View Full Version : Keshe Foundation Free Energy

10th October 2016, 19:18
There is now a working Magrav Unit to supply the energy needed to run
your needs at home. Get off the grid.


11th October 2016, 07:21
Thank you Greenbarry, I'm looking into this as well. I'm glad you posted this now. It is so much more to this than what meets the eye, like health and healing too. Take a look at another video in which Douglas has made himself "a Cup of Life" for example.


In order to accomplish this you have to make Gans and that's another ballgame right there...

11th October 2016, 08:47
wow that is nice Elen. i knew about the healing pen but confused how to make one.
im slow and have to do everything perfect. it sucks at times. although, i am going
to work at figuring it out. i will get there hopefully sooner than later lol..
thanks again!

11th October 2016, 09:40
First of all you will need Nano Coated Copper in order to make Gans. This is an absolute test of your patience. It is sooooo slow, but you still have to do it all the same. Take your time with this, and make many layers, the more the better.

Don't forget to use Distilled Water for the Caustic Soda bath and for the final washing off of the Caustic Soda....see video...


11th October 2016, 16:04
Has anyone here yet made a working batch of gans? I cannot seem to get the pH right. How much seasalt to how much distilled water?

11th October 2016, 16:40
Has anyone here yet made a working batch of gans? I cannot seem to get the pH right. How much seasalt to how much distilled water?

I have managed to make Gans. I used seawater, which is normally 4% salt and added another 6% salt. I used Himalayan salt though, i.e. one litre of water and all in all 10% salt. If you have problems making it, you may consider changing the location. Try to find a place where there's no interference from all electrical stuff like TV, computers, radio etc. etc., find a quiet spot in your place. Gans seems to like a quiet place without angst from you or anything else.

11th October 2016, 17:34
Has anyone here yet made a working batch of gans? I cannot seem to get the pH right. How much seasalt to how much distilled water?

My guess is the salt dilution would be roughly equivalent to healthy body salinity. Saline solutions and eye drops based on that dilution would be a good clue, IMO. Human biology, at least the healthy, slightly alkaline, form, is always a good clue to tapping into the Electric/Organic Universe.

I have managed to make Gans. I used seawater, which is normally 4% salt and added another 6% salt. I used Himalayan salt though, i.e. one litre of water and all in all 10% salt. If you have problems making it, you may consider changing the location. Try to find a place where there's no interference from all electrical stuff like TV, computers, radio etc. etc., find a quiet spot in your place. Gans seems to like a quiet place without angst from you or anything else.

I have also read that the Gans will 'build' its performance as the intelligence within it finds greater coherence through 'being'. The human being working with it does seem to play an integral part.

11th October 2016, 20:35
My guess is the salt dilution would be roughly equivalent to healthy body salinity. Saline solutions and eye drops based on that dilution would be a good clue, IMO. Human biology, at least the healthy, slightly alkaline, form, is always a good clue to tapping into the Electric/Organic Universe.

I have also read that the Gans will 'build' its performance as the intelligence within it finds greater coherence through 'being'. The human being working with it does seem to play an integral part.

Have you made Gans?

11th October 2016, 21:39
Have you made Gans?

No. I know some people who have. No one is reporting anything practical yet. The few reports that do say anything mention some increased efficiency over time. This seems to be with people who are using it with their household current. However, I do not know those people. One of the people in GMoP is a Keshe representative in Canada. She is a believer but, not yet an experiencer.

11th October 2016, 22:06
was thinking about this today.. tuesday 11.. the coating gans stuff biological or mechanical?
for the lack of being smart and a wysiwyg (pronounced: wizzy wig) (means: what you see is what you get!)
type of guy!

12th October 2016, 11:37
Did you try the carbon rod with or W/O electricity or just the coated copper with zinc, iron or copper? I've been at for several months now. I will try moving my project today. Thanks ya'll.

12th October 2016, 19:09
The best result was from just Nano Coated Copper and Zinc, just joined by a wire, with salt water. I have had really bad result from a battery joining them.

12th October 2016, 19:24
Curious question on posts 4 5 6. What is done with the GANS after making it?