View Full Version : Historical Research
- Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon
- Dr Brinkley, Goat Gland Quack & Radio Pioneer
- Misconceptions About Christopher Columbus
- Did a large flood doom the city of Cahokia?
- Your Birth Certificate Was Made Into a's Worth Billions.
- Hidden Fortress Discovered Beneath Alcatraz
- The increasing power of destruction: Military technology in world war i
- Bull God And Etymology
- What lies beneath - New York
- Top secret D-Day plans found hidden under hotel's floorboards
- 70 yr old WWII film
- Incredible 3D Colour Images From 1850s Japan
- Visual Presentation of Nuclear Explosions on Earth from 1945 to 2015
- The French Revolution: The Reign Of Terror
- Vikings in USA ?
- For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II
- A Reminder of How One Person Can and Did Make a Difference
- Golden Ratio in Art Composition and Design
- Exploring the Secret Nazi Tunnels Under a German Vacation Town
- The History of New Zealand... and more...
- Comparing Colonial Cultures
- How a 1967 Solar Storm nearly caused World War III
- Sioux Nation, A Look Back
- Unsealing of Christ's Reputed Tomb Turns Up New Revelations
- Southern California's deadliest quake may have been caused by oil drilling, study says
- James Cameron links find of bronze-age anchors to lost city of Atlantis
- Searching for the Crucifixion Site of Jesus - By Bob Cornuke
- The Count of St Germain
- Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?
- Sigiriya
- The Fruits of Endless War
- King Menes: Mystery Ruler May Go Back 20,000 Years
- Explorer Makes It To The Arctic In 325 BC?
- An Alternative View of Hitler
- DNA Testing Links Modern Greeks to Ancient Minoan and Mycenaean Ancestors
- German Teeth Rewriting History
- Ancient Scratched Stones: Maps or Magic Artifacts?
- Genetic Evidence Reveals: Chachapoyas “Cloud People” Resistant To Inca Rule
- Hatshepsut: Powerful Female Pharaoh
- 4,000-Year-Old Mummies Are Half-Brothers
- The Mystery of the missing Nazi General Hans Kammler
- Stonehenge Builders Used Pythagoras' Theorem 2'000 Years Before He Was Born
- Who owns the world?
- Meddling
- This new history of the Christian genocide during the Ottoman Empire sounds a dark warning for the future
- Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations
- How the Jurchen Tribes Conquered China
- Would You Dare to Open the Mysterious Sealed Door of Padmanabhaswamy Temple?
- Cnut the Great: the Myth, the Man, and the Multi-National Viking Monarch
- Historic Moon Landing Footage Has Been Enhanced by AI, And The Results Are Incredible
- The Vinland Map
- Russia Declassifies Video From 1961 of Largest Hydrogen Bomb Ever Detonated
- The Mayan Book So Controversial They Had To Write It In Secret
- John Smith talks about Common Law
- Rivington pike
- Treasure - Treasure Everywhere..
- "7" - History of a Mystical Number
- National re-education day (usa)
- Pact of the Catacombs
- Miyamoto Musashi - The Invincible Samurai
- Seven'Arts Adventures
- The Ancients
- The Lost City of Z - Hundreds of Explorers Dead
- The Pyramid of the Magician | The Maya, Dwarves, Serpents & Sorcery | Megalithomania
- Archaeologists use AI to Discover 303 unknown Nazca Geoglyphs
- Pre-Egyptian Technology Left By an Advanced Civilization That Disappeared
- Investigating U.S. Government Actions as Reported by Mainstream Television News
- Graham Hancock Ancient Apocalypse
- Jay Dyer Talks About How Spies Operate
- Pre-Historic Mega Structures of Japan & Unexcavated Giant Tombs
- Graham Hancock: This Ancient Megastructure Defies Archaeologists
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