- What are the noises we are hearing around the earth ?
- The Cinema
- The number "3"
- Is this proof of Niburu?
- The Devil's Promenade
- Ghost appears in window of house in Ohio
- Mystery from 1884 - the day it rained blood
- Do Objects Move or Disappear in your House ?
- Satellite spots light show in the middle of the ocean
- What Happened To The Hikers At Dyatlov Pass?
- Oakwood Cemetery's strange phenomenon!
- Lady Catches Glimpse of Other Realities and Dimensions on Film
- Thylacine film. MK. Davis.
- A Trip Into The Supernatural
- Is Boy His Own Grandfather?
- Anomalies in coal and rock
- some old myths become the new reality...
- The music of our ancestors
- Under Seattle, a Big Object Blocks Bertha. What Is It?
- MANY People Vanishing Into Thin Air! WHAT'S HAPPENING???
- Are some things real?
- Mystery Rock 'Appears' in Front of Mars Rover
- The Voynich manuscript
- Anyone with a *really* good telescope???
- Demons behind "Magicians"?
- What Is This Abomination Under The Ice?
- What Are the Pearl-Like Objects Found in Monks' Ashes After Cremation?
- Dead Indian Guru Put in Freezer for 'Deep Meditation'
- Fascinating Story of the Man Who Remembered The Future - Philip Dick
- The True Story Of How A Rockefeller Was Eaten By Cannibals
- What on earth is this ? Demon puzuzu ?
- Hospital Ghost Real Verified Footage
- What Are These Giant Concrete Rings Built By The Nazis?
- Mysterious black ring in the sky captured by girl on her iPhone
- My wife sees the faces of many deceased people.....
- Woman in Iceland sees and hears 'elves'
- Why do i keep seeing 11.11?
- 3-year-old knows who killed him in past life
- The Mystery of the Sailing Stones in Death Valley
- image caught in banner
- Miracle! Family of 4 Unhurt After Tornado Carries Home 100 Yards!
- Ten inexplicable and creepy photos
- Child Mummy Opens And Closes Her Eyes
- The Strange Lunar Wave Event !
- Large crater appears at the 'end of the world'
- The Mysterious Disappearance of the Anjikuni People
- The Dark Side Of The Moon: What Is It? What's On It?
- A Spooktastic Meeting....
- Jordan Maxwell & Other Paranormal Stories
- levitating rock on Mars
- Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is �singing
- Solving the mystery of the Tjipetir blocks
- What caused the mysterious 'loud bangs' heard in some areas of the UK?
- Could this be a shadow man / et, please take a quick look..
- Another face on Mars
- Something Huge Just Happened. Positive News.
- Boy claims to recall past life as a woman
- Dozens of new craters suspected in northern Russia
- Strange lights on dwarf planet Ceres have scientists perplexed
- Blue Orb from Sedona AZ From 2-22-15
- Mysterious voice saves baby
- Unusual Skies above Joshua Tree, CA ~ 2014/2015 ♥ இܓ♥ இܓ♥
- Synchronicity - a discussion about...
- Fake planes and other high strangeness in the sky
- Jumping the multiverse, shadow people and "bad" Andromedans, help?
- Are you frikkin Sirius????
- The Immortal
- Samurai Ghost?
- The Brown Mountain Lights of North Carolina
- Wow check this out
- Mystery Light Balls in Florida
- Agarthan Alliance
- Strange Sounds in the Sky. (the never-ending series)
- 2-Billion-Year-Old Nuclear Mega-Reactor Discovered in Africa
- Discovered Something New Last Week: 11:11
- Holy Man Hasn’t Eaten In 75 Years – Confirmed By Doctors
- Memories from the Future
- Source code keys
- 60,000 Antelopes Died in 4 Days — And No One Knows Why
- Chronicles from the Future: A True Story Kept Hidden by the Masons now Revealed
- Anyone else seeing 555 all the time?
- Amazing Footage 20/09/2015
- Buzz kill of the day: The coral castle mystery
- Buzz Kill of the Day2: Ancient Aliens Debunked
- The Maya Glyphen and the Voynich Manuscript
- What happened to Ursula and Sabina Eriksson?
- The Isis beamer.
- Turn your head and you will see more what's behind.
- Videos capturing strange unexplainable events?
- rocky horror picture show.
- Long Lost Drawing From Nikola Tesla Reveals A Genius Map For Multiplication
- The Green Children of Woolpit
- A Cluster of Mysterious Bright Spots on Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Unexplained Booms in Alhambra, California
- St Patrick: Mysteries, Monsters and Miracles from Ancient Ireland
- Dugway Providing Ground
- Mysterious structure in the desert in Egypt
- The strange mystery of the man from Taured
- Bennington Triangle: Strange Disappearances In Vermont
- 'Huge Fireball' Turns Sky Blood Red
- The Ars Notoria: A rare ancient text said to teach superhuman abilities
- The forgotten Diary of Vice Admiral Byrd – The Ultimate evidence the Hollow Earth is real?
- Where are all the dead people?
- Meet the Nazca Runways: Flat Mountaintops that defy explanation
- Lake in Chile Mysteriously Disappears Overnight
- Make a Homunculus
- The Cursed Forest of Transylvania
- The Ultimate Black Knight Satellite Documentary
- Nooscope mystery: The strange device of Putin's new man Anton Vaino
- What the Catholic church doesn't want you to know about the Shroud in Turin.
- Mysterious Floating Island Near Argentina
- Moon during the day
- Synchronicity and numbers going nuts
- Decades after its discovery, the Betz Sphere remains a scientific mystery
- Rothschild Inherits Patent After 4 Co-Owners Disappear On MH 370
- Russian Archeologists Found Ancient Advanced Ruins and Pre-Adamites in Antarctica in 1980s
- 137
- The Biggest Wall or Something?
- Mysterious Orbs: Are They Energy Beings From Outside Of Our Reality?
- Where Did Chief Joseph Get His Mesopotamian Tablet?
- Circular argument w/ Patty Greer
- Never Explained: Mystery Of Star-Shaped Towers
- Mayan Fanatic Saved by a 1000-Year-Old Priest
- Gigantic Obelisks Created With Lost Technology
- Unexplained Structure: Egyptian ‘Ankh Cross’ Temple Built By The Aztecs?
- Mystery human species had tiny but advanced brain
- The Eagle And The Condor Prophecy
- Lost Q Source Remains An Unsolved Biblical Mystery
- Kozyrev’s Mirrors – Bending Time & Altering Consciousness
- Bent Numbers?
- The Four Elements of Alchemy
- What Made This Strange, Deep Hole on Mars
- The Manifestation of Past Lives
- The Number 47, Synchronicity & the Law of Time
- 3-Fingered Mummified Humanoid Found in Peru
- Deactivation of Air Force Nukes
- The Ghostly Radio Station That No One Claims To Run
- Las Vegas and Maldek
- Breaking the Time Loops and Clearing the Records
- The Coincidence Corner
- University Lecturer Finds Population Of Fairies ?
- Orbs
- Mona Lisa painting 'contains hidden code'
- What is this in the Antartic ?
- 432 - The Sacred Number?
- Observations in the sky
- About 42
- Magic and Witchcraft: The Beginning
- Octopi are aliens - Fox News
- Mummies from Peru have human chromosome numbers, but not anatomy
- Life after death: Man claims to have PROOF
- Remember this (Angel on CCTV, Indonesia?)
- Just plain bizarre! - 124-year-old books with VERY weird parallels to 2016-17
- Scientists study woman who can grow a seed into a plant in 20 minutes
- Mystery sky glow 'Steve' is unknown to science
- TV episode from the 1960s predicts the rise and fall of Trump
- The Carlingford Leprechauns: Protected by the European Union
- Strange sounds heard all round the world 11th and 12th March
- The solar secret of Scotland's magic piper
- The forces of darkness
- Code the Wild the Alaska Triangle
- The Bosnian Pyramids and a Forgotten Frequency
- New Angels
- A Sense of the Uncanny
- What Do You Think This Is
- Oliver -- Humanzee
- Parapsychology
- Fungi and Faeries
- DPS Crew Discovers Mysterious Monolith From Air In Remote Utah Wilderness
- Amazing Radio Transmission of NASA Astronaut When Dozens of Bizarre UFOs Surrounded Him
- The Illusion Only Some Can See
- Angels, Demons, the Fallen, Nephilim, propoganda, and Mysterious Events and Phenomena.
- On Destiny, Chance, the Titanic and Frank the Pug
- Lost City of Norumbega
- Project ISIS The secret Russian expedition to Egypt
- Thoughtography
- Some People Should Never Do Hallucinogenic Drugs
- The Man Who Owns SKINWALKER | Richard Dolan Show w/ Brandon Fugal
- Cattle mutilation
- Most Believable Sasquatch Tale yet--Native Alaskan
- Run, Fool!
- Under Us
- Dec 27, 2023 REBROADCAST - The Mystery of the Big Dark Pyramid in Alaska.
- Big Foot
- Want Answers About The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch? Erik Bard Live!
- Encounters
- What is the Story of London’s Haunted Highgate Cemetery?