed down)

2013 Ukraine creates trade deals with Russia (Ukraine government toppled)

In 2015-2016 Brazil joins Asian development bank (Government toppled)

2017 Russia / China begin trades (less than a week later Sarin gas attack / North Korea threats with China)
