View Full Version : Spirituality & Psyche
- Love thread
- The HU Technique / Being able to remember your dreams
- Components of the Shift to Higher Consciousness
- Loving kindness
- Ye Old Chakra Thread
- Bad Machines
- Friendly buddhism?
- The Basic Stuff of Life
- The Wheat and the Tares
- Divine Mother - Sacred Earth
- When Worlds Divide...
- Possibility, Permission and Consequences: Fudged Issues
- Mantra's, Bhajans and spiritually oriented music
- Forum 2000
- Self Betrayal — The Trappings of Mental Constructs
- The Wiccan Year
- A day at the park
- More On Hermes/Thoth
- I See You Now
- Australian Aboriginal Wisdom
- Scientist Photographs The Soul Leaving The Body
- Dreams, Themes and Parallel Words - Zen Gardner
- Learning to be alone - Waking Times
- Elizabeth Loftus: The Fiction of Memory (False Memories)
- Gnostic Bytes
- Singularity
- The Myth of Love and Light
- Adventures Beyond The Body
- Soul friends
- The road not taken...
- Strange things are happening to astronauts returning from space
- Scalia and Satan: Why Do People Believe in the Devil?
- Whats Your Vibe?
- Reptiles Gathering
- Oriah mountain dreamer
- False Ego vs Cosmic Ego
- Did anything clear the atmosphere?
- Celtic Spirituality & Culture
- Rob Skiba's Take On The Early Bible And Biblical Giants
- Guess who, Know who
- The 'Dreamtime' of the Australian Aborigines
- Vibrational field of people close to us
- Why do we say Rest in peace
- Is consciousness the soul?
- blurring the lines of paranormal research
- Nag Hamadi Codices
- Incredible Balance
- How the Brain Creates Out-of-Body Experiences
- Does Death Exist? New Theory Says 'No'
- This Man�s Wife Died 2 Years Ago. What He Just Discovered Last Week Is Indescribable.
- What is it, to walk with God
- wake up
- a loop
- Are We Preprogrammed Before We're Born?
- A account of someone reaching the deathless state
- Egyptian Legend on How to Enter Heaven
- a heartless beast
- Words - are they clues?
- Jeff Foster
- Wolf Moon/Full Moon - January 15
- The 7 Higher Selves
- Friends
- Tantra Full Body Energetic Orgasm Interview with Andrew Barnes Estonia TV 2013
- WAKING UP - What Does it Mean and How Do We Get There From Here
- Question of today
- Damanhur astral sanctury?
- Raise your Vibrations with Positive Thinking
- The Law of Attraction - Do You Believe in it and How much Effect does it Have
- The end of the Ego; The Awakening by Eckhart Tolle
- Know Thyself - Trite Answer or Required Work?
- the awakening mind
- God is a white horse
- Do you believe in mind over matter? Have you tested it? Your results
- Limitations
- Heart attack victim: 'there is an afterlife'
- The Collective Evolution
- For the Seeker
- The Alternative Community - who are we really and are we all kidding ourselves?
- The Distorted Looking Glass
- "the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena it will make more progress.."
- do we create our own reality?
- Help Needed please!! Emergency..
- What is 'The Event'?
- Passion
- Going Home - What does that mean to you?
- A Course in Miracles - (ACIM)
- beacons of light
- Thought for the day
- The roles we play - and why.
- Gratitude
- Consciousness after death
- The Allure of Sedona's Vortex Sites
- 'Dream Catcher' Can dreams solve other people's problems?
- A statement of urgency from the spiritual people of earth .
- Can skepticism blind you to the truth?
- You want truth??? ... have some ..
- Openhand: 5 Gateways
- The Eternal Now: 'The Alpha-Omega'
- A Million Points of Light
- How To Prevent Limitation and Proceed To Your Power
- We Are Living In The Most Important Time In History: Dolores Cannon
- Everything You See, Including You, Is Energy.
- Where Do Our Thoughts Physically Exist?
- The incredible story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit
- Mummy, I hate you...
- To Whom Do You Pray?
- nighttime hallucinations.
- Yanking the Morphic Rug
- the big questions.
- On enlightenment, a diagram
- Words affect water , be mindful always
- How important is it to see?
- Be Kind!
- Conviction, Commitment and the Call to Arise
- Explorers of the Consciousness
- the third eye
- Hoops, Hooks and Letting it Go!
- Quantum Physics tell us separation is just an illusion
- Is it important to protect our energy?
- The 4th Sexuality - Asexuality
- You are joy, dont worry be happy!
- Near-death experiences are overwhelmingly peaceful
- weird experience.
- Compassion: it starts with you !!
- Tiny teachers of empathy
- do we choose to be here for others to learn?
- Earth Pilgrim - A Year on Dartmoor. Satish Kumar 2008
- How do you define yourself?
- Do we really have Free Will
- Transcending the Parasitic Fear Agenda
- Seizing Control of our Destinies
- The Train
- How to Experience Good Health? - Sadhguru at Duke University
- Just dreams
- pineal gland
- ZEN GARDENER - We are evolving so stay fluid - do not engage in negatvity
- Popiotek Shares his shaman travels in a parallel reality
- Thoughts of love, friendship, our soul's journey, from a Celtic Point of View
- Communicating with Nature
- Cognitive Dissonance!
- how to be alone
- Gandhi Tips To Change Your World
- Heartwarming Friendship 5-Year-Old Autistic Girl With Her Cat
- 10 Ways to Protect Yourself From NLP Mind Control
- Neanderthals at séances and monkey ghosts
- Awakening The Human Angels: The Holy Grails
- Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary.WE ARE VIBRATIONAL
- Remote Viewing
- The Awakening of a Planetary Consciousness
- Chacra's revisited
- We Are All One - An Inspiring Short Film To Watch
- do you recoqnise your work?
- Christian-esque Experiences
- The greatest deception of all .
- Curiousity may kill this cat
- I should know better
- Are You 'Starseed' ? Ancient (Alien?) Soul with Temporary Amnesia? Remember Atlantis?
- relevance of perspective in defining locations " Holospace "
- The Awakening Springs Unstoppable
- On the sidelines.....
- The Egg
- Palm leaves world predictions till 2050+
- Dream Analysis Please?
- A introductory trip through the parthenon of planetary gods, titans, and more.
- The nature of Truth or what is Reality
- Sophia - A Synopsis of the John Lash Video
- Rainbow Warrior
- The Philip Experiment
- Experiencing higher vibrations
- The Most Delusional Practice on Earth
- Truth Is Often Spoken Of
- Conscious Conception and a lot more
- Do we need explanations for everything or...?
- Work Harder Than You Can
- My Boat my reality
- Satish Kumar . soil , soul ., society , a new trinity
- Sri M. Householder, Philanthropist, Yogi.
- If You Knew The Secret Of Immortality.....Would you tell anyone?
- Parents Say They Are Convinced Their 7-Year-Old Will Kill Someone
- Afterlife thread
- Blood Moons Years
- Show Me How Great You Are
- Dying to be who you are
- Matt Kahn, Simply Amazing
- Cosmic History Chronicles
- The Old Souls' Madman Notes
- Alt News/Spirituality Sites
- Between Lives Place?
- Final Call
- Ebola and the 100th monkey effect
- if you ask it is given lol
- You Are Not Your Thoughts
- What is consciousness
- Lyricus discourse 3-nature of knowledge
- Thesis: Evil appears intelligent in the immediate but proves to be supremely stupid over time
- Do we ever question our own limitations?
- What is - Free will?
- This girl... what a powerful video and message!
- The concept of "Being Human"
- The Message
- Our Friends, the Wolves
- An open letter to the planet
- disciplines of personality
- What? No thread about - All Things "Gnosis"?
- Have you seen the Terminator Salvation Timeline on the Etheric plane?
- Leela
- What is love? Ask a child
- Is Jupiter a Key Player in Our Situation?
- Cosmic Reset
- Children of The Law of One
- Are you ready for the changes coming soon?
- Inspiring advice from a mentally insane person
- High Vibration Children
- Becoming the Lord of the Ring
- "David ... what makes you sad?"
- Skywalker Archetype being sensed
- Who's in life and who's not
- Advise on Overcoming Guilt and Self Forgiveness
- Are you ready to go beyond Time?
- What Is The Difference Between A Recovered Memory & A Screen Memory?
- Do You Want to Feed it? Or Starve it? With your Attention
- What would you say...
- Facing the the shift happens
- Heap of lies, or speeding development
- event, the collective consciousness, and pure principle
- Effects affect ?
- Together We Will Live Forever
- Weird Dream
- The Heart, Heart Field & Your Point of Power
- law of one explained
- Going beyond the polarity of 'Service to Self' vs. 'Service to Others'
- The False Light construct explained
- An Alternative Treatise of the so called "Law of Attraction"
- Some remarks about truth
- Clarifying 'RA' and the 'Winged Sun' symbol
- Manley P. Hall vs. Corey's Secret Space Program
- Unconscious Criminal Behaviour, Victims
- Bilocation experiences
- "The Event" (requested gathering)
- Knowledge
- Creative Precognition - what is your experience?
- On Instinct
- What a beautiful way to describe reincarnation.
- Weekly Meditation: Let's Reach 144,000 participants!
- Don't underestimate the magic
- what are you?
- This life, next life
- Revolution, Evolution, Multitasking And You, Or "Programming 101"
- Cosmic Yoga on Perspective
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