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Thread: DNA Today, Seven Cosmic Laws and Mastery - Kryon

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    DNA Today, Seven Cosmic Laws and Mastery - Kryon

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    Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps aside, as he must for a channel like this to be given. He knows what this is like and has done it many times. He's in a place, if you wish to call it that, and he is listening like you are listening. He has distractions, however, that are not the ones that you have, and he has spoken of this before.

    He is not talking now. I am and, again, we say that perception must be clean for you in order to cognize what is being said. I speak of things that are beyond his knowledge and I talk about the real energy of this planet that is physical right now. We've spoken of odd physics many times, but we're not going to today. Instead, we're going to talk about physical, three-dimensional things that are affecting you through a multidimensional source that is changing that which you know and understand.

    Planetary Shift Has Been The Prophecy of Many

    We have said now for years that physical change was coming to the planet. The prophecies have been clear in their own vague way, and they say that the consciousness of the planet itself is going to shift, and that the planet will become "softer" in humanism, and that unexpected things would happen. We even told you there might be a wild card coming and that you're going to get more of them. These wild cards would be unexpected or improbable things - world-changing inventions you didn't expect, actions from others you didn't expect and even benevolence you didn't expect. Softer energy is coming to you, and that is very sweet, and many have said that's a good prediction and a wonderful prophecy. I want to tell you what's really happening however, and I want to give you the ABCs of it, as you say. I want to give you the physical 3D reality of what's going on around you.

    Some of this will appear to you as a review, but it isn't. It's a consolidation of many little pieces that I have given you before in order to show you what is going on today. The subject is DNA. DNA is not simply a chemical molecule in your body. It is a multidimensional piece of divinity. The very molecule that you call DNA is all over the galaxy, dear ones. It is life and it is the way life forms everywhere. It is the patterning and the geometry of life everywhere and you're going to see this someday as you are able to examine other life you find outside your planet. DNA can only change through physics, for it is physics that controls chemistry. It's about to change.

    The Physics of Consciousness

    Let me review some things I have said in the past so you can see how it relates to the lesson today. Twenty-six years ago when I started giving messages, I told my partner to write in his first book, that the magnetic grid of the earth would be shifting. Indeed, it did. This is now science history, and magnetic north moved a few degrees since that time. I gave the message that your magnetic grid is related to, or intertwined with, the physics of Human consciousness. Be clear on this: Consciousness is not a wispy esoteric thing that can't be measured. It's real physics that you just have not seen yet. Many experiments on the planet at this moment are aware that the strength of the magnetic field actually shifts with mass Human consciousness (a coherence with compassionate events on the planet). When you are eventually able to measure multidimensional fields in a clearer way, you will be able to see the correlation between the magnetic field of the earth and Human consciousness. Therefore, you might say, "As goes the grid goes Human consciousness." Now you know why I'm called, "The Magnetic Master".

    The Magnetic Grid and The Change Coming

    What you should be aware of is that the grid hasn't moved much in Human history and has remained fairly static through your many lifetimes. In 1987, however, it started to move a lot. The reason? It is moving so it can be positioned to receive something - something expected that is coming. Think of it as moving your furniture so that you can better view something you didn't know was viewable. The reposturing of the grid is for something coming that we are going to call "evolutionary energy" and it's physical. It is really physical! In fact, you can even see it coming!

    Months ago and years before that, we told you that your planet is going into an area of space that it never has been in before. This is not esoteric. Ask an astronomer, “Is the solar system coming out of a protective bubble into a new kind of radiation or energy that you haven't seen before?” Is it possible that your solar system is losing a protective sheath that it’s always had because of where it was in space?

    Let me explain this more to those who don't understand much about galactic movement and your solar system. All the stars in your galaxy are slowly moving around the center. Your solar system and its star (the Sun) has always been on the move as it rotates around the center of the galaxy. As your solar system rotates around the middle, you are always in a new period of time and space. It moves so slowly, however (millions of years to go around one time), that for all of humanity, it has basically been in one energy, like a protective bubble - and now it changes. Don't believe it? Do your research or ask an astronomer if there is something different. Make this channelling real to you, and you will understand more fully what we are saying to you.*

    The Role of the Sun

    As you move into this new energy, or what some have even called "radiation", you should know how it works, for it's very related to your Sun. Physically, it affects the magnetic field of the Sun (the heliosphere), which then in turn is blasted to your own magnetic field via the solar wind. That's the physics of it, but dear one, let me give you the esoterics of it. This has been the plan all along, that if you made it as a Human race past the 2012 marker, you would pass into this area of space and the magnetics would shift, allowing Human consciousness to change. Dear ones, this was always here waiting for you to pass the marker! This is why I came 26 years ago and told you the magnetics would shift. This is an evolutionary energy that is going to affect your Sun - the heliosphere of your Sun - which then will pass to the magnetic field of the earth, a field that has now been repostured for this new consciousness.

    Oh, there are those intellectuals who would say, "Well, what if we had destroyed ourselves as the prophecies said we would? What if there were no Humans to receive this?" It's simple. No Humans would have been here, but the planet would have still moved into this new area of space and the same energies would have been there, but you would not have been. Simple. But indeed, here you are!

    So now you can see that the prophecy from the indigenous is also being fulfilled, for they told you about the changes coming after the precession of the equinoxes (December 2012). How could they have had this prophecy about your movement into a new place around your galaxy? Think about it! These things are not new, and even the ancients told you it was coming! They may not have known the specifics of science, but their prophecy is the same one I have: New consciousness is coming.

    Dear ones, I want you to continue to put together these pieces physically in what you can see. As we told you, these changes affect your Sun. The heliosphere of your Sun changes you magnetic grid. Now, for this all to work, the Sun had to be quiet for this. I want you to ask an astronomer about the Sun and the cycles of the Sun. Ask about what period of radiance the Sun is in at the moment. The astronomer will tell you that it appears to be one of the quietest cycles that the Sun has ever seen. Solar flares and sunspots are disturbances in the multidimensional field that surrounds the Sun, so these had to be gone while the new energies were starting to be implemented. For this all to work, the Sun had to be as quiet as possible, and it is. The Sun's quiet time is also affecting your weather, and we told you that, too. Due to its quietness, you're in a cycle of weather that we also predicted [a cold time coming] that also has a lot to do with the energy that's coming. That's physical. Ask an astronomer, “Are they worried about all this?” Some of them are and others are not. But it is affecting you and the planet right now. Now you know why the magnetic grid was changed when it was changed and why. That's physical.

    The Esoterics of It All

    Now, at the same time that all this above physical shift was happening, we gave you esoteric information about the Pleiadian nodes and the nulls.** Is it possible that the Pleiadians themselves, having been here at the beginning and knowing about this coming change, actually helped with the prophecies (influenced the ancient calendars and prophecies)? Indeed, this is true, but it appeared to the indigenous as "intuition from the ancestors". The nodes and the nulls left by the Pleiadians are fast-track engines that are affecting the grids of the planet.*** Consciousness is related to the grids of the planet, remember? But not just the Magnetic Grid was involved. It also includes the Crystalline Grid (Human emotional remembrance) and the Gaia grids - all of them. These are all being worked on at this time in combination with the new evolutionary energy from the Sun. These grids are being fed, if you want to call it that, by the nodes and the nulls. What is it all doing? What is the real bottom line of all this? The answer: These confluences of energies that are shifting and changing are all directly affecting one thing - your DNA.

    The DNA Evolution is Coming

    The DNA of the Human Being is ready to shift and change. You'll never see it in a microscope because it's not chemical; it's physics. Listen for a moment, for you have already seen how this works. The 90 percent of DNA that heretofore was junk is now understood by your science.**** Science now understands that this 90 percent is information - a manual - a control panel for the genes. But it's still a mystery as to what it actually contains or how it gives out the information to the genes. What is not acknowledged yet is that it is a multidimensional transmission. To most biologists that would be a stretch, but there actually is a bit of quantumness in your DNA, and this has also been scientifically seen (Garaiev and Popoinin experiments with DNA).*****

    This 90 percent of DNA is like trillions of antennas in your body, ready to receive information and then rewrite the manual via the changes in your grids. The DNA is going to receive information and shift. It's going to affect genetics. Mothers will receive it first and pass it to their children. Mothers, you don't even know you've got it, yet you are passing it to your kids right now. Are you aware of the books of my partner from more than 10 years ago about "The Indigo Children"? These children were precursors to the new energy. The kids are different! It started before 2012 - way before - since the potentials were very high that you would make it, and you did. Mothers of grandchildren, do I have to ask you if they are different? Very different!

    Changes in the Kids are First

    A Human baby comes into the planet today, but what is going on today is different from when you were born. You're in a new place in space, the Sun is quiet, you have the nodes and the nulls feeding new information into the grids, and the paradigm of consciousness is different for them than it was for you. Their Genesis cells, the "how a Human works" cells, are changing.

    Things will start working that are unusually different for standard Human nature. The intuitive self, the barrier between innate and consciousness, will start to improve. The barrier starts to become less. Be ready for children who have very accurate intuition about what's wrong with them. If they tell you something's wrong, take them to the doctor! Immediately. Don't tell them, "It's your imagination, honey", or, "It will be okay later; it's growing pains." Do you hear that? There are those listening to this right now who need to hear that, because their children are saying, "I feel funny; something’s wrong." Mothers who are used to raising children are also used to an old energy paradigm that has a certain health template. This is changing. The kids are starting to awaken to being intuitive about their own health. The bridge isn't built yet to innate, but it is closer with them and they're feeling something. Innate is talking to them for the first time. Listen: You didn't have it, but they do. Listen to them.

    The Akash of the child is starting to become clearer. These children are going to tell you many things about who they've been and what they've done. If you're a parent and you are listening to this now, the worst thing you can do is suppress it. The best thing you can do is to tell the child the absolute truth, the absolute truth: "I believe you." When you say things out loud, it helps the child. That's truthful and the child will get it. Listen, parent: In these things, be an ally to your child, and it will change your relationship with your children. Be honest with them about it all. Tell them not everyone will understand, so there are times to be quiet about it. These are instructions for kids in the New Age. These attributes are going to get even stronger, and your instructions will make sense.

    Instinct is going to work better than it ever has. Instinct is not something that you are used to seeing much in Humans. You see it in animals mostly, because the offspring of animals have a very strong survival instinct. It is passed to them so well that they can actually walk within hours of birth! You don't have that. However, this same mechanical passing of instinct is starting to become stronger in Humans, and especially that which will come from the Akash. It is chemical as well as being esoteric (genetic and Akashic). As it is in animals, you should have it also and you will. You're going to see children remembering how to walk and how to eat much earlier, without training. It will be faster than the older paradigm, and faster than the doctors who know about child development will have seen. It will be "off the scale". Get ready for it; it's instinct. It's simple chemistry. It's the DNA working better.

    If you look at the DNA cell itself, you might ask, what is happening? The truth is that DNA is becoming more informed, some say "enabled". Now, there is a buzzword in esoteric belief called activation. Please don't change it, but know that it's not accurate. You are not activating anything. Instead, you are releasing DNA from a prison. If you have somebody who is crippled in a chair, shriveled and not able to move, yet suddenly they are released from this bondage, and the fingers untangle and the hand starts to become whole again, it's because something that has happened to the DNA. It hasn't happened to the hand, or to the muscle, or to the fingers, not even to the arm, but to the DNA. It's a release. I want you to hold this vision. All the changes I have talked about are about being released from a prison of crippled DNA! And (get ready), it happens to ALL DNA in the body at once. It's a "whole body experience", not a local "hand/arm" one.

    Your DNA is crippled in this old energy, and it's your own free choice that created this. Your DNA, your lifespan (aging), your diseases are all where you wanted to take the energy of this planet, and your DNA cooperated. This is what you've lived with, and what is now changing. It's not DNA activation, it's DNA release. Release!

    The profundity of it all: Do you realize the help that you have? Did you think for a moment that all of this was going to be you just doing these things? It involves the galaxy, the part of space you're in, the nodes and the nulls, and the creator of the Universe. It involves the Pleiadians, it involves your timeline, and it involves love. All of this is for you to sit in a new energy and release the bonds of your DNA. Now, dear ones, old souls, there is something you ought to know. You don't have to wait to be reborn for this. The old soul has the equipment inside right now, just like the newborn.

    DNA Templates

    Your DNA is filled with information and templates. Now, templates are patterns and paradigms of life. Most of these templates are ones that you have that are not complete. Now, what you don't know about a template is that is has what we would call a patterning of its own. If you have a portion of a template already, that is to say, a piece of the design, it draws to itself the rest of the design, if it can. Did you understand that? If you have a piece of the picture, that piece has an attitude - an attitude of desire - wanting the rest of the picture! As soon as it's possible to get that missing piece, it's like magnetics. It literally flies to itself and the template snaps into place and you get the whole thing. All of you have pieces of the template and the ones who have the most profoundly "ready" pieces are old souls (the ones reading this). Your earth experience has waited for this! You are then going to complete the templates that are missing, old soul.

    Genesis Cells: The Starting Template

    This term I'm using in this message is a Kryon term today, not a medical term. There may be a medical term similar, but this is different. One of the templates that always exists and never goes away is part of the Human manual. It’s not as linear as in this explanation, but it will work. Think of it this way: I want you to think of the manual of birth. When you came in, what was the manual like? What page were you on when you were five days old? What page were you on at six months? What page were you on when you were 30? You all know that all the pages are different because of the chronology of growing up.

    The pages are still there, and the template is still there for what I call Genesis cells. Genesis cells, as I will define them, are the cells of a newborn that accelerate growth and learning in a special way. The child absorbs so much of the world around him/her in six months. This includes speech, language, the beginning of standing and walking, and much more. The antennas of the Genesis manual are so big! They are listening to the attitudes and the consciousness of everything around them. You already know that. It's active for a newborn Human, then it slows down and you become the adult. Genesis cells are magic. They are used at first, then they are not, but they're still there and never go away. The template is still there, the instruction sets for how they are made, if you want to call it that, are still there. This is all physics, for the chemistry of how it all works is physics. What you should know about the children of today is that the antennas are up to 10 times as long as they were for you.

    Now, old soul, what if I told you that you could release these cells now, make them active for you? They could be available for you now, just go get them in the manual. Do it with affirmations, do it with consciousness change, do it with meditation. However you communicate with innate, it's ready to release the Genesis cells from their time prison to be used again! What that means to you is fast-track growth to enlightenment! They work with the Akash!

    It's for any situation you might have. Don't limit it to what you think you need! Always ask, "Dear Spirit, what do I need?" State, "Dear Spirit, this and something better." Use this potential! Genesis cells are ready for the old soul. I keep saying old soul, did you notice? In other words, a number of lifetimes gives you the template information that a newbie would not have who has only been on the earth a few times. Old souls have hundreds of lifetimes, maybe thousands in order to develop experience and the template of knowledge. Every one of you in this room can say to yourself, "I know that I've been here before" and your innate will vibrate with the truth of it. You know too much! You feel too much! You're in this room listening to channelling! This message is accurate and it's true. You're an old soul. Everything I've just told you is about the enhancement of the Human Being in an energy that you have expected.

    I close with this: The secret to mining your Akash, or releasing the template, is by having a compassionate consciousness. Does that surprise you? That's what has been missing all along. If you are going to mine your Akash [pull upon the things you have learned in the past] and start rewriting who you are, you're going to have to come to an agreement of compassion with yourself. How are you doing with lack of anger, care for others, purity of God inside? The physics of consciousness to create compassion creates what I call compassionate action. It's for everyone in the room and those reading. An old soul knows how to do this. Listen: I know who you are. You wouldn't be listening or reading unless you were an old soul, even an uninterested old soul. You are one, and you know you are. Compassion is the king of all emotions at this point on the planet. It's going to lead you into an evolved state of love, and without compassion and caring for others, it is not going to work. In fact, nothing will work.

    Very slowly there is going to be a split of consciousness on the planet, and we have talked to you about it before. There will be those who are compassionate and those who are not, and it's going to be obvious, so obvious! Caring and uncaring. There is a dark army right now on this planet. What is its "compassion factor"? Do you understand? It's a free choice state of mind, but that's the split to come. Don't worry about this, compassionate one. When you take the attributes of the master, light surrounds you. No more fortressing or protecting yourself from darkness. It will retreat from you automatically. No more catching the diseases of the day, they won't be able to touch you with compassion. It's physics; it's real; it's physical and it's happening now. Your society will reflect this sooner than you think. When you turn on your news and you think I'm crazy, just wait. There's some wild cards coming. Benevolence is a new energy!

    I'm Kryon, in love with humanity.

    And so it is.


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    "The Seven Cosmic Laws"

    Although nine years old, a goodie imo >

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    Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
    There would be those here who would say that this is not possible... the energy of an angelic form coming through a Human Being. They would say it is not something that could ever be manifest in this way. So I say to you that in this moment, the energy shows itself right on this platform, and there are those who can "read" it right now. They don't have to warm up to it, either. I am Kryon, and I come through my Human partner. This is the way, with his permission married to his Higher-Self, to see and reveal the family in front of me. It creates a reunion of sorts that might stick forever in the minds of certain souls here before they leave. For they'll know they were touched, and in some cases, they'll know they're healed. And after you have "seen" the colors and felt the touch of Spirit, then the more intellectual of you can puzzle over the actual reality of it. But for us, it's happening even as you sit there.

    I ask you to suspend that part of your 3D minds that would keep you from the joy of tonight. Indeed, I ask for belief so you can be healed tonight. It is a precious time - a safe time, this time before us during this message. There's a sweet energy here - the energy of safety. This would be the time, if there ever were a time, for you to ask the questions that my partner has given you earlier tonight [during the DNA lecture of Lee]. Do you have the courage to call for activation of the interdimensional parts of you? There are some of you who are afraid. You fear enlightenment. You say, "I've gone as far as I'm going to go. It's enough that I'm here."

    Oh, dear Human, let me speak to your heart right now. The things you are afraid of are the things that you've made up. These things come from the Human mind and the Human duality. The intellectual mind puzzles about what is around it and creates its own scenarios of what is happening, to fit it into a construct that makes sense. That creates devils and failure and low self-esteem. Do not fear the love of God! Why would you fear being healed? Would you fear joy? You think, perhaps, if you take this spiritual step we speak of that you will be seen as odd by others? Maybe the family members you're with might not love you as much? Perhaps they will think you've gone off the deep end or whatever you want to call it? Do you not realize by taking the mantle of Spirit in this fashion and by activating the DNA in this fashion, you might instead be seen by others as pure and balanced? Your family might even say behind your back, "We don't know what happened to Mom, or Dad. We don't know what happened to Grandma or Grandpa. I don't know what happened to my partner." Then you will hear, "But I sure like it! Whatever it was that changed them has made them more balanced." Did you ever think of that? That's what an enlightened being is like. They're the essence of understanding and pure love. They glow with the energy of peacefulness. People want to be around them. It's not a problem to be their friend.

    This is what you can do for yourself. All of the things that you would ask for in your prayer times or in your meditations - reduction in frustrations, release of the drama with others in your life - these things are so ready to be solved. Many of them are actually part of your lesson, waiting to be solved. Slowly, as your path allows for it, the DNA is activated by your request with pure intent. That's why we're here, dear ones. My partner said to you that this room has been warmed up [the sanctuary of a Unity Church]. Let me tell you about the room: There are those who have had epiphanies here, who have found the love of God here, and found direction for their lives here. Some found family here and now they know they're not alone. So the invitation to you is the same, you know? Are you just going to meet the people you came with or are you going to meet someone else? Are you going to say "hello" to someone you don't know today? Maybe it's a family member just waiting to feel your energy. That's what happens in these kinds of meetings - a reunion, a healing meeting, a meeting where you might actually change your mind because of the energy that is provided here today.

    I'm Kryon. I'm what you define as an angel. I don't even know what that means really. But I know this: I'm just like you when you're not here. That's what I know. And when you're not here, we are brothers and we are sisters, if you want to genericize us. We are family and we move together in the cosmos. All is known when you're not here. Things make a lot more sense and the duality is not present when you're not here. And so I say to you, family, that there has to be an element of trust when you take the hand of Spirit and move forward. There has to be faith in the love of God and what we have called "cosmic intelligence."

    The Seven Cosmic Laws

    There is teaching this night. I would like to present to you the Seven Cosmic Laws of Kryon. I've done this twice before. But this is the channelling I want recorded and transcribed.

    To some, this will seem like a review, for all of these concepts have been presented in the last 18 years, but never in this concise way or grouped in this manner. My partner knows what's coming because he has said these things before. But he doesn't know what's going to be added to it. These are the cosmic laws that I, as the entity that I am, have deemed the most important for the Human Being to know. Some of them may shock or surprise you in their simplicity, but they're not simple. All of them speak about the love of God. Although I give them to you in a row, in linear fashion, they don't present themselves in importance this way. However, their numerological values are significant.

    Number one: You can never return to a less-aware state.

    No Human can willingly unknow anything. Once it is in your mind, especially in the spiritual energy of your DNA, it is impossible for you to unknow it. If any of you have revelations in this place tonight, you'll not be able to erase the experience. Oh, you might try to forget it, but it's still there. You can't unknow it. And so we say this to you: be careful what you decide to know because it will change your life.

    If you decide, for instance, to study the energy aspects of the numbers around you, and so you add them all up and the sums are all the same number... you would be amazed at the coincidence! It happened to my partner that way. I gave it to him that way and he can't unknow it. It is one of the things that propelled him to the next step. "What are the odds," he said, "of this taking place?" So the odds are what gave him the 3D proof of an interdimensional concept of Kryon. He'll never unknow that fact.

    If you feel the love of God touching you tonight in a way it never has before, if you walk out actually healed, you can't unknow that. If you have a revelation of how something works, you can't unknow that either.

    Some of you have asked for things. "Dear Spirit," you have said, "tell me what it is I need to know." Then the teaching begins and you're shown some things that you should work on. Sometimes it's your health. You can't unknow that, can you? There are those who would say, "Well, I'm a Human Being of free choice. Therefore, if I choose to ignore it, I can." You're right. That's not unknowing it. That's a Human Being who chooses denial. And if the information is profoundly spiritual, you will become unbalanced. It is impossible to know something profound and pretend it is not there. You've called it the "elephant under the table." Impossible, it is, to ignore. Therefore, you will live your life unbalanced. Be careful what it is you choose to know. We say this to you in all love and wisdom, when we say there is a process that begins when you ask with pure intent for it to begin, that is more profound than you know. You cannot go backwards once you've got it. That's the first cosmic law. The number one represents new beginnings in numerological terms.

    The second Cosmic Law of Kryon is this: In every Human Being there is profound divinity. But it's not intuitive. It lies there and "pokes at you." You know it's there. It's there enough for humans to find a religion, isn't it? It lies there and you know enough to go find God in some form and fulfill the manifestation of that search through attendance, through joining, through worship, through doctrine. But the truth of who you are is hidden. That's the second law. It's not intuitive that you are God. It's not intuitive that inside your DNA would be all these gifts. It's a beautiful cosmic law. It's beautiful because it keeps you in a place where, if you're going to search for the divine, you've got to mean it. It cannot be casual, for you won't get answers. This explains why some of you have perhaps opened a study or opened a book and said, "I'll try this, or I'll do this, or this didn't do anything for me." Maybe even tonight you'll walk away and say, "That didn't do anything for me either." I'll tell you why - because you didn't invest anything in it. It's a casual attending, with you looking for something that will change you. Instead, why don't you look for a tool to change yourself? That is the message. It's because you decided not to open your heart, because you didn't see the opportunity when a legion of angels showed up, whatever that means to you.

    There are entities in this room, past and present, pieces of you here that you don't even know about. The Akash is present [life force of the planet]. Do you know what that is? You're part of it. Walking the aisles here are the essences of those you've loved and lost on this planet. You may wonder about them. You might say, "What would they do if they could see me now?" And you call out to Mom or Dad, "Help me to see the truth!" Such a family, it is, that surrounds you all the time. They're here. That's where they are... not up in the sky. And they never really left, you know? Some of you will know that because you'll be able to smell them and feel them. I don't talk about these things idly; I tell you these things as part of the cosmic laws. You're divine creatures and you have a veil that hides it.

    That was number two. Two in numerological terms represents the duality.

    Number three. It's just so profound and so simple and you've heard it as a statement from me over and over for all these years. "You've said it too much, Kryon," many say. But I'll give it to you yet again. Number three, the Cosmic Law of Kryon: You are dearly loved.

    On my side of the veil, you are loved by all of the entities in the quantum hologram - more than you can count, more than all the numbers that you would know how to speak. Yet they all have something in common; they're part of one consciousness that know your name. And you don't believe that either. "Too grand," you might say. I've got more information for you on that. Wait until you hear cosmic law numbers six and seven! Everywhere you go, you're known, and you're loved. It is the core emotion, if you want to say that, of the Universe. It is love. All the masters who ever visited you told you this, yet you still manufacture reasons to dissect and doubt it.

    It's the energy you felt when you came into the earth and it's what you feel when you leave it. I promise you that when you close your eyes for the last time and remember who you are, there is only love. When I see you in the Cave of Creation, there is going to be joy. Do not fear that time, dear Human Being. Oh, make no mistake - we want you to stay a long time, because we need your light on this planet. That's why you're here. But I'll tell you this: When it's time for you to go, don't fear it - for you're coming home. It's a great time and it happens constantly... a party that never ends. It's a joyful time of heart and light connections unfathomable to you as a Human that goes on constantly as the Humans come and go and the series continues and the cycle of life is complete. I can't even explain it. And many of you will walk out of here not believing it. That was number three.

    The number three in numerology represents the catalyst. A catalyst is an energy that provides the push for transformation of one energy to another, yet never changes itself. Therefore you might say that this loving energy is the core catalyst of change and transformation for the Human Being. Love is that way. It absolutely changes Human lives and gives reasons to exist. It manifests wisdom where there was ignorance, and compassion where there was nothing but emptiness. It is the reason for all, and is the common denominator between both sides of the veil. It is the staple of Kryon, and the key for enlightenment of the Human Being. It is the light of discovery on a darkened earth and the true solace for those in distress. Indeed! You are dearly loved!

    Number four is an attribute of the mechanics of incarnation, of life expression, or what you call the rotating life experience on Earth. And here it is: Everything that you learn spiritually in one expression carries over to the next.

    That means this: Whatever you learn right now, you don't have to re-learn when you get back. It's there in the Akash, like a jar that contains whatever is learned. It's filled with what your life's lesson is about. Every incarnation you've had before now and all of the things that you have learned are in that metaphoric jar. And when you decided to push on the door and open that spiritual jar of wisdom, out pours your entire work through the ages. Everything you ever learned since you started the journey of coming to Earth is there.

    There have been those who have said, in their darkest moments, "If I have to come back and learn this all over again, I don't want to come back." Well, you don't have to learn it again. It explains why some of those who have never had any spiritual training have profound wisdom. It explains why the new consciousness children of Earth carry with them a half-filled jar of this at birth, no matter what. When the jar is opened by even the smallest child, out comes profound ideas from the other side of the veil... who they used to be, the way life works, and why they chose their parents. This would not be happening if it were not for the new posturing of the magnetics of the planet - the reason I'm here at all.

    New tools are here, you might say - a new interdimensional aspect of Human life that you did not have at birth. You had to work for it, but the new children come in with it. That's the reason they don't want to stand in line, either. [Laughter] They don't want to get linear. They all want everything at the same time, if you've noticed. It's an attribute that won't be lost on you. It's about learning, and you ought to celebrate it.

    Now let me tell you what that means, doubter. Inside you, doubter, contains some of the greatest spiritual truths that any have ever had. I want to tell you all that there's a shaman in the audience and he doesn't know it. He's afraid to open the jar, too, and he may not ever do it in this lifetime because of this fear. But, oh dear one, you know who I'm talking to, don't you? If you choose to ever open that jar, out will flood the profundities of the ages. Healer that you are, if you choose it, it's there. Part of the duality you have wants to keep the lid on it, because you know if you open it you can't go back! [Cosmic Law One] You know it's there, don't you? Do you want to do it this time around or not? There is no judgment of you. My dear one, the party will be the same when I see you on my side one day, if you open the jar or not. You are dearly loved. That was number four.

    Number four in numerological terms is an Earth number and involves structure. It's a grounding number. The knowledge of the ages is like this. It's the gold that's mined from lifetime to lifetime in the Akash. It's the only thing that you carry from one lifetime to another that is the most practical of all. Your spiritual knowledge is like the mantel of God. When you ask for that jar to begin to open, out pours a very comfortable energy - your own mastery.

    Number five is when you give pure intent and activate DNA layer 10. There's something else that happens with it that is profound: You give permission of the cosmos to rearrange things around you. Some of you know what I mean, don't you? You give permission for change. In your darkest hour, perhaps, you may have called out when you were in trouble and things were not going right.

    That's when the Human says, "God, who gave you permission to change my life like this?" And I would say to you, you did! So be careful. Before you decide to push on that door to create the activation of any of these DNA layers, be ready for the changes that may occur in your life. This is not esoteric fluff. It's life changing. Just ask some of those around you what has happened to them when they decided to find "God inside" of them.

    All of you sit in a time and a place that is extremely profound and timely. We need your light for this planet. If you're going to make a decision to send the light, you're going to change the planet. The reason why you're here, each and every single one, is the reason why you've awakened - even you, doubter - the reason why you came with someone else to this meeting tonight. There is no judgment of any of you. I'm just giving you the facts. There is a reason why you came to hear these things - in order to fill up that jar even further, to make you aware of the way things work.

    The Cosmic Law that I speak of is that you give permission for life change when you move into the arena and ask God to tell you what it is that you need to know. It's the way of it, you know? It's the way it works. It's like enlisting into a legion of Lightworkers where you give permission to Spirit to help you fall into the ranks of those who will heal this planet. And the good news is that all the changes that you start in your life appropriately and eventually bring you growth and eventually bring you joy.

    God does not take pleasure in harming situations, taking love away, or creating sickness or sorrow. That is not what Spirit does. Yet that energy is often assigned to the spiritual attributes of the doctrines of the planet. It's not that way, dear ones. The things that you might experience that you call growth, even what you might call problems and challenges, are all about your time of increasing the light, for the planet needs you to be honed. There is an old expression and we've used it before: "Iron sharpens iron." It speaks about sometimes the way you have to be put through the mill so that you can be shaped into the glorious, angelic form that you've asked to become. That's a cosmic law.

    Numerologically, five is the energy of CHANGE. Need I say more?

    Number six: As soon as you start this search of yours, as soon as you push on the door, as soon as Spirit sees pure intent, all of your universal family knows it. I want you to think about that for a minute. You envision yourself in a linear form - one Human Being making one choice in a sea of humanity. One grain of sand in a vast, spiritual beach makes a small choice. Well, I'm going to tell you, the whole beach knows! That's a cosmic law. That's how profound it is.

    When you turn on your light, everybody sees it. Things that you cannot imagine that are procedural, spiritual and historical take place. Even the Akash* itself is modified each time a Human makes that decision. The vibration of the planet changes by the Human Being making a decision to move into an interdimensional state where they begin to see things differently. You call it ascension, rebirth, activation of DNA. Call it whatever you wish; everybody knows. "Kryon, do the humans on the planet know it, too?" Absolutely. Oh, perhaps not at a conscious level, but I will tell you, they recognize a shaman; they recognize a master; they recognize one in ascension status. They may not know why they like you, but they do. It's the God in them that greets the God in you. And the two God parts, they communicate with each other, and they know. The cosmos awakens when you do.

    I'm going to tell you that there are a number of you just on the edge of crossing into that place of light right now. I can feel it - can you? And when you do, and if you should do it and you push on that door, I would like to tell you the whole cosmos knows it. Blessed are those who have made the decision and stand in these places that know about life, who know the power of light, and don't just speak it, but live it. Blessed are those for they will inherit this planet, meek as they might be. It is their essence, their lineage, that the planet will carry from here on. That's who is here, Lemurian. That was number six.

    The number six is the center - the most sacred number in the series. It represents communication, prayer and the "pipeline" to the Higher-Self. There's only one more cosmic law, and I've saved it for last.

    Number seven represents a number of divinity. It's a number representing the divinity of God. I give you information now and that is this: The seventh Cosmic Law is that every single one of you has an effect on the fabric of reality on this planet when you send light.

    You may wonder to yourself as you sit alone, or with two or three, when you send light esoterically to a place on Earth that needs it. Without any 3D access of proof, when you do this spiritually profound procedure, does it really do anything? Really? When you send light to the Sudanese to comfort them in their incredible sorrow, or those families who mourn every day from what happens in Iraq, or for those who are put into the battles of Earth on the front lines and who are afraid, does it help? Perhaps you regularly send light, but the duality, Human Being, will make you doubt, "Well, did it really do anything? Will we ever know? It seems so insignificant." It's the Seventh Cosmic Law of Kryon that says that every time you sit down and send light, it moves mountains - moves mountains! It changes the future of the planet.

    Now I'm going to give you some information that I've mentioned only a few times in my messages. I've saved it for this transcription. If you don't remember anything else from this message, remember this. Of the entire population of the planet, only one half of one percent of you need to awaken in order to create a renaissance and peace on Earth - one half of one percent.

    In case you wondered whether all of those on Earth would eventually think like you, the answer is absolutely not. No. It's a small group of you who have been elected by your own consciousness and your own lineage to come here at this time. Old soul, you are here to serve a grand purpose of sending light for the rest of humanity. Remember, this planet is filled with those who are not as old as you are [meaning that they don't have the number of lifetimes you do on Earth]. For when you have a geometric progression of numbers of Humans on the planet, that means only a seeming few of you are very old and the rest are very young. I speak to old souls right now; that's who hears and reads this. It's the old souls that will make the difference, and many of the children are among them.

    Oh, have you ever wondered why you're here? Have you ever wondered what you're supposed to be doing? Can you give 30 seconds to Sudan tonight? Before you go to bed, Lightworker, can you do this? You've got the power, you know? You've got the energy within you, which is divine. And even though you can't prove it in a 3D fashion, can you still send the cosmic energy of intelligent design to the Sudanese, and trust that what you have done is going to make a difference? If you can do that, you are a Lightworker, making a difference to the vibration of Earth.

    Less than one half of one percent of the planet has to be involved. If they are, you're going to see a positive shift and you're going to see it profoundly. Leaderships will change. Refreshing ideas will emerge within governments, of which nobody ever thought of in the past. You might say, "Why didn't they do that earlier?" And I'll tell you. What has happened is that your light, dear one, let them see things that were formerly in the dark. Watch for this - cosmic intelligence being carried on your light that illuminates ignorance and turns it into wise choices. Then celebrate it and know it had your energy all over it.

    There are some here who need to leave this place differently than they came. You're surrounded right now by those who can send the light. We're surrounded right now by those esoteric individuals who are not in Human form [the Kryon entourage] who want to touch you and hold your hand. Some of you may feel it in this final moment before I go back. It would be a good time for this. It might be the only time for this, if you have come here as a doubter.


    I don't have anything to ask you that would be embarrassing for you. These things are between you and God. Right now, you might say to yourself, "Dear Spirit, tell me what it is I need to know." Claim the healing that's been waiting for you to say these words. "Dear Spirit, I claim the divinity in my DNA." Start a healing process in your mind and body. Who would like that tonight?

    I know who's here. I know what you want. Do you have the courage to do it? Because if you do, your light will increase exponentially. You are the light of the world. That's what they teach here in this room, in this place called the Unity Church [where the meeting is being held]. I'm telling you that it is the truth.

    Go from this place with more light than you came in with. Celebrate those who came in with you who you don't know, but who leave differently because you were here. Take these things in love and make them work for you, dear Human Being.

    I am Kryon. I have loved you this night and will continue to until I see you again, and again. And so it is.


    * Akash is defined by Kryon as the life force of the Universe or the planet, depending on the context of the conversation.

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    "becoming masters"

    Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Yet again this meld takes place, does it not, between the Human Being and the Higher-Self. The process you would call "melding with family" may sound a great deal like what you've heard for the last few hours [speaking of listening to Lee] - the Human Being in lecture mode. But it's not that way.

    In these next moments, I invite you to feel the energy of a legion of what you would call angelic beings fill this place. They will "sit" upon you in a way that makes you know this experience is real. For by intent, each one of you have invited this situation into your reality at this time. The multitude can sit upon your lap and surround you, can hug you, can hold you around the neck and the head, yet the person next to you who gives no intent whatsoever will feel nothing. Here is an interdimensional attribute: you can sit in the stadium with us or you can sit alone, and that is your free choice. Therefore, you might say that your intent is your reality creator, for many will "go somewhere" tonight with it, while others remain static.

    There are so many at this moment who have come prepared - have come ready. Wouldn't you like to move to the next level? Wouldn't you like to know more about the divine master inside you? Wouldn't you like to know who you used to be, who you are, and who you'll be when you're finished with this expression of humanism? All of that information is available. Did you know that? This is a precious place that is sweet beyond measure.

    My partner makes fun and he makes a joke. He talks to the rug. He talks to the ceiling. [This is a reference to Lee, telling the audience earlier about his dialogue with a new hotel room almost every other day. He talks to the elements in the rooms]. Well, I'll tell you, the elements in here are talking to you right now. All of the things that you think are static and without life-force are part of the bigger picture. It may shock and surprise you to know that they are all in support of you. The trees that went into making the pieces and the parts of the wood here still have their interdimensional life-force. The fibers - even those pieces of what you would call inanimate metal - have a life-force. The air you breathe has interdimensional life within it, and all of these know the master who is inside you.

    Many of you want proof of this, don't you? It's just too strange in your 3D reality to think that "things" can have awareness. How about proof that comes from an internal engine of discernment? Is your own validation of awareness and intuition, proof enough, or do you need an outside authority? [Lee laughs, knowing there is no such thing as an authority on "thing awareness"]. Why not ask your Higher-Self? It knows all, and each of you have this. It's actually a spiritual part of you, but Humans love to think of it as a separate part. This helps to separate the 3D from the multiple D... something you almost have to do to maintain sanity in a 3D perception.

    Right now, this room is a safe place - an ultimate safe place. You can silently talk to your guides and ask them the questions you've always wanted to ask them. Many of you will receive interdimensional answers. Oh, not necessarily the 3D ones you expected. Instead, sometimes you may only get hugged and touched. But I'll tell that if you get either, you've allowed a two-way conversation through the veil and that's just the beginning.

    Reader, are you getting this? This is a safe place for you, too... while your eyes are on this page. Get used to it, for as you read this, we know what is happening and see you as you do it. You think you are just reading something that happened in the past? Think again. These words and the energy of them will last an eternity if those in charge of the legacy of my partner's words wish it to be so.

    Tonight some of you may ask for one thing, yet will walk out with another. Do you believe in divine intuition? It's a guidance system that will help you to know how fast to go and which way to turn. It won't happen in advance and you won't have the answer when you leave. It's going to happen when you least think it should, at the point in which you need it the most. Humans don't like that, but that's the now of it. They would rather have advance information to "tuck it into their pockets" and then use it when they need it. So think of it this way: We are giving you a package that is interdimensional. You will walk out of here with more than you came with. The reader will, too. But it won't manifest as a specific answer until you need it the most. Indeed, it's a bag of valuable treasure... but you don't get to see it until you need it. There is a legion of angelic beings here, and yes, they're all invisible. [Kryon smiles. Lee teaches the difficulty of proving invisible things to those with a 3D perception.]

    Before we even begin the teaching, the invitation goes out: How many reading and hearing this message would like to leave differently than they came in? Isn't that why you're here? I am Kryon. I am your sister, and I present myself when you leave this planet and arrive on the other side of the veil. I am there when you lean against the wind of birth and are placed into the birth canal. That's where I say "goodbye" to you. That's what I do. I'm well known to you, since I am related. If you read my words and you feel something within them that you recognize, it's because I am your brother. I know all about you. We all do, and we sit in awe, not in judgment. We sit in awe that you would do this at all.

    Perception of Past Masters

    The masters of this planet all had something in common. Have you put this together yet? They walked this planet in divinity. They healed people when they touched them. They went from place to place and gatherings arose. They had miracles of matter manifestation. Some created things out of nothing. That's what masters do. Some continue to do that on this planet, right now. They are alive now and not parts of history, performing the same kinds of miracles. All that was, in the way of the energy of master-hood, is still here.

    What do you do with the knowledge of these past and present masters, and how do you look at them? Ponder these things for a moment. All these masters seem to have a divine complement. The Human perception is that it is manifested divinity - from God, whatever that word means to you... "from God." God has touched them and that allowed them to have control over matter, over disease – ahh, control over seemingly life itself. What do you think of that? They are worshipped and most of them in the past were killed. That's what Humans do when they have things they don't understand. They worship it or get rid of it... or both simultaneously. Even in the new energy, this fact is so.

    So I ask you to ponder for a moment what it is that they had – for this pondering has created every religion on the planet! Humans often ponder their prophets. And if they didn't have prophets, they ponder their Gods - and the pondering creates the doctrines, and the doctrines create the religions. Every one of the many religions on this planet was created through the pondering of the masters... what they said and what they did... what they taught.

    There is an assumption that all divine things are separate from Human Beings. This assumption actually makes good sense, for it follows three-dimensional thinking. It's logical. You know how to separate the tangible from the intangible, and the things that are marvelous, unseen, invisible and miraculous belong to God. Things that are mundane and ordinary belong to you, the Human. And that's an old energy concept, if you know that or not, and it's a paradigm that's about to be shattered. What if those masters who walked this planet, who did grand things, were just like you?

    "Oh no," you might say, "No, they weren't like me." Yes, they were! Have you heard the term, "Made in His image?" They were just like you, and you're just like them. The only difference is that they had activated certain parts of their Human interdimensional DNA, the divine parts that made them seem supernatural to you. And as you viewed that, you called it "God."

    Here is the truth. In the old energy of your past, when you had masters appear, their lives shined like a lighthouse in the dark. Everyone saw it, and everyone considered it unusual and God-like. There is now a new energy, which I'll go on to explain a little more about in a moment, that actually promotes mastery. It invites you to take the light and enhance your own process to the degree where you begin an ascension process that has your DNA vibration ascending to a level of master or near-master. It's an energy that was actually present in the body of those who you worship.

    It's not here so that you might walk the earth as prophets, as the old masters did. No, it's so you will walk the earth as your own prophet, answerable only to your own mastery as you walk in the light and the love of God - able to heal yourself first and foremost - and able to move from one place to another without being affected by other Humans or the drama of the moment. In a new-energy perspective, it's an attribute of divine power that I have been teaching you, and in an old energy perspective, it's what the masters told you that you could do.

    So the truth is that you are just like them, but you haven't got the internal knowledge of what to do next to activate the toolbox that will begin to change the interdimensional layers of your DNA. This is appropriate and falls into the category of free choice. But the age of illumination approaches, and fulfills the circle of energy that the ancients saw in their calendars.

    Perception of Good and Evil

    You have this odd perception of good and evil, for it's biased in 3D and imprisons you into a concept of mythology that you feel is real. You think things that are good belong to God and things that are evil belong to another entity called Satan. Somehow, according to your beliefs, they are both supernatural, and they are after something you have, in a struggle of the ages.

    In the middle of this dark and light struggle there is the bulk of humanity, and God and Satan are locked into some kind of a struggle to get your soul. Odd as it might sound in the overview of this dark and light, the Human is seen as worthless, born in sin, and will be discarded unless they somehow find a form of God known only by those who are in charge of the mythology. What's odd is that the battle for the Human's soul is so intense in this story. Does it make sense that the forces of good and evil should battle over the souls of worthless Humans? No. So even in this dichotomy, there is a hint that for whatever reason, the Human is precious to God and Satan both.

    Oh, how convenient this all is! It explains so much. It excuses you from taking the responsibility, does it not, to create light or dark yourself? Supposedly, you just sit there and wonder, "Who is going to get you." What if the darkest of the dark on this planet, the most evil you can imagine, the supernatural occult... was Human generated and sustained? No devil, no Satan, just you. Would that bother you?

    What if the most divine thing on the planet, the brightest white, the lightest light was also you, evolved and sustained? What if the most awesome healing power on the planet came from within instead of without? I will tell you: This is the way of it, and I have just explained the power of the Human Being to be whatever he wishes... free choice with supernatural abilities.

    In a darker energy of the past, things that were of a lower vibration were easily sustained, easily developed. And now the light starts to turn on and burn them with truth. There are less opportunities for those things to be sustained and developed and far more opportunities for the masters to emerge and the light to be turned on. I'm telling you the truth, and it puts the responsibility of good and evil into your lap. Which direction do you want the vibrations in you to go? Which kind of energy do you wish to have around your family and your work place? You totally control how dark or light your soul energy will be. It's part of the test, you know? It's part of the free will.

    Many have doubted that this could be so. They say, "If we are angels disguised as Humans, what possible system would allow us to create evil and go to the darkness? It simply doesn't make sense, Kryon. Angels can't do that." However, you totally ignore your mythology in the process, where an angel somehow magically falls from grace and becomes Lucifer... Satan, and the lord of darkness. You see? The system is there even in your story telling. The metaphors of your spiritual history gave you that, but you took it as reality instead of seeing it as your own potential. Does that give you a hint that you have the choice to choose to develop either side? You do! But the mastery in your DNA is suddenly awakening you to what is coming on the planet... a time of awakening and renaissance .

    How are you going to do this? How are you going to create a change in your own DNA? We have told you over and over there are no steps. It's an interdimensional puzzle. It has no answer. You want an empirical answer and you desire the exact steps in a linear system. You want a clear generic answer, but it's different for every Human Being. Where are you in this chain of events? Some of you are ready and some of you are just awakening. Some need time to think about it. Some are ready to jump in right now. You want to know more? "Kryon, at least tell us what to do first!" you say. We have... many times. You can read it and you can hear it. For 18 years, as my partner says, the same message has been given over and over by this entity you call Kryon. We'll never run out of ways of telling you about this. It's precious information: You start with intent, and the door opens. Then it starts to become difficult.

    The History of Planetary Change

    We're going to tell you a little bit about some of the things that you're facing. But let me remind you of the esoteric history involved. You have the various stages that we have put you through since 1987. You have the 11:11 experience, which you really acknowledged in 1992. The 11:11 experience had to do with the decision to change history... to wipe away the prophecy, which you did. It was a decision that was made, by the way, not only by all of you, but by all of you who had ever lived on the planet or who would ever lived on this planet. We're talking about a decision made at a level that is beyond Human understanding, by those who hadn't even been "born" yet. This decision affects everything on the planet, including the Gaia energy. Don't you think you would have to include those who would be born into it? Indeed!

    The 12:12 experience was the passing of the torch. We've told you this before. It is the significant expression that described those of you who passed the torch from the old to the new. It's significant because it was needed and necessary as a symbol of moving into a new dispensation. Now, you see these numbers repeatedly: the nines, the 11s, the 12s. It is not a repeated coincidence that you see the 11:11 on your clocks. It is a "wink" from Spirit to remind you why you are here.

    The Harmonic Convergence, the Harmonic Concordance, the Venus Transit - all of these things were deliveries of energy. One year ago the most magnificent one happened and few even noticed. It's too esoteric and unexpected by all but a few. On March 5, 2005, it happened. We told you about it, too, and we'll tell you again because you ought to know. It was called the Paradise Matrix. We described it as a time of revival when the masters who said they were going to return to Earth, all did. Not in body, not even in spirit, but as an energy delivered to the magnetic grid of your planet! And now, perhaps you understand why I am the magnetic master? It took 12 years to prepare the magnetic grid. Now you know what we were preparing it for.

    We gave you the dates 18 years ago... when the magnetic changes would start, when they would stop, and now even your science showed that it did. Your compasses showed that the magnetics of the planet had changed oddly, mysteriously, in a way that it never had before in your lifetime, or your parent's lifetime or even your grandparent's lifetime. The movement of the grid was complete in 2002. And now, you know why it was moved.

    In an esoteric way, but one that involves the interdimensional attributes of magnetics, we've prepared your planetary grid for the masters to come back, to begin the tool kit you will need to proceed. They are here - all are back - and they sit here with you who are hearing and reading.

    Why you? Why are they looking at you? That's because they're talking to old souls, who have come for a reason and a purpose. These are old souls know they are here to become metaphoric Lighthouses to a changing planet. They are the catalysts for you to use to start your DNA shift and develop this mastery to whatever degree you can, to move forward, to create the energy called, "The New Jerusalem" on this planet before 2012. That's only six years away, you might say. But things are not always as they seem.

    When the lighthouse strikes its light, it does not measure the storm. It does not judge the storm. It does not say to itself, "I must understand where this is all going" before it shines the light. All it knows it that it was built to endure darkness, mighty wind and the waves that will crash endlessly over its structure. It's not afraid, either. It doesn't know when the storm will end, how powerful it will become, or the reasoning behind its creation. All the lighthouse knows is that it's safe, and that it must shine a light in the darkness to help others find the safety of the harbor. It never questions how it became light, either, but it knows who it is, and what it's for. It also knows that the light it carries is expected and those in the dark are looking for it. Do you see what I'm saying? You knew all this when you came in. Profound it is! Emotional for my partner, it is!

    [Lee stops for a moment]

    This [Human emotion] is because, when I talk about this, I show him the potentials of the planet! I show him smiling faces in Iran. I show him smiling faces in Palestine. I show him laughter and joy in Israel. I show him things that you would think are impossible, created by individuals who sit here right now. The news has a profundity to it that makes humanity weep with the joy of the potential.

    Three "Impossible" Tasks

    How are you going to do it? I'll give you three impossible tasks. They're not really impossible, but they're going to be impossible within an old way of thinking. And you're not going to like them either, because they fly in the face of old Human nature. When I start to tell you about them, you're going to say, "This is tough," and it is. You're going to realize that it requires you to drop the "old Human" and also drop almost everything you have been taught from the beginning of your life and rebalance it.

    I'll give you three examples of things that you're going to have to deal with in order to begin this journey. In each example, I ask you to compare it to the master of your choice and you'll see I'm right. They had to throw away Human nature to become the masters they became. They had to rebalance all they were given into a new paradigm of humanism.

    Number One

    I invite you to get rid of survival instinct. Are you ready for that one? You come in with that built into every cell, don't you? It's imprinted upon you, isn't it? Indeed, it is, but it's an old energy imprint. Survival instinct has a powerful message to each Human Being. It silently fills the Human mind with these thoughts: "I am alone. Everything that I do, I must do myself. I've got to clear the path before me because no one's going to clear it for me. Therefore, I will survive by knocking over the ones in front, or on the sides, or in back. I will compete for the space on the planet. I have to to survive. Otherwise I'll be overrun by the others who know what I know. I'll compete for relationships, for food, for money. I'll compete for love. I've got to do it. I've got to take care of myself because I must survive." Sounds like a song, doesn't it? [Kryon smiles.]

    What about this thought from the mind of the master? "I now understand and realize that I am not alone. I have divinity in my pocket for the asking. I have the power of the Universe at my disposal. I have interdimensional tools that will clear the space in love, and everywhere my bubble is spread in light. Those around me will see better and in free choice will steer a safe path into the harbor. They will survive with me and will be part of a family that I help create with my balanced light. I am the master Lighthouse. Everywhere I go, I'll be blessed. I don't need survival instinct, because I represent ultimate survival. I am the definition of survival... a master of humanity. I am light."

    How about that? This is the master's voice, but it's also yours. You begin to realize that you can trust in interdimensional forces that are mastery forces that you don't understand, but know are always there. You begin to realize that in the mastery department, you've got deep pockets when it comes to love. Ahh yes, deep pockets when it comes to survival. How about that? That's number one. Drop that survival instinct. It's an old energy that says you have to compete for everything. You don't. There's plenty. But it's against your old Human nature, isn't it?

    You've got deep pockets when it comes to energy and miracles. You could walk out of here differently than you came in. You can change before you put this book down! Is it part of your belief system or does that matter... or does it matter? How would you like to go out differently than you came in? How would you like to go out healed? And that, my friends, is the potential of this evening's experience, is it not? And that, my reading friend, is the potential of why you picked up this book, is it not? That is called free choice. How much can you put away of the old baggage you think is imbedded within you?

    Number Two

    This one will be even harder than number one for some of you. You're going to have to dispense with, then balance, your ego. Did you hear that? How can you balance something you get rid of first? I just gave you the answer. You've got to toss it away. By tossing away your ego, you gain balance. Because you think your ego is one thing and it is not. I'll give you some exercises or examples of what it's like to have a balanced ego: Can you sit in a situation where somebody is calling you names and not feel it? Hmm? Even if they're right? [Kryon smiles.] Can you? Can you sit and take that kind of verbal abuse and not feel it? Can you smile in the joy of the moment while it's taking place? Can you be detached, watching the movie, as they say... can you?

    I'll give you something to do, an exercise. The next time this situation occurs, I want you to try to disengage. And when you are looking at the person abusing you, in their anger, in their unbalance, in their turmoil, I want you to love them. At this moment, they are the ones who are out of balance, not you. Their abuse of you is an invitation for you to join them in an "out-of-balance experience." [Laughter] So sit there and endure their unbalance, don't join it. Then when they're finished, if they're within touching distance, you might touch their arm gently and say, "I'm sorry you're having a bad day." [Laughter] Can you do that?

    Do you know what happens when they don't get the reaction from you that the drama they're putting forward is supposed to create? They are completely and totally disarmed. And that, my friend, is when communication can happen. That's when the love of God is best seen. This can only take place with a person who has a balanced ego.

    A balanced ego is an ego that is present only in respect to a Human who truly knows who they are. It's a piece of divinity and survival that nothing can touch. No other Human can touch you in death or in life and change your mind about anything if you have a divine countenance. No matter what words are presented to you, no matter what situations are given to you, no matter how loud they yell... they can't change a thing because of your mastery. Remember the four attributes of love that we taught you? [Kryon Book 5] Your reaction will not be anger. It will be solution. As they are yelling, all you can think of is how to solve the issue, not how to yell back or get even. A balanced ego says to you, "I know who I am. I'm a loving individual who can solve problems. I don't have to defend anything. I'm not in survival mode, and I am concerned about the one who is in trouble in front of me."

    Number Three

    Let me give you the third one. Get rid of your gender bias. You think just because you have the parts of a certain gender that you've got to be a certain way, don't you? Well, it's pretty laughable, since there are those in this room who have female parts who came from a male warrior background. They are used to wearing the armor and they have slayed large men in battle. And you know who you are reading this, don't you?

    It's a joke. All of you have been both genders. What you do with your current gender is your free choice. But you have a bias within it to release. Most of you say, "I am male or female," and this defines you. It's a giant bias, since you then act certain ways to conform to what is expected of you. Some of you even campaign for your gender, against the other, again, for survival and what you think is a fair and just placement in your culture.

    On this planet, for thousands of years, there has been an unequal balance between masculine and feminine conscious energy. It's been masculine heavy and you know this. The Venus Transit energy of last year was a tool that placed a potential balance into Gaia itself, to allow for those who wished to become more balanced in the masculine/feminine area. This would mean that men would be comfortable with a feminine side. They would see with a "sweeter countenance." Women would be more comfortable with the masculine side, looking at some things in a very different way. It's a balancing of the two, and when it sweeps your culture and the other cultures around you, it will start to create a better communication between the leaders of this planet.

    We've said it before: There is a potential present for masculine, macho leaders of various countries to do dumb things just because they can. You will see their masculine bias, for it will drive their actions, rather than the idea of balanced solutions being considered. It's part of a macho club that exists, and has existed for centuries. Suddenly, however, these macho leaders are uncomfortable – more so than usual – and they don't know why. They are irritated, yet they don't know why - unhappy and illogical. And I'll tell you why – because Gaia just shifted and there's more feminine energy than there ever was before, and that will drive them crazy, for it doesn't work in the energy they are use to and wish to create! It affects their populations, their subordinates, and also their plans.

    Watch for it. There will be last-ditch, dying efforts to hold on to an energy of control, but they'll fail. This is part of something new on this planet, but something we have told you to expect. It's coming very slowly, but now you will see what the reactions are.

    Can you personal balance this within yourselves? It's against Human nature, you know? Women want to be feminine and men want to be masculine. What if you were both of these all the time, yet balanced in your thinking about the two? Think of the differences in relationships that would solve themselves far easier if they could see both sides and weigh them in their thoughts. Imagine what the leaders of the earth would be able to do together if there was a more balanced process of thought. But it's not intuitive, not easy, and against the way you have been taught to think.

    That's three, only three. We have presented three "impossible things." Get rid of your survival mode, throw away the ego, and pretend your gender doesn't matter. That's a good beginning to what masters do. Look at your favorite master, dead or alive, and you will see all three of these things within them. Did you notice? Now, perhaps, you will see it in yourselves?

    How do you begin? How do you create energies and emotions that are counter-intuitive to you Humanism? The answer? You give intent for it, and begin a slow process of working the puzzle. But your DNA is there, ready to be activated. The tools are in place, the masters from the matrix are on the planet, and they're ready to go. Therefore, there is far more energy available to work in your behalf than ever before. This is the real renaissance. The difference is that you now have so much internal help.


    And so it is, there's only one thing else we want to say before we close. It's about one of the most misunderstood concepts you have today.

    The Place of Emotion in the Divine Plan

    There has been a question for some years about the actual purpose of Human emotion on the planet. I wish to set the record straight. There are those who would say, "Human emotion is a horrible weakness. It's too bad we have it and it gets in the way of logical thought. Kryon is too emotional, and might sway your intellect." Think for a moment: Pure love exists in a grand form on the other side of the veil. You know this, since you can't experience the joy of enlightenment and the love of God without the emotion of it. You weep with joy when you think about birth, the joy of healing, and even peace on Earth. Therefore, if you are one of these who wishes to eliminate this, you are going to alter a divine attribute that has been passed to you through the veil when you were born! It's not something that is a weakness, but instead one of the greatest powers you have.

    When I come to you and I say, "I honor and love humanity," I have in me a presence, a female presence of motherly love that says, "I am so proud of you!" Where did this come from? You think that's Human? It is not! It's divine and from Source. That is universal divine love. Love has a place in your divine schedule and so does compassion.

    Here's the truth. There are certain kinds of Human emotions that are designed to change Gaia itself. Oh, if you want to spin with anger, drama and hate, you'll get one kind of reaction. If you want to create compassion and love, you'll get another. It's all part of the free choice of dark and light, you know? But it is all given to you to use as a tool.

    Human compassion, used through prayer and the sending of light, is perhaps the most powerful thing on the planet. It's why the tsunami happened... to generate compassion. It's part of the 9:11 scenario, too. These things and others have developed a compassion wave that has actually changed Gaia in ways you could never have done unless those things had occurred.

    You might say, "Well, Kryon, why does it have to involve so much loss of life and so much sorrow?" That is your 3D reaction to these kinds of things. Again, we ask you to look at those that you've lost in these years. 2005 – an amazing year for catastrophe, yet all those who were lost, including those that perhaps you had loved, are still here. They're working the earth, perhaps in another way, but they are still here. Some of them have returned in Human form already, and some of them are staying as helpers. Who are you, in your limited dimension, to tell the Universe that's this is not the way it's done? Who are you to tell Spirit that you want them kept here? This is your Human bias at its best. If you were to interview them right now, they would say, "We're fine. We are in joy. We did what we did and we're glad we did it." It's a different perception than you have, and a far larger picture. It's beautiful! Life goes on forever... never terminated. It simply changes form in front of you, but you can't see it, since you are in 3D.

    Those you lose in death, who you are mourning for, needed to leave because they needed to work in other ways, in another area, in order to push this earth toward peace. And you don't know anything about it! All you feel is your sorrow, yet I'm telling you that there is appropriateness in all things and they're working with you, next to you, side by side, if you allow them.

    I know who's here. Listen to me. Why don't you form a partnership with those you loved and lost and keep going? It won't be long before it's your turn to do the same thing [speaking of again moving into death and rebirth]. Encourage this understanding within your children. Tell them in advance. "When I'm gone from the earth, celebrate my life. Hold my interdimensional hand and keep going." Because that is the truth. And that's the way of it, masters.

    Healing energy is here. Are you receiving what I'm feeling you're receiving? Are you being touched yet? Do you feel the tingle yet? Reader, do you actually think this communication is just "words in a book"? There's far more here than you think right now, and it's precious. Some of you have been touched tonight. Some of you will put down the book and be different than when you picked it up. And if that's you, then you know we had an appointment, didn't we? Is it emotional? I hope so, for this is the compassion that will heal you, create a peaceful countenance, and help to heal the planet.

    And so it is.


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    This part from the above first DNA article >

    DNA Templates

    Your DNA is filled with information and templates. Now, templates are patterns and paradigms of life. Most of these templates are ones that you have that are not complete. Now, what you don't know about a template is that is has what we would call a patterning of its own. If you have a portion of a template already, that is to say, a piece of the design, it draws to itself the rest of the design, if it can. Did you understand that? If you have a piece of the picture, that piece has an attitude - an attitude of desire - wanting the rest of the picture! As soon as it's possible to get that missing piece, it's like magnetics. It literally flies to itself and the template snaps into place and you get the whole thing. All of you have pieces of the template and the ones who have the most profoundly "ready" pieces are old souls (the ones reading this). Your earth experience has waited for this! You are then going to complete the templates that are missing, old soul.

    Genesis Cells: The Starting Template

    This term I'm using in this message is a Kryon term today, not a medical term. There may be a medical term similar, but this is different. One of the templates that always exists and never goes away is part of the Human manual. It’s not as linear as in this explanation, but it will work. Think of it this way: I want you to think of the manual of birth. When you came in, what was the manual like? What page were you on when you were five days old? What page were you on at six months? What page were you on when you were 30? You all know that all the pages are different because of the chronology of growing up.

    The pages are still there, and the template is still there for what I call Genesis cells. Genesis cells, as I will define them, are the cells of a newborn that accelerate growth and learning in a special way. The child absorbs so much of the world around him/her in six months. This includes speech, language, the beginning of standing and walking, and much more. The antennas of the Genesis manual are so big! They are listening to the attitudes and the consciousness of everything around them. You already know that. It's active for a newborn Human, then it slows down and you become the adult. Genesis cells are magic. They are used at first, then they are not, but they're still there and never go away. The template is still there, the instruction sets for how they are made, if you want to call it that, are still there. This is all physics, for the chemistry of how it all works is physics. What you should know about the children of today is that the antennas are up to 10 times as long as they were for you.

    Now, old soul, what if I told you that you could release these cells now, make them active for you? They could be available for you now, just go get them in the manual. Do it with affirmations, do it with consciousness change, do it with meditation. However you communicate with innate, it's ready to release the Genesis cells from their time prison to be used again! What that means to you is fast-track growth to enlightenment! They work with the Akash!

    It's for any situation you might have. Don't limit it to what you think you need! Always ask, "Dear Spirit, what do I need?" State, "Dear Spirit, this and something better." Use this potential! Genesis cells are ready for the old soul. I keep saying old soul, did you notice? In other words, a number of lifetimes gives you the template information that a newbie would not have who has only been on the earth a few times. Old souls have hundreds of lifetimes, maybe thousands in order to develop experience and the template of knowledge. Every one of you in this room can say to yourself, "I know that I've been here before" and your innate will vibrate with the truth of it. You know too much! You feel too much! You're in this room listening to channelling! This message is accurate and it's true. You're an old soul. Everything I've just told you is about the enhancement of the Human Being in an energy that you have expected.

    I close with this: The secret to mining your Akash, or releasing the template, is by having a compassionate consciousness. Does that surprise you? That's what has been missing all along. If you are going to mine your Akash [pull upon the things you have learned in the past] and start rewriting who you are, you're going to have to come to an agreement of compassion with yourself. How are you doing with lack of anger, care for others, purity of God inside? The physics of consciousness to create compassion creates what I call compassionate action. It's for everyone in the room and those reading. An old soul knows how to do this. Listen: I know who you are. You wouldn't be listening or reading unless you were an old soul, even an uninterested old soul. You are one, and you know you are. Compassion is the king of all emotions at this point on the planet. It's going to lead you into an evolved state of love, and without compassion and caring for others, it is not going to work. In fact, nothing will work.

    Very slowly there is going to be a split of consciousness on the planet, and we have talked to you about it before. There will be those who are compassionate and those who are not, and it's going to be obvious, so obvious! Caring and uncaring. There is a dark army right now on this planet. What is its "compassion factor"? Do you understand? It's a free choice state of mind, but that's the split to come. Don't worry about this, compassionate one. When you take the attributes of the master, light surrounds you. No more fortressing or protecting yourself from darkness. It will retreat from you automatically. No more catching the diseases of the day, they won't be able to touch you with compassion. It's physics; it's real; it's physical and it's happening now. Your society will reflect this sooner than you think. When you turn on your news and you think I'm crazy, just wait. There's some wild cards coming. Benevolence is a new energy!

    < is imo most exciting due to simple common sense, cancer survivors are usually the ones who change their minds, some even due to being okay with death and simply being over happy as such, go into remission.

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    genevieve (11th November 2015)

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