View Full Version : Three Worlds, Beyond the Mirrors

2nd November 2016, 03:10
Once upon a time and imo time is of the mind, and because of that I can only share my experience of the three worlds I live in, it just happened, as in was not a goal but an eventuality through self mind work, deprogramming etc, so the three worlds are there for all imo, as one evolves and all evolve to their own adventure of soul preparedness and karma timelines and timeline detachment or opposite.

Upon a time, as many here call it now, asleep and slaving to the western mind grindstone, suffering as fears drove me year after year and event after event, mind slavery created by the past down programmes of religion, family, governments and education systems or really tptW ( the powers that Were ). Most here know that story and most began breaking out of that world through deprogramming in the differing ways available, Usually involving suffering and likely great suffering.

Upon a time, suffering and once again suffering is of the mind imo, suffering was shutting down my body, escape routes of alcohole etc were affecting much, life was crushing, so another world slowing presented itself for me but the great suffering was indeed needed for the crashing push because I wished to hold onto what I knew, safe or not.

Upon a time ( BRB )

2nd November 2016, 05:36
Death was the cure once upon a time, over a short period, three separate ones, car crash, suicide and cancer, shock shock and slow realisation shock, body, mind, emotional and mental state collapse created the suffering needed and a journey to another world begin, so exciting not lol, the universe works in amazing ways or god is unfathomable in its complexity appearing in reflection, very simple, I had a scarey encounter with a lovely witchy looking lady at an organic fair, while looking into the potential of producing ostrich sausages, kid you not lol, she had a wee room aside from the main stalls and was doing ten minute introduction reiki treats or zaps as such and I read all the information on the walls, one stood out by a ex police boss who shared their own reiki journey, so I gave it a twirl 9 BRB )

2nd November 2016, 07:01
Upon a time, why was this zap scarey, well this reiki lady eventually initiated me into reiki and let me know she had never seen anyone before react like I did, was scarey because I lay down after she gave me a brief rundown of whats and hows and she started at my head by putting her hands above crown and asked after a while if I saw any colours, said I seen a couple and then she went to my chest, this all felt nice, for me strange but relaxing, when she got to my left leg it all got stranger for me as my leg started quivering and shaking madly and her hands were 5 or 6 inches above them, she soon stopped and went to right leg, have had a few stints in hospital etc with right leg, it went nuts as such and she stopped and later found out she grounded me in another way than hands on feet as is usual, I was outta there, threw twenty in the donation box not wanting change and basically eradicated the experience from my mind best I could but legs were better after the event and did have that in the back of my mind, hence when the shit hit the fan for me many moons later, I got in touch with her and she gave my mother and myself three sessions over two days, helping us due to family member dying and the stress ( BRB)

2nd November 2016, 08:06
Few wee triggers in this worldy mirror a happening, all good though.

Anyway I was a relaxed blithering snoring happy WTF xlent during these sessions and marvelled at how it benefitted me but that was as far as I was prepared to go at that stage, until things really got worse, will not go into it too much but there was still a death to go, a bussinness to close before I got the news I would be in a wheelchair before I was 40, amazing how that can get a person outside of their square, I tried a few differing things to help myself and then aha that reiki thing came to mind, I rang that lady who lived a few hours down south, to get a reiki treatment, she laughed and said why don't you learn it yourself, I said I would consider this and she replied I am in your town tomorrow and teaching a lady the first level over two days and she usually has at least two people to do this and I could be the other person if I wished ( BRB )

4th November 2016, 22:44
Upon a time, well I said yip and duly arrived the next morning and over the next two days I learnt traditional reiki, gee who knew that we got chakras lol, ( BRB ).

6th November 2016, 23:42
If one does not know their own mind and lets face it, unless you were aware and bought up by someone/s that does know their own mind, you are programmed by the country/family/government/education/beliefs/religion which is your thoughtsphere, as the human mind sponge that you are now defends even, when offered other mind programmes.
Imo it took two years after learning reiki, to say, where did I disappear to, I am indeed crazy appearing to my old family and friends, please note, I became a reiki nut as such, at least an hour self treat every day and sometimes up to 3 or 4.

Now this second world being explained, many here participate in has many doorways, imo all lead within to respond and connect with the divine, usually yours then the divine we are all threaded with, at this stage unknowingly unless guided by one who lives in three worlds or more, we are changing the already third world and getting ready to create in other two worlds, the negative consciousness as such ( yes this is also you in the third world ) cannot stop you because it is you, remember mind known and chakras of high enough vibration/frequency creates correct knowing inaction or respond action hence now for one, all is indeed perfect.

Upon a time of three stories will wander between, ta for patience, ( BRB )

7th November 2016, 00:33
A wee interlude story, a grumpy grandfather in a wee village in nowhere India who hand weaved mats all his life to support his family, an angry old man who enjoyed hurting those around himself, received a energy transfer from a wandering shaman/healer/monk, he has never not been happy since, imo he will likely die with a smile on his face, I have seen this but not where it happened in the now but over months sometimes and years mostly. This now enlightened old man never really talked much after his event and the whole village transformed around him over the next couple of years, everyone wants their mats, grumpy people as such move on quickly or change, it looks like a terribly hard life to live for someone when you see this, in the western world, still, have you met someone who is laughing, happy all the time, smiling for what appears no reason, that most people that know them, adore and love them.

Who was that monk person and who taught them to do that and what did they use, it took a couple of minutes and old grumpy has been happy ever since.

Anyway I met this monk, was said it was him, happened to happy the grumpy old before he himself went into an enlightened state, immobile for some years, he got carried around and looked after, there were others also, one was a child and he was able to talk a little (BRB)

7th November 2016, 05:14
I like the episodes.

8th November 2016, 14:13
Upon a time, suffering still being a part of the awakening state for one while once enlightened suffering ceases completely, the third world begins once suffering has diminished by whatever percentage ones connection to world suffering needs to be to coerce the ancient mind, the ancient mind is the template all living planets with souls, having given permission to evolve, utilise. Living in the third world while awakened or enlightened evolves and enhances a more evolved template.

16th November 2016, 05:06
Upon a time, while I was in great joy at moving into this second world, knowing an inner peace before not even contemplated, having life long stresses dissipate and so so so many questions beginning, suffering abounded around me through these new world actions I was interfacing, learning and enticing closer to myself, even the scarey stuff like, I am not just my name, my family, my town, my country, my friendsets or simply not being the old me or seeing friends being scared of the adjusting new me, blacksheeped strongly or the remembering to again allow synchronicity, really, simply having people and loved ones unable to comprehend that I was not mad because I was so happy all the time or mostly.

16th November 2016, 06:22
Upon a time now, Defining this third world, feel some would say that one is doing, being or in their highest potential or current potential.

23rd February 2017, 21:11
The third world usually involves one being in their mission, being their highest now potential in action ( or non action lol ), one still involved but not much of, the first world, and in creation of inner and outer change in the second world, one likey is often in both teacher or student mode ( and often both at the same time ), as is obvious, one living mostly in first world ain't wishing to connect or befriend or know about the second world unless it holds a fascination ( happening much much more nowadays ) or they are pushed as such. The second to third world connection/jump imo involves hugely the higher self / ones divine assistance. brb

26th February 2017, 09:14
As one lives, creates the second and 3rd world and/or more, one anchors these at the same time.
People cannot reject the third world as it is not yet possible unless it is mirrored.

2nd March 2017, 01:34
People cannot reject the third world as it is not yet possible unless it is mirrored.

LOL unless and some may have heard of this happening, Bhudda orientated from memory, more than one lineage, a headbutt, sharp but gentle, usually a wee shock for receiver, sometimes a quick double headbutt, this is somewhat ( from my understanding ) a slight sorta memory transfer and a vibrational raising and what one may call a timeline reorganization as such for receiver also.

Also the last breathe from a high consciousness shaman/woman can transfer memory ( which raises vibration etc because of ), usually done down family lines.

2nd March 2017, 02:31
People cannot reject the third world as it is not yet possible unless it is mirrored.

This may help with the understanding of why tptW or weres find difficulty in allowing the natural perfection to come about for humanity but as they are also gods breathe, we can give a I love you and a high five as they pass.

2nd March 2017, 12:41
I was listening to an interview last night and someone said mirror just as I was looking at the title of this thread.

I recently went to a wedding where the groom high-fived the bridesmaids as they came down the aisle to the front. :h5:

3rd March 2017, 02:59
Once upon a time a fourth world is felt, then sensed, now having. Actually clean up yourself time is this intrance because you may mindhell real bad otherwise, being an alter-d state not doing once bought one a padded sell BRB

3rd March 2017, 04:46
I believe some sciency types have missed a world or two, to partake of this 4th world and religiousely types, usually not boding well.

5th March 2017, 20:28
Upon a time, the third world had a divine connection, a higher oneself fractal connection, this 4th atm appears to be with the divine with ones divine, allowing god to be in charge or no fear and aware inner and outer guidance with the first world being a known complete illusion, the second world knowingly creation bespoken on feeling and the third a sandwhich without bread lol.

6th March 2017, 22:40
Upon a time, the bread being you are not your body ( empower your temple ), your are not your mind ( know thyself/mind ), your anr not your thoughts ( you are part of the inner and outer thoughtsphere ).

You are Gods breathe is the filling and ones stillness the seer and ones experience the joy and ones being is the transmutation of we are all one within Gods inbreathe, or not.

23rd March 2017, 08:15
While meditating on the tzolkin, open eyed, the seventh downward line of thirteen, became the mirror, reflecting the six lines each side of it, just as the spine/kundalini/7 main chakras have six main articulations each side ankle-knee-hip-wrist-elbow-shoulder.

Youwei is basicalllly the mirror for yourself or yoursoul or yourgod, worldbridging has usualllly involved rainbows and doreimefasollateDO, both sometimes, see the 7's, see the mirrors, knowing is the window cleaner, the brain the rag, the mind the curtain.

27th March 2017, 00:45
These third and fourth worlds are fast filling semi voids with a password, above below evolved self conduit and the ability to hold that stillness consciousely allows one to spread ( little to no choice ) this outwardly, one is now seven directional, above-below-eastwestnorthsouth or around ( four is the middle of seven ) and seventh direction, themselves ( heart-mind ), allowing the third to know the fourth world.

15th May 2017, 08:21
Lol, now how does one even try to explain the mirrors, difficult enough three worldy explaining.

16th June 2017, 01:27
Dang life is amazing and such an interesting crash test at times, 2 days ago I had a fall, about ten minutes later delayed concussion, doctor-ambulance-hospital, today we start our move to our new house and in 12 days off to Germany, somehow the partner has kept it together as I am only a wee bit helpfullll, we been here around three years and no wood pidgeons here abouts and I am outside trying to remember where I left something ( had many concussions in my rugby years so know the drill memory wise lol ) when a wood pigeon ( Kereru ) land on a cabbage tree ( the messenger tree in moari lore ), this blows me away as wood pigeon is the bird of peace, grace, the way of spirit and heart and sings this is the right chosen path. If you knew the dynamics of legalities, lawyers etc of late between partner and myself, wow I needed this sign ( last meeting with lawyer I said just get bloody separation documents instead of this crap papers, intense ), I decided to film this pidgeon and low and behold as I was doing so, another one lands beside it, excited and teary at this point, I sat and watched a while and they flew to next door neighbours ( who had done their reiki training recently with us, been a few years since we trained so they were important to us ), then the huge flapping of wings was heard as three not two wood pidgeons flew of in the direction of our new house, no idea where the third came from but it represented our son, massive signs so so needed for me atm.

Ooopps this is all imo part of brain changes and exlent and third world explainable, lots of resentment buried, surfacing.

16th June 2017, 02:04
Birds are strong omens, and it seems it's a good one. So glad for that. I hope your head heals up well. No more concussions for you, mister.

Resentment. Been hanging around with Projection. In my observations.

22nd June 2017, 12:07

3rd July 2017, 07:12
I have just had, mmmmm like an upgrade third world wise, still ongoing and will do best to put this experience into words when able.

6th July 2017, 18:26
Am absolutely lost in how to explain so will just start, partner has or had been basically at the edge of breakdown mode, holding everything together, buying house, organising, packing, organising trip and her work plus will add etc, then a couple of days prior to moving, i am hopeless as such due to head knock, her massive high vibrational change is the catylist imo for the vibrational movement of myself.

6th July 2017, 18:57
I sorta moved into a world of trying to be with the what is, the b loody what is kept moving lol, panic and confusion were holding torments hand, partner held her divines hand with huge trust, will add many Germans have an order complex, in order, a need to know what is and will happen etc, so being with this kiwi who was once a workaholeck and to her, out of order lol these days, had been very testing to us both, her energy of late is high high naturally, feel this aided me lots vibrationally, had dimesional crazy happening and feel some here will comprehend the differing experiences that can bring. The next steps atm are

10th July 2017, 16:32
Mmmm maybe it is the Beyond The Mirrors part, as we learn through the likes of Modwizs Mystic Brews a truer histery of ourselves or Elens Atlantis s survivors thread etc etc they imo have patterns and mirrors for now today and the new templates are beyond the mirrors and patterns in that a spirill replacing a circle.

13th July 2017, 15:01
Another aspect of this third world is becoming even more normal with the ability to appear the opposite, on a dime as such lol, holds an attraction energy for spirits signposts making team, fear feels like an oil, both helpful and sticky, like accepting that part of mummy Earth within you. The attraction energy has me working on my eyes and hips for some reason futuristically, maybe, once in a group of shaman, the energy n vibration hugely high, near early in this spiritual journey, noticed i was massively tired, they had all just returned from a long shaman event, noticed 3 of the four had tried to bring me to focus, eyes wise, lock me in as such, the fourth who is pretty legendary waitaha wise, locked me straight in, remember the light coming from his eyes and light returning to his eyes, many adventures of remembering for some time after this event, we will see if its this aspect or not, in time.

24th July 2017, 09:40
I desire to know, feel, express this third world and my intent has been acknowledged, i learnt somewhat this third world from listening to Bill Ballard and his material when he talks of higher fractals of oneself and his experiences of which some facets i could identify with from experience and experience is the crux imo, i learnt lots of this third world through Jose Arguelles,s material and my experiences done within this plus his combined Cosmic History Chronicles with Stephanie South, and also meeting and talking with them while they lived in NZ, indeed putting ones toes into this experience or dimension is worthy of the preparation needed, including love of oneself and humanity on whole, strong chakra work and clearing of mind pollution, the oneness univercity dasas are an example of living this third world, there being up to 300 of them, their mind knowledge teachings and capacity to energy clear and teach, similar to high Qi Gong teachers is an experience of amazingness, so recently i had an experience of being here but not being here and doing my best to function two worldly, imo not realising i was third worldly gaining experience, just of the last few days has this, on reflection, been seen properly for myself, i managed to keep the first two worlds going but only just and also worked up to being able to do ritual, ceremony, future preparation and dreaming, attunement and initiation with difficulty and now feel levelled out as such, what the heck this i am actually is as yet i will more so understand and comprehend as a very busy moon ahead awaits.

19th August 2017, 04:01
Busy indeed, thinking being taken out of the, my equations in life, more and more, to the state its annoying to think when there is no need to think but go with it, along with synchronicity. Still think, still use the brain but when there is no need to, it be annoying somewhat, maybe higher self saying through feelings, be, allow, flow etc.

My report of late into this world and allowing words to explain.

23rd September 2017, 07:15
Have felt this third world expressing itself as such, to me for some time now, explaining is difficult as it is a mostly future ish now thing, known and impossible to actualize, the deepness is the spearhead one is noospherically change and transmuting wise, the transmuting part actually being the constant change part, sorta like the corner of a box that's a tunnel and cube with two cetres, at the same time lol place.

Maybe it is the harmony of the future rupturing the present.

27th July 2018, 08:03
Today was crazy so far, tough emotionally indeed and around me, we packing for ten days on gold coast n leave tomorrow at lunchtime, deep emotional energy n verbals harsh, huge headaches also, did the usual and asked the universe to unpack this for me, first we got a rare eclipse in morn > https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/12443-Extremely-Rare-Selenelion < and it is affecting me/us/lots of people and then yahoosey, partner n me download it and take it to Aussie afterwards, very honouring,rd work so far lol, this very much 2nd world with 3rd attached.

7th August 2018, 12:56
And it was, started a new thread for this > https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/12464-Wife-Denies-Mystery

22nd August 2018, 11:33
Met with a third worlder today, she wasn't last week, she could see me, first time n we regulary connect so was xlent, such a logical lady n highly intelligent, unknowingly being in the third world is exciting lol.

25th November 2018, 08:49
Third worlding while hard to word, is getting easier to feel then share, atm.

The future is always happening and can be felt, now future creating allows future felt like locking in cog wise the highest present potential, recently, I think in the lull thread, I felt on Trump not doing a second term, very full stop, knowing that very high potential ( feel trump n co know no second term will be, also ) allows other feelings to leak/know/be felt. Gosh that came out nothing like it was in my head lol.

Emil El Zapato
25th November 2018, 14:40
I think you nailed it, Aianawa...

5th January 2019, 04:46
Another main facet is, can be, the future interacting with one now.

5th January 2019, 04:57
Clearaudiance has been a facet of my experience in life and very much last last 20 years n especially the last 4, still feel this is a normal human evolving energy within one in these times though.

22nd January 2019, 20:24
No to little sleep last nite n earth quakes happening round world a wee bit n very hot temps here in CHCH NZ, and just caught up with Bill Ballaird n his worlds journey also, atm >

6th April 2019, 00:12
Once upon a time and imo time is of the mind, and because of that I can only share my experience of the three worlds I live in, it just happened, as in was not a goal but an eventuality through self mind work, deprogramming etc, so the three worlds are there for all imo, as one evolves and all evolve to their own adventure of soul preparedness and karma timelines and timeline detachment or opposite.

Upon a time, as many here call it now, asleep and slaving to the western mind grindstone, suffering as fears drove me year after year and event after event, mind slavery created by the past down programmes of religion, family, governments and education systems or really tptW ( the powers that Were ). Most here know that story and most began breaking out of that world through deprogramming in the differing ways available, Usually involving suffering and likely great suffering.

Upon a time, suffering and once again suffering is of the mind imo, suffering was shutting down my body, escape routes of alcohole etc were affecting much, life was crushing, so another world slowing presented itself for me but the great suffering was indeed needed for the crashing push because I wished to hold onto what I knew, safe or not.

Upon a time ( BRB )

BRB back back > Am seeing aspects and shadow ( hi Brooke ) facets of the Third world now being visible n external, is feelin like god growing not in or out but more a vacuum breathing only in.

19th May 2019, 05:14
Indeed again, just read a FB post from Bill Ballard and had to share here as is part of this 3 worlds journey >

Ouchie! This is the 2nd time I've sheared the 1/4" grade8 stainless steel bolts off the mount of my bicycle seat while power peddling. I just looked up the shear strength of the bolts and I'm producing 5000 pounds x2 from my legs to be able to shear those bolts. I know I'm strong but this has happened twice now. First time was at 20 mph and I ended up sliding on the asphalt on my seat but walked away with only palms scraped. This time I've screwed up. Ha. Was telling the universe yesterday I'd take physically some of my mothers karma that she's earned but is getting late in life to deal with and is showing up physically. Ha. I made a pact asking her pains be eased and I could take on that pain. Smiles

She smarted off to me this morning in her typical Karmic crapola and I gave it no mind and went out for my morning ride. 10+ miles into it I'm heading back home pumping it thinking and in my head, thinking about the crap she said and the energies of that as I was neutralizing it but pumping my bike hard. I sheared the bolts off right in front of where my grandparents house was before Hurricane Katrina took it, and I saw my bike shoot in front of me as I hit the ground hard sitting upright. Ouchie.

Seems I put a good bruise on my butt cracking my hip bone while jarring my spine breaking 2 floating ribs on my left at the spine and another floating on my right. Seems I've done a spinal injury half way up too. To me it's truly no big deal but I didn't know there was a surgeon doctor who'd bought the house across from where my grandparents house was, he saw the whole thing go down and was right there. I find it funny he was surprised I got up picked up my bike and walked home. Yeah, I will heal just fine and super quick. Kinda cool being in super high frequencies on the healing end. The pain sucks though. Feels my body has just come out of the shock phase and I'm loosing the shakes. Ha It hurts like hell when I laugh. 😎

I'm going to have to oversize these 1/4" bolts as 2x is enough now. Looks like I'll be down 3-4 days. Ha

Being a high frequency human is quite an adventure, always in All Ways!!! Years ago I'd of thought my capabilities now being like superman. Ha

Being human in a high frequency state is quite the trip. Next I learn to fly!

By the way I had to use a banana in my teeth to click the camera button. Hahahaha

Indeed again, just read a FB post from Bill Ballard and had to share here as is part of this 3 worlds journey >

Ouchie! This is the 2nd time I've sheared the 1/4" grade8 stainless steel bolts off the mount of my bicycle seat while power peddling. I just looked up the shear strength of the bolts and I'm producing 5000 pounds x2 from my legs to be able to shear those bolts. I know I'm strong but this has happened twice now. First time was at 20 mph and I ended up sliding on the asphalt on my seat but walked away with only palms scraped. This time I've screwed up. Ha. Was telling the universe yesterday I'd take physically some of my mothers karma that she's earned but is getting late in life to deal with and is showing up physically. Ha. I made a pact asking her pains be eased and I could take on that pain. Smiles

She smarted off to me this morning in her typical Karmic crapola and I gave it no mind and went out for my morning ride. 10+ miles into it I'm heading back home pumping it thinking and in my head, thinking about the crap she said and the energies of that as I was neutralizing it but pumping my bike hard. I sheared the bolts off right in front of where my grandparents house was before Hurricane Katrina took it, and I saw my bike shoot in front of me as I hit the ground hard sitting upright. Ouchie.

Seems I put a good bruise on my butt cracking my hip bone while jarring my spine breaking 2 floating ribs on my left at the spine and another floating on my right. Seems I've done a spinal injury half way up too. To me it's truly no big deal but I didn't know there was a surgeon doctor who'd bought the house across from where my grandparents house was, he saw the whole thing go down and was right there. I find it funny he was surprised I got up picked up my bike and walked home. Yeah, I will heal just fine and super quick. Kinda cool being in super high frequencies on the healing end. The pain sucks though. Feels my body has just come out of the shock phase and I'm loosing the shakes. Ha It hurts like hell when I laugh. 😎

I'm going to have to oversize these 1/4" bolts as 2x is enough now. Looks like I'll be down 3-4 days. Ha

Being a high frequency human is quite an adventure, always in All Ways!!! Years ago I'd of thought my capabilities now being like superman. Ha

Being human in a high frequency state is quite the trip. Next I learn to fly!

By the way I had to use a banana in my teeth to click the camera button. Hahahaha

Emil El Zapato
19th May 2019, 13:12
I use to bike quite a bit...back in the days when I had the time and the inclination. I was doing about 175 miles a week. Still was flabby... :) Funny how genetics work...

19th May 2019, 13:18
Most people wouldn't think I'm either fat or flabby, and yet I've been flabby in parts since middle school. It was part of the change. I put on a lot of weight in high school both due to height and female-ness. Nowadays, if I get below 150 pounds people will think I'm ill - too skinny. But that's the only way I would be flab free.

And when I work out I gain muscle mass and begin to gain weight and strain my clothes. Lol.

Can't win, can we?

Emil El Zapato
19th May 2019, 13:59
amen to that... :)

20th May 2019, 02:31
You two are off in a different world altogether lol n pah

20th May 2019, 11:51
In a world of flab and a house of mirrors...

I went back to the first page to read your story again. How's your mobility, still good?

I'm not sure if it was purposeful, but my parents taught me to know myself. I've always known the Bible quote, "know thyself", and it made sense to me.

My biggest disappointment was/is witnessing people who know these things and throw that knowledge away for whatever current payoff they can get.

Many of them are chanting and waiting to see others in pain so that they will feel better themselves. (Lock her up!)

27th May 2019, 08:28
Feel she will indeed be locked up or maybe worse and as she is another oneself I also feel for her decision making early in life as she likely was hurt badly.

Emil El Zapato
27th May 2019, 14:30
lol, Aianawa, Aianawa, Aianawa. The right has been trying to frame her for 30 years and still haven't gotten it done. It's just not going to happen. Trump, on the other hand, has lived a life of duplicity and made the fatal mistake of letting his narcissism bringing him to the forefront...a forefront that he simply couldn't resist. I've said it and applied it to many situations...Self-Immolation. The divine and the demonic thrive on it.

27th May 2019, 14:33
Is that similar to the dynamic, "If I can't have her/it, no-one can"? Destroy rather than let go. Trump does like to break things.

Emil El Zapato
27th May 2019, 14:59
Hi DT,

surely close enough...This whole thing is REALLY crazy...making. The hallmark of any personality disorder. And Trump is locked into that aspect of himself. He has cast a spell of 'ugliness' to support his 'plan'. His plan at this point is to 'escape unscathed'. I don't think he can do it but he is a master...a true master of the game. The reason the government and the entire nation really is flailing against him is because he is unprecendented...No President ever has lacked so completely the 'Right Stuff' representative of the American Way. The American Way is not without serious faults but at its heart it has a desire to provide justice, balance, and at least a semblance of compassion. He can reflect none of those virtues. He is truly the embodiment of 'bizarro world'.

The right is simply playing the 'wait' game...They know he is a goner...but the right doesn't want to walk away from this as abject losers. He is 'their' representative after all, which of itself, is a perversion of the Presidency. The left is in a wait game as well. The left recognizes that he is the antithesis of all that is holy pursuant to Americanism but can't act in clear conscience because of the 'distorted and confused' nature of Trumpism and the spell of tribalism. It is a challenge that doesn't demand confrontation but does require safeguards to prevent a recurrence of this kind of 'bastardization'.

It is a historical moment for the essential 'liberation' of these United States.

27th May 2019, 21:13
Okay, maybe you two have gone into a fourth world and left me behind.

Emil El Zapato
27th May 2019, 22:00
I think we lost you a couple of worlds ago...we'll end up in the same place after one trip around the universe.

27th May 2019, 22:18
Indeed NAP, do enjoy your positive attitude, when one day when we leave here n go home, we will look back but little imo, as great joy will be flowing for the next adventure.

29th May 2019, 13:02
Likely so, Aianawa.

And we're here now and for a while, and so we must deal with the now.

The now is leading to what will be the now for our children. We must take care about what foundation we leave behind. We need to make sure we leave a foundation rather than ruins of debt and lost alliances.

29th May 2019, 22:26
On the same page.

25th March 2020, 07:23
Well, we have the two worlds coming atm into view, lol no choice now, 3rd world no choice imo within ten years, no choice in a good way, the no choice atm looks horrible to many as so much dought when having to think so much n hard, we will get there.

So excited for those putting their feet or toes in the water.

3rd November 2020, 20:05
Tisa not such a lonely place of late, as of meeting others living in three worlds, most very different and differently doing so, yes DT there be Democrats also lol, one thing we have in common is knowing each other energy wise, for me often not sure or certain, most know on meeting or soon after, tisa starnge, getting less stranage occuring, also getting easier to explain the phenom-oma-n ( original matrix atttaine, explained lol = oma ), so imo is normal becoming the norm.

18th December 2020, 03:04
Huge revelation today, as two narratives compete in our world i listened to a matt Kahn vid which was great while also doing an extended reiki self treat, nodded off and the computer took it to another vid, Eckhart Tolle's new vid and dang it was precise indeed of ww happenings atm noospherically >



Hearing likely one of humanities wisest beings give solutions that both narratives may grasp, incredible indeed.

This is a major facet of the third worlds mind atmosphere and divine dichotomy in challenge but holding hands.

Confusion is very livid and curse enfolding at present creating change strongly, i let go of mush n much after these two vids and as i jigsaw and contemplate further and spirit guides, a barely held fourth world is being sensed with some already there anchoring.

24th December 2020, 03:05
Here is the third world in play atm, many people already know the playbook coming up regards happenings world wide, political-emotional-mental etc and that those highest potentials are in flux, welcome to the divine dichotomy world if one comprehends this, tisa facet of the third n fourth worlds, these is from people that only play from a micro macro mind perspective and not in the Play play Play pushing valves n connecting planes and Dimensions ones of negative, narratives are important, even here on TOT we have amazing ones holding the positive narrative on both sides n few holding both sides, very important distinkkysion because unknowingly holding a negative narrative is assisting the all.

16th September 2021, 08:14
Third worlding while hard to word, is getting easier to feel then share, atm.

The future is always happening and can be felt, now future creating allows future felt like locking in cog wise the highest present potential, recently, I think in the lull thread, I felt on Trump not doing a second term, very full stop, knowing that very high potential ( feel trump n co know no second term will be, also ) allows other feelings to leak/know/be felt. Gosh that came out nothing like it was in my head lol.

As have some 3rd worldy stuff to rite up , i went back through thread and aha'd this post about no second term for Trump, interesting.

Here is the third world in play atm, many people already know the playbook coming up regards happenings world wide, political-emotional-mental etc and that those highest potentials are in flux, welcome to the divine dichotomy world if one comprehends this, tisa facet of the third n fourth worlds, these is from people that only play from a micro macro mind perspective and not in the Play play Play pushing valves n connecting planes and Dimensions ones of negative, narratives are important, even here on TOT we have amazing ones holding the positive narrative on both sides n few holding both sides, very important distinkkysion because unknowingly holding a negative narrative is assisting the all.

Gosh, feel i nailed it well, pre cv19-84 world.

16th September 2021, 08:24
Tisa not such a lonely place of late, as of meeting others living in three worlds, most very different and differently doing so, yes DT there be Democrats also lol, one thing we have in common is knowing each other energy wise, for me often not sure or certain, most know on meeting or soon after, tisa starnge, getting less stranage occuring, also getting easier to explain the phenom-oma-n ( original matrix atttaine, explained lol = oma ), so imo is normal becoming the norm.

Will add to this, that i met and connected with a whole family, 3 men, two ladies and their dad, some fully 3rd worlding, amazing amazing, about 7 to 8 moons ago. Whata hoot when we get together, sometimes there be some or many 2 worlders who get beautifulllly red pilled and 1st world lessoned.

4th October 2021, 22:09
We at the mument are grounding into the evolving Mirror energy humanity wise, shamans etc world wide are mostly reporting this mirror energy in differing ways, the hemit types are interacting along with the cave types, to sway mind energeticalllly, full on, as the evolving human mind and mummy Earths, rachets up lovingly as poss.

26th October 2022, 08:17
Year between posts, clocks slowing down around one who is present or now orientated, is a thing and it makes sense i feel, my own experience shows this over last ten years, especialllly with car clocks, atm after resetting it 8 moons ago, it is 16 minutes slow now, got to twelve minutes slow over about 16 moons previous to that, previous car was much slower on getting slower as in 6 or 7 minutes over a 12 to 14 moons. Read of this happening in older books especially early last century, mmm time is interesting indeed atm ,

26th October 2022, 08:33
Year between posts, clocks slowing down around one who is present or now orientated, is a thing and it makes sense i feel, my own experience shows this over last ten years, especialllly with car clocks, atm after resetting it 8 moons ago, it is 16 minutes slow now, got to twelve minutes slow over about 16 moons previous to that, previous car was much slower on getting slower as in 6 or 7 minutes over a 12 to 14 moons. Read of this happening in older books especially early last century, mmm time is interesting indeed atm ,

It has nothing to do with time itself, Vern β€” those are not atomic clocks. :p

It's the calibration of the clock itself, in conjunction with the power reserves of the car battery and how much the various subsystems of your car tax the battery when the engine's not running β€” e.g. the radio, the receiver for the remote control for the central locking, a car alarm, an anti-theft system, and so on.

Some clocks simply have more drift than others, and car batteries do degrade over time. Modern car radios are equipped with RDS, which works in conjunction with certain radio channels β€” although not all radio stations support this β€” and then switching on the radio and tuning into one of the radio stations that emit an RDS signal will automatically set your clock to the correct time again for your timezone. ;)

26th October 2022, 08:44
Oh okay will see if it can speed up, will reset it, ta.

26th October 2022, 09:27
Oh okay will see if it can speed up, will reset it, ta.

I don't think you can really speed it up. But keeping your battery well-charged will help, and like I said, tuning into an RDS radio station every once in a while will reset it to the correct time.

The one in my own car runs a little fast β€” about 5 minutes a year β€” and it doesn't do the automatic switchover between standard time and daylight savings time, but so then I just switch on the radio for a couple of minutes and then it'll set the clock to the correct time again. ;)

26th October 2022, 17:55
Oh good date ta, same for watches old n digital ?. As we are electrical beings, lol ones brain electrics can run a small city if harnessed so science says, can we enhance or drain batteries ?.

26th October 2022, 22:23
Oh good date ta, same for watches old n digital ?. As we are electrical beings, lol ones brain electrics can run a small city if harnessed so science says, can we enhance or drain batteries ?.

Well, digital watches use a crystal β€” usually quartz, but it may be another type β€” that was tuned to vibrate at a certain frequency, and this frequency is supposed to not change, provided that the temperatures don't change too radically or that the voltage doesn't drop too drastically. In cars, these clocks are the ones that can be corrected by way of RDS. But that won't work on analog clocks, because that would incorporate little motors to move the hands to the correct time upon receiving the RDS signal, and those small analog car clocks just don't have any such motors. Therefore, they need to be adjusted manually.

As for the electrical power of the brain, no, I'm afraid that's just a fable. The human body does indeed generate electricity, but the amount of electricity it produces is very, very small β€” not even enough to light up a small light bulb. ;)

27th October 2022, 07:39
Interesting Frank, ta , do remember more than one scientest say if the brain alone electricity wise be harnessed, it would run a small city, mind you i am a wee bit concerned of late about science n facts that do not make sense lol.

27th October 2022, 08:22
Interesting Frank, ta , do remember more than one scientest say if the brain alone electricity wise be harnessed, it would run a small city, mind you i am a wee bit concerned of late about science n facts that do not make sense lol.

I've never heard that about the electricity produced by the brain, but what I have heard is that if they were to try building a computer that can do all that the brain does, then it would be as big as a skyscraper.

But about that electricity, I just read something startling on Slashdot, namely that a swarm of honeybees can produce as much electricity as a thunderstorm (https://www.livescience.com/honeybees-electrify-air-more-than-thunderstorms). And that is staggering, to say the least. :belief:

So all in all, what you heard could be right too, but personally I've never heard that. :noidea:

9th December 2022, 07:02
Starts 12ish min mark, New resident settlor data out now.

Said a while ago about this being found, Craig was my law as such teacher once the lockdowns started, enjoy

https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/play/YFCGC-WNWoO4Mpg6uoiaKfuntX0zsoWvns9oroQXhmR2zkAzw0Iaca3I If9WOtZEBnQdJLi_bFD7HTV2.HMo5WZldvstX7nSN?continue Mode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=rOa-oOTnQ3yNj_x3RY0oGg.1670560465695.83ae8fa0c957fc3c1 ba0e2c52b9b929a&_x_zm_rhtaid=416

13th January 2023, 04:24
I remember not being able to get up and make a speech as such at my boys funeral 5 years ago but when i got to the wee church up the rangitata gorge i felt i could speak at the grave site, they mainly have graves there for the young that pass and a little ritual they have is everyone helps themself to shovels to bury the grave, i quickly spoke to my boys mum about putting my 25 years old rugby coat on the coffin which she said are you sure and let her know i wished to speak also before the shovels started, i spoke in the now and near the end spoke of the waters below, around and waters above, felt strange in the moment because it was significant, seeing Clif High 's tempoflavinoids vid may help one comprehend > https://www.bitchute.com/video/TpeTCOu4P8jw/ > here > https://jandeane81.com/showthread.php/14594-Clif-high-s-narradigm-investigations/page5 , the rivers now being investigated by scientests in our atmossyphere is amazing, water is huge atm for those that watch the water, for a reason, so my head was spinning once i had watched Clif's vid on tempofavinoids, especialllly when the time aspect was spoken of, above n below has new meaning and we in between, man of man how does one play with these rivers ?, are they, it, we n water etc washing ?

25th February 2023, 06:44

25th February 2023, 20:38
You have been unbanned from the movie trailer thread so videos like that are allowed to be posted there.

Do you wish to keep it here or move there?

26th February 2023, 03:25
So the trailer for 2000 mules was not such a big offence ?

26th February 2023, 04:47
So the trailer for 2000 mules was not such a big offence ?

That was propaganda, big difference there. Don't post material like that there.

26th February 2023, 05:56
Hogwash, banned from it is ok with me, ta 4 offer though.

26th February 2023, 06:05
Oh and have seen far more offensive ( to me ) trailers, perspective and triggers spose.

Emil El Zapato
26th February 2023, 08:42
Oh and have seen far more offensive ( to me ) trailers, perspective and triggers spose.

Which ones, Aianawa?

26th February 2023, 09:08
Hogwash, banned from it is ok with me, ta 4 offer though.

Suit yourself, Vern. :tea:

27th February 2023, 08:19
Violence ones chuckstir

Emil El Zapato
27th February 2023, 11:58
Violence ones chuckstir

That's a dilemma Aianawa. I would say that they are only movies but then I know a movie can be more than a movie due to symbolism. Any subject in particular or just in general. I know your son was killed in an accident and that had to have been a horrible life changing experience. Was he law enforcement? Sorry for offense.

27th February 2023, 14:07
I have a strange relationship with violence. I abhor it in real life and been on the receveing end too, but war or action movies don't affect me except if it's dramatic then of course I do get affected emotionally too, but more so through drama elements in movies. I don't like watching horror, I watched those kind of movies mostly as a teen. In fact I like many action movies, but not over the top violence and blood. I like the aesthetic of some guns, especially old classics. I don't own any, but I find martial arts interesting. I still would describe myself as a pacifist who wouldn't even want to harm a fly as I want to practice ahimsa which is non-violence non-violent resistance.

27th February 2023, 16:54
He was helping someone a wee bit off the rail. car crash, Chuckie.
Studies iirc show violence very much impacts the nervous systym, even fake movie violence can bparently

Emil El Zapato
27th February 2023, 17:17
He was helping someone a wee bit off the rail. car crash, Chuckie.
Studies iirc show violence very much impacts the nervous systym, even fake movie violence can bparently

yeah, that is truly messed up, Aianawa. No doubt what you say is true. Watching plane crash videos definitely messes with me...sweaty palms and the whole thing. But I watch them as a sort of release of the pent up anxiety. I wouldn't recommend that for everyone.

27th February 2023, 17:40
I'm sorry for your loss, Vern.