- Obama Appoints UFO Disclosure Advocate Into Administration:Signs of Something To Come
- Russian Cosmonaut Tells What NASA Will not.
- NASA has put out a free e-book exploring the possibility of human/et communication
- Disclosure Project Witness speaks out on why full disclosure cannot occur
- The Highest Ranking Politician That Believes In Aliens !
- Disclosure: Are We Ready?
- Movie 2014 Contact
- Stephen Bassett Part 2: Disclosure Is Imminent! April 14, 2015
- Aliens DO Exist, Says Top Secret FBI Memo Found By UFO Researchers
- Why Disclosure will NOT work...
- HILLARY CLINTON on 24.03.2016
- Aliens aren't happy with Brexit, according to EU's Juncker
- WikiLeaks Publishes Cryptic UFO Emails Sent to Clinton Campaign... From Former Blink 182 Singer
- 10/11: Majestic Leaks
- U.S. Forest Service Declassified UFO Files
- MSN moon UFO Disclosure ? whats going on ?
- The World's Current State of UFO Disclosure
- Does Disclosure Have to Come from the Government?
- Slave Colony on Mars Claim Goes Mainstream
- The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
- Uniting the People for Full Disclosure
- Finally - The Pentagon Admits To Multi-Million Dollar Investigation Into UFOs
- UFO Existence “Proven Beyond Reasonable Doubt,” Says Former Head of Pentagon Alien Program
- Yahoo: Navy Pilot Encounters UFO on Video
- NY Post Disclosure Series - Greenstreet and Nick Pope
- Pentagon official floats a theory for unexplained sightings: "Alien Motherships"
- Intelligence officials say the US has retrieved craft of non-human origin
- Heavily Redacted UAP Briefing Between UAP Task Force and NASA Released