View Full Version : Controversial Subjects
- P2 Freemasons want Pope Franci to be new M1, the controller of money
- Pope steers flock into new world religion
- The Beatles Conspiracy !
- [Disinformation] Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism
- Human beings came from another planet, not Earth
- Chris Thomas Inter-Galactic War September 30 2013
- Norman Bergrun - Ringmakers of Saturn
- Earth shattering Anouncement from NASA tomorrow
- Hotline Number for Obamacare....wait for it...
- Former Hillary Associate Claims to Have Been Her Personal Hit Man�
- I and some friends asked Chris Thomas 10 questions Tues. Oct. 15, 2013
- Witness: Pope ratzinger murdered child in ritual sacrifice?
- [Spoof] Did Abe Lincoln really exist
- Got the right time anyone? You absolutely sure?
- Fulford/Wilcock - Supposed Downfall of the Cabal
- Miles Johnston talks about the secret space program and more 11th November 2013
- Tudor woman of 16th century painted with one reptilian eye
- The Electric Universe
- ILLUMINATI Creeping Coup Against GOD's Elect
- Dec. 14, 2013 Chris Thomas Latest Energy Frequency Update
- Templars' Cross, Black Pope, Jesuits, Swiss Financing, Vatican Guard
- The Pope's Socialist Jesuit Control Of Humanitry
- Hidden Hand
- Google Chrome can listen to your conversations....
- BREAKING:Pope Francis is named by former Argentine junta insider as �prime mover� in
- Hollow Earth: Agartha Complete!
- HAARP being used to create floods to destroy World's food supply.
- Aldebaran mystery ii - nazi ufo secrets, the thule, the vril and the black sun
- Sandy Hook Game Changer
- Kerry Cassidy: Timothy Good - Earth An Alien Enterprise (Exposed)
- Kevin Annett: Brussels Trial of Pope, UK Queen for genocide; USA for chemtrails
- Courtney Brown: Implications
- Balls of Light, sometimes called Orbs - What are they? An essay by Chris Thomas
- Alien Technology Discovered in Mans Tooth?!
- Vatican attempts Court sabotage; Grisly Evidence Exposed
- [Debunked] Giant UFO Near Earth In Photo Released by Brazil Planetarium, March 2014
- [Debunked] Texas family capture alleged 'chupacabra'
- Alfred Lambremont Webre: Reflections from the dimensional ecology
- The enemies within
- The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse with Alfred Lambremont Webre
- Jupiter Freaks Out and Almost Nobody Notices!
- Paladin and White Hat Report # 48
- [Misinformation] Autism rates in the u.s, 1 in 68 children now have autism
- Whistleblower reveals serving for 3 years on secret space fleet
- A Brief Update from Chris Thomas
- Bases at the Barge Michael Prince
- Edward Snowden is Mark Zuckerberg's cousin
- [Hoax] Study Finds 1 in 3 Americans Have Been Implanted With RFID Chips:
- Same person dies in boston marathon bombing and sandy hook shooting?
- Strange Creature In The Forests Of Oregon
- The General Theory of Stellar Metamorphosis: An Alternative for the Star Sciences
- [Misinformation] Pope Francis Found Guilty of Child Trafficking, Rape, Murder
- Aliens On The Moon - The Truth Exposed 2014
- Earth's Purpose by Chris Thomas
- NWO Gender Agenda
- An ongoing Chris Thomas thread for those who resonate with his alternative view of reality and history
- Greg Hallett: Murdered in a satanic ritual !?!?
- Dr. John Coleman (Illuminati, Committee of 300)
- Gigantic Object with Shields Up Enters Our Solar System
- Video International common law court of justice no longer just standing by talking
- J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis
- Julian Salt investigates Captain Mark Richards
- Casbolt in Court
- Transcript of Anne Marie van Blijenburgh's testimony about child murders in Belgium
- A Small Being!?!?!?
- Four countries have signed a non-disclosure agreement
- UFO Faker Blake Cousins of ThirdphaseofMoon does the UFO community injustice
- The worm has turned ;-)
- Humans do not come from Earth !?!
- The Greatest Story Never Told......
- 'Ancient Structures on the Moon' Footage Debunked
- dulce base security officer speaks out
- Ben F & David W on Russian TV: Cabal Defeat is Looming
- Prepare for an internet and phone black out, back up all your documents, save not just links but original
- Captain Kaye life on mars
- Greg Hallett speecking on PM Helen Clark
- Reptilian Caught on Live TV Show....??
- Population Reduction Predicted by
- New Whistleblower Interview from Bill Ryan and Christine
- Is the Moon a Hollow Spacecraft?
- Captain Mark Richards Secret space program
- Jay Parker: How 34 million Satanic/Illuminati Americans keep Earth in turmoil
- Nazi Engineered Music
- Ben Fulford take down begins
- BE Prepared , this Season
- Ben Fulford interview with Rob Potter Dec. 11, 2014
- Captain Cramer US Marine
- Ben Fulford
- Secret Space Program, ET Federation Delegation & MILAB "Experiencer" GoodETxSG - Q&A
- Secret Space Program, ET Federation Delegation & MILAB "Experiencer", GoodETxSG - Discussion Archive
- "Crrow777 Discovery Project Thread - Observations of a Sky-Watcher."
- Something has landed and Miitary has it surrounded
- Illuminati: now I am telling all
- Greg Hallett: Finding Jesus' Grave and more Royal Family Secrets
- Tory Smith interview
- Blue Avians & Bonnie Meyer
- Reset March 17 2015
- Bombs Going Off Across USA
- Project Camelot: Kameran Fally - Planet X & Astro-planetology
- Apex Artificial Intelligence - Apex AI
- Gustatus Similis Pullus
- The Tate Murders - The Psyop That Stifled a Generation
- [Misinformation] Mark Sargent: "The Spinning Ball You Think You Are On Is Flat"
- [Hoax] US Government Rolls Out Mandatory Adult Vaccination and Tracking Program
- Smithsonian guilty of a crime against humanity
- [Debunked] Cloned prehistoric owl
- The Plan (blogs by theruiner777)
- The Soul Catcher On The Moon
- Veterans Today - disinformants getting bolder
- Nibiru....fact or fiction?
- Secret Space Program, ET Federation Delegation & MILAB "Experiencer" GoodETxSG - DISCUSSION
- Summary of David Wilcock's Presentation April 2015 - Update - SSP, Sphere Beings etc
- SSP Alliance & Sphere Alliance (Recent & Upcoming Alliance/ET Federation Conference Updates)
- As you wish talk radio: Guest, Alfred Lambremont Webre
- Intergalactic Wave aka Wave X
- M1 mr. Sino pledges 6 million to every human... Is this for real?
- AI-based computer system with astounding, futuristic capabilities & Jade Helm 15 Bad News
- Open Your Mind - Corey Goode & David Wilcock - Sunday 28th June 2015
- Solar Warden S.S.P. Getting Help from the Sphere Alliance
- please watch out for these hoax channels
- Scalar Wave technology, Becoming 4D, achieving 12 strand DNA
- 103 Hoaxed UFO Videos
- Well, I pray that Dr. Simon or Corey Goode is correct, otherwise, we're TOAST!
- Black Goo, AI, Morgellons And More
- [Debunked] Black Holes Never Existed
- Chris Thomas essay about DNA, how we construct our bodies and the hidden agenda
- Special show with Shane (ruiner) with Drake and host Thomas Williams
- [Hoax] 'Live pterosaur' filmed flying over Idaho
- Ruiner New Interview: Unplugged
- Mercury + spin + high voltage = antigravity + gold (EXPERT needed)
- ET and Black Project Tech/AI ~ Omnisense w/ Alfred Lambremont Webre
- Does the Bock Saga lead on to The Lord Of The Rings?
- "Nobody Died At Sandy Hook" book banned from Amazon
- We Never Went to The Moon
- Changing Timelines: Kerry Cassidy with Mark Richards (IV)
- Recently released FBI files: Hitler faked his suicide
- [Debunked] Ancient Tablet Looks Like Cell Phone With Cuneiform Keys
- Thunder Energies Discovers Invisible Entities
- Put a fork in it – Thirdphaseofmoon.
- [Debunked] frozen little alien found in Russia
- FULL Documentary (BANNED by the McCanns): Overturned - Truth of the Lie - Gonçalo Amaral
- Eric P. Dollard
- Giant Door Into Moon Seen Open During Apollo 8 Flight, May 2016, Video,
- Time Traveler at Mike Tyson Fight?
- [Bunk] Parallel Universe: The Mandela Effect
- Interview with Andromedan Contactee Alex Collier - August 2015
- [Hoax] UFO Hovers Above White House Lawn with Picture
- Legit or not FB post
- Pokémon Go: Neuro-Linguistic Programming - Mind Control
- Photon Belt Reality
- Touchy Terrorstory
- [Bunk] On This "Atom Bomb"-Anniversary, You're Being Lied To About Hiroshima
- Standing Stones Theory
- Vaccines
- [Fraudulent Disinformation] VAXXED - The Movie
- Goode high vibration, interview
- 9/11 energy weapon... when will we accept the evidence???
- Opinions requested
- Mt Shasta Secret Space Program Conference - Corey Goode Presentation Part 1
- EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING - Pizzagate Documentary & Pizzagate Update
- Richard Hall update on Madeleine McCann
- ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal
- UFOtv presents: OPERATION HIGHJUMP – UFOs, Nazis and Admiral Richard E. Byrd
- ObamaGate
- UFOtv presents: The Knowledge of the Forever Time 6 - The Black Knight Satellite
- Ancient particle accelerator discovered on Mars ~ From CERN?
- Full soul integration and higher self contact, continuing Chris Thomas's message.
- Covfefe, A MeAssage from Spirit
- There is NO Global Warming!
- Timelines & DW & CG’s latest Cosmic Disclosure
- David Wilcock interview w Pete Peterson - base 6 number system
- POLITICAL NEWS: What the Trump???
- The Reptilian Transgender Agenda
- Las Vegas Massacre: A Hybrid False-Flag, Treason, or an Act of War?
- Miles Johnston, Bases Project: Transhumanization, Super Soldiers, PreFlood Advanced Technology
- Stewart Swerdlow's Perspective Regarding the Las Vegas Shooting
- Linda Moulton Howe ⌛️ John Titor - Time Traveler back from 2036 ⏱ ⏰ 🕰
- Alex Collier 2017 Lecture At The Ranch
- [HOAX] Barron Trump Time Travel Conspiracy: John Titor
- War Crimes! Melanie Vritschan's Baby Kidnapped by Brussels Hospital - False Psychiatric Charges
- The Jewish Domination Of Power.
- Paladin interviews Kerry Cassidy - skies the limit
- AI - The World Brain goes on Line in 2020; Hadron Colliders and Astana
- The 4chan /POL/ Q anon ... material
- Understanding Trump - Fixing the System
- Real Dangers OF 5G Wireless Radiation
- Emery Smith
- Analysis by Susan Duclos
- A Fine Example of Sensationalist Misinformation
- Emery Smith: Alien Tech at the Vatican
- Science of Consciousness, Arctic Hollow Earth Expedition - Brooks Agnew
- Trump Jumps in Bed with CIA, Pedophilia Crackdown - Robert David Steele
- ‘Time Traveler’ to Run for President and Reveal the Technology
- QAnon Is US Military Intelligence That Recruited Trump for President to Prevent Coup D’etat
- QAnon on the Rothschild, Saudi & Soros Puppet Masters behind the Deep State
- Tiger Woods: MKULTRA victim
- Project Serpo...again...
- Q !!!!!!! Park Here
- David Wilcock - out on a Limb
- Another one bites the dust...
- Patty Greer-Laura Eisenhower: Pedocriminal-Satanist CEO. Whistleblowers David & Corey
- It Is All Coming Out, Yahoooo
- The REAL Truth....
- Trump vs The Deep State
- The Central Bank System = The Deep State
- Q debate n Talk
- [Propaganda] The Invasion
- MADS PALSVIG ~ "Banksters vs. Slaves & 5G Depopulation Agenda"
- Vatican Coup ?
- Huge News ? with Wilcock
- George h.w.bush was really george h. Sherff, jr. Amazing stuff!
- 99% of Racial Attacks Are Staged
- Bombshell Report: Trump Targeting Clinton Related Human Traffickers
- Autism Media Channel
- [Misinformation & Alt-Right Propaganda] Here we go . Globalises monetise climate change hoax
- Tartaria Remembered, All Research N Truth Welcome
- How does Assange's arrest and Mandatory Vaccine Mandates relate?
- Spygate, Real Draining
- The One Ring Found by Polly
- HistoryGate
- Real Investigative Journalism > Polly <
- [Propaganda] Rudy
- Flat Earth on TOT, An Enquiry
- Quartz Crystal Youtube Channel: This is a matrix experience powered by source
- Wild Country cult leaders on building their 'con empire' | 60 Minutes Australia
- Red Pill Pages
- Truth, Proof of China VirWeres War
- Cabal, Qanon and the Deep State
- CV19 Hoax
- Skype In 1936 or earlier, Of Coarse
- Nesara/Gesara Explained
- 1000 Victims MSM Silent
- Powerful Telescopes Are Discovering Very Strange Things in Space
- Celebrity cloning centers, reptilians, trump & the great awakening
- Sepehr history etc Vids
- Caroline Stephens & Greg Hallett ─ Queen Elizabeth II Royal Style & Titles
- Seven and Alfred Webre with Miles Johnston
- Gregory Hallett, King John the Third Interview
- “The Hidden King”
- Nesara - Gesara How it works - explained with Jack Kidd & Charlie Ward (ReRun)
- Kerry's intel update 9.22.20
- Ashayana Deane
- Saint Sync's Exponential Being
- Sacha Stone Ricardo Boli and Jamie McIntyre Round Table with Charlie Ward
- sElection Chaos Proceeds as Planned
- Treason ? or Survival ? or Hoax ?
- David Sereda: ET shoot-down of Columbia
- Claire edwards: 5g, covid and the great reset
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