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Thread: Adamu Offers a Full Political Briefing…

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    Adamu Offers a Full Political Briefing…

    This one is new to me, felt to share >

    In today’s conversation I will be offering you a briefing on the political situation in the world at present. The focus of this briefing is to offer you a comprehensive understanding of the coming financial reset. Unavoidably, we will also be discussing the coming presidential elections in America.

    The topics under discussion are complex and though I will attempt to be brief, this communiqué will be a little longer than you are used to receiving from me. I do believe it will, however, be worth your while to set the time aside to digest what I have to offer. The briefing that will follow will take some focus and attention. And not all of it will be fun or exciting to read. But it is crucial that you understand what I am about to share with you. Your future, and indeed the future of your planetary civilisation, might very well depend upon it!

    In today’s conversation I will be addressing a number of real hot-button issues. It is vital that you have the full context for what I am about to say so I must begin with a very firm request that you please make sure that you have read the previous items in this series. Without this background you are likely to misunderstand today’s content. These previous items are all conveniently collected for you at

    And while we are addressing such administrative issues, I’d like to also invite you to sign up for our newsletter at This will allow Zingdad to update you directly whenever he and I release new material.

    Now, on to the matters at hand. And what pivotal matters they are! My friends, you are right in the eye of the storm of change. Your planetary consciousness is at the most crucial stage of its development yet. And so I find it important to bring you to an understanding of the situation so that you can weather the coming storm with your courage in hand… and crucially too… so that you can make the correct, fully informed choices for yourself, your life and those who depend upon you.

    To begin with, I know you have noticed that your world’s financial system is on the verge of collapse. Everyone knows that. And those who have created this disaster are very busy pretending as if they don’t know how it got that way or how to fix it. All the while proceeding to do EXACTLY what it takes to make it worse! While making themselves richer and all the rest of you poorer.

    You see, my friends, the financial system is not busy breaking. That is what they want you to believe. It was built this way. It is doing what it was created to do. And what it was created to do is to enslave you, to steal your power and to place control of the whole world in the hands of this system’s creators.

    But if you don’t have a clear understanding of the mechanics of your monetary system, this will take a little explaining. And so I wish to offer you, right now, the very barest boiled down facts. You can consider what I am about to tell you to be a synopsis, but I do suggest you use the resources on the Internet to do your own research in order to gain a deeper understanding.

    So here we go:

    The first fact is that what you have in your wallet and in your bank account is not money, it is fiat currency. Money is something with real, intrinsic value. Like a gold or silver coin. That is money. The worth of the coin is right there in the coin. The value of such a coin does not change. One ounce of gold is one ounce of gold. That IS its value. Other things might change value in relation to an ounce of gold but the gold is what it is. It is possible to create paper money. This is what is called a promissory note. I could create a piece of paper which promises that I will give the bearer of that paper, say, an ounce of gold. Then that paper is a proxy for the coin. The paper is worth one ounce of gold. As long as you believe me, and as long as I don’t create more paper than I actually have gold to back it with, then that paper is also money.

    What you have in your wallet and in your bank account is not money, it is fiat currency. The word “fiat”, means “decree”. An arbitrary order issued by some authority. And this is what your currency is. Your nation’s financial authority essentially issues a decree to create currency. But it really has no value other than that they say it does. Its value exists only in the fact that those to whom they give this paper believe it has value. And as long as it flows from person to person and as long as that belief exists between those people, so long it appears to have value. And then only because it is possible to exchange this nonsense fabricated fiction for things that do have actual value.

    That’s the first fact. Your currency is not money, it is a fiction created by decree by your financial authorities.

    The second fact is perhaps a bit more startling. Do you know who the financial authority of your nation is?

    If you guessed that it was your government, then you have fallen for the deception. Your currency is created when your central reserve bank declares a loan from its Illuminati bank.

    Let’s unpack that statement shall we?

    There are a number of ancient bloodline families that are insanely, obscenely wealthy. Their wealth comes from banking. They have been in banking for a very, very long time. They started out being money changers. They grew wealthy by offering more promissory notes than they had gold to back it with. They also developed a system called usury, which is the basis for modern bank loans. And they slowly became wealthier than kings, popes, emperors, sultans and even whole nations. Then they became the financiers to those nations. When one country went to war with another, these bankers were called upon to finance the war. They quickly realised that financing both sides of the war was very profitable business. And then they realised that they could encourage wars with a little skulduggery, and in this way could open the taps of wealth. And so they became ever more powerful too. And all this without any risk to themselves. When the populace come with pitchforks to the palace gates, when they overthrow a despot, when guillotines end the lives of kings… the bankers live on in comfort and luxury… usually leaping in to offer “financial assistance” to the revolutionaries in terms of loans.

    Do you see how it goes?

    And today these ancient families live in vast secluded mansions. They continue to be the wealthiest individuals on the planet by a vast margin. But they are clever enough to hide their wealth using a complex game of shells so that they are very nearly invisible to you.

    So these are the people to whom I refer when I say, “the Illuminati”. These ancient families that have been manipulating the human story from behind the scenes for the length and breadth of your recorded history. These families own top-tier banks that the central reserve banks of very nearly every nation on Earth come to for the annual loan that creates that nation's currency.

    We’ll be speaking a fair bit about the American situation in today’s conversation, so let us begin right now by using the USA as our example, shall we?

    The United States’ central bank is popularly called The Fed, short for the Federal Reserve Bank. And so it is that the Fed approaches an Illuminati bank. And while there are many such family banks, the Fed is contractually bonded to a particular group of Illuminati families. Let us call them the Red Shield group. And we’ll talk some more about the different groups in a little while.

    The Red Shield group of banking families loans to the fed however many trillions of dollars that the nation will need to run its economy for the year. And here is the crucial bit. The vast majority of what the Fed needs for the economy is really just to service the nation’s debt that is carried over from previous years.

    You heard that right. Only a small percentage of the loan is actually for currency that will float the economy. Most of the loan is just to pay back debt from previous years. At this point, the US federal debt runs to about 20 trillion dollars. Do you understand what that means? It means that your nation owes the Red Shield banking families about 20 trillion dollars. You owe it to them because they previously loaned you money and the debt has accumulated, with interest, to this level[1].

    And do you know how that debt will be paid off? Next year, the Fed will loan more money than it did this year. That is why the debt ceiling must constantly be raised. Next year, the Fed will loan more money so that it can pay off this year’s debt plus the little bit extra needed for currency to flow into the national banking system.

    So to answer my own question: I asked you if you know who your nation’s monetary authority is. The answer is that it is the Red Shield banks. They own your money. And they own it in two ways. Firstly because they create the currency that is loaned to the Fed and secondly because they own the Fed.

    Did you catch that? I slipped it in there casually enough that perhaps it did not shock you.

    So here it is again, a little slower, this time. The Federal Reserve Bank is not owned by the nation or by the government or whatever else you might have thought. It is a private corporation owned by shareholders. And the controlling shareholders are… would you like to guess… those same Red Shield banks! It’s a closely guarded secret as to who actually owns the stocks, but I can tell you that there is another game of shells used to hide the fact that the Illuminati families that own the banks, that make the loans to the Fed, also own the Fed itself.

    Can you begin to see how iniquitous this is? They collude with themselves to make loans out of fresh air… making up numbers as they go… and you, the people of the nation, must, by the sweat of your brow, labour to repay those loans! The vast majority of your annual taxation goes to just this: repaying that loan. Each year, you personally give a huge chunk of your income directly to the Red Shield banking families. And the system is rigged such that your nation can never, ever repay that loan. The debt simply balloons. Year by year the debt ceiling is pushed higher, as ever greater loans are made to service past loans with interest and a little more for the running of the nation.

    So, this is the second fact: your currency is created, really, by the Red Shield banking families in collusion with themselves. They create it out of nothing. The Fed has no collateral at all to back the loan and the Red Shield banks have no gold, silver or any other thing of value to back the currency they issue as a consequence of the loan. It’s just… made up. Meaningless numbers sucked from their thumbs. They shake their own hands, agree with themselves… which instantly makes them more money than you can imagine.

    And you then slave away to exchange your life-energy for this fiction. This created currency. You give your time, energy, effort and creativity for this fable.

    And because the Fed must loan more money each year to service last year’s debt, more money is created out of nothing each year. This means, directly, that the currency you are holding becomes worth less and less each year. That is called inflation. Which is a lie. Nothing is inflating. Prices are not going up. Your currency is just worth less because more currency has been created. So you get poorer each year. You put in the same effort, but the currency you are given in exchange is, over time, worth less and less. And this is actually all just a hidden tax that also makes the Illuminati families richer still.

    You have heard the talking heads on the news speak of Quantitative Easing? Well, really, this is just an acceleration of this very principal. It is a deal that they sign with themselves to produce even more currency which accelerates the devaluation of the money in your pocket. Really… it is just an ingenious way to take value from everyone else and further enrich themselves.

    The third fact is that only about 10% of the currency in your wallet is created in the way outlined above. The other 90% is created by retail banks. When your salary lands in your bank account, your bank is permitted to make loans against that money. In a system called fractional reserve banking, they are allowed to loan out about 9 times as much money as they have in reserve. This would be a terribly bad idea even if what they had in reserve was real money. Like gold or silver. It is an absolutely insane idea when what they have in reserve is valueless currency! But, be that as it may, that is how it works. These retail banks don’t do business with the Fed, they do business with you, the citizens of the nation. And when you go to them for a loan or an overdraft, they are allowed to loan out nine-times as much currency as is in deposit with them. Which is why, when people lose faith and go to the bank en masse to make withdrawals and to close their investments, those banks can very quickly fail. Quite simply, they hold much less currency than they have loaned out. And, if their deposits quickly drop, their business model quickly implodes.

    But, as insane as this is, this is the way your banking system works. Most of the currency in circulation is created out of second-tier debt between private citizens and their banks. And of course, you also pay interest on your debts, which is yet another way in which they get richer. But you, of course, are not permitted to make debt without collateral. Only the Fed is allowed to do that! And, of course, the bank doesn’t need to hold anything of value to back the loan they make to you. Other than, of course, one tenth of the value in this fiction called fiat currency.

    The only ones ever held to any kind of account in all of this, is you. If you don’t pay back your loans exactly as stipulated, your property will be taken from you and sold. If retail banks fail, they are bailed out. Which means that the Red Shield banking system creates more fictitious currency out of thin air and gives it to these retail banks (in which the Red Shield family members usually have shares, and often controlling shares) so that they can continue. Which means that you, as a nation, again, owe the Red Shields yet more. So the banks can’t fail. And neither can the Fed. Though it is a private enterprise, whatever poor, insane or self-destructive choices they make, you, the tax-payer, will pick up the tab. And the top-tier Red-Shield banks certainly can’t fail either. They just make currency out of nothing and reap the ever ballooning rewards, no matter what happens.

    Only the citizens of the nation can fail. Only the citizens can have their assets confiscated. Only citizen-owned businesses can be declared bankrupt.

    Are you angry yet?

    Perhaps you have heard a quote by a famous man of your world named Henry Ford. He said, “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

    If you feel your anger rising, I’d like to caution you: This is how they win. Either you know nothing and they control your life through your ignorance. Or you become informed and they control you through your rage. But there is a third path. A path I am inviting you to walk. Upon this path, you become informed, but do not allow anger to pull you from your centre. And then you connect with the divine within and begin to create something better. Not out of a desire for revenge or retribution. But out of a genuine desire to see the Greatest Good made manifest. And we will be talking a great deal more about this in following conversations but there is more you need to hear and understand first. Right now, I am simply lovingly encouraging you not to give yourself over to anger, as this takes you out of your power.

    And so, let us continue to understand the situation.

    The fourth fact is that, the Illuminati bankers are not one, planet-wide organisation. It is merely for convenience that I use this word, Illuminati. There is no single organisation that conforms to that name. There are many families who each have their national and regional assets. Some of these families form alliances and group together. The Red Shields are one such alliance that control, by and large, the USA and Western Europe. There are other alliances that control other parts of the world. There is, for example, an alliance that I will call the Gold Group. I call them that because they have maintained a firm belief that it was a mistake to float the world’s financial system free from the gold standard. They always said that it would cause exactly the kinds of problems we are now seeing. The Gold team’s powerbase was originally ancient Byzantium. Now, largely, it is Russia and Russia’s satellite nations. There is also what I will call the Jade Group which, really, is one ancient family that has always considered China to be its domain. There are others, but in the interests of simplicity and clarity we will focus on these three main players in today’s briefing.

    And the reason it is important for you to know this fourth fact, is that you need to understand that these teams aren’t playing against you. From their perspective, you are simply pawns on their game board. Game pieces that they use to play against one another. They vie for power, for control over the world. And you must understand that they have ancient scriptures that date back to ancient Sumerian and Babylonian times which promise them dominion over the earth and all men. These are not the same scriptures as you might ever see. These are stories dating back from when these families were the priest class that served certain extra-terrestrial masters. They were given all manner of secret teachings that gave them a massive advantage over all others. This very banking system that you now see in operation was invented as a means of dominion over others in the Orion system. It has been used very successfully by the Orion Whites as a kind of specialised form of warfare. They have taken over whole planetary systems without firing a single weapon using this system. The present day Gold and Green Groups hail from a priest class that served different masters to those served by the Red Shields . Each family has different scriptures. Different ideologies. And so these other groups are aware of the Red Shield's methods and are attempting to resist them, combat them, but not to emulate them. This is why I say the Gold team, particularly, has been working to return the world to the Gold standard. Or to be precise, a resource-based monetary system. A system in which all currency is backed by precious metals. A system in which you cannot print more money than you actually having the backing for. This stops the criminally greedy from simply issuing currency by edict. This curtails inflation and, more importantly, keeps the crooks honest. And with a resource-based economy, the world cannot simply be enslaved as an unavoidable consequence of the use of its currency. And banks cannot simply create currency out of thin air. Everyone is kept honest. In so many ways, a resource-based economy is more sane than the present fiat-based system.

    Now, I do not wish to imply that that these other families are saints. There are no real “good guys” amongst them. But it is immediately apparent that the Red Shields’ policies and methods are by far the most harmful and destructive to all others who are on the game-board. By which I mean you. You personally, humanity collectively, and all the rest of life that resides upon the planet.

    The fifth fact you must understand is that this currency that the Red Shields create is not what they consider to be important. They own the money supply simply so that they can own all that money can buy.

    So, by now, the families that pretty much invented banking as it exists on your planet, very nearly own everything that can be owned:

    They own all the media houses – which is why you are not told any of this. The mainstream media, as it is often called, is the wholly owned propaganda wing of the banking families. And through it, they try (and mostly succeed) to control all sides of every debate.

    They own all the largest manufacturing enterprises, which is why these businesses no longer serve you by creating jobs and by stimulating the economy. They serve their masters' interests only.

    They own the pharmaceutical houses that create the medicines that doctors are taught to prescribe. Which is why a plant that was brought to Earth along with the arrival of humanity that is a pharmacopoeia, in and of itself, remains classified as both “medically valueless and dangerously addictive”, when it is neither. It is a medicine that is uniquely matched to the human physiology. And not only is this grand gift to humanity banned, but you are jailed just for holding some in your possession. I share this information just by way of example of the destructive grip the Illuminati wield via the pharmaceutical houses. I could offer you an endless roll of equally iniquitous examples.

    What do you think would happen, for example, if you were to discover a cancer cure tomorrow? The answer is that even if you gave it to others for free, you would likely be jailed. And the greater your cure’s efficacy, the more likely it would be that you would be jailed. And, by way of another example, this is also why so-called alternative health practitioners are being side-lined and silenced. Recently there have been a growing number of the more successful alternative practitioners who have died under suspicious circumstances. What is going on is that they are being assassinated for the good work that they are doing. Precisely because their good work proves that some highly lucrative pharmaceutical products are semi-effective and over-priced at best. Outright toxic at worst. It’s all quite shocking really.

    Then these ancient families also own agro-industrial corporations, which is why you, collectively, become more malnourished each year. It is why you are not permitted to know what is in the products you buy in the store when accurate labelling would be easy enough to implement. And this is why the GM crops proliferate despite increasing awareness of their potential dangers.

    And the banksters own the arms industries that produce weapons of war which very often end up being used on both sides of a conflict, making them the only clear winner… and which is why you have never actually had world peace.

    I could go on and on. The point is that they own pretty much everything.

    And, mostly, of course, they own the politicians. They fund politicians and control them, both through lobbying intermediaries and through direct manipulation. Politics has become so rotten that most politicians don’t even need to pretend any more. They openly take the money and do the bidding of their puppet masters. They allow their legislative proposals to be drafted by the corporations that pay them to push those proposals through that further damage your quality of life, your wellbeing, your health, your environment in the name of ever more power and riches for the Illuminati and their lackeys.

    And so there is a pyramid of power. Right at the top are the banking families. The members of the old bloodlines. The ones we call the Illuminati. They never dirty their hands with anything of course. They let it be known what they desire and what they expect, and disposable lackeys run around making it happen. And when I say disposable lackeys, I mean everyone from your Presidents to your nation’s largest corporate CEOs, down. Everyone who is anyone is either bought or side-lined.

    There was once an American president who stood up against the Illuminati. A brave man of strong convictions who looked at the situation, saw to the heart of the problem and decided to take back the power of money creation. To make your currency a national asset. To simply cut the Illuminati out of the deal. His name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. And we all know what happened to him. He was dealt with by the Illuminati. And they made sure to record on film, in careful and graphic detail, exactly what was done to him, and by whom. You are never shown that film, obviously, they show it only when they need a top politician to understand who really holds the reins of power. There is a certain “intelligence briefing” that intelligence operatives give new presidents if they don’t “play ball” with their Illuminati masters. Amongst other inducements, this film is shown. After that they become quite compliant.

    Standing up to the Illuminati was, arguably, not Kennedy’s most fatal error. It was choosing Lyndon Johnson for his vice-presidential candidate. Perhaps you didn’t know this, but Kennedy neither liked nor respected Johnson. Kennedy admitted to a number of people that he thought Johnson would make a terrible president. But he was pressured, and eventually convinced, that having Johnson with him on the Presidential ticket would make his candidacy palatable to the establishment. In other words, to the Illuminati puppets that then, as now, thoroughly inhabit the political establishment. Because, you see, Johnson was about as loyal to his Illuminati masters as any man could be.

    What Kennedy would not be able to imagine is that this would offer the Illuminati an easy solution when he refused to bow to their demands. When Kennedy proved intractable, they simply assassinated him. And, as easy as that, they had in Johnson an eager puppet who promptly began to steer the nation on the precise course they dictated.

    Since then, there has never yet been a President who directly stood up to the Illuminati masters. And if you disagree or disbelieve me, simply look at what has been done under each president. The wars fought. The nations destabilized. The steady erosion of your liberties. The decimation of your wealth with the concomitant enrichment of the already super-wealthy. The toadying to corporations. The repeated attempts to degrade your nation’s constitution. And so on and so forth. The evidence is plain for all to see. Your political establishment, right from the President down, has not, for a very long time, served the people. It has served the Illuminati puppet masters.

    Just take a look at the long list of billionaires that eagerly supported each of these Presidents, both vocally and financially. And then ask yourself: what is the likelihood that the same policies that make these obscenely wealthy individuals happy are also going to be good for the average salary-earning, tax-paying individual? And, if serving the super-wealthy is good for you, why does the income gap grow and grow at such an alarming rate? Why are normal working class people getting more and more poor while the super wealthy just become more obscenely wealthy? Clearly what is good for them… is not good for you too! And every President since Kennedy has certainly served them!

    Now, I am not saying that these Presidents were all bad people. I am not saying that some of them did not start out with great intentions and high ideals. I’m not even saying that some of them did not start out wishing to serve the Light. I very much do believe that some of them did! It’s simply not so easy to judge them for their choices when you understand that each of these men received the same, so called, “intelligence briefing”. Each of them understood: co-operate or pay the ultimate price. It’s also not so easy to judge them when you understand the intense and unrelenting pressure each of them would be under from their advisers, the other politicians that surround them, the so-called intelligence apparatus and so on. Everyone they came into contact with would all be pushing them in the same direction. Co-operate. Do as you are told. Play ball. And then there is the threat of elimination if they don’t. And then, if they do, there is the promise of a lavish life of great comfort, luxury and ultimate status when they step down afterwards. All of this adds up to a pretty compelling proposition. Could YOU stand up to that kind of pressure?

    And of course it isn’t just the American leadership that resides under the Illuminati thumb.

    When some other nation of the world decides to do away with this Illuminati banking system… what do you think happens? Does the name Muammar Gaddafi ring a bell? Do you know why he was REALLY deposed and killed? Because he was a bad man who was unkind to his people? That’s what your Illuminati owned press told you. They sold it to you as an act of liberation for the people of Libya. Well… that’s not even nearly the truth. Gaddafi was no saint. But he was generally well loved by most of his people and there was much that he was doing that was quite good. Whatever finger you could point at Gaddafi, far worse was, and is, being done by other regimes that are not only considered friendly by the US government but are actually supported, both financially and militarily. Did you know, as just one example, that Saudi Arabia regularly has public beheadings? This nation is just one of a number that have the status of being considered a special friend to the USA while doing far worse things than those that have had regime change militarily enforced upon them. A moment’s scrutiny reveals the lie that these military actions have anything at all to do with humanitarian goal or any other kind of noble intention. No, my friends, Gaddafi was killed for the same reason that Kennedy was killed. Gaddafi was busy implementing a plan to create a new, gold-based, economy for his nation and for Africa. If he was permitted to do that, he would instantly reverse decades of Illuminati machinations. Potentially destroying their plans world-wide. So he was killed, his government overturned and a suitably nervously obedient puppet regime implemented that would continue to support the Illuminati banking system.

    And of course, Gaddafi and Libya is just one of a long list of similar actions. Many nations of the world have been turned inside out with rebellions and insurrections, with assassination and financial implosions so that the Illuminati banking system could continue to proliferate all over the world.

    By way of example: Do you want to guess what was REALLY going on with the 9-11 attack on the three world trade centre buildings? Did that not lead to you directly thereafter going to war with a slew of middle eastern nations? My friends, this had nothing to do with halting terrorism. There was no terrorism that was not first manufactured for exactly the purpose of riling you up… of manipulating you into a state of once again being willing to place your sons and daughters in direct harm’s way to serve Red Shield interests. You were psychologically abused into believing that these wars were for a noble and just cause. But they were not. They were nothing more or less than bringing about changes in these foreign nations banking systems or, alternately, about changing the ownership of those banking systems. And yes, it is true, the greedy puppet masters have greedy minions who are always happy to allow for the death and suffering of untold numbers of humans to gain free access to oil or some other easy windfall. They are even happy to have American soldiers die for this. They would in fact directly poison those same service men and women for a little cash. Which has directly happened on numerous occasions too. But that is another can of worms that we won’t open today.

    My friends, what I wish to convey is that the list of evil deeds perpetrated upon your world in the name of Illuminati banking is very, very long. By a very wide margin it is the greatest cause of misery, destruction, bloodshed and evil upon the earth in modern times.

    But things were not always like this. There was a time when the American currency was backed with real value. There was a time when the paper money in your wallet could be redeemed for Gold.

    Perhaps my American friends know this… but the noble and righteous principles your nation was founded upon were essentially about ensuring your freedom from tyranny of every kind. And the newly invented American dollar was backed by precious metals and there was no Illuminati banking system in place. As a result, there was no need for any income tax at all. When the USA fought for, and declared, independence what your forefathers were declaring independence from was tyranny in all its forms. Most of all the tyranny of a financial system that unfairly enriched the few at the expense of the many.

    And this act of defiance enraged the old Red Shield families who, until then, had operated on the premise that those whom they considered to be “lesser men” would always bend their knees before them. Kings, emperors and popes came to them to finance their wars and their projects. Such was their power. They believed that they were the true power behind every throne of every nation which was then under their sway. And now suddenly an upstart colony belonging to one of their nations unceremoniously declared them irrelevant and tossed them out!

    They were incensed and they swore revenge upon the newly formed United States of America.

    It might have taken them some time but they have certainly had that revenge. Over time, with many little manoeuvres such as buying out politicians, manipulating public opinion, creating wars, stock market crashes and similar disasters and then manipulating public opinion on the best way to protect against future disasters, they managed to slowly inveigle themselves back into owning America. Which they now do. As they expanded their control, they reinstated taxation and, at the same time, created the Fed. Since these two things go hand-in hand. At first they printed gold-backed money and then later they replaced that with the present system of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking. And, then they managed to turn you, my dear American friends, into their own personal army. Now you are the ones they use to beat up on the nations of the world that will not conform to their will. Your sons and daughters fight and die on the battlefields of THEIR choosing!

    But before I digress. The point I wish to make is a rather simple one. The Illuminati banking families know that their financial system is utterly unstable. They know that it is going to implode. They know that it cannot continue and that it will destroy every nation on Earth in the end. They don’t care because the Orion White plan according to which they are operating is for them to own every single thing upon the planet that can possibly be bought or traded before the final implosion. And THAT, my friends, is their goal. Total world dominance by financial control.

    And it’s a goal that they have been achieving. A goal that they have had an unshakeable belief that they would achieve. Unshakeable, that is, until the recent Brexit vote. As discussed in a previous conversation, that was a massive psychological and strategic loss for the Red Shields. There have been minor losses for them before now. But each of those minor losses were reversible. This one is not.

    Without getting too embroiled in the detail, you should know that the Red Shields main headquarters is in an area known as “the square mile” in London. Confusingly, this is a city within London officially called the City of London. But this detail is not important right now. What is important is that this is the Red Shields’ centre of control. From there they rule an empire that stretches over vast swathes of the planet. They have gained dominion over much of Europe and a variety of other nations around the world, including the USA, of course.

    So perhaps you can see why the people of Britain voting to exit the EU and refusing to do as expected is more than just an embarrassment. It is a real challenge to the smooth execution of their plans. And it emboldens their opposition. And by opposition I mean not only the forces of the Light but the other Illuminati factions too.

    As a result of the egregiously destructive way in which the Red Shields have played their hand collapsing governments and destroying nations, they have driven their opposing teams into each other’s arms. An unexpected alliance between the Gold and Jade teams is right now being forged. You’ll notice Russia and China are suddenly playing nicely together. You’ll notice them, for example, doing war drills together and supporting each other politically. These are the kinds of obvious signs of what is going on behind the scenes at the top-most level of the ancient families. But these things are less important than the financial game. Alternative world finance systems are being built together by the Gold and Jade teams[2]. Other smaller families are being sold on their importance and are joining this alternative banking system. The Red Shields’ dominance is being seriously challenged in this, the most important area. And when the time is right, the plan is to segue the world's finances back to a resource-based system. This would once again make gold the fundamental monetary unit. Other precious metals would be valued in terms of gold. And all money would then be valued in terms of a direct relationship with these metals. This would bring stability and order back to the financial world. And, more importantly, it would also destroy the Red Shields’ completely disproportionate power base. So, obviously, the Red Shields are resisting these moves at every turn. But they are not up against some little third world nation now. This is not a battle they can win militarily without also risking utter self-annihilation.

    Add this turn of events to the Brexit loss and you begin to see a picture of a team that is used to always winning suddenly sitting with their heads in their hands.

    And now I’d like to list a few more of the Red Shields’ recent catastrophic losses so that you might understand why things will not go as they have planned. So that you will understand why they are in a stricken state of damage control on every front. So that you will understand that the future is suddenly wide open. So that you will understand that there will be a moment in the not too distant future where you will be able to choose to create the future you desire. So that you will understand that this is a time of great hope and great excitement.

    So… a list of the Red Shields’ catastrophes, in no particular order:

    I’d like to open that list with the names Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, but I’d like to add to those names all the many brave men and women who have encountered gross violations and abuses and have stood up to be counted. Men and women who have risked all that they held dear to bring public attention to that situation. Many were never even heard of because many were silenced before they could speak out. Many more, quite understandably, bowed under pressure. But there have been a few who have been heard. A few who have blown that whistle. A few who have leaked that information. And quite a few of these have caused grave upset to the Red Shields’ plans. Not many quite as catastrophically as brave young Mr Snowden. The Red Shields’ dream of a single, unified NATO-like nation was dealt a near-fatal blow with all that he revealed.

    And to the whistle-blowers and ethically motivated leakers of information, I need to add the nameless, faceless hackers who have used their technological skills in service of principle and justice. Who have brought to light the abuses of some of the Red Shield’s most beloved players. More about that in a moment.

    First I wish to bring to your attention the Red Shield’s losses on the world stage. I am sure you have been following the war with the group called Isis? Perhaps you did not know that this too was a Red Shield creation? Both Isis and Al Qaeda are opposition tools that the Red Shields use for underhanded and nefarious purposes. Here are two examples. Firstly, if they wish to attack an enemy to bring about a change in their banking system, they can usually use the US military. But what do you do if the US public cannot be convinced that this is a good idea? Then they use a proxy such as Isis or Al Qaeda to attack and destabilize that enemy. And, secondly, by then framing this proxy force as being such a rampant, egregiously evil enemy that they MUST be destroyed, they are then able to gain public approval to invest US troops with minimal complaint or resistance.

    One of the main purposes of Isis was to wrest control of Syria from the Gold team. Perhaps you recall that in 2013 President Obama wanted to go to war against Syria? He was ordered to do this, of course, and so presented to the nation his so-called Red Line. He told the world that the Syrian regime had used poison gas against its own people and that this was sufficient cause for war. The problem was that the American nation simply told him “no”. This was one of those surprising moments that are so wonderful to watch from the outside. When the people of the world simply claim their power, the Illuminati get put in their place. The difference between that event and what happened with the Brexit vote is that the Red Shields quite easily recovered from that set-back. They simply changed tack and got their own way anyway. In this case, they simply used a proxy, as previously outlined. Isis was, until then, a small rag-tag outfit operating in Iraq. Now they were repurposed. They were upgraded and equipped. Given fleets of vehicles and container loads of arms. Given support and finances for a massive recruitment drive. And then they were pointed at Syria. And with this Isis began to do the Red Shields’ “dirty work” that the US military was disallowed from doing. Conveniently Isis began to wage war on Syrian government forces. The same forces Obama was instructed to target. And then a little while later, when it seemed suitable, the American people were encouraged to see Isis as the enemy and US military forces were sent to attack them. And so a fake war began. The Red Shields pretended to be at war with themselves. US soldiers on the one side were fooled into attacking decoy Isis targets on the other side. Have you ever wondered how it was that the might of the US military could not seem to stop or even slow an insurgent force of semi-trained recruits with far inferior weaponry? It’s because this was a carefully orchestrated fake! The US military was carefully hobnailed with false information and all kinds of limitations and curtailments!

    Yes, people still got hurt and killed. It was important that the illusion be maintained and neither the Isis fighters nor the American soldiers were let in on the deception. So a certain number of genuine combat operations had to happen. But it did not serve the Red Shields’ interests to allow either of these forces to sustain great losses, so this was kept to a reasonable minimum. All the while Isis was allowed to expand its activities against the Syrian people and their government forces. All the while new Isis recruits were encouraged to believe that their successes against the might of the US war machine was proof that their God was on their side.

    And all of this was a smoke-screen. The actual point of Isis was to allow the Red Shields to gain control of Syria, which had been an asset of one of the non-aligned families that had been wooed by the Gold Team. A secondary benefit, from the Red Shield perspective, was that this allowed them to precipitate the European migrant crisis. Information was disseminated, first in Syria, and then more broadly, that there was a free-for-all. That borders were now open and migrants would be freely received in Europe. People from war-torn and poverty-stricken areas were told that houses, cars, jobs and lives of comfort with generous social security nets awaited them in Europe. They only had to get themselves there and all their troubles would be over. And the Red Shields’ political puppets in Europe played along, enthusiastically opening borders in a way that has no precedent in the history of your planet.

    And THAT is why the migrant crisis that now plagues Europe began.

    Please understand that I do not apportion blame to the migrants. Many of them truly are war refugees. And those who are not almost universally do come from very poor economic conditions. Whatever else one might say about them, they are pawns who have been abused in a disastrously unkind game to destabilize the nations of Europe. Even those who decided to head to Europe with the specific and intentional purpose of committing acts of terror and hatred, even they are just pawns. They are the ones going to extreme effort, putting themselves through significant hardship only to risk their lives, and quite likely kill themselves, to enact that hatred.

    Have you asked yourself who it was that told all these migrants to flood toward Europe en masse? Do you honestly think this was a purely instinctive response to the chaos at home?

    My friends, let us not be naive. This was carefully planned, constructed and created. And, yes, it was the Red Shields that did this.

    The Red Shield’s strategy is to fill Europe with these migrants and then to spark incidents that will cause outrage between the migrants and the residents. It’s not hard to do. The cultural, socio-economic and religious divides between the two peoples offers rich opportunity for exactly that. Add a little heat and a little friction and you very quickly have an explosion. The plan was to use this to cause a civil war to rage across Europe. A classic element of the Illuminati play book is to create a disaster and then offer their own solution to that disaster. In this case they plan to offer a neat solution. It will seem so obvious. The “only obvious answer” will be to create a European Defence Force. A single army composed of the armies of the European nations that will report to the EU politburo. And this army’s first task will be to quell the violence, enforce the peace and to bring stability. And with that, the old European borders will finally become a matter of history and formality. The Red Shields will have finally gained control of Europe. One nation. One currency. One supreme government that is neither elected nor responsible to the people of Europe. With one military to enforce their will.

    It was a masterful plan. Evil, certainly, but brilliant.

    And this is busy back-firing upon them. First there is the Brexit vote. A disaster from their perspective. And then the people of Europe are simply not playing ball as they were supposed to do. Too many of them are becoming less tolerant and more nationalistic. They are beginning to insist upon the return of national borders. Certain nations are refusing to take refugees at all. There is greater ideological fragmentation of Europe now than any time in the last few decades. And, as new elections are held, it becomes ever more apparent that this entire gambit has been an absolute disaster for the Red Shields.

    And the bad news does not end for them. The Gold Team have, in the meantime, begun to take the Syrian situation in hand. Instead of allowing the fake war against Isis to continue, they have prosecuted a real war against them. And suddenly Isis does not appear to be the indomitable foe you were lead to believe. When Russian forces attack, Isis collapses. And so the war in Syria is being won by the Gold Team and, as things now stand, no regime change will happen. And to compound this loss, at this time it seems as if Turkey, a key Red Shield asset that has been Isis’ direct support line, is making noises indicating a desire to defect to the Gold Team!

    And you must also have heard of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)?[3] Just as the EU was sold to Europeans as a trade agreement between foreign states that was then, without public participation or permission, incrementally expanded with the goal of becoming a political union… in just the same way the TTIP has been proposed as a trade agreement that would unify all Red Shield assets under one umbrella. The hidden plan is to then expand this deal to turn all of these nations, effectively, into one nation under the power and sway of unelected Red Shield approved lackeys. Crucially, the actual terms of the TTIP are secret. If your nation is party to this agreement, you will not know what is being agreed to on your behalf until long after it is in force. Equally, you have no right or power to vote against this agreement that fundamentally alters the way your country does business with other countries AND WITH YOU. Does that not sound terribly troubling to you? But, good news for you and bad news for the Red Shields, this deal is now looking less likely to pass, as France and other states are declining to sign and as public resistance mounts. But the latest news is that President Obama is putting in an all-out effort to get this approved in the US. Which side will win this particular battle? You or the Red Shields? Time will tell…

    And, as much as the Red Shields' plans to dominate Europe are now somewhat in tatters, still they fail to attain full dominance in the USA itself. There are many reasons for this. A big one I would like to point to is that the very soldiers that the Red Shields ship off all over the world to obtain control of foreign nations must all eventually come home. And when they do, they come home equipped with some significant combat skills. And they come home to a nation with a constitutionally enshrined right to bear arms. The importance of this right in the American constitution is often misunderstood. Mostly by the people of other nations, but also by many Americans themselves. This is not about giving you the right to hunt, to shoot at targets or even to defend yourself against criminals. Though, of course, you do have the right to use your arms in such a fashion, the framers of the American constitution actually intended for the American citizenry to carry a bigger stick, metaphorically speaking, than their own government does. And you do. Woe betide any government that sufficiently raises the ire of the American citizenry that they actually feel sufficiently universally aggrieved to take to arms and rise up! You have many times more individuals licensed to hunt deer in the US than any nation has in their entire army. There is no real way to accurately know how many individuals beyond that number own arms and how proficient they are in their use. But, factor in the veterans and it is a fact that the framers of the constitution have their wish. The US citizenry is extremely well armed and no conventional army would ever be able to pass through the USA intact.

    Now please don’t misunderstand. I don’t advocate this course of action. I simply point out the massive deterrent value in the combination of trained veterans mixed into a citizenry that are armed to the teeth. And it is in this light that I point to the continuous and varied attempts that Red Shield lackeys have employed to separate you from your constitutional right to bear those arms. Perhaps you have noticed a special attempt to declare veterans unfit to bear arms?

    A powerful way they have attempted to drive this disarmament has been through the use of mass shootings. A great number of these mass shootings have actually been created by agents of the Red Shields themselves! Your heart would quail if I were to reveal to you the psychological manipulations and abuses they have perpetrated upon individuals to lead them to act in this fashion. And then, following such monstrous events there is always the possibility of copy-cat actions. But, in any event, the purpose is served: These mass-shootings create such shock and horror when they are broadcast in the media that it seems reasonable thereafter to hear calls from their political agents to disarm you, the law abiding citizenry. It’s the same problem-solution game from the Illuminati playbook all over again!

    At this point these attempts have been a massive back-firing failure. Each call for disarmament yields a weapons buying spree. Each attempt to control, limit and curtail the right, which the constitution says “shall not be infringed”, is stubbornly resisted. And it becomes clear that the very thing that the Red Shield most fears in the USA, which is the eviction of their agents via a modern equivalent of the Boston Tea Party, would be precipitated by an attempt to forcibly disarm you. It’s a bit of a stalemate. And if you keep them in stalemate you begin to win the game because time, as I shall soon explain, is not on their side.

    So, my friends, I am painting a picture for you of the situation the Red Shields have created for themselves. Decades, or even centuries, of wins and successes had them feeling invincible. They truly believed that they were on their way to owning the world. And now suddenly they are on the ropes. Suddenly everything that can go wrong for them, is doing so. And they are not used to dealing with such adversity! They haven’t developed the resources for this. So they do what they have always done. They are trying to spend their way out of all of their problems. Which means that they are haemorrhaging money. Which means that more and more money must be printed. Which means that the financial implosion, that would have taken another decade or three, is now looming much, much closer. Which means, that when the crunch comes, they will not own the world. Not only have they not destroyed the other teams… but indeed the other teams are gaining ground and actually have an alternate economic system waiting in the wings, ready to be implemented when the fiat financial system shows itself to be what it is: valueless, meaningless numbers.

    And then there is the piece de resistance. I’d really love to give you a full briefing on the situation with the American elections, but I really do not wish, in any way, to influence you in your voting choices.

    So I will preface this discussion by saying that, were I a voter in the US, I would not vote. I would not consider the present system to be anything approaching an inclusive democracy. It is an oligarchy. And I would only vote for someone who had shown a track-record of willingness to fundamentally transform the political playing field in such a way that I, the voter, that we, the people, truly had a say in all government activities. To return governance to the people, for the people and by the people. But this is another topic altogether that I hope to address on another day. I merely wish to indicate that I have no favourites in this race. But, that said, it is unambiguously and blatantly apparent that the Red Shields do!

    And what is also apparent is that there is another in the race who is not one of their lackeys. And this, in itself, is a very interesting point. You see, the Red Shields began this election cycle with great confidence that they had stacked both sides of the race with willing lackeys, just as they always do. They were utterly confident that all those who had any chance at all of getting to the front running would play ball with them. But things, once again, simply haven’t gone according to plan. Now I will not name names but I’ll let you decide who I am talking about. On the one side of the race the Red Shields' puppets simply imploded and self-destructed, one after another, as a total dark horse candidate, who has shown no sign of willingness to co-operate with them, steamed to the front!

    Indeed, this very dark horse candidate has even shown an open willingness to negotiate with the Gold team! One might very easily level all kinds of accusations at this dark horse. An over-the-top show boater. An erratic wild-card. An entertainer with no substance. Perhaps some of these accusations, and many others like them, are even true. But, whatever the case, just the fact that this dark-horse candidate has made it to the nomination for one of the parties is an enormous, unprecedented headache for the Red Shields. And, to top it all, unlike Kennedy, the dark horse has not selected a Red Shield-approved running mate!

    On the other side of the race, the Red Shields’ absolute darling has been plagued by revelation after revelation that has caused their true criminal colours to be vividly shown. The more that is known and revealed about this Red Shields favourite, the less likely a fair and honest win at the polls becomes!

    Yes, it is true that the Red Shields still own the media. They still control the spin. They control the polls that continue to show their candidate winning.

    And they strive to create a maximum of hype and fear around their opposition candidate. And yes, it is true that that opposition candidate is not a perfect angel.

    But irrespective of the way the election goes, of whether the Red Shields manage an honest win, or whether they fraudulently steal the vote again using the voting machines that they create and own. Or of whether the opposition candidate is brought to heel with the kind of pressure I have previously related. Irrespective of all this, my friends, do you see that the Red Shields are have fundamentally lost control of the game?

    It is unprecedented that anything like this might happen and a clear sign that their grip is very fast slipping. And, given their behaviour and their track record, I cannot think of a single reason that that should be a bad thing. It is, indeed, cause for celebration.

    So, my friends, all of this is the crucial background information that you needed to hear at this time. Unless you have been living under a rock, you will have been hearing for some years now that you should prepare for a financial crash. Well I wish to reiterate that call now. The time is drawing quite near. It is not for me to know exactly when that will come, as it depends on the way in which the Red Shields will continue to play their ever weakening hand and, indeed, on the way the other players respond. But my friends, if you have not been preparing, I advise you now to begin! Do so with care and forethought. Make sure you will be able to survive for a month or three, if this thing you call money stops working for a while.

    Think about what that will mean for you. What if you cannot draw currency at the cash machine? What if stores go empty? What if your electricity is cut off? What if your water is cut off?

    You have been receiving warnings to prepare for years now. As a result there are many sites on the internet with a great deal of information about how to prepare. So, instead of reiterating all that, I will offer these items of additional advice:

    1. Don’t give in to panic. What lies ahead is a necessary reset that cannot be negotiated without a period during which your money will not work. This is not the end of the world. This is a change in systems. And a new system will replace the old. It might just take a little while to reach you.

    2. Don’t leap into reaction. You have some time still. The Red Shields have shown themselves to be willing to keep “kicking the can down the road” for as long as they can. And they are very good at doing so. And they still have some tread left in their kicking shoes. So you can really expect the system to limp along for at least a year or two, but more likely, a good few years. And if you keep your eyes open you will be able to see signs of imminent collapse. Most notably watch the big banks. The Illuminati protect their own, most precious, banks at all costs. That’s why banks get bailed out when all other businesses are allowed to go bankrupt. When they can no longer protect the banks and the banks actually start closing, then you are in the final stretch. But don’t wait for that to happen before you begin preparations. That will be too late. Begin to prepare now and finalize your preparations when banks begin to collapse.

    3. Don’t allow fear to drive your decisions now. Think and plan the way you might for a family camping trip, for example. Think in terms of provisioning your household for a period of self-reliance. And you don’t need to rush out and spend a fortune either. If you stock up on foodstuffs, for example, make sure that you regularly eat from those stocks and, in careful rotation, add to your stocks so that they never expire.

    4. Think about what you will REALLY need. You can do without all kinds of things in a pinch. What you cannot do without is water, food, warmth and shelter. Make sure you have those things in place. Everything else can be figured out.

    5. Don’t forget community. In times of trouble, humanity’s strength lies in community. You don’t need to get all of your neighbours to prepare with you. But you do need to know who, around you, you can rely on. And if you don’t feel there is anyone around you that you can trust, where can you go, in an emergency, where you are surrounded by reliable individuals? Plan for how you might make this happen, if needed.

    6. Don’t be rash. You might think it doesn’t matter what you do with your money if it’s going to fail anyway but we don’t know when and how this will happen. You can find yourself in a whole lot of trouble between now and then if you, for example, create reckless debt. Rather eliminate your debt, if you can, and gain the peace of mind that comes with that freedom.

    7. If you have fiat currency to invest and you are of a mind to take investment advice from a space alien on the internet [ironic smile] then I would recommend purchasing physical precious metals. No matter what comes, there is no future scenario in which precious metals cannot later be translated back into cash or goods.

    My friends, there are no guarantees about what will happen in your near future. But the more prepared you are, the less traumatic you will find it. And if you can move yourself out of fear about what may come, you might be able to see the wonderful opportunity that life is about to present you with. You see, chaos is life’s way of allowing for change. And the greater the chaos, the greater the possible change. The Red Shields have been very hard at work implementing their dream for a new world order in which there is one world united under their rule. The key word there, “order”, is the means by which they disallow change. The means by which they remain in total control of every step of proceedings. Well… when their order falls into chaos then, suddenly, marvellous change becomes possible. Then suddenly you are freed to create a vast range of possible outcomes for yourself and your world.

    And this opens a new topic for conversation. One I wish to address with you next. Today I have spoken about the situation in the most worldly of terms. When I next speak to you I will speak from a very much more spiritual perspective. I will explain to you how this reset is really a wonderful opportunity for you to create what your soul most desires for your world and for your reality. And then I will tell you, in specific detail, what you will then be able to do to bring that reality into fruition.

    My friends, some parts of today’s conversation might have been a bit difficult for you to hear. But please believe me when I say, with every ounce of conviction of my being: What is happening is a necessary and good change. But it will not come about without some modicum of hardship. But with just a little preparation you will pass through that time of hardship with the minimum disruption. And that time of hardship is actually the most magnificent opportunity in all of time. This truly is not something to fear. It is something to be prepared for, something to understand, something to work with and something from which you might reap the most unimaginably wonderful rewards if you are but willing.

    I have so much more to say about this… and this is where I will resume this conversation next time we meet.

    Until then, I leave you with a reminder to remain connected to your own divine guidance which you find in your own heart. Be strong, be courageous and be true. But mostly, be love.

    I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation and I have been coming to you, as always, through Zingdad

  2. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:

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    I enjoyed that quite a lot. Good information and advice.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

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    didnt see any dates.. hrmm.. this might make it through...

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    The American Elections - A Perspective Offering Hope and Excitement from Adamu

    My dear friends

    I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation and I have a brief but important message to bring to you, as always, through my dear young friend, Zingdad.

    Now that the American elections are behind us, I can offer you some thoughts that may be useful to you without risking interference beyond that with which I am comfortable.

    What I wish you to understand is that this vote, this decision for a Trump presidency rather than a Clinton presidency, can be best summarized as “a disaster averted”.

    Now please, do not misunderstand me. I am NOT saying that Mr Trump is a light-worker, a saint or an ideal and heroic leader. He is as flawed a human being as any are. He has his strengths and weakness as any do. My perspective today is not so much about what Mr Trump is… as what he is not. And Mr Trump is not a lackey to the Red Shield Illuminati. They did absolutely everything in their power to keep him from winning this race. And while they were working tirelessly to place Mrs Clinton in the White House, their attentions were diverted from some of their other efforts. And so, if you were attentive to world affairs rather than fixated solely on the US elections, you might have noticed during this time that the world inched back from the brink of Armageddon.

    Yes, my friends, it is true. The world was careening towards self-destruction at a pace not seen for decades. And the blame for this can be laid squarely at the feet of the Red Shields. Their strategies have become quite unhinged as they strive to bring their hidden prophecies to fruition. They truly were getting ready to provoke thermonuclear war with their nemesis, the Gold and Jade teams of Russia and China. Left unchecked, this is what they would have placed in your near-future time-line!

    So I shall reiterate: this election result is NOT cause for unbridled joy. It is not as if some angel of Light has been elected to the presidency. But it certainly is cause for a large sigh of relief. The Red Shields have been handed a stinging defeat. The second such defeat in a row after their previous, massive loss with the Brexit vote.

    And it is an incredible strategic loss for them. In part, the loss of a puppet president, yes, but the awareness that their control of the press does not give them the control of the minds of the people - or not the majority of the people, anyway - has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt now. The Red Shields can now palpably feel the reins of control slipping from their hands!

    This is a massive loss of impetus for them. And the consequence is that their prophecies are shown not to be coming to fruition at this time. This will force them to take a step back to regroup. Assuredly they will try to rise again. And assuredly they intend to bring their prophecies to fruition again at some future date. And this will, of course, again mean an attempt to precipitate Armageddon. But certainly not any time soon. And their window of opportunity is fast closing. The time frame during which they can still affect the course of world events is nearing its end. A new dispensation is dawning.

    So, we have attained more than just some breathing room. Disaster has been averted. And now it is time for you and I to get out of this political mud pit and begin to do some real good. Now it is time to stop pretending that the political process is the most power that you have. Because it is not! In point of fact it is the very weakest kind of proxy power that is actually used to keep you disempowered.

    And there is a very important point that I wish to make about the specifics of this election too. You would have to have lived under a rock not to have noticed that this was quite different from any other election ever held in America. It was by far the most divisive, the most aggressive, the most baleful and the dirtiest election ever. The election process itself not only exposed some of the deepest wounds in the national psyche, but actually played upon them… actually deepened them. Deep hatred was stirred up on both sides in an attempt to solidify voters in one camp or the other. As regrettable as this is, it does have the upside of showing clearly to any who have eyes to see that your salvation does not lie in politics. That politicians do not hold the answers for your redemption. Neither personally, nor nationally, nor globally. It cannot be up to them to right this world! It must be up to you! You personally and you collectively. And the higher the vibratory frequency of your consciousness, the more powerfully you can create... if you but know how. Those of a higher density of consciousness create exponentially more powerfully than those of a lower density of consciousness. So first you need to work on raising your consciousness. Then you need to remember (or be reminded) how to create your reality. And this is exactly what I will be doing in the following communiqués: reminding you how to create your reality. In this way you can become a co-creator of a future world that is congruent with your most beautiful dreams for yourself, humanity and the planet. And as you enact your inherent creator nature so you will raise your vibration. As you raise your vibration, so you will become an ever more powerful creator. And as you break through into higher densities of consciousness, new, more powerful tools will await your use.

    So, my friends. A very exciting journey lies ahead of you, if you will but walk it. This journey is not for everyone. Not everyone is at a place in their soul’s evolution where they are ready to awaken to their creator nature. Many cling to their victim status. Many wish for some powerful other to swoop in to rescue them. Many are not yet capable of perceiving their own divine nature. And so, many will reject this message. And that too is exactly perfect. Everyone plays the role that they are suited for. But this message – and the ones that follow – are not for those who cling to their 3rd density victim consciousness. These messages are for you, the awakening soul. For you, the Light-bringer and the Light-worker. For you, the Starseed and the Earth Angel.

    In every message that I share I make two suggestions:
    1. That you understand that each communique is a part of a greater message. And so I do strongly suggest that you please read the other messages in this collection. You can find them collected, in order, for your rereading pleasure at
    2. That you consider signing up for our free newsletter so that you might be alerted whenever I release new information through Zingdad. You can do so at

    And that brings to a close this brief update from me.

    What I wish for you to take away from this communiqué is that this is actually a great moment. Irrespective of what you think of either Mr Trump or Mrs Clinton. Because it really isn’t actually about either of those two personalities. This is a very necessary defeat for the Red Shield war machine. They were defeated before a single shot could be fired. And now we can forge forward together to bring truly great change to the planet and to humanity.

    With that, I leave you.

    I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian Civilisation and I have been speaking to you through Zingdad.

  8. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Myst For This Useful Post:

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    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Another nice message, fearless and positive, been busy and missed it and nice to find and read today. Ta Myst

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    Another >

    This is a l-o-n-g article, but so full of truth that is is well worth this time needed to read. So…please read, understand what is really going on, and…


    Including the Coming Financial Reset…
    and the American Elections!

    Greetings to you my dear friends

    I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation coming to you through Zingdad.

    In today’s conversation I will be offering you a briefing on the political situation in the world at present. The focus of this briefing is to offer you a comprehensive understanding of the coming financial reset. Unavoidably, we will also be discussing the coming presidential elections in America.

    The topics under discussion are complex and though I will attempt to be brief, this communiqué will be a little longer than you are used to receiving from me. I do believe it will, however, be worth your while to set the time aside to digest what I have to offer. The briefing that will follow will take some focus and attention. And not all of it will be fun or exciting to read. But it is crucial that you understand what I am about to share with you. Your future, and indeed the future of your planetary civilisation, might very well depend upon it!

    In today’s conversation I will be addressing a number of real hot-button issues. It is vital that you have the full context for what I am about to say so I must begin with a very firm request that you please make sure that you have read the previous items in this series. Without this background you are likely to misunderstand today’s content. These previous items are all conveniently collected for you at

    And while we are addressing such administrative issues, I’d like to also invite you to sign up for our newsletter at This will allow Zingdad to update you directly whenever he and I release new material.

    Now, on to the matters at hand. And what pivotal matters they are! My friends, you are right in the eye of the storm of change. Your planetary consciousness is at the most crucial stage of its development yet. And so I find it important to bring you to an understanding of the situation so that you can weather the coming storm with your courage in hand… and crucially too… so that you can make the correct, fully informed choices for yourself, your life and those who depend upon you.

    To begin with, I know you have noticed that your world’s financial system is on the verge of collapse. Everyone knows that. And those who have created this disaster are very busy pretending as if they don’t know how it got that way or how to fix it. All the while proceeding to do EXACTLY what it takes to make it worse! While making themselves richer and all the rest of you poorer.

    You see, my friends, the financial system is not busy breaking. That is what they want you to believe. It was built this way. It is doing what it was created to do. And what it was created to do is to enslave you, to steal your power and to place control of the whole world in the hands of this system’s creators.

    But if you don’t have a clear understanding of the mechanics of your monetary system, this will take a little explaining. And so I wish to offer you, right now, the very barest boiled down facts. You can consider what I am about to tell you to be a synopsis, but I do suggest you use the resources on the Internet to do your own research in order to gain a deeper understanding.

    So here we go:

    The first fact is that what you have in your wallet and in your bank account is not money, it is fiat currency. Money is something with real, intrinsic value. Like a gold or silver coin. That is money. The worth of the coin is right there in the coin. The value of such a coin does not change. One ounce of gold is one ounce of gold. That IS its value. Other things might change value in relation to an ounce of gold but the gold is what it is. It is possible to create paper money. This is what is called a promissory note. I could create a piece of paper which promises that I will give the bearer of that paper, say, an ounce of gold. Then that paper is a proxy for the coin. The paper is worth one ounce of gold. As long as you believe me, and as long as I don’t create more paper than I actually have gold to back it with, then that paper is also money.

    What you have in your wallet and in your bank account is not money, it is fiat currency. The word “fiat”, means “decree”. An arbitrary order issued by some authority. And this is what your currency is. Your nation’s financial authority essentially issues a decree to create currency. But it really has no value other than that they say it does. Its value exists only in the fact that those to whom they give this paper believe it has value. And as long as it flows from person to person and as long as that belief exists between those people, so long it appears to have value. And then only because it is possible to exchange this nonsense fabricated fiction for things that do have actual value.

    That’s the first fact. Your currency is not money, it is a fiction created by decree by your financial authorities.

    The second fact is perhaps a bit more startling. Do you know who the financial authority of your nation is?

    If you guessed that it was your government, then you have fallen for the deception. Your currency is created when your central reserve bank declares a loan from its Illuminati bank.

    Let’s unpack that statement shall we?

    There are a number of ancient bloodline families that are insanely, obscenely wealthy. Their wealth comes from banking. They have been in banking for a very, very long time. They started out being money changers. They grew wealthy by offering more promissory notes than they had gold to back it with. They also developed a system called usury, which is the basis for modern bank loans. And they slowly became wealthier than kings, popes, emperors, sultans and even whole nations. Then they became the financiers to those nations. When one country went to war with another, these bankers were called upon to finance the war. They quickly realised that financing both sides of the war was very profitable business. And then they realised that they could encourage wars with a little skulduggery, and in this way could open the taps of wealth. And so they became ever more powerful too. And all this without any risk to themselves. When the populace come with pitchforks to the palace gates, when they overthrow a despot, when guillotines end the lives of kings… the bankers live on in comfort and luxury… usually leaping in to offer “financial assistance” to the revolutionaries in terms of loans.

    Do you see how it goes?

    And today these ancient families live in vast secluded mansions. They continue to be the wealthiest individuals on the planet by a vast margin. But they are clever enough to hide their wealth using a complex game of shells so that they are very nearly invisible to you.

    So these are the people to whom I refer when I say, “the Illuminati”. These ancient families that have been manipulating the human story from behind the scenes for the length and breadth of your recorded history. These families own top-tier banks that the central reserve banks of very nearly every nation on Earth come to for the annual loan that creates that nation’s currency.

    We’ll be speaking a fair bit about the American situation in today’s conversation, so let us begin right now by using the USA as our example, shall we?

    The United States’ central bank is popularly called The Fed, short for the Federal Reserve Bank. And so it is that the Fed approaches an Illuminati bank. And while there are many such family banks, the Fed is contractually bonded to a particular group of Illuminati families. Let us call them the Red Shield group. And we’ll talk some more about the different groups in a little while.

    The Red Shield group of banking families loans to the fed however many trillions of dollars that the nation will need to run its economy for the year. And here is the crucial bit. The vast majority of what the Fed needs for the economy is really just to service the nation’s debt that is carried over from previous years.

    You heard that right. Only a small percentage of the loan is actually for currency that will float the economy. Most of the loan is just to pay back debt from previous years. At this point, the US federal debt runs to about 20 trillion dollars. Do you understand what that means? It means that your nation owes the Red Shield banking families about 20 trillion dollars. You owe it to them because they previously loaned you money and the debt has accumulated, with interest, to this level[1].

    And do you know how that debt will be paid off? Next year, the Fed will loan more money than it did this year. That is why the debt ceiling must constantly be raised. Next year, the Fed will loan more money so that it can pay off this year’s debt plus the little bit extra needed for currency to flow into the national banking system.

    So to answer my own question: I asked you if you know who your nation’s monetary authority is. The answer is that it is the Red Shield banks. They own your money. And they own it in two ways. Firstly because they create the currency that is loaned to the Fed and secondly because they own the Fed.

    Did you catch that? I slipped it in there casually enough that perhaps it did not shock you.

    So here it is again, a little slower, this time. The Federal Reserve Bank is not owned by the nation or by the government or whatever else you might have thought. It is a private corporation owned by shareholders. And the controlling shareholders are… would you like to guess… those same Red Shield banks! It’s a closely guarded secret as to who actually owns the stocks, but I can tell you that there is another game of shells used to hide the fact that the Illuminati families that own the banks, that make the loans to the Fed, also own the Fed itself.

    Can you begin to see how iniquitous this is? They collude with themselves to make loans out of fresh air… making up numbers as they go… and you, the people of the nation, must, by the sweat of your brow, labour to repay those loans! The vast majority of your annual taxation goes to just this: repaying that loan. Each year, you personally give a huge chunk of your income directly to the Red Shield banking families. And the system is rigged such that your nation can never, ever repay that loan. The debt simply balloons. Year by year the debt ceiling is pushed higher, as ever greater loans are made to service past loans with interest and a little more for the running of the nation.

    So, this is the second fact: your currency is created, really, by the Red Shield banking families in collusion with themselves. They create it out of nothing. The Fed has no collateral at all to back the loan and the Red Shield banks have no gold, silver or any other thing of value to back the currency they issue as a consequence of the loan. It’s just… made up. Meaningless numbers sucked from their thumbs. They shake their own hands, agree with themselves… which instantly makes them more money than you can imagine.

    And you then slave away to exchange your life-energy for this fiction. This created currency. You give your time, energy, effort and creativity for this fable.

    And because the Fed must loan more money each year to service last year’s debt, more money is created out of nothing each year. This means, directly, that the currency you are holding becomes worth less and less each year. That is called inflation. Which is a lie. Nothing is inflating. Prices are not going up. Your currency is just worth less because more currency has been created. So you get poorer each year. You put in the same effort, but the currency you are given in exchange is, over time, worth less and less. And this is actually all just a hidden tax that also makes the Illuminati families richer still.

    You have heard the talking heads on the news speak of Quantitative Easing? Well, really, this is just an acceleration of this very principal. It is a deal that they sign with themselves to produce even more currency which accelerates the devaluation of the money in your pocket. Really… it is just an ingenious way to take value from everyone else and further enrich themselves.

    The third fact is that only about 10% of the currency in your wallet is created in the way outlined above. The other 90% is created by retail banks. When your salary lands in your bank account, your bank is permitted to make loans against that money. In a system called fractional reserve banking, they are allowed to loan out about 9 times as much money as they have in reserve. This would be a terribly bad idea even if what they had in reserve was real money. Like gold or silver. It is an absolutely insane idea when what they have in reserve is valueless currency! But, be that as it may, that is how it works. These retail banks don’t do business with the Fed, they do business with you, the citizens of the nation. And when you go to them for a loan or an overdraft, they are allowed to loan out nine-times as much currency as is in deposit with them. Which is why, when people lose faith and go to the bank en masse to make withdrawals and to close their investments, those banks can very quickly fail. Quite simply, they hold much less currency than they have loaned out. And, if their deposits quickly drop, their business model quickly implodes.

    But, as insane as this is, this is the way your banking system works. Most of the currency in circulation is created out of second-tier debt between private citizens and their banks. And of course, you also pay interest on your debts, which is yet another way in which they get richer. But you, of course, are not permitted to make debt without collateral. Only the Fed is allowed to do that! And, of course, the bank doesn’t need to hold anything of value to back the loan they make to you. Other than, of course, one tenth of the value in this fiction called fiat currency.

    The only ones ever held to any kind of account in all of this, is you. If you don’t pay back your loans exactly as stipulated, your property will be taken from you and sold. If retail banks fail, they are bailed out. Which means that the Red Shield banking system creates more fictitious currency out of thin air and gives it to these retail banks (in which the Red Shield family members usually have shares, and often controlling shares) so that they can continue. Which means that you, as a nation, again, owe the Red Shields yet more. So the banks can’t fail. And neither can the Fed. Though it is a private enterprise, whatever poor, insane or self-destructive choices they make, you, the tax-payer, will pick up the tab. And the top-tier Red-Shield banks certainly can’t fail either. They just make currency out of nothing and reap the ever ballooning rewards, no matter what happens.

    Only the citizens of the nation can fail. Only the citizens can have their assets confiscated. Only citizen-owned businesses can be declared bankrupt.

    Are you angry yet?

    Perhaps you have heard a quote by a famous man of your world named Henry Ford. He said, “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

    If you feel your anger rising, I’d like to caution you: This is how they win. Either you know nothing and they control your life through your ignorance. Or you become informed and they control you through your rage. But there is a third path. A path I am inviting you to walk. Upon this path, you become informed, but do not allow anger to pull you from your centre. And then you connect with the divine within and begin to create something better. Not out of a desire for revenge or retribution. But out of a genuine desire to see the Greatest Good made manifest. And we will be talking a great deal more about this in following conversations but there is more you need to hear and understand first. Right now, I am simply lovingly encouraging you not to give yourself over to anger, as this takes you out of your power.

    And so, let us continue to understand the situation.

    The fourth fact is that, the Illuminati bankers are not one, planet-wide organisation. It is merely for convenience that I use this word, Illuminati. There is no single organisation that conforms to that name. There are many families who each have their national and regional assets. Some of these families form alliances and group together. The Red Shields are one such alliance that control, by and large, the USA and Western Europe. There are other alliances that control other parts of the world. There is, for example, an alliance that I will call the Gold Group. I call them that because they have maintained a firm belief that it was a mistake to float the world’s financial system free from the gold standard. They always said that it would cause exactly the kinds of problems we are now seeing. The Gold team’s powerbase was originally ancient Byzantium. Now, largely, it is Russia and Russia’s satellite nations. There is also what I will call the Jade Group which, really, is one ancient family that has always considered China to be its domain. There are others, but in the interests of simplicity and clarity we will focus on these three main players in today’s briefing.

    And the reason it is important for you to know this fourth fact, is that you need to understand that these teams aren’t playing against you. From their perspective, you are simply pawns on their game board. Game pieces that they use to play against one another. They vie for power, for control over the world. And you must understand that they have ancient scriptures that date back to ancient Sumerian and Babylonian times which promise them dominion over the earth and all men. These are not the same scriptures as you might ever see. These are stories dating back from when these families were the priest class that served certain extra-terrestrial masters. They were given all manner of secret teachings that gave them a massive advantage over all others. This very banking system that you now see in operation was invented as a means of dominion over others in the Orion system. It has been used very successfully by the Orion Whites as a kind of specialised form of warfare. They have taken over whole planetary systems without firing a single weapon using this system. The present day Gold and Green Groups hail from a priest class that served different masters to those served by the Red Shields . Each family has different scriptures. Different ideologies. And so these other groups are aware of the Red Shield’s methods and are attempting to resist them, combat them, but not to emulate them. This is why I say the Gold team, particularly, has been working to return the world to the Gold standard. Or to be precise, a resource-based monetary system. A system in which all currency is backed by precious metals. A system in which you cannot print more money than you actually having the backing for. This stops the criminally greedy from simply issuing currency by edict. This curtails inflation and, more importantly, keeps the crooks honest. And with a resource-based economy, the world cannot simply be enslaved as an unavoidable consequence of the use of its currency. And banks cannot simply create currency out of thin air. Everyone is kept honest. In so many ways, a resource-based economy is more sane than the present fiat-based system.

    Now, I do not wish to imply that that these other families are saints. There are no real “good guys” amongst them. But it is immediately apparent that the Red Shields’ policies and methods are by far the most harmful and destructive to all others who are on the game-board. By which I mean you. You personally, humanity collectively, and all the rest of life that resides upon the planet.

    The fifth fact you must understand is that this currency that the Red Shields create is not what they consider to be important. They own the money supply simply so that they can own all that money can buy.

    So, by now, the families that pretty much invented banking as it exists on your planet, very nearly own everything that can be owned:

    They own all the media houses – which is why you are not told any of this. The mainstream media, as it is often called, is the wholly owned propaganda wing of the banking families. And through it, they try (and mostly succeed) to control all sides of every debate.

    They own all the largest manufacturing enterprises, which is why these businesses no longer serve you by creating jobs and by stimulating the economy. They serve their masters’ interests only.

    They own the pharmaceutical houses that create the medicines that doctors are taught to prescribe. Which is why a plant that was brought to Earth along with the arrival of humanity that is a pharmacopoeia, in and of itself, remains classified as both “medically valueless and dangerously addictive”, when it is neither. It is a medicine that is uniquely matched to the human physiology. And not only is this grand gift to humanity banned, but you are jailed just for holding some in your possession. I share this information just by way of example of the destructive grip the Illuminati wield via the pharmaceutical houses. I could offer you an endless roll of equally iniquitous examples.

    What do you think would happen, for example, if you were to discover a cancer cure tomorrow? The answer is that even if you gave it to others for free, you would likely be jailed. And the greater your cure’s efficacy, the more likely it would be that you would be jailed. And, by way of another example, this is also why so-called alternative health practitioners are being side-lined and silenced. Recently there have been a growing number of the more successful alternative practitioners who have died under suspicious circumstances. What is going on is that they are being assassinated for the good work that they are doing. Precisely because their good work proves that some highly lucrative pharmaceutical products are semi-effective and over-priced at best. Outright toxic at worst. It’s all quite shocking really.

    Then these ancient families also own agro-industrial corporations, which is why you, collectively, become more malnourished each year. It is why you are not permitted to know what is in the products you buy in the store when accurate labelling would be easy enough to implement. And this is why the GM crops proliferate despite increasing awareness of their potential dangers.

    And the banksters own the arms industries that produce weapons of war which very often end up being used on both sides of a conflict, making them the only clear winner… and which is why you have never actually had world peace.

    I could go on and on. The point is that they own pretty much everything.

    And, mostly, of course, they own the politicians. They fund politicians and control them, both through lobbying intermediaries and through direct manipulation. Politics has become so rotten that most politicians don’t even need to pretend any more. They openly take the money and do the bidding of their puppet masters. They allow their legislative proposals to be drafted by the corporations that pay them to push those proposals through that further damage your quality of life, your wellbeing, your health, your environment in the name of ever more power and riches for the Illuminati and their lackeys.

    And so there is a pyramid of power. Right at the top are the banking families. The members of the old bloodlines. The ones we call the Illuminati. They never dirty their hands with anything of course. They let it be known what they desire and what they expect, and disposable lackeys run around making it happen. And when I say disposable lackeys, I mean everyone from your Presidents to your nation’s largest corporate CEOs, down. Everyone who is anyone is either bought or side-lined.

    There was once an American president who stood up against the Illuminati. A brave man of strong convictions who looked at the situation, saw to the heart of the problem and decided to take back the power of money creation. To make your currency a national asset. To simply cut the Illuminati out of the deal. His name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. And we all know what happened to him. He was dealt with by the Illuminati. And they made sure to record on film, in careful and graphic detail, exactly what was done to him, and by whom. You are never shown that film, obviously, they show it only when they need a top politician to understand who really holds the reins of power. There is a certain “intelligence briefing” that intelligence operatives give new presidents if they don’t “play ball” with their Illuminati masters. Amongst other inducements, this film is shown. After that they become quite compliant.

    Standing up to the Illuminati was, arguably, not Kennedy’s most fatal error. It was choosing Lyndon Johnson for his vice-presidential candidate. Perhaps you didn’t know this, but Kennedy neither liked nor respected Johnson. Kennedy admitted to a number of people that he thought Johnson would make a terrible president. But he was pressured, and eventually convinced, that having Johnson with him on the Presidential ticket would make his candidacy palatable to the establishment. In other words, to the Illuminati puppets that then, as now, thoroughly inhabit the political establishment. Because, you see, Johnson was about as loyal to his Illuminati masters as any man could be.

    What Kennedy would not be able to imagine is that this would offer the Illuminati an easy solution when he refused to bow to their demands. When Kennedy proved intractable, they simply assassinated him. And, as easy as that, they had in Johnson an eager puppet who promptly began to steer the nation on the precise course they dictated.

    Since then, there has never yet been a President who directly stood up to the Illuminati masters. And if you disagree or disbelieve me, simply look at what has been done under each president. The wars fought. The nations destabilized. The steady erosion of your liberties. The decimation of your wealth with the concomitant enrichment of the already super-wealthy. The toadying to corporations. The repeated attempts to degrade your nation’s constitution. And so on and so forth. The evidence is plain for all to see. Your political establishment, right from the President down, has not, for a very long time, served the people. It has served the Illuminati puppet masters.

    Just take a look at the long list of billionaires that eagerly supported each of these Presidents, both vocally and financially. And then ask yourself: what is the likelihood that the same policies that make these obscenely wealthy individuals happy are also going to be good for the average salary-earning, tax-paying individual? And, if serving the super-wealthy is good for you, why does the income gap grow and grow at such an alarming rate? Why are normal working class people getting more and more poor while the super wealthy just become more obscenely wealthy? Clearly what is good for them… is not good for you too! And every President since Kennedy has certainly served them!

    Now, I am not saying that these Presidents were all bad people. I am not saying that some of them did not start out with great intentions and high ideals. I’m not even saying that some of them did not start out wishing to serve the Light. I very much do believe that some of them did! It’s simply not so easy to judge them for their choices when you understand that each of these men received the same, so called, “intelligence briefing”. Each of them understood: co-operate or pay the ultimate price. It’s also not so easy to judge them when you understand the intense and unrelenting pressure each of them would be under from their advisers, the other politicians that surround them, the so-called intelligence apparatus and so on. Everyone they came into contact with would all be pushing them in the same direction. Co-operate. Do as you are told. Play ball. And then there is the threat of elimination if they don’t. And then, if they do, there is the promise of a lavish life of great comfort, luxury and ultimate status when they step down afterwards. All of this adds up to a pretty compelling proposition. Could YOU stand up to that kind of pressure?

    And of course it isn’t just the American leadership that resides under the Illuminati thumb.

    When some other nation of the world decides to do away with this Illuminati banking system… what do you think happens? Does the name Muammar Gaddafi ring a bell? Do you know why he was REALLY deposed and killed? Because he was a bad man who was unkind to his people? That’s what your Illuminati owned press told you. They sold it to you as an act of liberation for the people of Libya. Well… that’s not even nearly the truth. Gaddafi was no saint. But he was generally well loved by most of his people and there was much that he was doing that was quite good. Whatever finger you could point at Gaddafi, far worse was, and is, being done by other regimes that are not only considered friendly by the US government but are actually supported, both financially and militarily. Did you know, as just one example, that Saudi Arabia regularly has public beheadings? This nation is just one of a number that have the status of being considered a special friend to the USA while doing far worse things than those that have had regime change militarily enforced upon them. A moment’s scrutiny reveals the lie that these military actions have anything at all to do with humanitarian goal or any other kind of noble intention. No, my friends, Gaddafi was killed for the same reason that Kennedy was killed. Gaddafi was busy implementing a plan to create a new, gold-based, economy for his nation and for Africa. If he was permitted to do that, he would instantly reverse decades of Illuminati machinations. Potentially destroying their plans world-wide. So he was killed, his government overturned and a suitably nervously obedient puppet regime implemented that would continue to support the Illuminati banking system.

    And of course, Gaddafi and Libya is just one of a long list of similar actions. Many nations of the world have been turned inside out with rebellions and insurrections, with assassination and financial implosions so that the Illuminati banking system could continue to proliferate all over the world.

    By way of example: Do you want to guess what was REALLY going on with the 9-11 attack on the three world trade centre buildings? Did that not lead to you directly thereafter going to war with a slew of middle eastern nations? My friends, this had nothing to do with halting terrorism. There was no terrorism that was not first manufactured for exactly the purpose of riling you up… of manipulating you into a state of once again being willing to place your sons and daughters in direct harm’s way to serve Red Shield interests. You were psychologically abused into believing that these wars were for a noble and just cause. But they were not. They were nothing more or less than bringing about changes in these foreign nations banking systems or, alternately, about changing the ownership of those banking systems. And yes, it is true, the greedy puppet masters have greedy minions who are always happy to allow for the death and suffering of untold numbers of humans to gain free access to oil or some other easy windfall. They are even happy to have American soldiers die for this. They would in fact directly poison those same service men and women for a little cash. Which has directly happened on numerous occasions too. But that is another can of worms that we won’t open today.

    My friends, what I wish to convey is that the list of evil deeds perpetrated upon your world in the name of Illuminati banking is very, very long. By a very wide margin it is the greatest cause of misery, destruction, bloodshed and evil upon the earth in modern times.

    But things were not always like this. There was a time when the American currency was backed with real value. There was a time when the paper money in your wallet could be redeemed for Gold.

    Perhaps my American friends know this… but the noble and righteous principles your nation was founded upon were essentially about ensuring your freedom from tyranny of every kind. And the newly invented American dollar was backed by precious metals and there was no Illuminati banking system in place. As a result, there was no need for any income tax at all. When the USA fought for, and declared, independence what your forefathers were declaring independence from was tyranny in all its forms. Most of all the tyranny of a financial system that unfairly enriched the few at the expense of the many.

    And this act of defiance enraged the old Red Shield families who, until then, had operated on the premise that those whom they considered to be “lesser men” would always bend their knees before them. Kings, emperors and popes came to them to finance their wars and their projects. Such was their power. They believed that they were the true power behind every throne of every nation which was then under their sway. And now suddenly an upstart colony belonging to one of their nations unceremoniously declared them irrelevant and tossed them out!

    They were incensed and they swore revenge upon the newly formed United States of America.

    It might have taken them some time but they have certainly had that revenge. Over time, with many little manoeuvres such as buying out politicians, manipulating public opinion, creating wars, stock market crashes and similar disasters and then manipulating public opinion on the best way to protect against future disasters, they managed to slowly inveigle themselves back into owning America. Which they now do. As they expanded their control, they reinstated taxation and, at the same time, created the Fed. Since these two things go hand-in hand. At first they printed gold-backed money and then later they replaced that with the present system of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking. And, then they managed to turn you, my dear American friends, into their own personal army. Now you are the ones they use to beat up on the nations of the world that will not conform to their will. Your sons and daughters fight and die on the battlefields of THEIR choosing!

    But before I digress. The point I wish to make is a rather simple one. The Illuminati banking families know that their financial system is utterly unstable. They know that it is going to implode. They know that it cannot continue and that it will destroy every nation on Earth in the end. They don’t care because the Orion White plan according to which they are operating is for them to own every single thing upon the planet that can possibly be bought or traded before the final implosion. And THAT, my friends, is their goal. Total world dominance by financial control.

    And it’s a goal that they have been achieving. A goal that they have had an unshakeable belief that they would achieve. Unshakeable, that is, until the recent Brexit vote. As discussed in a previous conversation, that was a massive psychological and strategic loss for the Red Shields. There have been minor losses for them before now. But each of those minor losses were reversible. This one is not.

    Without getting too embroiled in the detail, you should know that the Red Shields main headquarters is in an area known as “the square mile” in London. Confusingly, this is a city within London officially called the City of London. But this detail is not important right now. What is important is that this is the Red Shields’ centre of control. From there they rule an empire that stretches over vast swathes of the planet. They have gained dominion over much of Europe and a variety of other nations around the world, including the USA, of course.

    So perhaps you can see why the people of Britain voting to exit the EU and refusing to do as expected is more than just an embarrassment. It is a real challenge to the smooth execution of their plans. And it emboldens their opposition. And by opposition I mean not only the forces of the Light but the other Illuminati factions too.

    As a result of the egregiously destructive way in which the Red Shields have played their hand collapsing governments and destroying nations, they have driven their opposing teams into each other’s arms. An unexpected alliance between the Gold and Jade teams is right now being forged. You’ll notice Russia and China are suddenly playing nicely together. You’ll notice them, for example, doing war drills together and supporting each other politically. These are the kinds of obvious signs of what is going on behind the scenes at the top-most level of the ancient families. But these things are less important than the financial game. Alternative world finance systems are being built together by the Gold and Jade teams[2]. Other smaller families are being sold on their importance and are joining this alternative banking system. The Red Shields’ dominance is being seriously challenged in this, the most important area. And when the time is right, the plan is to segue the world’s finances back to a resource-based system. This would once again make gold the fundamental monetary unit. Other precious metals would be valued in terms of gold. And all money would then be valued in terms of a direct relationship with these metals. This would bring stability and order back to the financial world. And, more importantly, it would also destroy the Red Shields’ completely disproportionate power base. So, obviously, the Red Shields are resisting these moves at every turn. But they are not up against some little third world nation now. This is not a battle they can win militarily without also risking utter self-annihilation.

    Add this turn of events to the Brexit loss and you begin to see a picture of a team that is used to always winning suddenly sitting with their heads in their hands.

    And now I’d like to list a few more of the Red Shields’ recent catastrophic losses so that you might understand why things will not go as they have planned. So that you will understand why they are in a stricken state of damage control on every front. So that you will understand that the future is suddenly wide open. So that you will understand that there will be a moment in the not too distant future where you will be able to choose to create the future you desire. So that you will understand that this is a time of great hope and great excitement.

    So… a list of the Red Shields’ catastrophes, in no particular order:

    I’d like to open that list with the names Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, but I’d like to add to those names all the many brave men and women who have encountered gross violations and abuses and have stood up to be counted. Men and women who have risked all that they held dear to bring public attention to that situation. Many were never even heard of because many were silenced before they could speak out. Many more, quite understandably, bowed under pressure. But there have been a few who have been heard. A few who have blown that whistle. A few who have leaked that information. And quite a few of these have caused grave upset to the Red Shields’ plans. Not many quite as catastrophically as brave young Mr Snowden. The Red Shields’ dream of a single, unified NATO-like nation was dealt a near-fatal blow with all that he revealed.

    And to the whistle-blowers and ethically motivated leakers of information, I need to add the nameless, faceless hackers who have used their technological skills in service of principle and justice. Who have brought to light the abuses of some of the Red Shield’s most beloved players. More about that in a moment.

    First I wish to bring to your attention the Red Shield’s losses on the world stage. I am sure you have been following the war with the group called Isis? Perhaps you did not know that this too was a Red Shield creation? Both Isis and Al Qaeda are opposition tools that the Red Shields use for underhanded and nefarious purposes. Here are two examples. Firstly, if they wish to attack an enemy to bring about a change in their banking system, they can usually use the US military. But what do you do if the US public cannot be convinced that this is a good idea? Then they use a proxy such as Isis or Al Qaeda to attack and destabilize that enemy. And, secondly, by then framing this proxy force as being such a rampant, egregiously evil enemy that they MUST be destroyed, they are then able to gain public approval to invest US troops with minimal complaint or resistance.

    One of the main purposes of Isis was to wrest control of Syria from the Gold team. Perhaps you recall that in 2013 President Obama wanted to go to war against Syria? He was ordered to do this, of course, and so presented to the nation his so-called Red Line. He told the world that the Syrian regime had used poison gas against its own people and that this was sufficient cause for war. The problem was that the American nation simply told him “no”. This was one of those surprising moments that are so wonderful to watch from the outside. When the people of the world simply claim their power, the Illuminati get put in their place. The difference between that event and what happened with the Brexit vote is that the Red Shields quite easily recovered from that set-back. They simply changed tack and got their own way anyway. In this case, they simply used a proxy, as previously outlined. Isis was, until then, a small rag-tag outfit operating in Iraq. Now they were repurposed. They were upgraded and equipped. Given fleets of vehicles and container loads of arms. Given support and finances for a massive recruitment drive. And then they were pointed at Syria. And with this Isis began to do the Red Shields’ “dirty work” that the US military was disallowed from doing. Conveniently Isis began to wage war on Syrian government forces. The same forces Obama was instructed to target. And then a little while later, when it seemed suitable, the American people were encouraged to see Isis as the enemy and US military forces were sent to attack them. And so a fake war began. The Red Shields pretended to be at war with themselves. US soldiers on the one side were fooled into attacking decoy Isis targets on the other side. Have you ever wondered how it was that the might of the US military could not seem to stop or even slow an insurgent force of semi-trained recruits with far inferior weaponry? It’s because this was a carefully orchestrated fake! The US military was carefully hobnailed with false information and all kinds of limitations and curtailments!

    Yes, people still got hurt and killed. It was important that the illusion be maintained and neither the Isis fighters nor the American soldiers were let in on the deception. So a certain number of genuine combat operations had to happen. But it did not serve the Red Shields’ interests to allow either of these forces to sustain great losses, so this was kept to a reasonable minimum. All the while Isis was allowed to expand its activities against the Syrian people and their government forces. All the while new Isis recruits were encouraged to believe that their successes against the might of the US war machine was proof that their God was on their side.

    And all of this was a smoke-screen. The actual point of Isis was to allow the Red Shields to gain control of Syria, which had been an asset of one of the non-aligned families that had been wooed by the Gold Team. A secondary benefit, from the Red Shield perspective, was that this allowed them to precipitate the European migrant crisis. Information was disseminated, first in Syria, and then more broadly, that there was a free-for-all. That borders were now open and migrants would be freely received in Europe. People from war-torn and poverty-stricken areas were told that houses, cars, jobs and lives of comfort with generous social security nets awaited them in Europe. They only had to get themselves there and all their troubles would be over. And the Red Shields’ political puppets in Europe played along, enthusiastically opening borders in a way that has no precedent in the history of your planet.

    And THAT is why the migrant crisis that now plagues Europe began.

    Please understand that I do not apportion blame to the migrants. Many of them truly are war refugees. And those who are not almost universally do come from very poor economic conditions. Whatever else one might say about them, they are pawns who have been abused in a disastrously unkind game to destabilize the nations of Europe. Even those who decided to head to Europe with the specific and intentional purpose of committing acts of terror and hatred, even they are just pawns. They are the ones going to extreme effort, putting themselves through significant hardship only to risk their lives, and quite likely kill themselves, to enact that hatred.

    Have you asked yourself who it was that told all these migrants to flood toward Europe en masse? Do you honestly think this was a purely instinctive response to the chaos at home?

    My friends, let us not be naive. This was carefully planned, constructed and created. And, yes, it was the Red Shields that did this.

    The Red Shield’s strategy is to fill Europe with these migrants and then to spark incidents that will cause outrage between the migrants and the residents. It’s not hard to do. The cultural, socio-economic and religious divides between the two peoples offers rich opportunity for exactly that. Add a little heat and a little friction and you very quickly have an explosion. The plan was to use this to cause a civil war to rage across Europe. A classic element of the Illuminati play book is to create a disaster and then offer their own solution to that disaster. In this case they plan to offer a neat solution. It will seem so obvious. The “only obvious answer” will be to create a European Defence Force. A single army composed of the armies of the European nations that will report to the EU politburo. And this army’s first task will be to quell the violence, enforce the peace and to bring stability. And with that, the old European borders will finally become a matter of history and formality. The Red Shields will have finally gained control of Europe. One nation. One currency. One supreme government that is neither elected nor responsible to the people of Europe. With one military to enforce their will.

    It was a masterful plan. Evil, certainly, but brilliant.

    And this is busy back-firing upon them. First there is the Brexit vote. A disaster from their perspective. And then the people of Europe are simply not playing ball as they were supposed to do. Too many of them are becoming less tolerant and more nationalistic. They are beginning to insist upon the return of national borders. Certain nations are refusing to take refugees at all. There is greater ideological fragmentation of Europe now than any time in the last few decades. And, as new elections are held, it becomes ever more apparent that this entire gambit has been an absolute disaster for the Red Shields.

    And the bad news does not end for them. The Gold Team have, in the meantime, begun to take the Syrian situation in hand. Instead of allowing the fake war against Isis to continue, they have prosecuted a real war against them. And suddenly Isis does not appear to be the indomitable foe you were lead to believe. When Russian forces attack, Isis collapses. And so the war in Syria is being won by the Gold Team and, as things now stand, no regime change will happen. And to compound this loss, at this time it seems as if Turkey, a key Red Shield asset that has been Isis’ direct support line, is making noises indicating a desire to defect to the Gold Team!

    And you must also have heard of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)?[3] Just as the EU was sold to Europeans as a trade agreement between foreign states that was then, without public participation or permission, incrementally expanded with the goal of becoming a political union… in just the same way the TTIP has been proposed as a trade agreement that would unify all Red Shield assets under one umbrella. The hidden plan is to then expand this deal to turn all of these nations, effectively, into one nation under the power and sway of unelected Red Shield approved lackeys. Crucially, the actual terms of the TTIP are secret. If your nation is party to this agreement, you will not know what is being agreed to on your behalf until long after it is in force. Equally, you have no right or power to vote against this agreement that fundamentally alters the way your country does business with other countries AND WITH YOU. Does that not sound terribly troubling to you? But, good news for you and bad news for the Red Shields, this deal is now looking less likely to pass, as France and other states are declining to sign and as public resistance mounts. But the latest news is that President Obama is putting in an all-out effort to get this approved in the US. Which side will win this particular battle? You or the Red Shields? Time will tell…

    And, as much as the Red Shields’ plans to dominate Europe are now somewhat in tatters, still they fail to attain full dominance in the USA itself. There are many reasons for this. A big one I would like to point to is that the very soldiers that the Red Shields ship off all over the world to obtain control of foreign nations must all eventually come home. And when they do, they come home equipped with some significant combat skills. And they come home to a nation with a constitutionally enshrined right to bear arms. The importance of this right in the American constitution is often misunderstood. Mostly by the people of other nations, but also by many Americans themselves. This is not about giving you the right to hunt, to shoot at targets or even to defend yourself against criminals. Though, of course, you do have the right to use your arms in such a fashion, the framers of the American constitution actually intended for the American citizenry to carry a bigger stick, metaphorically speaking, than their own government does. And you do. Woe betide any government that sufficiently raises the ire of the American citizenry that they actually feel sufficiently universally aggrieved to take to arms and rise up! You have many times more individuals licensed to hunt deer in the US than any nation has in their entire army. There is no real way to accurately know how many individuals beyond that number own arms and how proficient they are in their use. But, factor in the veterans and it is a fact that the framers of the constitution have their wish. The US citizenry is extremely well armed and no conventional army would ever be able to pass through the USA intact.

    Now please don’t misunderstand. I don’t advocate this course of action. I simply point out the massive deterrent value in the combination of trained veterans mixed into a citizenry that are armed to the teeth. And it is in this light that I point to the continuous and varied attempts that Red Shield lackeys have employed to separate you from your constitutional right to bear those arms. Perhaps you have noticed a special attempt to declare veterans unfit to bear arms?

    A powerful way they have attempted to drive this disarmament has been through the use of mass shootings. A great number of these mass shootings have actually been created by agents of the Red Shields themselves! Your heart would quail if I were to reveal to you the psychological manipulations and abuses they have perpetrated upon individuals to lead them to act in this fashion. And then, following such monstrous events there is always the possibility of copy-cat actions. But, in any event, the purpose is served: These mass-shootings create such shock and horror when they are broadcast in the media that it seems reasonable thereafter to hear calls from their political agents to disarm you, the law abiding citizenry. It’s the same problem-solution game from the Illuminati playbook all over again!

    At this point these attempts have been a massive back-firing failure. Each call for disarmament yields a weapons buying spree. Each attempt to control, limit and curtail the right, which the constitution says “shall not be infringed”, is stubbornly resisted. And it becomes clear that the very thing that the Red Shield most fears in the USA, which is the eviction of their agents via a modern equivalent of the Boston Tea Party, would be precipitated by an attempt to forcibly disarm you. It’s a bit of a stalemate. And if you keep them in stalemate you begin to win the game because time, as I shall soon explain, is not on their side.

    So, my friends, I am painting a picture for you of the situation the Red Shields have created for themselves. Decades, or even centuries, of wins and successes had them feeling invincible. They truly believed that they were on their way to owning the world. And now suddenly they are on the ropes. Suddenly everything that can go wrong for them, is doing so. And they are not used to dealing with such adversity! They haven’t developed the resources for this. So they do what they have always done. They are trying to spend their way out of all of their problems. Which means that they are haemorrhaging money. Which means that more and more money must be printed. Which means that the financial implosion, that would have taken another decade or three, is now looming much, much closer. Which means, that when the crunch comes, they will not own the world. Not only have they not destroyed the other teams… but indeed the other teams are gaining ground and actually have an alternate economic system waiting in the wings, ready to be implemented when the fiat financial system shows itself to be what it is: valueless, meaningless numbers.

    And then there is the piece de resistance. I’d really love to give you a full briefing on the situation with the American elections, but I really do not wish, in any way, to influence you in your voting choices.

    So I will preface this discussion by saying that, were I a voter in the US, I would not vote. I would not consider the present system to be anything approaching an inclusive democracy. It is an oligarchy. And I would only vote for someone who had shown a track-record of willingness to fundamentally transform the political playing field in such a way that I, the voter, that we, the people, truly had a say in all government activities. To return governance to the people, for the people and by the people. But this is another topic altogether that I hope to address on another day. I merely wish to indicate that I have no favourites in this race. But, that said, it is unambiguously and blatantly apparent that the Red Shields do!

    And what is also apparent is that there is another in the race who is not one of their lackeys. And this, in itself, is a very interesting point. You see, the Red Shields began this election cycle with great confidence that they had stacked both sides of the race with willing lackeys, just as they always do. They were utterly confident that all those who had any chance at all of getting to the front running would play ball with them. But things, once again, simply haven’t gone according to plan. Now I will not name names but I’ll let you decide who I am talking about. On the one side of the race the Red Shields’ puppets simply imploded and self-destructed, one after another, as a total dark horse candidate, who has shown no sign of willingness to co-operate with them, steamed to the front!

    Indeed, this very dark horse candidate has even shown an open willingness to negotiate with the Gold team! One might very easily level all kinds of accusations at this dark horse. An over-the-top show boater. An erratic wild-card. An entertainer with no substance. Perhaps some of these accusations, and many others like them, are even true. But, whatever the case, just the fact that this dark-horse candidate has made it to the nomination for one of the parties is an enormous, unprecedented headache for the Red Shields. And, to top it all, unlike Kennedy, the dark horse has not selected a Red Shield-approved running mate!

    On the other side of the race, the Red Shields’ absolute darling has been plagued by revelation after revelation that has caused their true criminal colours to be vividly shown. The more that is known and revealed about this Red Shields favourite, the less likely a fair and honest win at the polls becomes!

    Yes, it is true that the Red Shields still own the media. They still control the spin. They control the polls that continue to show their candidate winning.

    And they strive to create a maximum of hype and fear around their opposition candidate. And yes, it is true that that opposition candidate is not a perfect angel.

    But irrespective of the way the election goes, of whether the Red Shields manage an honest win, or whether they fraudulently steal the vote again using the voting machines that they create and own. Or of whether the opposition candidate is brought to heel with the kind of pressure I have previously related. Irrespective of all this, my friends, do you see that the Red Shields are have fundamentally lost control of the game?

    It is unprecedented that anything like this might happen and a clear sign that their grip is very fast slipping. And, given their behaviour and their track record, I cannot think of a single reason that that should be a bad thing. It is, indeed, cause for celebration.

    So, my friends, all of this is the crucial background information that you needed to hear at this time. Unless you have been living under a rock, you will have been hearing for some years now that you should prepare for a financial crash. Well I wish to reiterate that call now. The time is drawing quite near. It is not for me to know exactly when that will come, as it depends on the way in which the Red Shields will continue to play their ever weakening hand and, indeed, on the way the other players respond. But my friends, if you have not been preparing, I advise you now to begin! Do so with care and forethought. Make sure you will be able to survive for a month or three, if this thing you call money stops working for a while.

    Think about what that will mean for you. What if you cannot draw currency at the cash machine? What if stores go empty? What if your electricity is cut off? What if your water is cut off?

    You have been receiving warnings to prepare for years now. As a result there are many sites on the internet with a great deal of information about how to prepare. So, instead of reiterating all that, I will offer these items of additional advice:

    1. Don’t give in to panic. What lies ahead is a necessary reset that cannot be negotiated without a period during which your money will not work. This is not the end of the world. This is a change in systems. And a new system will replace the old. It might just take a little while to reach you.

    2. Don’t leap into reaction. You have some time still. The Red Shields have shown themselves to be willing to keep “kicking the can down the road” for as long as they can. And they are very good at doing so. And they still have some tread left in their kicking shoes. So you can really expect the system to limp along for at least a year or two, but more likely, a good few years. And if you keep your eyes open you will be able to see signs of imminent collapse. Most notably watch the big banks. The Illuminati protect their own, most precious, banks at all costs. That’s why banks get bailed out when all other businesses are allowed to go bankrupt. When they can no longer protect the banks and the banks actually start closing, then you are in the final stretch. But don’t wait for that to happen before you begin preparations. That will be too late. Begin to prepare now and finalize your preparations when banks begin to collapse.

    3. Don’t allow fear to drive your decisions now. Think and plan the way you might for a family camping trip, for example. Think in terms of provisioning your household for a period of self-reliance. And you don’t need to rush out and spend a fortune either. If you stock up on foodstuffs, for example, make sure that you regularly eat from those stocks and, in careful rotation, add to your stocks so that they never expire.

    4. Think about what you will REALLY need. You can do without all kinds of things in a pinch. What you cannot do without is water, food, warmth and shelter. Make sure you have those things in place. Everything else can be figured out.

    5. Don’t forget community. In times of trouble, humanity’s strength lies in community. You don’t need to get all of your neighbours to prepare with you. But you do need to know who, around you, you can rely on. And if you don’t feel there is anyone around you that you can trust, where can you go, in an emergency, where you are surrounded by reliable individuals? Plan for how you might make this happen, if needed.

    6. Don’t be rash. You might think it doesn’t matter what you do with your money if it’s going to fail anyway but we don’t know when and how this will happen. You can find yourself in a whole lot of trouble between now and then if you, for example, create reckless debt. Rather eliminate your debt, if you can, and gain the peace of mind that comes with that freedom.

    7. If you have fiat currency to invest and you are of a mind to take investment advice from a space alien on the internet [ironic smile] then I would recommend purchasing physical precious metals. No matter what comes, there is no future scenario in which precious metals cannot later be translated back into cash or goods.

    My friends, there are no guarantees about what will happen in your near future. But the more prepared you are, the less traumatic you will find it. And if you can move yourself out of fear about what may come, you might be able to see the wonderful opportunity that life is about to present you with. You see, chaos is life’s way of allowing for change. And the greater the chaos, the greater the possible change. The Red Shields have been very hard at work implementing their dream for a new world order in which there is one world united under their rule. The key word there, “order”, is the means by which they disallow change. The means by which they remain in total control of every step of proceedings. Well… when their order falls into chaos then, suddenly, marvellous change becomes possible. Then suddenly you are freed to create a vast range of possible outcomes for yourself and your world.

    And this opens a new topic for conversation. One I wish to address with you next. Today I have spoken about the situation in the most worldly of terms. When I next speak to you I will speak from a very much more spiritual perspective. I will explain to you how this reset is really a wonderful opportunity for you to create what your soul most desires for your world and for your reality. And then I will tell you, in specific detail, what you will then be able to do to bring that reality into fruition.

    My friends, some parts of today’s conversation might have been a bit difficult for you to hear. But please believe me when I say, with every ounce of conviction of my being: What is happening is a necessary and good change. But it will not come about without some modicum of hardship. But with just a little preparation you will pass through that time of hardship with the minimum disruption. And that time of hardship is actually the most magnificent opportunity in all of time. This truly is not something to fear. It is something to be prepared for, something to understand, something to work with and something from which you might reap the most unimaginably wonderful rewards if you are but willing.

    I have so much more to say about this… and this is where I will resume this conversation next time we meet.

    Until then, I leave you with a reminder to remain connected to your own divine guidance which you find in your own heart. Be strong, be courageous and be true. But mostly, be love.

    I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation and I have been coming to you, as always, through Zingdad.

    [1] Zingdad notes: Please see for an up-to-the-second estimation of US national debt.

    [2] Zingdad notes: Please see:, and, for more info about these entities.

    [3] Zingdad note: I think this is a fairly good introduction to the TTIP:

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    The False Political Dichotomy of Left Versus Right: An invitation from Adamu

    Greetings my friends

    I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation coming to you, once again, through Zingdad.

    Today, with the inauguration of President Donald Trump quite fresh in your memories, I wish to offer you another update on your socio-political scene. So I will be sharing with you a perspective on what is going on in the news, what is going on behind the scenes with the so-called Illuminati and what is going on in your collective psyches. But with today’s update I have an agenda. And I wish to be totally transparent about that:

    My agenda is to show you that there is no truth or authentic power to be found outside of yourself. Your truth and power comes from within you. And even more importantly, I wish to invite you to cease to see the world outside of yourself as that which needs to change before you can find happiness. Your happiness comes from within yourself.

    And so, today’s update marks a transition of sorts. We have been looking outside of ourselves to the events of the world in the past few updates. Beginning with today’s update, I will begin to point you ever more inwards towards the eternal and the divine within yourself. And then, as the following updates unfold, so you will also learn how to access your own deepest truth and power. And, as I have promised before, I will also be teaching you the sacred steps that you can use to transform and recreate your reality. But all of that is to be found in future updates. Let us begin now with today’s transmission: a discussion that will centre on the false political dichotomy of left versus right. The democrats versus the republicans in the USA. The liberals versus the conservatives. And then I shall show you how this supports my agenda.

    But first let us take a small step back and look at the broader world picture.

    It is a truism that a snake is most dangerous when it is injured or when it is blinded by its own shedding skin. In such a state, a snake is most likely to strike aggressively at anything that moves.

    And the same is true of the Red Shield Illuminati faction. Being really quite grievously injured and being more than a little blinded by the transitions going on in the world that are suddenly, incomprehensibly beyond their power to control, they are suddenly more dangerous than ever before.

    To understand to whom I refer when I say “Red Shield Illuminati” and why it is that I say they are grievously injured, please do read my previous set of updates. You can find them all at

    The current crop of woes of the world can almost exclusively be laid at the feet of the Red Shields and are largely due to the fact that they are wildly thrashing about as they perceive their own impending demise.

    When Europe refused to cohere into one nation under their power, their solution was to drive a wave of migrants from areas of wildly incompatible cultures into Europe. The idea being to use the religious, cultural and socio-economic divisions between the migrants and the existing European population to spark a raging civil war that would reduce Europe to a war-torn, rubble-strewn wasteland. And then, from the chaos to create order. Their brand of order. A single, unified Europe with a single unelected parliament, a single military. None of this based upon democratic principles, of course. All of this utterly under their dominion.

    They dreamed of being viewed as the saviours of Europe as they restored order. Their much vaunted New World Order.

    But, alas for them, before their plan could begin to come to fruition, Britain exited the EU. And other EU nations began to exhibit strongly nationalistic, anti-EU, tendencies too. It became obvious that Europe was far from ripe for the Red Shields’ plans!

    And then, to the Red Shield Illuminati’s shock, the Russians took a hand in showing them up. They attacked the ISIS forces in Syria, proving conclusively, by their string of victories, that the war against ISIS had been a sham. Nothing but a pretext for the Red Shields’ twin goals of extending their zone of influence into the Levant and, as just discussed, destabilizing Europe.

    The Red Shields retaliated by preparing for war with Russia. And yes, my friends, a full-blown thermonuclear war once again became a real possibility. Which we shall discuss again in a moment.

    First I wish to address another of the Red Shields’ plans: to fuse America, Canada, Mexico, Japan and a slew of other nations in the Pacific rim into a single multinational state under their dominion. The plan was quite similar in many respects to the one that resulted in the creation of the EU. The Trans Pacific Partnership or TPP, as it was called, was the deal that was forged for this purpose.

    Perhaps you recall that the EU was initially sold to the people of Europe as merely a common market. Then it was broadened to include no internal borders. And so, item by item, slowly the EU transmogrified into anti-democratic super-nation. A state with heads that were not elected and therefore not subject to the approval of its subjects.

    The TPP was to lay the groundwork for exactly such an anti-democratic super-nation, this time incorporating all the non-European Red-Shield dominions.

    The idea, of course, was that the EU and the TPP nations would eventually be fused into one great Red Shield empire spanning half the globe and most of its financial, military and strategic muscle. And, from there, they would conquer and crush the other Illuminati factions (especially Russia and China) and realize their dream of total world domination.

    But, alas for them, the American people just didn’t play ball. Instead of following the highly coerced script, the American public voted into the presidential office the one absolute dark-horse candidate that the Red Shields had, for a large part of the electoral process, considered to be something of a joke candidate. The one candidate who firmly and resolutely would not dance to their tune.

    Whatever else you might think of Mr Trump or the sweeping changes he has brought to the American political landscape, it cannot be ignored that he has repeatedly played an anti-Red Shield game. For example: one of the very first things he did was to unceremoniously end the TPP!

    Did you even notice that? This one act of his presidential prerogative completely changed the course of the world and it was barely even reported in the press. Only the most attentive would even have been aware of that he killed the TPP.

    And better than that, Mr Trump has been clear from the beginning that he favours peace – and even cooperation – with Russia. Not a puppet – but a peaceful trade and cooperation partner. And so the Red Shields received a double dose of disappointment as the world inched back from thermonuclear suicide, as neither the American nor the Russian heads of state would now be likely to implement those launch codes.

    Please understand. I am not actually being partisan here. I do not suggest everything Mr Trump does is good nor do I ask that you support him unreservedly. Very, very far from it. Many of you have some very valid reservations about him. And if he were to pay me an ear I would make a number of quite pointed suggestions to him. But that is not what this article is about. All I am saying here is that “the moment calls forth the man”. And Mr Trump is the man of this moment. And in between everything else that he is, and everything else that he is doing… he is ALSO the means by which America ONCE AGAIN gets to avoid being used as a tool of the Red Shields’ destructive plans.

    I say “once again” because, since the American War of Independence, the USA has over and over again proved to be a massive thorn in the Red Shields’ flesh. So much so that they have a special dislike for Americans. And now that dislike is being fanned into a rage. And they are responding to it in totally characteristic fashion. Whenever they cannot get their way, they cause chaos. They destroy that which will not comply. And then, from the chaos, they create the new order that they desire.

    This is the true cause of both world wars. And the cause of almost all of the other large wars that have raged across the globe since, perhaps, the dark ages. The cause of the great depression and various other financial disasters. The cause of the 9-11 attack. The cause of the Aids pandemic. And the cause of many other, “less successful”, and failed pandemics. All of these (and so much more) have been about the Red Shields attempting to reduce to chaos that which would not comply with their will.

    And this is what they wish to bring to America now. They wish to bring chaos to America such that the nation’s will is shattered, its identity destroyed and its civil institutions in utter disarray. And then they plan to gain control and to reform America in their own image. Without the constitution that they so despise. And they plan to use America's own citizens to achieve their goal!

    And, my friends, after the series of stinging defeats that the Red Shields have suffered, here, sadly, is a place where they actually seem to be having some early success.

    The final trick up their sleeve is to turn you against each other in civil war. Not a race war. Not even a religious war. No, something far more insidious. A war of political ideology. They have been working to divide the nation exactly evenly down the middle numerically. A 50 – 50 split based upon political ideology. The whole idea of there being an “us” versus a “them”, where “we” are Right Thinking Americans and “they” are not. Despite the fact that “they” are your own very neighbours! Yes, perhaps “they” reside in greater concentrations in another state of your nation. But the fact remains that “they” are American citizens just like you. And you and they, both, are being wound up against each other. Every time you wish “they” could just be silenced, every time you consider “them” to be un-American, degenerate, idiotic, wrong, not deserving of their right to think, believe and behave as they do, you can almost hear the Red Shield operatives cackling in their sleeves. In that moment they win another tiny victory. And every time a demonstration turns violent and American citizens strike out at each other over ideology, then that is a battle that they have won. And, at some point, if there keep being battles, it will ignite a war. And if there is a war, an actual civil war in America, then they have outright won.

    The only winners of a civil war in America will be the Red Shields.

    My friends, I wish you to understand that it has, for quite a long time, not really mattered which party was voted into power in America. Not really. As the Red-Shields have gained greater and greater control of both sides of the political process in the USA, as they have stocked both sides of every election with their chosen candidates, as they have owned ever greater numbers of politicians at every other level in the political system, so the differences between the two parties have become more a matter of style than substance. Like choosing between vanilla or chocolate ice-cream. You choose the flavour you prefer, but that which you are really eating is essentially the same thing. In the same way it has, for quite some time now, not really mattered which party was voted into power.

    I know many will reject this contention outright. Truly mind-boggling amounts of money and effort have been expended in polarizing the American people into these political camps. And so, many of you have allowed yourself to be labelled by this imposed political affiliation and then you have allowed yourself to believe that the ills of your nation are because of the opposing faction.

    Many of you have become very attached to “your team being right” and “the opposing team being absolutely wrong”.

    It is a sad fact of the current state of American politics that the most effective campaigning is very often nothing other than tearing the opposition apart. Showing how evil, awful, incompetent, disgusting and vile they are. More people are motivated to visit the poles to vote AGAINST the opposition candidate than to vote FOR their candidate. More money is spent on political advertisements that degrade the opposition than those that highlight the advertiser's strengths and positions. And the press spends far more airtime and newspaper inches on degrading candidates than it does on highlighting their platform positions.

    And while this is exactly what is going on, somehow this seems to escape everyone’s attention when they discuss why a particular candidate was voted in. In this latest election, the press (which has been almost uniformly vehemently anti-Trump), engaged in much hand-wringing and soul-searching after the question: “Just HOW did Mr Trump get voted in?”

    They have looked at the issue from almost every angle. They have discussed at length how the psyche of America might have changed and posited that Russia – or other players – may have taken an active hand in manipulating the electoral process. They have, in fact, considered almost every possibility under the sun, except the obvious one. The number of voters that, really, were actually voting ABH: Anything But Hillary.

    But the vote very nearly did go the other way. And if Mrs Clinton had been voted in, it would also not have been her sterling qualities that won her the vote. It would largely have been a vote for ABT: Anything But Trump!

    Of course I speak here in generalities and of course there are many exceptions to every rule including die-hard fans or either candidate who believed that they were the nation’s saviour. But those exceptions merely prove the rule.

    What this really means is that elections have become increasingly vitriolic and divisive. And if this negative emotion were to be contained in the political sphere… if the anger and distaste was focussed only upon the candidates and their respective political parties… that would already be somewhat problematic. But it is much worse than that. The rage and disgust fostered by the political process spills over into daily life, dividing ordinary American against one another.

    And this, my friends, is not by mistake. It might seem as if this is merely a sad by-product of a political process gone mad. But in this world, things of this scale are almost never accidental. They are almost always carefully designed and controlled. And almost always carefully used by the puppet masters to gain ever greater control over you.

    And, now that a President is in office who is not under their sway, now they call all of their operatives into action. And of course almost none of these operatives are utterly unaware of who their true masters are. They believe they are serving their own political or social interests. But, if you follow the money and see who ultimately bank-rolls them, it is quite possible to discern who is pulling the strings. And these operatives find fertile soil for their message of violence, hatred and chaos. Soil that has long been prepared by the very divisive nature of the political process itself that we have just discussed.

    So the pawns come in to play. And so America is being prepared for a so-called “colour revolution”. This time an anti-democratic revolution for the purpose of creating the kind of chaos the Red Shields desire to bring about the change they desire. And the means by which they are attempting to engineer this chaos is by turning you against each other.

    Right now the focus of their efforts is to persuade every American citizen:
    That they belong to an exclusive, isolated group.
    That their group is under attack.
    That the enemy that is attacking them is another group of Americans.
    And that they must strike back at that internal enemy before all is lost.

    I am sure you can see the evidence of this for yourself? I am sure you can see that this wind-up towards social chaos is actually gaining ground in America right now?

    Perhaps, if you are honest with yourself, you will admit that you have even felt the tug in this direction yourself? Perhaps you too have felt a certain group – or certain groups – of fellow Americans to be your enemy? Perhaps you have felt the desire to strike at them? Perhaps you have even acted on that impulse, even if only in your thoughts or in a symbolic or figurative manner?

    Please don’t berate yourself if you have. The inducements to this kind of thinking are powerful and pervasive. Almost anyone, under such circumstances, would yield somewhat to these temptations.

    And this is why I bring this to your attention now. That you might understand what is occurring.

    But there is a further, much more important reason.

    Beloved friends, it is time to activate the Starseed Legion.

    Right now.

    This is the moment it begins.

    You see, the Illuminati are quite correct in their understanding that chaos is what precedes great change. But chaos and change are both, by their very nature, inherently unpredictable things. And so we are going to grasp victory from the very jaws of defeat. And I am speaking to you today to invite you to participate in this victory.

    You see, my friends, the Red Shields are playing a 3rd density game. They are manipulating the situation using 3rd density tools. But we are going to respond from the 4th, 5th and even 6th density. We are going to use vastly more powerful tools than they are using. And we are going to transform this situation in magnificent ways. And not only the situation in America… but the whole world.

    They have played their hand. We have watched and waited. And now we play ours.

    We don’t need to be overly hasty. It best serves us to be mindful, careful and thoughtful. To act from our hearts. To serve the greatest good. And to carefully avoid being pulled into the battles of the Red Shields’ choosing.

    And so, if you wish to accept my invitation, if you wish to co-create with me the grandest, most glorious outcome, then I ask you to prepare yourself thoroughly.

    We will work together, step-by-step, and act in perfect Divine Right Time.

    Which brings me back to my agenda. My friends. Please take a moment to take stock of this information I have shared with you, and of everything you know, in your heart, to be true.

    Is it not so that this recent election has proven, beyond all doubt, that you cannot trust the political establishment?

    Is it not so that you have seen, beyond all reasonable doubt that they have, for longer than you have been alive, been no better than a band of bandits hiding behind an urbane and cultured veneer?

    Is it not so that you can see that they have consistently and faithfully served their masters' interests and never served yours?

    Can you not see that the political process that they offer you, the democratic process of electing a member of their club, has been utterly subverted?

    Can you not see that you have no real power in this system?

    Can you not see that the fact that they continue to tell you that this system is the best and only way for you to wield power, simply distracts you? That you don’t seek after your own authentic power as long as you believe in this weak, false power?

    My friends! You are creator-beings! You are masters of Power and Light! You have merely been hypnotized into a deep, deep sleep where your power has been taken from you. You have been focussed and directed in such a way that you create what THEY want you to create. And it is NEVER in your best interests that you so create!

    Your power lies within you. And I wish to remind you of this fact. I wish to assist you to remember your creator nature. I wish to assist you to remember HOW to create. And most of all I wish to assist you to cease believing their lies, as regards power. You do not gain power through the political process, or indeed any other process. Power and Light is your most basic nature! All you need to do is to connect with the divine within. To harmonize yourself with the eternal immortal being that you truly are. And to act from that place of magnificence.

    You have been so deeply conditioned to disbelieve what I am saying to you. You have, in all probability, spent many lifetimes in deep forgetting. And so it will take a little work to awaken completely to your true creative power. And I will walk that journey with you. I will show you how to recreate your own life in such a way that you will never again doubt that you can do this. And so your awakening path will begin. And so we will begin to co-create a most joyous and glorious future together.

    I do have some important things to share with you along the way. For example, I rather urgently need to speak directly to my beloved Starseeds next. I need to remind them of their contract… of why they are here. And then we will proceed with an understanding of where your creative authority comes from, of how you tap into it and of the steps you can take to recreate yourself and your reality.

    If you wish to be updated, as and when I release new transmissions through Zingdad, then I’d like to invite you to sign up for our newsletter at

    The final thoughts I wish to leave you with are these:

    Your world will find peace only when the individuals upon it are at peace.

    You are not responsible for what anyone else does. You are only responsible for your own thoughts, deeds and words. But you MUST take responsibility for yourself. You MUST seek to have your thoughts, deeds and words conform to what you know to be the Greatest Good. When you do, you align with the divine within. You align with your true source of power.

    When you seek to change the world and the others you see around you, you do little good and much harm. You exhaust yourself, to no great benefit. When you seek to change yourself, you find that you succeed, and you find joy, peace and self-love. And, as if by miracle and magic, as you change yourself, so your world follows suit and transforms around you into a more joyful, peaceful and loving place.

    And with this I leave you for now. But I will return soon to continue our path together.

    I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation and I have been speaking to you, as always, through Zingdad.

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  15. #8
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    Quote Originally posted by Myst View Post
    The False Political Dichotomy of Left Versus Right: An invitation from Adamu

    The final trick up their sleeve is to turn you against each other in civil war. Not a race war. Not even a religious war. No, something far more insidious. A war of political ideology. They have been working to divide the nation exactly evenly down the middle numerically. A 50 – 50 split based upon political ideology. The whole idea of there being an “us” versus a “them”, where “we” are Right Thinking Americans and “they” are not. Despite the fact that “they” are your own very neighbours! Yes, perhaps “they” reside in greater concentrations in another state of your nation. But the fact remains that “they” are American citizens just like you. And you and they, both, are being wound up against each other. Every time you wish “they” could just be silenced, every time you consider “them” to be un-American, degenerate, idiotic, wrong, not deserving of their right to think, believe and behave as they do, you can almost hear the Red Shield operatives cackling in their sleeves. In that moment they win another tiny victory. And every time a demonstration turns violent and American citizens strike out at each other over ideology, then that is a battle that they have won. And, at some point, if there keep being battles, it will ignite a war. And if there is a war, an actual civil war in America, then they have outright won......

    .....Truly mind-boggling amounts of money and effort have been expended in polarizing the American people into these political camps. And so, many of you have allowed yourself to be labelled by this imposed political affiliation and then you have allowed yourself to believe that the ills of your nation are because of the opposing faction.

    Many of you have become very attached to “your team being right” and “the opposing team being absolutely wrong”.

    And, now that a President is in office who is not under their sway, now they call all of their operatives into action. And of course almost none of these operatives are utterly unaware of who their true masters are. They believe they are serving their own political or social interests. But, if you follow the money and see who ultimately bank-rolls them, it is quite possible to discern who is pulling the strings. And these operatives find fertile soil for their message of violence, hatred and chaos. Soil that has long been prepared by the very divisive nature of the political process itself that we have just discussed.

    So the pawns come in to play. And so America is being prepared for a so-called “colour revolution”. This time an anti-democratic revolution for the purpose of creating the kind of chaos the Red Shields desire to bring about the change they desire. And the means by which they are attempting to engineer this chaos is by turning you against each other.

    Right now the focus of their efforts is to persuade every American citizen:
    That they belong to an exclusive, isolated group.
    That their group is under attack.
    That the enemy that is attacking them is another group of Americans.
    And that they must strike back at that internal enemy before all is lost.

    I am sure you can see the evidence of this for yourself? I am sure you can see that this wind-up towards social chaos is actually gaining ground in America right now?

    Perhaps, if you are honest with yourself, you will admit that you have even felt the tug in this direction yourself? Perhaps you too have felt a certain group – or certain groups – of fellow Americans to be your enemy? Perhaps you have felt the desire to strike at them? Perhaps you have even acted on that impulse, even if only in your thoughts or in a symbolic or figurative manner?

    Please don’t berate yourself if you have. The inducements to this kind of thinking are powerful and pervasive. Almost anyone, under such circumstances, would yield somewhat to these temptations.

    And this is why I bring this to your attention now. That you might understand what is occurring.

    But there is a further, much more important reason.

    Beloved friends, it is time to activate the Starseed Legion.

    Right now.

    This is the moment it begins.

    You see, the Illuminati are quite correct in their understanding that chaos is what precedes great change. But chaos and change are both, by their very nature, inherently unpredictable things. And so we are going to grasp victory from the very jaws of defeat. And I am speaking to you today to invite you to participate in this victory.

    You see, my friends, the Red Shields are playing a 3rd density game. They are manipulating the situation using 3rd density tools. But we are going to respond from the 4th, 5th and even 6th density. We are going to use vastly more powerful tools than they are using. And we are going to transform this situation in magnificent ways. And not only the situation in America… but the whole world.

    They have played their hand. We have watched and waited. And now we play ours.

    We don’t need to be overly hasty. It best serves us to be mindful, careful and thoughtful. To act from our hearts. To serve the greatest good. And to carefully avoid being pulled into the battles of the Red Shields’ choosing.

    And so, if you wish to accept my invitation, if you wish to co-create with me the grandest, most glorious outcome, then I ask you to prepare yourself thoroughly.

    We will work together, step-by-step, and act in perfect Divine Right Time.

    Which brings me back to my agenda. My friends. Please take a moment to take stock of this information I have shared with you, and of everything you know, in your heart, to be true.

    Is it not so that this recent election has proven, beyond all doubt, that you cannot trust the political establishment?

    Is it not so that you have seen, beyond all reasonable doubt that they have, for longer than you have been alive, been no better than a band of bandits hiding behind an urbane and cultured veneer?

    Is it not so that you can see that they have consistently and faithfully served their masters' interests and never served yours?

    Can you not see that the political process that they offer you, the democratic process of electing a member of their club, has been utterly subverted?

    Can you not see that you have no real power in this system?

    Can you not see that the fact that they continue to tell you that this system is the best and only way for you to wield power, simply distracts you? That you don’t seek after your own authentic power as long as you believe in this weak, false power?

    My friends! You are creator-beings! You are masters of Power and Light! .................

    ...............The final thoughts I wish to leave you with are these:

    Your world will find peace only when the individuals upon it are at peace.

    You are not responsible for what anyone else does. You are only responsible for your own thoughts, deeds and words. But you MUST take responsibility for yourself. You MUST seek to have your thoughts, deeds and words conform to what you know to be the Greatest Good. When you do, you align with the divine within. You align with your true source of power.

    When you seek to change the world and the others you see around you, you do little good and much harm. You exhaust yourself, to no great benefit. When you seek to change yourself, you find that you succeed, and you find joy, peace and self-love. And, as if by miracle and magic, as you change yourself, so your world follows suit and transforms around you into a more joyful, peaceful and loving place.
    I don't know about red shields and such but I know that the divide and conquer externals move hand in hand with our own being oblivious both to one's power and one's responsibility in the minute, the immediate and the mundane.

    But "they" make it seem so dour when it is exhilerating to be responsible.
    In the midst of all the political swirl, one finds extreme pleasure in defying the system in a quiet way.

    For me it is that I can stir up balms.
    I have a love of potions and real medicine and mixing makes my heart sing.
    So being a part of the silent active underground in the way that pleases me.

    "What IS important to me." ASK and you will receive.

    The attempt to overwhelm the collective with continuous "bad news" can poison our perception.
    The Beauty way (actively focusing on and perceiving what is beautiful in our own mind) subverts the attempt to shut us up, or strike us down and out IMO in these times.
    IMO THIS is TRUE:"by miracle and magic, as you change yourself, so your world follows suit and transforms around you".

    So, praise the beauty of such a paradoxical strategy and take your PERSONAL passions for truth to the quite radical extreme of deliciousness.

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    Last edited by Myst, 12th January 2018 at 01:10.

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    Thanks Myst

    I looked at the pdf and this popped out of all the pages....sounds like the mind set of Trump's ilk. the people who want to play this game really do not want what I want and THAT means to me that there is a needed parting of the ways.....At least from my faith that this experience is designed for us to play out what we sincerely, truly love. I am really curious about what people are purporting to be true...separation of the "ways"?

    : I prefer not to use the term, "Illuminati", as this invites
    misunderstanding. There is a meme in your collective consciousness that
    there is such a hidden organisation, a cohesive shadowy underground unit
    that is running affairs on your planet. But that is an incorrect
    understanding. These ones, these Super Powerful Individuals, are very
    much not the kinds of beings who band together and work harmoniously
    towards a collective goal. There simply is no such organisation. The most
    cohesive unit of organisation these beings seem to be able to hold
    together is the family. Some families have extremely dominant, powerful
    beings at their head and these families prosper because their members are
    willing to align behind the head. Others are not so successful because they
    are racked with internal strife over who will lead. Often certain families will
    form allegiances and will work together for a while. Sometimes those
    allegiances become institutionalised over time. And there are many clubs
    and groups and gatherings to which the SPIs will belong and attend. But to
    imagine all the Super Powerful Individuals of the planet sitting together,
    plotting together, working as one, is to quite fundamentally misunderstand
    who and what they are. These are all incredibly strong individualists. Each
    one essentially looking after their own personal interests first. Strict
    hierarchies with harshly enforced discipline are the only way cohesion can
    be maintained. And even then the inner functioning of their organisations
    can be quite Byzantine, as there is endless intrigue, back-stabbing and
    double crossing. So you understand; this is not the planet-spanning unified
    organisation that you might have imagined it to be. Rather it is a number
    of families, each operating along roughly feudal lines, with a most senior
    "head" running the family. Even though there are, as I say, allegiances and
    compacts between some of the families. Zingdad ● The Ascension Papers ● Page 314

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  21. #11
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    Quote Originally posted by Myst View Post
    I very much look forward to Adamu's forthcoming messages, which will expand beyond the 3D perspective. While waiting for this last message, I read Zingdad's free ebook The Ascension Papers: Book 1 [PDF]. I very strongly resonate with this material. Adamu's messages are part of Book 3, which is a work in progress. Book 2 is also in progress and available to the public. I highly recommend them all.
    I think the writing in that pdf you linked is quite clear. It support what I have been focused on as in this quote

    if you are ready to stop being hurt by the game, you can awaken and
    discover who you really are and you can see it for what it is: a very big
    game. A serious and scary game. But a game, none the less. One that
    allowed you to undergo some of the most incredible experiences that can
    be had anywhere in All That Is. A wondrous, magnificent machine which
    outputs powerful choices allowing you to explore profound and amazing
    discoveries of who and what you really are.
    This whole world, as it is, exists to show you who you are.
    It reflects, with perfect precision and fidelity, your own ideas, beliefs,
    thoughts and choices back at you. And ultimately the Super Powerful
    Individuals are just one part of the machine. Without them it would not
    And if you want to choose to see yourself as their victim, then it is
    apparent that you want to go for another spin around the inner workings
    of this particular machine. If, on the other hand, you come to the
    realisation that only you can create your reality and that you are no-one's
    victim, well then everything will begin to change for you. Then you will
    become the master of your own being, your own destiny and all of your
    own experiences.
    And then? In that state of master consciousness, how then will you think
    of the Super Powerful Individuals? I tell you, you will not think of them as
    super powerful any more. You will see them as nothing other than role
    players in a great play. Ones who have had some quite interesting parts to
    play. You will see the difficulty, the pain and the complexity in their roles.
    And you will have understanding and compassion. Anger and vengeance
    will have left you.
    And that is the story I will tell you of the Super Powerful Individuals. I tell it
    to you like this so that you will hear and understand that I am not trying to
    paint you a rosy picture. I am not trying to tell you that, "Things are not as
    bad as you think." No. Indeed things are probably a whole lot worse than
    you had thought. And yet... this is not a problem. Because, indeed, it does
    not matter how bad things are in your world, if those things are what is
    required for you to come to your own awakening.
    You are all a bit like drug addicts who have been addicted too long to a
    very powerful narcotic called V. V is for victim. And you all take repeated
    doses of V, even though you sometimes have a bad trip, even though you
    sometimes over-dose, still your addiction drives you to keep taking it. And
    at some point you need to hit some kind of rock bottom experience, which
    will make you say, "Enough!" And then, and only then, will you decide to
    kick the habit.
    So, the world you see around you, is as it is because you are as you are.
    And when you are done and done and done with victim, then, I promise
    you, your world will look entirely different to you. You will no longer
    encounter any victim experiences. You will see a new world through new
    And now, to bring this question to a close; can you see that, without the
    Super Powerful Individuals playing the role they are playing, the game
    would not work at all? The planetary system would be quite different?
    Your experiences would be quite different? And you would not be offered
    the choices and opportunities for self-discovery and self-creation that you
    currently have? Zingdad ● The Ascension Papers ● Page 336

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    Last edited by Myst, 12th January 2018 at 01:12.

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    I wonder if they listen lol

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    The Starseed Contract and Planetary Ascension

    I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation speaking to once again through my scribe, Zingdad.

    Today I wish to speak directly to the Starseeds of Planet Earth. But, even if you do not think it possible that you, yourself, are a Starseed, I invite you to nonetheless read this release. I think that anyone with an open mind will find value in it!

    So, my dear Starseeds, I have so much to share with you in this update. So many points to touch upon in order to reach my final point. And that final point is an invitation to you to remember who you really are so that you might step into your divine creative power. So that you might do as you intended before you were born into this present incarnation of yours and so that you might participate in the creation of a golden new age of humanity.

    So there is much to say. The best place to begin is to tell you about the contract all Starseeds signed before coming to Earth. All this information serves to trigger your deep memories of a place far away and a time many lifetimes ago. Of who you were. Of the courage and self-sacrifice that drove you to choose as you did. And of the commitments you made to yourself about how you would act, how you would help, how you would heal yourself, how you would remember… and how you would heal others, as you did.

    The Starseed Contract

    There are six components to the Starseed contract of which you, as a Starseed, need to be reminded. They are known as the Invitation, the Shattering, the Repair, the Gift Giving, the Return and the Dissolution. I shall discuss these components, one by one.

    The Invitation

    As a Starseed you arose to self-awareness from the matrix of a planetary civilisation elsewhere in this galaxy, such as upon the Pleiades, for example. After the dawning of your consciousness upon that distant world, you evolved spiritually, raising yourself through the densities of consciousness through numerous incarnations upon your home planet. At some point you would have come to be considered an advanced soul; ready to graduate from incarnation at the density of consciousness upon your home planet to the next higher density of consciousness. And then you would have been offered an invitation; an opportunity to give back to Life a gift commensurate with all that you had received across your lifetimes. This is a rite of passage for all those who evolve along the Service to Other (STO) path. When you have received, you give back at least as much as you have received.

    There are many, many ways to give back at this juncture. One of these ways is to commit yourself to a Starseed contract: to agree to leave the comfort and security of your soul-family and spirit-home and to venture out and incarnate amongst a group utterly different to your own. In so doing you commit to first lowering your consciousness to the vibratory frequency of the civilisation you will be visiting. You cannot be born amongst them if you are not of their density, after all. And then you agree to awaken, to return yourself, whilst there amongst them, to your previous state of consciousness. And that is the heart of the Starseed contract: that you will heal yourself to your previous state of awareness whilst there upon that alien planet and whilst living amongst that alien culture. Perhaps you will not now intuitively understand what a vast gift you give in so doing. But you see, since all is One, what you do to yourself, you do to the other also. And if you do this work of self-healing upon a planet, you make available to others upon the planet the same healing path that you have walked. You don’t even need to speak a word of it to a single other. Just healing yourself whilst you are within their planetary consciousness grid is, in itself, a magnificent gift to their civilisation.

    Of course it is so that you are a loving, kind, good-hearted being by nature. If you find something worth sharing with others, you will seek to share it. If you can help, you will. If you can serve, you will. If you can teach, you will. If you can offer healing, you will. Such is your basic nature, having evolved to a high level in a STO society. So you will not only heal yourself upon that alien planet, you will almost certainly also find yourself to be some kind of a gift-giver, as you do so.

    Starseeds are a profound blessing wherever they go.

    And when you have concluded your process of returning yourself to your previous level of consciousness, and your incarnation upon that planet comes to a close, then you may return to your home soul-group, having a triumphant and joyous reunion with them at the higher level of consciousness that you now inhabit.

    And so it is that you received an invitation. You were living amongst your soul family upon your home planet. You had reached a high-point in your spiritual evolution. You were ready to move on to the next phase of your soul journey. And as you contemplated your Great Service, you were approached by a Returning Master. I shall tell you more about them in a little while. But a revered being of great wisdom and advancement approached you to let you know that you had been selected. If you were willing. You were found to be of the temperament and advancement to be suitable for the challenges and struggles of a Starseed contract to one of the many evolving planets within this galaxy.

    After you agreed to this noble endeavour, a rigorous process of training and preparation began. You were told of the various planets in the galaxy that are in need of Starseeds. Planets whose planetary council had put out a call for contracts. And then you chose the destination for your Great Service!

    Earth is, at this time, quite a focal destination. It is the single biggest destination for Pleiadian Starseeds. There are a number of reasons for this. One is the close familial relationship between Pleiadians and Earth Humans. Another is the great need, at this time, upon the Earth. Also there is the fact of the high degree of difficulty and challenge. Earth is, in fact, considered to be the very toughest assignment of all. And Pleiadians are by nature a brave lot. Some would say foolhardy. We are ever willing to give ourselves to the most challenging endeavours. But most of all we are here in great numbers because of the critical importance to the entire galaxy that Earth’s human population succeeds in the in-situ ascension process that is being attempted here. This has never been done before. And if it succeeds, it will irrevocably alter galactic relations. It will end, once and for all, the interplanetary wars that have raged since the beginning of time.

    The reason Earth is so very crucial is complex, but I will explain it as simply as I can in a moment. Right now I wish you to understand that this is a truly crucial mission of literally galactic importance! I cannot imagine a way in which you might give a greater service than a Starseed contract upon planet Earth at this particular juncture.

    So many, many Pleiadians are here, right now, serving out their Great Gift.

    Before coming here, contractors would have spent time under the tutelage of the aforementioned Returning Masters. These are beings who have already completed their Starseed contract, ascended their consciousness upon their destination planet and returned to teach what they know. You would be prepared, trained and taught by the most respected of all Returning Masters: those that had returned from duty upon Earth. They would have told you what to expect. They would have impressed upon you the great difficulties inherent in this enterprise. The risk of becoming lost in that reality for many lifetimes. The shock of acculturation from the harmonious Pleiadian culture to the abrasive and aggressive Earth culture. The psychic noise upon the Earth that can drive you to the brink of insanity and disable your inherent spiritual abilities. The challenge of knowing that you are “different” from the Earth humans around, but not knowing why and not remembering your mission. The pain of isolation that most of you would experience as a result of incarnating “alone” amongst a sea of strangers. The pain of always being considered odd, strange and even deranged for simply speaking and acting in a way that is right, good and true for you.

    All of this, and so much more, would you have been appraised of in your briefing. And you would also have been told of the incredible wonders of the Earth. The natural beauty and diversity that is beyond parallel, for example.

    And then, duly prepared, you, the Starseed contractor, would leave to commence your Great Service.

    The Shattering

    The most difficult part of the fulfilment of a Starseed contract comes first. In order to lower ones spiritual vibration from the high 4th, 5th or perhaps even 6th density at which you resided prior to the commencement of your contract, to the low 3rd density at which you must enter your service upon the Earth, you first need to go through a process called The Shattering.

    The terms of each Starseed’s shattering are agreed to upfront by the Starseed with their spirit guides and Returning Masters on hand to advise them. In principle one would have to have two experiences. One being a victim experience and the other being a perpetrator experience. But these would have to be sufficiently shocking to the Starseed that they would cause a shattering of their belief in their own goodness and the goodness of others. In essence, the Starseed’s belief in their own inherent divinity and the inherent divinity of all others is what is shattered. To cease to see yourself as a part of the eternal Oneness and to see oneself instead as a mere object of creation is the end-goal. And with that, of course, to believe that all others around you are similarly just mortal, lost, powerless little creations.

    Without this Shattering you cannot lower your consciousness to the deep duality of the 3rd density – the vibratory frequency of Earth. And if you do not lower your frequency, you cannot be born upon the Earth as one of them: as an Earth human. And so it is that you agreed to this. You agreed to, and contracted for, the Shattering.

    To say that these experiences are traumatic is an understatement. But this is the only way to overlay a veneer of distrust and disconnect over the soul-deep knowing that resides within the Starseed's heart that all is love, that all is One, that all bear a spark of the divine within themselves. So the experience must, by its nature, be traumatic. Being brutalised by others. Raped, tortured, abused. Being burned at the stake as a witch. Being subjected to iterative atrocities as a soldier – or as a civilian caught in a war. Being buried alive. Being rejected by your tribe to starve alone in the wilderness. These kinds of victimising experiences are the first part of the shattering. A part that allows the Starseed to believe that others are evil, wicked, not to be trusted, not worthy of love.

    And then, with their faith in others broken, the Starseed will be willing to defend themselves against the other. To lash out at the other in self-defence. And so, usually in a separate lifetime, Starseeds also find themselves perpetrating abuse and cruelty upon others. Using their natural gifts and powers to victimise others in their community. Leading others astray for their own ego gratification. Wreaking havoc. Causing harm. And arriving at the end of that lifetime with sufficient evidence to come to a belief that they themselves are wicked and unworthy of love.

    And so The Shattering is concluded. It might take as little as a lifetime or two, but usually a few more. But the point is that Starseeds then find themselves inhabiting the same duality consciousness that everyone else inhabits at the 3rd density upon Earth. Then they are ready for the next phase.

    The Repair

    At some point, when they are ready to hear it, each Starseed feels a call inside their hearts to Remember. To reach beyond the trauma of the Shattering for the transcendent awarenesses that bring healing. The truth of the Oneness of all. The deeply held ancient teachings of their people. The vibration of their home planet. These things, along with contracted promptings and reminders (such as this very transmission, of course!) all assist Starseeds to actively engage their own healing.

    And so the Repair begins. It is slow, patient work. There are no short-cuts and no quick fixes. But I will say that the core of the process is self-love. Self-love which allows the Starseed to find their heart-connection again. To reach beyond the layer of hurt inflicted during the Shattering to their deepest, most ancient knowing.

    I will do this process a profound disservice if I pretend that this is not both complicated and difficult. Healing yourself in a place of such dire confusion as the duality sub-reality is far from easy. Finding your heart connection in a place of such psychic noise is a mammoth task.

    But no Starseed was ever promised that it would be easy. Quite the opposite. It is a challenge worthy of the bravest of souls. And even the bravest are tested to their limits. Even the wisest and the most spiritually connected can get lost in this place. Sometimes wandering for tens, hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes in a state of deep amnesia and spiritual distress before they can be assisted to remember. It happens. But, whatever the case, those who stay the course all eventually do awaken, heal themselves right to their previous vibratory level and return Home.

    The Gift Giving

    Before we can speak of The Return, I must first address The Gift Giving.

    You see, healing yourself is, in itself, already a wondrous gift. When you do, you work a pathway in consciousness that then becomes easier for others to follow. By healing yourself, you heal others without even trying. And, as previously mentioned, most of you will, by default, also offer all kinds of wonderful and loving gifts to those who co-habit your reality just because that is the kind of being you are.

    So it is so that, when healed, when ready to return, it will be easy to argue that you will already have given your greatest gift to the Earth and its inhabitants. But for many of you this will not be enough. Many of you will step across the threshold, passing out of that life and then, soon after, find yourself disappointed with yourself. Many of you will say something like, “Oh, no, there was something really important that I wanted to do while I was still alive on Earth. I could have done it. I was there. I had everything I needed to do it… but I didn’t.”
    Many of you will feel strongly enough about this that you will ask to return to incarnation. Some will return to that same incarnation, others will begin a new incarnation and yet others will have some alternative experience such as being a “walk-in” for example.

    But I don’t wish to get bogged down in such details, as interesting as many of you will find them. The point is that I am inviting you to already become aware of this issue so that you can think about it now. As you raise your consciousness and heal yourself, give some time, now and again, to the thought: what one thing would you LOVE to do for this world… what message do you have to deliver to this world… what gift can you leave behind that will leave you feeling satisfied and complete when you walk away from here?
    When The Repair and The Gift Giving is complete, The Return begins…

    The Return

    With the Return, the doors to the galaxy (and beyond) are thrown open to you. After successfully returning from a Starseed contract, especially a difficult contract deep in the densities of forgetting such as upon Earth, you have endless options as to where you will go next.

    You have, no doubt, heard of the Ascended Masters? Well, you will join their ranks! And as such you are deemed to be a useful and desirable co-creator in any one of a vast array of places in the galaxy, performing any one of a vast array of roles. Just one of which is to play the role of Returning Master back upon your home planet: teaching, advising and guiding the next generation of prospective candidate Starseeds.

    Many Ascended Masters choose to remain involved with their adopted planetary culture… in this case choosing to remain active as guides and teachers for souls incarnated here upon Earth.

    But, given what the returning Starseed has been through, given the deep self-knowledge, the profound compassion and wisdom they will, by definition, have attained, they are free to explore innumerable alternate options. Some like to take a sabbatical period in which they simply travel the galaxy as an emeritus Starseed at large. Visiting inhabited planets, as their heart calls them to do. Bringing their gifts and their wisdom wherever they are called. And then, usually, finding a situation that suits their particular interests and abilities… a place to call home for the next step in their evolution on the journey to Oneness.

    The Dissolution

    But not every single Starseed completes their contract. Most do. But there is always a number who, for various reasons, do not.

    As much as every Starseed is coached and prepared prior to their mission, I don’t think a single Starseed ever has completed their mission without many times crying out for assistance saying, “I didn’t know how hard this would be!” It is simply so that no amount of pre-mission coaching can fully prepare a soul for the shocks and rigours of, first, the Shattering and then the long lifetimes of deep isolation that come from being amongst those who are not of your own soul family.

    For this reason, it is only fair that Starseeds must be able to exit their contract. It must be possible for the Starseed to say, “This is too much, I cannot go through with it!” And indeed, there is provision made for such a situation.

    Into the life-map of every incarnation of every Starseed, a number of Exit Events are engineered. This matter is dealt with in some depth by my esteemed colleague, Master 8, a being who watches over all soul contracts in this reality. He speaks of this, also through Zingdad, in Book 1 of The Ascension Papers.

    [Zingdad Note: You are invited to download this book for free from my website. Here Adamu is referring to the sub-heading “Understanding Death” in Chapter 8 of Book 1 of The Ascension Papers.]

    While I do advise you to read that material to gain a fuller understanding, what I will offer you for now is the simple awareness that each life contains pre-planned moments in which you are removed from the flow of your life, taken to stand before your masters and guides, reminded of what you signed up for, reminded of the importance of what you are doing, and then asked to affirm that you would like to continue your mission.

    If you agree to continue, you are returned to that life-stream at a suitable moment, perhaps some time before the exit event, and this time you pass the exit event without being extracted. Which means that you will have no memory of the extraction. You will continue your mission without interference.

    If you dissent and choose for the dissolution of your Starseed contract, then the Exit Event is fully enacted. That incarnation is terminated. To those who knew you in that life, it then appears that you died. Perhaps in some type of accident or some health trauma. You are then given a gentle and loving debrief and returned to incarnation amongst your own people in your native star system that you might return to your equilibrium and spiritual evolution.

    This is not seen as failure and there is no ignominy inherent in taking an Exit Event. Much good would anyway have been accomplished by such a Starseed prior to that exit.

    To avert confusion, I do wish to make it clear that no Exit Event is ever planned as a suicide. I have no judgement of suicide. But suicide does cause massive trauma to loved ones who remain behind. For this reason Exit Events are not planned in this way. Please do read the above mentioned section of Zingdad’s book if you require further understanding of this very sensitive subject.

    The Special Case

    And so I have just outlined for you what a Starseed contract looks like. This is, in broad terms, what is to be found in all Starseed contracts, irrespective of where the contractor hails from. Aldebaran, Arcturus, the Pleiadians, Sirius… these and many other star systems regularly send Starseeds out into the galaxy to do their good work. And Starseeds have, across the ages, been incarnated onto a vast range of other planets. Earth is but one of many destinations that have been served. And, upon the Earth, yours is but the latest of a succession of civilisations to engage in its own ascension of consciousness and to therefore receive a contingent of Starseeds.

    So I wish you, first of all, to understand that this is an ancient and widespread practice. And then I wish you, secondly, to understand that what occurs now upon the Earth is also completely unique, very special and utterly crucial to the welfare and advancement of consciousness of the entire galaxy. And here is where I shall pick up the narrative in my next transmission.


    In my next update I will speak to the uniqueness of the situation upon Planet Earth. I will tell you how the Earth’s ascension is different from any other. And I will tell you why a successful ascension is utterly crucial to the well-being of the whole galaxy. It’s all quite an interesting story!

    But it will have to wait for next time. In the meantime, if you wish to read the previous releases in this series, you are invited to do so at and if you wish to be updated whenever I release a new transmission through Zingdad, you can sign up for our newsletter at

    And with that I wish you a very fond farewell, until next time.

    I am Adamu of the Monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation and I have been speaking to you, as always, through Zingdad.

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    Bit of a modern day kryon feel, enjoyed reading, thanks.

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