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Thread: Another fine article from VT

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    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Another fine article from VT

    by Ann Diener for Veterans Today

    Colonialism – the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers and/or choosing its leadership, and exploiting it economically.

    War is designed to advance and continue colonialism. The ongoing break down of sovereignty is a tactic used by colonialists to condition its subjects and slaves. Terrorism is potentially a tool of the colonialists who have setup their walled base camp in the Middle East in a land which betrays their alleged religion. In reality according to Jewish law, the homeland built before the Messiah comes is against God who will call the people home, not man.

    So why is Israel the focus of so many Neocons? With its ardent militant stance against its neighbors as well as infiltration into other countries around the globe, it has become the perfect place to operate for colonialists.

    It is also the perfect place to test high tech weapons and repressive technologies that are sub-human such as machine gun drone equipped vehicles which can kill like a video game, operated by a technician miles away with the use of a computer and a joystick.

    Colonialists Try to Subjugate Others and Create Dependence.

    They burn homes and destroy villages to force previously self-sufficient people into submission, just as what was done to the native peoples all over the planet for hundreds if not thousands of years.

    In a recent Democracy Now! Interview, Standing Rock Sioux tribal historian LaDonna Brave Bull Allard spoke about an attack against her tribe more than 150 years ago. The tribe was later attacked repeatedly until their self-sufficiency was destroyed, and now have been placed into low income housing.

    This is a perfect example of what colonialism does. It destroys a people until they are no longer self-sufficient and forces them into servitude. Tactics such as these are being used presently in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as other surrounding countries where terrorism destroys infrastructure, and the war machine enters, which then further demolishes infrastructure, and makes the people living there dependent on and subservient to outside assistance.

    I have wondered for a long time, why after thousands of years, do we as humans not own our homes outright and meet our basic needs with the resources within the community we live in? It is potentially because the colonialists will attack both using covert means such as the Trans Pacific Partnership and debt slavery or wars for colonialist goals that reverberate back to remove sovereignty. Every time we get close, it gets stripped away.

    Some say this is outlandish, however when you look at the mounting evidence against military and clandestine adventures in support of the colonialists, it is not too far fetched to think that there may be some ramifications for us in the near future, and that even American sovereignty will be lost at behest of working for the colonialists, as this may be part of their long term plan.

    Colonialists Penetrate America Despite Revolutionary War

    There is a tremendous amount of history tied into colonialism, both internationally and in the USA. They have long sought to destroy America, since America won its War of Independence. It was rumored that in 1783, King George III said, “We may have lost the colony, but we will get her back.” Plans were immediately made then to do just that. The presence of colonialists trying to take back America was then seen in the British divide and conquer strategy within both the North and South during the Civil War.

    Prevention of the subterfuge was also found in the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution which stated, “If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.” To see actual copies of it in print click here:

    “After the Civil War, this Amendment was basically dropped down the memory hole, finding the 13th Amendment we know, and love, in its place. That was declared ratified on December 18, 1865, which would explain why Colorado and Kansas have our current day 13th Amendment as the 14th Amendment,” said the article, entitled, “The Missing 13th Amendment, an odd Constitution Story.”

    This change of the 13th Amendment occurred just a few short months after President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, April 15, 1865. It is odd that tax day now falls on his assassination day. Some say that the reason for his assassination was that he angered the bankers through the printing of gold-backed greenbacks used as currency during the Civil War, however this was not the case.

    Greenbacks were un-backed currency used to as currency during the war. This is the reasoning for the words, “In God We Trust,” being imprinted on our currency today. It was through faith that Lincoln managed to overcome the colonialists, who had been funding the South.

    There were other signs too that Lincoln was aware of the ruthless spirit of colonialism that resided in Washington.

    Lincoln said, in his speech on the National Bank, in the hall of the House of Representatives of the State of Illinois, December 20, 1839, (

    “I know that the great volcano at Washington, aroused and directed by the evil spirit that reigns there, is belching forth the lava of political corruption in a current broad and deep, which is sweeping with frightful velocity over the whole length and breadth of the land, bidding fair to leave unscathed no green spot or living thing; while on its bosom are riding, like demons on the waves of hell, the imps of that evil spirit, and fiendishly taunting all those who dare resist its destroying course with the hopelessness of their effort; and, knowing this, I cannot deny that all may be swept away,” he said.

    “Broken by it I, too, may be; bow to it I never will. The probability that we may fall in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just; it shall not deter me. If ever I feel the soul within me elevate and expand to those dimensions not wholly unworthy of its almighty Architect, it is when I contemplate the cause of my country deserted by all the world beside, and I standing up boldly and alone, and hurling defiance at her victorious oppressors.

    Here, without contemplating consequences, before high heaven and in the face of the world, I swear eternal fidelity to the just cause, as I deem it, of the land of my life, my liberty, and my love. And who that thinks with me will not fearlessly adopt the oath that I take? Let none falter who thinks he is right, and we may succeed.

    But if, after all, we shall fail, be it so. We still shall have the proud consolation of saying to our consciences, and to the departed shade of our country’s freedom, that the cause approved of our judgment, and adored of our hearts, in disaster, in chains, in torture, in death, we never faltered in defending.”

    People knew of the corruption that had intertwined itself with America regarding banking and the young country that had freed itself from colonial rule.

    Thinking about why America is important. America was founded on strength of the individual and a concept called rugged individualism. This is very threatening in the eyes of a colonialist, who has sought to control every one and every resource in order to profit and make the people subject to them and their wishes.

    In fact, the British subverted clandestinely the US so much that Abraham Lincoln had to call on the Czar of Russia to prevent encroachment into the harbors of New York and San Francisco by both the British and the French during the Civil War.

    According to Webster Tarpley in an essay entitled, U.S. Civil War: The US-Russian Alliance that Saved the Union, “The big issue was always a British-French attack on the United States to preserve the Confederate States of America. This is certainly how Union and Confederate leaders viewed the matter, and how some important people in London, St. Petersburg, Paris, and Berlin did as well.”

    “In 1865, the United States was friendly to Russia and Prussia, and resentful and suspicious in regard to Britain and France, whose governments had sympathized with and supported the Confederacy.

    “The most dramatic gestures of cooperation between the Russian Empire and the United States came in the autumn of 1863, as the Laird rams crisis hung in the balance. On September 24, the Russian Baltic fleet began to arrive in New York harbor. On October 12, the Russian Far East fleet began to arrive in San Francisco. The Russians, judging that they were on the verge of war with Britain and France over the British-fomented Polish insurrection of 1863, had taken this measure to prevent their ships from being bottled up in their home ports by the superior British fleet. These ships were also the tokens of the vast Russian land armies that could be thrown in the scales on a number of fronts, including the northwest frontier of India; the British had long been worried about such an eventuality.

    “The Russian admirals had also been told that, if the US and Russia were to find themselves at war with Britain and France, the Russian ships should place themselves under Lincoln’s command and operate in synergy with the US Navy against the common enemies.”

    The Union was saved by Russia against the colonialists, and the British later continued to attack from within the financial system.

    Negative Sentiment towards Russia ushers in Bolshevik Revolution and In-Flow of Foreign Investments

    According to Tarpley negative sentiment against Russia did not start until 1915, “with the work of Professor Frank A. Golder, who emphasized that the Russians were only following their own national interests. “ Golder was also in Russia in 1917 during the revolution conducting research.

    The Bolshevik Revolution was being funded by both Wall Street bankers and the German

    government, according to the book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.

    “During World War I Germany raised considerable funds in New York for espionage and covert operations in North America and South America. It is important to record the flow of these funds because it runs from the same firms — Guaranty Trust and American International Corporation — that were involved in the Bolshevik Revolution and its aftermath. Not to mention the fact (outlined in chapter three) that the German government also financed Lenin’s revolutionary activities,” said the book.

    Guaranty Trust was founded with the help of a person who was known as one of the first floaters of shares of American companies in the City of London in the late 19th century, British promoter H. Osborne O’Hagan.

    According to The History of Foreign Investment in the United States to 1914 By Mira Wilkins,

    “In 1897 W.D. Guthrie, whose New York firm (Seward, Guthrie and Steele) had been handling the business of a number of European investors in the United States, asked himself, “Why … should the Seward firm be turning all the mortgage trustee, stock transfer agent and register business – not to mention business in connection with funds sent by foreign clients for investments in the United States over to unrelated Trust Companies? Why should not the Seward partners have a trust company of their own.”

    “Thus in January 1897 Guthrie organized the Standard Finance & Trust Company (capital $100,000) with the control held by the partners. He believed ‘there is large field here for investment of foreign capital secured by mortgages upon city property,’ in New York and Chicago. The new firm proved successful and in 1898 Guthrie organized Standard Trust Company of New York with a capital of $500,000. Guthrie’s law firm did substantial business with British promoter H. Osborne O’Hagan and because O’Hagan would be directing business to the new company, he was offered $50,000 of shares (or a 10% interest) and he was made a director of Standard Trust Company. The venture was a great success; in 1912 Standard Trust Company was merged into Guaranty Trust Company.”

    The co-mingling begins with investments on all sides and a distinct advantage given to the British bankers.

    British Bankers Assist in Push-Pull Setup of Foundation in the Middle East as a Base

    In marketing, the push is “Taking the product to the customer,” basically creating the product and the pull is “getting the customer to come to you.”

    Fast forward to Nazi Germany. Newly revealed documents show as seen in an article by the Telegraph, Never mind the Czech gold the Nazis stole.., “the Bank of England willingly handed over £5.6 million worth of gold to Hitler – and it belonged to another country (Czechoslovakia).”….html

    “The official history of the bank, written in 1950 but posted online for the first time on Tuesday, reveals how we betrayed Czechoslovakia – not just with the infamous Munich agreement of September 1938, which allowed the Nazis to annex the Sudetenland, but also in London, where Montagu Norman, the eccentric but ruthless governor of the Bank of England agreed to surrender gold owned by the National Bank of Czechoslovakia.” This is the pull portion of the story, funding Hitler to drive people to the product, the homeland, Israel. Later assisted through the creation of the Haavara pact.

    The push had been started earlier with the British Mandate that had been carving up the Middle East to establish new colonial entities after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. “The British defeated Ottoman Turkish forces in 1917 and occupied Ottoman Syria, which would later be divided to British Palestine and Trans-Jordan and French Syria and Lebanon. The land remained under British military administration for the remainder of the war, and beyond,” according to Wikipedia.

    “Trans-Jordan had been a no man’s land following the July 1920 Battle of Maysalun. During this period, the British chose to avoid any definite connection with Palestine until a March 1921 conference at which it was agreed that Abdullah bin Hussein would administer the territory under the auspices of the Palestine Mandate. The Trans-Jordan Memorandum annulled the articles regarding the Jewish National Home in the territory east of the Jordan. It also established a separate “Administration of Trans-Jordan” for the application of the Mandate, under the general supervision of Great Britain. Trans-Jordan became largely autonomous under British tutelage according to an agreement of February 20, 1928.”

    Then on August 25, 1933, the Nazis signed the Haavara Pact or Transfer agreement with the Zionist German Jews which provided for an inflow of Jews to the newly created homeland. “The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939,” according to Wikipedia.

    The Push Pull Strategy Works and America Goes Against Russia in the Cold War because of the Fears Wall Street Created with the Communist Bolsheviks

    Both Hitler and Israel were financed by the British and American colonialist bankers. The Bolsheviks also derived funding from the British backed American banks.

    The interesting part is that today on the surface, we do not see the face of colonialism in the Middle East as the very thing we fought against in the Revolutionary War.

    One could argue too that the Bolshevik Revolution and then the Cold War were created to isolate American interests away from sovereignty, towards the colonialist ideology, as well as sponsor its foster child, the State of Israel. Over time, those Cold War strategists have become the same side who is seen as supporting Israel’s control and manipulation of the Middle East, as well as using terrorism to justify wars based on fraudulent evidence as was sited most recently in the Chilcot Report. When you connect the straight line through the wars including Syria, you see the presence of the colonialist with the goal of controlling resources away from the people and forcing servitude.

    Communism’s Karl Marx, Possible Covert Colonialist Connections

    Even communism, i.e. Wall Street sponsored Bolshevism and Chinese Marxist Communism has its roots in colonialism. Communism, as was written about by Karl Marx, was used as a tool to penetrate Russia and China. Curiously, “Writing in the Rhineland News in 1842 in his very first piece after taking over as editor, Marx launched a sharp polemic against Germany’s leading newspaper, the Augsburg General News, for publishing articles advocating communism,” said John Gray in a review of the book, Karl Marx: A Nineteenth-Century Life, by Jonathan Sperber.

    “He did not base his assault on any arguments about communism’s impracticality: it was the very idea that he attacked. Lamenting that ‘our once blossoming commercial cities are no longer flourishing,’ he declared that the spread of Communist ideas would ‘ defeat our intelligence, conquer our sentiments,’ an insidious process with no obvious remedy. In contrast, any attempt to realize communism could easily be cut short by force of arms: ‘practical attempts [to introduce communism], even attempts en masse, can be answered with cannons.’ As Sperber writes, ‘The man who would write the Communist Manifesto just five years later was advocating the use of the army to suppress a communist workers’ uprising!’ ”

    There was something invidious about Marx who many suspected co-opted the original less harsh communists for the colonialists. As it turns out genealogically Marx was third cousin to Lionel Nathan Rothschild, “Baron” and Member of Parliament for the City of London –
    In 1869, Mikhail Bakunin said in Profession de foi d’un démocrate socialiste russe précédé d’une étude sur les juifs allemands, “This world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other. This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralization of the state. And where there is centralization of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found.”
    Communism as it was founded by the bankers shares many of the same traits as colonialism, surrendering rights and possessions of the individual as well as freedoms and equal justice to an entity. It could be considered state sponsored colonialism which attacked the countries Russia and China, then later such as countries like Vietnam and Laos who were seeking an alternative form of government following their rejection of colonial rule. Vietnam appealed to America first and received no support or rather was potentially driven to state sponsored colonialism which could then later be attacked for bankers’ profit.

    Mutual aid and caring for the commons or common interests is considerably different than communism, as was wrtitten about by Marx, and colonialism as both do not force the individual to give up sovereignty in order to contribute to the larger entity formed by the individuals to serve the common interests of the people. In a purely capitalistic society, the rights of the individual would also be honored.

    Identifying Colonialism

    You can look at any news story and identify the colonialist side, here are examples. Think about colonialism with each news story you read to see the pattern.

    Brazil – the far right leadership that just recently impeached Dilma Rousseff for doing the same financial things her predecessors did that were not seen as corrupt until she forced the elite to elevate the standard of living for the people in Brazil. Now the new government is seeking to privatize airports and previously government enterprises. Who will get control of these previously public institutions?

    India – According to the recent Veterans Today article, US Behind Indo-Israeli Secret Nexus, “It is of particular attention that on July 19, 2013, the Indian former home ministry’s official and ex investigating officer Satish Verma disclosed that terror attacks in Mumbai in November 26, 2008 and assault on Indian Parliament in January 12, 2001 were carried out by the Indian government to strengthen anti-terrorism laws.

    “However, Indo-Israeli secret nexus is not confined to the statements of Anders Breivik and LT. Col Purohit, as it has official links. This could be assessed from the interview of the then Israel’s ambassador to India, Mark Sofer, published in the Indian weekly Outlook on February 18, 2008. Regarding India’s defense arrangements with Tel Aviv, Sofer had surprisingly disclosed, ‘We do have a defense relationship with India, and ‘with all due respect, the secret part will remain a secret.’ ”

    There are many more examples of this as the colonialists have been expanding their power and control globally and now have the benefit of technology to control and manipulate people.

    Take Time to Think About Colonialism, Those Involved in Foreign Policy and Spot False Flags

    The purpose of a false flag to achieve a desired goal against the population’s wishes, this has been employed for hundreds of years to gain justification from the public for wars fought at behest of the rulers. In fact there are at least 42 admitted to and documented false flag attacks:

    False flags, wars, colonialist leadership with goals and allegiances to foreign powers are so prevalent, well what can be done?

    We need to take our power back as a people and wake people up to the idea of colonialism in existence today. We need to label colonialist activities where people are being manipulated by what have now become not only foreign governments, but also globalists corporations using trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) to further remove sovereignty.

    We can stand up and speak out against these two trade agreements.

    Also, there is a bill that has been passed by Congress and which is moving to President Barack Obama’s desk regarding the 9/11 families right to sue a sovereign country in regards to 9/11. We need to support this bill because it, like the original 13th amendment, disallows foreign interventionism to harm America.

    This has been key in holding American citizens hostage in a colonialist environment. If the President vetoes the bill, we should call our Congressional representative and ask him/her to work to override the veto. Think about it, if the original 13th Amendment was still in effect, there would be no allegiances to Israel, Saudi Arabia and any other country by our elected officials or any citizen of the USA, permissible by US law.

    Here is the old 13th Amendment again:

    “If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

    Allegiance to the American government would be the only choice for our public officials and citizens, if this Amendment was still in in effect.

    At least with the elimination of Sovereign Immunity, we stop the possibility of those outside forces penetrating the US to commit criminal acts. Perhaps we can’t bring back the old 13th Amendment, but we can disallow foreign powers from committing crimes on American soil, and this may be the first step to eliminate colonialism and reaffirm American sovereignty.

  2. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:

    Aragorn (16th September 2016), bsbray (16th September 2016), Dreamtimer (16th September 2016), Elen (16th September 2016), Gio (1st October 2016), Greenbarry (17th September 2016), Herbert (16th September 2016), Innocent Warrior (16th September 2016), modwiz (16th September 2016), Novusod (16th September 2016)

  3. #2
    Retired Member United States
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    This article reflects the fact that the "divide and conquer" concept is quite old. Destroy trust by instilling fear, and you can divide and conquer with ease. Thanks for this article. Just reflects the "hidden agenda" that the "moneyed, greedy ones have expressed ad infinitum. It is said that Lincoln (like JFK) was assassinated because he was trying to outlaw the Fed, which is anything but Federal. He was also trying to institute interest-free money (as was JFK). The PTW didn't like that, because it affected their purses and purse strings, so both Presidents were done away with. There are those here who sense the truths underlying all said above in this article.
    Last edited by Gale Frierson, 16th September 2016 at 10:07. Reason: Forgot to say "Thanks"

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    Aianawa (16th September 2016), Aragorn (16th September 2016), Dreamtimer (16th September 2016), Elen (16th September 2016), Greenbarry (17th September 2016), modwiz (16th September 2016)

  5. #3
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    They burn homes and destroy villages to force previously self-sufficient people into submission, just as what was done to the native peoples all over the planet for hundreds if not thousands of years.

    In a recent Democracy Now! Interview, Standing Rock Sioux tribal historian LaDonna Brave Bull Allard spoke about an attack against her tribe more than 150 years ago. The tribe was later attacked repeatedly until their self-sufficiency was destroyed, and now have been placed into low income housing. This is a perfect example of what colonialism does. It destroys a people until they are no longer self-sufficient and forces them into servitude.
    I prefer to call it Human farming. It is a process of taking free range humans and turning them in to chattel property. One of the great secrets of this realm is the Entire planet is a "farm." Humans are being used as live stock because we are not sentient enough to realize we ARE being farmed.

  6. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Novusod For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (17th September 2016), Aragorn (16th September 2016), Dreamtimer (17th September 2016), Elen (16th September 2016), Gio (1st October 2016), Greenbarry (17th September 2016), modwiz (16th September 2016)

  7. #4
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    A return comment: Being 1/8th Cherokee and having worked with some Cherokee, I consider what I'll call "the Oklahoma situation" to be the biggest joke the US government ever played on itself. The Cherokee started out in North Carolina and were transplanted by the government to Oklahoma (a literal dust bowl at the time). Then the Cherokee found oil on the land. Guess what happened then?
    The government wound up paying the Cherokee a great deal (certainly not all still owing them). So the government put one over on itself. The government's "Pogo Complex" at work full time in a big way. Of course, the Cherokee's transplanting was a theft itself.

    We could of course go on and on. Today in Oklahoma many people are giving up and leaving due to the something like 500 % increase in earthquakes due to the use of the "fracking process" to help remove more oil.

  8. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Gale Frierson For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (17th September 2016), Aragorn (17th September 2016), Dreamtimer (17th September 2016), Elen (17th September 2016), Greenbarry (17th September 2016), modwiz (16th September 2016)

  9. #5
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Another food for thought article from VT >

    by Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow
    The Jihadi magic carpet VIP service that the rest of us don't get
    The Jihadi magic carpet VIP service that the rest of us don’t get

    [ Editor’s Note: VT has long editorialized about the ease with which jihadis can move around the world, going into and out of conflict zones as if on their private magic carpets, quietly donated by an “ET” NGO.

    For the rest of us, we are under constant surveillance, to the point where Homeland Security will fly a whole team into Detroit airport for what they thought was going to be a treasure trove of Intel, via their five-hour grilling of Gordon Duff.

    All they got is the opportunity to go through all of his German vacation photos and videos, hundreds of them, all time- and date-stamped, which prove he was not training IS snipers in Syria or Afghanistan. And of course, the taxpayers footed the labor bill on this fiasco.

    Boko Haram is miraculously able to secure the use of satellite phones — very hard to get without major ID and a traceable payment schedule — normally leaving behind a bread crumb trail that should have drones raining down on them, to the extent that getting a satellite phone would technically be deemed a form of suicide.

    Yet, VT does not find anyone in Intelligence, investigative media, or politics who is the slightest bit curious about such anomalies, despite their being the flashing neon light kind. When we query professionals about this, we can tell with rare exceptions that the issue has never entered their minds before.

    It’s like they have a DNA-activated “no go” survival instinct that renders them dumb, blind and stupid, whenever it’s in their best interest. This orchestrated failure of not asking the right questions is carved in stone in the history of the War of Terror; and what a hoax it has been, as to who has primarily been running it and why.

    Gordon will tell you the rest, in his own special way, his good deed for the day… Jim W. Dean ]


    This is the result of Western backed "Jihadi adventure tourism"
    This is the result of Western-backed “Jihadi adventure tourism”

    – First published … September 26, 2016 –

    The game is called chaos theory. The goal is destabilization, putting the world “in play.” The tool is sexual frustration driven by cultural bias and economic hardship, put in play by the CIA to move literal armies of young Islamic males around the world.
    Executed Syrian soldiers
    Executed Syrian soldiers

    Those not being sent as jihadists for ISIS or the oft rebranded “moderate” mercenary surrogate armies, now flood the cities of the world where carefully orchestrated press, staged incidents, false flag terrorism and a very real social disaster is radicalizing fearful Americans and Europeans, driving them to political suicide. None of this is an accident.

    To the CIA and other agencies that are run by social scientists with excessive moral flexibility, all conflict is good, an agent for change and all change can be controlled, directed and managed.

    Agents of change are typically terrorism, political strife, poverty and, less well known, sex. You see, the current agent of chaos, the one dominating the world scene is testosterone, the drive for “coupling” by the endless population of young males willing to uproot themselves from hopeless lives and go wherever they are directed for whatever task is put in front of them.

    All that is required is the promise of sex and maybe hope for a life of some kind even if the work is tyranny and beheadings.

    The author of these migrations, mostly Islamic males, is the CIA, MI6 and the Mossad along with France’s DGSE. Intelligence agencies are agents of change “on the cheap” and operate best when governments fall, when alliances crumble and when social unrest festers and erupts into open conflict.

    Here, the “masters of the universe,” the Washington and Tel Aviv think tanks, the self-proclaimed geniuses of Whitehall, themselves no more than jackals serving an unseen master, manipulate the world with Twitter and Facebook. There is a wonderful efficiency to social media, anonymous, deniable, cheap and dirty, oh so very dirty.

    In America, it is done from Ft. Huachuca, Arizona, the US Army Intelligence School. There every Arabic dialect is known, every social network penetrated, the word is put out:

    “German women are all whores, you can simply rip their clothing off and have your way with them. German authorities are cowards, the German people weak and best of all, the German government will pay you to live like a king and you never have to work.”

    The Israelis, working closely with their Saudi and Turkish friends from centers staffed with unemployed housewives, have their own version, one that plays well from the Philippines to Africa’s Sahel, one that has brought a hundred thousand or more from obscure villages to the battlefronts of the Middle East:

    “Come to Syria and Iraq, join ISIS. Travel across the world, from airport to airport, no visa, no tickets, you will move across the world like magic, to a world where all is yours, any woman you want, any boy, protected by the US Air Force, paid by Saudi Arabia, rape, murder and steal and when you are done, you can live in Paris or Frankfurt or Stockholm.”

    And they do move as though by magic, some 8000 miles or more, through the most secure airports of the world, across impenetrable borders, fed, clothed and protected, paid, armed and furnished with wives from among the tens of thousands of sex slaves who live in agony and thrall to the CIA and her sister terror groups who, as more and more accept, are ISIS and every other terror group on the planet.


    They are called “Non-State Actors,” typically armed (ANSA) and are cataloged by Geneva Call, a Swiss group that lives in heady denial of the reality of our time, that ANSA’s are surrogate armies that act as agents for destabilization on behalf of world organized crime, also known as the “global economy.”

    What we are addressing today is the sexual component of “war on the cheap” and how human biology makes this all so easy. It is no secret that young men are vulnerable to bad decision making. In males, or so we are told by social scientists, the cerebral cortex doesn’t develop properly until well into the 30s.

    When you add to this certain tenets of Islam, the seemingly overt demonization of sexuality outside marriage and the many controversial interpretations of the Koran that allow rape, then you have created a powerful message. Further exacerbating the issue is the high birthrate, always inside legal marriage mind you unlike in the West, that Islamic countries enjoy, that and the crumbling economies.

    Place this is a social subtext of sex within marriage only when the population is entirely Islamic, as is so often the case, and little hope of achieving the required economic status that would allow sex within marriage and a certain desperation ensues.

    Place a few I-Phones around, load up social media with tales of sex parties in Manjib and Mosul, of fat Saudi paychecks sent home to needy families, of heroic war against the West and recruiting jihadists is an ease. Little do they know they are working for Israel or Washington or London or Paris, as they are all the same anyway.

    Behind this put a supporting mechanism that controls the world’s airports through companies like Israel’s ICTS and the global terror databases that seem to allow only terrorists to travel without being questioned, and it all comes together.

    Aiding it all is the United Nations and an endless number of Non-Governmental Organizations, that provide training, transportation, medical care, food and, of course, the finest high technology weapons possible, the best missiles, sniper rifles, satellite intelligence, F16s flying air cover and Western diplomats providing needed subterfuge.

    There would be no terrorism, no “war on the cheap” without phony charities, and most charities are just that.
    Google Idea Groups
    Google Idea Groups

    Then you have the world press, the Reuters news agency, the Syrian Human Rights Observatory, BBC and Guardian, all secretly bought by drug profits from Afghanistan, fed by CIA contracting companies like Booz Allen Hamilton and Google Idea Groups, and it all starts to come together.

    It isn’t just Syria and Iraq, not just Africa. The refugee crisis in Europe, the crisis that has already destroyed Europe as more and more admit each day, is just another stage.

    In the US, the current election process, a purely theatrical expression with no democratic aspects whatsoever, now is heavily backdropped with “Islamization” scare tactics.

    Each day every American receives emails linking to YouTube videos showing gang rapes across Europe and promising that this will come to America unless the right candidate is supported. The emails all trace down to Washington think tanks closely aligned with the Israel lobby of course, but few look and fewer care.

    Who are the victims? Who are the winners?

    Add to this an endless stream of carefully staged events, shopping center knifings, school shootings, car bombings, too many to be believable, often with perpetrators whose history leads back to intelligence agency contacts or suspicious psychiatric treatments, but this is another subject for another time.

    Can you hire an army with a handful of “tweets?” Sure you can. Can you uproot millions with the promise of sex? We’ve seen it done? Is it all part of a plan? We know it is.
    Last edited by Dreamtimer, 27th September 2016 at 00:04. Reason: removed repeating text

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    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Very informative >

    Why Russia Will NOT Be Dedicated to the “Virgin Mary”

    By Katherine Frisk on September 29, 2016

       

    It's All About The Land Stupid!


    by Katherine Frisk

    What most people ignore in all the rhetoric and the warmongering against Russia, not only in the 21st century, as we see in the conflict in eastern Ukraine and Syria, but in the 20th with the invasion by Hitler, in the 19th by Napoleon and in fact in the last 1,000 years, is that Russian resistance to any kind of invasion from Western Europe is a double-edged sword that is relevant to the whole world..

    Firstly to protect their Nation State Sovereignty and secondly as an Orthodox Christian Nation to protect and defend themselves from becoming yet another vassal of the Roman Catholic Church.

    During the days of the Cold War and the Soviet Union where atheism was imposed upon them, the people of the West continuously heard that in order to save humanity Russia had to be dedicated to the “Virgin Mary.”

    But communism and the Soviet Union was a creation of the West in the first place where the Bolsheviks burnt all their churches and killed all their priests, wiped out their middle class, put all their intellectuals in gulags and decimated the Russian military in preparation for the invasion of Russia by Hitler.

    Here is some background. In my interview with the Saker, a Russian who now lives in the USA, I asked the following questions, questions which Westerners should in fact be asking themselves:


    What I wanted to do in this interview was focus on cycles of time, repetitive narratives from one century to the next that replay over and over again like the film Groundhog Day. This is in a sense, a Matrix with the myth, the story line passed on from one generation to the next, and each generation in turn performs the same stage show. As Shakespeare said, ‘each has their entrances and their exits.”
    Russian Defense Minister Shoigu
    Russian Defense Minister Shoigu

    On the 9th of May 2015, Russia celebrated the Victory over Nazi Germany in World War 2.

    Saker wrote the most touching and deeply moving article Something truly amazing happened today, and I quote:

    “Defense Minister Shoigu made the sign of the Cross before the beginning of the celebrations:

    This is an absolutely momentous moment for Russia. Never in the past history had any Russian Minister of Defense done anything like it. True, the old tradition was to make the sign of the Cross when passing under the Kremlin’s Savior Tower, if only because there is an icon of the Savior right over the gate. However, everybody in Russia immediately understood that there was much more to this gesture than an external compliance to an ancient tradition.

    The Russian journalist Victor Baranets puts it very well when he wrote:”At that moment I felt that with his simple gesture Shoigu brought all of Russia to his feet. There was so much kindness, so much hope, so much of our Russian sense of the sacred [in this gesture]“. He is absolutely correct. To see this Tuvan Buddhist make the sign of the Cross in the Orthodox manner sent an electric shock through the Russian blogosphere: everybody felt that something amazing had happened.”

    Saker also pointed out :

    “For centuries Russian soldiers have knelt and asked for God’s blessing, before going into battle and this is, I believe, what Shoigu did today. He knows that 2015 will be the year of the big war between Russia and the Empire (even if, due to the presence of nuclear weapons on both sides, this war will remain 80% informational, 15% economic and 5% military)”

    So let’s go back to World War 2. Almost 30 million Russians died during that war. That is almost half of the total number of people killed on both sides, military and civilian from 1939 to 1945. A horrific figure that is not often quoted in western media or history books.

    Question to Saker and one you should ask yourselves: What parallels do you see between Russia in 2016 and over 70 years ago?

    the cartoon “..portrays Karl Marx with a book entitled Socialism under his arm, standing amid a cheering crowd on Wall Street. Gathered around and greeting him with enthusiastic handshakes are characters in silk hats identified as John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, John D. Ryan of National City Bank, Morgan partner George W. Perkins and Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party.
    the cartoon “..portrays Karl Marx with a book entitled Socialism under his arm, standing amid a cheering crowd on Wall Street. Gathered around and greeting him with enthusiastic handshakes are characters in silk hats identified as John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, John D. Ryan of National City Bank, Morgan partner George W. Perkins and Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party.


    2017 will be the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.

    What most people are unaware of, is that the same Wall Street bankers who funded the 2014 Ukrainian coup and funded Hitler in World War 2, even though the USA was supposedly on the side of the Allies, were the same group of people who funded Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks.

    To quote from The Creature From Jekyell Island:

    What emerges from this sampling of events is a clear pattern of strong support for Bolshevism coming from the highest financial and political power centers in the United States; from men, who supposedly were “capitalists” and who according to conventional wisdom should have been the mortal enemies of socialism and communism.”

    I have heard from other sources that somewhere around 100 million people died under the Bolsheviks between 1917 and 1939, or is that an exaggeration?

    Question to Saker and one you should ask yourselves: Why did the USA, a country that supposedly believes in freedom and democracy, support communism in Russia?

    Their anti-communist stance was after all, the raison d’être for funding wars, coups and revolutions to overthrow communist inclined governments in South America, Africa, Europe and other countries around the world through overt and covert CIA and Operation Gladio involvement for the next 100 years, and replace them with fascist military dictatorships.

    A few examples Brazil – Branco; Chile- Pinochett; Argentina- Videla; Indonesia- Suharto; Congo- Sese Seko; Greece’s – “reign of the colonels”; Zimbabwe-Mugabe.

    What political and economic parallels do you see from 100 years ago that are applicable today?



    Now let’s go back to over 200 years ago.

    The Patriotic War of 1812 when Napoleon invaded Russia. He had as allies the Duchy of Warsaw, Kingdom of Italy, Naples, Confederation of the Rhine, Baden, Bavaria, Berg, Saxony, Westphalia, Austria, Prussia, Swiss Confederation, Napoleonic Spain, Denmark–Norway. That was a formidable united front against one country. The line up looks very similar to the current European Union and the NATO allies today.

    Question to Saker and one you should ask yourselves : Who funded this army and why? And what parallels do you see 100 years later with World War 1 ,the Bolshevik Revolution, World War 2 and the current tinder box that Russia and Europe find themselves in 2016?


    Hagia Sofia - Istanbul
    Hagia Sofia – Istanbul

    Now let’s go back to almost 1,000 years ago.

    I first interviewed Saker in July 2015. Orthodox Christianity is by and large not understood in the West, least of all by me at the time, though I am learning. Saker enlightened both my readers and myself in An Insight Into Orthodox Christianity.

    Another very informative article that he wrote was: Another Crusade? : Ukrainian nationalism – its roots and nature in February 2014 during the coup in Kiev and the beginnings of the outbreak in the civil war between western Ukraine and eastern Ukraine. In that article he went back to 1204, Pope Innocent III, the fourth crusade and the sacking of Constantinople by mercenaries who were funded by the Jewish Del Banco bankers in Venice. He said:

    “Most people mistakenly believe that the Crusades only happened in the Middle-East and that they were only directed at Islam. This is false. In fact, while the official excuse for western imperialism at that time was to free the city of Jerusalem from the “Muslim infidels” the crusades also were aimed at either exterminating or converting the “Greek schismatics” i.e. the Orthodox Christians. The most notorious episode of this anti-Orthodox crusade is the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204, during the 4th Crusade, in which the city was subjected to three days of absolutely grotesque pillaging, looting and massacres by the western “Christians” who even looted and burned down Orthodox churches, monasteries and convents, raped nuns on church altars and even placed a prostitute on the Patriarchal throne. This outpouring of genocidal hatred was hardly a fluke, but it was one of the earliest manifestation of something which would become a central feature of the mindset and ideology of the Latin Church.”

    1242 – The Northern Crusades of Pope Gregory IX:

    Unlike his predecessor who directed his soldiers towards the Holy Land, Pope Gregory IX had a very different idea: he wanted to convert the “pagans” of the North and East of Europe to the “true faith”. In his mind, Orthodox Russia was part of these “pagan lands” and Orthodox Christians were pagans too. His order to the Teutonic Knights (the spiritual successors of the Franks who had pillaged and destroyed Rome) was to either convert or kill all the pagans they would meet (this genocidal order was very similar to the one given by Ante Pavelic to his own forces against the Serbs during WWII: convert, kill or expel). In most history books Pope Gregory IX has earned himself a name by instituting the Papal Inquisition (which has never been abolished, by the way), so it is of no surprise that this gentleman was in no mood to show any mercy to the “Greek schismatics”. This time, however, the Pope’s hordes were met by a formidable defender: Prince Alexander Nevsky.”

    Today what was the Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christian Russia is currently under attack by Daesh, or commonly known as ISIS. Syria has some of the oldest Orthodox Christian communities in the world going back to the 1st century A.D. who still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Russia in turn, since September 2015, has given President Assad full military support in fighting these terrorists.

    Question to Saker and one you should ask youselves: What parallels do you see almost 1000 years ago, including the vast tapestry of The Patriot War of 1812, World War 1 ,the Bolshevik Revolution, World War 2 and the current situation that could very well lead the whole world into World War 3?



    Last question. Do you think Europe and Russia will ever reach the stage where they abandon the script, take the red pill, escape the matrix and walk away from this repetitive groundhog day narrative that has been so destructive to so many people for over 1,000 years?

    You can read his answers HERE


    First Americans

    soux-dakota-dakota-native-police-1Now let’s go to Dakota and the Native Americans objecting to the oil pipeline through their sacred lands. In another recent article from The Event Chronicle – “Vatican Connections to the Dakota Access Pipeline and Truth that We’re “All Enemies of the State” “they write:

    “The native peoples of America and elsewhere in the world are considered “conquered” within most countries and their respective legal systems. This status allows these oppressed people the right to occupy their land but not exercise any discretionary power over it. In other words, they are tenants on the land their forefathers spent generations caring for.”

    The author has identified the root cause of the problem, a problem that has plagued the planet for over ONE THOUSAND YEARS. But the majority of the world’s population is totally unaware of it and completely misinformed as to why they pay taxes on their properties, when those taxes are far in excess of the services that are supposedly provided for this investment by taxpayers the world over. Here is the answer eloquently provided by the Event Chronicle.

    And please note, this is not a problem in any particular race, state, or nation. It is a “Catholic”, i.e., “universal problem,” that one entity believes that it is entitled to ownership of the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls. According to their own made up Papal Bulls, which they gave themselves 1,000 years after Jesus walked this planet:

    Vatican and Roman Curia Law is Recognized and Adhered to in All Countries

    “For those who may not be aware, the existing legal structure of contracts, constitutions, letters patent, and treaties between and in nearly every nation on the planet is founded on the Roman Curia.

    What this means is that the Vatican, and the Pope as the figurehead, are the centralized head of all corporate bodies on the planet. This is not acknowledged by the media or even spoken of within schools of so-called law.

    But by their deeds we shall know them, that is to say, there is well-documented legal case precedent that proves nations are beholden to the Vatican. This is not some wild conspiracy theory.


    As an example of this, consider the Doctrine of Discovery, which is a series of Papal Bulls or edicts that provided the legal basis for the colonization of the planet during the late Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment. The United States and many other so-called “independent nations” acknowledge and adhere to the doctrine when dealing with legal matters in their local jurisdictions.

    Incorporation of nations (which occurs via letters patent, treaties, and constitutions) connect to the Vatican on one level, because these founding documents do not rebut the Papal Pull Unam Sanctam (1302 CD), by Pope Boniface VIII, which states: “We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman pontiff.” (Source)

    What this means is that the Vatican claims supreme authority of all authorities on the planet and unless this claim is rebutted, it stands as a cured fact in law. Since none of the nations on Earth have rebutted this claim within their founding documents, they acknowledge, via implied consent, the authority of Unam Sanctam. This means they are vassals of the Vatican, beholden to it, and subject to its decrees.

    Here is an excerpt from the article, The Papal Bulls’ Infamous Legacy: “Doctrine of Discovery,” by Dr. Nancy Ash, set to be published in issue 4 of The Sovereign Voice, which unequivocally proves that the U.S. (and all other nations via admiralty and maritime law) is subject to the Vatican and Roman Curia.

    In other words, per United States property law in use today, Indian nations are still subject to this ultimate authority of the “first nation of Christendom” (based on the issuance of old Papal Bulls) to claim possession of a given expanse of “discovered” Indian lands. This means that they don’t hold title to their own “discovered” territory. Therefore, indigenous people are still declared as only tenants “occupying” their beloved ancestral homeland.

    The widespread use of the antiquated, false Doctrine of Discovery in American law means that the U.S. is a vassal of the Vatican. Therefore, the Vatican actually controls corporate entities such as the United States, via Roman Curia law (the administrative apparatus of the Holy See).

    This is an outdated religious-cultural judiciary logic that has provided a framework for influencing contemporary legal, social, intellectual and major policy decisions. Think about it realistically, cases are still being decided based on the norms codified in early nineteenth century considerations of doctrinal discovery.

    This is evident as recently as in 2005, during a U.S. case, City of Sherill v Oneida Indian Nation of New York. The court ruled that,

    “under the ‘doctrine of discovery,’ fee title to the lands occupied by Indians when the colonists arrived became vested in the sovereign – first the discovering European nation…and later the original States and the United States.”

    kerryputinWhat should be obvious by now is that the war with Russia is in fact a war by them defending all of humanity in order to protect their own and our own sovereignty and self-determination.

    All wars might be bankers wars, as General Smedley Butler explained. But the bankers are controlled by the Vatican. Keeping this in mind, consider the full impact of the Pope’s address to the US Congress in 2015. Up until Reagan the Vatican was denied an embassy in Washington D.C. for good reason by the Founding Fathers. They would never have allowed the Pope to address Congress. But since then things have changed dramatically.

    Vatican City is the prototype of the Corporate Fascist model that has been repeated around the world. And the Vatican has major shareholdings in many banks and corporations, their identity well hidden in “trusts.” The major players behind this facade are the black nobility of Europe — The Bilderberg group being only one of their many vehicles led by the Dutch Royal Family. Figures like Rothschild, Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, even the Saudi Royal family, the Zionists in Tel Aviv and many others that are familiar to people are only the front men, well paid for their services to the Holy Roman Empire.


    Déjà Vu

    Jesus-MoneychangersThere is no difference between what is happening now and 2,000 years ago when Jesus whipped the money lenders in the temple.

    The Jewish high priest Caiaphas. The Edomite Arab Herodian kings. The Roman legion represented by Pontius Pilate. Today they are the bankers on Wall street like Goldman Sachs. The Muslim Brotherhood Wahhabi Islamic extremists funded by the Saudi Royal family. The CIA mercenaries of the Knights of Malta who answer to the Pope and the Vatican. They are not the “Jews,” the “Christians” or even the “Muslims.” They are all psychopathic criminals who hide behind masks in order to carry out their Satanist genocidal agendas.

    What the people in Dakota are fighting for is the same as what Russia has fought for for 1,000 years. Freedom from a “One World Order” that now is part of the Corporate Fascist Agenda for the entire planet, and implemented through the such agreements as the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Transatlantic Trade Agreement, as two examples.

    On other levels, we see patents on all food sources (GMO) — in other words owning the food source of the entire planet. Corporate ownership of rivers and dams is growing, where water becomes a money-making commodity, and the public is sold the lie that water is scarce, and access to it is not a human right.

    Weather modification and control over who gets rainfall and who does not, with droughts, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes engineered in order to convince nations to see things “their way” — also used as a method for robbing nations of the world through the “climate change hoax”and “carbon tax.” The pharmaceutical companies who decide who gets to “survive” and who does not. The NSA and spying on all social media and cell phones, which is another form of the medieval “confessional” that people were forced to attend and give up all their personal information to a priest behind a curtain and then be allowed to attend church and paying the robbers for the privilege of salvation.

    As with the Inquisition, those who buck the system will be eliminated, previously burnt at the stake, but today poisoned through covert means and genocided through mercenary armies that can claim “plausible deniability.” The game plan is always the same. To own all the kingdoms of the world.

    “…the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

    And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

    Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

    Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.”

    Jesus was not “the king of the Jews.” He was falsely accused and mocked by his accusers. Stripped, whipped, a crown of thorns placed on his head and crucified. He was the son of Joseph, the corner-stone, the vine, the crown amongst his 12 brothers. He was the descendant of Ephraim blessed as the firstborn of God by Israel and Joshua who established the federation of the 12 tribes under a judiciary when Shiloh came. He observed the Covenant where there is no king but god.

    Jesus was a Palestinian.

    And, we are all Palestinians Now

    Very informative >
    Last edited by Dreamtimer, 30th September 2016 at 11:41. Reason: deleted repeating text.

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    by Gordon Duff and Ian Greenhalgh

    New television show. They’ve done it again. For those of you that don’t remember HBO’s Homeland, a masturbatory fiasco of hideous and hateful Israeli bile.

    In the show Designated Survivor, Keifer Sutherland, son of Donald Sutherland, star of Robert Altman’s M*A*S*H*, plays the useful tool of globalist propaganda, the TV character isn’t the tool, it’s Sutherland in real life that’s the embarassment.

    No remotely sane person would sit still for the abusive network television show unless maybe they caught Sutherland doing something very, very naughty with a little boy somewhere.

    Here’s how the show goes: the Capitol is blown up with everybody in it bar Sutherland and Virginia Madsen. Here’s the crap we’ve seen so far:
    •First episode, Sutherland humiliates the Iranian ambassador and threatens to nuke Tehran; this is Zionist masturbatory fantasy in it’s purest form

    •Episode two, the Lebanese political party Hezbollah, not on any American terrorist list is compared to Al-Qaeda. Conveniently ignoring the current reality that Hezbollah is engaged in bloody battle with Al-Qaeda in Syria. Worse still, Al-Qaeda, the organisation wrongly credited for 9-11, (we know the Mossad did it and we can prove it) has now shown to have always been American funded and CIA controlled, according to sources at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    •Last, and hardly the least, when no terror group took credit for the Washington bombing, this followed:

    But Osama Bin Laden didn’t take responsibility for 9-11 until month’s later

    Each one of these issues was placed in this TV show because these are key security concerns for the criminal group that runs Israel. Last week, Israel passed a law designating Saudi Arabia as the 9-11 plotter and overrode a deal by President Obama.

    For those of you that don’t understand, who don’t know who Sheldon Adelson is, who Donald Trump really is, who Roy Cohn really was and who controls America’s Congress, this last statement won’t make any sense; this is why we neither write nor publish for, nor give a flying **** about the morons that drift onto VT and find themselves confused or offended by our criticism of Trump and every other tentacle of the Neocon-Zionist-Israeli beast.

    For those of us who genuinely know the score and the suffering billions around the world go through, particularly because of the ignorance and mental incapacity of tens of millions of mostly male, mostly white Americans; from time to time the fantasy of seeing America destroyed by David Icke’s Alien shapeshifters doesn’t seem all that bad. A mental picture comes to mind – the Queen, her snarling reptilian jaws gnawing at the face of Donald Trump…. Sorry…. never mind.

    Back to the subject at hand, for people who read more than the first 30 words of an article. Israel is terrified of being blamed for 9-11. Over the past few months, Israeli internet trolls out of Haifa have taken control of the long useless 9-11 Truth Movement and turned it from a simple disinformation exercise to borscht-belt comedy.

    The truth about Bin Laden, that before 9-11 his medical treatment wasn’t in Qatar but rather the Bethesda Naval Centre outside Washington.

    The truth about Bin Laden, that Washington DC police in August of 2001 interviewed him at the Metropolitan Club over the theft of a briefcase.

    The truth about Bin Laden, that his last known communication was December 3rd, 2001, received by the CIA/NSA intercept facility in Doha, in which he accused American Neocons of staging 9-11. This was less than two weeks before his death, as reported in Egypt, Pakistan, India, Iran and even by Fox News, until Rita Katz brought him back to life in the guise of a Mercedes repair shop owner of Somali parentage living in Haifa, Israel. The new short, fat Bin Laden, who lost his ability to speak Oxford English continued to drop audio tapes in the dumpster behind Katz’s Brooklyn apartment for years until his frozen corpse was dumped into the Indian Ocean.

    Then there’s Hezbollah, who are still close to the top of Israel’s shit list due to the failed Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006 when the IDF had their asses so comprehensively kicked they still can’t sit comfortably. Israel’s Merkava tanks, the pride of the IDF’s ground forces, destroyed with turrets laid alongside, decorate roadsides across southern Lebanon; Hezbollah have even crafted a memorial monument using several burnt-out Merkavas.

    Designated Survivor is nothing more than an encapsulation of Israel’s fear and paranoia wrapped in a shroud of hateful propagandistic rhetoric. Wherever they decide to take the narrative of

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    Read that article earlier today. Couldn't make it past a few seconds of either of the trailers, they were so hokey, over-dramatic and sickeningly "exceptional".
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

    "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."-- Eleanor Roosevelt

    "Misery loves company. Wisdom has to look for it." -- Anonymous

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    by Preston James

    Note: The title of this article is not referring to the mass migration of illegal aliens and those with H-1B status who are flooding America and taking our jobs (although such is the result of the subject of this article and just one more aspect of the Khazarian Mafia Globalist NWO Agenda of evil).
    Sphere with black goo (sentient oil)
    Sphere with black goo (sentient oil)

    As usual Veterans Today is going to provide you with forbidden information that no other respected Intel related journal dares to provide. VT does this because it is based on open source collection of Intel from all over the world and open source dissemination too.

    This article is about an ongoing beyond-black unacknowledged, special access program to breed Alien ET Hybrids and insert them into top American positions of government, foundations, think-tanks and corporations. Every effort has been made to accurately portray this subject.

    It is important to note that it is exceedingly difficult to get this information and even harder to cross-corroborate it from those that dare speak out. And it typically old guys in the autumn of their life who leak these things, folks that have developed disdain for all the excess secrecy about issues they believe the public has a right to know about, and disdain for all the ways back-engineered Alien ET technology is abused to control the masses and enrichen and empower certain individuals. If you are not up to date or “read in” on Alien ET matters that have been covered in previous VT articles, reading this article will be a waste of time for you.


    alien-midway1 (2)

    Right now there is an Alien ET invasion and occupation program well underway in America. It is a joint Alien ET/DOD contractor program that is recognized generally by the CEOs of the defense contractors it is buried within.

    Normally the only ones who are able to gain even a partial picture of this unacknowledged beyond-black special access program are those with the highest Q-clearances and the highest level Cosmic clearances too.

    All critically important elements of the true agenda driving this program are withheld from all humans involved in this program and are known only by the Alien ET Perps who are deploying it, managing it, and who are held accountable by their overlords for its success.

    The Secret Agenda behind this invasion and occupation program is a Globalist NWO Agenda of anti-humanism and pure parasitic, human sacrifice driven, unimaginable evil.

    The end of national sovereignty of all nations is one desired goal, as is the elimination of 90% of all humans in the first major purge.

    The end state desired is the elimination of all humans, even their high-level, empowered Doofus Cutouts and the substitution of a whole new custom, gene-spliced transhuman hybrids that is part machine, part human, part alien ET. A self-healing triple helix, super strong, super smart hybrid form of “thing” with extreme quantum-based, A.I. psi-powers, and absolutely no soul or conscience–a true melding of “clay and iron”.

    Alien ETs have been working with humans scientists in places like Dulce trying to synthesize the human soul, but they continue to fail and will never succeed in this. Only God Almighty, the one and only first cause creator of all can do so. If the Dracos succeed in their evil Globalist NWO Agenda all they will ever get is a world filled with obedient soulless, A.I. driven hived automatons that populate their ongoing nightmare before final judgment falls on them and ends their reign of terror.

    This program to hybridize and embed these Alien ET/human hybrids is actually an Alien ET Agenda of the Dracos which is the source of the Khazarian Mafia’s Neo-Bolshevik strategy and also their hegemony and power. Both are based on the Leo Straussian edict “the desired end goal justifies the means utilized no matter how distasteful and despite what has to be sacrificed”.

    And it was this evil “ends justifies the means” philosophy from which the NeoCons and PNACers emerged and proceeded to roll out a program of false-flag terror beginning with the Murrah Bombing and proceeding to the KM/Israeli attack on America on 9-11-01.
    Corporal Pat Tillman, KIA in Afghanistan from Friendly Fire
    Corporal Pat Tillman, murdered by order of a certain General because he was going to speak out against the US Army protecting the Afghani Opium crop – only the good die young

    It was the PNACers’ 9-11-01 attack on America that was used to justify more major illegal unconstitutional Mideast wars for Israel and the KM to generate indecently large illegal profits for its associated Banks, corporations and defense contractors.

    Fine American Soldiers were served up by the PNAC and NeoCon-controlled Pentagon and DOD as worthless cannon fodder to be KIA, horribly wounded and disabled, along with millions of innocent civilians murdered and displaced as their homes and nations were destroyed.

    These innocent civilian losses were labeled by the Pentagon, the DOD and the USG as mere collateral damage.

    There has been a sinister plan to drastically weaken America by killing off or disabling American Soldiers by the thousands and denying them adequate medical care when harmed or wounded by these illegal unconstitutional wars for Israel and the KM.

    American Soldiers were exposed to Depleted Uranium and strange covert biological weapons inserted in their mandatory vaccines, all designed to make them suicidal upon return when activated by advanced psychotronics and lack of integration back into American society.

    Depleted uranium effects
    Depleted uranium effects

    But what is behind this Globalist NWO Agenda and what is the unseen force driving it so energetically that has taken captive of the Establishment Hierarchy that rules America?

    Actually the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. The unseen force driving all this is an incredibly intelligent, unimaginably evil group of Alien ETs called the Dracos (reptilian cosmic parasites who live off of the negative energy provided by the intense pain and suffering of “sacrificed, dying humans”.)
    Dracos have been reputed to be able to shape-shift and assume alternate appearances, sometimes with wings. Some believe they have been exiled to remain underground or in another dimension as an initial judgment by God Almighty. It has been reported that Dracos are instantly repelled by any mention of God Almighty or Jesus Christ, and that this disgusts them to the core.

    The Alien ET’s secret agenda that you have not been allowed to know about is a Globalist NWO Agenda designed to take over the whole world in progressive Fabian-style steps by:

    # snatching the souls from humans and replacing them with an “evil spirit” by deploying sophisticated well financed human compromise operations. Humans must somehow agree to give up their soul for power, status and/or untold riches.

    # providing a personal spirit guide that leads them into more and more seriously anti-human evil acts if that infested person is able to rise to the highest level of the KM by a history of committing major secret evil which benefits the KM’s agenda. This evil spirit guide serves as a supernatural consigliore of sorts.

    # the embedding of Alien ETs with human appearance into the highest positions of the USG and the most powerful, prominent American societal institutions. All done because these hived evil entities with a nice face (Janus Principal/two-faced) will serve to help attain the Alien ET Agenda.

    # the breeding of Alien ET/human hybrids with human appearances in Deep Underground Military Bases (Dumbs) and to then embed these entities into the highest positions of the USG and the most powerful, prominent American societal institutions. All done because these hybrids are hived and are two faced (a nice face on the outside coupled to an inner secret nature that is psychopathic and evil to the core. Such secret, hidden evil natures of these embedded hybrids propels them to promote the attainment of the evil Alien ET Agenda.

    As far as actual numbers of how many High USG related Officials are actually these entities that have been embedded is unknown at this time but believed to be growing.

    Same for the question of how many MK-Ultra “Finders-style” individuals have been pedophiled, “soul murdered” to MPD/DID by extreme trauma conditioning as children and raised under Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRC) systems, later propelled through the finest Universities to sit in the highest positions in society; actual numbers unknown but high enough to make the lives of most Americans and the world increasingly difficult and dangerous.


    Same goes for how many of the general populace has been psychotronically and psi-chotronically mind-kontrolled and essentially hived to the RKM, but this number grows each day, and could easily be from 20-30% or even more.

    Soul snatching is based on providing huge temptations to those morally weak of character.

    These human compromise operations are often run by KM controlled Intel Agencies like the Mossad, the CIA and FBI, and these can include great sexual temptations, drugs and alcohol, power, riches and status.

    But the cost is always the loss of one’s very soul and repentance is very rare but does sometimes occur and when it does one get their soul back.

    The secret goal of this hybridization and embed program is to establish a secret occupation of America by somewhat normal human appearing Alien ET/human hybrids and to place these hybrids in the highest positions of government, the judicial system, Intel, LE, various foundations, think-tanks, churches and corporations.

    One goal of this program is to stack the deck of the leaders of society with a large number of embedded hybrids who will energetically serve the needs of the RKM and assist in attaining their age-old Globalist NWO Agenda.

    These embedded hybrids enthusiastically serve this Globalist NWO Alien Agenda an agenda which is so anti-human and evil that were it to ever be fully disclosed by these cosmic perps, all who appear as normal humans to most.

    But most of these CEO’s and Corporate Directors do not recognize specifically what it is truly about, what it is accomplishing or what its secret anti-human Globalist NWO Agenda really is about.

    Some known US Cercle participants. Colby was Opus Dei; Casey and Feulner Knights of Malta. Brzezinski worked closely with the Knights of America, and like Kissinger, is close to the Rockefeller interests
    Some known “US Circle” participants. Colby was Opus Dei; Casey and Feulner Knights of Malta. Brzezinski worked closely with the Knights of America, and like Kissinger, is velcroed to Rockefeller interests

    They view this program as a necessary condition of a long string of secret treaties signed with the leaders of powerful Alien ET groups that have been necessary to gain access to ultra high tech Alien ET technologies.

    It has been accepted by those top USG officials that entered into these treaties to get such technologies, it was necessary to cooperate with the specifics required in this Alien ET exchange program with DOD controllers, in order to gain such ultra high-tech Alien ET technologies.

    The Alien ET technologies exchanged with the US High Military command (now privatized and deeply hidden in major defense contractors) for rights to human abductions is ultra high tech and has moved the technology development ahead hundreds of years.
    Getting a deep look inside
    Getting a deep look inside

    The Alien ET technologies they gained access to consisted of numerous types of individual and mass-mind-kontrol (educational, religious, cultural, food-based, the induced hiving of individuals into a new mass mind with little ability to reason by deployment of psychotronics, psi-power, mass hypnosis, induced blood-shock from engineered staged false-flags, terrorism and wars.

    These technologies provided by the Alien ETs also have included scalar communications, large scale regional weather control, anti-gravity, new metal technologies, sophisticated medical technologies, miniaturized solid state electronics, quantum physics and quantum computers, advanced weapons technologies including new types of nuclear weapons with little or no ionizing fallout such as the “E Bomb” which can supposedly alter or freeze the CNS without harming buildings.

    Major weather events are engineered and controlled using larges scale scalar transmissions and are occasionally used to coerce reticent USG officials to do things they resist. If they comply with the wishes of the RKM Doofus Cutout Establishment hierarchy leaders, then they redirect a hurricane back out to sea or reduce its intensity. If resistance continues then they deploy the weather event with full destructive force like they did at Katrina.

    Insiders have reported that other nations, such as Russia and China, have also entered into direct secret negotiations with the leaders of certain other Alien ET groups.

    There have been some well-founded rumors that a certain beyond-black Intel group in Russia has a joint program with the Tall Whites who are reputed to be more friendly to humans and also a similar group hidden deep inside a large defense contractor in America.

    It has been claimed by some that these two groups have formed a secret alliance with other Intel factions around the world that are against the Dracos and the Khazarian Mafia’s Globalist NWO Agenda of evil and are taking joint steps to expose it and deconstruct it before it can start a nuclear WW3. I hope this is true, and if so they are successful.

    It seems certain that those who represented the authority of the USG under self-declared “national security” in America entered into agreements with two distinct groups of Alien ETs. One group appears to be benign, the “Tall Whites” and the other group some call reptiles or Dracos.


    The Dracos are believed to have been here on Planet Earth a long time.

    And some insiders claim they are the fallen ones, the lesser gods who were kicked out of Heaven and exiled down here, ordered to stay underground awaiting final judgment and destruction.

    It is believed by some that these Dracos can only appear during human sacrifices or as a spirit guide to a demon possessed KM inductee if that person agrees to make a contact to give up their soul in return for vast riches, power and status.

    These Dracos are believed to have entered into generational long term secret treaties with the Rothschild private central Banksters, those running the City of London, Israel, America and the European Union and NATO.

    Each of these entities is considered to be an integral part of the Khazarian Mafia which is obsessed wit attaining an age-old Globalist NWO Agenda, when fully understood shows itself to be completely anti-human because it mandates the eventual destruction of every nation state and the mass-murder of 90% of humans.

    When these “Alien ET/USG treaties” were negotiated and signed by high USG officials varying from Presidents to high DOD or Pentagon officials, the human signers were overly eager to gain such Alien ET high technologies to establish weapons and defense superiority.
    Historical statute from a Norwegian Museum depicting a Draco breeding with a human female. Dracos have been reported to being bi-sexual. Resulting offspring from human females were believed to be 12 ft. tall males with brilliant red hair, double rows of teeth, a pair of six fingers and a pair of six toes. The Dracos deepest desire has always been to destroy humans and replace them with their own gene-engineered transhuman hybrids will synthetic souls who will worship them as gods.

    These signers may themselves have been victims of cognitive induction, that is perhaps best referred to as psychotronic entrainment of a certain mindset supportive of gaining Alien ET technologies no matter what evils had to be allowed or provided by these human representatives in exchange.

    It now seems pretty clear that this exchange to gain these ultra high tech Alien ET technologies included a somewhat open ended agreement allowing Alien ETs to abduct, extract DNA and engage in hybridization programs to breed a new Alien ET/human hybrids which was well adapted to Earth’s environment but a soulless, hived creature able to work as an automaton obsessed with attaining an evil Globalist NWO Agenda.

    The agreements for abduction were supposed to require wiping the human’s mind after extracting biological samples (including blood and genetic materials related to reproduction like female ovum and male sperm) and then releasing them back into their environment with no memory at all or any permanent psychological or physical damage.

    We now know that these agreements have been grossly violated and many abductees have begun remembering such abductions and the horror and fear they experienced during such abductions. Like most MK-Ultra mind-kontrol the memory-erasure and programming wears off in many abductees after time, some earlier than others. Some female abductees have memories of being used in various strange ways as egg donors or breeders of Alien ET Hybrid children over a series of abductions.

    Some of their hybrid children can easily pass for human and can and have been embedded and integrated into society at high levels of the USG. Sadly the best evidence to date suggests that they are soulless, hived, humorless, psychopathic, and many have a certain squint in their eyes and are totally committed to the attainment of the RKM’s Globalist NWO Agenda.
    Phil Schneider (L) attempted to expose some aspects of Dulce activities and was suicided
    Phil Schneider (L) attempted to expose some history about Dulce and was probably suicided

    There is good reason to believe that they did not realize that these Alien leaders they were dealing with were very deceptive mis-representors, abject liars, deceivers, incredibly evil and actually anti-human.

    Currently it is beyond question that one advanced Alien ET/human hybridization program is now underway at the Dulce, NM Deep Underground Military Base and has been active for at least 20 years.

    It is likely there are more in other locations such as a certain nation in South America, but so far no rock solid corroboration has emerged like that has for Dulce.

    It is very interesting and most important to note that those who run these secret joint breeding programs in DUMBs have classically made and even followed through on very heavy lethal threats to maintain abject secrecy about these programs. Despite all those they have murdered who tried to get the truth out, some succeeded and that is the basis of this article.


    Another related subject for another article is the strange “sentient” black oil from the Falkland Islands, which seems to have powerful mind-kontrol properties when sprayed or ingested. This was reputedly the reason for the Falklands war between Argentina and the UK. There have been reports that the SSG has been planning to spray this substance in some of the Chemtrails over certain regions.

    There have been rumors for years inside Intel that numerous KM-owned politicians have been dosed and infected with this sentient “black oil”, which some consider a microscopic Alien ET cosmic parasite that can “hive” some that ingest or inhale it.

    The entities and “infected” humans who have been running these lethal sanctions to maintain abject secrecy have done so because they know that, if too many humans find out, their program can and will be stopped.

    This hybridization and embedding program can actually be stopped cold by Americans.

    Despite the extreme power of their mind-kontrol technologies and the deep current levels of penetration these Alien ETs have used to gain control over the governments of the USA, the UK, the City of London, Saudi Arabia, the Vatican, the EU, NATO and Israel, this hybridization and embedding program can be stopped cold. And the whole Alien ET Globalist NWO Agenda can be stopped cold too by the same process.

    How could this even be possible? First it is important to understand that these entities responsible for the hybridization program are very frightened of the prospect of their program and Globalist NWO Agenda being publicly recognized. They know this will quickly bring it to an end and will drive them back into the darkness from which they came.

    Second, it is important to realize is that there is a God Almighty, the Creator of all that has final authority over all and He has set up “Rules of Play” which these entities must obey no matter what.



    Despite all the massive psychotronics and psi-power deployed against us, we humans have Free Will. Each of us can choose to rebel against all these KM influences and evil Satanic traps that these unimaginably evil Dracos are deploying against us.

    This means to live by the Golden Rule of treating others the way we want to be treated. This means choosing to do good rather than evil and refusing to stop stealing from hard working American taxpayers and sending them to become cannon fodder for the KM and Israel in these evil aggressive wars for profit and Greater Israel.

    Americans can choose to rise up and decide to stop allowing America to exist as a slave state and province of the RKM and it main action agent Israel which is 97.% Khazarian blood with no ancient Hebrew blood and no right to any land in Palestine.

    Israel as it exists now is an ever-expanding, evil apartheid state living on land stolen from the true Semites, the Palestinians, who have actual ancient Hebrew Blood.



    America is now under attack by powerful evil Alien ET entities and their embedded buddies and some of their Alien ET/human hybrids who can pass for humans.
    Order of the Snake? ...Madeleine Albright, former US Secr. of State
    Order of the Snake? Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State, who claimed that although her actions created sanctions that needlessly starved 500,000+ innocent Iraqi children to death, “it was worth it”.

    Well-trained Intel can usually identify these “Embeds” and they often have a certain squint in their eyes, no sense of humor, and when pushed exhibit sociopathic rationalizations and express end justify the means no matter what, as well as exhibiting political obsessions that make no sense at all for the welfare or interests of America or the average American.

    The fact that these Embeds are so frightened of exposure personally and exposure of their Alien ET Agenda proves beyond question that they acknowledge that they can be stopped.

    The Dracos are large reptilian snake-type creatures associated with the Cult of the Snake. They have been condemned to an exile underground by God Almighty and can only appear during certain high level KM child sacrifices at special semi-annual cult meetings.

    The Alien hybridization and infiltration program they need to attain their Globalist NWO cannot succeed without abject secrecy.

    That is why one of their first accomplishments was to use their private RKM Banking system of Fiat money (issued in any quantity desired at their will alone) to buy up and consolidate all the Major Mass Media to be under their control.

    Right now the KM is making a big play to control and censor the Internet, hoping to remove the Alternative press including VT. Even if successful in this, it is probably too late for them because so much blowback would result that alone would likely set off a new major societal revolt.

    The cat is already out of this bag and far too much truth has already been dispensed and disseminated, diffusing to more and more Americans everyday, as the economy worsens and society continues to disintegrate under the control of the unimaginably evil Khazarian mafia (KM).


    Joe Bonamassa, the uncontested new “King of the Blues” since B.B. Kings passing. His new DVD/CD Live at the Greek Theater is most likely the greatest blues concert ever performed anywhere. It was just rated #1 Blues Album by Billboard. The sound mixing and videography is as good as it ever gets. Joe is known for caring a lot about his fans and appreciates all their support, and provides a lot of free music on his website and on He began playing the guitar expertly at 4 years old and began his professional music career at 14 years old. He came up the hard way, working his way up to the top over the last 25 years as an independent businessman without selling out to the recording industry
    Last edited by Dreamtimer, 11th October 2016 at 09:41. Reason: deleted repeating text

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    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Spectator deputy editor Freddy Gray seemed to have hit the final nail in the political coffin when he said that propaganda against Russia is “obviously a good selling subject for us,” but he added that “it doesn’t mean that we’re covering it in a biased way.”[1] The Spectator, he said, is “not being Russophobic, but also not being Russophilic.”[2]

    Well, if Russia is “obviously a good selling subject,” then Gray wouldn’t mind playing on both sides of the fence, supporting Russia and lambasting it at the same time. During his interview with Russia Today, Gray was obviously not hostile at all.

    But the Spectator has a history of publishing spurious articles about Russia. For example, John O’Sullivan of the same magazine declared in 2014 that “Europe’s ‘new world order’ is letting Vladimir Putin run riot.”[3]

    The same magazine published an article by Paul Wood of the BBC entitled, “Putin’s dangerous game in the Baltic.”[4] The article cites Professor Karen Dawisha of Miami University, author of Putin’s Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia, approvingly.

    Dawisha’s argument in her book is pretty straightforward: Putin is a former KGB and therefore cannot be trusted; Putin is the new Hitler; Putin is trying to build an empire; Putin is a threat to the West; Putin is linked to organized crimes, etc., etc.

    Dawisha was an International Affairs Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations and a visiting scholar at the Brookings Institution. Keep in mind that the Brookings Institution is a Neoconservative think tank that still seeks to destabilize countries in the Middle East and elsewhere. This is the Brookings Institution at its best:

    The Brookings Institution published a book entitled Mr. Putin in 2013, in which its authors, Fiona Hill and Clifford G. Gaddy, argued that Putin is “the greatest challenge to European security and the global world order.”[5]

    When she was asked to provide evidence for the claim that “Putin has amassed a fortune of about 40 billion dollars,” Dawisha responded,

    “I don’t honestly have the access to say with confidence that he has this number of shares. But, what we have are statements by—let’s call them Russian whistleblowers, about how he has amassed wealth himself….And the New York Times reported this last summer that the intelligence services in the United States had done a study in around 2008 and 2009.”

    Dawisha knows pretty well that the New York Times and indeed the United States have been involved in destabilizing Russia from time immemorial. Surely a scholar of her stature knows that agents like George Soros and the Chicago Boys helped destroy the Russian economy in the 1990s.[6]

    But Dawisha could not point some of those facts out in her book because that would ruin her entire weltanschauung. In the same vein, the US embassy cables said that Russia “is a virtual ‘mafia state,’”[7] but the same cables again risibly ignored the fact that New World Order agents were playing dice with the Russian economy and destroying the livelihood of millions of decent people.

    Scholar Janine E. Wedel of Washington University wrote back in 1998 (long before Dawisha published her book) that “the majority of Russian people find themselves worse off economically” after Soros and the Chicago Boys cooperated with the Russian oligarchs and looted the economy.

    “The privatization drive that was supposed to reap the fruits of the free market instead helped to create a system of tycoon capitalism run for the benefit of a corrupt political oligarchy that has appropriated hundreds of millions of dollars of Western aid and plundered Russia’s wealth.”[8]

    This would not be last time that the Chicago Boys destroyed a sovereign nation through economic theft. They did the same thing in places like Chile.[9] Orlando Letelier, the former right-hand man of Chilean President Salvador Allende, published a devastating article work on the Chicago Boys back in 1976 in The Nation. As a result, he was assassinated, presumably by the Powers That Be. In fact, the CIA’s fingerprints in the 1973 coup in Chile, which overthrew President Salvador Allende, were incontrovertible.[10]

    The Chicago Boys and other economic thugs used capitalism, “freedom,” and ultimately “economic policies” to covertly “alter social structures” in Chile,[11] which was considered as a lab experiment for the CIA. After the 1973 coup, General Augusto Pinochet, a CIA puppet, ascended to the throne. When that happened, all hell broke loose:

    “Pinochet faced universal condemnation for his human-rights record, which became impossible to ignore: the mass disappearances and executions of leftists (more than 3,200 dead by the end of the junta’s rule); the imprisonment of tens of thousands of people; the complete bans on political protest and dissenting political activity; the murder of beloved artists like Víctor Jara; the roughly 200,000 people forced into exile.

    “What frustrated Letelier, a trained economist, was that, even as the world gasped in horror at reports of summary executions in the national stadium and the pervasive use of electroshock in prisons, most critics were silent when it came to Chile’s economic shock 
therapy—the brutal methods used by the “Chicago Boys” to turn Chile into the very first laboratory for Milton Friedman’s fundamentalist version of capitalism.

    “Indeed, many who condemned Pinochet’s human-rights record heaped praise on the dictator for his bold embrace of free-market fundamentals, which included rapid-fire privatization, the elimination of price controls on staples like bread, and attacks on trade unions.”[12]

    As a scholar, Dawisha knows that the Chicago Boys and the United States of America have been using capitalism to destroy nations, including the Russian economy, and now the US economy.[13] Milton Friedman, we are told, “shared responsibility for Pinochet’s crimes.”[14]

    Karen Dawisha
    Karen Dawisha

    But as a New World Order agent, Dawisha is morally and intellectually crippled because the New World Order ideology does not allow her to reach her full potential as a serious thinker. When Putin’s Kleptocracy was released, the New York Times quickly reviewed it and declared that

    “Dawisha won’t disappoint readers seeking examples of industrial-size sleaze. She reckons Putin’s private wealth at $40 billion and lists among his prized possessions yachts, planes and palaces — along with a $700,000 wristwatch collection for good measure… Putin’s Kleptocracy is the most persuasive account we have of corruption in contemporary Russia.”[15]

    The Times did not tell readers that Dawisha herself could not seriously prove those points and had to rely on, well, the New York Times and the U.S.—a circular argument which requires no mental exercise to dispel.

    So, why would Dawisha summon an unreliable source to marshal such a shaky argument? Why would she argue that the KGB, Russian criminal activity, and of course Putin are all connected?[16] And if Dawisha wants to praise Russian whistleblowers, can Dawisha explain to us why the United States would love to see Edward Snowden’s head on a silver platter?[17] Why did Dawisha fail to address these intricate issues?

    Dawisha, whether she likes it or not, is working for the New World Order. She said of Jewish propagandist and lesbian Masha Gessen:

    “I’m a great admirer of her book. Her book is much broader, covering [Putin’s] entire life. Mine focuses on his political rise from Dresden to the Kremlin and the construction of a network of loyalists (the White House now officially calls them cronies) from this early period. It also provides very detailed information, all sourced from public documents and newspapers.”[18]

    Gessen has desperately and hopelessly been doing all she could to demonize Vladimir Putin and to make one false accusation after another against Russia. And because she is not willing to frame her view within the bound of practical reason, she has to live in contradiction.

    Gessen once declared that “Gays should have the right to marry.” Yet in the same breath she risibly declared, “I also think equally that the institution of marriage should not exist.” How anyone can believe this claptrap is beyond me. If you are still trying to make sense of this internal contradiction, please contact Masha Gessen.

    But it was really interesting to observe that Gessen received a stunning ovation right after she propounded those contradictions.

    In any event, perhaps Rod Liddle is right when he concludes “we must deal with Putin… And we are failing to do so. We are losing all ends up.”[19]

    Are New World Order agents ready to deal with Putin and indeed Russia? Do they want war or peace?[20] Are they willing to drop their essentially diabolical plan and face reality? Is it right for Hillary to flat out engage in a covert warfare with the Kremlin? Is it right for her to say that “Russia hasn’t paid any attention to ISIS”?[21]

    Hillary shot herself in the toe by saying, “I do support the effort to investigate for crimes – war crimes – committed by the Syrians and the Russians, and try to hold them accountable.”[22]

    Russia and Syria would almost certainly welcome the challenge, for they would not be the only “regime” to be held accountable for war crimes. Both Putin and Assad would outsmart Hillary in a fair debate or fair trial.

    We will address some of these issues this week or the next with Professor Vladimir Golstein of Brown University

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    LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog II

    By Jack Heart on October 29, 2016

       

    The Human Race has no worse Enemy than Institutional Academia, whose only real job is to Dissemble its Past

    By Jack Heart, Orage & Friends

    It’s ironic, science finally knows enough about science to disprove itself. But as the Norsemen well knew, that is the fate of all things, just like their gods who in the end must annihilate themselves…
    Marcel Griaule with the Dogon
    Marcel Griaule with the Dogon

    From 1931 – 1956 the legendary French anthropologist Marcel Griaule, along with Germaine Dieterlen – a brilliant and highly accomplished anthropologist in her own right – studied a West African tribe called the Dogon. After eighteen years of studies, they made their first breakthrough into the Dogon’s secrets in 1950 and published Un Systeme Soudanais de Sirius.*

    What was in that document should have changed this world, but it was quickly countered by those in academia who are paid to keep this world just the way it is.

    What Griaule and Dieterlen found in their quarter century of research, shockingly enough, as the holographic universe had not yet been proposed, was the source of its projection. They found the ‘Black Sun’ in the shadow of Timbuktu, the ancient seat of the anglophile’s most abyssal nightmare, there dwell the Dogon, pun intended. What the Dog people believe explains how the Holographic Universe works and gives a dissertation of the rock carving in Australia’s Blue Mountains; almost seven thousand miles from the eastern coastline of Africa…

    emme ya

    Nobody noticed then and they haven’t yet. They are still trying to explain how a tribe of primitive Black farmers from Africa knew more about astronomy than the twentieth century’s best White scientists. All they can come up with to date is two of the greatest anthropologists the world has ever produced lied and falsified all their data.

    The “proof” they cite for this kind of unprecedented scholastic slander is the “research” of Dutch Mormon and neophyte anthropologist; Walter E. A. van Beek. Van Beek converted to Mormonism in college when he started studying anthropology… 55

    Van Beek’s research consisted of dropping in on the Dogon almost a half century after Griaule and Dieterlen, who studied them when they still had their independence through France. By the time van Beek got there, the Dogon lived in an Islamic State, at the same latitude in an Africa that in a little over a decade after he published would give the world Darfur.

    In Darfur in 2003, Arab Sudanese Muslims displaced and murdered close to a half million Black Sudanese ‘infidels.’

    Van Beek asked a few questions about a secret tradition that the Dogon already knew was anathema to their Muslim overlords, then proceeded to publish a paper in 1991 that amounts to nothing more than an ad hominem attack on the two great anthropologists. In it, he repeatedly states that he could not confirm any of Griaule’s and Dieterlen’s findings and insinuates that they made the whole thing up.56

    Although seemingly written with a crayon, van Beek’s paper has been given utterly unjustified academic status. This type of slander is typical of the Mormons, a powerful and extremely wealthy Christian sect. The Mormons act out their pathological hatred of Blacks academically. It is the foundation of Mormon theological doctrine that the Lamanites or Blacks once wiped out the Nephites or Whites in the Americas.

    According to the Mormons, both Whites and the Blacks had settled America by way of Israel. They believe Native Americans are the descendants of Blacks. The Mormons also believe in and have been asked repeatedly by the ADL to stop baptizing their favorite dead Jews so that they too can go the heaven and become gods like good Mormons… The rest of the Church of the Latter Day Saints’ strange costumes and beliefs has been well documented…
    Sirius A and below it to the left, Sirius B
    Sīrius A and below it to the left, Sīrius B

    Every sixty years Sirius, or Sigi Tolo (Star of Yasigi) to the Dogon, appears between two mountain peaks and the Dogon celebrate Sigui which can last several years. The last Sigui began in 1967 and the festivities didn’t end till 1973.

    Sirius is a star in Canis Major in the southern celestial firmament; it’s pronounced Sīrius in Latin, and is derived from the ancient Greek word Seirios, which means glowing or Scorcher. It is the brightest star in the night sky, just about twice as bright as the next brightest; Canopus in the southern constellation of Carina.

    As it rose over the horizon of the Mesopotamian valley, Sīrius was known as the Dog of Orion, because it always trailed closely behind the constellation of Orion – called Nephîlā′ by the ancient inhabitants of a city currently known as Aleppo. Sīrius is now known in the West simply as the Dog Star.

    Nephîlā′ was considered to be the origin of the Nephilim or Watchers, the Angels in the bible who came down to earth to interbreed with the daughters of men and teach the human race the art of civilization. As a reward for their altruism, the children of the Watchers were drowned in the deluge by a giggling Yahweh over the objections of the prophet Enoch.

    In the homeland of the Norse, Sīrius is known as Lokabrenna or Loki’s Torch. To the Tohono O’odham, a Native American tribe who live just south of the Hopi in Arizona’s baking Sonoran Desert; Sīrius is a dog that stalks the mountain sheep. In the East they have other names for Sīrius. The Chinese call it Tiānláng; the Celestial Wolf. In Sanskrit Sīrius is known simply as Lubdhaka; the Hunter…

    In springtime around the Mediterranean and North Africa, Sīrius sinks below the horizon and disappears from the night sky for seventy days. It’s reappearance in ancient Egypt right before sunrise on the eastern horizon toward the latter part of July heralded not only the morning, but also the flooding of the banks of the Nile. Sīrius was both yearned for and feared, because it could cause great destruction and at the same time brought with it the rich volcanic topsoil of the Ethiopian highlands to fertilize the Nile Delta. The fertility of the Nile Valley was the driving mechanism behind the great Egyptian civilizations.

    To the ancient Greeks, the first appearance of Sīrius right before the morning heralded the coming of the “Dog Days” of summer. The Greeks feared the sweltering heat of those days under its influence, days of madness in dogs, wilted crops, weakened warriors and lustful women. To the Aborigine of Australia’s Blue Mountains, July was the time where Sīrius set right after the sun and rose right before the dawn to announce the morning.

    Un Systeme Soudanais de Sirius then introduces Po Tolo (Star of Fonio), which orbits perpendicular to the horizon of Sigi Tolo. When Po Tolo is closest to Sigi Tolo, it is at its most brilliant, and when it is furthest away, it gives off a scintillation that makes it appear as many stars.


    Irregularities of motion in Sirius star system
    X ray image of Sīrius and above it, slightly to the right, Sīrius B
    X ray image of Sīrius and above it, slightly to the right, Sīrius B

    In 1844, a German astronomer observed the telltale irregularities in the motion of Sīrius through the firmament, indicating it is a binary star system, when two objects circle around each other in the night sky.

    Twenty-first century scientists assert that this is due to their gravitational pull on each other, but no one has ever proven how gravity works, no one of course except the Marquis de Laplace. The late eighteenth century French mathematician had neither need nor use for intervention from Newton’s ‘Devine Artificer’ to keep the universe from destroying itself.

    Instead of postulating that gravity was the result of an attraction between two points and which would require periodic adjustments by god to keep the heavens from self destruction, as Newton insisted, Laplace said the universe was held together by a fluidic field.
    Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace (1745-1827)
    Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace (1745-1827)

    Laplace then went on to prove it with a series of eloquently presented equations in Exposition du système du monde and the Mécanique céleste. His breakthrough mathematics in Théorie analytique des probabilities, published in 1812, would lead to the use of the probability equations that would culminate with the math of twentieth century Germany.

    He was the first man to recognize that somewhere in the universe there must exist Black Holes, whose attraction was so great that not even light could resist the summoning their relentless call.

    Objects do not attract each other; they distort the spacetime continuum through their mass. It’s this distortion that is perceived and measured as a force. It’s just a word. There is no gravity as Newton described it or any omnificent omnipresent god as Judeo-Christians describe “him…”

    Binary star systems were by then already well known to scientists, but whatever Sīrius was rotating around, it could not be seen with the lenses available at the time. Dubbed Sīrius B by academia, the Dark Stars existence would not be optically confirmed till 1862 with a prototype eighteen and a half inch refracting telescope being field tested by its American inventor.

    Scintillation usually occurs through atmospheric conditions, but in the Holographic Paradigm it is the collision of spherical frequency waves that generate photons — the points of light that constitute what academia erroneously call particles. As Sīrius and Sīrius B perpetually circle around each other in the inky darkness, spherical frequency waves are exactly what are being generated, just like they are by this world’s Sun.

    The Dogon told Griaule that Polo Tolo is the origin of all things and that its contents are ejected by centrifugal force in infinitely small particles which upon exiting Polo Tolo can grow to the same size as Polo Tolo within a day. They told him Polo Tolo is the smallest of all things, yet the heaviest of all stars. They calculate the orbit of Polo Tolo around Sigi Tolo in doubles which is a hundred years for every two orbits and it turns on itself every year. The Dogon believe Polo Tolo is white where as Sigi Tolo is red.

    Most of that will be the subject of endless conjecture by guys who wear glasses an inch thick, never in their pathetic excuses for a life slept with a cheerleader and can’t think outside of a text book. It’s all possible but not provable.

    Other than mapping the movements of points of light through the firmament, most of what is left in astronomy is a quintessential pseudoscience. It operates outside all established laws of empirical science. Its current best known proponent is Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman. As it is now practiced twenty-first century astronomy’s founding father Carl Sagan dressed and acted more like a Detroit pimp than an Ivy League scientist.

    Frank zappa

    To borrow a quip from Frank Zappa about the relationship of politics to the military industrial complex; NASA is the entertainment division of Jet Propulsions Laboratory (JPL).

    JPL is an organization founded through the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) by master Magi Jack Parsons and Theodore von Kármán, blood heir to the Maharal of Prague; one of the two most powerful Qabalists to ever walk the earth. The other was Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons’ mentor in Magick…

    Optical observation has determined that Sīrius and Sīrius B orbit each other at a separation of about 50.1 years. As they do, they emit an unexpectedly high level of infrared radiation, with Sīrius B being brighter in the infrared spectrum than Sīrius.

    Sīrius B has been described by scientists as a white dwarf. It’s about the same size as the earth; and by 1910, its mass had been determined by observations of its binary orbit around Sīrius to be about the same as the sun, making it a million times denser than the sun. A tablespoon of Sīrius B would weigh five tons.


    Sīrius was described as red by Roman astronomer and astrologist; Claudius Ptolemy. His observations are backed by the writings of the poet Aratus, the orator Cicero, and general Germanicus. Seneca the Younger described Sīrius as being a deeper red than even Mars. These observations by notable historical figures at the dawn of the Common Era are backed by Lombard prayer manuscripts from as late as the eighth century.

    During the same period, Sīrius was the standard star for the color white to Chinese astronomers. In present times, Sīrius glows a vivid white-blue in every far off corner of the world, but to the naked eye, it sometimes appears to be flashing with red, white and blue hues when near the horizon.

    According to Einstein’s general relativity, because of its extreme density, the light waves from Sīrius B should be gravitationally red-shifted. This was confirmed in 1925. Gravitational red-shifting is when electromagnetic radiation, emanating in spherical frequency waves from a source in the gravitational field, is reduced in frequency when seen from a place that has a higher gravitational potential. Red-shifting is a direct result of gravitational time dilation which is the difference of elapsed time between events to observers at different distances from the gravitational mass they are observing.

    This manifests itself as a change in the color perception of light toward the red part of the light spectrum as the wavelength is increased. An increase in the frequency observed from a position that has a lower gravitational potential than the source results in a shift to the blue part. Due to its extreme density, the only thing with a higher gravitational potential than a White Dwarf would be a Neutron Star, a Dark Star or a Black Hole…


    Systeme Soudanais de Sirius goes on to say that there is another star the Dogon call Emme Ya (Sorghum Female). It is four times lighter than Polo Tolo and follows a vaster trajectory in the same direction and the same time, also taking fifty years to complete an orbit. Their positions are where their rays make right angles.

    Emme Ya emits rays which have the quality of solar rays and is accompanied through its orbit by a satellite named Nyan Tolo (Star of Woman).

    Data began piling up at the dawn of the twentieth century; “observational as well as physical and dynamical indications” that “led to the hypothesis of the existence of a third body in the system.” 57 By 1932, it was pretty well established through orbital calculations that something was revolving roughly every 6.3 years around either Sīrius or Sīrius B.

    During the previous decade a tiny star had been sighted about twenty times by some of the best astronomers in the business. However the star was like a “phantom,” nobody ever saw it twice or long enough to confirm it.58

    By 1995, using additional data and three different systems of math figures of 6.4 years, six and finally six using Fourier analysis were arrived at for a complete revolution of the –as of yet– unidentified star. Further analysis of the possible orbital scenarios indicates that “stable orbits with a period of about 6 years exist only around Sirius A.”59 Because it cannot be optically observed, the mass of Sīrius C would have to be about twenty or thirty times larger than Jupiter, which is the bare minimum to support thermonuclear fusion.60

    What the math and optical observation says about the 3-star system of Sīrius, the question mark is for Nyan Tolo, in English the Star of Woman [or the Moon]
    What the math and optical observation says about the 3-star system of Sīrius, the question mark is for Nyan Tolo, in English the Star of Woman [or the Moon]
    Unless of course, the third star in the Sīrius system is a Black Hole or what Newtonian physics calls a Dark Star. Black holes are a generic prediction of general relativity; no one’s ever actually seen one. How could you? The black hole is a point in the spacetime continuum where the gravitational effects are so strong that not even electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape.

    There is nothing to see. But in general relativity, a black hole does have mass and angular momentum, so its presence can be detected through its gravitational interaction with other stars and its effects on electromagnetic radiation such as light.

    In 1974 Stephen Hawking, by applying quantum field theory to general relativity, predicted that black holes would emit small amounts of thermal radiation, light in a perfect black body spectrum… Many other famous mathematicians and scientists have since verified Hawking’s results…

    According to general relativity, there is a singularity in the center of a black hole that is infinitely dense. Once across the black holes’ event horizon, nothing can escape that singularity. The inevitable can be prolonged by an object accelerating away maybe even by jumping through time, but sooner or later it will reach freefall and be torn apart in a process so violent that it is sometimes referred to as spaghettification or the noodle effect by scientists. In the end, it is crushed into something so dense it is infinite.

    In general relativity, there is a yawning black hole at the center of the galaxy sustained by the essences of the all the worlds that it has destroyed. Everything corporeal is destined to one day be swept over its event horizon. The black hole sits like an ever expanding open drain at the bottom of the ocean.

    All matter must, in due time, be crushed into the infinite density that feeds its primordial singularity. It is the fate of all that is to be crushed back into what H. P. Lovecraft called “the crawling chaos…”

    There really is not much difference between a black hole and a wormhole, if any at all. In relativity, they both have a singularity in the center and all that crosses their event horizon ends by being crushed into Lovecraft’s crawling chaos. In 1988 scientists working out of the Caltech found loopholes in the math that predicts singularities and Lorentzian traversable wormholes became a mathematical probability.
    Lorentzian traversable wormholes
    Lorentzian traversable wormholes

    Lorentzian traversable wormholes allow travel in both directions from one part of the universe to another very quickly. They also allow travel from one universe to another…

    According to the math that JPL uses, teleportation is far more likely than dissolution for an object that passes through a worm hole or a black hole. To quote well-known television physicist Michio Kaku, there is no reason why an object could not “pass freely back and forth. In fact, for one solution, the trip through a wormhole would be no worse than riding in a plane.” 61

    The Dogon believe that Sirius B once occupied the place where our Sun is now. Twenty-first century astronomers object. They say that this is impossible! But it should be apparent by now that the Dogon know more about the universe than twenty-first century astronomy.

    The thousand year war Truth has waged against academia and all the other agents of the great Abrahamic lie ends with the Dogon. The Dogon are the remnants of ancient Egypt. The Egyptians were Black! To paraphrase Aleister Crowley in the Holy Books they were Black as Nubian slaves so they could absorb more of the light of God…

    It is fitting to paraphrase Crowley because he himself was a product of the Plymouth Brethren, the same rabidly anglophile and ruthlessly committed fundamental Christian sect that gave the world Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie.

    ‘Sir’ Flinders Petrie was the most prominent archeologist of the nineteenth century and the British Empires academic heavyweight champion, despite the fact that Wallace Budge was a far better scientist. Petrie’s racism and Christian fanaticism have been immortalized in books. Many have chuckled over the fact that when Petrie died he would donate his head to science, and science would lose it.

    What Petrie and all his academic allies were pedaling directly in the face of far more accomplished scientists like Frenchmen Auguste Mariette and Gaston Maspero along with their English counterpart the great Wallace Budge, was Anglo-Israelism.

    Since the day of John Dee, Anglo-Israelism has been the unseen current driving the tides of blood and war that have swept first England then America to world hegemony. It is the fanatical belief by the British and their progeny that they are the lineal descendents of the Israelites and that the throne of England can be traced back to the House of David. Therefore the people of the British Isles are Yahweh’s chosen people in the bible.

    Anglo-Israelisms adherents believe that the “Ten Tribes were transferred to Babylon about 720 B.C.; and simultaneously, according to Herodotus, the Scythians, including the tribe of the Saccæ, appeared in the same district; the progenitors of the Saxons afterward passed over into Denmark—the “mark” or country of the tribe of Dan—and thence to England.

    Another branch of the tribe of Dan which remained “in ships” (Judges, v. 17) made its appearance in Ireland under the title of “Tuatha-da-Danan.” Tephi, a descendant of the royal house of David, arrived in Ireland, according to the native annals, in 580 B.C. From her was descended Feargus More, king of Argyll, an ancestor of Queen Victoria, who thus fulfilled the prophecy that “the line of David shall rule for ever and ever” (II Chron. xiii. 5, xxi. 7).

    The Irish branch of the Danites brought with them Jacob’s stone, which has always been used as coronation stone of the kings of Scotland and England, and is now preserved in Westminster Abbey. Somewhat inconsistently, the prophecy that the Canaanites should trouble Israel (Num. xxxiii. 55, Josh. xxiii. 13) is applied to the Irish. The land of Arzareth, to which the Israelites were transplanted (II Esd. xiii. 45), is identified with Ireland by dividing the former name into two parts, the former of which is ereẓ, or “land”; the latter, Ar, or “Ire.””62


    As the agents of Anglo-Israelism, what Petrie and the rest of academia were teaching at western universities was the systematic destruction of an entire races’ heritage in the name of another races’ fantasy. No one ever really got it, except R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz — there are things in Egypt far older than Egypt…

    The institutionalized racism is blatant and it is unprecedented in everything that is known of Greek and Roman history. The Romans considered the Ethiopians a people beloved by the gods. But even for the most committed anglophile there is a blind rage, a fanatical meanness to it that borders on stupidity.

    Blacks are not intelligent enough to have built anything besides a mud hut and surely an unknown “Dynastic Race,” a “fine” lighter-complexioned race had invaded Egypt from the south in late predynastic times conquering the “inferior” and “exhausted” indigenous dark skinned savages. 63

    This Aryan race of fine White men, no doubt the Israelites of the bible, then slowly introduced dynastic civilization through interbreeding with the local “mulatto” race and culminated it from the fourth dynasty on with the building of all the great edifices in Egypt.64


    Viewed under this lens of religious fanaticism, Colonel Howard Vyse’s sacking and defiling of the Giza plateau toward the middle of the ninetieth century and academia’s enshrinement of him for his acts of wanton vandalism –although still totally unacceptable– are at least understandable, as is Thomas Young’s forgery, when he inserted the glyph for Ra to complete Khafra’s name on the Dream Stele.

    Literacy had always been frowned upon by Christianity, but with the advent of the printing press, it became unavoidable. If a world that knew how to read was ever to believe the outlandish lies that are told in the bible, it wouldn’t do to have evidence that contradicted the bibles’ narrative staring that newly literate world dead in the face.

    Dr. J. J. Hurtak was NASA’s guru in the latter quarter of the twentieth century, and the man the authors of the Stargate Conspiracy point to as the supreme puppeteer of the Giza plateau in that same period. During that stretch of time in the eighties and nineties Hurtak was secretly teaching close friends “the pyramids are hundreds of thousands of years old…”

    France was pushing back at Anglo-Israelisms’ deliberate dissembling and falsification of history with Auguste Mariette and Gaston Maspero, who in tandem managed to control the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities until WWI.

    Germany was already at war with the Jewish impersonators, but even before that, as the center for Panbabylonism in Europe, German scholars had quietly seethed and trained a blue-blooded scholar like James Henry Breasted.
    James Henry Breasted
    James Henry Breasted

    Breasted could not just be dismissed like a common academic, not with friends like Gertrude Bell, who was the British master spy that along with Lawrence of Arabia established the Hashemite dynasties, Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon, the men charged with looting the Tomb of Tutankhamen, Lord Allenby the man who would wrest control of the middle east from the Ottomans and the Arab leader Faisal whom they would eventually crown king of Iraq.

    The battle of the pyramids was coming to a head by the time a seizure prone psychic with a Masonic pedigree named Edgar Cayce showed up promoting Anglo-Israelism as a journey through Atlantis and a time forgotten to a New World Order.

    War had already broken out between the Saxons, a war which would finish the Ottoman Empire for good and leave the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Jews in complete control of the Giza plateau and all the rest of the Middle East.

    Control of the Giza plateau is maintained to this day through the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), a legacy of the seizure-prone psychic. Control of the rest of the Middle East is maintained through instigation of perpetual war and unrest.

    France was still pushing back hard when Harvey Spencer Lewis would found the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) in America on behalf of the French Rosicrucian’s. In the thirties AMORC, allied with big money, started printing ancient maps detailing a network of tunnels and chambers beneath the Giza plateau and distributing them to anyone who bought their books.

    Lewis of course claimed they were ancient Rosicrucian secrets but French archaeologist Emile Baraize had been to the Giza plateau by 1926, almost a decade before the maps were published. Baraize during a period from twenty-six onwards had done extensive explorations beneath the plateau that were never published for academia. At the same time Lewis was peddling his maps, Griaule and Dieterlen showed up at the Dogons doorstep…

    In The Shadow out of Time, Lovecraft wrote about a man troubled by strange dreams and visions of a race hundreds of thousands of years old. They had driven an even older race that had long preyed on them into the labyrinth of the earth’s interior. The most ancient race had long since evolved to prefer the labyrinth and no longer needed anything from the surface, but they had never forgotten that they required revenge. It is in Australia’s great western desert where the man to his eternal horror finds the entrance into the labyrinth.

    If Anglo-Israelism has a poet laureate, it is HP Lovecraft. They are not ignorant of the occults deepest secrets. It was their great high priest Charles Piazzi Smyth who orchestrated Waynman Dixon and Dr. James Grants “discovery” of the shafts in the Queens Chamber in 1872. Dixon and Grant knew almost exactly where those shafts were, shafts that had been walled up before history begins. Occult knowledge like that shows there are those in Anglo-Israelism that know their way around the labyrinth all too well…

    It was Lovecraft’s job to take those things which they knew were in the labyrinth and which they saw as their enemies and paint them in colors of the most abyssal horror the human soul is capable of. Lovecraft did this with almost supernatural efficiency in stories like the Shadow over Innsmouth, the Dunwich Horror and many many more. In the Call of Cthulhu Lovecraft creates his own mythos about the “old ones” and the “unspeakable terror” they are poised to bring back to the world of White Christians when the stars, on an inevitable day of doom, align in their favor.

    Lovecraft saw terrifying conspiracies to bring back these old ones everywhere he looked… But outside of bat winged humanoids and certain blue blooded families sequestered around the New England countryside, Lovecraft saw secret societies among the colored races as the primary high priests and harbingers of the old ones. Lovecraft detests and fears all dark-skinned people as the people of Cthulhu and the old ones.

    In Herbert West-Reanimator Lovecraft expresses his revulsion at the idea of bringing a Black man back to life when he writes: “and Buck Robinson, “The Harlem Smoke.” The Negro had been knocked out and a moment’s examination shewed us he would permanently remain so. He was a loathsome, gorilla-like thing, with abnormally long arms which I could not help calling forelegs, and a face that conjured up thoughts of unspeakable Congo secrets and tom-tom poundings under an eerie moon. The body must have looked even worse in life – but the world holds many ugly things.”

    The Stonehenge of Australia
    The Stonehenge of Australia

    In 1939, Frederic Slater, the President of the Australian Archaeological Research and Education Society and an eminent academic, came across an artificially constructed mound that he described as “the Stonehenge of Australia.” 65 He claimed that “the mound is one of the oldest; I should say the oldest, forms of temples in the world and dates back to the … advent of first man.”66 He felt the positioning of the rocks, signs and symbols on the mound may have been “the basis of all knowledge, all science, all history and all forms of writing.”67

    A decade later, de Lubicz would echo similar sentiments about Hieroglyphics in The Temple In Man when he insisted that they should instead be referred to by “the Egyptian term Medu-Neteru, the Greek translation of which, “hieroglyphs,” distorts the Egyptian meaning. Medu-Neteru is the Neters, or the principles conveyed by a sign.”68 De Lubicz was arguing that the Hieroglyphics themselves were Jungian archetypes and they were being mistranslated, because this was not being accounted for.

    A year after Slater’s initial discovery, government officials contacted the farmer whose land Slater had found the mound on and told him that his land was in danger of being confiscated to protect the artifacts that Slater had been exuberantly discussing with his colleagues. In a preemptive strike, the farmer bulldozed the artifacts into dust and Slater was left with only his notes.69

    As the founder and president of the Australian Archaeological Society, Slater was more than qualified academically to interpret the meaning of the mound. The translation he came up with was a creation story that ended by saying “man came to earth through darkness from the light of life that shines far off.”70

    Almost seventy years later, Aboriginal tribal elder Kevin Gavi Duncan ends The Wisdom Keepers on almost the exact same note. “We are the extra-terrestrials, our body is made up of this earth but our spirit comes from the Morning Star. We come from another place, from another world.”71

    Gosford Glyphs
    Gosford Glyphs (Ref.: Herschel’s The Hidden Records)

    Academia shrieks that they are a fraud at the mention of the Gosford Glyphs, but the fact is the glyphs are not far from Baiame in the Brisbane Water National Park. They are clearly hieroglyphic and have also clearly been tampered with. People who have researched them are claiming that partial deciphering by experts tells of pilgrimages made from a predynastic Egypt to an Australia that was a Mecca to those who worshiped the old ones five thousand years ago.72

    The fact is that it would be expected for the Aborigine to have maintained those glyphs and restored them when necessary over the last 5000 years. That is what they do, that is their culture. Academia’s summary rejection of the glyphs authenticity on the grounds that they have been tampered with is not good science but it is a good sign of academia’s duplicity.

    From the very first days in 1770, Captain James Cook arbitrarily declared Australia Terra nullius; a Latin term meaning nobody’s land. Cook knew the land was inhabited. He was already shooting the natives. The designation is made even more inexplicable by the fact that at the time of Cooks voyage, the British had already accepted the principles of native title in their colonies. “An Imperial proclamation of 1763 lay down that Native Americans owned their hunting grounds.”73

    Even if it was an honest mistake, by 1790 as British colonizers moved inexorably inland and everywhere met fierce resistant from Blacks already there “the days of genuine miscalculation were at an end. The concept of empty land was no more than a convenient fiction.”74

    By 1863 the pseudoscientific theories of Charles Darwin had been adapted to rationalize the final victory of the White races over the Blacks, a euphemism for the genocide of the colored races. A speech given at the time in Queensland parliament articulates the prevailing sentiment among White Australians.

    “That the aboriginal population must eventually disappear entirely is surly a matter that the study of evolution, the study of biology, the study of ethnology would convince. The law of evolution says that the Niger shall disappear in the onward progress of the White man.” 75

    This was no rhetorical speech. Whites had been acting out on this philosophy for almost a hundred years by then and would continue to act out on it for almost a hundred more. Sustained efforts were made to breed the Aborigine out of existence. Actual government policy was enacted and Aborigine children were taken from their mothers and forcibly “educated” in the White man’s ways.
    Kevin Gavi Duncan
    Kevin Gavi Duncan

    By the time Aboriginal tribal elder Kevin Gavi Duncan stood in front of the ancient rock carving depicting Baiame and gave his explanation for what the petroglyph meant, he is lucky that he even remembered Baiami’s name.

    A far better explanation would have included the three star system of Sīrius, the progenitor of the Three Stars Each texts which came out of ancient Babylon and are the earliest known star catalogues. That is what is under the Moon in Baiami’s left hand.

    At the end of a cycle Sīrius B, the source of this world, gets caught in the gravitational pull of Sīrius C, a Black Hole and exchanges places with the Sun. That is what the dagger symbolizes; the reversal of worlds. The boat off to the left is the boat which in the religion of old ones carries the Sun on its celestial journey…

    Frederic Slater had nailed it, which is why his evidence was immediately destroyed and everything he did or said after that marginalized by pasty-faced academics who couldn’t get a job in a Seven-Eleven if this world worked on merit. Australia is the ancient and venerable Mecca of the old ones; The Temple of the Dog. The place where Sīrius the hunter and the true morning star, is also the evening star. The place where Lucifer is God, as he was always meant to be…

    As it stands right now the human race has no worse an enemy than institutional academia whose only real job is to dissemble its past.

    Those who seek solace in the embrace of a benevolent Christian god, place their fate in the hands of an impotent chimera they fashioned from pieces of a discarded sun god. They condemn him, they strip him naked, they mock him and they torture him. Then they nail him to a stick and murder him. The mesmerized minions now kneel before the craven images of this obscene blasphemy singing “eat his body, drink his blood” and perpetuate this horror by forcing it upon their children.

    The Muslims are no better if not even worse. They have taken the 114 meditational verses of the Secret Gospel of Thomas and turned them into a field manual for savagery.

    When Jesus walked the earth, if he ever did, forbidden knowledge was still available for those who sought it out. Alexander the Great was just such a man, a student of Aristotle and the son of a Macedonian King and a high Priestess of the Dionysian mystery schools. Alexander was an initiate by birthright and conquered most of the known world in his insatiable quest to learn more.

    alexandria library1

    Scrolls from all the far flung corners of the East were the most priceless of the spoils appropriated by Alexander’s invincible armies. The scrolls were gathered together in the Library of Alexandria in Egypt. Although the library was accidently burned by Julius Caesar in 48 BC, the manuscripts were saved and dispersed throughout the city.

    What was in those manuscripts gave rise to Gnosticism; a doctrine of self enlightenment diametrically opposed to the Judaism of the Pharisees and their tyrannical God with his 613 Commandments. Later, many of the tenets of the ancient religion were presented as parables and allegories and became the teachings of Jesus. The Gospel of Thomas is the oldest known written record of those teachings. There are 114 verses. A few centuries later Mohammad’s Quran would be composed in 114 suras.

    In the thirteenth verse Jesus whispers something into the ear of Thomas. The other apostles, curious, question Thomas as to what Jesus told him that he could not tell them. Thomas replies to them that if he told them, they would pick up rocks to stone him and the rocks would turn to fire and consume them.

    But it is known anyway that what Jesus whispered into the ear of Thomas was Isaiah; 28, 13. “And the word of the lord will be to them precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little, that they may go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.”

    The priests of this deceitful god could not tolerate the likes of a Gnostic Jesus exposing their lies. A relentless campaign was launched to extinguish all traces of the fire where the light of the most ancient truth always burns. Paul dissembled everything the Gnostic Jesus had said. Irenaeus made the real Jesus a heretic in the name of the fake Judaic Jesus. And finally Theodosius burned all that could be found of the manuscripts, which were the source wisdoms wonders.

    When even that was not enough, Pope Innocent III unleashed his Dogs of War. In what is called the ‘Albigensian Crusade’ the brave knights of France slaughtered every man, woman, and child they could in the south of France. The Cathars, called Albigensian’s for their preeminent city of Albi, bore witness to a very different Kristos than the pope’s pathetic Christ. For centuries all that seemed to remain of their testimony were rumors of a Gral with the power to change the world and a Knight who must quest for it…

    It was a desperate effort in genocide to wipe from the face of the earth the still flickering flames of Zarathustra’s fire. It’s said that when one of his battle-hardened Princes dared question the slaughter he was being asked to perpetrate on his own countryman in the name of god; ‘Innocent’ quipped “kill them all and let god sought them out.”

    Most painful of all perhaps is the ignorant slander in what has been a relentless campaign to vilify Lucifer’s name and make it synonymous with evil by the very people who nailed god to a stick and ate him. Others have used Lucifer’s eternal quest for a reckoning with a tyrant to validate their own avarice and depravity. In a reckoning, all accounts are settled and no doubt they all will be held libel.

    The hour of that reckoning is now at hand, the Equinox of the Gods. Those who have eyes to see have been allowed to see the truth. Only they may enter the Temple of the Dog. The very same year WWII was concluded, the Gnostic tracts, which Theodosius thought he had expunged from history, as if by Magick suddenly reappeared.

    The manuscripts, many of them fragmented, were unearthed by peasants scavenging ancient gravesites on the west bank of the Nile in a city called Nag Hammadi, after being buried for almost two millennia.’ That is the story, but the fire of Zarathustra can never be completely extinguished. It was rekindled anew with the blood of valiant men spilled in the opening battle of a War whose last battle will be fought by gods.

    Dead Sea Scrolls
    Dead Sea Scrolls

    The Dead Sea Scrolls, two-thousand-year-old Judean writings, started turning up the next year. They tell a tale of theological differences among the Jews at that time that made the apocalyptic carnage that was about to take place inevitable.

    The War Scrolls actually tell Jews how to dress for it. Pivotal too much of the writings are a passage from the Torah called the “Star Prophecy” a vision of the future revealed in Numbers 24:17 where a Star will come out of Israel to “smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.”

    Jesus may have never made any resurrection, but then Jesus was only just a metaphor at best. What Jesus represents, the real Jesus unadulterated by the Vatican, has resurrected as the Nag Hammadi Tracts and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    All the would-be luminaries who read from their “good book” without ever having bothered to learn Latin or Hebrew are no more than the metaphorical monkeys praying to a nuclear missile in the Planet of the Apes movie. Lucifer means light bearer in Latin, Sīrius; the Morning Star. In Hebrew it is HYLL.

    There is no historical evidence to prove that Jesus ever really existed but there is much that proves Hillel (HYLL) the Elder did. He was born in Babylon in 110 BCE and died in Jerusalem in 10 CE. He was the greatest of all the Hebrew sages and quickly gained a following that rivaled the Pharisees of the Temple. A story is still told among the Rabbi’s about how when threatened by his teachings, which were diametrically opposed their own; the Pharisees summoned Hillel to the Temple.

    It was in the Temple where the Shammai (ShMY) Pharisees, the high priests of the god of No, challenged the prophet of On about his knowledge of the Torah. Hillel told them he could sum the entire Torah up while standing on one leg. When the Shammai Pharisees told him to go ahead and do so he stood on one leg, looked at them and said “do unto to others as you would have others do unto you” then walked out of the Temple followed by his entourage…

    Rome would finally conclude its four decade long war with the Armenian Empire in 63BCE when Mithridates VI, at least as formidable as Hannibal and known to history as the Poison King because of his fascination with poisons, fled to a stronghold above the Black Sea after being defeated in battle by Pompey. There the Poison King would murder his son, King of the Crimean Scythians, for disloyalty. Then, rather than be taken by the Romans, he killed himself and his daughters.

    Sometime later that same year, Pompey would march his legions through the gates of Jerusalem, opened in welcome by his own Jewish allies, and lay siege to the Temple. He would sack it in a great slaughter shortly thereafter.

    Internecine warfare in and around Jerusalem, sometimes held in check only by Roman armies, would continue for almost a century and a half, culminating with the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. In viscous hand to hand combat between the various Jewish sects, woman and children fighting right alongside the men, supplemented by the gratuitous violence of the Roman legions, the Temple was burned to the ground as it remains to this very day.

    Eyewitness Josephus –a Jewish historian noted for his integrity– put the number of dead at 1.1 million Jews in that incident alone. The Jews were never of one mind, let alone of one god…

    Gershom Scholem
    Gershom Scholem

    Gershom Scholem was perhaps the most brilliant Hebrew scholar of the twentieth century. He wrote that the greatest mystery of the Qabalah was concealed in the true name of Lucifer.

    He gives it in Hebrew as AYLTh HShCR NGH CVCB. which in translation means instrument that brings the light of the brilliant star, but many scriptural words in Hebrew are ambiguous if not paradoxical.

    AYLTh besides meaning instrument can also mean gazelle and Jesus is referred to as a gazelle in various apocrypha and Gnostic Tracts. Even those who presumed to edit and change the words of the “Teacher of Righteousness [HTzDQ MVRH]” in the synoptic gospels and the “Wicked Priest/Teller of Lies [HCHN HRShAy]” himself, as Paul is repeatedly referenced in the Dead Sea Scrolls, dared not spew the blaspheme that today passes as Christianity.

    The Morning Star, or Lucifer, appears in the New Testament only twice. In fact it only appears once in the synoptic gospels. In Peter 1:19 it is said “And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star rises in your hearts.” In Revelation 22:16 it is said “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and Morning Star.”

    Revelation makes other more cryptic references that Jesus is Lucifer when Jesus says in 22:13 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” This theme is repeated again in 1:8, 1:17, 2:8 and 21:6. It is an incantation woven into the symbolic tapestry that is Revelations. That is why it is repeated five times to conform to the five points on the pentagram.

    Revelations is much much older than the bible and dates back to a time when the old ones worshiped in the Temple of the Dog…

    Herein is Gershom Scholem’s mystery: ShCR is a word with a plurality of meanings. It can mean daybreak, but it can also mean nightfall or darkness. It is Sīrius the morning and the evening star in the firmament over Australia, a place that all but Time has forgotten. Within the Qabalistic name of Lucifer is contained the Alpha and the Omega of light, the same Alpha and Omega Jesus lays claim to in Revelations.

    ShCR also has a third meaning and that is to search, and search Lucifer must. Because god, once called Seth but now called Yahweh by his current acolytes, has taken Lucifer’s bride and concealed and imprisoned her within his creation. She is the life force that animates that creation as well as Yahweh himself. She is the Moon. She is the Star of Woman. She is the dreamer to which all that is is but her dream…

    In the Zohar it is established that even god must dwell within the Shekinah (ShCYNH). In the Lesser Holy Assembly; chapter 21, it goes on to say “with this woman are connected all those things which are below, from her body do they receive their nourishment, and from her do they receive blessing.”
    The third way ~ complex + flexible

    Qabalists call her Malkah (MLKH) or the Queen. Malkah is a derivative of the word Malkuth (MLKVTh) which means The Kingdom. Malkuth is the tenth and final Sephiroth (dimension), the one through which all the others are manifested in the Sepher Yetzirah or Tree of Life. Malkuth encompasses the entire physical world a world that is projected through Yesod; the Moon…

    Learned Rabbis call the Shekinah the bride of the Sabbath, but know she must dwell in exile until the messiah comes for her. The ancient magi called her Zoe. The Egyptians called her Isis or Nuit and Christian shamans still loyal to Lucifer called her Sophia, dividing and concealing her within the three Mary’s of the New Testament. In corporeal form, she has been known as Baphomet to the Templers, Vril to the German National Socialists, and now electromagnetism to mad scientists who would profane her.

    The most opulent church constructed in recorded history and perhaps the greatest expression of the architectural arts is Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (now called Istanbul). After its construction in the fourth century Hagia Sophia remained the largest building in the world for over a thousand years. It was only superseded after Islamic hordes overran it and turned it into a mosque.

    Hagia Sophia means Holy Wisdom. Sophia in Greek means wisdom, skill in Magick. In the Nag Hammadi Library Sophia is revealed to the uninitiated after being hidden for close to two thousand years. Prior to the Libraries revelation, what was known of Sophia came from scraps of manuscripts and Pistis (faith) Sophia; a text purported to be Gnostic.

    Pistis Sophia was discovered back in the eighteenth century. It leans heavily on the pathological misogyny of Paul and his ‘teachings’ of overcoming the Archons through faith. Before the Council of Nicaea, most Christians believed Sophia was the mother of the Old Testament god whom they called the ‘demiurge.’ In the archetypical Oedipus complex, to them, she was also the rightful bride of Christ.

    In The Thunder, Perfect Mind –a poem from the Nag Hammadi Library– a far more pagan than Christian Goddess brashly tells those who would know her to Understand “For I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin.”

    Hagia Sophia - Istanbul
    Hagia Sophia – Istanbul

    The consensus among the Libraries manuscripts is that Sophia was one of eight original Ogdoads, four pairs of “Aeons” or emanations that before the advent of matter manifested God through their sexual relations. Sophia attempted to manifest God without her consort and her actions disturbed the balance. Matter subsequently came into existence along with the resulting god or demiurge and Sophia was trapped in their world.

    In order to glorify himself, the demiurge created man to worship him using as a template the distorted images of the angelic world from which Sophia fell. But he could not animate man without using the same life spark from Sophia that had begotten him. Because she dwells in him, Man has the ability to be god’s equal and he is able to see the difference between good and evil far more clearly than Ialdabaoth; the blind god born of the void.

    In The Thunder, Perfect Mind the Goddess exhorts those who would seek her out not to be arrogant with her when she is cast out upon the earth, not to look upon her when she is in the dung-heap or “among those who are disgraced and in the least places.” She implores them not to laugh at her, to leave her cast out nor to cast her “out among those who are slain in violence.” She tells them that if they heed her words they will find her “in the kingdoms” and “in those that are to come.” But she warns them to be on their guard because “I, I am compassionate and I am cruel.”

    She is the Whore of Babylon, exiled there with her people because she is their collective soul. According to Gnostic lore she is to undergo repeated incarnations as a whore. The bride of Jesus was Mary Magdalene, who through oral traditions Christians know as a loose woman, some say she was a prostitute. The Knights Templar, who are the guardians of the Gral, were told to gather in places frequented by woman of ill repute. Just like Richard Wagner’s Parzival the Savior quests for the Gral, a metaphor for his lover.

    Lucifer is the original consort of Sophia. He is the Savior of scripture. But the only thing that he must save is Her. Through her redemption, through their reunification, the righteous wedding of the Bride and the Groom, the unification of the He and the She, will this whole blasphemous creation be rolled up and deposited back in the limitless light of the Supreme Being, to live forever in orgasmic ecstasy.

    Lucifer did not fall from heaven nor was he cast out. He has no use for the counterfeit heaven of Abraham’s demon god. He comes of his own accord like a vengeful bolt of lightning cast down from unimaginable heights, aimed at the dark heart of an abomination that dares to think of itself as the Supreme Being. A being whose ‘creation’ consists of an endless series of organisms perpetually consuming each other.

    Related article: Lucifer in the Temple of the Dog I


    *A Sudanese Sirius System by M. GRIAULE and G. DIETERLEN


    55 –Van Beek, Walter E. A. “Knowledge and Sanctification, a Perennial Quest.” Home / Testimonies / Walter E. A. Van Beek. Mormon Scholars Testify: Messages of Faith from Scholars Who Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, 2010. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

    56 –Van Beek, Walter E. A., R. M. A. Bedaux, Suzanne Preston Blier, Jacky Bouju, Peter Ian Crawford, Mary Douglas, Pual Lane, and Claude Meillassoux. “Dogon Restudied: A Field Evaluation of the Work of Marcel Griaule [and Comments and Replies].” Current Anthropology,Vol. 32, No. 2 (Apr., 1991), Pp. 139-16. JSTOR, Apr. 1991. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

    57– Benest, D., and J. L. Duvent. “Is Sirius a Triple Star.” Astronomy and Astrophysics, V.299, P.621. 1995. Accessed October 13, 2016.
    Bibliographic Code: 1995A&A…299..621B

    58 -Ibid.

    59 – Ibid.

    60– Ibid.

    61 – Kaku, Michio. “Teleportation? Very Possible. Next Up: Time Travel.” Discover Magazine. March 2008, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.

    62 – Jacobs, Joseph. “ANGLO-ISRAELISM:.” The Unedited Full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia. Jewish, 1906. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.

    63 – Silberman, Neil Asher, “Petrie’s Head: Eugenics and Near Eastern Archaeology”, in Alice B. Kehoe and Mary Beth Emmerichs, Assembling the Past (Albuquerque, NM, 1999).

    64 – Ibid.

    65 – Strong, Steven, and Evan Strong. “The Resurrection of Australia’s Stonehedge.” Ancient Origins, 14 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.

    66 – Ibid.

    67 – Ibid.

    68 – Schwaller De Lubicz, R. A., “The Temple In Man” 1949. Web. 2015.

    69 – Strong, Steven, and Evan Strong. “The Resurrection of Australia’s Stonehedge.” Ancient Origins, 14 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.

    70 – Ibid.

    71 – “Ancient Aliens S11E07 – The Wisdom Keepers.” 32:13.YouTube, 7 July 2016. Web. 26 July 2016.

    72 – Ibid.

    73 – The Aboriginals of Australia (INCREDIBLE ANCIENT HISTORY DOCUMENTARY).”4:00. THE HISTORIAN. Youtube, Oct. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.

    74 – Ibid. 22:40.

    75 – Ibid. 2:19:31.
    Last edited by Dreamtimer, 20th December 2016 at 10:18. Reason: fixed link

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