View Full Version : Science & Technology
- Is it ethical to bring back extinct species?
- Scientists release list of doomsday scenarios
- A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics
- Tomatoes are deadly, they will kill you
- Is there a third state of consciousness?
- Viktor Schauberger, Pioneer of Biomimicry
- Scientists discover way to create lightsaber
- Kryatalai: Scientist Announce Positrons +
- New Earth Physiology – Activating the Vagus Nerve
- Any Animal That Touches This Lethal Lake Turns to Stone
- Did Venus Give Earth the Moon? Wild New Theory on Lunar History
- Neuro-enhancement in the military
- Scientist says we will be able to 'print' alien life from Mars
- Extinct tree grows anew from ancient jar of seeds
- Powerful Shape-Shifting Metal Created
- Russia considering manned lunar base
- Why America Wants Drones That Can Kill Without Humans
- US military building real-life Iron Man suit
- The new DARPA WildCat Robot
- 'Yeti' DNA matches prehistoric polar bear
- Gold found in Australian Trees...
- Mystery Radar Blob Reveals Odd Man-Made Phenomenon
- Spring on Saturn's Moon Titan Reveals Amazing Views of Otherworldly Lakes
- 'Reverse microwave oven' invented
- Scorpion-Eating Mice Feel No Sting
- Drops of water levitate their way to stardom
- Skittering water droplets spin tiny sponges of gold
- Lasers Zap Heads of Flies to Expose Brains
- Brain-Machine Interface Puts Anesthesia on Autopilot
- Lockheed shows plans for hypersonic spy plane
- 7 Miraculous Ways Mushrooms Can Save The World
- The World's Most Eco-Friendly Car: It's Made Entirely From HEMP
- New Scorpion from Land of Ancient Myth
- Iran unveils attack drone with range capable of hitting any targets in Israel
- Time Travel is Possible, Say Scientists
- The Astronomy Thread v2.0
- Have scientists found a cure for ageing?
- Christmas conjunction in space:
- Scientists create new robotic Terminator-style muscle 1,000 times stronger than human
- New sea creatures found in North Atlantic
- Ice-loving sea anemones found in Antarctica
- Shumann Resonance
- Mystery worm can regenerate its whole body
- Scientists Suspend Objects in Midair with Soundwaves and move them around
- 'Hand of God' captured in NASA image
- time for some quick insights about shadows
- Rosetta wakes
- Baking Soda
- Ancient Mars May Have Been Habitable for Hundreds of Millions of Years
- Dead as a dodo? Scientists spot rare Samoan species
- Sound Waves Make Droplets Dance in Mid Air
- Urban Bees Using Plastic to Build Nests
- Neanderthal genetic code lives on in humans
- Flying snake gets lift from UFO cross section
- A New Method for Making Stem Cells
- Space Station Greenhouse Bears Fruit
- Are We Searching for Aliens in the Wrong Place?
- Keshe Foundation coming out with new science to clean up radiation.
- A Groundbreaking Discovery in Geometry Makes Anything Possible!
- Curiosity Photographs the Earth and Moon from Mars
- Animal Sex: How Dragonflies Do It
- Loath that I am ... drones ... your choice to face the music or not ...
- Three-Rotor Copters Set to Change Civilian, Military Helicopter Designs Forever
- Brain Implant Lets One Monkey Control Another
- Researchers grow human lungs in lab for first time
- Ants Build Raft to Escape Flood, Protect Queen
- Computers to outsmart humans by 2029
- Watch the Man in the Moon Get Hit in the Face: Video
- Parallel Universes
- FDA Considers Three-Parent Embryo Technique
- Billionaire claims aging process 'reversed'
- Mars photos
- There's GMO Sugar in Iodised Salt????????????
- Every single satellite orbiting Earth, in a single image
- Earth raises a plasma shield to battle solar storms
- 1,500-Year-Old Antarctic Moss Brought Back to Life
- The Golden Ratio,( I guarantee you will be amazed & moved at this !)
- New Swift & Clever Praying Mantises Discovered
- 'Invisibility' Cloak May Hide Things from Sonar
- Kuratite: New Mineral Discovered in Meteorite
- Suspending Life Could Save Dying Victims
- dream machine.
- Scientists use machine to read minds
- Reworking the human genome so people can colonize other planets
- A new model of empathy : The Rat :)
- Black death not spread by rats ?
- Mars: The Muddy Red Planet?
- Violent Moon Formation Happened Later Than Thought
- The Plants Respond - An Interview With Cleve Backster
- Night-Vision Contact Lenses 'Now Possible'
- US Navy: Converting Seawater Into Fuel a 'Game-Changer'
- Laser Weapon System
- Tiny Cannibal Crayfish Discovered
- quantum-theory-proves-that-consciousness-moves-to-another-universe-after-death
- Saturn Moon's Weird Ridge Rained Down From Space
- Major Biological Discovery Inside the Chernobyl Reactor??
- Why The Moon Appears To Be Spinning
- Human skin grown in lab 'can replace animal testing'
- Default Mysterious Objects at the Edge of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Human Muscle Rebuilt with Pig Bladder Tissue
- Studies find 'young' blood rejuvenates aging mice
- Northern Lights' Physics Could Aid in Nuclear Fusion
- Scientists Create 1st Living Organism From Artificial DNA
- NASA Successfully Recreates Alien Dust in the Lab
- Acid-spewing beetles inspire new defense tactic for ATMs
- Plastic material imitates veins to heal itself
- Comic Strip Etched on Human Hair
- 'Killer robots' and their use to be debated at United Nations
- First stem cell trial for stroke shows lasting benefits
- Cheap gadget lets you steer a wheelchair with your eyes
- Electric Zaps to Brain Trigger Lucid Dreams
- Rife-Bare Plasma Experiment Destroys Microorganisms (June 28 '07)
- Metal-Eating Plant Discovered, and It's Already at Risk
- 'Alien' Catfish Baffles Scientists
- Looking At Tears Under A Microscope Reveals An Amazing Fact
- Turning Light into Matter May Soon Be Possible
- Mysterious Fairy Circles Not Caused by Termites
- Guided Brain Scans Might Boost the Care Factor
- New Theory Explains Mysterious Growth of Metal Strands
- Tablet Translator Will Enter Testing Next Year
- Could wormholes enable us to time travel?
- 'Fly-Eyes' Could Reduce Glass Fogging
- Dutch Scientists Just Shattered Our Conception Of How Information Will Travel In The Future
- SpaceX Passenger Dragon Spaceship Debuts
- Scientists in the Netherlands Achieve Quantum Teleportation Breakthrough
- You Can Now Get High-Speed Internet on the Moon
- Wearable submarine to hunt for 2000-year-old computer
- Traces of another world found on the Moon
- How the Brain Awakens from Unconsciousness Becomes Clearer
- London's Smart Tunnel
- Researchers grow plants on alien materials
- The Blurred Line Between Life and Death
- Free Will May Just Be the Brain's 'Background Noise,' Scientists Say
- Titan's 'Magic Island' Rose Then Vanished Mysteriously
- Universe Shouldn't Be Here, According to Higgs Physics
- Google Glass Camera Controlled Using Mind
- Biologists discover electric bacteria that eat pure electrons !
- Jibo
- Look, Ma, no wheels! How maglev trains reach 500kph
- Sea plankton discovered attached to ISS outer hull !
- Scientists grow entire organ in world first
- Standing Waves, Levitation & Cymatics
- 'Robo brain' could lead to a real-life Skynet
- Bad Memories Turned to Happy Ones in Mice Brains
- Astronomers: "First Evidence" Of Water Clouds Discovered Outside Solar System
- Mind over matter: Scientists find way to email brainwave
- 3D Printing Helped Rebuild My Face
- Meet the ultra heavy-lift amphibious connector
- Are Microchip Implants in Our Future?
- Laniakea: Our Home Supercluster
- Curiosity Watches the Martian Clouds Drift By
- Soccer-ball robots to patrol for space junk
- Atom-Sized Construction Could Shrink Future Gadgets
- 3D Printed Shoes: A Step in the Right Direction
- Sacred Resonance
- 32 Things you always believed were true but aren't
- Weird 'Island' on Saturn Moon Titan Puzzles Scientists
- Just what are we
- Are Human Beings Robots? | Interview with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
- Ultra Violet Light Robot Kills Ebola in Two Minutes
- New Technology
- Origins Film - 10 days free screening started 13/11
- WOW! Scientists Discover 'Invisible Shield' Around Earth, Baffled At How It Formed!
- Major synthetic life breakthrough as scientists make the first artificial enzymes
- Grass Roots Inventions with 3D Printing - Open Source
- Here's How This Supercool Hoverboard Works
- Yahoo homepage: Mars Rover finds water
- Airship Cities in Venus Sky
- Man develops a warp drive in his garage
- Can we upload ourselves to a robot brain?
- The Frosted Slopes of Mars
- Russia to build 'Noah's Ark' DNA databank
- Mars Orbiter Spies Alien Ice 'Spiders'
- No Matter
- Chesterhedron - Seven EVEN Sided Geometrical Figure Discovered
- Water Bounces Right Off This Super-Repellent Material
- Floaters and twirlies
- Scientists slow down the speed of light
- Thirst 'On/Off' Switch Found in Mouse Brain
- New Steel Alloy Stronger Than Titanium
- Body Armor Based on Snake, Fish and Butterfly Scales
- New microscope will scan objects a millionth of a human hair
- Forming Water Oceans, Stellar Metamorphosis
- New technology for super clean oxygenated water
- The first ever photograph of light as both a particle and wave
- portable extinguisher
- The Schumann Frequencies
- Chemistry
- Electrolux Bio Robot Refrigerator
- The WASP (Williams Aerial Systems Platform)
- Do Not Adjust Your Screens, What You're Seeing Here Is Real. The Future Is Here.
- Tiny robots climb walls carrying more than 100 times their weight
- Has NASA just discovered warp drive?
- Military's Self-Steering Bullets Can Hit Moving Targets
- New planet brings scientists closer to finding new life in outer space
- Sol
- See what vibrations can do to you
- Is science finally finding evidence of the fact that space and time are an illusion?
- Science found a gene introduced to the gene pool 37,000 years ago
- Memory metal !!
- The next big thing.
- Aussie student proves existence of plasma tubes floating above Earth
- 'Iron Man' Laser: Beams Can Shape Electrical Discharges
- As easy as 1, 1, 2, 3 ...
- Pluto has evenly spaced huge dark spots!
- Hidden Energy
- Physicists discover long-sought ‘pentaquark’ particle
- Time "control" research - Perhaps the most important technology of all
- Pencil Eraser-Size Brain Grown in Lab Dish
- Scientists claim invisibility breakthrough
- Looking at a Gyroscope
- The kiss of DEATH: Hottest and largest double star system ever discovered...
- World's Largest Floating Wind Farm Coming to Scotland
- Straight Out Of Star Wars! The Soviet VVA-14
- NASA Tests Warp Drive Engine; Seems to be Working
- Is this the most dangerous film ever made? Zero-Point.
- Do I remember my kids because...
- China develops new aircraft cloaking material
- Kahn academy - self-studying math site
- Fun with Math! Kids, you too can build a statistical "Decoder Ring"
- The Biggest Cat You've Ever Seen: The Liger!
- Where On Earth Are NASA's Rovers Sending Pictures From? Devon Island, Canada
- The Orbo cube
- Huge Milestone made by SpaceX - Reusable rocket design
- New potentially hazardous Comet of the Century?
- The biggest thing in the universe
- When the real download begins.
- Astronomers Find Enormous Hole in the Universe
- black holes can be detected
- Mapping the ocean floor by taking gravity measurements
- Scalar Technology
- Nassim Haramein 2015 - The Connected Universe
- Existence Of Gravitational Waves Now Empirically Confirmed
- Additional views on the "technical" scheme of things
- Google Is Building A 100kW Radio Transmitter At A Spaceport And No One Knows Why
- ExoMars spacecraft launched in search of life on Mars
- German scientists successfully teleport "classical information"
- Abandoned Cold War Giant: Duga-3 Radar Looms Over Chernobyl’s Radioactive Landscape
- Everything You Know About Artificial Intelligence is Wrong
- Space Archaeologist Wants Your Help To Find Ancient Sites
- The Incredible Science Of Precognitive Dreaming
- A state-of-the-art oxygen respirator
- A Mysterious Object Has Just Been Measured Exiting A Black Hole
- Paul LaViolette superconducting reactionless thruster
- New state of matter detected in a "two-dimensional" material
- Cold War Military Games
- Big Science Is Broken
- The US Air Force is developing the world's fastest "Hyperloop" train
- The Age of the Smartphone Zombies
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