- Ralph and Marsha Ring ... real deal here folks.
- Star Wars Secrets & Lies
- Corporal Stationed in Peru Is Eyewitness of UFO Crash
- BREAKING! Whistleblower EXPOSES GOV'T SHUTDOWN And FEMA - 10/20/2013 - UFO Coverup
- ET Shot At Fort Dix Says Former USAF Intelligence Officer
- Former CIA & Lockheed Skunkworks Engineer Says USA Got Tech From Extraterrestrials
- Whistleblower Kay Griggs Colonel's Wife Tell-All
- Dark Secrets of the Getty Museum Exposed
- William Pawelec's widow reveals national security secrets
- Super Soldier Talk - Jay Essex - Greys & Reptilians, Sedona Lightships
- Bases at AV5 Guy Taylor Raid on Bodenham Manor
- Mars Whistle blower
- Lost Bob Lazar Tape
- Snowden "Extraterrestrial Intelligence Agenda" Driving US Gov Since 1945
- Andy Basiago's Time Travel and Teleportation Thread
- Interview with a Female Milab
- senior member of the Illuminati breaks his silence
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE based on Mars and the Moon.
- Whistleblower Exposes Vaccinations Containing RFID Chips
- The truth has been Spoken
- Lord James Blackheath I Smuggle Children Used For Slavery And Sex
- Published on Dec 3, 2012Electronic Harassment-Synthetic Voices in My Mind ORIGINAL ARTICLE TEXT MSNBC-KM
- Earthfiles: Navy Yeoman Sees Extraterrestrial Photos - Interviewed by Linda Moulton Howe
- Just thoughts from just one being...
- 90th degree mason - whistle blower
- Omnisense's Blog: Exploring the Omniverse (Experiencer, Targeted Individual)
- Recognition & Evidence.
- The First Fire , a story of EVISNAM
- Interview with General Jerry Johnson
- Big Pharma Intentions Blown
- Cutting Edge Whistleblown Experiencer Discloses vital info
- The Black Ops World ~ Testimony/Research
- A new whistleblower of the highest caliber - SGT DANIEL BRAD MACBOLEN III
- Disclosure advocate releases NORAD UFO files
- New German Bunkers
- High Energy Physicist Describes Directed Energy Weapon Attacks
- Gary McKinnon -->Solar Warden...SSP?
- Disturbing listening as yet another satanist and victim comes forward
- BOB LAZAR - Cosmic Whistleblower
- A UFO pilot checks in
- Cosmic Disclosure Interviews
- Dangerous Psychiatric Drugs
- Hunt for new material, whistle blowers.. Something... Anything?
- The Family
- Former Area 51 Scientist Discloses Projects That have Never Been Seen by the Public
- Parrot Sings
- Fun documentary
- Katherine Watt
- David Adair David Adair - Unlimited Free Energy Will Change The World, Inventor, David Adair, Speaks Of Fusion Containment
- Michael Jaco
- Meryl Nass, M.D.
- Pharmacist Whistleblower Speaks Out
- Stephen Guffanti, M.D.
- Sasha Latypova
- Multiple Threads on Single Issues
- Clif High
- Mark Bishofsky
- Dr. Daniel Nagase
- Scott McKay/PatriotStreetfighter